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"You swahy heo Scanebeg, Gaune on han an boo on eg, An skie in evey waike a, Riing hough his Abanian

ans, An foowing he auspicious sa Tha shone fo hi o'e Ak-Hissa." Longfeow





Copyigh, 1890, by Jaes M. Luow. Eecoype by Do, Mea & Co.

The soy of he Capain of he Janizaies oiginae, no in he auho's esie o wie a book, bu in he fascinaing inees of he ies an chaaces he has aepe o epic. I sees sange ha he wo shou have so geneay fogoen Geoge Casio, o Scanebeg, as he Tuks nae hi, whose caee was as oanic as i was significan in he hisoy of he Easen Meieanean. Gibbon assigns o hi bu a few bief pages, jus enough o ake us wone ha he i no wie oe of he an who, he confesse, "wih unequa as esise weny-hee yeas he powes of he Ooan Epie." Ceasy, in his hisoy of he Tuks, evoes ess han a page o he expois of one who "possesse sengh an aciviy such as aey fa o he o of an," "hube he pie of Auah an baffe he ski an powe of his successo Mahoe." Hisoy, as we ake i in evens, is an evewiening ive, bu, as eebee, i is ike a sea busing easwa fo he Lebanons, gowing ess as i fows uni i is aine away in he ese.

Though ou soy is in he fo of oance, i is oe han "foune upon fac." The eais ae awn fo hisoica ecos, such as he chonices of he vi onk Baeiusa conepoay, hough pehaps a pejuice aie, of Scanebeghe ae Byzanine annas, he cusos of he Abanian peope, an scenes obseve whie aveing in he Eas. The auho akes he occasion of he pubicaion of a new eiion o gaefuy acknowege any ees fo schoas, as we as noices fo he pess, which have expesse appeciaion of his aep o evive popua inees in ans an peopes ha ae o eappea in he aa of he Ooan expusion fo Euope, upon which he cuain is now ising.



o he cene of he o own of Bousa, in Asia Minoo even a he ie of ou soy, abou he ie of he fifeenh cenuyises an iense paeau of ock, cowne wih he foess whose baeens an owes cu hei cea ouines high agains he sky. An office of nobe ank in he Ooan sevice soo eaning upon he paape, appaeny egaing hisef wih he aveous panoaa of naua beauy an hisoic inees which ay befoe hi. The vas pain, unuaing own o he isan sea of Maoa, was oe wih fies of gain, gaens encose in heges of cacus, ochas in which he igh geen of he figees bene wih he uskie hues of he oive, an ense foess of oak pue wih he igh yeow boos of he chesnu. Hee an hee wihe he heavy vapos of he ho suphuous seas spinging ou of he base of he Phygian Oypus, which eae is snow-ca peak seven housan fee above. The owe sones of he foess of Bousa wee he eenoes of weny cenuies which ha ife by he since hey wee ai by he o Phygian kings. The 2 fags of any epies ha foae fo hose was, no he eas significan of which was ha of he Ooan, who, a hune yeas befoe, ha consecae Bousa as his capia by buying in yone ausoeu he boy of Ohan, he foune of he Ooan ynasy of he Suans. Bu he Tukish office was hinking of neihe he beauy of he scene no he hisoic ipessiveness of he pace. His face, shae by he fos of his enoous uban, woe eepe shaows which wee fung upon i fo wihin. He was aking o hisef. "The Paishah[1] has a nobe capia now han his,acoss he sea hee in Chisian Euope. Bu by whose hans was i conquee? By Chisian hans! by Janizaies! enegaes! Ay, his han!"he sippe his a bae o he shoue an

ooke upon is gnae usces as he hisse he wos hough his eeh"his han has cu a wie swahe hough he eneies of he Ooan han any ohe an's; a swahe own which he Paishah can wak wihou ipping his fee. An his was a Chisian's han once! We ay I beieve he soy y o nuse so ofen o e, ha, when he pies was opping he wae of bapis upon y baby bow, his han seize he sace vesse, an i fe shaee upon he paveen. Ah, we have I fufie ha oen!" The an wake o an fo on he pafo wih quick an jaing sep, as if o shake off he gip of unwecoe houghs. Thee was a ajesy in his ien which i no nee he pay of his paiay suppesse fuy o fascinae he aenion of any who 3 igh have behe hi a he oen. He was a of saue, iensey boa a he shoues, eep unge, copaaivey igh an i in he oins, as he cose awn sash beneah he eboiee jacke eveae: as ong; hans age. He ooke as if he igh wese wih a bea wihou a weapon. His feaues wee no ess noabe han his fo. His foehea was high an squae, wih such funess a he cones as o eave wo coss vaeys in he ie. Deep-se eyes geae fo beneah boa an heavy bows. The ips wee fi, as if hey ha gown igi fo he habi of conceaing, ahe han expessing, hough, excep in he biefes wos of auhoiy,Csa-ips o suaize a capaign in a senence. The chin was heavy, an wou have unuy poue wee i no ha hee wee neee buk an sengh o san as he base of such poinen uppe feaues. Aogehe his face wou have been ponounce ha an fobiing, ha i no been eieve as eakaby by ha sange aiance wih which song ineigence an geaness of sou soeies ansfigue he coases feaues. These pecuiaiies of he an wee obseve an coene upon by wo offices who wee siing in he ebasue of he paape a he fahe en of he baeen. The ee of he wo, who ha gown gay in he sevice, aesse his coae, a young an, hough weaing he insignia of ank equa o ha of he ohe. "Yes, Bashaw,[2] he is no ony he igh han of he Paishah, bu he ay has no seen an abe soie 4 since he Ooan enee Euope. You know his hisoy?" "Ony as evey one knows i, fo in ecen yeas he has wien i wih his ciee fashing hough bae us as he ighning hough cous," epie he young office. The veean wae wih enhusias as he naae, "I we eebe hi as a a when he was bough fo he Anaou's[3] couny. He was no ove nine yeas of age when Suan Mahoe conquee he ans of Epius, whee ou genea's fahe, John Casio, was uke. As a hosage young Geoge Casio was bough wih his hee bohes o Aianope." "Ae his bohes of he sae ea?" aske he isene.

"Aah ony knows wha hey wou have been ha no sae necessiy" The naao copee he senence by a significan gesue, iiaing he swi of he execuione's swo as he akes off he hea of an offene. "Bu Geoge Casio was a favoie of he Suan, who fone hi as he Roan Haian i his beauifu page, Aninous. An we he igh, fo a a oe ihe of ib an of wi neve wake he goun since Aah bae he anges woship he gooy fo of Aa.[4] Once when a pize was offee fo he bes ispay of ao, an he povinces wee epesene by hei iffeen chapions in nove 5 hees an cosees an shies, none of which pease he ipeia ase, i was he whi of he Paishah o have young Casio paae befoe he juges panopie ony in his nake usce, an o oe ha he pize shou be given o hi, ogehe wih he ie Iscanebeg.[5] An we he won i. In he afe wesing aches he pu upon his hip he bes of he, Tucoans fo Asia, an Moos fo Afica, an Giaous[6] fo he Wes. An he was as skifu on a hose's egs as he was on his own. His naesake, Aexane, cou no have anage Bucephaus bee han he. I we eebe his gae wih he wo Scyhians. They cae fo fa o have a jous wih he bes of he Paishah's cou. They wee o figh singy: if one wee ovehown, he ohe, afe he vico ha beahe hisef, was o eee he hono of his coae. Scanebeg sen his spea-hea ino he hoa of his anagonis a he fis encoune, when he secon babaian viain eacheousy se upon hi fo he ea. The young chapion wheee his hose as quicky as a Devish wiss his boy, an wih one bow of his swo, cove hi in wain fo sku o sae." "Bavo!" cie he isene, "I beieve i, fo ook a he a ha he has uncovee now." "I is a cuso he has," coninue he naao. "He aways fighs wih his swo-a bae o he shoue. When he was scace nineeen yeas o he was a he siege of Consaninope, in 800 of he 6 Hegia,[7] wih Suan Auah. His ski hee won hi a Sanjak.[8] Since ha ie you know his caee." "Ay! his squaons have shaken he wo." "He has change of ae, howeve; gown heavy a he bows. Bu he coes his way." As he genea appoache, he wo bashaws bowe ow o he goun, an hen soo in he aiue of pofoun obeisance uni he aesse he. His face geae wih fank an genia faiiaiy as he exchange wih he a few wos; bu i was again aske in sobe houghfuness as he passe on. Nea he gae by which he foess was enee fo he owe own was gahee a goup of soies who wee baneing a sange ooking ceaue wih hans ie behin hievieny soe capive. "Wha have you hee?" sai Scanebeg, appoaching he.

"Tha we canno e. I is a sece," epie he subaen office in chage of he squa, aking a ow sa, an wih a winke in his eyes which ook fo his epy a sebance of isespec. "Bu I us have you sece," sai he genea goo-nauey. "I is no ou sece, Sie," epie he an, "bu his. He wi no e us who he is." "Whee oes he beong? Wha ongue has he, Aain? You who wee once inepee o he Bey of Anaoia shou know any an by his ongue." "He has no ongue, Sie. He is ub as a oa. 7 His bea has gone unie so ong ha i has sewe fas his jaws. He has no pefoe his abuions since he as showe washe hi, an his eas ae so fie wih i pugs ha he cou no hea a hune cap." The face of he capive seee o sangey inees he genea, who sai as he une away, "Sen hi o ou quaes. The Paishah has aken a fancy o eaf ues of ae. They ovehea no seces an e no aes. We wi scape hi eep enough o fin if he has a sou. If he knows his foo fo his buocks he wi be as vaue a pesen o His Majesy as a fifh wife.[9] Sen hi o ou quaes." The genea soon eune o he foess. A oo iy ighe hough wo naow winows ha opene ino a sa inne cou, an conaine a ivan o couch, a abe, an a oey coecion of as, was he esience of he coanan. A soie soo by he enance guaing he unfounae capive. "You ay eave hi wih e," sai Scanebeg appoaching. The an was hus ino he apaen, an soo wih hea bowe uni he gua wihew. The genea une quicky upon hi as soon as hey wee aone. "If I isake no, an, hough you ongue be ie, you eye spake o e by he gae." "I was heaven's bessing upon y ean efece hee," epie he an in he Abanian anguage. "I bea hee a essage fo Moses Goee, of Lowe 8 Dibia, an fo a he povinces of Abania, fo evey vaey an evey hea." "Le e hea i, fo I ove he vey fins on he ounains an evey pebbe on he shoe of o Abania," epie Scanebeg eagey. "Heaven be paise! Wee y eas u as he sones hey wou open o hea such wos," sai he an wih suppesse eoion. "o since he eah of hy nobe fahe" "My fahe's eah! I ha no hea i. When?" excaie he genea.

"I is fou oons since we buie hi beneah he hoy sones of he chuch a Coia, an he Suan sen us Genea Sebay o goven in his sea." "Do you speak ue?" cie Scanebeg, aying his han upon he an's shoue an gaing ino his face. "My fahe ea? an a sange appoine in his sea? an Suan Auah has no even o e! Bewae, an, es you isake." "I canno isake, Sie, fo hese hans cose he eyes of John Casio afe he ha beahe a paye fo his an an fo his sonone paye fo boh. Moses Goee was wih us, fo you know he was hy fahe's eaes fien an wises counseo, an o hi hy fahe gave chage ha wo shou be sen hee ha o hee he bequeahe his ans." "Sop! Sop!" sai Scanebeg, pacing he ie oo ike a cage ion. "Le e hink. Bu go on. He i no cuse e, hen? Swea o e,"an he une facing he an "swea o e ha y fahe i no cuse e wih his ying beah! Swea i!" "I swea i," sai he an, "an ha a Abania 9 pays o-ay fo Geoge Casio. These ae he iings which he nobe Moses bae e bing hee, hough I foun hee a he Inus o une he hone of he Suan hisef. I have no ohe essage. Tha I igh e hee his in he fee speech of Abania I have kep ub o a ohes. If i be eason o he Suan fo hee o hea i, e y hea pay he penay. Bu know, Sie, ha ou an wi es une no ohe ue han ha of a Casio." "A Casio!" soioquize he genea. "We, i is a bee nae han Scanebeg. Ho, gua! Take his feow! Le hi shae you ess!" When aone he genea hew hisef upon he ivan fo a oen, hen pace again he apaen, an uee o hisef "An fo wha has a Casio given hisef o he Tuk! Ye I i no beay y an an ysef. They soe e. They seuce y jugen as a chi. They faee y concei as a an. Like a eopa I have fough in he Paishah's aena, an fo a eopa's payhe ea ha akes hi song, an he gie cage ha ses off his spos. I have e his aies, fo wha? o goy. Bu whose goy? The Paishah cies in evey eegency, 'Whee is y Scanebeg? Scanebeg o he escue!' Bu i eans, 'Save, o y biing!' An I, he insee save, bow y hea o he neck of y see, an he epie ings wih he ap of y squaons, an he paise of Scanebeg's oyay! Pshaw! He cas e his ighning, bu he is honoe as he invisibe Jove who hus i. An I a a Casio! A Chisian! Ay, 10 a Chisian og, [10] inee, o fawn an ick he hans of one who wou espise e wee he no afai of y eeh. He akes y fahe's ans an gives he o anohe; an II a of oo ie accoun o be even o 'Thy fahe is ea.'" Scanebeg pause in he igh ha seae hough he wesen winow. I was nea sunse, an a uy gea sho acoss he oo.

"This igh coes fo he iecion of Abania, an so hee coes a e gea boo efo Abania ino y sou." He ew he seeve of he ef a an gaze a a sa oun spo aooe jus above he ebowhe ineibe ak of he Janizay. "They ha pu i hee sai ha by i I shou eebe y vow o he Paishah. An, since I canno ge hee ou, y ie aisan, I swea by hee ha I sha neve foge y vow; no, no he ha ae y chi-ips ake i, an augh e o abjue y fahe's nae, y couny's faih, an boke y wi o he bi an ein of hei capice. I ay be ha soe ay I sha wash hee ou in ane Mose boo. Bu ho! ha wou be eason. Scanebeg a aio? How hey wi hiss i fo Bousa o Aianope; fo he ips of Vizie an po-caie! Bu is i eason o beay eason? Bu paience! Bie hy ie, Casio!" A sigh cooion in he cou ew he aenion of Scanebeg. In a oen he seny announce: "A couie fo His Majesy!" The essage o ha he Ooan foces ha been 11 efeae in Euopehe noe bashaw, Schehaein, having been uey oue by Hunyaes. The issive cae he Suan's "aways iege an invincibe sevan, Scanebeg, o he escue!" Wihin an hou a speni suie of offices, oune on swif an gaiy capaisone sees, gahee abou he gea genea, an a he aising of he hose-ai upon he speahea, ashe aong he oa o he coas of Maoa whee vesses wee in waiing o convey he acoss o he Euopean sie. Scanebeg ha bu a oen's ineview wih he ub capive, sufficien o whispe, "Reun ou sauaion o he nobe Moses Goee; an say ha Geoge Casio wi hono his confience bee in ees han he cou in wos. I know no he fuue, y bave feow, an igh no e i if I i, even o eas as eaf as yous. Bu say o Goee ha Casio sweas by his beaby he bea of Mosesha bighe ays sha coe fo Abania even if hey us be fashe fo ou swos. aewe!" The an fe a he genea's fee an ebace he. Then ising he aise his han, "By he bea of Moses! Le ha be he wachwo beween ou peope an ou ighfu pince. Bave en scaee fo Aia o Hus wi isen fo ha wachwo. aewe, Sie. By he bea of Moses!" Scanebeg suone a soie an sai seny, "Take his feow away. He is af as we as ub an eaf. Ye ea hi we. Such ceaues ae he specia cae of Aah. Take hi o he Bosphous ha he ay coss ove o his kin, he Geeks, a Consaninope."


A ie hae ay, ike an eage's nes, high on he souhen sope of he Bakan ounains. The haf ozen hus of which i consise wee ae of ough sones, aube wihin an wihou hick wih cay. The oofs wee of ogs, oveai wih as of bushwoo woven ogehe by fexibe wihes, an pasee heaviy. The inhabians wee goahes. Thei ives wee sipe. If hey wee enie inugence in uxuies, hey wee aso eove fo ha conac wih he which excies esie, an so wee conene. They seo saw he faces of any fo he gea wo, upon so age a poion of which hey ooke own. Thei absobing occupaion was in sue o wach he focks which soe fa away aong he ciffs, an in wine o keep he cose o he hae, fo hen eific sos swep he ounains an fie he avines wih ipassabe snow. Miosch an his goo wife, HeenaMaika Heena, goo Mohe Heena, a he hae cae hewee besse wih wo boys. Thei faces wee as bigh as he sky in which, fo hei ofy ogings, hey igh be sai o have ae hei oning abuions fo he eeven an weve yeas of hei especive ives. Ye hey wee no chien of he cheubic ype; ahe ough ie knos of huaniy, wih big bue-heas hache ove wih heavy gowhs of hai, which wou have been e, ha i no been beache o a igh yeow by sunshine an cou-iss. Insea of he oys an inoen pasies of he nusey hey ha 13 ony he seep ocks, he hick copse, he gnae ees, an he wi gae of he ounains fo hei pay-hings. They hus eveope copacy kni usces, eph of ung an hickness of fae, which gave agiiy an enuance. A he sae ie, he associaions of hei aiy ives, he pecipious ciff, he ebing ege of he avaanche, he caves of sange beass, he wi oaing of he wins, he awfu ganeu of he sos, he ipessive soiue which fie he inevas of hei pay ike unansaabe bu ighy whispes fo he unknown wo aking he pace of he pae of his, hese fosee inepiiy, sef-eiance, an baance of isposiion, if no of chaace. o eigious iscipine hey ha he occasiona inisaions of a Geek pies o issionay onk fo he Rio Monasi, any eagues o he wes of he. They knew he Cee of Nica, he naes of soe of he sains; bu of uy ivine hings hey ha ony such ipessions as hey caugh fo he gea vau of he univesa epe above he, an fo he suggesions of iving naue a hei fee. By he sie of Miosch's house ano ahe cibe an ube, so seep was i ha oa ove he Bakans, hough he Pass of Saiza, by which Aexane he Gea, neay wo housan yeas befoe, ha bus upon he Moesians. Again, wihin hei fahe's eoy, Bajaze, he "Tukish Lighning" as he was cae because of he ceeiy of his oveens, ha fashe his as hough his Pass, an sen he bos of eah own upon Waachia, an poue eo even o he isan gaes of Vienna. 14 Ofen ha Miosch ehease he soy of he eibe ays when he hisef ha been a soie in he ay of he Waachian Pince Myche; an showe

he sca of he cu he ha eceive fo he ciee of a Tukish Janizay, who he sew no fa fo he sie of hei hoe. Thei neighbo, Kabiovisch, a an we weighe wih yeas, no ony isene o hese aes, bu ae aveous ones of his own; soeies eaing o he was of King Sigisun of Hungay, who, afe Pince Myche, ha ie o egain his couny fo he cue ue of he Moses; oe fequeny, howeve, his soies wee of expois of anonyous heoes. These wee o wih so uch enhusias as o ceae he beief ha he naao ha hisef been he aco in os of he. o Kabiovisch was a sange chaace in he ie seeen; hough no he ess confie in because of he ysey of his pevious ife. He ha coe o his ou-of-heway pace, as he sai, o escape wih his ie aughe he incessan ais an coune-ais of Tuks an Chisians, which kep he ajacen couny in aa. Goo Unce Kabiovischas a he chien of he hae cae hinae his aughe, a ass of en sues, Mosinia, afe he faous peasan beauy, Eizabeh Mosiney, who ha so fascinae King Sigisun. Mosinia ofen baie he hai, an sa beneah he canopy of bossoing aue, whie Consanine, he younge of Miosch's boys, isoune fo he back of his aine goa a he iic hesho, an wooe he on bene knee, as he goo king wooe 15 he beauifu peasan. Michae, he ee boy, was no ess aen, hough ess poeic, in he ispay of his passion fo Mosinia. A neckace of bea's caws cu wih his own han fo a onse beas his fahe ha kie; a cown ae of pocupine quis which he ha picke up aong he ocks; ankes of sipe snake skinhese wee he peges of his ove, which he ecae he wou one ay eee wih hose ae of ges an goha is, when he shou have becoe a pincey waio. To Consanine, howeve, he ie aien was os gacious. I was a cuso in he Bakan viages fo he young peope, on he Monay afe Ease, o wis ogehe bunches of evegeens, an fo each young swain o kiss hough he oops he ai he ove he bes. Wih aus his was egae as a pobaionay ageeen o ay. If he affecion wee uuay as fu fae he foowing Ease, he kiss hough he oop was he foa beoha. Consanine's ipaience weahe he evegeens aos aiy, an, as evey kiss soo fo a yea, hee was awaiing heif he goo faiies wou ony ake i uesoe cenuies of nupia biss. The ie ove ha bui fo hisef a booh agains he seep ocks. Ino his Mosinia wou ene wih bea an wae, an pacing he upon he sone which answee fo a abe, say, in iiaion of oe aiens assuing he cae of husbans, "So wi I aways an faihfuy povie fo hee." Then she wou ouch he sies of he iniaue house wih a wig, which she cae he isaff, saying, "I wi weave fo hee, y o, gooy gaens an gay." 16 She wou aso si own an uness an eess he o, which Consanine ha cave fo woo, an which hey sai

wou o fo he ea baby ha he bie was expece o aay, in he ceeony by which she acknowege he obigaions of wifehoo.[11] Bu Michae was no a a isconsoae a his pefeence shown his bohe; fo he knew ha Mosinia wou pefe hi o a he wo when she hea wha a gea soie he ha becoe. Inee, on soe ays Michae was o of he ie booh; an oe han once he fai enchaness pu he evegeen oop aoun boh he boys in as sincee inecision as has soeies vexe oe heas han hes.

In he wine of 1443a few onhs subsequen o he evens wih which ou soy beginshe Pass of Saiza echoe ohe souns han he cy of he eage, he beaing of he focks, an he songs an haoos of he ounainees. Disan buge cas foae beween he ciffs. A nigh a fie wou fash fo a peak, an be sueny exinguishe, as anohe geae fo a peak beyon. Sange en ha gone up an own he oa. Wih one of hese Unce Kabiovisch ha wanee off, an been absen sevea ays. Gea was he excieen of he ie foks when Miosch o he ha a ea ay was no fa 17 off, coing fo he Chisian couny o he noh of he, an ha is genea was no ohe han he gea Hunyaes, he Whie Knigh of Waachiacae so because he woe whie aohe son of ha sae King Sigisun an he fai Eizabeh Mosiney. How ie Mosinia's cheeks pae, whie hose of he boys bune, an hei eyes fashe, as hei fahe o he, by he fie-igh in he cene of hei cabin, ha he Whie Knigh ha aeay conquee he Tuks a Heansa an a Vasag an on he banks of he Moava, an wasif he soy which Miosch ha hea fo soe scous wee uepepaing o bus hough he Bakan ounains, an escen upon he hoes of he Tuk on he souhen pains. Lie i hey seep a nigh, in he excieen of he beief ha, a any ay, hey igh see he soiesea soies, jus ike hose of Aexane, an hose of Bajazeaping hough he Pass. The eo of he eah, occasione by soe isan ansie, in hei excie iaginaion was hough o be ue o he ap of a yia fee. The hoo of he ow becae he upe ca fo he onse: an he shap whise of he win, beween eafess ees an aong he ice-covee ocks, seee ike he whizzing figh of he sous of he sain. Once, jus as he gay awn appeae, Kabiovisch, who ha been absen fo sevea ays, cae huiey wih he aaing news ha he Tuks, seaiy eiing befoe he Chisians, wou soon occupy he Pass. They wee aeay coing up he efies, as he iss ise aong he sies of he ounains, in ense asses, hoping o gain such vanage goun 18 ha hey cou hu he oops of Hunyaes own he aos pepenicua sopes befoe hey cou effec a secue ogen on he sui. The chien an woen us eave hes an hoes, an fy insany. The ony safe eea was he gea cave, which he ounainees knew of, ying off owas he ohe Pass, ha of Sououeben.

The fugiives wee scacey gone when he ounain swae wih Moses. The ighy ass of huaniy cowe he ciffs ike bees pepaing o swa. They finge he beaswoks of naive ock wih abais ae of huge unks of ees. Duing he ay he Tuks ha ivee a ounain sea, so ha, eaving is be, i poue a hin shee of wae ove he seepes pa of he oa he Chisians wee o ascen. This, feezing uing he nigh, ae a wa of ice. The Chisians wee hus foce o eave he highway an aep o scae he cags fa an nea; a oveen which he Tuks e by speaing heseves eveywhee above he. Upon eges an ino cevices which ha neve befoe fe he pessue of huan fee cabee he conesans. Evey ock was epupe wih goe. Tukish uban an Hungaian hee wee caugh upon he sae hony bush; whie he heas which ha won he oe ogehe in he sae guy, an sae hei eahess hae fo hei ea eyes. The Tuks in faing back iscovee he ouh of he cave in which he peasans ha aken efuge. As he Mose buges soune he eea, es hey shou be cu off by he Chisians who ha scae he heighs on hei fanks, hey seize he woen an 19 chien, who soon wee os o each ohe's sigh in he skuy of he eiing hos. The hans of Consanine wee ie abou he neck, an his egs abou he oins, of a huge Mose, o whose keeping he ha been coie. An aow piece he soie o he hea. I seee as if oe han keenness of eyesoe inspiaion of his fahey insinc e Kabiovisch on hough he vas confusion, fa own he sope, ouunning he fugiives an hei pusues, avoiing conac wih any one by eaping fo ock o ock an aing ike a sepen hough sece by-pahs, uni he eache he hoseen of he Tuks, who ha no been abe o foow he foo-soies up he seep ascen. He knew ha his ie gi wou be given in chage o soe one of hese. He, heefoe, conceae hisef in he gowing akness behin a cup of evegeen ees, cose o which one us pass in oe o each he hoses. A oen ae, wih he seah an he sengh of a panhe, he eape upon a Tuk. The an e go he iny fo of he gi he was caying; bu, befoe he cou assue an aiue of efence, he ion gip of Kabiovisch was upon his hoa, an he see of he infuiae o an in his hea. Une he sheeing akness, caying his escue chi, Kabiovisch heae his way aong eges an baconies of ock pojecing so sighy fo he pecipious ounain ha hey wou have been iscene, even in ayigh, by no eye ess expe han his own. A one pace his way was bocke by a ea boy which ha faen fo he ege above, an been caugh by he ange ibs of 20 he ounain aue. Wihou einquishing his oa, he pushe wih his foo he ifeess ass own hough he enangeen, an isene o he snapping of he bushes an he cashing of oosene sones, uni he heavy hu announce ha i ha foun a esing pace. "So Go es his sou, be he Chisian o Payni!" uee he o an. "An now, y chi, ae you fighe?"

"No, fahe, no when you ae wih e," sai Mosinia. "Cou you san cose o he ock, an ho vey igh o he bush, if I eave you a oen?" "Yes, fahe, I wi ho o he bush as igh as i hos o he ock." Kabiovisch gaspe a oo of aue, an, esing i wih ain sengh, swung cea of he ege, uni his foo ese upon anohe ege neay he engh of his boy beow. Bacing hisef so ha he spanne he ineva wih he sengh of a ganie pia, he bae he chi caw cauiousy in he iecion of his voice. As she ouche his hans, he ife he wih pefec poise, an pace he fee besie his own on a boa abe ock. "Now, besse be Jesu, we ae safe! Di I no e you I wou soe ay ake you o a caven which no one bu Miosch an I ha eve seen? Hee i is. Uness Suan Auah hies he eages o be his spiesas hey say he oesno eye bu Go's wi see us hee even when he sun ises. You i no know, y ie pincess, wha a cowa you o fahe ha becoe, o un away fo a bae. Di you, y 21 aing?" sai he kissing he. "Neve i I ea ha A, ha Kabiovisch wou fy ike a fighene paige hough he bushes. Bu y gi's hea has aken he pace of y own o-nigh." As he spoke he sippe fo his shoues he ough cape, o aess jacke, of beaskin, an wappe he gi cosey in i. He hen caie he beneah he oof of a ie cave, whee he enfoe he in his as, aking his own back a baie agains he cuing nigh win an he whiing snow. The co was inense. Thinking ony of he ange o he aeay haf-benube an weaie boy of he chi, he ook off his conica cap, an unwoun he any fos of coase wooen coh of which i was ae, an wih i wappe he ibs an fee. Thus he nigh was passe. Wih he fis seak of he awn Kabiovisch cep cauiousy fo he ege, an soon eune wih he news ha he Tuks ha vanishe, swep away by he ie of Chisian soies which was si pouing ove an own he ounain in pusui. Hoibe was he scene which eveywhee geee he as hey cabee back owa he oa. The ea wee pie upon he ying in evey avine. Re seaks seae he whie snowchannes in which he cuen of any a ife ha aine away. The oa was choke wih he huying vicos. Bu he o an's faiiaiy wih he goun foun pahs which he nibe fee of he ai cou cib; so ha he ay was no fa avance when hey soo on he sie of hei hoe. Scacey a ace of he ie hae eaine. Whaeve cou be bune ha fe he 22 cap-fies of he peceing nigh. The houses ha been hown own by he soies in ifing he gain bins which wee bui beween hei oue an inne was.

The o an sa own upon he oo-sone of wha ha been his hoe. His hea oppe upon his boso. Mosinia soo by his sie, he a abou his neck, an he cheek pesse cose o his, so ha he bigh goen hai inge wih his gay bea as in ceain eiva picues he ais expesses a peasing fancy in haee wok of sive an go. They scacey noice ha a goup of hoseen, oe gaiy unifoe han he oinay soies, ha hae an wee ooking a he. "By he eeven housan vigins of Con! I neve saw a oe unique picue han ha," sai one who woe a sku cap of scae, whie an aenan caie his heavy hee. "If Masaccio wee wih us I wou have hi pain ha scene fo ou new cahea a Miano, as an aegoy of he capiviy in Babyon." "Rahe of he capiviy in Avignon. I wou be a capia epesenaion of he Hoy ahe an his aughe he Chuch," epie a copanion aughing. "Ony I wou have he paine inse he poai of you einence, Caina Juian, as eiveing he boh." "Tha wou no be aogehe unhisoic; fo he eiveance was no whoy wough uni ou ie," epie he caina, evieny gaifie wih he faeing aiion which his coae, King Vaisaus, ha ae o his peasing concei. "Bu if o-ay's vicoy be as hoough as i now 23 ooks, an we ive he Tuks ou of Euope, i wou seve as a picue of he capiviy in which he haughy, haf-infie epeo of he Geeks an his aughe, Byzaniu, wi soon be o Roe." "Bu, by y cown," sai Vaisaus, "an wih ue eveence fo he gea caina une whose cap is a he bain ha Roe can now boas ofI hink he Geeks wi fin as uch spiiua esoaion in Mohe Chuch as hese wohy peope have abou he hee." "I can paon ha speech o he newy bapize king of haf-babaian Hungay, when I wou no shive anohe fo i," epie Juian peuany. "The son of a pagan ay be aowe uch ignoance egaing he ysey of he Hoy See. Bu a uce o ou bageing! Le us speak o his o feow. Goo an, is his you house? By Sain Caheine! he gi is beauifu, you highness." "I was y hoe, Sie, yeseay, bu now i is his ha wans i," epie Kabiovisch. "An whee o you go now?" aske he caina. "Towas Go's gae, Sie; an I wish I igh see i soon, bu fo his ie one," sai he o an, ising. "Hoy Pee e you in when you ge hee," ejoine His Einence, uning his hose away.

"Ho! Caina," epie he king. "I a supise a ha speech fo you. You have ie o each e by ecues fo a fonigh pas ha Roe has epoa as we as spiiua auhoiy, a powe on eah as we as in heaven. Now, by Ou Lay! you ough o hep his goo an ove 24 his eahy way owas Go's gae, as we as wish hi uck when he ges hee. Bu he pies peaches, an eaves he aiy o o he uies of eigion. Cei e wih a goo Chisian ee o baance he any ba ones you eebe agains e, Caina, an I wi hep he an. The goen hai of he chi agains he o an's hea wee as goo an aueoe as eve a sain woe. An ha Hoy Pee knows, if he Caina oes no. Ho, Oga! Take he ass on he sae wih you. An, o an, if you wi keep cose wih you aughe, you wi fin as goo povision behin he gae of Phiippopois as ha in heaven, if epo be ue. An, by Sain Michae! if we go ashing own he ounain a his ae we wi vau he was of ha ich Mose own as easiy as he evi jupe he gae of Paaise." Kabiovisch uge by he sie of Oga, who he Mosinia befoe hi. I was ha fo he o an o keep fo une he hoofs of he hoses as he aenan knighs cowe ogehe own he naow an ouous escen. Sueny he gi uee a cy, an, capping he hans, cae, "Consanine, Consanine!" The issing a, eeging fo a copse, soo fo an insan in aazeen a he appaiion of his ie payae; hen ashe aong he cow owa he. "Da he wich!" sai a knighbeween he egs of whose hose he boy ha gone aiing a hi a bow wih his ion ace. Consanine wou have been ape by he cowing cavacae, ha no he song han of a oope seize hi by his agge jacke an ife hi o he hose's cuppe. 25 "So ay soeboy save y own a in he ounains of Capahia!" sai he ough, bu kiny soie. "Ay, he anges wi bea hi up in hei hans, es he even ash his foo agains a sone, fo hy goo ee," excaie a onk, who, wih hoo hown back, an aos beahess wih he effo o escue he a hisef, ha eache hi a he sae oen. "Goo ahe, pay fo e!" sai he oope, cossing hisef. "Ay, wih gace," epie he onk, exicaing hisef fo he cow, an hasing back o he sie of a woune an, who his coaes wee caying on a seche which ha been exepoize wih an o coak ie secuey beween wo sou sapings.

As nigh akene own, he pain a he base of he ounain bus ino wei agnificence wih a housan capfies. The Tuks wee in fu eea owa Aianope, an joy eigne aong he Chisians. I was he eve of Chisas. The sas shone wih ae biiancy hough he co cea aosphee. "The vey heavens eun he sauaion of ou beacons," sai King Vaisaus. A upe soune is shi an jubian noe, which was caugh up by ohes, uni he woos an fies an he ounain sies wee fooe wih he inaicuae song, as quicky as he fis noe of a bi awakens he whoe ain chous of he sue ie. 26 Caina Juian, eining his hose a he enance o he cap, isene as he gaze "'An wih he ange hee was a uiue of he heaveny hos paising Go!' Le us accep he joy of his eve of he bih of ou Lo as an oen of he bih of Chisian powe o hese ans, which have so ong ain in he shaow of Mose infieiy an Geek heesy. Ou caps yone fash as he spaks which few fo he apon of he Infan Jesu an eifie he evi.[12] Suan Auah has been scoche his ay, hough he infena fien oge in his skin, as I veiy beieve he oes." "Auah was no in pesona coan o-ay. A eas so I a o," epie Vaisaus. "He is occupie wih a ebeion of he Caaanians in Asia. Caabey, he Suan's sise's husban, e he foces a he beginning of he figh. He was capue in he bog, an is now in safe cusoy wih he Sevian Despo, Geoge Bankovich. Hunyaes an he Despo have been bagaining fo his possession. Bu he ea coanan, as I have eane fo pisonesa eas he was pesen a he beginning of he fighwas Scanebeg." "Scanebeg?" excaie Juian wih gea aa. "Wha! he Abanian aio, Casio?Iscaio, ahe, shou be his naeThis hen, You Majesy, is no nigh fo evey; bu fo waching. The figh of he eney, if Scanebeg eas he, is ony o aw us ino a ne. Wha if befoe oning, wih he Bakans behin us, we shou be assaue wih fesh cops of Tuks on he fon? Thee is no fahoing 27 he evices of Scanebeg's wiy bain. An neve ye has he been efeae, excep o wes he bee vicoy ou of seeing isase. Does Genea Hunyaes know he anagonis he is eaing wih? ha i is no soe bey o pasha, no even he Suan hisef, bu Scanebeg? I have hea Hunyaes say ha since he ays of Saain, he Moses have no ha a eae so skifu as ha Abanian enegae: ha a gance of his eye has oe sagaciy in i han he eibeaions of a Divan:[13] an ha no a scoe of knighs cou san agains his bae a. We us see Hunyaes." "I confess," epie King Vaisaus, "ha I ike no he easy vicoy we have ha. I wou have swon o peven a yia foes cibing he ice oa we avee yeseay, if I ha bu a copany of pikeen; ye en housan Tukish veeans kep us no back; an hey wee e by Scanebeg! Thee is ysey hee. Jesu peven i

shou be he ysey of eah o us a! Le's o Hunyaes! If ony you wiso o payes, Caina, cou ecai Scanebeg o his Chisian aegiance, I wou no fea Suan Auah, hough he wee he evi's pope, wih he keys of eah an he in his gie." Hunyaes was foun wih he avance cops of he Chisians. Bu fo his whie ao he cou scacey be isinguishe fo soe subaen office, as he ove aong he en, inspecing he eais of hei encapen. The conas of he coane-inchief wih he kingy an he eccesiasica soie was siking. He isene quiey o hei suises an 28 feas, an epie wih as ie of hei excieen as if he spoke of a new ao-ceane: "Yes! we sha pobaby have a ai fo Scanebeg befoe oning. Bu we ae eay fo hi. Do you ook we o he ea, King Vaisaus! An o you, Caina, asha a hos of fesh Lain payes fo he ying; fo, if Scanebeg ges aong you Iaians, hei saffon skins wi beach ino ghoss fo figh of hi." The caina's face gew as e as his cap, as he epie: "Bu fo oyay o ou coon Chisian cause, an he exape of suboinaion o ou chief, I wou answe ha aun as i eseves."

