Drug Analysis: Malaise, Fatigue, Dizziness, Tremors, Ataxia

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Name of Drug

Generic Name Amiodarone

Dosage 150 mg/IV

Indication Only fortreatment of the following documented lifethreatening recurrent ventricular arrhythmias that do not respond to other antiarrhythmics or when alternative agents are not tolerated: Recurrent ventricular fibrillation, recurrent hemodynamicall y unstable ventricular tachycardia. Serious and even fatal toxicity has been reported with this drug; use alternative agents first; very closely monitor patient receiving this drug.

Drug Interaction Increased digitalis toxicity with digoxin Increased quinidine toxicity with quinidine Increased procainam ide toxicity with procainam ide Increased flecainide toxicity with amiodaron e Increased phenytoin toxicity with phenytoin, ethotoin Increased bleeding tendencies with warfarin

Adverse Effect CNS: Malaise, fatigue, dizziness, tremors, ataxia, paresthesi as, lack of coordinatio n CV: Cardiac arrhythmi as, CHF, cardiac arrest, hypotensio n EENT: Corneal microdepo sits (photophob ia, dry eyes, halos, blurred vision); ophthalmic abnormaliti es including permanent

Nursing Responsibility Drug dosage will be changed in relation to response of arrhythmias; you will need to be hospitalized during initiation of drug therapy; you will be closely monitored when dosage is changed. Have regular medical follow-up, monitoring of cardiac rhythm, chest x-ray, eye exam, blood tests. These side effects may occur: Changes in vision (halos, dry eyes, sensitivity to light; wear sunglasses, monitor light exposure); nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite (take with meals; eat small, frequent meals); sensitivity to the sun (use a sunscreen or protective clothing when outdoors); constipation (a laxative may be ordered); tremors, twitching, dizziness, loss of coordination (do not drive, operate dangerous machinery, or undertake tasks that require coordination until drug effects stabilize and your body adjusts to it). Report unusual bleeding or bruising; fever, chills; intolerance to heat or cold;

Unlabeled uses: Treatment of refractory sustained or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia; treatment of symptomatic atrial flutter.

blindness Endocrine : Hypothyroi dism or hyperthyroi dism GI: Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, constipatio n, abnormal liver function tests, liver toxicity Respirator y: Pulmonar y toxicity pneumoniti s, infiltrates (shortness of breath, cough, rales, wheezes)

shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, cough; swelling of ankles or fingers; palpitations; difficulty with vision.

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