MAET Y1 Lesson Plan Assignment

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Michigan State University Masters of Arts Educational Technology Year 1 Lesson Planning Assignment __________________________________________________________________ Teacher: Marcie Lewis

is Unit of Inquiry: Where We Are In Place And Time Grade: 4th

Stage 1- Desired Results

Established Goals: - formulate questions to guide research - use primary and secondary sources to locate information - find and evaluate relevant information - use graphic organizers to summarize information and make connections - real world application of concept being discussed in class Big Ideas/ Enduring Understandings: Essential Questions: Students will understand that.. What is archaeology? Information about previous civilizations was What is the role/responsibility of an discovered over time, through inquiring into archaeologist? artifacts and records. Why are archaeologists important? Archaeologists use inquiry skills to research What would happen if there were no events that have happened in the past. archaeologists? Student will know. That archaeology is the study of past human activity. Archaeologist utilize inferencing skills to make connections between artifacts and how people lived. Student will be able to Develop questions to ask the archaeologist to find out about his/her role. Use a graphic organizer to record important ideas and make connections Summarize and describe the role of an archaeologist Other Evidence: Anecdotal observations during video conference call (record: questions students are asking, discussion following call) Application of concepts during further study within unit of inquiry

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks: Blog post summarizing the role of an archaeologist (Developed using GRASPS). Students are free to utilize a variety of styles to document the summary (could write a script, song, performance, expository, etc).

Self-Assessments: Students will compare their initial thoughts about what an archaeologist was, with their final summary and share an I used to think ____, but now I think ______. Statement with the class on the inquiry board. Evaluation of questions they developed Did they help gain the desired information? Was there information that they wanted but didnt receive?

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities Identify Prior Knowledge and Misconceptions: Have students respond to the following questions using sticky notes or (depending on computer access) to gain What is archaeology? What is the role/responsibility of an archaeologist? - Examine student answers and discuss common trends in what students have shared. - Where have students heard of archaeology before? - What does the world archaeology make them think of? Hook: Let students know that we are going to be having a video conference call with an archaeologist to learn more about archaeology. Ask students what we need to do in order to prepare for the video conference call (plan classroom set up, develop questions, etc.). Explain to students the performance task so that they have an idea of what information they will need to complete the task throughout the process. Experience: Prior to the conference call students need to develop questions to ask the archaeologist using the Q-Chart (previously taught). After a wide range of questions is developed, a class meeting will be held. At the class meeting, we will examine the questions to see which are the most common, and also identify any deep thinking questions. After examining all of the questions, we will decide how many questions to ask, and in which order to ask the questions. Discuss graphic organizers that students may wish to use to summarize information and make connections during the conference call Hold the video conference call (date and time to be pre-established with archaeologist), arrange to video tape the conference call for documentation and reflection Allow students time to complete graphic organizers following the video conference call in small-groups Whole group discussion: re: what we have learned from the video call, things that we found surprising, how effective were the questions that we asked (self-assessment) Examine our initial ideas (prior knowledge/misconceptions) and identify how our knowledge has changed from the information discussed during the video conference call. Students to complete I used to think ____, but now I think ______. (self-assessment), to document the changes in their knowledge development. Statement will be posted in the class on the inquiry board. Application: Performance Task Review the performance task with students and clarify any questions regarding the task. Develop success criteria together as a class. Teacher to conference with students as they work on performance task. Performance task product to be posted to students individual blog/learning portfolio Comment on a classmates blog (peer-assessment) Assessment: Teacher to assess student work based on success criteria developed as a class. Teacher will provide feedback as comment on blog (strengths, next steps) Teacher will face-to-face conference with individual students if necessary (exceptional work, need further support, any individual feedback best provided through face-to-face setting)

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