The copany which Kabiovisch an he chien ha joine was hae a he ege of he gea cap. Ohe peasans an non-cobaans cowe in fo hei esoae hoes; bu neihe Miosch's face, no Heena's, no ye ie Michae's, wee aong hose hey anxiousy scanne. The coan of King Vaisaus secue fo he hee favoe efugees evey cofo which he ue soies cou funish. The boy an gi wee soon aseep by a fie, whie he o an ay cose besie he, ha no one cou appoach wihou aousing hi. He, howeve, cou no seep. On he one sie was he noisy evey of 29 he vicos; on he ohe, he akness of he pain. Hee an hee wee goups of soies, an beyon he an occasiona gea of he speahea of soe senine, who, sauing his coae, une a he en of his bea. The usky fo of a huge an aace Kabiovisch's eye. As he sange ew nea, his ong bea-skin cape einaing above in a ough an ungacefu hoo, an his ong poine shoes wih bocks of woo fo hei soes, inicae ha he was soe peasan. He seee o be waneing abou wih no ohe ai han o keep hisef wa. Ye Kabiovisch noe ha he ingee as he passe by he vaious goups, as if o scan he faces of his feow-suffees. "Heaven gan ha a his kis be safe o-nigh!" uee he o an.

As he waking figue passe acoss he ine of a fago fie, he eveae a speni fo; oo saigh fo one accusoe o ben a his aiy oi. "A ounainee? a hune?" hough Kabiovisch, "fo he fie-ies ae a oun of shoue, an bow-backe. Bu no! His ea is oo fi an heavy fo ha so of ife. One's ibs ae spingy, agie, who cibs he cags. A hune wi use he oes oe in sepping." Kabiovisch's cuiosiy cou no keep his eyes fo gowing heavy wih he co an he ficke of he fie igh, when hey wee foce wie open again by he appoach of he sange. The o an fe, ahe han saw, ha he was being cosey suie fo behin he fos of he hoo which he wanee 30 ew cose ove his face, o keep ou he cuing win which swep in guss own fo he ounains. He passe vey nea, an was aking o hisef, as is ap o be he cuso of en who ea oney ives. "I is bie co," he sai, wih chaeing eeh, "bie co, by he bea of Moses!" The as wos sae Kabiovisch so ha he gave a suen oion. The sange noice i an pause. Gazing ineny upon he o an, who ha now assue a siing posue, he aesse hi "By he bea of Moses! i's an awfu nigh, neighbo." "Ay, by he bea of Moses! i is; an one cou wea he bea of Aaon, oo, wih cofoAaon's bea was onge han Moses' bea; is no ha wha he pies says?" sai Kabiovisch, veiing his excieen une foce iniffeence of anne, a he sae ie aking oo fo he visio, who, wihou ceeony seche hisef by his sie, binging his face cose o ha of he o an, an gaing ino i. Kabiovisch eune his gaze wih equa shapness. "Wha know you of he bea of Moses?" sai he sange. "Was i gay o back?" "Back," sai Kabiovisch, suying he ohe's face wih suspicion an supise. "Back as an Abanian hune cou, an his eye was as unie by age as ha of he eage ha fies ove he ake of Ochia."[14] "You speak we," epie he sange, pushing back his hoo. 31 His face was assive an song. No peasan was he, bu one bon o coan an accusoe o i. "You aeDaku?" aske he an.

"No." "Haion?" "No." "Kabiovisch?" "Ay, an you?" "Casio." Kabiovisch spang o his fee. "Lie own! Lie own! Le e shae you banke," sai he visio. "This ai is oo cisp an esonan fo us o speak aou in i; an waking eas a nigh-ie ae ove quick o hea wha oes no concen he. We can uffe ou speech beneah he banke." Kabiovisch fe he hesiaion of eveence in assuing a poxiiy of such iniacy wih his gues; bu aso fe he auhoiy of he coan an he wiso of he pecauion. He obeye. "I feae ha I shou fin no one who ecognize ou passwo. I us see Genea Hunyaes o-nigh; ye us no appoach his quaes. Can you ge o his en?" "Reaiy," sai Kabiovisch. "Duing he ay y ie ass yone won he aenion of King Vaisaus, an he gave e he passwo of he cap o-nigh fo he safey. 'Chisus naus es'." "You us go o hi a once, an say ha I wou see hi hee. You wi us e o keep gua ove hese wo kis whie you ae away? I wi no wof he." 32 "Heaven gan ha you ay shephe a Abania,"an he o an was off. "I knew ha he poiga Pince Geoge wou coe back soe ay," sai he o hisef. "Many a yea have I kep y wach in he Pass, an aong he ounains of Abania. An any a sevice have I enee as a sipe goahe which I cou no have one ha I won y couny's coos anywhee excep in y hea. An, 'by he bea of Moses!' Duing soe weeks now I have caie any a essage, ha soe fighing an ha scaching which I i no unesan, excep ha i was 'by he bea of Moses!' An now Moses has coe; efuse a as o be cae he son of Phaaoh's aughe, an wi fee his peope. Go wi i! An Geoge Casio has ain une y banke! I wi hang ha banke in he chuch a Coia as an offeing o he Hoy Vigin.Bu no, i beongs o he oope. Heaven keep e iscee, o,

fo he joy of i, I canno o y ean safey. I' aw y hoo cose, es he oon yone shou guess y sece." Kabiovisch was chaenge a evey un as he woun beween he hunes of cap-fies an ens; bu he agic wos, "Chisus naus es," opene he way. A cice of speni ens o hi he ew nea o heaquaes. In he is of he baze an iense fie. Cap-abes, geaing wih ankas an gobes of sive, wee ange beneah gogeous canopies of faxen canvas, which wee ine wih bue an pupe apesies. A uiue of gaiy esse sevios honge ino an ou of he. Hee was he 33 oya speno of Hungay an Poan; hee he paviion of he Despo of Sevia; hee he gieing coss of Roe; an, a he exee en of his exepoize aay of paaia an couy pie, he oe oes, bu si ich, banne of he Whie Knigh. Kabiovisch appoache he ae. "You ean, an?" sai he gua, hoing his spea acoss he fapping ooway of he en. "Chisus naus es!" was he esponse. "Tha wi o esewhee, bu no hee," ejoine he gua. "My business is soey wih Genea Hunyaes," sai Kabiovisch. "I canno be," sai he speaan. "He has no business wih any one bu hisef. If you ae a shephe of Behehe coe o aoe he Infan Jesuas you ook o beyou us wai uni he oning." "My essage is as ipoan o hi as ha of he anges on ha besse nigh," sai he goahe, aking a eep obeisance an ooking up o heaven as if in paye, as he spoke. "Then pocai you essage, o cook-saff! we have ha ga iings o-ay, bu can enue o hea oe," sai he gua, pushing hi away. "No ea on eah sha hea ine bu he genea's," cie he o an, aising his voice: "No! by he bea of Moses! i sha no." "A sange swea ha, o eahe-skin! Di you keep you sheep in Miian, whee Moses i, ha you know he ha a bea. You coak is agge enough o have beonge o fahe Jeho; an I waan i is as fu of vein as wee hose of he Egypians afe 34 he pague ha Moses sen on he. Bu he en pagues ake you! Ge away!"

"No, by he bea of Moses!" shoue Kabiovisch. "Le hi pass!" sai a voice fo eep wihin he en. "Le hi pass!" sai anohe neae. "Le hi pass!" epeae one jus insie he oue cuain. The goahe passe beween a ine of senines, cosey wache by each. The en was a oube one, coposing a oo o paviion, encose by he gea en; so ha hee was a age space aoun he pivae apaen of he genea, aowing he senines o pao eniey abou i wihou passing ino he oue ai. A he enance of he inne en Hunyaes appeae. He was of igh bui bu copacy kni, wih ape foehea an geneous, bu scae face; which, howeve, was oe significany seae wih he ines ha enoe hough an couage. He was wappe in a oose obe of cosy fus. He wave his han fo Kabiovisch o ene, an bae he guas eie. Thowing hisef on a pain soie's couch, he ew cose o i a cap sea, an oione his visio o si. "You have news fo he Abanians, by he bea of Moses?" sai Hunyaes inquiingy. A oen o wo suffice fo he eivey of Kabiovisch's essage. "Ho, gua! when his o an goes, e no one ene uni he coes back; hen ai hi wihou 35 he pass, insany," sai Hunyaes, spinging fo he couch. "Now, o an, give e you bea skinnow you shoesyou cap. Hee, wap yousef in ine. You nee no shink fo occupying Hunyaes' skin fo a whie, since you have ha o-nigh a oe pincey soie une you banke. Di you say o he noh? On he ege of he cap? A boy an a gi by he fie; an he?" The isguise genea passe ou.

"By he bea of Moses! I' beak you hea wih y sick if you coe subing ove e in ha way," gowe Scanebeg fo beneah his banke, as a peasan-ca an ippe agains his huge fo exene by he cap fie. "Then e he co shink you huk o is pope size," epie he sange. "Bu you shou hank e, insea of cusing e, fo waking you up; fo you fie is ying ou, an you wou peish, seeping in he banke ha exposes you fee ha i ay cove you nose. Bu I' si you fie an pu soe sicks on i, if I ay si by i an e he fos fo y bea an he aches fo y oes. Bu who have you hee?"

The an soope own an eagey eove he banke fo he paiay covee faces of he chien. 36 "Consanine!" he excaie, "Go be paise! an Kabiovisch's gi,o he saigh ocks e!" "ahe!" cie he boy, waking an howing his as abou he neck of he an who soope o ebace hi. "An Michae? is he hee, oo?" aske Miosch. "No, fahe," sai he chi. "We wee pae a he cave, an I have no seen hi excep in y ea." "In you ea, y chi? In you ea? Jesu gan he be no kie, ha his ange spii cae o you in you ea! Di he see bigh an beauifuoe beauifu han you eve saw hi befoeas if he ha coe o you fo Paaise? No? Then he is iving ye on he eah; an by a he evis in he an Aianope! I sha fin hi, hough I ea hi fo he ea as of he aio Casio hisef, as I was nea o aking you, y boy, fo he gip of he Tuk whose hea I piece wih an aow he ay of he figh;bu I was se upon an nigh kie ysef by a scoe of he Infies." "An ou ohe ea?" aske Consanine. "She is safe?" "Ay! ay! safe in heaven, I fea, bu we wi no give up hope uni we have seache ou caps o-oow; no hen, uni we have bune evey seagio of he Tuks fo he ounains o he sea. Bu who bough you an he ass hee?" aske Miosch, eyeing he fo of he suy an besie hi. "Why, goo Unce Kabiovisch i," sai he boy, saing in aazeen a he spo now usupe by he sange figue of Scanebeg. 37 "Kabiovisch wen o fech soe fie-pea fo he guy I o hi of," uee Scanebeg. "Yes, he is coing yone," sai Miosch, as Kabiovisch's we-known hoo an cape wee ouine agains he whie backgoun of a snow-covee fi ee a sho isance off. "Bu he has foun no fue. Wap cose, y heaies: you wi have no oe baze o-nigh. Ha! Kabiovisch!" sai he, aising his voice, as he faiia fo seee abou o pass by. "Has he fie in you eye been pu ou by he co, ha you canno fin you own pace, neighbo? I wou have swon ha, if Kabiovisch wee bin, he cou fin a os ki on he ounains; an now he hay knows his own nes."

The assue Kabiovisch cae nea, an gave an awkwa saue, which, whie inene o be faiia, was no sufficieny unibee of he habi of auhoiy o avoi giving he ipession ha is faiiaiy was ony assue. "By he bea of Moses! I ha aos isook y own cap, now he fies ae soueing," sai he, appoaching. "He is no Kabiovisch," sai Miosch, haf o hisef an haf aou. "No," epie Scanebeg. "Bu I' go an fin Kabiovisch. Pehaps he has oe pea han he can cay. An, sange, I' hep you fin wha you ae seekingfo you see af wih he coif you wi hep e fin hi I a o ook fo. By he bea of Moses! ha's a fai ageeen; is i no?" "A sange swea, ha!" sai Miosch, ooking afe he wo fos vanishing aong he fi ees. "I 38 is soe wachwo, an I ike i no aong hese cap powes. I fea fo Kabiovisch. The newcoe woe his cohes, which I wou know if I saw he on he back of he caina; fo goo Heena cu he hoo fo ou neighbo as she cu he ski fo his oheess chi, ie Mosinia hee. Soe ischief is bewing. I sha wach an no seep a wink." Ha one been uking in he copse of evegeens o which he en wihew, he wou have ovehea convesaion of which hese senences ae pas. "Yes, Genea Hunyaes, he ie has coe. I can enue he sevice of he Suan no onge. Bu fo wha I a abou o o I aone a esponsibe, an us ecine o shae ha esponsibiiy wih any ohe, eihe Mose o Chisian. I beieve, Sie, ha I a in his iece by soe highe powe han y own capice. I a copee o i by invisibe foces, as eay as he sas ae agge by he hough he sky yone." "No sa," epie Hunyaes, "has pue use han ha of you nobe pupose, an none ae e by he invisibe foces o a bighe esiny han is Scanebeg." "Le no you Chisian ips ca e Scanebeg, bu Casio," sai his copanion. "Yes, I beieve ha y new pupose coes fo he inbeahing of soe ceesia spii, fo soe yseious heaing he sou has of he inaicuae voice of Go. Ese why shou he hough of i so sangey saisfy e? I cas ysef own fo he highes pinnace of hono an powe an iches wih which he Mose sevice can 39 ewa one;fo I a a he hea of he ay, an even he Vizie has no oe espec a Aianope han have I wheeve he soies of he Suan spea heseves houghou he wo. To eave he Paishah wi be o eave evey hing fo an unceain fuue. Ye I a oe han conen o o i." "No fo an unceain fuue, nobe Casio," epie Hunyaes way, gasping his han. "The highes posiion in he aies of Chisian Euope is yous. My own

chiefaincy I cou ei wihou ege, knowing ha i wou fa ino you hans. The ay of Iay you can ake coan of o-oow if you wi; fo ha scaeknobbe coxcob of an eccesiasic, Juian, is no fie fo i. O Bankovich, he Sevian Despo, wi hai you as chief voivoe.[15] You have bu o choose fo ou aies, an pu yousef a he hea of whaeve naion you wi: fo he egions wi foow he poining of you invincibe swo as bavey as if i wee he swo of Michae, he Achange." "No! No! These hings ep e no," sai Scanebeg. "I us ive ony fo Abania. Tha sange spii which counses e coes ino y sou ike a pue bas fo off y Abanian his. The voices ha ca e ae ike he ying voice of y fahe, he saine Duke John, who paye hen fo his an an fo his sonfo boh in he one beah ha foae his sou o Go. Le e ook again upon he ocky fasnesses of he Vizi, he waes of ie Ochia an Skia, an ca he ine; I sha hen no envy even he pue on you hee, geneous 40 Hunyaes; no ege wha I fosake aong he Moses, hough y esae wee ha of he enie epie which he Paishah sees in his eas, when, no he ciy of Aian, bu he ciy of Consanine sha have becoe his capia." "Chiseno wi hay fogive he sigh you pu upon i, nobe Casio, by ecining soe genea coan, an wi soon gow jeaous of you excusive evoion o ie Abania," sai Hunyaes, wih evien cano. "Chiseno wi no ose, bu gain, heeby," epie Scanebeg. "o is no Abania, afe a, a key poin in he ighy bae which is si o be wage wih he Tuk ove hese Easen counies of Euope, fo Aia o he Euxine?" "How so?" aske Hunyaes. "Have we no his ay boken he powe of he Tuk in Euope? an is he no now in heaong hase o he sea of Maoa?" Scanebeg epie wih sow, bu oinous, wos: "Genea Hunyaes, he Mose powe was no his ay boken. Tus no he sebance. My a cou have hue you soies own he nohen eciviies of yone ounains wih as uch ease as yous shaee he Tukish anks a Vasag an Heannsa. The aies si in fon of you wai bu he wo o assai you cap wih ie vengeance fo hei yseious efeaay, yseious o he. An he Paishah is hasing wih he hoes eease by his vicoies ove he Caaanians, o join he. No, Sie, he bae fo epie on hese pains, an in Maceonia, an aong he Danube, has no ene: i has bu jus begun. An Abania wi be he key spo fo 41 a geneaion o coe. No Ooan wave can sike cena Euope bu ove he Abanian his. A Chisian powe enenche hee wi be a coune enace o evey invasion fo he sie of he Mose, an a eenous auxiiay in any oveen fo he sie of Chiseno. My iiay jugen concus wih he voice of ha spii which speaks wihin e, an bis e as a Chisian o ive fo Abania."

"I see in you pan," epie Hunyaes, "a gea of ha fa wiso ha won fo you he ie of 'The eye of he Ooan,' as you vao ae you he 'igh han of he Suan.' Whie y view of he eaive powe of he wo civiizaions now foning each ohe on ou bae-ines igh be iffeen fo yous, an I shou pace he key poin in he gea fie ahe on he owe Danube han so fa o he wes, I ye subi y jugen o yous. Assign o e y pa in he affai you wou execue, an, y wo as a soie an a Chisian, you sha have y hep." "Nay," epie Scanebeg. "As I sai, I can shae he esponsibiiy of y acion wih no one. Gave chages wi ing agains y nae. My o coaes wi scon y ee as eacheous. Even hisoy wi fai o unesan e. Le e ac aone; obeying ha sange voice which wi jusify e, if no befoe en, a eas a he as ay of he wo's jugen. The Mose has wonge e; ouage y huaniy; si he ongue of y conscience ha i shou no speak o e of y uy; an ie o pu ou he eyes of y faih. The Diviniy bis e avenge ysef. Bu he vengeance is ony ine, an Go's. No ohe han us be saine wih he boo of i, 42 eas of a hine, nobe Hunyaes. My pan us be a y own. I ony ask ha, when I have exicae ysef fo Mose ies, I ay have he fienship of Hunyaes. Especiay ha he way ay be ef open fo y passing hough he paces now he by you oops, wihou chaenge an eay. A ese has been aange by a hanfu of faihfu Abanian paios." "I sha be as you esie, Genea Casio. Choose you passwo, an i sha open he way fo you hough i wee hough he back oo of he Vaican." "Le hen he 'bea of Moses' be espece. My usy Abanians ae accusoe o i." "Goo!" epie Hunyaes. "An I wi sea ou copac by aking Aianope in hono of he epaue of is ony efene." "Nay," sai Scanebeg. "I wi no be wise o pess upon he capia. Evey appoach is guae oe secuey han wee hose a Vienna by he Chisians. The Paishah's enginees ae oe skifu han any in he an of he ank o Gean. The new copoun of sapee an suphu, of which you hay know he use, is buie beneah evey gae; an a spak wi bus i as na o Vesuvius.[16] Even he vao of he Whie Knigh canno conque he souess eeen. The back gains neve banch wih fea. No panic can ive a sone ba hue fo cannon so ha i sha no fin he hea of he baves. I avise ha you aies pause awhie wih he pesige of having scae he Bakans. In a few onhs oppouniies ay have ipene. Once I a in Abania, 43 Suan Auah sha know ha he nae of Scanebeghe Lo Aexanewas no his, bu ae's eniing; fo, uness y esiny is isea, he Maceonian egions of he Gea Aexane wee no swife han y new Maceonian baves sha be. This wi encouage he Veneians an Genoese; an wih hei navies on he Heespon, he ii Paogus pessing ou fo his cove of Consaninope, an insuecion eveywhee fo he Ciea o

Peoponnesus, hee wi no, a geneaion hence, be ef a uban in Euope. Beieve e, Genea, he Tuk's gip of neay a cenuy, since he pinche he coninen a Gaipoi, canno be oosene in a ay." "To no ohe han Casio wou I yie y jugen; an no o hi, bu ha his wos ae as convincing as his swo. Then so e i be," was he epy of he Chisian eae. The Abanian isappeae.

Hunyaes, cosey uffe in his bea-skin isguise, eune o he cap. "A espeae avenue ha of Casio," hough he. "I is we ha he peis no voice bu his own o speak his pans, an no ea bu ine o hea he. "His! "No; i is bu he ice cacking fo he basas. 44 Ye who knows wha ineopes hee ay have been? an if he bave Scanebeg ay no be hasung befoe he eaches his own cap? The ie wi be ong an aing afe he enes he Tukish ines. Wi i excie no suspicion? No his absence? Heaven gua he bave hea, fo he vey oe hoes in he goun ae he Suan's eas, ino which he inks he seces of his soies. By he way, I us if he iy cap fo he feow who cae e Kabiovisch a he hesan's fie; fo he essenge who bough e wo suey sai ha ony Casio an he wo chien wee hee. Who ay his ohe one be? I us iscove; an if he knows augh he shou no, he sha know no oe his sie of he-gae, o y agge's poin has gown so hones ha i has fogoen he way o a knave's hea." Appoaching he ie goup, Hunyaes wen behin he, ha, if possibe, he igh ovehea soe wos befoe any pesons hee knew of his pesence. Miosch ha been i a ease hough he coninue absence of his fien Kabiovisch, he pecuia acion of he sange an who ha aken his pace beneah he banke, an he appaiion of he one who woe he cap an cape which he hough he cou no isake. Thee ha aways been a ysey abou Kabiovisch's eay ife, which hei ong an cose neighboy eaions upon he ounain ha no enabe hi o sove. The gi, he ofen hough, was of oo igh a bui an oo fai feaue o be he chi of he ounainee. The soy Kabiovisch ofen o abou he eay eah of he chi's ohe, Miosch's wife neve hea wihou ipaience an a shug 45 of he shoues. Who was he chi? Cou hee be any po o cay he away aong pesons who knew he sece of he bih? Miosch cou each one efinie concusion abou he ae, an ha was ha he ough o

gua he chi jus now. So, wih senses ae ae by suspicion, he hea he sof foofa of Hunyaes hough he cus-boken snow; an hough wih hea avee, noe his seahy appoach. The cauion obseve by he sange ae Miosch fee ceain of he inene eachey. Loosening he sho sheah-knife, which hung by he ing in is bone hane fo his gie, he gaspe i ighy, an wih a suen boun face he inue. "You business, an?" sai he, eyeing hi as a hune eyes a wof o anicipae he sping of he bue, ha he knife ay ene his hoa befoe he fangs sike. "A ue geeing o a neighbo, ha," was he quie epy. "A fai enough geeing o one who weas a neighbo's feece, an pows by nigh abou his fock. Sop! no a sep neae! o, by he sou of Kabiovisch, who, fo augh I know, you have uee, I wi sen you o ee hi!" A oion of he sange owa his weapon was anicipae by he ounainee, who gippe he inue wih he sengh of a bea, pinioning his as by his sies, an faing wih hi o he goun. In an insan oe, howeve, he agge poin of his anagonis began o peneae Miosch's high. Cenching ighe o peven a oe eay hus, he fe beneah his opponen's ough oue obe he ha 46 cosee woven wih inks of ionno he coase fabic such as was won by coon soies, bu he ighe see-epee unewea of knighs an nobes. "You have uee anohe bee han yousef, ane viain, an have soen his shi. Bu i sha no save you his ie." As he e ou hese wos one by one an beah by beah, Miosch woke he knife ino such a ho ha he cou pess i ino he back of his anagonis. Sowy bu suey he sou poin ae is way beween he ha inks uni he an's fesh quivee wih he pain. Then Miosch hisse hough his cenche eeh: "Who ae you? If you speak no, you ie. If you ie, e he evi shive you back sou! fo I' sen you o hi on he knife poin. Speak!" "I a Genea Hunyaes," epie he aos beahess an. The wos eieve hi fo he pessue of he knife, bu no fo he cunching hug of his capo. "Pove i!" hisse Miosch. "I have hea ha Hunyaes has a sca on he ef sie of he neck. Uncove you neck!" Miosch eease Hunyaes' ef han sufficieny o aow hi o each upwa. In an insan he eahen sing which boun he bea-skin cape abou his neck was

boken, he acings of a veve jacke oosene, an he finges of Miosch e ove he oughene suface of he scae skin. The hesan ose o his knees, an kisse he han of he genea. 47 "Sike hy agge ino e! fo I have aise y han agains he Lo's anoine," cie he in shae an fea. "Nay, fien," sai he chief; "he fau was ine, an yous sha be he ewa of he ony an who eve conquee Hunyaes. You nae, y goo feow?" "Miosch!" "Miosch, he goahe of he Pass? I have hea e of you sengh; how you cou ou-cunch a bea; I beieve i. You have been faihfu o you absen fien, as you have been sevee wih e." "Bu wha of y fien Kabiovisch? You suey wea his gea," sai Miosch. "Yes, I boowe hese of a passing sangeI know no ha he be Kabiovisch wih which I igh pass isguise aong he guas. The owne of his cape an hoo is keeping wa in a en ha by uni I eun. Bu who have you hee?" "The a is ine. The ass is y neighbo's. He cas he Mosinia, in hono of you fai ohe," epie Miosch. "Then I us see he face. She shou be fai wih such a nae." As he aise he coase-kni hoo which cosey wappe he, a ficke of he ying fie-igh iuine fo an insan he feaues of he chi. The uncobe ass of goen hai ae a naua piow in which ay a face unsupasse in baance of popoion an eicacy of eai by any scupo's a. He foehea was high an fu, bu appaeny iinishe by he weah of cuing ocks ha nese upon 48 bow an epes; he nose saigh an hin, ypicay Geek; he ips fi, bu ache, as wih soe abiing an happy ea; he skin, pues whie, inge wih he gow of youhfu heah, as he snow on he Bakans une he fis oseae gea of he oning sun. "A peasan's chi?" aske he genea. Bu wihou waiing fo epy, coninue, "No, by he cheek of Venus! I ook oe han one geneaion of nobe cuue, high houghs an pues boo, o ou such a face as ha. She was no bon in you neighbo's co on he ounains? Wi you swea ha she was? No? Then I wi swea ha she was no. An he boy? Ah!" sai he, scanning Consanine's face. "I know his sock. He is a spig of he sae ough hon-ee ha cae nea o eaing e o pieces jus now. Bu his face is gene han yous. Ye, i is a song one; vey

bo; boa-houghe; eep-soue; a spig ha ay bea even bee fui han he o one." "Heaven gan i ay!" sai Miosch, feveny. "Yes, if you wi e e anspan i fo hese baen ounains o he gaens of Bua an he banks of he Dave, i wi ge bee shee han you can give i. The boy sha be y pog fo o-nigh's avenue, if his fahe wi ene y pesona sevice. You see, you gave e so wa a wecoe ha I a oah o pa copany wih you, y goo feow." "Heaven bess you, Sie!" epie Miosch; "bu y hea wi cing o hese ciffs uni I know ha y faihfu wife an ohe boy ae no onge aong he." "I sha give oes ha he cap be seache," 49 poise Hunyaes. "If hey ive, an have no been caie away by he Tuks, hey us have sough efuge soewhee in he hos. aewe! When you wi, Hunyaes sha san he fien of Miosch." The appaen o hesan eune hough he hea of he cap o heaquaes. "Mehinks, coae, ha you banie wos wih a geae han you knew, when you ease he o goahe awhie ago," sai a senine, husing his hub ino he sie of he speaan a he enance o he genea's hu. "Do you noe his ien as he coes yone? Tha cupe o bea skin canno hie his saigh back; no hose shoes, as big as Spanish gaeons, beak he finess of his ea. If he gus of win shou if his cape you wou see a eas a goen coss on his shoues. You canno hie a ue soie." The bea-skin passe beween he fueing canvas wihou chaenge. Hunyaes ae a payfu saue o Kabiovisch, who ose o ee hi. "I foun you cap. I have ooke ino he face of you ie aughe." "May save he!" sai he o an wih gaifie ook. "I say I saw you aughe, you aughe, you know," sai he genea again, quizzing Kabiovisch wih his eyes. "Ay, y aughe! an he Vigin Mohe neve sen a faie chi, save Jesu hisef, o pince o peasan." "Coe, now," sai he genea, "e e, i he Hoy Vigin sen his chi o pince o peasan?" 50 "Why?" sai Kabiovisch, "hese hony hans shou e hee, Sie, ha I was no oya bon."

"Bu he gi ay be, if you wee no. Is she you chi?" "Yes, y chi, if heaven eve sen one o an." "Bu, e e," pobe he genea, "how i heaven sen you he aien? Di he ohe bing he, o i he anges op he a you oo? o, if ha gi be you chi, heaven i no know you even by sigh; since i pu no a fecke of you ak skin upon he fai face, no one of you bises ino he hai. The sas ae no begoen of so-cous; no o I hink she is you aughe." To his he o an epie, oe o hisef han o his ineogao, "If she is no ine by gif of naue, she is ine by gif of Hi who is above naue." "I wi no sea you sece," sai Hunyaes. "He nae has excie y inees in he an he heaven-given o heaven-en fahe. She nees bee poecion han you can give he in he cap. I wi sen he o heaquaes." "I wou gaefuy pu he une you poecion fo a few ays," sai Kabiovisch. "My uy akes e away fo he fo a whie; angeous uy, Sie, an if I shou fa" "If Kabiovisch fas, Hunyaes wi be as ue fahe o he ass. Have you any specia esie egaing he o yousef, y bave an? You have bu o nae i." "Bu one, Sie," epie Kabiovisch. "Tha I ay 51 see he safey coniione a once. o i ay be ha befoe he ay awns I sha be suone. I seve a cause as yseious as he Povience which waches ove i." "An Abanian ysey? They ae geneay as inscuabe as a hune cou; bu ae eveae when is ighning sikes!" epie Hunyaes, isissing he o an, accopanie by wo guas, who wee coissione o obey ipiciy any oes he hesan igh give egaing he pay of efugees by his cap-fie.

The Chisian hos poonge he fesiva of he Naiviy fo ay o ay, uni he useing foces of he Ooans suone he fo angeous inaciviy again o he ach an he bae. The ae hey foun a Moun Cunobizza, whee he eney ha asse an enoous foce. The Chisian ay, wih is speni cops of Hungay, Poan, Bosnia, Sevia, Waachia, Iay an Geany, was no a oe agnificen aay han ha of hei Mose opponens. o he os pa of he ay he fie was equay he, bu in he afenoon he Tukish ef seee o have becoe inspie wih a sange fuy. The Janizaies, a he ie enowne as he bes iscipine an os espeae foo-soies in he wo, wee ivae in ceeiy an inepiiy, in skifu anuving an he eenous 52 oenu wih which hey suck he

foe, by ohe Mose cops; such as he squaons of cavay coece fo isan iiay povinces, each une is Spahi o fief-hoe; an he iegua BashiBazouks, who seee o have spung fo he goun in oey aay. Thei ivese accoueens, copexions, an oveens suggese he hune as of soe aia Biaeus, a aniae by a singe bain. The wa cy of "The Pophe!" was inge wih ha of "Iscanebeg!" In he hickes of he figh appeae he giganic fo of he cicucise Abanian, his gauy ao fashing wih jewes,[17] his igh a bae o he shoue, his ciee gancing as he ighning. The Iaian egions opposie hi, upon he Chisian ef, wee hue back again an again fo hei onsaugh, an wee pesse ie afe ie fo he oigina bae sie. Hunyaes infice a copensaoy punishen upon he Mose ef, shaeing is epee anks as a baeing a cashes hough he oeing was of a ciae. The chief of he Chisians saw ceay Scanebeg's pan[18] o eave he vicoy in his hans, an a he oppoune oen he wheee his squaons o he assisance of King Vaisaus, hus cobining in ovewheing os agains he eney's cene, which Scanebeg ha effecuay aine of is pope sengh. As soon, howeve, as i was evien ha he Chisians wee he vicos, Scanebeg, by supeb geneaship, inepose 53 he Janizaies beween he eney an he ubane heas ha, bu fo his, wee being whie in fu figh fo he fie. The ou was change ino oey eea. Hunyaes foun i ipossibe o pess he pusui, an uee, "Scanebeg coans boh ou aies o-ay. We can ony ake wha he is ine o give." A engh nigh ooke own upon he caps. ew ens wee eece. Hunyaes sa fo hous beneah a ee, waiing fo he knew no wha eveopens. On he Tukish sie even he Beye Beys, he highes coanes, wee conen o sech hei ibs wih no ohe canopy han he hee hose-ais a he spea-hea, he sybo of hei ank an auhoiy. a in he ea wee he few paviions of he suie of he Gan Vizie, who epesene he absen Suan Auah. Lae ino he nigh he Vizie sa in counse wih he Suan's Reis Effeni o chief seceay, o who was enuse he sea of he epie. He was ensaping he any espaches which feees hoseen caie o isan Spahis, suoning he wih hei eseves o ay fo he efence of Aianope. Jus befoe he awn he seceay was ef aone. Even he, an, in his peson, he epie, us cach an hou's seep befoe he exciing an exacing uies of he new ay. He ecine aong his papes. Bu a suons awakene hi: he essenge announcing Scanebeg. The guas wihew o a especfu isance fo he ousie of he en. "Do no ise," sai he genea, geny pessing he seceay back o his ecining posue. "I ony nee he ipeia sea o his oe." 54 The seceay scanne he pape wih inceuous eyes. I was a fian, o ecee of he Suan, passing he govenen of Abania fo Genea Sebay o Scanebeg,

wih absoue powes, an oeing he coanan of he song foess of Coia o pace a is aaen an ha of ajacen songhos in Scanebeg's han as he viceoy of he Suan. As he seceay ife his face o ue an inquiy fo he eief of his aazeen, knowing ha he Suan, hen absen in Asia, cou no have oee such a ocuen, he song han of Scanebeg gippe his hoa, an his ponia heaene his hea. "The ak!" whispee he assaian. The eifie an ebingy eache he sea, an pesse i agains he wax. The weapon hen i is wok, an so sueny ha he seceay ha no ie fo even an oucy. Then sieny, so ha he guas, who wee bu a few paces isan, hea no cooion, he ai he ifeess fo on he ivan, an covee i wih he eboiee coak i ha won when iving.[19] Passing ou, Scanebeg gave oes ha he en shou no be enee by he guas uni oning, ha he seceay igh es. He gave he passwo, "The Kaaba," as shapy as if his ips wou ake vengeance on he once sace, bu now hae soun. His iiay saff joine hi a a ie isance. Vauing ino he sae he e he way owa he noh. A he ege of he cap by a ue bige he hae, an sai o his aenans, 55 "I ee a his poin he Beye Bey of Anaoia, whose saff wi be y esco o his cap. The Paishah's cause nees coses confeence of a he coanes; fo eason is aboa. Ah! I hea he esco. Reun o quaes, geneen!" Riing fowa aone in he iecion of he noise, he cie, "Who coes?" "The Kaaba a Mecca," was he esponse. "We, if he Kaaba akes he oube o coe o e i is a goo oen, by he bea of Moses!" "By he bea of Moses!" uue a goup of hoseen, bowing hei ubane heas in he fis gay igh of he appoaching ay. The cavacae cose aoun he fugiive chiefain, an ove aong in sience, excep o espon o he senines. As hey passe he exee picke of he Tuks hey hae. A waobe ha been secee in a cave beyon a copse nea he oa. Disouning, he en exchange hei ubans fo caps of wof o beave skin. Thei gaiy ie jackes, such as wee won by he Tukish foo-soies, gave pace o sho fu sacks. Thei fowing, bagbooe ouses wee kicke off, eaving abbeviae beeches of eahe. In a few oens he speniy unifoe suie of a Mose bey was ansfoe ino a ough, bu exceeingy unique-ooking, ban of Abanian gueias. Scanebeg assue a hee, he sui of which caie as a evice he hea an shoues of a goasince he ies of Aexane he Gea he sybo of he powes in, o boeing upon, Maceonia. The Tukish unifos wee bune upon he cuppes fo fuue use. 56

The en soo fo a oen, each by he sie of his hose. A a oion of he office in chage hey gave he saue; ouching hei bae foeheas, an bowing o he goun. The office hen appoache Scanebeg, an, pesening his swo, sai: "Sie! o hee, as he son of ou Duke John, we give ou swos ogehe wih ou heas an ou ives." Insany evey swo was ai upon he goun; an he cisp ai ae wih he cy, "Long ive Duke Geoge! A Casio foeve!" Scanebeg gaze sieny fo a oen upon he faihfu goup. Thee was no oub of hei oyay: fo hey ha pove i by an avenue of ae aing in peneaing he Tukish cap. The face of he gea genea, usuay asking so copeey his songes feeings, os now is igiiy. His eyes wee ois; his ips ebe; evey ineaen was eoquen wih he eoion he cou neihe concea no e in wos. Afe a few oens' ipessive sience, he eune he swo o he office, an, poining weswa, cie, "owa o Abania!"

"Thank Heaven! he pan i no fai," sai he chief office, iing by he sie of he fugiive genea. "In no paicua has i faie, Coone," epie 57 Scanebeg. "An fo his evey paise is ue you wise pecauions. I have neve known bee wok of bain o neve. Wih such gan soies as you an you en, I fea nohing fo Abania. Bu you nae, Coone?" "Moses Goee," epie he office coueousy. Scanebeg eine his hose, an gave hi his han heaiy. "A an as gan as he is bave! An o I eay ook ino he face of hi who I was o have sough ou in Dibia, ha I igh e hi his wos ha been o e ike a voice fo heaven? Heaven ewa you, goo Moses! Bu you us vow o san by e ye as paieny as you have one hiheouing y aposasy. I sha nee you chaiy si; fo I a bu a euning poiga; a haf-Chisian; a an of sange ways; of a epe which I unesan no ysef, an which wi isappoin you. Pege e ha you wi be y goo ange. Counse e fanky, feaessy, as a an shou aways counse a an. Rebuke e feey: bu bea wih e in you hea, as you wou wih a chi." "I ay no avise he os capabe genea in he wo," epie Moses Goee. "I vow o obey. Le ha be y pa. As I have aeay ipeie y esaes by open opposiion o he Tukish ue, an given y ife o he ibey of y couny, so I offe a o hee, Sie, he soveeign of y hea, uni you sha be acknowege

he soveeign of Abania, an a new epie be foune on he eas of he Aiaic which sha ake he pace of he ecaying powes of Iay on he wes." 58 "The ask you paiois poposes is vas," epie Scanebeg; "oo vas fo one an an one ifeie." "Too gea fo any bu he gea Casio!" was he answe, evieny as hones as i was eveen. "Bu you o e oo uch hono, Genea, in paising y pan of eeing you. I was aby secone by y en, an especiay by wo of he. One of he was woune." "I us you speak no of a bave feow who bough e he ie an pace of he enezvous: fo I neve saw such sengh an aing in y ife." "The sae, I fea," sai Moses. "A Sevian, who I ha no known befoe yeseay. Bu he was boiing ove wih age fo he saughe of his faiy, an coene o e by ou os use scou." "Di he e you how he foun e ou, an counicae you pan o e?" "No, fo he was oo seveey hu o speak uch." "I wi e ha pa fo hi, hen," sai Scanebeg. "I was in he hoes of he figh. My own boy-gua was hown ino confusion. A feow, ca ike one of y own saff, cowe cose o y sie. His hose acuay ese agains y own, an I wou have sevee his hea fo his shoues fo his ipuen vao, ha no his oah a his beas been 'by he bea of Moses!' Seeing ha I obseve i he gune, 'A he book o he noh!' as he oge he cices of he ciees; an 'Nea he Roan oa!' he hisse as he pae he cap fo a 59 Chisian's hea wih his swo; an 'A he ninh hou o-nigh!' he shoue as he paie a hus. Befoe I ha beahing spacefo I was cosey bese a he iehe ha gone; bone back by a Spahi,[20] who envie hi his pace an euae his vao. Bu he was no skifu in using his weapon o anaging his hose. I a gieve, bu no supise, a his eceiving hu. I hough he us have faen. Bu who was he ohe?" "Yone o feow wih a huge geen uban on he sae befoe hi. If his bain wee as big as his hea-piece, he cou no have panne bee. He has we abou hee aey." "I us hank hi in peson," sai Scanebeg, iing back owa hi. "Wha!" he excaie as he fu ayigh fe upon he an's feaues, "Kabiovisch?" The o an ivee Scanebeg's copiens by an expession of soiciue fo Miosch, who he ha peie o uneake he espeae venue aeay

naae, ahough uni a few ays befoe he, being a Sevian, ha no knowege of he pojec of he Abanians. "We us hase, Sie," sai Moses. "I is avise ha you coss o he noh of he pass in he Bakans, an ake hence he vaey way beween Caaova an he Egisu. A essage fo Genea Hunyaes infos e ha eays can be povie aong he oa, an ha evey faciiy sha be given us." "Kabiovisch wi accopany us?" aske Scanebeg. 60 "On one coniion, Sie," epie he o an. "My ie aughe us go wih e: a ass of en sping ies" "Ipossibe! fo ou ie us be nigh an ay." "Then I ay foow, bu canno accopany you," sai Kabiovisch. "I nee such en as you wih e. No ue Abanian wi eay fo a chi. Couny us be chi an ohe o us a," sai he genea. The cheeks of Kabiovisch whiene; his eyes fashe. Looking Scanebeg squaey in he face, he sai quiey, bu puing inenion ino evey wo, "Geoge Casio ay ea, bu ay no ebuke he paios who have wache fo Abania wih sacifices he knows no of, whie he has been aong ou couny's eneies. An o an, hy fahe's fien befoe hou was bon, ay say ha, Sie." Scanebeg gew pae in un. He ha been unaccusoe o book insuboinaion, howeve igheous. Who ha ae o quesion hi? Who o fing he aun ino his face? The ho wos wee upon his ips. Bu he pause, a fis fo he ee habi of sef-esain. Then, because he was a wise an, an eaize ha he was no onge he yan, wih powe of ife an eah ove his soiesen who ha been hie, soen, ipesse ino he sevice, an ansfoe ino ee achiney of fesh an boobu was o be he pubic ibeao of a peope evey an of who was aeay as fee as he. Then, he ha becoe a jus an. Sange an sanguinay 61 as ha been he evens accopanying his eseion of he Tuks, he ha aken his sep ony afe a eep oa sugge. He ha evoe fo his own pas ife; an fe an inwa isgace fo wha ha been his ouwa goyhe sevice of he Mose; he espise hisef oe han any ohe peson cou. I was his sense of he jusice of Kabiovisch's ebuke ha checke he age which ha banche his face, an sen he fush o his epes, as he sowy, epie, "I bow o he eie chasiseen of you wos. You yeas an you bee ife give you icense o ue he. My fuue sha aone fo he pas. Bu canno you chi be ef safey whee she is?"

"She is safe whee she is; bu I ay no eave he wihou poviing fo he fuue. Miosch is ying in a coage bu a ie befoe us. If his wouns ae no faaas I beieve hey ae no, hough he eech hough ohewiseI ay bing he gi o hi, an si oveake you befoe you coe in sigh of he Back Mounains. I can coss his couny by pahs hough which I cou no iec you. Duing any yeas, fo jusice's sake an ou couny's, I have wanee ove hese ounains whee ony he eage's shaow has faen." "I wi sop wih you a he coage," sai Scanebeg, "fo, hough he oens ae pecious, I wou bess he bave feow fo his wok yeseay." Thee wee sevea woune Chisian soies a he ie hove. A Geek onk was ainiseing boh spiiua an physica cofo; fo Rio Monasi ha sen is inaes aong he ack of he 62 Chisian ay in spie of he insus of he Lain soies, who, hough in sigh of he coon eney of hei faih, cou no epess he eanness of hei secaian jeaousy an hae. Miosch was oing we. His wouns wee, one in he feshy pa of he shoue, he ohe a conusion on he hea, fo a bow which ha sunne hi. A few weeks wou pu hi again upon his fee, hough pehaps his fighing ays wee ove; fo he fesh woun ay acoss an ipoan usce, an wou peaneny esoy he sengh of he igh a. Miosch fe in wih he poposiion of Kabiovisch egaing Mosinia. Though a Sevian, he ha os inees in his own couny because of he vaciaing couse of he Despo, Geoge Bankovich, who was haf Chisian an haf Mose, accoing o he poicy of he oen. Miosch wou ienify hisef wih he cause of Abania, fo which he ha aeay one an suffee so uch. The wo en enee ino wha is known aong he Sevians an Abanians as "Bohehoo in Go," covenaning in he nae of Go an S. John o evoe hei ives, each o he ohe, an boh o hei coon cause. The copac was seae by each puing he ef han upon he ohe's hea, an hoing up he igh han in invocaion of he Divine winess. Kabiovisch sai: "My bohe, I coi o hy keeping ou aughe, Mosinia, hine an ine, fo hencefoh. She is a I have bu ife o shae wih hee, which aso I feey give." To his Miosch epie: 63 "My bohe, I coi o hy keeping ou boy, Consanine, hine an ine fo hencefoh. He is a I have ha I wo of o shae wih hee, bu y ife whichGo spae iI feey give." "Bisaah!"[21] sai Scanebeg. "An if he gi an he boy wee he ones I saw aseep in each ohe's as by he fie he ohe nigh, he copac is goo fo wo geneaions a eas."

I was agee ha, upon his sufficien ecovey, Miosch shou bing he chien fo he cap of Hunyaes o Abania. The ie by he Viosh an Rio Mounains whee he ighy anges of he Bakans, he Uppe Msian, an he Rhoope ae hown cose ogehe, was sufficieny gan o engoss he eye an in of he ashing ies. Thus os of he ay was passe in sience, boken ony by he cae of he hoses' hoofs agains he ocks; he oa of cascaes aking hei awfu punge hunes of fee fo he pecipices; he copain of ives fa own a he boo of avines, feing beneah he pison oof of ice an snow; an goious pines, puing he bow of cag an ege, hough which he eveasing wins beahe he ige ove faen epies of en. As hey foce hei way up a ong an eious ascen, Scanebeg joine Kabiovisch an sai: "To eieve he eiu of his sow pa of he jouney you us e e abou ha ass you wou no eave fo he ove of Abania. A swee face as I saw i. I cou have un off wih i ysef, ha I no ohe business on han. An I can paon a fahe's 64 hea fo cinging vey cosey o such a chi. You wi foge y ue speech a whie ago. I paye wih a ie ass ike ha when I was a boy. The face of you chi, ha nigh I wache fo you, caie e back o hose happy ays. I cou see y ie swee-hea in he; hough hiy yeas have hown hei shaows of ak evens acoss y eoy." Kabiovisch une faiiay o Scanebeg wih he quey, "May I ea you houghs, Sie?" "Yes, he is wecoe o o so who can fin y sou beneah his baee face." "Tha chi was he fai Maa, he aughe of he nobe Geoge Cenoviche, whose case uins ie now by he shoe of Ochia. A I no igh?" "Righ! bu I knew no of he fa of he fahe's house. Can you e e augh of he hisoy of y ie aien. If she ives, she us be a gooy aon now." "Yes, I can e he soy an oe. She aie he nobe Musache e Seeses, whose case once soo nea he Skaa."[22] "Ah! I have hea of his sa fae," epie he genea. "Oh, fo vengeance on hese viains who have espoie he an! Musache e Seeses was he iches of a he an-ownes on he coas of Aia, he sou of hono, a genuine paio, wih who y fahe he confienia inecouse. His puse an swo wee feey offee fo sevice agains he Tuk. I was a favoie schee of y fahe o soe ay unie ou faiies. I hea ha y nephew, 65 Aesa, has becoe possesse of hose esaes, being aso nephew o De Seeses, who was sain by he Tuks. Bu y faiy, Maa, you sai

was aie o De Seeses. I was she, hen, who, wih he infan chi, was kie by he Tuks uing he ai?" "Nobe Casio! De Seeses an he Lay Maa wee uee, fouy, eacheousy," sai he o an, eining his hose, an speaking wih eibe passion. "Oh, o ake vengeance!" excaie Scanebeg. "By he fai face of Maa! his, wih he housan ohe ues of hese yeas, sha be washe ou, if y swo ains a yia veins of Tukish boo o ake sue of his who suck so bua a bow!" "You swo nee no seach so wie as ha," sai Kabiovisch. "The faiy of De Seeses wee uee by hans we boh know bu oo we." "How know you, Kabiovisch?" The an eove his cap as if inviing he inspecion of his face, an, oweing his voice, epie, "I a no Kabiovisch, I a Anau." "Anau, he foese of De Seeses? Anau, whose shoues I besoe befoe I eve oune a see?" excaie Scanebeg, uning his hose an sopping, bu a his copanion's oion inicaing cauion, oweing his one, an oving cose besie hi. "The sae, Sie. An he Tuks who uee he nobean an his beauifu wife wee no such Tuks as you have been accusoe o coan. Too whie of skin an oo back of hea wee hey. I wou no say his, bu ha I give you aso y easons 66 fo so gave an accusaion. Tuks in aiing o no isciinae in hei epeaions; bu hese hae no a eaf beyon he case of De Seeses. No o Tuks swea by S. John, as I hea one of he o as he cuse a feow viain fo soe sip in he pan. No again wou Tuks, seeking ony fo pune, have shown as uch eageness o ki he ie babe as hey i o say is fahe; an his hey i, seaching even aong he ashes fo evience ha he iny bones ha been sufficieny chae o peven hei ecogniion. Bu he chi was no in he case a he ie. My goo wife was sucking ihe Lay Maa being of eicae coniion an ha nigh he babe was a he oge. As soon as he cooion was hea a he case he chi was hien in he copse." "Bu whee is his chi now?" aske Scanebeg eagey. "You have gaze upon he by y cap-fie, sie; an you sou saw in he face ha of he saine Maa, hough you eyes eece he no." "An you know he pepeao of his anabe ee?" aske Scanebeg.

"I ay no say I know, since you nobe fahe efuse o beieve ha any ohe han Tukish hans i i. Bu he who possesses he esae now knows oo uch of his affai o hank Go in his payes fo his inheiance. I save he chi; ye Lo Aesa has swon ha once a Tuk who fe beneah his swo in a pivae baw confesse o hi ha his hans ha sange he infan on he nigh of he ai. Soe one ineese ha suspicion of whee he uh ay, fo y own co was aie, an y wife 67 sain one nigh uing y absence. Bu he chi was safe esewhee. Since hen, knowing ha he ife was secue ony hough he being secee, I have been a wanee. A pice was secey se upon y hea by Aesa. In he ounains of Maceonia, in he pass of he Bakans, have I kep wach ove y sace chage. I wan no o see Abania, bu as I can see jusice one in Abania. Theefoe I sai I wou go ony if he ass igh go wih e, an une he song poecion of a Casio who knows he uh, whose vey sou ecognize he chi of Maa." "The chi's ife sha be as sace o e as if Maa ha becoe y wife as she vowe in he pay, an he chi wee y own," sai Scanebeg. "Bu his pepexes ou cause. Aesa is one of ou baves, wiies voivoes. To anagonize hi wih his o chage wou ipei y ecepion wih he peope an he ibey of ou an. Bu I pege you, y goo Anau, ha hough vengeance wais, i sha no seep. In he ie when i sha be os sevee upon he offene, an os honoabe o he nae of Abanian jusice, he bo sha fa." I was eaiy foeseen by boh ha ony a he pei of he ife cou Mosinia be aowe o accopany he fose fahe, Anau o Kabiovisch, o he cap of Casio. The foe foese wou be ecognize an suspicion a once excie as o he peson of his wa. I was, heefoe, eeine ha she shou be oicie safey in a ie hae on he boes of Abania, whee he hisoy was unknown; an ha, o eue suspicion, Miosch an he boy, Consanine, shou accopany he, as he fahe an bohe, 68 neihe of who knew he ue hisoy. The "Bohehoo in Go" beween Kabiovisch an his o neighbo gave sufficien waan fo Miosch's cai o paeniy.

Bu whie hese efugees fo he ie hae on he ounains wee so favoe of goo Povience, wha of he ohes? Ou soy us eun o he ay of he bae in he Pass of Saiza. Mohe Heena fe beneah he swo of a Tuk whie efening hesef fo his insus. The boy, Michae, wih as boun above he ebows an awn back so ha, whie eaining he use of his hans, he cou no fee hisef, was iven aong wih ohes une gua of sevea soies. As hey escene he ounains he ban of capives was seaiy incease by conibuions fo he coages an hiing paces aong he way. They wee osy boys an gis, he o en an woen having been sain o ef o peish in he ue esoaion which ake he ack of he ay. Soe of he capives wee chien oo young o enue he ap, an wee caie upon he hoses of he oune soies. No one

was eae unkiny. Afe he fis ay hei bans wee unie so ha hey ove wihou weainess. They shae he bes of he soies' aionssoeies feasing whie hei capos fasean wee snugy wappe in he 69 bankes by he capfies a nigh. The aiy ach, afe he Chisian ay ha abanone he pusui, was of bu a few ies, wih ong inevas fo es. Inee, Michae hough ha he oopes wee oe anxious abou his being kep in goo coniion, even in fesh an coey appeaance, han Mohe Heena wou have been. As hey appoache Phiippopois hey wee a ae o wash a a sea. Thei ae ocks wee cobe:a ha job wih he ass of ebeious e bises which soo abou Michae's hea, ike a nibus on he wooen iage of soe Roish sain. In soe insances he capos wen ino he ciy an eune wih pey skis of bigh cooe woo o sik, an caps ae of shes an beas fo he gis. anasic enough wee he cosues an oies which he ough o oopes foce upon he ie aiens; bu if hey wee peasing o he capos hey wou pove, pehaps, as peasing o he ough save buyes in he ake squae of Phiippopois, who puchase he gis fo isposa again a he haes of he capia. An office of excise pesie ove hese saes, an, befoe he popey was eivee o he puchase, eaine one-fifh he pice as he shae of he Suan. If any of he gis wee, in he jugen of he office, of pecuia beauy o poise, hey wee eseve fo he oya hae; he vaue of he being pai o hei capos ou of he ax evie upon he ohes. This gave occasion fo he exavagan an ofen uicous cosues in which he ivese ases of he soies aaye hei capives fo he cones of beauy. The boys, howeve, wee no so. They wee he 70 specia popey of he Suan, o be aine as Janizaies fo iiay sevice, o epoye in enia posiions abou he oya seagio. The capos eceive ewas accoing o he nube an gooy coniion of he as hey bough in. The ban of boys o which Michae was aache was ache a once o Aianope. Sevea hunes wee gahee in a gea squae cou, which was suoune by baacks on hee sies, an on he fouh face he ive Maissa. A gea soup kee, he ebe of he Janizay cops, was oune upon a poe in he cene of he squae, an seee o chaenge he honos of he gi sa an cescen, he ebe of oyay, ha geae fo he a saff in an ajacen cou of he seagio. Thee wee scaee abou uensis fo oesic use; he oos of capenes, backsihs, aoes, haness-akes an hose-shoes; o swos, baee hees, boken wagons, bow-guns, he figue heas of veean baeing as; inee a he use an isuse eviences ha wihin hese was ive a sef-susaining couniy, abe o povie fo heseves in wa o in peace. o sevea ays he new boys wee fe wih eicious ik an eas, pepae by skifu hans of o soies, who knew he a of nusing he sick aos as we as hey knew ha of aking wouns. o a few nighs he as sep upon sof ivans, uni evey ace of weainess fo he jouney ha isappeae. They wee hen sippe nake an exaine caefuy by he sugeons. If one wee efoe, o i-

popoione, o faie o give poise of a song 71 consiuion, he was aken away o be aine as a woinak o uge of he caps. Pehaps hee-fouhs of he enie nube in Michae's copany wee hus bane fo ife wih an avese esiny. The oe favoe as wee gae ino ojaks, o esses; an aong he wee aiy coness in unning an wesing, accoing o he esus of which he ojaks wee consany changing hei ebes; he songes an os agie iving ogehe in honoay isincion fo hei feows. The offices in chage of hese Janizay schoos wee o o cippe en, who yeas o wouns ha enee unfi fo sevice in he fie, an who wee assigne o he easie ask in copensaion fo pas fieiy. The spii of he veeans was hus infuse ino he young ecuis by consan conac an faiiaiy wih he; an he igi habis of he afe sevice wee acquie aos insensiby hough he aiy i an iscipine. Michae's ugge heah an ounain aining enabe hi o avance apiy hough he vaious gaes. Though aos he younges in his copany, he was he fis in he ace, an no one cou ake hi fo his fee in he wesing ach. "A suy ie Giaou," sai o Sei, a fa an gouy Janizay, he ceases of whose oube chin wee goo copanions o he sabe-sca acoss his cheek. "Ay, ough an hany!" espone Musapha, an o capain of he cops, oging Michae wih his wiowe eye, an soking his bea wih his equay beeave han, as he wache he boy wigging fo beneah o he op of a copanion neay oube his 72 size. "If he ie feow is as agie in wi as he is in ib he wi no ong be aong he Agiaogans.[23] A speni bui! boa in he shoues; eepchese, bu no fa; naow oins; copac hipsjus he ake of a ion. As ihe a a as you wee once, y now eephanine Sei, when Bajaze soe you fo you Hungaian hoe. Ah! you have change soewha since he o Paishah ha you fo his page. I eebe when you wais was as i as a squie'sbu nowfo he ook of you paunch I wou hink you wee he soie who ank up he poo woan's suppe of goa's ik, an ha his bey ippe open by he Paishah o iscove his gui.[24] Ony goa's ik swes ike ha. Le us see if soe of he bue sicks no ye o you ibs," sai he o soie, aking a pass a his coae's ie. "Tha's no a ue soie's pass, o sike so ow," sai Sei, aughing. "Bu you, Musapha, wee once a bee unne han yon a wi eve be." "I was as goo wih y egs as wih y as," epie he veean, pease wih he copien, an foning his bae caves wih his han. "Bu a wha ach i you see e un?"

"I ony saw you un once," sai Sei, "an ha was a Angoa, when Tiou he Lae[25] was afe you o ge you ugy hea fo he pyai of skus he ef hee as a onuen. Bu see he a! He osses he big one as a panhe oppes an ox. We have no ha his ach in he schoo since Scanebeg was a boy." 73 "Poo Scanebeg!" sai Musapha. "How now!" inquie Sei, "is hee any news fo hi?" "Yes. He has e his fis efea. He was in coan a he as bae une he Bakans. Caabey go fas in a bog, in he fis bae, an Scanebeg was unabe o eee he efea in he secon. Bu he ive no o know i. He sen a hos of gibbeing Giaou ghoss o he whie on his way o heaven. 'In he cossing of he ciees hee is he gae of paaise,' says he Koan; an, hough his boy cou no be foun, he wen hough he gae, beyon a oub." "Tha is a oss, coae, he Paishah can neve ake goo wih any an in he sevice. Bu have you no noe, Musapha, ha Scanebeg neve fough so we agains Chisians as agains he Caaanians, he Keians an ebeious Tuks. In Anaoia I have seen his ips bus wih boo,[26] hough shee age of figh; bu in Sevia he seee isess an wihou hea fo he fay. The Gan Vizie has noe i, an wie hi wih eebeing oo we ha he was Chisian bon." "An how i he ake ha?" "Why, he coo cae o his face; his ips swee; his whoe boy shook;jus as I have seen hi when copee o esain hisef fo heaing a chage, because he bes oen fo i ha no aive." "Di he Vizie ake noe of his anne?" "Yes, an spoke of i o he Paishah. Auah ooke oube, an I ovehea hi say, 'I us 74 no beieve i, fo I nee hi. No ohe genea can ach Hunyaes.' An he Paishah sai we; an he ha one we if he ha aken he Vizie's hea fo his shoues fo such an insinuaion. o Scanebeg ony haf oya wee bee han a he es of he geneas icking he Paishah's fee. Bu, Musapha, we us ain he ie evi yone o foge ha he eve hea he nae of Jesu, Son of May, excep fo he Koan." "Le us see if he has as uch couage as he has caiage," sai Musapha. "The ay is one fi fo he wae es. Le us have he squa on he ive's bank. If you wi bing he, I wi go an aange he es."

"I is oo co, an besies I o no ike i," sai Sei. "I have known soe of he bes an hoes boo ha eve boie in a chi's veins o be chie foeve by i. I is oo sevee, excep fo ou." "Bu i is coane. An o-ay is as i as we sha have fo a whoe oon ye," was he epy, as Musapha ove owa he wae. The ive Maissa was covee wih hin ice, no song enough o bea he weigh of a peson. A young woinak ha aache a sa e fag o a bock of woo, an whie i ou ove he sippey suface soe hee os fo he shoe. The boys gahee nake an shiveing a he baack oos, an, a a signa wee o ash afe he fag. A hesiae a he sange an cue coan, uni a whip, snapping cose o hei bae backs, sae he. Soe sippe an fe upon he ough an icy sones of he paving in he cou. Ohes hae a he ive's ege. Ony a few venue upon he bie ice; an hey, as i 75 boke beneah he, scabe back o he shoe. One o wo faine in he shock of he co punge, an wee awn in by he woinaks. Bu hee pesse on, beaking he ice befoe he wih hei as, o wih he whoe weigh of hei boies, as hey cibe upon is bie ege. Soon hey wee beyon hei eph; one ae o go no fuhe, an, bue an beeing, gave up he chase. The pize ay beween Michae an his copanion. This boy was age an oe han he; an fining ha he ice wou susain his weigh, seche hisef on i, an cawe fowa uni he gaspe he fag. Bu he oenay pause, as he eache i fo he wooen bock an pu i beween his eeh, was sufficien o aow he cacking bige o beak beneah hi; an he sunk ou of sigh. A he sae insan Michae isappeae. Though sevea yas fo his copanion, he punge beneah he ice, an eappeae caying he fag in his eeh an hoing his coae's hea above he wae uni he woinaks cou each an escue he boh. "Bavo!" shoue he aenans. The boys wee huie ino he baacks, an given a ho ink ae fo a ecocion of song ins; whie he woinaks seae hei boies wih he sae, an ubbe he uni he shock of hei exposue was couneace by he geneous eun of he naua hea. "I hough," sai o Musapha, "ha we wou have owne soe o-ay. I is a cue cuso; bu i is woh onhs of ohe pacices o fin ou a a's cea gi an powe of enuance. The wo boys who go he fag wi soe ay becoe as vaian as 76 ouseves, eh, Sei?" an he iving eye of he veean noe o he epy socke acoss his nosehe neaes appoach o a wink he was capabe of. "As he boys wee founeing in he wae," sai Sei, "I hough of a scene which I saw abou a he sae sponow hee scoe yeas have gone since ifo i was jus afe I was bough ino he Janizay's schoo. Ou Paishah's gea ganfahe, he fis Auah, ha eece a high sea o hone on he ive's bank yone. You know ha Saouji, he Paishah's son, ha joine he Geeks; bu he young aio was capue. We! o Auah bae he execuione pass he e ho ion befoe his son's eyes uni he sigh was ie up in he. Then, whie he bin pince was

goping abou an begging fo ecy, he Paishah, his fahe, coane a cice of swosen o be foe abou hi, swinging hei ciees, so ha his hea wou fa by he han of hi who he chance o appoach. Thus i igh be sai, ha since he was a king's son, he ha use he pincey piviege of seecing his own execuione. An having hus se he an exape of paena uy, Auah coane he fahes of he Geek youhs, who he ha capue, o cu off he heas each of his own son. Those whose fahes wee no known o cou no be foun, wee ie ogehe in goups an hown ino he sea; he Paishah being heaviy wih he Gan Vizie upon hose who shou foa he onges. So, cue hough ou cusos ae, you see, Musapha, we ae no so babaic as ou ancesos." "No so aboinaby vicious as he Geeks," sai 77 Musapha. "Wih he he oving ohes pu ou he eyes of hei chien.[27] No, we ae quie gene nuses of he as coie o ou chage, hough soeies ou ige caws wi pick hough he veve." "Coe, hep e up! goo Musapha," sai Sei, ying o ise fo a bench in he sunshine of he cou whee hey wee siing. "The co siffens y bones." "Bah! coae, you have no bones, ony fesh an bey. How wi you baance you fa huk on he bige ha is fine han a hai an shape han he ege of a swo ha akes you ove he ino paaise? I fea e, Sei, ha I sha have o conen ysef wih he copany of he Pophe an he houis in heaven, fo you wi neve ge hee, uness I give you a if acoss A Sia,"[28] sai Musapha, giving his coae a jek which sen hi fa ou ino he cou, whee wih ifficuy he kep his fee upon he sippey sones. The o feow ook he ough pay goo-nauey, an epie, "You wi neve see paaise, Musapha. The houis wi have nough o o wih so ugy a face as yous. I wi un he a squin-eye o ook a you." "Do you hink I know no he a of ove-aking?" sai Musapha, siking he aiue of a fashionabe young an of he ay. Sei oae wih aughe. "Musapha aking ove? The hing is ipossibe; since, if he houi 78 be in he sunshine of you goo eye, you have no a on ha sie o ebace he; an if you ebace he wih he a you have go, you have no eye on ha sie o ook upon he beauy. Tus e, you o oue peacock, ha I sha ge ove A Sia befoe Musapha has foun a houi" "His!" sai Musapha, poining o he enance of he squae fo he seagio cou ajoining, an assuing an aiue of he gaves igniy. In a oen oe he wo offices kne, an esing hei foeheas on he goun, eaine in ha posiion uni a a of soe weve yeas appoache he an ouche he hea of each wih his foo, biing he ise.

"I have coe, goo Sei, o see wha new houns you have fo e," sai he young Pince Mahoe.[29] "Ah! y ie Hoonkeaw![30] he Pophe, you naesake, has sen you a fine one; as ihe as a geyhoun an as song as a asiff; an, if I isake no, aeay aine fo he gae; fo he cae fo he Bakans, whee foxes un wi when an whee hey wi." "Tha is capia. I sha ike hi," cie he pince, wih eigh. "I us see hi." "No o-ay, you highness; fo he boys ae une he eech's chage. They have been pu o he wae-es, an ae a packe snugy in hei bes." "The wae-es, Sei, an you cae e no?" sai he boy, ooking fuious in his age. "You knew I wane o see i; an you o e no fo 79 spie. You wi pay fo his one ay, you fa viain! An I wan he hun now. I cae fo i; i I no, Yusef?" aessing a eunuch, an o an wih ashen face an ecepi boy, bu gogeousy aaye, who accopanie he pince as his consan aenan. "We us wai, I suppose," sai he an, wih a supeciious one an oss of his hea, as if o even speak in he pesence of he soies wee a egaaion o his igniy. "To-oow we wi have he hun in bee sye han we cou aange i now wee he boys abe," sai Sei, eneavoing o appease he young yan. The pince an his esco ove away wihou eigning a epy "I is bes no o insis," sai he eunuch. "A wise axi I wi give hee, y pince: Bewae of eaning he ipossibecheck back even he esie of i. The ue of he Janizay schoo is ha he boys have es afe he wae-es, an he Paishah wou no aow even his own son o beak i. I wou ain hee o sef-coan; fo he ie ay coe when hou sha coan he epie. You bohe, Aain, is oa." "So you aways inefee wih e. You hae e, Yusef; I know you o. I wish he boys ha a been owne in he ive, an o Sei, an you oo," cie he oya a, giving way o an oubus of chiish age. "Wai uni hou cans ge he bi beween hy eeh befoe aeping o un hine own gai," cooy epie he o eunuch.



Beyon he was of he seagio ay he oya huning gouns. Many aces of he ciy wee encose wihin high was of cayey eah, packe ino huge squae bocks an ie in he sun; on he op an ousie of which bise a iniaue abais of picky vines. Soe pas of his pak wee aone wih evey eegance ha he a of anscape gaening cou evise. In he sue season hese poions wee covee wih foa beauies, inespese wih wae-jes, which osse he igh sive bas ike faiy jugges; boa basins spaking wih go fish; an waks eaing o ie kiosks an abos. Even is wine shou cou no concea fo he iaginaion wha us have been is iving beauy in sue. The geae pa of his eseve was, howeve, ef in is naua sae. Gnae o oive ees wise heseves ike huge sepens above he ense copses of ee an haze bushes. Dusky basas ose in pyais, oveoppe by he pines, which spea hei banches ike ubeas. Hee an hee wee open fies, encubee wih sine unebush, an eihe boken wih ou-copping ocks, o sooh wih sips of eaow an now whie an gisening une he snow. This secion of he pak pesene a fascinaing appeaance on he ay of he fox-hun. Scoes of as fo he Janizay schoo wee hee, esse in a shaes of bighcooe jackes, an sho ouses bagge a he knees; he owe pa of he ibs being 81 poece wih cose-fiing sockings of eahe, einaing in igh, bu song, sanas. Each woe a sku cap o fez of e fanne, fo he op of which an own he back hung a asse, ha, by is engh an ichness, inicae soe pize won by is weae in pevious gaes. O soies gahee hee an hee in goups; soe, he Janizaies, weaing a suga-oaf-shape has of gay; ohes, whie ubans, o geen ones, inicaing ha hei possessos ha ae a hoy pigiage o Mecca. Eegan bunooses, o seeveess coaks, of whie, back, oange an yeow siks, fuee in he win o wee gahee a he wais by ich sashes, fo which hung gea ciees. Nea an open spo was a san, o unning gaey, encose in aice-wok, fo behin which he aies of he hae cou winess he spos, heseves unseen. The pesence of hese invisibe beauies was inicae by he siff, saigh fos of he back eunuchs, whose faces appeae above hei whie coaks ike heas of ebony on saues of aabase. Pince Mahoe oe a hose, sa bu copacy bui, wih hea an ane suggesive of he powe of his we-oune usces; si ankes, seeingy bee aape o cay he ighe fo of a ee; je back, in songes conas wih he whie unic an gaiy eboiee jacke of he ie pince, as we as wih he sae-coh of pupe sik, in which he sa an cescen wee wough wih heas of go. Wih ey shou he young yan chase he boys, who, caying wans ecoae wih ibbons, an ahea of hi o cea he way. "So i wi be if he eve coes o he hone," sai 82 Sei o a coae. "Mahoe II. wou foow no one. Thee wou be no use of vizies an geneas, an he wou

even aep o ive he Janizaies ike his sheep. I is we ha Aain is he ee." "Bu woe o Aain if Mahoe ives afe his bohe coes o he hone," sai he an aesse. "Wih such fie-boxes abou hi one cou jusify he pacice of a soveeign inauguaing his eign by he saughe of his nex of kin."[31] The woinaks bough in sevea caes, wih aice sies, conaining he foxes, which, one by one, wee o be e oose fo he chase; he boys o ac he pa of houns, an ive he gae fo he hickes, in which hey wou nauay ake efuge, ou ino he open space, an wihin aow ange of he pince. Mahoe, by consan pacice, ha acquie gea exeiy in anaging his see, an aos uneing ai in using he bow fo he hose's back. A speni e fox was hus ou of he cae. o a oen he eaine couching an ebing in his figh a he cow; hen ae sueny fo he unebush. The boys, iiaing he shap cy o poonge baying of a pack of houns, scaee in iffeen iecions; soe isappeaing in he copse; ohes saioning heseves a he openings o un-ways whee hey hough he ania wou appea. The buge of he whie eunuch, who was consany nea he pince, kep a infoe of his posiion, so ha eyna igh be iven owa hi. In a few oens he aow of Mahoe ai hi ow. A secon fox was ibeaeike any of he Suan's 83 nobe ceauesony o fy o his speey execuion. The hi ania was an o one, who pesise in aking he iecion opposie o ha in which he chases wou ive hi. Again an again, as he boys cose abou hi, he ashe hough he hickes of hei egs, eaving he ube ogehe in a heap. A one ie he spang hough he opening a which Michae, suying he icks of he quick-wie bue, ha saione hisef. Suen as wee his oveens, he young ounainee's wee no ess so; fo, ike a veiabe houn, he hew hisef boiy upon he pey. Passing his igh han beneah he enie engh of he ania's boy fo he ea, he gaspe his fon eg an ben i back beneah hi; a he sae ie using his whoe weigh o keep he ania's hea cose o he goun, so as o escape his fangs. He ha aken oe han one beas in a siia way fo he hoes in he o ounain pass. In he excieen of he spo he now fogo ha he was eey o enabe anohe o ge he gae wihou effo o ange. Pince Mahoe oe o he spo owa which he fox ha une, an, in a suen oubus of ange a his inefeence wih his sho, ove he aow a he wo as hey wee sugging on he goun. The whiing bab cu he a of Michae befoe i enee he hea of he pey. The shap cy of pain uee by he a ecae Mahoe fo his insane age. The ushing aenans showe piy fo Michae, bu no one venue a eonsance agains his ac of ipeia cowaice an cuey. A oen's exainaion showe ha he a's woun was no seious, being ony a cu hough he fesh. Bu as he pao of his 84 figh ie away fo

his face, i was foowe by a eep fush of ange. Teas of vexaion fie his eyes. His gance of scon was hay swife han his eap: fo, wih a boun, his as wee aoun he pince's boy, whie his weigh agge hi fo he sae o he goun. Mahoe, ising, ew a jewee agge, an ae sevea hasy passes a his assaian, who, howeve, exousy avoie he. The posing of he as wou have one jusice o he fae of pofessiona gaiaos. The pince pesse upon his anagonis wih incessan huss, which, by skifu eeaing an paies wih his bae a, Michae avoie; uni, wih a inging bow upon Mahoe's wis, he sen he weapon fo his han, an cose wih hi; he pince faing o he goun beneah he geae sengh of Michae. The specaos a his poin inefee. As hey ose he eunuch gaspe he ie vico, an shaking hi, cie: "I wi cu he hoa of he Giaou cub of he." Bu he one han of o Musapha was upon he eunuch's hoa, an his one eye fashe ike a ischaging cuvein, as he cie, "Ha I anohe han o o i wih, I wou cu yous, you whie-face ibecie! Don' you know ha he boy beongs o he Janizaies? an woe o hi who is no a Janizay ha ays a han on hi!" "The pince's hono us be avenge," wheeze ou he eunuch beween he finge gips of he o soie. "I cae no fo he Janizay, hough you wee he Aga[32] hisef, insea of a uiae save." 85 The eunuch ha awn his agge, an was woking his han ino a posiion whence he cou sike, when o Sei's han gaspe his. "None of ha eachey, o we wi e ou of you epous skin wha anhoo is ef in you, you boch on you ace! Touch one hai of Back Khai's[33] chien an you ie ike he og you ae. Le hi go, Musapha! His cowa hoa is no pace fo you o soi a bave han. We wi ge a snake o sange hi; a buzza o pick his gain of a sou ou of his vie cacass;[34] an ass o kick hi o eah. We us obseve he popieies." "Paon y hea!" sai he eunuch. "My zea fo y pince has e e oo fa." "No a a!" sai Sei. "I is peasan o see ha you have soe hea in you co booe oa naue." "I is bee fo us o eie," sai he eunuch o Mahoe. "I sha soun he signa fo he cose of he gaes." Mahoe soo subbony fo awhie; hen uning o Michae sai in a one which was sangey wihou a shae of ange o peuance in i:

"Say, young Giaou, you an I us have his ou soe ay." Michae cou no hep a haf-siing ecogniion of he boyish chaenge, an epie: "I have seen oe foxes han you have, an know soe icks I in' show you o-ay." 86 As hey ove ou of he pak, Yusef eivee a bief ecue o his pincey pupi. "Hak hee, y ase. I wan hee, ha hou have an eye aways open an a han aways cose o he Janizaies. They have gown fo being he hee o hink ha hey ae he hea of he sae. They icae o hy fahe, he Paishah, an snub he vey Vizie. I wou have kie boh hose o ibecies, bu ha i wou no have been poiic. I a ga, oo, ha hou is no e hy agge fin he hea of he Bakan boy. Tha wou no have been poiic. o, Aah gan! hou ayes one ay be Paishah. Then his ay wou be eebee agains us." "Bu, Yusef, I i no spae he boy. I hink he spae e; an if I eve ge o be Paishah, I wi ake hi y vizie, fo his ceveness. I wou be a piy ha so bave a an wee esewhee han a y igh han. Though he angee e awfuy a he oen, I sha ike ha feow. Di you see how he gippe he fox wih his bae as? He us each e how o o ha. Was i beween he hin egs he hus his han, o acoss he beas's boy? I cou no see fo y being so a because he spoie fo e a fine unning sho." "Thou a a sange chi, Mahoe. Thou seees o have fogoen ha he boy eape a hy hoa, an wou have on ou hine eyes, bu ha hou was oe vaian han he." "We, I shou espise hi as whie-ivee an ik-gae if he ha no spung a e," sai Mahoe. "Has no evey nobe feow quick boo, as we as a pince, Yusef? Tha boy sha be ine. 87 He sha each e his icks, an I sha give hi a y sweeeas; fo hey ge none of such hings in he schoo." "Ah! y ie pince, hy hea is as fu of wi as a fig is of sees. Thou a gife o know an use en. One ha is bon o ue us ake his passion ben o poicy. He us no aow hisef he peasue of haing hose who he can use. Bu ake hee of his:who he canno use he us no ove." "Bu I was no bon o ue, Yusef. If so, I wou have been bon eaie, befoe y bohe Aain cie in his nuse's as, an wou no be cofoe uni hey ha covee he sof spo on his bae hea wih a pape cown. Do you beieve in oens, Yusef?" "No in such; ony in eas," sai he eunuch.

"We; I eae ha ou wo heasyous an ine, Yusefwee ogehe on a pike-saff, ginning a Aain's coonaion." "Nonsense, chi!" sai he eunuch, his whie face beaching a shae whie une he hough, as hey passe hough he gaeway ino he seagio gouns.

The physica aining of he young Janizaies consise in such aiy execises as wou eveop sengh an ieessness of usce, seainess of neve, keenness an accuacy of eye, as we as gace of ien. They wee aso augh by expe woken a he as 88 of aiy nee; o ake as we as o use he bow; o i an baance he aow; o foge, epe, an shapen he swo; o shoe he hose; o ake an en hei cohing an he enie appings of hei sees; o bui an anage he keeess kaiks[35] which ae ike fishes hough he suface of he ive; o bin afs ino ponoons fo he cossing of seas; o eap an gin he gain, an cook hei foo. Any specia aen o aapabiiy was noe by he insucos, an he Janizaies encouage o aain o ae expeness in singe as. The aining in as was especiay sevee, an une ases in fencing, achey, iing, swiing, aching, epoyinghe abes acicians, whose wouns o age peie hei absence fo acive capaigns, being foun aways a he hea of he vaious epaens. The Janizay, whie a ee a in yeas, was ofen oe han a ach in singe coba fo he os sawa en in ohe cops, such as he Pia an Azabs aong fooen, he Ououfeji an Akinji aong oopes. Bu, nowihsaning his iniviua powess an abiion wee siuae o he highes egee, hey wee iscipine o abjec obeience wihin he cops. Each one was as a pa of soe inicae echanis, a ove by one sping, which was he wi of he chief Aga. A a oen's noice hey us sa, in copanies o aone; on iiay expeiions, o sece sevice as spies an scous; i igh be o he ecesses of Asia o he uppe Danube; o assai fos o o conuc inigues; having aways bu one incenive, 89 ha of he coon sevice an he coon goy. To eveop in he sae peson hese wo seeingy anagonisic quaiiesof inenses iniviuaiy an abjec subseviency o hei oeequie he shewes anipuaion of he in an wi of he cae fo his eaies enoen in chihoo. As ceain expe hose-aines cono he spii of nobe sees, wihou exinguishing any of hei fiey ao, an e he sece of hei powe o hose who coe afe he in he gui, so fo he ays of Back Khai his aveous syse of iscipine ha been pepeuae aong he cops, poucing bu aey a weaking an as aey a ebe. Michae eane his fis esson in suboinaion upon he eun fo he hun. Whie he Janizay offices wee no ispease wih he powess he ie feow

ha shown, even agains he pince, i was foeseen ha such an ipeuous naue neee he cub. o hee ays he was confine o a oo in soiue an sience. No one spoke o isene o hi. His ony aenan was an o an, boh eaf an ub, who evieny knew nohing an cae nohing fo Michae's offence o is punishen. Duing his ie he a's suspense was eibe. Was he o be kie fo having assaue he pince? Wou hey ake hi o he oue? Pehaps his o an ha been guiy of soe such offence, an hey ha cu his ongue an boe ou his eas! He ha hea of he seaing ion passe befoe he eyes, an hen he ife-ong akness. When he sep his ovewough iaginaion fabicae hoi eas in 90 which he was he vici of evey species of cuey. He fancie ha he was being eaen by a kenne of foxes, o who he is given evey ay uni hei hunge sha be saisfie; hen aken away an eseve fo hei nex ea. He ie o copue how any ays he wou as. Soeies he iagine ha he was expose nake in he co, an ae o san ay an nigh on he ice of he Maissa, uni he shou be fozen: bu his hea is so ho wih his ebe spii ha i wi no feeze. Once he hough ha Pince Mahoe cae each ay an sabbe hi wih ha pea-se agge he ew on hi a he hun. His eas wee oo fighfu o aow hi o seep ong a a ie; ye, when awake, his feas wee such ha he onge o ge back again aong he eibe ceaues of his fancy. Oh, ha soe one wou speak o hi, an e hi his fae! He wou wecoe he wos oue, if ony he cou be aowe o ak o he oue. Afe a whie age ook he pace of, o a eas began o aenae wih, fea. He egee ha he ha no kie he ipuen pince. "Thee sans his hose," he wou say o hisefaking a ine on he wa"now I eap; seize his agge; sike hi o he hea; an, befoe hey can sop e, punge i ino y own hea, so! Ah! when I a ou of his pace I wi ki hi! I wi! an go own o he wih hi!" An he ie fae wou swe, an he eyes gea wih eoniaca igh hough he usky chabe. Thee ae eep paces even in a chi's souay, booess ephswhich, when unfee by epaion, 91 ae so anqui an cea ha he kininess an joy of heaven ae efece in he, waaning he saying of he o Jewish Rabbis, "Evey chi is a pophe of he pue an oving Go." Bu when isube by a sense of wong an injuy, hese ephs in a chi's hea ay age as a caon ho wih he fies of he; as a geyse pouing ou he wah an hae which we conceive o be bon ony in he nehe wo. Afe a ie Michae's fuy ie away. Anohe feeing ook is pacehe cushing sense of his ipoence. His wi seee o be boken by he vioence of is own spas. He was sunne by his eaizaion of weakness. He fe wih his face o he co sones of he foo, oaning a fis, bu soon passing ino a waking supo in which

ony consciousness eaine: hopeess, puposeess, wihou enegy o sive, an wihou sengh o cya pefecy passive spii. The cenipee ha cawe fo he usy cevice of he was, an aise haf his boy o ook a he sange figue ying hee, igh have coane hi. The spie igh have capue hi, an spun abou his sou a web of esiny, if ony he cou have conveye a hough of i fo his iny eyes. o, as he boy fains, so aso oes he spii une he pessue of woe. The o ue bough in he ea on he hi ay, pace i besie hi, an eie. An hou ae he eune an foun he bea unase; he chi in he sae aiue, bu no aseep. He ouche hi wih his foo, bu evoke no sign ha his pesence was ecognize. He gaze fo a few oens; hen 92 shook his hea ike an aisan who, upon inspecing soe piece of wok he has been aking, is no saisfie wih i. He suone Sei. The o soie, fining ha his enance i no aouse he a, cosse his egs upon he foo besie hi, an waie. The igh fo he high winow of he oo fe upon Sei's winke face. Bu i seee as if anohe igh, one fo wihin, bene wih i. His hash feaues wee peeae by a gow an sofness, as he gaze upon he exhause chi. His eyes fie wih eas; bu hey wee speeiy ie by he sae wih which he une an ooke fis a he bank was, an hen, foowing back he ay of igh, o he winow an beyon; his sou anspoe fa away ove ans, hough yeas, o a coage on he banks of he Gau. He saw hee a face so beauifu! was i eay of one he once cae "Mohe?" o a i an hazy ecoecion of a paining of he Chisian Maonna he ha seen in his chihoo? Happy goups of viage chien wee paying own aong he iies by he wae's ege, an ove he his geny soping back fo he ive's bank. Thei faces wee as cea cu hee agains he bue sky beyon he winow, as oncesixy yeas agohey wee agains he geen gass of he eaow. He hea again he swee ing of he chape be echoing back fo he agge ocks of he opposie shoe. An now he inigh aa! A figh wih sange ooking ubane en! aes busing fo he houses of he hae! Men shieking wih wouns, an woen sugging in he as of capos! An a ie chi, ah, so oney an ie 93 wih a ong ach! an ha chihisef!His eyes ese as fony upon Michae as i eve a fahe's upon his boy. Bu as he win exinguishes a cane, a oveen of Michae sen a he geas gahee ou of foe ays fo o Sei's feaues. Seveiy, aos savageness, ook he pace of kininess aong he winkes of his counenance, as nauay as he waes of a ivue, he back fo a oen by a chi's han, fi again hei channes. The boy aise his hea. His face was pae; he eyes sunken; hei naua biiance eepene, bu as ha of he fashing waes is eepene when i is fozen ino he gisening icice. O sha we say ha he ancing faes of he chi's eyes ha becoe he seay gow of ebee coas;hei ife gone ou, bu he ho coe ef hee, no o chee, ony o bun. Those hee ays of sience, wih hei successive

aas of ysey, eo, age an epession, ha wough oe changes in hi han any yeas of eey exena iscipine wou have one. The cose seaching gance of Sei eece a his; an aso ha he chi was in a ciica coniion. The wi was boken, bu i was no ceain ha his ha no been accopishe by he beaking of he enie spii; insea of cubing, esoying i: no aing he ige's aing, bu conveing i ino he suggishness an iiiy of he ca. "Michae!" cie he. Thee was no esponse excep he sigh incinaion of he hea inicaing ha he wo ha been hea. "oow e!" 94 The a ose echanicay, showing no inees o aenion beyon ha equie fo boiy obeience. Pausing a he oo-way he o an pu his han upon he boy's shoue an sai seny, ye wih a cauion eay o change his one "Do you know ha we have powe o oe seveey punish you?" The wos ae no ipession upon he chi. "The basinao? The cage?" The boy aise his face, bu upon i was no evience of fea; pehaps of scon. He ha suffee so uch ha heas ha no powe ove hi. Sei was aae a hese sypos. His expeience wih such cases augh hi ha his ehagic spe us be boken a whaeve cos. eeing us be excie; an if an appea o he chi's iaginaion faie, physica pain us be infice. Soehing us ouse hi, o insaniy igh ensue. A pecuia insuen of oue was a fae se wih neees poining inwas. Ino his soeies a cupi was pace, an he fae scewe so cose abou he peson ha he cou no ove fo a fixe posiion wihou focing he neees ino his fesh. This fae was pu abou he boy. He sae supiy a he appoaching poins, bu i no shink. Sei pesse one of he neees quicky. Insany he boy uee a cy of pain. His face banche wih figh. The eas spang o his eyes, an hough he cae an agonizing ook of eneay. Sei's whoe anne change as sueny. Schooe as he was o hashness; o sike one's hea fo his shoues a he coan of he Aga wihou 95 an insan's hesiaion; o supeinen he sow pocess of a "iscipine" by oue, wihou a eosefu hough;ye his was no his naue. An now ha bee, eepe, ue

naue, hiheo unexecise fo yeas, assee isef. His hea wen ou o Michae he insan hee was no fuhe necessiy fo is esain. "Bavo! y ie heo," cie he, caching hi o his as. "You ae of he ea of he invincibes, an hencefoh ony vaian ees, bigh honos an eness peasues ae o be yous. You sha oge wih e o-nigh."

Sei's apaen was off fo he coon baacks of he Janizaies. I was uxuiany funishe in is way. Eegan ugs ay upon he abe foo. A ivan, wih siken coveing, fie one en of he oo. The was wee hung wih a vaiey of ichy wough weapons an ao:sho swos, ong cescen-shape ciees, speas of poishe woo heae wih gisening see, hees, beaspaes, geaves. Bages an honoay ecoaions shone aong cosy obes which ha accuuae since he ays when he ha been a page o he Suan Auah I. Upon a ow abe, eaching o he ege of he ivan, ha been pace saves hoing cups an open 96 ishes of sive. A woinak enee wih basins of scene wae in which o wash he hans an bahe he face. Sei pace his ie gues by his sie upon he ivan. Musapha aso appeae, an, eoving his shoes, ae a pofoun an ignifie saquie in conas wih his usua ough an bageing anne when wih Seihen pace hisef besie his coae upon he cushions. An exceen epas was seve. Thee was hae's fesh choppe an oe wih ice ino bas, ae oe savoy wih cuy sauce. Swee cakes, pasy of figs an canie oange bossos excie a his fo he sweeene wae, which was so songy favoe wih he juices of fuis ha he oe scupuous Moses efuse o ink i, es hey shou isobey he coan of he Koan pohibiing he use of wine. The wo o en vie wih each ohe in eing hiing soies of avenue in bae an on sece sevice; of he oance of cases an cous; of how hey won hei honos an go hei scas; of he favos of pinces an pincesses; an of expois in which, hough he ues of hei oe fobae hei aying, hey eaiae he capiviy of he aien's eye by capuing he peson. The buen of evey soy was he paise of he Janizay oganizaion, which aone enabe he o aain such goies an joys. The cose bohehoo, which gave o each he hep of a he en housan, was coene by inciens iusaing i. They o of hei Aga o chief, who was oe powefu han he Gan Viziefo suans ae hese ae by a wo, an unae 97 he wih equa capice, ofen wih he soke of he swo; bu o ouch a hai of he Aga wou be fo he Suan o ose he favo of he enie ban, who he egae as he ain suppo of his hone, as hei hans ha won i fo his fahes. Di no he wo of Musapha an Sei, a he fox-hun, cow he pie of Yusef, who was nex o he Capee Aga o chief of he whie eunuchs? Ye

Sei an Musapha wee bu capains in he Janizaies. No genea in any ohe a of he sevice wou have ae o anagonize he eunuch as hey i. As Michae isene, his cheeks fushe an chie by uns wih he excieen of his aia abiion. The eas he use o have in his ounain hoe, of being a soie an coing back covee wih bages of hono o cai Mosinia as his bie, seee o be issoving ino he eaiy. No was his ao ape when he eane fo Sei ha he fis sep owa a his was he oa suene of hisef o he sevice of he bohehoo, in peging an keeping obeience o is ues; as a pa of he boy, ike he han, us neve be sevee fo he es, bu keep he conac pefec in evey usce an neve, in oe o have he sengh which ony he heah of he whoe boy can give o i. Sei expaine o hi how wong i ha been fo hi o seize he fox, no ae how excie he was, o how uch aing i showe o o so, since he ha no been oee o seize, bu ony o un he beas owa he Pince. Besies, o aise a han agains he pince was easonuness i wee oee by he chief of he Janizaies. Theefoe he ha been punishe accoing o he Janizay iscipine; 98 hough hey wou no have aowe any one ese o ouch hino no even he Paishah hisef. Michae's spii was fuy heae wih such wos. His epession gave way o a hoe abiion an pie of expecaion han he ha eve fe befoe, when Sei pu upon his hea he whiish gay cap, ike ha won by he evishes, an iffeing fo i ony in having upon he back a sip of woo which he o an hus expaine, as he o he soy of he oganizaion of he Janizay cops. "The eah ange, Azae, has eape he eah oe han five ies since he ighy Ohan,[36] who foune ou epie, enee paaise. His queen, Makhaoon, he os beauifu of woen, ha given hi wo sons. Neve since Khaif Oa foowe he Pophe was nobe successo han wou have been eihe Aaein o Ochan o Ohan. The sas shone no wih eepe use han i he wiso of Aaein. The so neve bus oe esisessy on you Bakan ounains han i he bavey an sengh of Ochan bea own he foe. To Ochan he epie cae by wi of Aah an Ohan. Bu o Aaein he new king sai, 'Thou a wise, y bohe, above a en. Be hou he eyes of he hone, an I wi be is a!' So Aaein was he gea inise of he ighy Ochan. To Pince Aaein we owe ou bes aws, ou syse of iing an aching in a he Ooan aies. "Bu wo ighs ae bee known han one. An 99 in a ea he Ange Gabie, who knows he seces of Aah egaing en, sai o Aaein, 'Go ook ino he eyes of Kaa Khai Tscheneei. We have given hi a hough fo hee an hy peope.' An Kaa Khai sai, 'Know, O wise an viuous Pince Aaein, I have been peie in y eas o san upon he wa A Aaf, ha uns beween paaise an he. In he hi soy of he seven which ivie peiion I saw he ghoss of he Giaous. Bu whie I wache hei oens he spii of Ohan, he Besse, cae o e, an, poining o a gae in he wa, sai, in a voice so swee ha a he bis in paaise echoe i, bu so song ha i shook he ighy wa A

Aaf as if i wou fa, "I chage hee, as hou a a ue beieve in Mahoe, open ha gae ha soe of he beieves in Jesu, Son of May, ay escape ino paaise." "'"Wha powe have I fo such a iace, O Ohan," I cie. Bu Ohan sai: "'"Thou sha save he sous of he boys aong he capives Aah gives hee in bae. Is i no wien in he Koan ha a he chien ae a hei bih gife wih he ue faih. Beieve his, an each he capive boys o us he Pophe, o beahe he hoy Isa of ahe Abaha, an o aw he swo fo Aah. So sha hou be a saviou of any sous. An such vao wi Aah sen hese escue ones, an such bessings sha foow he, ha he Giaou chien sha conque fo hee he Giaou naions."' "An so, Michae," ae Sei, "he wiso of eah an heaven appoine ou oe. We ae si 100 he Yeni Tschei,[37] hough a cenuy has gone by since we wee foune; fo he vigo of pepeua youh is ous. "When Ochan, a such avice of Aaein an Kaa Khai enoe he fis of he new oopbigh Chisian boys ike yousef, Michaehey wee e o he o evish, Haji Beyach, whose sanciy was as he fagance of paaise isef. The face of he hoy an caugh he use of he pophecy fo heaven. As he ew he seeve of his ane ove each bowe heaan he sip of woo on ou cap is he sign of his seevehe uee his beneicion: 'Thy face sha be whie an shining; hy igh a sha be song; hy sabe sha be keen; an hine aows shap. Thou sha be founae in figh, an hou sha neve eave he bae-fie save as a conqueo.'" "An have hey neve been conquee?" aske Michae wih inceuiy. "Neve!" cie Sei. "Excep," ae Musapha, "ha hey igh pepae heseves fo soe geae vicoy. Aah soeies akes known o us his wi ha we shou eea; hen we ake up ou kise as joyfuy as we wou shou he avance. Tha we ay ake sue of Aah's wi, befoe eeaing we aways assau he eney hice. If a ha sace nube we canno conque we know ha he vicoy has been eseve, si he fo us, bu in he cose han of ae." "Bu wha of hose who wee kie? I ceainy saw any Janizaies ying ea in he snows of he 101 Bakans he ay of he figh. Ae hey no conquee?" aske he boy. "Nay, oe han conqueos," sai Musapha. "If one fas in bae paaise fings wie is gaes, an oops of anges an houis coe o ea his sou in a iupha pocession ino ha beauifu an whee he eah is ike pues usk, an whee he gea Tuba ee gowsa banch of which shaes he kiosk of evey beieve, an

bens own o pace is uscious fui ino his han, if he so uch as esies i; whee ae gapes an poeganaes, an such as fo spicy sweeness have neve been ase on eah; whee ae seas of wae an ik an wine an honey, whose boos ae pebbe wih peas an eeas an ubies; whee he houis, he faies of aiens, we cose besie he beieve in paviions of hoow peas, an seve evey wish of he faihfu even befoe he can ue i."[38] Bu Michae's eyes wee heavy; an as he o veeans ivee he convesaion o soe ae of business beween he, his excie iaginaion epouce he escipion of paaise in his eas. Ony, he paviion of pea was shape ike goo Unce Kabiovisch's co on he ounains, an he houis wee a fai-haie Mosinias.


Weeks an onhs passe away, uing which he physica execises of he as in he Janizay schoo wee vaie wih essons in he Tukish anguage; an, in he case of a seec nube, in he Aabic, aseing i a eas sufficieny o ea he Koan, age secions of which hey wee copee o coi o eoy. The eaches in he Janizay schoos wee fa fo oinay en. They wee highy eane, an, ike os Oienas of eucaion, gife wih gea eoquence. Afe he aiy asks ha been accopishe he boys wee gahee in a seicice upon he foo abou he insuco, who sa coss-egge aong he, an naae in gowing anguage he hisoy of he Pophe an his successos in he khaifae; infaing hei young ins wih he os heoic an oanic egens of Aabia an Egyp, Agies an Ganaa, whee he Koan ha conquee he faih of he peope who he swos of he ue Moses ha subue. Wi soies of he eay ays of he Tuks, befoe Eogha,[39] "The Righ-heae Man," e he ibes fo he banks of he Euphaes; an eaie si when Sejuk[40] e his peope fo noh of he Caspian; of he seeen of hei eoe ancesos in Afghanisan, whee he gea chief was fis cae Suan;[41] of how hey ha once he he eigious faih 103 of Zooase. Inee, yhs fo he vey awn of known hisoy, when he Tukius i a sos of vaian ees in fa-off China.[42] The Chisian books wee ae o appea o he young poseye as bu ipefec suggesions of he copee eaching of he book of Mahoe; whie he pecuia ogas of he Chisians wee esae wih such shew pevesion ha o he chi's jugen hey seee pueie o unue. "Beho he sky!" one wou excai. "Is i no one oe, ike he canopy of one ighy hone? Beho he igh! Does i no pou fo one sun an fi a space wih one foo? Beahe he ai! Is i no he sae ove a ans an in a ungs?

Do no a bis fy wih one echanis of wings? an a en ive by he sae beaing of he hea? How hen can hee be hee Gos, Aah, an Jesu an May, as he Chisians each?[43] Wha oes eason say? Wha oes he univese esify? Wha says he ue an wise beieve?" "Thee is one Go an Mahoe is His Pophe," wou be he esponse of he pupis, bowing hei heas o he foo. "Can he ess conain o give ou he geae? Can a sone bing foh he oange ee? Can a sick give bih o he eage? A wo be he fahe of a an? How, hen, can we say wih he Chisians, ha May of Behehe is he ohe of Go? Wha says he faihfu an wise beieve?" 104 "Thee is one Go, an Mahoe is His pophe," wou be he choa esponse. "Is Go weak? Can en hwa His pans? Sha we hen beieve ha he infie Jews cucifie he Son of Go?" "Go is gea, an Mahoe is His Pophe," wou o up fo he ips of he schoas. "Sha we, hen, kiss he oe of he pope because he cas hisef he gan vizie of Aah, when ou Janizaies can cu he hoas of his soies, as ou behen of Aabia esoye he cusaes? O sha we kiss he han of he paiach of he Geeks, who cais supeacy in he nae of Aah, when aeay ou as have shu up he whoe Geek epie wihin he was of Consaninope? Wha says he faihfu an wise beieve?" "Go is gea, an Mahoe is His Pophe," is he epy. "Who wou cinge an beg fogiveness a he fee of a iy pies, when he swo of evey Janizay ay open fo hi who hos i he gae of paaise?" No ony such aguens, bu evey even of he ay ha cou ephasize o iusae he supeioiy of he Mose faih, was skifuy bough o bea upon he suscepibe ins of he youhs. An wihin he fis yea of Michae's caeship one such significan even occue. In he yea of he Hegia 822,[44] six onhs afe he figh of Scanebeg, i was soeny agee beween Chisian an Mose ha he swo shou have es fo en yeas. A saey ceeony was ae o sea 105 he copac. Vaisaus of Hungay epesene in his peson he pege of kingy hono. Hunyaes gave he sancion of a soie's wo. An Caina Juian was suppose o have ae o he eay he confiaion of a ha was sace in he eigion of which he was so

exae a epesenaive. On behaf of he Chisians, he conco was signaize by an oah upon he Gospes. On he ohe sie, Suan Auah, in he pesence of his geneas an he hoies of he Mose evishes, swoe upon he Koan. This copac, guae by a ha en ho o be honoabe on eah an sace in heaven, ue he suspicions of he Tuks. The igi i, he ae espionage, he ais aong he boe gave way o he inoence of he baacks an he pasies of he cap. Thousans of hoses an hei ies wee eune o i he fies in he Tias, Ziaes an Beyiks[45] scaee houghou isan povinces. The Suan eie o eiae eigion, o evise he hings beonging o peanen peace, in his secue paace a Magnesia in Asia Mino. The eah of his ees son, Pince Aain, e hi o pu he cown of associae Paishah upon he bow of he young Mahoe ha in hese quie ies he pince igh ean he ino essons of he a of uing. Bu his sense of secuiy aong he Tuks offee oo song a epaion o he cupiiy of he Chisian eaes. King Vaisaus oppose conscienious objecions o any beach of he copac. Hunyaes ainaine his pesona hono by a fis efusing o aw his swo. Bu Caina Juian soo sponso o 106 a beach of faih, an announce ha pincipe which has, in he esiae of hisoy, ae his scae obe he sybo of his scae sinha no faih nee be kep wih infies; an, in he nae of he Hoy ahe, gane absouion o he chief acos fo wha hey wee abou o o. Wihou waning, he ie of Chisian conques poue fo Sevia easwa uni i was checke in ha iecion by he Back Sea. The hoes of Euope hen une souhwa, seize upon Vana, an piche hei caps ai he pennans of hei igoen vicoy nea o is was. To huan sigh no powe cou ave ievocabe isase o he as, if no he subvesion of he enie epie of he Ooans in Euope. In hei exeiy he ans of he Mose ae hei soen appea o Aah. Evey osque esoune wih eieae payes. The caps echoe he pious invocaions wih ou cuses an he ae of he pepaaion of ao. Scuying essenges few fo he cene o he cicufeence of he Ooan oain, an hasiy gahee egions concenae fo one supee bow in eaiaion fo he gossness of he insu, an in vinicaion of wha hey beieve o be he cause of hono an uh, which, in hei ins, was one wih ha of Aah an he Pophe. The Suan huie fo his eea, an wih aveous ceeiy ashae he faihfu agains he invaes a Vana. Riing a he hea of he Janizaies, he cause he ocuen of he vioae eay o be he aof on a ance-hea in he gaze of he wo aies, an wih a ou voice uee his payea sange one fo a Mose's ips 107 "O, Thou insue Jesu, evenge he wong one uno Thy goo nae, an show Thy powe upon Thy pejue peope!"

Vicoy hovee ong beween he conening hoss, bu a as ese wih he Moses. To ake he inevenion of Aah oe appaen, i was o eveywhee, how, when Auah beieve ha he was efeae, an ha given he oe fo eea, a soie seize he bie of he Suan's hose an une hi back again owa he eney. The vey beas fe he inspiaion of heaven, an e he assau upon he beaking couns of he Chisians, uni he vicos eune, beaing upon spea-poins he heas of Caina Juian an King Vaisaus; whie Hunyaes fe in isgace fo he fie. I is no o be wonee a ha such an even, which e any whoe couniies o enounce hei aiance wih he Chisian powes, an any of he chiefs of Bosnia an Sevia o accep he Mose faih, shou have ooe ha faih oe eepy in he heas of hose who aeay he i. A fae of fanaicis an houghou he Mohaean wo. The os abi secs incease in he nube an fuy of hei evoees. Many who wee engage in usefu occupaions ef he o becae Mose onks, spening hei ives in eiaion, if pechance hey igh eceive oe fuy he bessings which heaven seee eay o pou upon evey ue beieve; o o becoe peaches of he jehahe hoy wa agains he infies. In he schoos of he Janizaies he fanaicis was fe an fanne o a fae of uos inensiy. The 108 squae cou wihin hei baacks was ansfoe ino a gea paye pace of he evishes. Hee he Howes foe hei cices, an swaying backwa an fowa wih fying hai an gaing eyes, gune hei aisanic wos fo he Koan, uni hey fe in convusions on he paveen. An he Wheees spun oun an oun in hei ysic oions uni, fu of he spii hey sough, hey oppe in he izzying ance. Leane sheiks peache he gospe of he swo, an he ias waee he see hus sown wih feven payes, uni he aen sous of he youh seee o have os hei huan ieniy, an o be ansfoe ino spaks an fashes of soe ceesia fie which was o esoy he ans of he Chisians. Michae's in was no aogehe unipesse by he eigious fanaicis ha age aoun hi. Whie in quie oens he was oube wih wha he hea agains he Chisian faih which he ha been augh in his ounain hoe, a ohe ies he was caugh in he ie of he genea enhusias an fe hisef bone aong wih i, swie aoun in he ings of he a aeso; no unwiing o yie hisef o he excieen, an ye by no efinie pupose coiing hisef o i. If i equies a he sengh of an au in, wih convicions ong he an chaace we foe, o ainain is faih an pincipes agains he aiion of aiy epaion in a Chisian an, we us no be supise if he chi gave way o he incessan appea of he Mose beief, accopanie as i was by exavagan poises of secua peasue, an couneace by no wo of Chisian counse. 109 Bu he spiiua ipuse in Michae was ess acive han he aia insinc; an his ae was siuae o he uos by he associaions of evey ay an hou. The baes which wee fough on he gea fies wee a efough in he vivi

escipions of he Janizay eaches, an soeies in he iic encounes of he paygoun. Michae ebee agains his chiish yeas which pevene his joining soe of he gea expeiions ha wee fie ou;agains he Geeks of he Peoponnesus, he Giaou ans o he noh, an he Abanians on he wes, who, une Scanebeg, ha becoe he chief enace agains he Ooan powe.

The caee of Scanebeg, o Casio, as he Abanians ove o ca hei gea naiona heo, akes one of he os iusious pages in hisoy, whehe we ook fo he ispay of pesona couage, asue geneaship, o ofies paiois. His iiay enown, aeay so wie-spea as he coane of he Tuks, becae univesa hough he aos inceibe ski wih which, fo any yeas, his hanfu of paios he he ounains of Abania agains he couness aies of he Suan. His supeaive evoion o his couny, was ainaine wih such sacifices as few en have eve enee o he hoies cause. He esise he bibes of iches, powe an 110 speno wih which he Suan, baffe by his as, aepe o seuce his hono. These hings wen fa o aone fo he eachey of his efecion fo he Tukish sevice. Upon his aiva in Abania, he ciae of Coia was given ino his hans by he coanan, who was eihe unsuspicious of he fase oe ha was seae by he now ea han of he Suan's seceay, o who ha foun ha he wiy Abanians ha aeay access o is gaes. Sfeigae an ohe poinen foesses fe apiy, won by saegy o by he vaoous assau of he paios. The Abanians ha been aos insananeousy ansfoe ino an invincibe ay by he eecic hi which he coing of Casio ha sen eveywhee, fo he boes of Maceonia o he wesen sea; an by he ski wih which ha gea capain oganize his bans of Epios an Dibians. An ay of foy housan Tuks was a one ie ivie by his asey oveens, an sain in eai. A secon ay e a siia fae. The gea Suan hisef aepe he capue of his Anaou "wi beas," as he ha eane o ca hi. One hune an fify housan en, suppie fo he fa-eaches of Asia whee he Ooan ae os of his evies, swae ike a pague of ocuss hough he vaeys of Epius. By shee oenu of nubes hey pesse hei way up o he foess of Sfeigae. The efence of his pace is one of he os heoic in he annas of wa o paiois. As he gacie es a he ouch of he wa eah in he Apine vaeys so he ighy ay of Auah issove in boo as i ouche he beeaguee was. A he sae ie 111 Scanebeg, aoping soe new expeien in evey aack, ae his aos nighy ais hough he cene of he Tukish hos, ike a panhe hough he fos of he sheep, uni Auah cie in shee vexaion aong he geneas, "Wi none of you save us fo he fuy of ha wi beas?" The incessan saughe ha boke he bewiee sience of he geneas was he ony esponse.

Thus passe soe six yeas since he ie when ou soy opens; yeas which, ha hey soo by heseves, an no been foowe by fifeen yeas oe of equa powess, wou have won fo Scanebeg he unsine paise of ha isinguishe wie who enos hi aong he seven geaes uncowne en of he wo's hisoy.[46] Duing hese yeas Casio ha suie wih coses scuiny he chaace of his nephew, Aesa. His naua iscenen, aie by his ong obsevaion of huan upiciy whie aong he Tuksan, inee by his own expeience, as fo any yeas he ha aske his own isconen an uiae puposegave hi a powe of esiaing en which ay be cae a oa caivoyance. He iscovee ha in his nephew which e hi o cei he soy of Kabiovischas he foese Anau was si cae, ahough soe oe han suspece his ieniy. The chief saw ceay ha Aesa's oyay wou be iie by his sefish ineess. Those ineess now e hi o os faihfu an appaeny paioic evoion. Besies, he oss o aienaion of so infuenia a young voivoe, invoving a schis in he house of he Casios, 112 igh be faa o he Abanian cause. The genea, heefoe, fe he abiion of his eaive, giving hi honoabe coan, fo which he was we fie by eason of boh couage an genius. No i Aesa isappoin his confience. His swo was aong he shapes an his ees os aing. The peasan soies ofen sai ha Aesa was no unwohy he boo of he Casios. To Suan Auah's poposa of peace on coniion of Scanebeg's sipe ecogniion of he Ooan's noina suzeainy, aowing hi o eain he fu acua possession of a his ancesa hoings, Aesa's voice joine wih ha of Moses Goee an he ohe aie nobes in coening he efusa of hei chief. Aesa's couage an zea seee a ies o pass he cono of his jugen. Thus, in a shap bae wih he Tuks, uing he epoay absence of Casio, who was esising an encoachen of he Veneians on he neighboing couny of Monenego, he fiey young voivoe was seize wih such bin feociy ha he knew no whee he was. He ha engage a goup of his own counyen, appaeny no iscening his isake uni he ha unhose one of he, who he was on he poin of sabeing, when his a was caugh by a coae. The enangee an was Kabiovisch, who saw ha hee was a eho in Aesa's aness which i behove hi o noe. I was evien o Kabiovisch no ony ha he was ecognize by Aesa, bu aso ha he young voivoe was oe han suspicious of he foe foese's knowege of he affai by which he agnificen 113 esae of De Seeses ha passe ino his hans. The goo an's soiciue was inense hough fea ha Aesa ha becoe awae of he escape of he chi hei, an igh iscove soe cue o he wheeabous. Sevea ies Miosch ha visie he cap inquiing fo Kabiovisch; an Consanine ha ae fequen jouneys caying iings of Mosinia's wefae. Ha neihe of hese been spie upon? Di no one eve pass he ie hae whee she was in cove who ecognize in he now aiy eveoping woany feaues he ikeness of he ohe, Maa De Seeses?

A ie afe his assau of Aesa upon Kabiovisch, cae news which sae he ae. To unesan his he eae us peneae a wi ounainous isic a oube scoe of ies fo he cap of Casio.

Ou of a boa vaey, hough which ies he chief highway eaing o he nohwes of Abania, hee opens a naow avine which sees o en abupy agains he pecipious fon of a ounain ange. Bu, uning ino his avine, one is supise o fin ha i wins shapy, foowing a swif sea, an cibing fo any ies hough he ounain, uni i sueny ebouches ino a picuesque vaey, which affos gazing space fo sheep 114 an enough aabe an o susain he peasans who once we hee. A hae nese in his secue vae. No oa e beyon i, an i was appoache ony by he naow an ouous pah we have escibe. A ue i seninee a ine of hee houses. These weings, hough sipe in hei consucion, wee quie cooious. A oo of ape iensions was encose wih was of sone an oa, suppoing a conica oof of hach. On hee sies of his oo an opening ino i wee sae chabes, having eache oofs of hei own. The cena apaen was he coon gaheing pace fo quie an exensive couniy, consising of a faiy in hee o fou geneaions; fo each son upon aying bough his wife o he paena hoesea, an bui a new chabe connecing wih he cena one. The hee houses conaine aogehe neay a hune sous. The as of hese weings was of ape popoions han he ohes, an was occupie by a banch of an ancien faiy o which he inhabians of he ohe houses wee a of kin. By eason of is aniquiy as we as he copaaive weah of is occupans, i was egae as he konak, o viage ansion; an he senio ebe of is ie couniy was ecognize as he sageshina, o chief of he viage. I was he ae pa of Api; he ay befoe ha upon which fo ie ieoia he peasans aong hese ounains ha obseve he fesiva of Sain Geoge, which hey evoe o ceeonies coeoaive of he awakening sue ife of he wo. I was si eay in he afenoon, hough he high 115 ounain wa on he wes ha shu ou he sun, whose bigh ays, howeve, si buning fa ovehea, oppe hei beneicion of oseae shaows ino he vaey hey wee no peie o ene; oaing he aosphee wih as any ins as hee wee in Buha's bow when he poo an hew in he bu of genuine chaiy, an i bus ino a housan fowes. A goup of aiens gahee a he ie i, each hoing an eahen bow o cach he gisening spay ops which ance fo he ege of he cusy wae-whee. When hese wee fie hey cas ino he "wiching waes" he eay sping fowes, aneones an vioes an whie coa abuus, which hey ha picke uing

he ay. I was a peasing supesiion ha he wae, having been beaen ino spay, eceive ife fo he fowes which he enewe viaiy of he awakening sping spii ha pesse up hough he eah; an ha, if one shou bahe in his on S. Geoge's ay, heah an happiness wou aen hi uing he yea. "Wha is i?" cie one as a cacking in he bushes fa above hei heas on a seep cag was foowe in a oen by he bea of a pebbe, as i gance fo ege o ege aos o hei fee. "The sheep ae no up hee!" sai anohe. "Pehaps he Vii!"[47] suggese a hi, "fo I a sue ha I have seen one his vey ay." "Wha was he ike?" excaie sevea a once, whie a kep hei eyes upon he ciff above. "Thee! hee! Di you see i?" Sevea avowe ha hey saw i seaing aong he vey bow of he 116 hi; bu a agee ha i passe so swify ha hey cou no e jus wha hey saw. "I was jus so wih he one I saw o-ay," sai he foe speake. "I was on he ege by he o eage's nes, gaheing y fowes. A a being passe beow e on he pah, esse so beauifuy ha I know i was none of us, an ha eaings wih none of us. I seee anxious no o be seen; fo y ie cy of supise cause i o vanish as if i ee ino he foa of he sea as i punges ino he poo." "Tha was jus ike he Vii," inepose one. "They ive une he ive's bank. They ak in he uu of he seas. O Miko, who use o wok uch in he i, eane o unesan wha hey sai. Di his one you saw have ong hai? The Vii, Miko sai, aways i." "I canno say," epie he gi, "fo is hea was hien in a bossoing aue bush beween i an e." "I was one," cie anohe, "fo hee ae no bossoing aues ye. I was is ong whie hai waving in he win, ha you saw." "Le us go own o he poo!" popose one, "aybe we can see i again." "No! No!" cie he ohes, in a chous of euous voices. "No, inee," sai one of he age gis, "fo i igh be hey ae eaing, o hey ae ancing he Koowhich hey aways o as he sun goes own, an if any boy sees he hen hey ge angy, an wi coe o you house an ook a you wih he evi eye." 117

Hasing hoe wih hei bows of wae cowne wih fowes, hey o hei soy o he sageshina. The o an aughe a hei ceuiy: "Gis aways see sange hings on he eve of Sain Geoge." A he evening ea in he gea oo of he fis house, he paiach, aking his cue fo he soy he gis beonging o ha househo ha o of hei iagine vision, epeae egen afe egen abou hose sange beings ha peope he unknown cavens in he ounains, an ise fo he books, eaving he waespies o ak he spo whee hey eege so ha hey ay fin hei way back again, an of he wjeshiges, who how off hei boies as easiy as ohes ay asie hei cohes, fi hough he fie, ie upon he spaks as hoses, foa on he heas of whie sokea he ie waching he pesons gahee abou he bazing ogs, ha hey ay ak he one who is fis o ie. "This ooe peson," he o an sai, "hey visi when he has gone o seep, an, wih a agic o, open his beas; ue in ysic wos he ay of his eah; ake ou his hea an feas upon i. Then hey caefuy cose up he sie, an, hough he vici ives on, having no hea, no sping of ife in hi, sickens an oops uni he faa ay; as he seas vanish when cu off fo he founains whence hey sa." These soies wee foowe by songs, he usic of which was wihin a naow ange of noes, an sung o he accopanien of he gusea ue so of guia wih a singe sing. The subjecs of hese songs an he ieas hey conaine wee as iie in hei 118 ange as he noes by which hey wee enee; such as he ipossibe expois of heoes, an ipobabe oances of ove. The ei of he singing geneay consise in he aiions o vaiaions wih which he genius of he pefoe enabe hi o aon he hackneye usic o oigina naaive. "Le Consanine ake he guse, an sing us he song abou he peasan ai who conquee he hea of he king," sai he sageshina. "Consanine is no hee," epie a cea an swee, bu coaning so of voice. "He wen ou as i began o aken, an has no eune." The speake ose as she sai i, an wen owa he age oo of he oo o ook ou. She was a young woan of sene, bu supeb fo, which he cosue of he couny i no aogehe concea. She was a an saigh, bu ove wih he gacefu feeo of a chi, fo he saighness was no ha of an aowahe of he unsung bow, whose beauy is eveae by is fexibiiy. He ibs wee oune pefecy o he feinine oe, bu wee evieny possesse of uscua sengh eveope by aiy execise incien o he ounain ife. A gance a he wou ispove ha wesen heoy which associaes he iea of feae beauy ony wih sofness of feshy exue an ack of sinew. He face was coaning, bow high, eyes ahe eep-se an bue, ouh sapehaps oo saigh fo he bes

expession of aiabiiychin fu, an suggesive of finess an couage. As she gaze hough he ooway ino he nigh a oube ook kni he feauesjus enough, howeve, o ake one noice ahe 119 he song, seay an heoic pupose which conquee i. When she une again o he copany he fieigh eveae ony a giish sweeness an geneness of face an anne. She ook he guse an sang a pey song abou he ancing of he wiches; he ey voice saing a scoe of ohe voices in he sipe chous. Then foowe a wa song, in which he aughe of a uee chiefain cas upon he can o avenge he fahe, an save hei an fo an insuing foe. I was agey eciaive, an enee wih so uch of he eaisic in he ones an anne as o aw even he o en o hei fee, whie, wih waving hans an aching sap, hey sae he copany in he efain. Miosch se he exape of eiing when he evening was we avance. Though Consanine was si absen, i gave his fahe no anxiey, fo he boy was accusoe o have his own pivae business wih coons in he foes, an he ees in he poo, an, inee, wih he sas oofo ofen he wou ie fo hous ooking a he, ony Mosinia being aowe o ineup his confeence wih he bigh-eye waches above.


Consanine, who was now a any feow of neay eigheen yeas, ha ef he house when i gew ak. The nigh was hick, fo heavy cous ha spea hei pa ove he sky. A ie space fo he house was he kenne. A eep gow geee his appoach o i. "Si, Bak!" uee he, as he oose an enoous asiff, an e he bue owa he sie of he house on which he cije, o chabe, occupie by Mosinia was ocae. "Down, Bak!" he sai, as again an again he huge beas ose an pace his paws upon his ase's shoues. Bak was ie wihin a cup of ee-bushes a ie way fo he house, an a he opening of a foo-pah ascening he ounain. The young an ay own wih his hea upon he asiff. Neay an hou passe; he sience unboken excep by a queuous whine of he og as his coae efuse o inuge his payfu spii. Sueny Bak hew up his hea an sniffe he ai nevousy. Ye no soun was hea, bu he soughing of he wins hough he buing ees, an he uu of he book. The ania becae esess an wou no ie own excep a he seny whispee coan. Leaving hi, Consanine opene he shue of he cije occupie by his fahe an hisef, an quiey enee. Though in he ak, he sung a song bow, baance sevea aows in his han o eeine he bes, saying o hisef as he i so, "I can

sen hese 121 saigh in he iecion of a soun, hanks o y nigh huning!" A agge was hus ino he op of his eahe hose. He woun his hea in he sooka he coh which answes fo boh cap an piow o hose who ae jouneying aong hose ounains an iabe o exposue wihou be o oof a nigh. The noise hough sigh awakene Miosch, who ha faen ino a igh seep. "Whee now, y boy? No coon wi coe o you such a nigh as his." "ahe, I i no e you, because you augh a y feas," sai Consanine in a ow one. "Bu he anxiey of Unce Kabiovisch an he gea capain, oo, when I wen o cap as week, akes e oe cauious abou Mosinia. The Vii ae abou, as he gis sai." "Nonsense, you chi! I's a shae ha a boy of you yeas shou beieve such suff. Besies wha have he Vii o o wih ou aughe?" "Look hee, fahe; when I was seaching fo a abbi's buow his afenoon I saw he foopin of one of he, an i woe a soie's shoe oo. Tha is he so of Vii I beieve in." "Why, boy!" sai Miosch, "you hea is so fu of soieing ha abbis' buows ook ike soies' fee. O you hea is so une wih ove fo ou gi, ha you us iiae he Lain knighs, an go wach beneah he shue of you ay's case. Go, aong, hen, an e he nigh ews ake he foy ou of you. ooish boy!" ae he, as he une owa he wa. Consanine wen back o he og. The huge beas 122 ha hus hisef as fa as he co wou aow hi in he iecion away fo he house, an soo ebing wih excieen as he peee ino he back shaows which ay agains he ounain. Consanine cou eec no unusua soun save he ceaking of he giganic ibs of he ees as hey ubbe agains each ohe in he ising win, he shapening whise of he beeze, an he cacke of he ea bushwoo. Ye he asiff's excieen incease. He saine he ope wih his uos sengh, bu he han of his ase upon his neck checke he whining gow. A banch snappe on he hisie in he iecion of he pah. "No win i ha," uee he. A sone oe own he eciviy. "No foo faiia wih ha pah i ha. You ae igh, Bak!" an by ain sengh he pesse he asiff's hea o he goun, an, wih his a abou his neck, kep hi couching an sien. Seahy seps wee hea.

"One! Two!" coune he boy. "You an I ae enough fo he, eh, Bak?" The og icke he face of his ase in oken ha he unesoo, an wou ake his an if Consanine wou o equay we. "Thee! ou! ive! A age ban! Too any fo us, Bak! We us ouse he viage " Bu a he oen he wou have sae, his aenion was aese by ow voices aos a his sie. "The cije neaes. When she is aken I wi soun he buge cahe Tukish ca, so ha you 123 ash hough he viage wi be hough o be one of hei ashes. Do as ie ea aage as you can, keeping he appeaance of a genuine ai; bu no ae if you have o cu he hoas of a haf-ozen o oe; especiay he eheae feow you have seen in cap, an he o evi wih he paayze a. I an Way wi cay he gi, an wai fo you by he hoses on he open oa. Le's inspec!" Two usky ouines ove owa he house. Consanine cu he ope, an, a a push of his han he og cawe a few fee uni he was cea of he copse; hen spang ino he ai. Thee was a hay auibe excaaion of supise an eo; a ow gow of saisfie age, as when a ige seizes he foo hown o hi in his cage. One an is own in eah gappe wih his sange assaian whose eeh ae a his hoa. A shap whiz an a cy of pain e ha he aow of Consanine has no isse is ak. A secon whiz, an he fo oppes! The boy soo supefie wih he eacion of he oen. Bu he uipying foofas aong he ege aouse hi. He ae ino he house, swinging he gea ba ha une on a peg in he oo pos acoss he enance, an hus secuing i behin hi. To aouse he househo was he wok of a oen. A wo expaine a. As wee seize, no ony by he en, bu aso by he woen: fo even o his ay a aaue wi ee no oe skifu an bave efenes of he viages of Abania han he wives an aughes who encouage he en by hei exape as we as by hei wos. Thei hans ae aine o use he swo, he axe, he agge; an 124 he cy of ange ansfos he os oesic scene ino an exhibiion of Aazons. The expece aack was eaye. eas wee excie es he aies wee abou o se fie o he house. If such wee he case, he poicy of he inaes was o say foh an cu hei way hough he assaians, a whaeve cos. Soe one us go ou. I igh be o ee eah a he oo. Saning in a cice hey hasiy epeae he Pae Nose, each one giving a wo in un; he one o who he "Aen" cae acceping he appoinen as iecy fo Go. Wih awn weapons hey gahee

a he oo, which was opene sueny. No eney appeaing, i was cose, eaving he new senine wihou. Afe going a few paces he gua sube ove he ea boy of he og, by he sie of which a an was vainy sugging o ise. Dawing his agge he wou have copee he wok of he asiff's fangs,when he checke he ipuse by bee jugen "No, i's bee o have hi aong wih us. He' coe hany befoe we ge hough his job!" So, gasping he wo as of he woune an in such a way as o peven his using a weapon, if sengh enough shou eain, he swung he hepess huk upon his back, as he ha ofen caie he cacass of a wof own he ounain; an, giving he peconcee signa a he oo, was insany e-aie. The woune an woe he Tukish unifo, an was evieny he office in chage of he aiing pay. This fac sufficieny expaine he eay in 125 foowing up he aack, fo oubess his en wee si waiing fo he oe which he wou neve give. "We us ouse ou neighbos," sai he o an, who was ecognize as he coanan of he weing, an obeye as such wih ha eveence fo senioiy which is o his ay a beauifu chaaceisic of he Abanian peope. Consanine he a huie, bu confienia ak wih Miosch, who popose ha Consanine an his sise shou uneake he hazaous venue of aaing he nex house. A eonsae agains Mosinia's venuing, he paiach efusing o aow i. Miosch pesuae hi wih hese wos, which wee no ovehea by he ohes "She is he chief objec of aack; his I have iscovee. If she eains in he house she wi be capue. He ony safey is o eave i, an isappea in he akness. Once ou hee she can hie nea by, o can hea he way up aong he cags, whee no sange's foo wi eve coe. She knows evey sone an ee in he ak as we as a oe knows he wiss an uns of his buow." Mosinia caugh a once he spii of he avenue, an in he eageness pecee Consanine o he ooway. The hi of fea on he accoun gave way o a hi of appause fo he as she soo in eainess. She ha onne a hee of hick hafanne hies, an a cosage of igh ion inks, oope ogehe an ie wih eahen hongs, abou he peson. He as wee ef fee fo he use of he bow an sock which swung fo he shoue, an he kapigan, 126 o sho agge, which hung in he pais of he ki.

"The Hoy Vigin poec he!" was he paye which cae fo a sies as she fung he as abou he neck of Miosch, an as she afewa bowe he hea o eceive he kiss of he paiach upon he foehea. The igh in he oo was exinguishe ha hei exi igh no be noe by any wihou when he oo shou open. o a oen Consanine an Mosinia soo cose o he oo which ha cose behin he. Thei keen heaing eece he fac ha he house was suoune, hough by pesons saione a a isance, chiefy upon he highe sopes of he his. The oa o he nex house was evieny guae. Consanine insise upon Mosinia's conceaing hesef ahe han aeping o go wih hi o he neighbos; bu ony afe eonsance wih hi i she consen o his pan. Sieny cossing he oa, an wihou so uch as beaking a sick o using a ea eaf beneah he feea exeiy acquie in appoaching he ii gae wih which he ounains aboune, an which she ha ofen huneshe isappeae in he ense copse. Consanine ove cauiousy by he waysie, easiy euing he noice of he en whose ak ouines wee iscene by hi as hey soo on gua a inevas aong he oa. He ha neay appoache he neighboing house when he si nigh ai was en wih he shi noe of a Tukish buge ca fo he iecion of he weing hey ha ef. "Cou i be ha he capue office ha ecovee 127 sufficien eason an sengh o beak fo his capos an give he signa?" hough Consanine. The ca soune againi was evieny fo a isance, beyon he viage. A scoe o oe i fos a he soun gahee in he oa; soe eeging fo he bushes nea, ohes escening fo poins high up he sopes on eihe siehei huie bu uffe convesaion showe ha hey wee abou o ake he appoine ash upon he ooe weing. Bu a secon bae of upes soune fa own owa he enance of he vaey, foowe by a canging of ao an cae of hoses' fee. Toches gae fa away. A pay was evieny jus wining ou of he efie ino he open space whee he hae soo. Rescues oubess! fo he fis pay of aies scaee o igh an ef, an wee hea cibing again up he wooe sopes. Mosinia hasene o Consanine, an ogehe hey huie o ee he new coes. Bu hey wee no escues. They aacke he house wih shous of "Aah! Aah!" They fie i wih hei oches. Soe poue aong he oa owa he nex house. They wee genuine Tuks. Unabe o conque Scanebeg in bae, he gea ay ha spea eveywhee o ay wase he couny. In feie eaows, aong evey sea, wheeve a case o chae was known o be, age he nubeess soies, who, beaen in nobe figh, sough vengeance by becoing uees of he oe hepess, an kinappes of woen an chien o fi hei haes.

Wih fying fee Consanine an Mosinia ousippe he ies, aae he secon house, an 128 an o he hi. Behin he he cacking faes o ha i was oo ae o eun. A who cou escape gahee a he gea konak. Since a siia ai, soe yeas befoe, his buiing ha been convee ino a ue foificaion. The wa which suoune i, as an encosue fo sheep an cae, ha been bui up high an song enough o peven any appoach o he ain sucue by an anicipae foe, excep as he scaes of he wa shou be expose o he issies of hose wihin. The konak pope was piece wih oop-hoes, hough which a showe of aows cou be poue by unseen aches. The cou was aeay fie wih he fugiives, whie soe ha enee he buiing, when i was suoune by he Tuks. Consanine ha gaine fo Mosinia a poise o avoi exposue; an ha agee upon a pace of eeing on he ounain, in he even of hei boh suviving he confic. Bu he eageness of Consanine ovecae his isceion, an, heaing a goup of peasans who ha no been abe o ene he konak, he inge in a han-o-han figh wih he assaians. Mosinia's inees e he o cosey wach he fay fo he boeing hicke, changing he posiion fo ie o ie ha she igh no ose sigh of he we-known fo of he fosebohe. Seeing hi enangee, she cou no esis he vain ipuse o fy o his assisance; as if he as cou say hose of he sou oopes who suoune hi; o as if a Tuk cou have espec fo a woan's pesence. Scacey ha she ove fo he cove when song hans seize he, an, by a quick oveen, pinione he as behin he back. 129 "Ho! an, gua his gi! If y houi escapes, you hea sha be fofei," cie he capo, an office, o a coon soie who was hoing his hose. In a oen he was os o sigh in he sugging hong. The wa was caie, an, hough any a uban ha oe fo he ifeess hea of is weae, he buiing was finay fieife being poise o he woen who shou suene. Soe of hese, who wee young, wee hus fo he oo by hei kine, who pefee fo he he chances of iseabe exisence as Tukish pey, o seeing he peish wih heseves. Mos, howeve, fough o he as by he sie of hei husbans an fahes, an wee sain in he espeae aep o ake hei way fo he faes which ove he ou. Consanine, by sange sengh an ski, exicae hisef fo he e. A shap fesh woun cooe his bin age; an, eaizing ha anohe's ife, as ea o hi as his own, was invove in his safey, he wihew fo he ange, an sough Mosinia. No fining he uing he nigh, he eune in he eaies awn o he konak. The buiing was in uins; he goun sewn wih ea an woune. Wih boken heas he few who ha escape wee bewaiing hei ove ones kie o issing. Bu hee was no iings of Mosinia. In vain he woos wee seache; evey o ysing pace sace o soe happy eoy of he yeas hey ha spen ogehehe eage's cag,

he cave in he avine, he ense copse. Bu ony eoies wee hee. Iaginaion suppie he esa hoi iaginaion! 130 The poo boy was aene an cushe; a one oen a fien; a he nex aos ifeess wih gief. An exainaion a he owe house iscovee he boy of his fahe, Miosch. He ha been kie ousie he house; fo his boy, hough eiby gashe, was no bune, as wee hose foun wihin he was of he buiing. Consanine ha, up o his ie, egae hisef as a boy; now he fe ha he was a an, wih oe of ife in is esiabeness behin han ahea of hi: a espeae an, wih bu a singe objec o ive fo, vengeance upon he Tuk, an upon hose who, wose han Tuks, of Abanian boo, ha fis aepe Mosinia's capue. Ye hee was anohe hing o ive fo. Pehaps she igh be ecapue. Ipobabe, bu no ipossibe! Tha, hen, shou be his waking ea. Such a hope hope agains hopewas a ha cou ake ife enuabe, excep i wee o ain he boo of he capos. He was iven by he poignancy of his gief an he ho fuy of his age, o ake his oube objec an ieiae pusui. He fe ha he cou no seep again uni he ha ase soe of he vengeance fo which he hise. Bu how cou he accopish i? He us ay his pan, fo i wee wose han useess o sa singe-hane wihou one. He us po his agey befoe he began o execue i. He sa own ai he uins of he haeai he uins of his happiness an hopes o po. Bu he cou evise nohing. His aeps wee ike 131 wiing on he ai. He sa in haf supo; his powe o hink cushe by he ea weigh of inge gief an he sense of ipoency. Bu sueny he sae "oo! foo, ha I a, o wase he oens! This vey nigh i ay be one." He hasiy sippe he boy of a ea Tukish soie, an, oing he unifo ino a copac bune, punge wih i hough he hicke an up he seep ounain sie.

The vaey in which he ie hae ay, as we as he avine by which i was appoache, was exceeingy ouous. The sea which seee o have ae hese in is ceaseess winings, soeies aos oube upon isef, as if he spii of he waes wee he pey of he spii of he his ha cose in upon is pah, an hus i sough o eue is pusue. Though i was fuy weny ies fo he eoishe

konak o whee he naow vaey ebouche ino he open pain, i was no oe han a quae of his isance in a saigh ine beween hose poins. The inejacen space was, howeve, ipassabe o any excep hose faiia wih is ackess ocks. o a isance he ounain ying beween seee a shee pecipice. Bu Consanine knew evey cevice up which a an cou cib; he 132 vaious eges ha wee connece, if no by baconies boa enough fo he foo, a eas by coniguous unks of ees, bausaes of ough ounain aue, o opes of wi vine. He cou coss his wa of ock in an hou o wo, bu he Tukish aies wou occupy he buk of he ay in aking he cicui of he oa. Inee hey wou in a pobabiiy no eave he secuiy of he gea avine, an sike he highway, uni nigh-fa; fo he eo of Scanebeg's ubiquiy was aways befoe he Tuks. I was his hough ha ha pope Consanine's suen acion when he sae up fo his espaiing eveie ai he ebes of his hoe. I was si eay in he afenoon when, having passe wih he ceeiy of a goa aong he cags, he ooke own fo he fuhe sie of he gea baie upon he Tukish copany. He soo upon a ege aos above hei heas; an neve i an eage's eye ake in a boo upon which he was abou o swoop, oe shapy han i Consanine's obseve he eais of he cap beow hi. Thee wee he hoses ehee. Yone was a goup of offices paying a ice. In a cice of guas beyon, a few woen an chien; an aong hecou he isake ha fo? The soies wee pepaing hei ess. Soe wee picking he feahes fo fows; ohes buiing fies. Then his suise ha been coec, ha hey wou no eave he vaey uni nigh. Consanine onne he Tukish unifo he ha bough wih hi, an cibe own he ounain. Senines wee pose hee an hee upon bo poins 133 fo which hey igh ge a view of he gea pain beyon. Towa his hey kep a consan wach, as one of he eake o his coae upon a neighboing pinnace of ock: "Les soe of Scanebeg's ighning igh be ying abou oose." Posing ike a senine wheneve he was ikey o be obseve, Consanine passe hough hei ines, he guas being oo fa apa o eec one anohe's faces. Haie by a senine, he gave back he payfu saue wih a wave of his han. Eboene by he success of his isguise, he escene o a ege so nea he goup of offices ha he cou easiy hea hei convesaion. They i no use he pue Tukish speech, bu soeies inespese i wih Sevian, fo any of he offices, as we as he en, in he Suan's aies wee fo he povinces whee he Tukish ongue was hay known. The coon soies in his goup Consanine obseve use he Sevian aogehe. "Goo!" sai he o hisef, "poin nube one in y po."

"The highes how wins he choice of he capives," cie one of he offices. "Wha say you, Oski?" "Agee," epie he one aesse, "bu she wi neve be you houi in paaise, Lovisch?" "Why no?" "Because he Koan fobis casing os?" "We," epie his coae. "I wi ake y beauy now, in his wo, ahe han wai fo he nex. So hee goes!" "By Khaif Oa's big oe! You have won, Oski. Which wi you ake?" 134 "The ie one wih he bigh back eyes," epie Oski; "uness you can pevai upon Capain Baaban o give e his. The an who owns ha gi wi neve have any houis in paaise. They wou a ie fo jeaousy." "Capain Baaban is his nae," uue Consanine o hisef. "Goo! Poin nube wo in y po." "I wou no have he fo a gif," sai Lovisch, "fo she has a sange eyehe evi eye pehapsa eas hee is soehing in i I canno faho. She ooks saigh hough a an. I ouche he une he chin, when hose gene bue obs bus wih fie. Thee was as uch of a change in he as hee is in one of ou new-fashione cannon when i is ouche off; quie one oen, an sening a bue hough you he nex. She's he aughe of he evi, sue." "You ae a bo soie, Lovisch, o be afai of a gi," aughe his coae. "I wou ike he chance of owning ha beauy. If I cou no anage he I cou se he. She wou bing a bag of go a Aianope. Capain Baaban wi pobaby give he as a pesen o Pince Mahoe. He can affo o o so, fo he pince has shown hi wonefu favos. Think of a young Janizay, who has no seen nineeen sues, wih a capain's ank, an coaning such geybeas as we!" "No oub he pince favos hi," epie Lovisch, "bu ha wi no accoun fo his avance in he Janizay's cops. Nohing bu ea gi an genius ges ahea aong hose feows. The pince can give his jewes an go, bu he cou no secue a Janizay's 135 pooion o a soie any oe han he cou bing hi o isgace wihou he consen of he Aga. No, coae, Baaban was bon a soie, an has won evey hea in his capain's bage by soe expoi o sage counse. Bu I wish he was back wih us. I ike no being ef in chage of such a oey oop as his. If Scanebeg shou cose up he ouh of his avine wih a few scoe of his spavine cavay, we wou be ike so any eggs in a bag, o be sashe ogehe, wihou Baaban's wi o ge us ou."

"I hink he capain has eune, fo, if I isake no, I saw his e hea a ie whie ago gowing ike a sunse on he cag yone," epie Oski, ooking up owa he spo whee Consanine was siing. "Goo! sai Consanine, hoing his counci of wa wih his own houghs. "The capain ooks ike e befoe sunse. Pehaps I can ook ike hi afe sunse. One avanage of having a hea ie in e! Bu I wi no show i again. Poin nube hee in y po." "Quie ikey he capain has eune, an is powing abou, inspecing eveyhing, fo he hoses'-ais o ou vey faces, ha he ay ea ou houghs. Tha is his way," sai Lovisch, gancing aoun. "Which way i he go?" "You igh as we ask which ack he Pophe's hose ook hough he ai when he caie his ie on he nigh jouney o heaven. A essenge fo he chief Aga e hi jus as we wee finishing he figh as nigh, an, wih a wo uning ove he coan o e, he oune his hose an was off. 136 Pehaps he heas soe ohe ai o-nigh; o, fo augh I know, ay be confeing wih Scanebeg in he isguise of a ankish genea; fo ha Baaban's bain is as poific of schees an icks as his an's nes is fu of eggs"uning ove a sone as he spoke. The afenoon wane, an, as he nigh fe, pepaaions wee ae fo he ach. When i was ak a igh buge noe cae in he senines, an he copany ove fowa.

In he gaheing goo Consanine appoache he exee ege of he cap, whee hose who wee o bing up he ea ha jus oune. A soie, soewha sepaae fo he ohes, was eaing sevea hoses; eihe a eay in case of accien o he ohes, o hose anias whose saes ha been epie uing he figh a he konak. Consanine's appeaance was evieny a supise o he soie, who eye hi cosey, bu ae no oveen inicaing suspicion beyon ha of a ahe pease cuiosiy. The an ae a ow sa, bowing his uban o he sae bow, an aesse hi "Wi you no oun, Sie?" Wihou esponing Consanine eape ino a sae. "You wi paon e, Capain," coninue he 137 soie. "You ae wecoe back, fo we ae in bee hea when you ae wih us."

"Thanks, goo feow," sai Consanine, "bu I have no eune yea eas y eun us no be known o he oops uni he oning. We wi ake you ongue ou if you e any one I a back wihou biing." The an gave a quick gance as if pepexe. Consanine's han was upon his agge. Bu he soie's oub was eieve as he seee o be confien of he faiia fo of his capain; an he expaine his appaen suspicion by quicky aing "You speak he Sevian exceen we, Capain." "One us ge use o i, an evey ohe ongue, in coaning such a ixe cew as he Suan gahes ino his ay," sai Consanine. "You Janizaies ae wonefu en," epie he soie. "You know a anguages. Thee was he ie Aga I once" "No ae abou ha now," sai Consanine, ineuping hi. "I wan you fo a specia uy. Can I us you o o e an ean? If you o i we you wi be ga of i heeafe." "Ay, ay, Sie! wih y ife; an y ips as ue as he hose's." "I capue a gi as nigh. She knows soehing I wou fin ou by cose quesioning. I us have he bough o he ea." "Ay! he gi Koei hos?" "Yes, e Koei o oie a ie wih he uni I coe up. We us no go fa fo his efie befoe I fin ou wha she knows, if I have o iscove i 138 wih y agge in he hea; fo hee ae aios aong us. Las nigh hee wee Anaous esse as Moses in he figh." "Tha I know," sai he soie, "fo I ippe ove a feow ysef, hiing in he bushes, who swoe a e in as goo oun Anaou ongue as hey speak in he. I an hi hough an foun a Giaou cose une his jacke. If hee ae aios aong us we wi boi he ove ou fis cap-fie, ha hey ay scen he befoe hey ge hee." "You see hen why I us fin ou wha I can a once," sai he assue capain. "Soe of ou en ae in eague wih he Anaous. I can fin ou fo ha gi evey one of he. Ipess his upon Koei; an if he hesiaes o e he gi if o he ea, you can e hi ha he wi be suspece of being in eague wih he ascas." Consanine ook he opes which he he hoses he an was eaing; an, biing hi o hase, bu be cauious ha no one bu Koei shou know he essage, foowe sowy behin.

I was neay an hou ae when he fo of he soie appeae in he oa jus befoe hi. "Righ!" sai Consanine. "Righ!" was he esponse, fis o he assue capain, hen epeae o soe one behin hi. Two ohe fos appeae; one of he a woan. Anicipaing his oes, he secon oope unie a ope fo abou his own wais, an hane i, ogehe wih he ein of he hose he woan oe, o Consanine. Then, aking a ow obeisance, he wo oopes wihew a ie isance o he ea. 139 The ohe en of he ope which Consanine he was abou he wais of he capive. Dawing he e hose cose o his own, an opping his uban oe ove his face, Consanine cosey scuinize he feaues of he woan. She was Mosinia. I was ifficu fo hi o epess he excieen an eay he eveaion of his ue peson, bu he haza of he eas cy of supise o ecogniion on he pa neve hi o cooness. "Whee ae you aking e? If you have he couage, ki e," sai he gi. Consanine epie ony by whising a snach of an Abanian ai. "Ae you an Abanian enegae?" coninue he gi. "Cou you no be conen o se yousef o figh fo he Tuk agains ohe eneies, bu us be a oube aio, an ki an kinap you own kin?" The whising coninue. Bu as he soies wee a ie eove, he sai in a ow voice, isguising his naua ones: "I a an Abanian, an if you wi no speak, bu ony obey, I can save you." "Jesu gan you ae ue!" was he euous esponse. "This wi pove i," uee he, eaching owa he, an wih his knife cuing a boa sap which boun he ibs o he sae. "If ie esewhee, hee is he knife." The way, which ha been naowe by he pojecion of he ounains on eihe sie, now wiene a ie. Consanine knew he spo we. Thee ha 140 once been a i an peasan's hu hee, an now quie a pa of gass was gowing fo he sof soi. The eye cou no iscen i, fo he akness was ayess. Bu Consanine eebee he gassy sech was jus oun he poin of ock hey wee passing. The hoses wee waking sowy, being aowe by hei ies o pick hei way aong he sony oa. As hey une he ock a song win ushe hough he

avine, waiing a equie ove he now esee seeen an he ea eaves of as yea, which i whie in eies; an singing a uaby hough he ees o he new-bon eaves of he sping ie, which wee ocke on he caing banches. This, ogehe wih he cae of he hoses' fee befoe an behin he, enabe Consanine o aw he capive's hose an his own upon he sof uf wihou being hea. Haing he a a few yas' isance, hey aowe he en who ha foowe he o pass by, an sa in sience uni he essening soun o he ha he soies ha ae anohe un in he oa. Then, wheeing he hoses, Consanine gave oose ein back ove he ack hey ha coe. Afe a sho ie he isoune, an cosey exaining he way, e he hoses o one sie, up a pah, an own again o a ie paeau, pehaps a fuong fo he ain oa, whee a gazing pach wou keep he fo being beaye by he neighing. He eae he faigue of fuhe jouney o his coae; fo even his own oinaiy ieess fae was beginning o fee he ain of he eibe nigh an ay hey ha passe hough. Consanine hew off his uban an seche his 141 song as o if he capive fo he hose, excaiing wih eigh in his own faiia ones, "I a no Abanian, ea Mosinia, bu" "Consanine!" she cie. He ai an aos ifeess fo upon he uf, fo he shock of he eveaion ha been oo uch fo he jae neves an excie bain. Unoing he coh of his uban he spea i ove he peson, whie his own beas was he piow. Sowy she ecovee sengh an sef-coan. In a few wos he uua soies of he hous of hei sepaaion wee o. Mosinia ha been eae wih exceeing kinness an espec, as he capive of he chief office of he expeiion, who seee o be a peson of soe isincion, hough she ha no seen hi. Consanine insise upon his copanion's seeking seep, bu by his inquiies, i as uch as he own houghs o keep he awake; so ha a he awn hey confesse ha he eyes of neihe ha been cose. The necessiy of pocuing foo e he o sa a aybeak fo he neaes seeen. They escene o he oa an eace he couse of he peceing nigh; fo i was useess o eun o he wecke hae. They ha gone bu a sho isance when hey hea he soun of a boy of cavay iecy in fon of he, iing apiy up he vaey. Thee was no ie o avoi he appoaching ies eihe by figh o conceaen. Consanine sai hasiy, "Reebe, if hey ae Tuks, I oo a a Tuk, an you ae y capive. If hey ae fiens, a is we. Say whee you ae, an I wi ie fowa o ee he."


The newcoes pove o be a eachen of Abanians. Consanine was insany capue nowihsaning his ecaaion ha his ess was ony assue. "Aha! you ae a Chisian now in a Tuk's skin, ae you? Bu yeseay you wee a Tuk in a Chisian's feahes," was he aun wih which he was geee by one of he foeos ies, who coninue his baneing. "You face is hones, if you hea is no, you Mose evi; fo you ugy feaues wi no ie hough you ongue oes. I wou know ha squae jaw an e hea equay we now, wee i une he iaa of he pope insea of une he uban; an I wou cu you hoa if you caie S. Pee's key in you gie; you change-skinne iza!" "Who is he?" cie he hoseen, gaheing abou. "Why! he vey knave who escape us abou sunown yeseay, afe spying ou cap; an he has he ipuence o ask us o ake hi pisone ha he ay spy us again." "Le us hasing hi!" cie anohe, "an, uness S. Chisophe has une Mose in paaise an heps he asca, he wi fin no egs o un away wih again." "Se hi up fo a ak when we ha," popose a hi. "A uca o hi whose aow can spi his ea wihou eaing he cheek a foy paces!" 143 Consanine was hepess as hey ajuse a hae abou his neck, wih which o ea hi a he sie of a hosean, he bu of he scuious wi an shape spea-poins of his haf a an haf ey capos. They ha gone bu a few paces when he coone coaning he eachen ae his way hough he oopes o he fon. He was a veneabe an wih ong fowing whie bea. His boiy sengh seee o coe soey fo he viaiy of neve an he oinance of his spii; fo he was we won wih yeas. "Wha is his noise abou?" he aske seny. Befoe any cou epy he sae wih a oen's inceuiy an wone a Consanine, who eieve his oubs by ecognizing hi. "Coone Kabiovisch!" cie he, offing his uban as if i ha been a Chisian cap. [48] "You en ae payfu feows, as foicksoe as a ca wih a oe." "Bu why ae you hee, y boy? an why his isguise?" ineupe Kabiovisch. The expanaion was given in a few wos;on he one sie he soy of he saughe a he viage, an he avenues of Mosinia an Consanine; on he

ohe of how he news of he Tukish ai eache he cap a Sfeigae abou noon, an he escuing pay ha sae a once une Kabiovisch's coan, an ien a beakneck spee uing he enie nigh in he hope of eeing he Tuks befoe hey eege fo he naow vaey. Leaning now ha hey wee oo ae fo his, Kabiovisch hae his coan, an wih Consanine 144 sough he pace whee Mosinia was in waiing. When he o an hea ha he fis assaians of he hae ha been Abanians in isguise his age was fuious; an hough his incauious wos Mosinia eane oe of he eaion o he voivoe Aesa han he epue fahe ha eve o he; fo he ysey of he faiy ha neve been fuy expaine in he heaing. I ha heeofoe been eee bes ha he gi shou no be ae he cusoian of he own sece, es he chiish pae igh evea i o ohes. Ye she ha guesse he geae pa of he pobe of he ieniy. Bu Kabiovisch was now e by he new cuiosiy which his inaveen expessions ha awakene in he, as we as by he eakaby iscee an cauious jugen she ha ispaye, o e he he enie soy of he own ife. This was no, howeve, uni oes ha been passe hough he oop fo es, an he fies hasiy kine aong he oasie ha pepae hei efeshing beakfass. Reove fo he heaing of a ohes, Kabiovisch ehease o Mosinia an Consanine wha he eae aeay knows of he exacion an eay esience in Abania. He avise he o exee cauion agains he sighes efeence o hesef as he young Maa e Seeses, an ha she shou insis upon he ieniy as he aughe of he Sevian peasan Miosch an he sise of Consanine. Mosinia buie he fai face in he gay bea of he o an, as yeas ago she ha one when hey sa upon he oo-sone of hei Bakan hoe, an sobbe as if his wos ha ophane he. In a few oens she ooke up ino his fine bu winke 145 face, an awing i own o hes, kisse hi as she use o o, an sai ovingy, "I us beieve you wos; bu y hea hos you as y fahe: fo fahe you have been o e, an chi I sha be o you so ong as Go gives us o one anohe." The o an pesse he epes beween his ough hans, an ooke ong ino he eep bue eyes, as he sai sowy, "Ay, fahe an ohe boh was I o hee, y chi, fo ha eibe nigh, sixeen yeas ago. My ough as have ofen cae hee. Bu now you have a nobe an songe poeco in ou couny's fahe, he gea Casio. To hi you us go; fo i is no onge safe in hese oney vaeys. Une his song a an awachfu eye you wi be apy poece. Thee ae naeess eneies of he o house of De Seeses who we us avoi as vigiany as we avoi he Tuks."

I was eeine ha Consanine shou ake a eou wih he, an appoach Sfeigae fo he souh, giving ou ha hey wee fugiives fo he owe couny, which he eney ha aso been aiing. The coone sae o his une offices, in heaing of he en, ha he young Tuk was eay one of Casio's scous, an ha he young woan was an accopice. Boowing fo one an anohe sufficien Abanian cosues o subsiue fo Consanine's isguise, Kabiovisch isisse he coupe. Thee was no en o he bageing he officious soie who ha fis aese he scou eceive a he 146 hans of his coaes. They jeee a his oube isake in aking he feow yeseay as a Tukish spy in Abanian unifo, because he ha sippe away so shewy, an now again being upe by hi a ea Abanian in Tukish isguise. Soe hew he hae ove he feow's neck; ohes ae iic pepaaion fo hasinging hi; whie one pesene hi wih an iense sco of bak pupoing o be his coission as chief of he epaen of sece sevice, finishing he ock pesenaion by shiveing he bak ove he feow's hea. The unhappy an conene hisef phiosophicay: "No wone Genea Casio baffes he eney when his own en canno unesan hi. You wee a as bay wise by ha feow's icks as I was. Bu I wi neve inefee wih ha e hea again, hough he weas a uban an is cuing he hoa of he genea hisef." Two ays ae a beauifu gi accopanie by he bohewho was as unike he as he hon bush is unike he gacefu foweing ceais ha fesoons is ibs, boh of he in appaen esiuion, efugees fo nea he Geek boeenee he own of Sfeigae. By oe of he genea, o who hei pieous soy was o by Kabiovischfo he ha chance, so he sai, o coe upon he as hey wee inquiing hei way o he ownhey wee quaee wih a faiy whose house was no fa fo he ciae. o soe weeks he gi was an invai. A aging feve ha been inuce by ove excieen an he subsequen faigue of he ong jouney. Coone Kabiovisch cou no efain fo expessing his 147 inees in he young woan by aos aiy cas a he coage whee she ay. One ay, when i was suppose by he sugeon ha she igh no ive, he o an was obseve o san ong a he co upon which he sick gi was ying. A ook of agony ovespea his feaues when he sugeon, who ha been feeing he puse, ai he aos neveess han beneah he banke. "Dea, goo o an," sai he housewife. "I waan he has ai soe pey one of his own in he goun. Maybe a chi, o a ove, soeie back in he yeas. These hings o coe o us ove an ove again." The bohe of he sick gi scacey noice he visis of Coone Kabiovisch, excep o espon o his quesions when no one bu hisef cou give he exac infoaion abou he paien's coniion; fo none wache wih he so incessany.

Bu he aveous naua viaiy enabe he suffee o ouive he feve; an, as she becae convaescen, he o coone seee o foge he. His inees was appaeny in he suffeing ahe han in hesef.


The baeens of Sfeigae ay, ike a uffe coa, upon enoous shoues of ock ising high above he suouning couny. Ove he ose, ike a assive hea, he ciae wih is baizans pojecing as a cown abou he bow. The ock upon which he foificaion soo was scape owa he vaey, so ha i cou be cibe ony wih he hep of aes, even hough he assaians wee unesise by is efenes. The few spos which naue ha ef unguae wee now choke wih abais, o oveooke by basions so skifuy consuce as o nee fa ess couage an sengh fo hei efence han wee possesse by he bans of Dibian an Epio paios who fough fo behin he. The assaus which Suan Auah aunche agains he pace ha been as fequen as he eay sue showes, an his aies wee beaen o pieces as he ain eboune in spay an an in seas fo he ocks. The chagin of he baffe Suan efece isef in he iscouageen of his geneas an he eoaizaion of hei en. The pesence of his ajesy cou no sience he uua eciinaions, he ou an ancoous sife wih which bave offices sough o ay upon one anohe he esponsibiiy fo hei efea, ahe han confess ha he aiy isases wee ue o he supeio genius coaning aong hei foes. Especiay was he envy of he eaes of he ohe cops an banches of he sevice excie agains he Janizaies, o whose univae 149 aining an aing wee ue whaeve ino vicoies ha been won, an whaeve expois wohy of enion ha been pefoe. A ofy en, whose pojecing cene-poe boe he gieing bass cescen an sa, an befoe he enance o which a singe hose-ai hung fo he ong spea, enoe he heaquaes of a Sanjak Bey. In fon of he en wake wo en in eage, an no aogehe aiabe, convesaion. The one was he Bey, whose huge uban of whie, inwoun wih geen, inicae ha his aia zea was suppeene by equa enhusias fo his faih; an ha he ha ae o he faigue of any capaigns agains he infies he oi of a oe onoonous, hough oe saisfacoy, pigiage o Mecca. His copanion was an Aga of he Janizaies, secon ony in ank o he chief Aga. The ae was speaking wih a wah which his coueous wos bu i conceae "I o no ipugn you hono o he sinceiy of you oives, Caaza-Bey, in aking you accusaion agains ou Capain Baaban; bu he we-known jeaousy which is

eveywhee anifese agains ou cops copes e o beieve no a singe wo o he iscei of hi o any of he Yeni-Tschei wihou inubiabe poof. I wou aow he wo of Capain Baabanknowing hi so we as I oo ouweigh he oahs on he Koan of a scoe of hose who, ike yousef, have eason o be jeaous of his supeio couage." "Bu you upsa capain's gui can be pove, if no o you pesona saisfacion, a eas befoe hose 150 who wi no cae o ask you assen o hei jugen," epie he ohe, no aeping o vei his hae of he Aga, any oe han his pupose of cushing he one of who hey wee speaking. "Wha wi he ies of a whoe sanjak of you hieings avai agains he hono of a Janizay?" epie he Aga. "If wo hose-ais[49] hung fo he sana yone, I wou no pubicy isgace Capain Baaban by so uch as oeing an inquiy a you ean. The Janizaies wi ake no suggesion fo any bu he Paishah." "A cuse on he bag of he Janizaies! The aogancy of he Chisian enegaes nees bee waan han Baaban can give i," sneee he Bey. "If you ike, e he ae es as i is. The whoe ay beieves ha one of you evish-cappe heoeshe bes of he boo, I iagineesee his coaes in bae, an a fo he sake of a capive gi." "I is a ie!" shoue he Aga, awing his swo upon hi. The aiue of he wo offices ew a cow, who ushe fo a sies o winess he ue. Boh wee ases of swo pay, so ha neihe obaine any sanguinay avanage befoe hey wee sepaae by he aiva of he chief Aga, who fobae his subaen o coninue he confic. Upon heaing he occasion of he affay, he chief sai: "The ia of Capain Baaban sha be ha, wih he pubicaion of he fac ha Caaza-Bey has assue he posiion of his accuse; an, in he even 151 of his chage poving fase, he sha aone fo his aice by subiing o any punishen he capain ay inicae; an he foce of he Janizaies sha execue i, hough hey cu he hoas of his enie coan in oe o o i. We us fis vinicae he hono of he cops, an hen ake vengeance upon is eacos. I ean ha Caaza-Bey ake goo his chage o-oow a he sixh hou, o accep he jugen of cowa an viifie, which ou cou sha hen pocai o he ay." A he appoine ie on he ay foowing, he en of he chief Aga was he gaheing pace of he noabe offices of he cops. Wihou, i iffee fo hunes of ohe ens ony in is size, an in he pennan inicaing he ank of is occupan. Wihin, i was ine wih a canopy of fines sik an wooen apesies, on he bue backgoun of which cescens an sas, ciees an ance-heas, baeaxes, shies, ubans an evish caps wee aisicay goupe wih exs fo he Koan, an skifuy wough in bais an heas of go. The canvas sies of he

en wee now eove, aking i an open paviion, an inviing inspecion an auience fo any who esie o appoach. A ivan was a one sie, an ae a seicice of abou haf he en. Upon his sa he chief Aga, his cushion sighy aise above hose a his sie, which wee occupie by he agas of owe ank. A goup of offices fie he space beneah he en; an soies of a gaes ae a ense cow fo sevea os beyon ino he open ai. The chief Aga wave his han o an aenan, an 152 he iiay cou was foay opene. Sevea cases wee ispose of befoe ha of Capain Baaban was cae. Thee was e in a sawa soie of ie age. Two winesses epose ha, in a ecen assau upon he eney's woks a Sfeigae, when hee was poue upon he assaians a showe of aows an sones fo he baeens above, his an, wihou oes fo his office, ha cie, "Give way! Give way!" an ha o his cy an his exape wee ue he confusion of anks an he eea which foowe. The chief Aga une an ooke sieny upon he an, awaiing his epy o he accusaion. The accuse was speechess. The chief hen une o he Aga o whose ivision he cupi beonge, ha he igh hea any pea ha he shou be pease o offe fo he soie; bu he Aga's face was soi wih iniffeence. The chief, wihou aising his hea, sa in sience fo a oen, as in soen ac of weighing he case. He hen uee an invocaion of Aah as he Supee Juge. He pause. A gea of igh cice above he an; a hissing soun of he ciee an a hu wee hea. The cupi's hea oe o he goun. His unk swaye fo an insan an fe. This scene was appaeny of ie inees o he specaos. A secon case ony ese hei paience. One was chage wih having faie o eive an oe fo he coone of his oa, o egien, o a capain of one of he oas, o copanies. Boh hese offices esifie, he one o having sen he oe, he ohe o no having eceive i, an on his accoun o 153 have faie o occupy a ceain posiion wih his en in a ecen engageen wih he eney. The cupi aege ha i was ipossibe o eive he oe because of he eney's oveens a he ie. The Aga of he ivision, being appeae o by he sien gaze of he juge, sipy sai: "The an is bave;" when, by a oion of he han, he juge isisse he soie ogehe wih he case. The expecaion no ony of coon soies, bu aso of officias, e he o cane hei necks o ook a he nex coe. Even he oinaiy iobie feaues of he chief eaxe ino an expession of anxiey as a young an wake own he aise ae by he eveen eceing of he cow o eihe sie. He was no gacefu in fo. His boy was beyon he popoion of his egs; hough his as copensae fo any ack in he engh of his owe ibs. His neck was hick, he hea oun, wih fu eveopen of foehea, hough ha poion of his face was soewha conceae by

he sho, bushy asses of e hai which poue beneah his iess Janizay cap. His face was hoey, bu songy ake, evincing foce of chaace as ceay as he convouions of his usces evince ania sengh an enuance. The bighness of his eye aone fo any ack of beauy in his feaues; as i his fee an any beaing ake ape aens fo eficiency in gace of fo. Aogehe he was a an o aac one's aenion an ho i peasany. Though he ben ow o he eah in his obeisance o he chief office of his oop, i was wihou he suggesion 154 of obsequiousness, wih ha igniy which beokens ea eveence an cowns isef wih he hono i wou give o anohe. The chief Aga announce ha, ahough he winesses in his case wee no of he oe of he Yeni-Tschei, an, heefoe, ha no cai o he consieaion of he cou, ye i pease hi in his pecuia case o waive he igh o y he ae excusivey aong heseves, ha he goo nae of he Yeni-Tschei igh suffe no epoach. "Caaza-Bey," ae he chief, "fo soe eason bes known o hisef oes no accep he piviege we have exene hi, o speak in ou officia pesence wha he has feey spoken esewhee. We sha, heefoe, hea any winesses he ay have sen." One Lovisch, beonging o he iegua auxiiay oops, esifie ha Capain Baaban ha oganize a ai upon an Abanian viage, an engage hisef an copany fo he venue; bu ha ef he in he hea of he figh, no ejoining he uni he secon ay. A coon soie epose ha he capain eune o he copany eay in he secon evening, an inuce hi, he winess, an Koei, o who he capain ha enuse a beauifu capive, o bing he gi o he ea, une pea of geing fo he infoaion egaing he eney; an ha hen yseiousy isappeae wih he. Koei cooboae his esiony. Capain Baaban gave a ook of puzze cuiosiy as he hea his; bu ohewise evince no he sighes eoion. The cow gaze upon he young capain wih isappoinen 155 whie esiony was being given. The agas pesen being unabe o concea he eep anxiey epice upon hei counenances, as hey eane fowa wih ipaience o hea fo his ips soe exoneaing saeen, which, howeve, hey feae cou no be given. A few faces woe a ook of conepuous iuph. Bu wo pesons ainaine coposue. I igh be expece ha he chief Aga, fo his faiiaiy wih such scenes, if no fo he popiey of his being he foa eboien of he igi an eoseess cou of he Janizaies, whose ecees he was o announce, wou show no eoion, howeve song his sypahy wih he pisone. The enangee an answee his gaze wih equa soiiy when he juge une o hi fo his efence; bu he eaine speechess. A shue of hoo an hough he cow. The execuione seppe fowa o he sie of he appaeny convice peson. A sigh inging soun, as he ong cuve of he we-epee bae gaze

he goun, sen o evey hea he chiing announceen of his eainess. The chief Aga une o he ohes, bu sough in vain any paiaoy suggesion o appea fo ecy, excep in he ue agony of hei ooks. The chief hen aise his eyes as if fo he invocaion of Aah's confiaion of he senence as jus. Bu his paye was a sange one:"Oh, Aah! hou has given a wonous spii o his an; a couage wohy of he sou of Ohan hisef!" Then ising wih excieen he aesse he hong in api speech. 156 "Look upon his an, y bohes of he shining face![50] "Di he quai a he ing of he execuione's swo? Di he even change coo when he hea he aning esiony? A ue son of Kaa Khaif is he. A wo fo his ips wou have exoneae hi, ye he wou no speak i es i shou evea he seces of ou sevice, which he wou keep wih ea ips ahe han ive o e he. Bu I sha be his winess; an you, y bohes, sha be his juges. Capain Baaban was ecae fo he ai by ou bohe Sina, aga of he ivision o which he capain beongs. Bu, aas! he swo of Scanebeg has oose Sina's sou fo figh o paaise, an he cou no esify o his an's fieiy. Bu I know he oe of Sina; in his vey en i was wien. An hough he faihfu essenge who caie i was sain in afe confic, he oe was execue by Capain Baaban o evey ee: evey oen of his absence fo he ai is accoune fo on y abes"apping his foehea as he spoke. A ou shou bus fo he cow which ae he en shake as if fie wih a ising win. "Baaban! Baaban!" cie he uiue, ifing he bave feow upon hei shoues. "Take ha fo you gin when you hough he was guiy!" shoue one, as he eivee a eenous bow upon he face of anohe. "Deah o Caaza-Bey! Down wih he ying viain!" ose he cy, he cow beginning o ove, 157 as if aniae by a coon spii, o seek he envious coanan of he neighboing cops. Bu hey hae a he en sie waiing fo he sign of peission fo hei chief, who, by he oion of his han fobae he assau which wou have bough on a eific bae beween he Janizaies an hei ivas houghou he ay. "We sha ea wih Caaza-Bey heeafe, if his shae oes no sen hi skuking fo he caps," sai he chief, esuing his siing posue, an esoing oe abou hi. "Suon he winesses again," he poceee.

"You Lovisch esifie uy as o Capain Baaban's absence, an ay go. Bu you win ascas who swoe o his escape wih he gi, you heas sha go o CaazaBey, an you back sous o he sevenh he.[51] Execuione, o you office!" "Ho!" cie Baaban, as he an ew his ciee. "Upon y eun o he copany I foun y fai capive gone, an une such sange cicusances ha I can see ha hese goo feows ay be hones in wha hey have sae. I bespeak hy ecy, Sie, fo he." "Capain Baaban's wi sha be ous," epie he chief, wih a wave of his han isissing he assebage. As he cow wihew, he sai, "My bohes, he agas, wi eain, an Capain Baaban." The sies of he en wee pu up. The gua paoe wihou a a isance of sixy paces, ha no one igh ovehea he convesaion in he counci.


"Has Capain Baaban any expanaion of his conspiacy agains hi?" aske one. "None!" was he aconic epy. Bu afe a oen's pause he ae: "Pehaps hee was no conspiacy, excep as ou jeaous neighbos ae wiing o ake avanage of evey unseey cicusance ha can be wise o poin agains any of he YeniTschei. This ay expain soehing. The gi ha I capue a he Giaou viage was no coon peasan, by he cheek of Ayesha! He face, as i by he bazing konak, was of such beauy as I have neve seen excep in soe eas of y chihoo. He voice an anne in coaning e o ibeae he wee hose of one we-bon o use o auhoiy. I was we ha I behough e o give he ino he keeping of ha u-heae Koei, o she igh have bewiche e ino obeying he an eing he go. My beief is ha he gi was escue. I ay be ha ou en wee heaviy bibe o give he up, o ha soe one pesonae ysef an eane he, an ha he soy of y eun ay be hus accoune fo, bu I canno see any eachey in Koei's anne. If she was of any specia vaue o Scanebeg he wou fin soe way of unning he off, hough he ha o ake a eague wih he evi an assue y shape o o i. The Anaous, you know, beieve ha he Vii ae in cousion wih Scanebeg, an ha one of he, a he-vii, Raisha, o soe such spie, is his boy sevan. Tha wi 159 accoun fo i a," ae he, aughing a he concei. "Bu," sai he secon Aga, "Caaza-Bey's insu was none he ess, if you suise be ue. We us wash i ou in he boo of a hune o so of his hieings o-oow." The chief shook his hea.

"Bu," coninue he secon Aga, "he jeaousy of ou cops us be punishe. You see how nea i cae o osing fo us he ife of one of ou baves. Caaza-Bey us figh e o-oow." "Bavo!" cie a; whie one ae, "An e he chaenge be pubic, ha he enie foce of he Yeni-Tschei be on han an a he oops of he Beye Bey of Anaoia, an" oweing his voice "we can anage i so ha he figh becoe genea, an each hese epies of Asiaics ha he Yeni-Tschei ae he igh han an he bain of he epie." "Ay, ae he epie!" sai anohe. "Le us have a sciage ha wi be ineesing. The wa wih Scanebeg is geing onoonous. One ay he coes ino ou cap, ike a buche ino a saughe pen, an he nex ay we ae ache ou o hi, o be saughee esewhee. I equies one o be fu of Isa, he Hoy Resignaion, o san his so of ife. Yes! e's o a ie fighing in ou own way an ge i of soe of his soie spawn which he Paishah has bough wih hi fo acoss he Bosphous!" "Bu you foge, y bohes," sai Baaban, "ha his figh wih he Sanjak Bey oes no beong 160 o any one besie ysef. His ie was abou e. I hen a he an o ake off his hea; an I hink I can o i wih as goo gace as he execuione was nigh o aking off ine jus now." "No, Capain!" sai he chief. "You ank is as ye beow he Bey's, an he wou ake ha an excuse fo ecining he gage. Besies," sai he, oweing his voice, "I have specia sevice fo you esewhee, which canno be eaye." When he agas, aking he ow couesy, eie, he chief wake wih Baaban. "Capain, I have hea no epo of he ean upon which you wee sen." "No, Sie, I was aese he oen I eune o cap." "You succeee, I know, fo he oveens of he eney: ahough he sowness of he Paishah in oeing an avance, when Scanebeg was ivee by you use, pevene ou aking avanage of i." "Yes," sai Baaban, "I succeee as we as any one cou, no being secone fo heaquaes. Bu I i soe sevice incienay, an picke up soe hepfu infoaion. The nigh afe eaving he hae we fie, I fe in wih a copany of Anaous who wee coing o he escue. They wou have go ino he naow vaey befoe ou en go ou, ha I no anage o ick he. I was in isguise an eaiy passe fo an Anaou ou, giving he fase infoaion abou he iecion ou pay ha aken, an so os he an hou o wo, an save he hoas of Lovisch's feows, a ee abbe, goo enough fo a ai, bu no o be epene upon fo a squae figh. 161 Bu we us have no oe ais. Scanebeg has eans of

counicaion as quick an sube as if he cous wee his signas an he sas wee his beacons. "I hen cae upon a Dibian seeen, peening o be a fugiive fo he vaeys o he noh; an eneaine he viages wih bug-a-boo soies abou he hoss of en wih ubans on hei heas an ie evis on hei shoues who ha esoye a ha couny, an wee now pouing own owa he souh. "By he way," coninue Baaban aughing, "hee was an o feow hee, vey ae, wih a pach ove one eye, who cou hay san eaning on his saff, he was so pasie wih age. Bu he one eye ha was open was aogehe oo bigh fo his yeas; an his egs in' shake enough fo one who ae his saff so uch. So I pu hi own as one of Scanebeg's ynxeshey ae eveywhee. I escibe o hi he Mose oveens in such a way as o e a aine soie beieve ha we ha eniey change fon, wih he pospecive aising of he siege of Sfeigae an aiance wih he Veneians fo caying he wa fahe o he noh. The o coge ook he bai, an aske fify quesions in he one of a feow whose hea ha been use fo a ush-po insea of a bain-hoe; bu evey quesion was in is eaning as keen as a agge-hus ino he vey ibs of he iiay siuaion. We! I hepe hi o a he infoaion he wane; when wih a winke in his eye, he hobbe away, as wise as an ow when a fesh seak of ay-igh has suck hi: an befoe nigh 162 he whoe couny o he boes of Senogovia was aive wih Scanebeg's scous; an evey coss-pah was a enezvous of his boken-wine cavay. "I saw one hing which gave e a hin I ay use soe ay. A a viage he woen wee caying wae fo a sping fa own in a avine, hough hee was a fine fowing founain quie nea he. I sees ha a og ha go ino he founain abou a onh befoe, an was owne. These Dibians beieve ha, if any one shou ink he wae of such a sping befoe as any ays have passe as he og has hais on his ai, he wae wi ake his bowes o, an his sou go ino a og's boy when he ies. "The nex nigh I spen insie he was of Sfeigae." "No!" cie he chief. "Why, an, you us fy he ai wih he wiches!" "No a a, I have soe acquainances in ha snug ie pace; an when hey go o be hey hang he key of he own on a oonbea fo e. If i is no hee, I have ony o vau ove he was, o sai ove he on he cous, o buow une he wih he oes, o ho y beah uni I un ino a spie, ike he wizas on he Ganges, an o! I a in. We! ha nigh I oge wih a wohy faiy of Sfeigae, peening ha I was a poo fugiive fo he vey own we ha aie a few nighs befoe. An, by he hai of he beauifu Makhaoon![52] I saw hee he vey capive I ha aken. She ay aseep on 163 a co jus wihin a oowayuness I was aseep ysef an eaing, as I haf beieve I was."

"Yes, i was a ea of yous, no oub, Capain," sai he chief, "fo when a young feow ike you once ges a fai woan in his as, as you say you ha he in yous he nigh of he ai, she neve ges ou of he ebace of his iaginaion. He wi see he eveywhee, an go abou ying o hug he shaow. Bewae iusions, Capain! They use up a feow's houghs, ake hi oo eek-eye o see hings as a soie shou. The ove passion wi ake he enegy ou of he bes of us, as quicky as he fie akes he epe ou of he bes Daascene bae." "I hank you fo you counse, Aga," epie Baaban, his face cooing as eep as his hai. "Bu hee was one hing I saw wih a waking eye." "An wha was ha?" "Tha hee was bu one we of wae in he own of Sfeigae; he one in he ciae cou. Bu anohe hing I in' see, hough I seache he pace fo i;an ha was a og o how ino he we; o I wou have hise he supesiious gaison ou. They have eaen up he as cu." "Then he suene us coe soon," sai he Aga. "No," epie Baaban, "fo he voivoe Moses Goee cae ino he own as I was eaving, iving a fock of sheep which he ha soen fo us; fo he ha cu off an enie ain of povisions which ha been sen o ou cap fo Aianope." "Then I us have you off a once on anohe ean, Capain. You see yone ine of ounains off o he 164 nohwes. I ay be necessay o shif he wa o ha egion fo a whie. Ivan Beg,[53] he bohe-in-aw of Scanebeg, has aise a pack of wi fiens aong hose his of his, an is iving ou a ou fiens. Nohing can san agains hi uness i be he beass of he Yeni-Tschei. Scanebeg ay cope us o aise he siege of Sfeigae, fo he bees us aiy ike a eech. A ivesion afe Ivan Beg wi a eas be oe honoabe han a eun o Aianope. Now I wou know exacy he passes an bes paces fo foificaion in Ivan's couny; an you, Capain, ae he an o fin he ou. You shou be off a once. Take you ie an spy hooughy, aking a ap an ansiing o e you noes. An whie hee fee he peope. I is uoe ha he young voivoe, Aesa, is esess une he eaeship of Scanebeg. If a issension cou be ceae aong hese Anaous, i wou be we. Aesa has a age pesona foowing in ha noh couny; fo his case is jus on he boe of i." "Bu," epie Baaban, "I us fis puck he bea of ha coway Caaza-Bey!" "No! I fobi i. You boo is woh oe in you own veins han anywhee ese. I shou no consen o you isking a op of i in pesona coba wih any one excep Scanebeg hisef."

The figh beween he secon Aga an Caaza-Bey i no ake pace. Tha wohy was convenieny sen 165 by Suan Auah, who ha eane of he feu, o ook afe ceain ubuen Caaanians; an eaving behin hi a wake of cuses upon a Janizaies fo he chief o he po-scoues, he ook his epaue fo he Asiaic povinces. Ha he eaine, he Tuks wou have ha enough o occupy he wihou his gauious e. o uing he nigh scous bough wo ha Scanebeg ha asse a his foces, ha wee no behin he was of Sfeigae, a a poin o he igh of he Tukish ines. Hay ha he ay been face o ee his aack, when scous cae fo he ef, epoing seious epeaions on ha fank. Auah, in he unceainy of he eney's oveen, ivie his hos. The Asiaics wee given he nohen an he Janizaies he souhen efence; eihe of he ounubeing any foce Scanebeg cou sen agains he. Bu, as a onao cus is boa swah hough a foes, upooing o snapping he giganic ees, showing is iecion ony by he afe ack of esoaion, which i cus in aos unvaying wih, whie beyon is we efine ines scacey a banch is boken o a nes oveune aong he swaying foiageso Scanebeg swoope fo eas o wes hough he vey cene of he Tukish encapen, gaheing up as an povisions, an sewing his ack wih he boies of he sain. By he ie ha he Moses wee sufficieny concenae o offe effecive esisance he assaians wee gone. A he hea of he vicoious ban Scanebeg oe a sa an ungainy, bu ough an ieess aniaike os of he Abanian hoses, which wee bee 166 aape o heaing hei way own he pahess ounain sies, han o cuveing in iiay paaehei ack of naua baas being ae up by he enoous buens hey wee aine o cay. The figue an beaing of Scanebeg, howeve, apy copensae he ack of aia picuesqueness in his see. He was in fu ao, excep ha his swo a was bae. His bea of coinge yeow an gay fe fa own upon he see paes of his cosee. A hee suck fa back upon his hea, showe he assive bow which seee of ape heigh, fo he Abanian cuso of cipping sho, o shaving he hai off fo he uppe foehea. Wheeing his hose, he engage in convesaion wih a sou, bu awkwa soie. "You an you beas ae we ache, Consanine. You boh nee bee aining befoe you ae fi o paae as pisones of Auah. You si you hose as a ca ies a og, hough you o ho on as we wih you hee as she wih he caws. You sho egs wou o bee o cap he bey of a cocoie." "Yes, we ae boh accusoe o aching an fighing in ou own way, ahe han in copany," epie Consanine. "Bu he beas has no faie e by a fase sep; no when we eape he faen oak an ane in he guch back yone. The beas cae own as safey an sofy as on he aining awn."

"An you have one as we yousef," epie he genea. "Tha was a ba pay hough you ha wih he Tuk as we cu ou way hough he as kno of he. Bu fo a sie hus which I ha ie o give 167 a you anagonis, whie waiing fo he sow oions of y own, I fea ha you ania wou be ighe now by jus you weigh. You sike powefuy, bu you o no ecove yousef skifuy. A goo swosan wou ge a esponse ino you ibs befoe you cou ea hi a secon. Hee, I wi show you! Now hus! Sike! No, no so; bu ha, viainousy, a e, as if I wee he Tuk who soe you gi! So! Again! Again!Now ean his oveen"pessing his own swo seaiy agains his copanion's, an bening hi back uni he was aos off his hose. "An his," eaing so eenous a sash wih he back of he swo ha Consanine's a was aos nube by he effo o esis i."An his!" ansiing a wising oion fo his own o his opponen's weapon, so ha fo one insan hey seee ike wo sepens wihing ogehe; bu a he nex Consanine's swo was wie ou his han. "You wi ake a capia swosan wih pacice, y boy. An he gi? Keep a shapene eye fo he; an e e if so uch as a new spie's web be woven a he oo." A peasan woan soo by he pah as hey poceee, hoing ou he han fo as, as she an besie he genea's hose. He eane owa he o give soehing; bu, as his han ouche hes, she sippe a bi of whie ag ino i: "The ap of he oas, Sie, wix his an Monasi!" "An you son, y goo woan?" inquie he genea kiny. "Ah! he Vigin piy e, Sie, fo he ie. We 168 cou no sop he beeing, fo he ance's poin ha cu a vein. Bu I have a aughe who can ake his pace. She knows he signasfo he augh he o hean can ake he beacon as we as he; an is as nibe of foo o cib he cag. Bu pease, Sie, he chi i no eebe if he eney going wes was o be signae by ighing he beacon befoe o afe he bigh sa's seing." "Jus afe, goo ohe. If hey go o he eas an coss he ounain, fie he beacon jus befoe he sa ses. An he bighes of a sas be fo you own hope an cofo!" "An fo ea Abania's an hine own!" epie he woan, isappeaing in he cow, as a an ashe cose o Scanebeg on a we-jae see. "The Tukish auxiiaies wi be a he enance o he efie in hiy hous." "You esiae of hei nube, neighbo Sephen?" "o hee o five housan."

"No oe?" "No oe in he fis eachen. A secon of equa size foows, bu a ay in he ea." "Goo! Take wih you ou nephew, Musache e Angeine, an five hune Epios each. This wi be sufficien o peven he fis eachen geing ou of he pass. I wi sike he secon fo he ea as soon as hey ene he pass. They can no anuve in ha cooke an naow efie, an we wi esoy he a ou eisue. Sike popy. aewe!" "Miseabe sheep!" he uee, "why wi hese Tuks so ep e o saughe he?"


Upon he souhen sope of he Back Mounainha is, on he ising upans which ea fo Abania o Monenegoay he ancien an pincey esaes of he De Seeses. A ense foes of pines spea fo ies, ike a yia giganic pias in soe vas epe. They seee o suppo, as i wee, soe Tianic oe suoune wih pinnaces an ues, a huge cuse of jagge ocks, which was cae by hose who gaze upon i fo eagues away "The Eyie." In he is of hese gea onoihs, an hay isinguishabe fo he, ose he was of he new case which he voivoe Aesa ha bui upon he uins of ha esoye a he ie of he assace of is foe possesso. The hose of he voivoe soo wihin he cou, his hea ooping, an he whie swea-foa ying upon his heae fanks. His ase pace up an own he encosue, engage in ow bu excie convesaion wih a soie. The voivoe was of pincey ien; a, bu copacy bui; face fu in is owe eveopen, an soewha sensua; eyes gay an esess, which gave one a fis a shap, peneaing gance, an hen seee o hie behin he haf-cose is, ike soe wi ania ha inspecs he hune hasiy, hen akes o cove. "You ae sue, Daku, ha he pay which ove you fo he hae wee Tuks, an no Anaous in isguise, ike youseves?" 170 "I cou no isake," sai Daku, a ha-face an, one of whose eyebows was ache highe han he ohe, an whose enie counenance was isoe fo he syeica baance of is wo sies, giving an expession of upiciy an cuey. "I cou no isake, nobe Aesa, fo I have oo ofen eye hose ascas ove he poin of y swo no o know a Tuk in he ak. Bu a he fiens cobine agains us

ha nigh. We ef ou wo bes en ea, an he wo we wane, he boy an he gi, escape us. The she-wich i no coe back o he viage he nex ay; bu he e-heae ip i, an ave ike a hyena when he foun he gi issing. I wache hi as he sueny wen off, oubess, o soe spo hey boh knew of. The young hief soe he cohes off a ea Tuk. The nex ay we spie hi again; his ie wih ha Anau-Kabiovisch, Abanian-Sevian, foese-coone, o whaeve he ay be, who cae back when Casio i. The feow escape us a secon ie." "Tack hi! ack hi!" cie Aesa spiefuy. "I wi ake you ich, Daku, he ay you bing e ha fox's bush of e hai fo his hea." "I have acke hi an cou ake you o he vey spo whee he an he gi ae oay," sai he an. "Coe his way, y nobe Aesa,"eaing hi o he sie of he cou coaning a fa sech of couny o he noh-wes. "Now e you eye foow Skaa[54] aong he ef shoe: hen up he gea ive.[55] 171 No wo eagues fo he ounain spu ha bens he sea ou of you sigh, a he hae jus off he oa ino you Unce Ivan's couny" "The sageshina has a e goie ike a ukey cock? I know evey hu in he hae," ineupe Aesa. "Bu why hink you she is hee?" "Why? I have seen he, an hi wih he. I foowe he feow ay afe ay. Once I saw hi yone on he spu. He cippe he bak of a ee, an in he soohe spo cu a ine. A ie beyon he i he sae hing again. He spie his way an ha way wih a he pains one wou ake o pick a way fo an ay. Then he ook a o of pape fo his boso, an ake own soehing fo evey ak he ha ae upon he ees. An when he was ou of sigh I ook he ange of his aks, an by S. Thecka! hey poine saigh o a pah which e own he ounain o he fo in he gea ive ha is opposie he o ukey cock's konak." "Bu you ay have isaken he an," suggese Aesa. "No I, Sie. I know his hea as we as a bu knows a e ag; an his uck egs, an his wak ike an abing hose." "I is he," subie Aesa. "Bu how know you ha he gi was hee in he hae?" "Di I no see he, y nobe Aesa? An cou I no know he fo he ook of he fahe? If I cou foge hi iving, I have neve passe a nigh wihou seeing his face as i was ea, when we agge hi o he buning beas of he o house ha soo on his" 172 "Sience!" cie Aesa in a suen bus of age. "How ae you aue o y unce's eah wihou y biing?"

Thee was a pause fo a few oens, uing which Aesa sape heaviy upon he sone paveen of he cou as he wake, ike one eneavoing o shake off fo his peson soe noisoe hing ha oube hi. The an esue "Besies, he chien of he viage sai she was a say ki hee, an no of kin o anyboy. An whie I was hee he sae sup-heae feow who ake he iecion cae o he hae." "Be eay o accopany e o-oow, Daku. You can say ha we ae scouing."

The ake of Skaa ay ike an iense apis azui wihin is seing of ounains, which, on he eas, wee goen wih he ays of he ecining sun, an on he wes, enaee in eea wih he ense shaows hei suis oppe upon he. The suface of he wae was unboken, save hee an hee by back spos whee a pai of oons shieke hei aia unhappiness, o a fock of wi ucks foae, ike a iniaue fee, abou he ee-finge shoes of soe ie isan. Ha hee been waches on he foess of Obo, which ay on he ciff jus above whee he Tsenoyevicha enes Skaa, hey wou 173 have espie a igh shaop giing aong he easen bank of he ake. This conaine he voivoe Aesa an his aenan. Jus a nigh-fa hey eache he caven, whose hien ecesses bego a hune egens which he wei shaows of he cave cohe in fos as fanasic as hei own, an which si fi aong he haes of Monenego. I was sai ha whoeve shou seep wihin he cave wou es his hea on he bosos of he nyphs:ony e hi ake cae ha hei ove oes no peven his eve waking. Aesa an his copanion wee couageous, bu isceion e he o win he sooka abou hei heas, an seek wihou a couch of pine neees beween he enoous oos of he ees which ha oppe he. The awn ha jus sivee he eas, an he coing sun ansfoe he co bue ins of Skaa ino abe, when hey enee he ive. The gea sea woun hough he boa owans of Tseinie, gie wih ocky his. Then i ashe in ipeuous foos beween oe saighene banks, o ingee, as if he ive spii wou bahe hisef in he eep poos ha wee cooe by he spings a hei boos. Though faiia wih he phenoenon, hey oiee ha hey igh wach he schoos of fish which wee so ense in paces as o ipee he soke of he oa bae, an in he enie sea wih hei u sivey gea.[56] Eeging fo a ouous channe, hough which he ive wise isef ike a vas shining sepen, hey cae o a cuse of houses ha nese in a goge. These houses wee ae of sone, an so covee wih vines as o be hay isinguishabe 174 fo he ense shubbey ha cabee ove he ocks abou he. Aesa was way geee by he sageshina who occupie he konak, o pincipa house. The oe peope eebee he visio as he coey a who, befoe he

eun of Geoge Casio, was aos he ony ae epesenaive of ha nobe faiy ef in he an. The voivoe was honoe wih evey evience ha he viages fe heseves copiene by he visi of hei gues, whaeve business o capice igh have bough hi hihe. A sipe epas was povie, in which he couesy of he sevice on he pa of he sageshina oe han copensae any povey in he ispay of vians;hough hee wee se foh eas ie in sips in he soke of an open fie; eggs; swee, hough back bea; an wine pesse fo vaious ounain beies, an aowe o feen in skins. As hey sa besie a ow abe a he ooway of he konak, he sageshina offee a foa sa, he zavisa, which was haf a oas an haf a paye, an exene his han o Aesa in he poesaion of pesona fienship. A he ea he goies of Casio an Ivan Bego Ivo, as he peasans cae hi wee uy ecie. "Bu why," sai he o an, ising o his fee wih he enhusias of he senien "Why shou he couny sing he paises of Geoge Casio, who fo hiy yeas was wiing o be a Tuk an figh fo an aien faih? You shoues, nobe Aesa Pince Aesa, y oya hea wou ca youcou as we have bone he buen of he peope's efence. You a 175 cou sike as goo a bow as his fo Abania. You boo is ha of he Casios, an unaine by Mose ouch. You esaes, since you have becoe hei o he ans of De Seeses, ake you ou iches an os infuenia voivoe." These wos ae he eyes of Aesa fash, no wih any nove peasue, ahe wih an abiion o which he was no sange. Bu he fash was sohee a once by he haf-cose eyeis, an he espone "I ough no o hea such wos, y goo fien. My Unce Geoge is he heo of he hou. The peope nee a heo in who hey beieve; an he vey ysey of his ife fo he hiy yeas aong he Tuks, an he oance of his eun, ake hi a convenien heo." "Bu Sie, y nobey Pince Aesao you no aiy hea such wos as I speak? The hough is as coon as he Pae Nose, an echoes fo Skaa o Ochia. I was bu a week since a young Abanian passe hough his boe couny, whispeing eveywhee ha he an was eay o cy Aesa's nae ahe han he efoe enegae, Geoge Casio's; ha Scanebeg, he Lo Aexane, he suing ie he Tuks gave hi, was an offence o he fee heas of he peope." "Ah! an wha so of a an fo ook was his Abanian?" aske Aesa in supise. "A suy youh of, say, weny sues, wih hai ike a uban which ha been won by a ozen saughee Tuks, so boo e is i."

Aesa gave a puzze ook owa Daku, who 176 was eaing his ea a a ie isance, bu whose eas seee o pick up ike hose of a hose a his escipion. "I is ikey ha he ay be again in he viage his vey nigh. Ou neighbo nex oge hi. I wi ask hi if he wi eun," sai he sageshina, eaving he konak fo a ie. "I is he; i's ha Consanine," sai Daku, coing neae o Aesa. "The wiy young evi is eay o beay you Unce Geoge. Tha wi ake he ae easie." "The way is cea, hen," epie Aesa. "I a ga ha he ai was no successfu. I igh have e o fuhe boo. Wih his feow in eague wih us, i is saigh wok an honoabe." The sageshina epoe he an wou pobaby be in again ha vey nigh, an ae: "I wou you cou see hi; fo hough he is fai spoken, hee is soe ysey in his going ay afe ay aong hese ounains, ike a houn who is ooking fo a os scen." "Pehaps he is aace hee by soe of he fai aiens of he haes," suggese Aesa, ooking a Daku, who was eaing a bi of jeke ea in his eeh, appaeny inen ony upon ha sefish occupaion. "I ay we be, fo ou neighbo hee has haboe a bi of say woanhoo which igh ep a onk o oge hee ahe han in his ce," sai he o an. A shou fo above he aace hei aenion o a ey copany which was coing own he 177 ounain. I was he pocession of he Dooa. Dough heaene o esoy he scany gain gowing in he naow vaeys, an he vines on he eaces cu ou of he seep his. Accoing o an ancien cuso, a young aien ha been aken by he copanions ino he woos, sippe of he usua gaens, an ecohe in he eaves an fowes of he enangee vegeaion. Long gasses an saks of gain wee ae in any fos abou he peson, an seve as a base fo aisic ecoaion wih evey vaiey of foa beauy. He fee wee buskine in cove bossos. A ki of boa-eave fens hung fo he wais, which was bee wih a boa zone of wi oses. Whie an pink aue bossos ae he boice. An ivy weah upon he bows was sae wih whie aisies, an pue wih he ses an hanging bes of he coubine. The Dooa hus appeae as he ipesonaion of foa naue ahis fo he vivifying ains. He aenans, who e he in a eash of oses, chane a hyn, he efain of which was a paye o Eijah, who, since he bough he ain a Cae, is suppose by he peasans of Abania o be ha sain o who Povience has coie he shepheing of he cous. As he pocession woun own he eace

pahs beween he houses, he Dooa was wecoe by he aons of he hae, who soo each in he own ooway, wih hai gahee beneah a cap of coins, eeh enaee in back, finges ippe bownish-e wih henna. The aiens sung a vese of hei hyn a each coage; an, a he efain, he housewife poue upon he hea of he eaf-ca Dooa a 178 cup of wae; epeaing he as ine of he chous, "Goo Sain Eias, so sen he ain!" As he Dooa pause befoe he konak, Aesa sai, quie enhusiasicay, an esigning o be ovehea by he fai gi who ook he pa of hising naue, "If Eias can efuse he paye of so uch woany beauy, I swea, by Jezebe, ha I sha heeafe beieve, wih he Tuks, ha he ausee o pophe has becoe bewiche wih he houis in paaise, an so oes no cae o ook ino he faces of eahy ases." "You ay si keep you Chisian faih, fo he Dooa has won he favo of he Thunee,"[57] epie he sageshina. "Lisen o his ove-aking in esponse o he wichey of ha wi ove! Do you hea i?" The isan uu of a coing showe confie he ceuiy of he peasans. "Yes, soon he Hoy Vigin wi un he bigh gances upon us,"[58] sai he ooking a he sky. "Who is ha wi ove who acs he Dooa?" inquie Aesa. "The one I o you of, who has coe ino ou neighbo's co," epie he o an. "Bu ony he shap eyes of he cows saw whee she cae fo. Di she no speak ou ongue an know ou ways as we as any of us, I shou say she was one of he Tsigani who wee iven ou of he oning an by Tiou.[59] Ye i ay be ha he own soy is ue. 179 She says she ha wo oves in he viage; an hese wo wee bohes in Go, who ha aken he vow befoe heaven an S. John o hep an neve o hine each ohe in whaeve avenue of ove o biganage, a cos of ib o ife. Bu as he ho boo of neihe of hese oves cou enue o see his nyph in he as of he ohe, i was eeine ha she shou be sain by he han of boh, ahe han ha he sace bohehoo shou be boken. By he own fahe's heah he wo agges wee suck ogehe a he hea. Bu he song as of he sayes coie, an boh bows gance. She escape an fe, an cae hihe." "An you beieve his soy?" aske Aesa, wih a ook of inceuiy inge wih iuph, as of one who knew oe han he naao. "I beieve he soy, nobe Aesa, becausebecause no one has o e any ohe. Bu" He shook his hea.

"Does no he young sange you spoke of know soehing of he, ha he pows abou his neighbohoo?" aske he gues. "I ay be. I ha no hough i, bu i ay we be! His!" The Dooa passe by, euning o he own coage. As she i so he bigh back eyes gance coqueishy a he sange fo beneah he isaange chape of fowes an ishevee hai. She soon eune, having assue he gaens as a peasan ai, bu wih evien effo o ake his sipe aie se off he gea naua beauy of face an fo, of which she was fuy conscious. He foehea 180 was oo ow; bu Pygaion cou no have chisee a bow an epes upon which gossy back inges cusee oe bewichingy. He eyes fashe oo co a fie igh o give one he ipession of gea aiabiiy in hei possesso; bu he ong ashes which oope befoe he, paiay veie hei sae so as o give he iusion of coyness, if no of aieny oesy. He ouh was pehaps sensuousy cuve; bu was one of hose aveousy pasic ones which can e by he sighes aching o copessing of he ips as uch of pupose o feeing as os peope can e in wos:angeous ips o he possesso, if she be guieess an unsuspicious, fo hey evea oo uch of he sou o ohes who have no igh o know is seces; angeous ips o ohes if she wou eceive, fo hey can ie, consuaey, wickey, wihou ueing a wo. He copexion was scacey bunee; ahe ha inescibabe fainess in which he whieness of aabase is inge wih he boo of pefec heah, sighy bonze by consan exposue o he sunshine an aia copexion seo seen excep in Syia, he Geek Isans, o Waes. He fo was fauess,jus a ha sage of eveopen when he gace an iheness of chihoo ae beginning o be os in he saeie yseies of woany beauy; ha ansiion sae beween wo ieas of oveiness, which, fo he ays of Phiias, has ue, bu aways eue, he ais's ski o epouce. The gi's face fushe wih he consciousness of being gaze a appovingy by he couy sange. Bu he pey oss of he hea showe ha he bush was ue as uch o he concei of he beauy as o 181 bashfuness. As she ake wih he ohe aiens, she gance fuivey owa he oo of he konak, whee Aesa sa. The young voivoe foesaw ha i wou no be ifficu o enice he gi hesef o be he chief agen in any pan he igh have fo he abucion. He neee, howeve, o ake oe ceain of he ieniy wih he objec of his seach. He cou iscen no ace of Maa De Seeses in he face; uch ess in he anne. Since Daku ha suggese i, he iagine a esebance o De Seeses hisef, whose beaing was haughy an his epeaen fiey. The evening bough he young an of who he sageshina ha spoken. His esebance o he escipion given hi of Consanine ef no oub in Aesa's in of his being he yseious cusoian of he heiess o his esaes. The young Sevian he suppose wou a once ecognize hi as Aesa; fo, as a poinen office in he ay, his face wou be we known o a who ha been in Casio's caps, even if

he gossip of he viages i no a once info hi of his pesence. I wee bes hen, hough Aesa, o boy confon hi; win hi, if possibe, o his sevice; if no, esoy hi. The young sange was a once on foicksoe es wih he viage gis an as; an Aesa hough he obseve ha hough i a he feow kep a shap, if no a suspicious, eye upon hi. Les he shou escape, he voivoe invie hi o wak beyon he houses of he viage. When ou of sigh an heaing he sueny une upon he young an, an, aying a han upon his shoue, excaie, 182 "You ae known, an!" Upon he insan he sange was ansfoe fo he sauneing peasan ino a gaiao, wih fee fiy pane, he ef han aise as a shie, an he igh gasping a yaaghan which ha been conceae upon his peson. Aesa, hough he aggesso, was hown upon he efensive, an was copee o eea in oe o gain ie fo he gip of his weapon. The wo en soo gaing ino each ohe's eyes as hee each o ea his anagonis's oveen befoe his han began o execue i. "I i no know ha a Sevian peasan was so aine," sai Aesa, si eeaing befoe he avance of his opponen, who gave hi no oppouniy o assue he offensive. "o who o you ake e ha you ae o ay a ough han on e?" sai he an, haf in enace, an ye appaeny wiing o iscove if his assaian wee igh in his suise. "Anau's an an I nee no be eneies," sai Aesa, seeing no chance of eieving hisef fo he avanage he ohe ha gaine in he swo pay. "I can ewa you bee han he o Casio." A sie passe ove he an's face, which Aesa igh have eece he eaning of ha his in been ess occupie wih houghs abou his pesona safey fo he yaaghan, whose poin was seeking his hoa accoing o he os appove ues of singe coba. "An wha if I a Anau's an?" As he sai his he yaaghan ae a hoough econnoissance of a he vuneabe pas of Aesa's 183 boy fo he fifh ib upwas, foowe by Aesa's agge in wa. "You o no eny i?" sai he Abanian beween beahs.

"I eny nohing. No nee I confess anyhing, since you say I a known." "Sha we be fiens?" aske Aesa, cauiousy oweing his a. "You ae wa, an can wihaw is ecaaion, o ake he consequences," was he epy. The wo en pu up hei weapons. "So goo a soie as you ae shou no be hee guaing a gi," sai Aesa. "Guaing a gi?" sai he an in aazeen, bu, ecoecing hisef, ae, "An why no gua a gi?" "Coe," epie Aesa, "you an I can seve each ohe. You can o ha fo e which no ohe an can; an I can give o you oe go han any ohe Abanian can." "An when you ae king of Abania, Pince Aesa, you can ewa e wih high appoinen," sai he sange wih a sigh snee, which, howeve, Aesa i no noice, a he oen hinking of wha he sageshina ha sai of he an's inees in he oveen agains his unce's eaeship. "You have bu o ask you ewa when ha even coes," he epie. "I wi swea o seve Aesa agains Scanebeg o he eah," sai he an offeing his han. "You know he gi's ue soy?" aske Aesa. "Of couse," was he cauious epy. "Bu of ha I 184 ay no speak a wo. I can eave his sevice whose an you say I a, bu I canno beay anyhing he ay have o e. As you know he gi's soy i is neeess o ep e o ivuge i," ae he, wih shew non-coia of hisef o any infoaion ha he ohe igh ecognize as eoneous. "You speak noby fo a Sevian," sai he voivoe. "How o you know I a a Sevian?" aske he sange. "Pay fo you accen. You have no go ou pue Abanian ongue, hough i is now six yeas you have been aking i. An hen AnauCoone Kabiovisch cae back as a Sevian. Is i no so?" aske Aesa, noicing he supise ook which he enion of Kabiovisch's nae bough o he an's face. o a whie he sange was os in hough; bu wih an effo howing off a so of eveie, he sai:

"Paon y sience. I have been hinking of you poposa. May I foow you o he viage afe a ie? I wou hink ove how bes I can ee you poposiion, y Pince Aesa." "I wi awai you a he konak. Bu fis e us swea fienship!" sai he voivoe. "Heaiy!" was he esponse. "Wih Aesa as agains Scanebeg." "You wi inuce he gi o go wih e o y case. She wi fae bee hee han hee, paying Dooa o hese ignoan peasans." "I is agee." As Aesa isappeae, he an sa own upon a huge oo of a ee, which fo ack of eah ha wine 185 isef ove he ock. He buie his face in his hans "Sange! sange! is a his. Kabiovisch? he gi? No y ie payae on he Bakansswee face Mosinia. The Dooa hee is no she. If Unce Kabiovisch is Coone Kabiovisch, o his Anau he speaks of, hen his eacheous Aesa is on he wong ack. Can i be ha Consanineea ie Consanineis in Abania, an ha I a isaken fo hi? No, his is ipossibe. Bu si I us be way, an no o ha which wou ha a goen hai of Mosinia's hea, if she be iving, o Consanine's, o Unce Kabiovisch's. Thee's soe ysey hee. Ony one hing is ceainAesa isakes his pey ipuen Dooa gi fo soeboy ese. To ge he off wih hi ay seve ha soeboy ese: fo he voivoe is a viain: ha uch is sue. The cuse Giaou sepen! I wi hep hi o ge his saucy bee of he hae, an so save soeboy ese, whoeve she ay be who is he gae fo which he ays his snaes." An hou ae he Dooa, whose nae was Eissa, passe Aesa an bushe eepy. The faiy a whose house he gi was iving ae no objecion o Aesa's eques ha she shou be ansfee o he poecion of he voivoe. The ees of he viage acquiesce; fo, sai one, "We o no know who she is, an ay ge ino ifficuy hough haboing he." Anohe avee his beief ha she was possesse of he evi eye; fo he ha obseve he saing a he oive ee he ay befoe i was suck by ighning; 186 an he ecae ha haf he young en of he hae wee bewiche wih he. A shap-ongue ae eake ha soe of he oe en wou ahe isen o he ey ae of he spie han o he os seious an whoesoe counse of hei own wives.

"Do you know he in of Gauon who coans a he ciae in Sfeigae?" aske Aesa of his new confeeae, as hey pae. "I have ake wih hi," epie he an. "He is vey cauious." "Discove his opinion on he ae of y avanceen," sai Aesa. "Sen hi soe gif," suggese he an, "I wi ake i o hi. He is vey fon of ogs, an I ean ha he has jus os a vauabe asiff. Cou you epace i fo you kennes a he case?" "No, bu I have a geyhoun, of saigh bee since his ancesos cae ou of he ak. His jaws ae as sene as a heon's beak: ches eep as a ion's: bey hin as a wease's: a oube span of y as fo ip o ai. To-oow nigh ee e a he case. Shou I no have aive, his wi give you aission," pesening hi wih a sa knife, on he bone hane of which was a ue caving of he 187 ces of Aesa. "Give i o he waen. He wi ecognize i." Long befoe he aiva of Aesa an Daku a he case in copany wih Eissa, he sange, who he eae wi ecognize as Capain Baaban esse as an Abanian peasan, ha been aie. He ha wanee abou he cou, oune he paape, inspece he aw-bige an pocuis, cabee own an up again he aos pecipious scap of he ock, an aske a hune quesions of he sevans egaing he pahs by which he case was appoache. The o waen eneaine hi wih soies of Aesa's eay ife, his acquisiion of he esae, an his powess in bae; in a of which, whie he waen inene ony he paise of his ase, he iscovee o he aenive isene a he weaknesses of he voivoe's chaace. Upon Aesa's aiva ae in he ay, Baaban avoie uch inecouse wih hi, excep in eaion o he seecion of he og. To Eissa he gave a few wos of avice, o he effec ha she was now he objec of he young o's aoaion; an ha, in oe o secue he avanage, she shou ake as uch as possibe a ysey of he pevious ife. Wih his counciwhich was as uch as he ae o venue upon in his own ignoance of he exac pa he was payingBaaban epae, eaing a agnificen houn in eash. A ie way fo he case he sa own, an awing fo his beas a o of pape, ae ceain ines an coens, as he uee o hisef, "I have ae neae awings han his fo o 188 Besof in he schoo of he YeniTschei, bu none ha wi pease he Aga oe. Thee is no a goa pah on he boes ha I have no go. A suen oveen of ou aies, occupying goun hee an hee an hee, whee I have baze he ees, wou ho his couny agains Ivan Beg an Scanebeg. An wih his back-heae aio, Aesa, in y finges! We! Le's see! I wi foce hi ino open ebeion agains Scanebeg, uness he

is eepe wie han he sees. Bu which pan wou be bes in he ong un?o si up a feu beween hi an Scanebeg, an e he cu each ohe's hoas? O, inveige hi o open aiance wih ou sie, une poise of being ae king of Abania? Tha as wou see a he Mose oube wih hese Giaous. An i cou be one. The Paishah offee Scanebeg he couny on coniion of paying a noina ibue, an wou offe he sae o Aesa. An Aesa wou ake i, hough he ha o becoe Mose. I wi eave hese poposiions wih he Aga," sai he, foing up he papes, an puing he back ino his boso. "In eihe case I sha keep y vow wih Aesa o hep hi agains Scanebeg. Bu he evi hep he boh!" Whising a snach of a ue une, pa of which beonge o an Abanian eigious hyn he ha hea in his abes, an pa o a Tukish ove songswinging his ong as, an siing as fa a each sep as his sho egs wou aow hi, he wen own he ounain.


"Who coes hee?" cie he senine a he boo of he seep oa which e up o he gae a he ea of he own of Sfeigae. The an hus chaenge ae no epy excep o speak shapy o a age houn he was eaing, an which was sugging o beak away fo hi. In his engossen wih he bue he i no see o have hea he chaenge. As he cae neae he senine eye hi wih a puzze, bu haf-coica ook, as he soioquize, "Ah, by he evi in he sepen's skin, I know hi his ie. He is he Abanian Tuk we wee nigh o hasinging. If I isake ha e hea again i wi be when y own hea has ess bain in i han wi baance i on a pike-saff, whee Coone Kabiovisch wou pu i if I oese his feow again. I' give hi he pass wo, insea of aking i fo hi; ha wi ake up fo pas isakes." The senine saue he new coe wih a os pofoun couesy, an, shoueing his spea, ache hasiy pas hi, oging hi wih a sieong knowing ook. "Tako i Maie!"[60] "Tako i Maie!" espone he an, aing o hisef, "bu his is founae; he feow us be cazy. I hough I shou have ha o bain hi a eas." 190 As he passe by, he senine soo si, waching hi, an uee,

"How shou I know bu Casio hisef is in ha og's hie." The og une an, aace by he soie's aiue, uee a ow gow. "Tako i Maie! an a he ohe sains in heaven oo, bu I beieve i is he genea in isguise," sai he senine. "Tako i Maie!" sai he sange sauing he vaious guas, who he passe wihou fuhe chaenge, hough he own gaes an up o he ain see. The gea we, fo which he beeaguee inhabians of Sfeigae ew he ony wae now accessibe, since he Tuks ha so cosey invese he own, was no fa fo he ciae. I was vey eep, having been cu hough he gea ayes of ock upon which he uppe own soo. Above i was a gea whee, ove he oue ege of which an an eness ban of eahe; he owe en ipping ino he wae ha geae fainy fa beow. Leahen sockes aache o his be answee fo buckes, which, as he whee was une, ife he wae o he op, whence i an ino a gea sone ough. The we was guae by a cub of sones which ha oiginay been ai copacy ogehe; bu any of he ha been eove, an use o hu own fo he was of he ciae upon he heas of he Tuks when hey ie o scae he. The og, paning wih he hea, oune one of he eaining sones, an seche his ong neck fa 191 own o sniff he coo wae which gisene a hune fee beow hi. The an shoue angiy o he beas, an so cusiy aepe o ag hi away ha boh og an sone wee pecipiae ogehe ino he we. "A gappe! a ope!" shoue he an o a cow who ha seen he accien fo a isance. "Wi no one bing one?" he cie wih appaen ange a hei sow oveens"Then I us ge one ysef." The cow ushe owa he we. The an isappeae in he opposie iecion. I was sevea hous befoe he ea og was aken fo he poue wae. The Dibian soies efuse o ink fo i. The supesiion counicae isef ike an epieic, o he ohe inhabians. o a ay o wo bans saie fo Sfeigae, an bough wae fo he pain: bu i was pai fo in boo, fo he Tukish aies, awae of he incien aos as soon as i occue, ew cose hei ines, an saione heavy eachens of Janizaies a he spings an seas fo ies aoun. The hoos of a wae-faine wee upon he gaison. In vain i he offices ebuke he insane eusion. The coon soies, no ony wou no ouch he wae, bu egae he accien as a iec aoniion fo heaven ha he own us be suenee. Appeas o heois, paiois, hono, wee ess poen han a siy noion which ha gown abou he ins of an ohewise nobe peopeas ceain opica vines gow so ough an in such gauay essening spias abou a sawa ee ha hey choke he ascening sap an ki i. They who wou have

unk wee pevene 192 by he ohes who covee he we wih heavy pieces of ibe, an soo gua abou i.

In vain i Casio assau he Tuks who wee inenche abou he wes an spings in he neighbohoo. Now an hen a vicoy ove he wou be foowe by a ong pocession fo he own, oing casks, caying buckes, piches, eahe boes an ug-ou oughs. The aoun of wae hus pocue bu scacey suffice o keep ife in he veins of he efenes: i i no suffice o nouish hea an couage. I was foeseen ha Sfeigae us fa. Consanine was in he aness of espai abou Mosinia. He fae in he even of capue was sipy hoibe o conepae. Ye she cou hay hope o ake he way hough he Tukish ines. Consanine was a he cap wih Casio when i was announce ha he eney ha a engh go possession of evey appoach o he own, so ha hee was no counicaion beween he Abanians wihin an hose wihou, excep by signaing ove he heas of he Tuks. Casio eeine upon a fina aack, uing which, if he shou succee in uncoveing any of he gaes of he own, he peope igh fin egess. Consanine begge o be aowe he hazaous uy of eneing, by passing in isguise hough he 193 Tukish ay, an giving he enangee peope he exac infoaion of Casio's pupose. Taking avanage of his foe expeience, he onne he unifo of a Janizay, easiy eane he eney's passwo, an a he oen esignae o he besiege by Casio's signajus as he owe sa of he Gea Dippe isappeae behin he ciffhe eege fo he ense shaows of an ange of he wa. He was scacey opposie he gae when he awbige owee an ose quicky. The pocuis was aise an oppe an insan ae, an he was wihin he own. Thowing off his isguise, he wen a once owa he coanan's quaes o eive espaches fo Casio. Bu a shou pecee hi "The esoye! The esoye! Deah o he esoye!" Muiues, awakene by he shouing, cae fo he houses an soies' quaes. Consanine was seize by he cow, who yee: "To he we wih hi! Le he og's sou coe ino hi!" He was bone aong as hepessy as a eaf in he foaing caaac. "To he we! To he we wih he poisone!"

The cy gew oue an shie; he uiue aening une he inense fuy of hei uua age, as each coa is hoe when any gow wih i in he fie. Woen inge wih soies, shieking hei insane vengeance, uni he cow suge wih he vici aoun he we. The panks wee on off by song hans. The hoo of he ee hey wee 194 abou o coi ae he pause. Each waie fo his neighbo o assue he espeae office of acuay pepeaing wha was in a hei heas o o. A engh hee of he oe esoue seppe fowa as execuiones of he popua wi. The sugging fo of Consanine was he eec ha a igh see hi. Toches wave above his hea. One soo upon he we cub, an, opping a och ino he ak abyss, cie wih a ou voice "So e his ife be pu ou who esoys us a!" "So e i be!" oane he cow; he winess of hei wah soewha subue by he ipessiveness of he agey hey wee enacing. The we hisse back is cuse as he buning ban sunk ino he wae. Bu a new appaiion bus upon he scene. Sueny, as if i ha isen fo he we, a fo ape in whie soo upon he cub. He ong goen hai foae in he song win. He face, fo sickness whie as he obe, ha an uneahy pao fo he excieen, an seee o be i wih he whie hea of he sou. He sunken eyes gave back he fae of he oches, as if hey geae wih ceesia epobaion. "The Hoy Vigin!" cie soe. "One of he Vii!" cie ohes. The cow suge back in ghosy fea. "Neihe sain no spie a I," cie Mosinia. "You own wicke heas ake you fea e. I is you consciences ha ake you iagine a sipe gi o be a vengefu spii, an shink fo his hoi ue, o he vey bink of which you ignoance an weche supesiion have e you. Besse May 195 nee no coe fo Heaven o e you ha a ana an fo who he Son Jesu ieshou no be ae o ie fo he sake of a ea og. I, a chi, can e you ha." "Bu he we is accuse an he peope ie," sai a onk, howing back his cow, an eaching ou his han o seize he. "An such wos fo you, a pies of Jesu!" answee he woan, waing hi off by he scahing scon of he ones. "Di no Jesu say, 'Coe uno Me an ink, ink ou of My veins as ye o in Hoy Sacaen?' Wi He cuse an ki, hen, fo inking he wae which you nee, because a og has faen ino i?"

These wos, foowing he awe awakene by he unexpece appeaance, saye he age of he cow fo a oen. Bu soon he uu ose again "To he we!" "He is a uee!" "I is jus o ake vengeance on a uee!" The woan aise he han as if invoking he winess of Heaven o he cause, an excaie "Bu I a no a uee. A cuse on hi who says he innocen. I wi be he sacifice. I fea no o ink of his we wih y ying gasp. Unhan he an, o, as sue as Heaven sees e, I sha ie fo hi!" A shue of hoo an hough he cow as he igh fo of he young woan aise isef o he vey bink of he we. I seee as if a oveen, o a cy, wou pecipiae he ino he back abyss. The cow was paayze. The sience of he ea fe 196 upon he, as she eane fowa fo he awfu punge. Those hoing Consanine e go hei gip. A his oen he coanan appeae. He ha, inee, been a sien winess of he scene, an was no unwiing ha he supesiion of he soies shou hus have a ven, hinking ha wih he sacifice of he suppose offene hey igh be saisfie, an e o beieve ha he spii of he we was appease. He hope ha hus hey igh be inuce o ink he wae. Bu he ecoie fo peiing he sacifice of his innocen peson, es i shou backen he cuse aeay ipening. "I wi juge his case," he cie. "Man, who ae you?" "I bea you oes fo Genea Casio," epie Consanine, haning hi a ocuen. By he igh of a och he office ea, "In he even of being unabe o ho ou, signa an ake a say accoing o iecions o be given vebay by he beae. Casio." Tuning o he cow, he coanan aesse he. "Bave en! Epios an Dibians! We ae being e ino soe isake. My essage akes i evien ha on his an's ife epens he ife of evey one of us"

His voice was owne by wi cies ha cae fo a isan pa of he own. The cies wee faiia enough o a hei eas; bu hey ha heeofoe hea he ony fo beneah he was wihou. They wee he Tukish cies of assau. 197 "Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah!" oe ike a huicane aong he sees of Sfeigae. The gaes ha been hown open by soe Dibian, who supesiion an a his-fevee bain ha ansfoe ino a aio. "Quick!" cie Consanine. "ie hee powe fashes fo he basion, an foow e." "Bave gi!" sai he o Mosinia, gasping he han an awing he owa he ciae. "I is oo ae!" epie he coanan. "A he pos ae occupie by he eney. We can bu ie in he sees." "To he noh gae, hen! Bus i open, an cu you way o he eas. Casio wi ee you hee. I wi o he basion." "We us go wih he," sai Mosinia. "Bee ie in he sees han be aken hee." "No, you sha no ie, y goo ange. I have pepae fo his. is, I wi fie he signa." In a few secons hee fashes iuine he o baeens. Reuning o Mosinia, he sai quiey, "I have pepae fo his," an unwoun fo abou his boy a song co, oope a inevas so ha i cou be use fo a ae. asening his secuey, he oppe he en ove he wa. Descening pa way hisef, he opene he oops one by one fo he fee of his copanion; an hus hey eache a naow ege soe weny fee beow he paape. o his o he nex pojecion boa enough o san upon, he ock was seep bu saning; so ha, whie one cou no es upon i, i wou agey 198 ovecoe he oenu of he escen. asening a co secuey beneah he as of Mosinia, he e he own he sope o he owe ege. Then, ying he ope o ha above, he escene hisef o he sie. o his poin he pah was no angeous o one possesse of pefec pesence of in, an accusoe o baance he boy on one foo a a ie. Thanks o he ounain ife, an he song siuus o bain an neve acquie by he faiiaiy wih ange, Mosinia was unizzie by he eevaion. Thus hey woun hei way owa he eas sie of he wa; an, as hey neae he base of he ciff, sa own o econnoie. Above he fowne he was of he ciae. Jus beneah he wee any fos, oving ike speces in he akness which was fas issoving ino he gay oning wiigh. The voices which cae up o hei eas pove ha hey wee Tuks. o Mosinia o pass hough he wihou eecion wou be ipossibe. To eain ong whee hey wee wou be equay faa.

Bu hei anxiey was eieve by a we known buge-ca. A fis i soune fa away o he noh. "Iscanebeg! Iscanebeg!" cie he Tuks, as hey wee epoye o face he heaening assau. Bu scacey ha hey foe in hei new ines when he soun, as of a so busing hough a foes, inicae ha he aack was fo he souh. Taking he Tuks who wee si ousie he was a a isavanage, Casio's foce ae eibe havoc aong he, sweeping he back pe-e pas he easen fon an aoun he nohen, so as o eave 199 he noh gae cea fo he escape of any who igh eege fo i. Bu, aas, fo he vao of he coanan an he nobe en who foowe hi! few succeee in cuing hei way hough he swa of eneies ha ha aeay occupie he sees of Sfeigae. This oveen, howeve, enabe Consanine an Mosinia o escen fo hei angeous eyie. The appaiion of hei appoach fo ha iecion was a supise o he genea. "Why, an, o you ie upon bas an nigh-hawks, ha you have fown fo yone cag? I sha hencefoh beieve in Raisha an his beauifu eon. An ay I pay hy cae fo ysef in bae, y fai ay?"

The fa of Sfeigae, whie a aeia oss o he Abanian cause, seve ahe o exa han o iinish he pesige of hei gea genea. The fae of Scanebeg bighene as he gooy iings of he fae of he songho spea; fo ha even, ue o a cicusance which no huan being cou cono, gave his eneies hei fis success, afe neay seven yeas of incessan effo, wih easueess aaens, innueabe soiey an exhausess easue. The avesiy aso eveope in Scanebeg new quaiies of geaness, boh iiay an oa. As 200 he effo o ain a naua sping ony evokes is fue an fee fow, so isappoinen augene his couage, ipoveishen in esouces enage he schee of his pojecs, an he efea of one pan by cicusances suggese ohe pans oe nove an shew. The sigh of he Tukish ensign foaing fo he ciae of Sfeigae isheaene he paios. The ap of fesh egions fo aos a pas of he Mose wo was no so oinous of fuhe isase as wee he whispes of isconen fo oe han one who, ike Aesa, ha abiions of hei own, o, ike bave Moses Goee, wee iscouage egaing uiae success. Bu he gea hea of Casio susaine he couage of his peope, an his genius evise pans fo he efence of his an which, fo sixeen yeas ye, wee o baffe he ski an weay he enegies of he foe.

The chief gave oes ha Mosinia, having eue capue, shou occupy fo he ay his own en; fo he Abanian soies, as a ue, wee esiue of he uxuy of a canvas coveing. Reuning owa he ie of he oning, an having nee o ene, he bae Consanine ca he. No esponse being given, Casio aise he cuain of he en. Upon a ue aing, which was aise by ough boas a few inches fo he eah, he ibs covee wih an exquisiey eboiee Tukish sae coh, Mosinia ay aseep. He neck an shoues wee veie wih he hai, which, ich an abunan, fe in cascaes of goen beauy upon he goun. The gea an soo fo a oen gazing upon he seeping gi. His oinaiy iobie feaues eaxe. 201 His face, geneay passioness, uneaabe as ha of he sphinx, an ipessive ony fo he ysey of he houghs i conceae, now becae suffuse wih kiny inees. His sie, as if he ha been supise by he fainess of he vision, was foowe by a ook of fahey eneness. The eas sho ino his eyes; bu wih a eep beah he oppe he cuain, an une away. Of wha was he hinking? Of ie Maa Cenoviche, his payae fa back in he yeas? o of hisef uing hose yeas? Sange ha caee aong he Tuks! an equay sange a he yeas since he ha ooke upon he ie chi aseep by he cap fie a he foo of he Bakans! One who gaze ino his face a ha oen wou have iscovee ha he ough waio spii was an oue envionen abou a gene an oving naue. He was ineupe by offices cowing abou hi, binging ineigence of he eney, o asking quesions eaive o he ieiae oveens of hei own coans. These wee answee in aconic senences, each one a fash of saegic wiso. In he fis eisue he pu his han fony upon Consanine's hea, an sai quiey as he seae hisef upon a ock nea he en oo "Te e of as nigh." As Consanine naae wha he eae is aeay faiia wih, weing especiay upon Mosinia's pa in he scene a he we, an he couage in he escen fo he wa, Scanebeg excaie eagey "A ue aughe of Musache De Seeses an Maa Cenoviche! The vey ipesonaion of ou Abania! He spii is ha of ou heoic peope, fai 202 as ou akes an as nobe as ou ounains! Bu hese scenes ae oo ough fo he. He sou is song enough o enue; bu so is he iaon song enough o keep is shape an use ai he sones which he feshe washes ogehe. Bu i is no we ha i shou be ef o o so. Besies, he iaon's sengh an invioabe puiy wi no peven a obbe fo seaing i. Thee ae envious eyes upon ou easue. We ha bee have ou iaon cu an se an pu away in a caske fo a whie. We wi sen he o Consaninope. Thee she wi have oppouniy o gain in knowege of he wo, an in he couy gaces which fi he pincey naue."

"Wou no Iay be bee?" suggese Consanine. "No," sai Scanebeg. "The Iaians ae unceain aies. I know no who o us acoss he Aiaic. Bu Phanza, he chabeain a Consaninope, is a nobe an. I knew hi yeas ago when I was saione acoss he Bosphous, an ha coie o e neay a he Ooan affais, so fa as hey affece he Geek capia. He is one of he few Geeks we ay ipiciy us. An, oeove, he agees wih e in seeking a cose aiance beween ou wo peopes. If he Chisian powe a Consaninope cou be ouse agains he Tuk on he eas, whie we ae siking hi on he wes, we cou ake he Mose wish he wee we ou of Euope. Bu Iay wi o nohing." "The Hoy ahe can hep, can he no?" aske Consanine. "The Hoy ahe oes no o-ay own hisef. He 203 is he ee foo-ba of he secua powes, who kick hi agains one anohe in hei sife. No, ou hope is in puing soe ife ino he o Geek epie a Consaninope. The o of an epeo, John, is ea, hanks o Azae[61]! In Consanine, who has coe o he hone, Chiseno has hope of soehing bee han o see he hei of he epie of he Csas ancing aenance upon Iaian ukes; seeking ageeen wih he Pope upon wos of a cee which no one can unesan; an eoaizing, wih his uncuaine hae, he vey Tuk. If he new epeo has he sense of a fea he wi see ha he Mose powe wi have Consaninope wihin a ecae, uness he naions can be unie in is efence. I wou sen ees o Phanza, an you us be y envoy. Wih Mosinia hee, we sha be fee fo anxiey egaing he; fo no ange heaens he excep hee in he own ano ou shae I say i. A Veneian gaey ouches weeky a Duazzo, an sais hough he Coinhian guf. You wi ebak upon ha o-oow nigh." "Bu Coone Kabiovisch?" inquie Consanine. "He has aeay sae fo Duazzo, an wi ake a aangeens. Nohing is neee hee bu a coey gaen fo Mosinia, who ef Sfeigae wih a biefe oie han os hansoe woen ae wiing o ake. Coone Kabiovisch wi see ha you ae povie wih oney an eaie insucions fo he jouney." A soie appeae wih a bune. "A ough ay's 204 ai!" sai he genea, "bu a usefu one I wi waan." Unoing he bune, i pove o be a ich, bu pain, ess, onae fo a neighboing case. An hou ae Scanebeg he Mosinia by boh hans, ooking own ino he eyes. I was a picue which shou have becoe hisoic. The gian fo of he gi o waio conase fuy wih ha of he aien, as soe gnae oak wih he fowe ha gows a is base.

"Keep goo hea, y aughe," sai he genea, ipining a kiss upon he fai bow. She epie wih oving eveence in he one an ook, "I hank you, Sie, fo ha ie; fo he fahe of his couny has he keeping of he heas of a he aughes of Abania." I wee ifficu o say whehe he swee oveiness in he ines of he face, o he ajesy of chaace an supeb heois ha shone hough he, gave he he geae fascinaion as she ae, "If Jesu wis ha aong sanges I can bes seve y couny, hee sha be y hoe." "Bu you wi no ong be aong sanges. You gooness wi ake he a fiens. Besie, Go wi keep such as you, fo he oves he pue an beauifu." Mosinia bushe as she answee, "An oes Go no ove he ue an he nobe? So he wi keep hee an Abania. Does no he sun sen own he[62] beas as saigh ove Consaninope as ove Coia? an oes she no aw he iss by as 205 sho a co of he wise ays fo he Maoa as fo he Aiaic? Then Go can be as nea us hee as hee; an ou payes fo hee an ou an wi go as speeiy o he Gea Hea ove a. The Besse May keep you, Sie!" "Ay, he Besse May spake he bessing hough you ips, y chi," espone Scanebeg as he ife he o he hose. Consanine eease hisef fo he genea's heay ebace, an spang ino he sae a he sie. Pecee an foowe by a scoe of oopes hey isappeae in he eep shaows of a ounain pah.

Duazzo ies upon a poonoy seching ou ino he Aiaic. The was which suoune i a he ie of ou soy, o, by he weahe-wea of hei sones, he iffeen ages uing which hey ha guae he ie bay ha ies a he poonoy's base. A young onk,[63] Baeius, o who Coone Kabiovisch inouce he voyages, as a aveing copanion fo a pa of hei jouney, poine ou he gea an uey squae boues in he owe couse of asony, as he wok of he ancien Cocyeans, cenuies befoe he coing of Chis. The uppe couses, he sai, wee saine wih he boo of he 206 Geek soies of Aexius, when he Noan Robe Guisca assaue he pace, hunes an hunes of yeas ago.

Inee, o he onk's hisoic iaginaion, he wo seee si wappe in he iss of he oe ages; an, jus as he ow ying haze, wih is iage effec, conoe he ocks aong he shoe ino oes an pinnaces, so i his fancy inves evey objec wih he geaness of he hisoy wih which he o anuscips ha ae hi faiia. Whie Mosinia isene wih a sange eneainen o his hapsoic naaions, Consanine was busy suying he gacefu ines of he Veneian haf-gaey ha ay a he base of he ciff, an upon which hey wee o ebak; he ow eck, cu own in he cene neay o he wae's ege; he shap, swan-necke pow aise high in ai, an baance by he boa eevaion a he sen; he aeen sai ha, fue on is boo, hung iagonay agains he sene as; he ows of hoes a he sie, hough which in ca weahe he oas wee woke; he gay pennan fo he as-hea, an he boa banne a he sen, which spea o he igh beeze he Lion of S. Mak. They wee soon giing ou of he habo of Duazzo, a fis une he eguay ie soke of a scoe of oasen. Rouning he poonoy, he wes win fie he sai; an, caeening o he eewa, he gaey ance owa he souh hough he igh spay of he biows which sung beneah he pow ike he sings of a zihe. Pehaps i was his usic of he waveso i ay 207 have been ha he win was bowing saigh acoss fo Iay; o, possiby, i was he beauy of he aien ecining upon he cushione ais of he sen eckha e he weahe-beaen saiing ase o ake he zihe, an sing one afe anohe of Peach's ove songs o Laua. Though his voice was as hoase as he win ha coone hough he coage, an his anguage scacey ineigibe, he fow of he eoy o he senien. Consanine's eyes sough he face of his copanion, as if fo he fis ie he ha eece ha she was beauifu. An pehaps fo he fis ie in he ife Mosinia fe conscious ha Consanine was ooking a he;fo she geneay wihsoo his gaze wih as ie hough of i as she i ha of he sky, o of Kabiovisch. Even he onk une his eyes fo he agnificen shoes of Abania, wih hei beeing heaans an eceing bays, o cas fuive gances upon he aien. The onk's face was a siking one. He was pae, if no fo hoy vigi, fo pouing ove usy secua oes. He ha caugh he spii of he eviva of eaning which, nowihsaning a he supesiion of eccesiasics, was fis fe in he coises of he chuch. His foehea was high, bu naow; his eyes i, ye usous; his owe feaues aos feinine. One faiia wih en wou have sai, "Hee is a an of paien enhusias fo hings ineecua, a evoee o he iea. He ay be a phiosophe, a poe, an ais; bu he cou neve ake a soie, a ipoa, o even a ove, excep of he os Paonic so. Jus he an fo a onk. If a onks wee ike hi, he chuch wou be eniche 208 inee; bu, if a ike hi wee onks, he wo wou be he pooe."

Aong ohe passenges was a Geek onk, Gennaius. This an's fu bea an ong cuy foeocks hanging in fon of his eas, wee in o conas wih he sooh face an shaven hea of he Lain onk. Though sanges, hey coueousy saue each ohe. Howeve shap igh be he iffeences in hei eigious noions, hey soon fe he faeniy such as cuue ins an gea sous eaize in he pesence of he subiiies of naue. They suie each ohe's faces wih ageeabe supise as he goies abou he ew fo hei ips vivi oubuss of escipive eoquence, in which, speaking he Lain o Geek wih aos equa faciiy, hey quoe fo he cassic poes wih which hey wee equay faiia. As he gaey une easwa ino he Coinhian guf hee bus upon he a panoaa of naua speno cobine wih cassic enchanen, such as no ohe spo on he eah pesens. The ounainous shoes ay abou he ong an naow sea, ike seeping gians guaing he oufow of soe sace founain. Back of he nohen coas ose, ike waking senines, he Heicon an Panassus, oweing housans of fee ino he ai; hei ops heee in ice an pue wih feecy cous. The wesen sun poue upon he ack of he voyages foos of goen use which ingee on he si waes, fashe in ainbows fo he spashing oas, gie wih goy he hihe sope of evey pojecion on eihe shoe, an fie he gea goges beyon wih ak pupe shaows. 209 As Mosinia ecine wih he hea esing on Consanine's shoue, an ank in he gogeous, ye quieing, scene, he wo onks soo wih uncovee heas an, haf ebacing, chane ogehe in Geek one of he oes known evening hyns of he Chisian chuch. In fee ansaion, i an hus: "O Jesu, he Chis! ga igh of he hoy! The bighness of Go, he ahe in heaven! A seing of sun, wih heas ha ae owy, We paise Thee fo ife his ay Thou has given." "I ove ha hyn," sai Gennaius, "because i was wien ong befoe he schis which en he Hoy Chuch ino Lain an Geek." "We wi ejoice, hen, ha by he inspiaion of he Hoy ahe, Eugenius, an he assen of you paiach, he woun in he boy of Chis has, afe six cenuies, a as been heae," epie Baeius. "I fea ha he heaing is bu seeing," sai he Geek. "I was a ebe of he counci of oence, an know he oives of he en who copose i, an he exac eaning of he ageeenwhich eans nohing. You Pope caes no a scap of inse fo his back fo he ue Chisian oga; an whie his abiion e hi o esie o

becoe he unie of Chiseno, his own bishops, who know hi we, wee gahee in syno a Basi, an ponounce hi heeic, pejue an ebauchee." "Bu you Geeks wee oubess oe hones," sai Baeius, wih a one an ook of sacas. "Huph!" gune Gennaius, waking away; bu uning abou quicky he ae, "How cou we be hones when, fo he sake of he 210 union, we assene o a enia of ou os sace ogas by aowing he iioque?[64] I is no in he powe of en iving o change he uh as expesse hough a pas ages in he cee of he ue chuch. Ou epeo yiee he poins o he Lains; bu hoy Mak of Ephesus an Pince Deeius, ou epeo's bohe, i no. They eie in isgus fo Iay. Why, he vey og of he epeo, ha ay on his foo-coh, scene he heesy o which his ase was abou o subscibe, an poese agains he saciege by baying houghou he eaing of he ac of union. An I ean ha he cegy an popuace a Byzaniu ae foaing wih age a his ipiey of ou Lainizing epeo. I a hasing hihe ha I ay ue y voice, oo, in y ce in paye, an fo he pupi of S. Sophia, agains he unhoy aiance." "Ye," sai Baeius, wih scon, "you epeo an chuch auhoiies subscibe. Wha so of a ivine spii o you Geeks possess, ha pops you o confess wha you o no beieve?" "I fee you aun," epie Gennaius. "I is boh jus an unjus. Have no soe of you own peaes aey augh ha he en jusifies he eans? The union, hough wong in isef, was jusifieaccoing o Lain ehicsby he esu o be secue, he safey of boh Geek an Lain chuches fo being conquee by he Tuks. Ou Easen epie, he goy of he ae Csas, has aeay becoe 211 euce o he sububs of Byzaniu. The epie of Jusinian an Theoosius has no o-ay en housan soies o wihsan he yias of he Suan. Thee us be union. We us have soies, even if we buy he wih he pice of an aice of he ceenay he oan of he aicefo he union wi no san when ange has passe. Conscience aone is one hing: conscience une necessiyI speak he ehics of you Lainsis anohe hing. Bu I abho he ecei. You bishop, who you ca Pope, has no eveence fo ou heas, hough we wee o kiss his oe. You ae ioaes wih you iages of May an he sains. iioque is a ie!" cie he Geek, giving ven o his pejuice an spie. Baeius in he eanie ha fe ohe eoions han he hoies being kine wihin hi by hese ho wos of his copanion; an when he Geek ha fashe his unseey enunciaion a iioque, he Lain's sou bus in esponsive age. Bu he was no accusoe o hash ebae. Wos wee consue upon his ho ips, o choke in his fuy-ie hoa. His fae ebe wih he pen wah. His hans cenche uni he nais cu ino he fesh. Bu aas fo he bes sainship, if epaion coes befoe canonizaion! The hin han was aise, an i fe upon he

hoy bohe's face. The bow was eune. Bu neihe of he ha been aine o cana sife, no ha hey he ski an sengh o o jusice o hei nobe age. Consanine, who eape fowa o ac as peace-ake, soppe o augh a he sange pose of he anagoniss; fo he Geek ha vaiany seize he cow of he Lain, an awn i own ove 212 his face; whie Baeius' hin finges wee wigging hough Gennaius' bea, an boh wee pancing as awkway as oneay-o caves abou he naow eck, wih he iinen pospec of cooing hei spiis by iesion in he wae. The pesence of his ange e Consanine o sepaae he scuffes; ahough his aughe a he conesans ha ae his ibs aos as ip as heis. The eccesiasica chapions soo gaing hei ceesia esenen, he one whie, he ohe e, ike wo saues of buesque gaiaos cave especivey in abe an pophyy. The confic igh have been enewe ha no Mosinia isen fo he cushion, an appoache he. Bu no soone i Gennaius eaize he ange of having so uch as his gown ouche by a woan, han he boe o he ohe en of he gaey, an sa own, wih figh an shae, upon a coi of opes. The Geek ha been aine a he onasey on Moun Ahos. o ha ascuine paaise he fai aughes of Eve wee as caefuy excue as if hey wee si he agens of Saan, an sen by he evi o wok he uin of hose who, by ofy eiaion an unnaua asceicis, wou eun o he pe-aia Aaic sae of innocence. Duing he ong wiigh, an when he nigh ef ony he ouines of he ounains shapy efine high up agains he sa-i sky, Gennaius si sa oioness; his egs cosse beneah hi; his hea oppe upon his boso. He gave no esponse o he sauaion of he aenan who bough hi he evening ea: no wou he ouch i. When he saios sung he songs 213 whose eoy foae ove he sea, keeping ie o he caences of he igh waves which ben bu i no beak he suface, he onk pu his finges ino his eas. He ie o ive ou woy houghs by ecaing hose peceps of an ancien sain which, fo fou hune yeas, ha been pescibe a Moun Ahos fo hose who wou quie hei peube sous an ise ino he uppe igh of Go. They wee such as hese. "Sea hysef in a cone; aise hy in above a hings vain an ansioy; ecine hy bea an chin upon hy beas; un hy eyes an houghs owa he ie of hy bey, he egion of he nave; an seach he pace of he hea, he sea of he sou, which when iscovee wi be invove in a ysic an eheea igh." Baeius, equay chagine by his ispay of epe befoe he aiy, sough eief by inficing upon hisef a ask of Pae Noses, which he aie off on his beas, ae of oive-woo an sen hi by a eane onk a Behehe. When his punishen seee accopishe, Mosinia aske hi, "Goo fahe, why i you quae wih he sange?"

Baeius enee ino a ong expanaion of he faih of he Roan Chuch a he poin chaenge by he Geek. "I unesan you wos," sai Mosinia, "bu I o no unesan hei eaning." "I is no necessay ha you shou, y chi. If Hoy Chuch unesans, i is enough. A chi ay no unesan a ha he ohe knows; ye beieves 214 he ohe's wo. So shou you beieve wha Mohe Chuch says." "I wou beieve evey wo ha Mohe Chuch speaks, even hough I o no unesan why she speaks i," sai Mosinia eveeny. "Bu how can one beieve anohe's wos when one oes no know wha hey ean; when hey give no hough? Now wha you say abou he 'pocession of he spii,' an he 'begeing of he Son,' I o no ge any cea hough abou; an how hen can I beieve i in y hea." The onk cas a oube ook upon he fai inquie, an epie "Then you us sipy beieve in Hoy Chuch which beieves he uh." "An say I beieve he cee, when I ony beieve ha he Chuch beieves he cee?" queie he gi. "I is enough. Happy ae you if you seek o know no oe. Bewae of an inquisiive in. I eas one asay fo uh, as a waywa isposiion soon epas fo viue. Ceo! Ceo! Ceo! Hep hou ine unbeief! shou be you paye. Resain you houghs as he hesan yone keeps ou pow on he naow way we ae going. How soon you wou peish if you shou aep o fin you way aone ou hee on he eep! Woe o hose who, ike hese weche Geeks, epa fo uh, an each en so. Anahea, Maanaha!" "Bu, e e, goo fahe, can ha be necessay o be beieve, abou which whoe naions, ike he Geeks, iffe fo ohe naions, ike he Lains? I have seen Geeks a hei woship, an bowe wih 215 he, an fe ha Go was nea an bessing us a. An I have hea he say, when hey wee ying, ha hey saw heaven open; an hey eache ou hei as o be aken by he anges. Does no Jesu save he, hough hey ay e abou ha which we us o be he uh?" "My chi, you us no hink of hese hings," sai Baeius kiny. "I is bee ha you seep now. The ai is gowing chi. Wap you coak cosey even beneah he eck." He wake away, epeaing a ine fo Vigi as he scanne he sa-gee heavens. "Suaenque caenia siea sonos." Wapping his hoo cose ove his face, he ay own upon he eck.

Two new coes joine he pay a Coinh, whee, cossing he ishus on hoses, hey e-ebake. One was Giusiniani, a Genoese, of coaning fo an nobe feaues, he vey ype of chivaic geniiy, bonze by jouneyings une vaious skies, an scae wih he eoias of heoic soieship on any fies. The ohe was a Dacian, sho of saue, wih boa an squae foehea, an a cooke neck which ae o he sinise effec of his squining eyes. "We, Uban," sai he Genoese, "you si have 216 confience in you new onance, an hink ha sapee an chacoa ae o ake he pace of he swo, an ha evey ou who can sike a fie wi soon be a ach fo a ban of aches: Eh!" "Yes, Sie, an if he epeo wou ony aow e a few hune ucas, I wou cas hi a gun which, fo yone kno, wou heave a sone of five aens'[65] weigh, an cash hough any gaey eve foae fo he ocks of Genoa o Venice. ou such guns on eihe sie wou poec his ishus fo a fee. Bu, I e you, nobe Giusiniani, ha wihou aking avanage of ou new science, he epeo canno ho ou ong agains he Tuk. The Tuk is using gunpowe. He is wiing o ean, an has aeay eane, wha he epeo wi fin ou o his cos, ha he was of Consaninope isef canno ong enue he baeing of heavy cannon." "You ae igh, Uban," epie he Genoese. "The Tuk is aso ahea of us in he a of appoaching ciaes. I have no oub ha his zigzag enches[66] give he assaian aos equaiy wih he besiege in poin of safey. I wi gay use y infuence a he cou of Byzaniu in behaf of you schee fo founing age cannon, Uban; if, pechance, he efence of he epie ay eceive a ihe of he easue now squanee in pincey paaes an useess ebassages." The gaey gie soohy hough he ie guf of gina, wih is hisoic bays of Eeusis an Saais. 217 Giusiniani an Uban iscusse he isposiion of he Geek an Pesian fees uing he ancien figh a Saais, as hey ove une he seep ocky hi on which Xexes sa o winess he bae. They soon oune he heaan, opposie he ob of Theisoces, an anchoe in he habo of he Pius. This po of Ahens was cowe wih shipping. Thee wee Spanish gaeasses ike foaing cases, wih huge ues a se an sen, owe by hunes of gaey saves. Ohe vesses of sae size foae he sana of ance. Those of he aiie ciies of Iay vie wih one anohe in he exquisie caving of hei pows an he gaiey of hei bannes. The chief aenion was cene upon a speni gaey of Byzaniu, whose eck was covee wih siken awnings, beneah which a ban of usic foae swee sains ove

he waes. This was he vesse of he ipeia chabeain, Phanza, who, having been eneaine in Ahens wih honos befiing his igniy, was now abou o eun o Consaninope. Giusiniani oee his gaey aongsie of ha of he chabeain, by who he was eceive wih isinguishing favos. Consanine ook his oppouniy o eive, hough he Genoese, Scanebeg's ees o Phanza. They wee ea wih evien gaificaion by he chabeain. Wih a heay wecoe, no evoi of soe cuiosiy on his pa, as he scuinize he appeaance of he sanges, he invie Consanine an his copanion o copee hei jouney in his gaey. 218 Mosinia was a fis as uch aze by he speno, as she was oifie by he ignoance of he foaiies, wih which she was eceive. Bu he naua igniy of he beaing soo he in goo sea of oe couy gaces: fo hese oen Geeks euae hose of ancien ies in he eveence hey pai o woany beauy. The chabeain was soewha pas ie ife. He was a an whose suious habis, as he gea hisoian of his ies, i no u his biiancy as he ase of eiquee. No ha his asueness as a saesan been acquie by any sacifice of his ase fo socia inigues. The ivesions fo he caes of sae, which ohe gea en have foun a he gaing-abe o in hei cups, Phanza sough in suying he yseies of feae chaace; aiing is viues, an ye no avese o fining eneainen in is foibes. A ue Geek, he beieve ha physica beauy was he inex of he ae quaiies of in an hea. He wou have been a consening juge a he ia of ha beauifu woan in he cassic soy, he pefecion of whose unobe fo ispove he chage of he cie. He was such an aen avocae of he absoue auhoiy of he epeo ha, hough of ecie aisocaic enencies, he he ha no aiage aiance, howeve high he ank of he bie, cou a o he igniy of he hone: inee, ha beauy aone cou gace he couch of a king; ha he fis of en shou we he faies of woen, an hus cobine he aisocacy of ank wih he aisocacy of naue. He ha fequen oppouniies o expess his pecuia views on his subjec; fo, aong he pobes which 219 hen pepexe his saecaf, was ha of he aiage of he epeoha he succession igh no be ef o he haza of sife aong he faiies of he boo of he Paoogi. Ha he choice of he oya spouse been ef eniey in his hans, he wou have ae he seecion on no ohe pincipe han ha aope by he puveyo of puage fo he cou, who seeks he aes coos wihou ega o he nesing-pace of he bi. The genuine poieness of he couie, ogehe wih Mosinia's woany ac in aaping hesef o he new envionen, soon eieve he fo he feeing of esain, an he hous of he voyage passe peasany. He convesaion, which was fee fo he convenionaiies of he ay, was, fo his vey eason, as efeshing o Phanza as he sipe fos of nauehe ounain sea, he anges of vines an wi fowesae o he habius of ciies. Thee was a naive poey in he icion, an aessness in he quesions, an a anspaen honesy in he esponses. Inee, he vey anne unveie he feaues of so exae an heahy a in, of a isposiion so fank an ingenuous, of a chaace so eicaey pue an

exquisiey beauifu, ha hey copensae any fo any ack of aificia cuue. The gea ciic of woan fogo o suy he face: he ony gaze upon i. He cease o anayze he chaace: he sipy fe he woh. Bu no fainess of a aien, be she Abanian o Geek, can ong onopoize he aenion of an eey an whose swif vesse beas hi hough he cuseing goies of he gean. No cou any awe fo his ank, o inees in his eane convesaion, absob 220 Mosinia fo hese spenos which gowe aoun he. They gaze in sience upon he sooh an scacey bening sea, which, ike a ceesia io, efece a he hues of he skyseey bue issoving ino sofes pupe; whie iss ansfuse by sunse's gow ino biows of fie; onoihic isans fashing wih he coos of ighy agaes in he pisaic ai; cous whie as snow an cea cu as iaons, ifing heseves fo he hoizon ike he "gea whie hone" ha S. John saw fo he ciffs of Paos yone. Cossing he gean, he voyages hugge he o Tojan coas uni off he sais of he Heespon. They ay uing a ay une he ee of Yeni Shey shoas, an a nigh an he gaune of he new Tukish fos, Khanak-Kaesi an Khai-Baha, a he enance o he Sea of Maoa. Two ays ae hee boke upon he view ha os queeny of ciies, Byzaniu, ecining upon he ufe couch of he seven his, by he os ovey of seas, ike a nyph besie he favoie founain. The gaey gie swify by he "Seven Towes," which gua on Maoa he souhen en of he enoous ipe wa. The basions an owes of his faous ine of efenses cu hei bo pofie agains he sky fo a isance of five o six ies in a saigh ine, uni he wa e he exeiy of he Goen Hon on he noh; hus aking he ciy in shape ike a iangehe base of giganic asony; he sies of poecing seas. Gay bages an kaiks sho ou fo he shoe o fo a wecoing pagean o he euning chabeain. Wih easy oas hey ife aos in he 221 shaows of he cypess ees which ine he bank an hi he esiences of weahy Geek echans an he paviions of pinces. The ofy oe of S. Sophia fashe is beneicion upon he avees, an is chaenge of a bee faih fa acoss he Bosphous o he Asiaic Mose, whose inaes geae ike spea-heas fo besie hei osques. o he poin whee he Goen Hon ees he sai of he Bosphous an he sea of Maoa, ose he paace of he epeo, ebowee in ees, an suoune wih gaens which oae he ai wih he pefue of aes fowes an he song of bis. Rouning he poin ino he Goen Hon, he gi o Genoese owe of Gaaa, on he opposie bank, saue he wih is ooping banne. They oppe ancho in he ovey habo. Song as wih a few sokes sen he ipsy kaiks fo he gaey hough he ipping wae o he aning. An eegan paanquin bough he wife of Phanza o ee he o. Anohe, which was esigne fo he chabeain, he coueousy assigne o Mosinia; whie Consanine an he geneen of he suie oune he gaiy capaisone hoses ha wee in eainess. The chabeain insise upon Mosinia an Consanine becoing his guess, a eas

uni hei faiiaiy wih he ciy shou ake i convenien fo he o esie esewhee.


The house of Phanza was ahe a seies of houses bui abou a squae cou, in which wee paees of aes pans, ivie fo each ohe by waks of vaiegae abe, an oisene by he spay of founains. Mosinia's paanquin was e own jus wihin he gaeway. A young woan assise he o aigh, an conuce he o apaens eegany funishe wih a ha cou pease a woan's eye, hough she wee he eigning beauy of a cou, insea of one bough up as a peasan in a isan povince, an agey ignoan of he as of he oie. She was bewiee wih he sangeness of he suounings, an sa own speechess upon he cushion o gaze abou he. Was she hesef? I equie he eebance ha Consanine was soewhee nea he o enabe he o eaize he own ieniy, an ha she ha no been change by soe faiy's wan ino a ea pincess. "Wi y ay es?" sai he aenan, in sofes Geek. Mosinia was faiia wih his anguage, which was use oe o ess eveywhee in Sevia an Abania; bu she ha neve hea i spoken wih such sweeness. The wos wou have been esfu o hea, hough she ha no unesoo hei eaning. Wihou hesiaion she esigne hesef o he hans of he sevan, who eieve he of he oue appae. Anohe aien bough a ay of eicae wafes of whea, an fasks of igh wine, wih figs an aes. 223 A cuain in he wa, being awn, expose he bah; a gea basin of oe abe, an a ie founain scaeing a spay scene wih oses. Mosinia began o fea ha she ha been isaken fo soe gea ay, whose waobe was expece o be bough in assive chess, an whose pesona onaens wou iva he oie easues of he Queen of Sheba. Thee enee oppouney sevea ie-woen, aen wih siks an inens, aces an shaws, evey poion of feae aie, in evey vaiey of coo an shapefo he song buskin o he gauze vei so igh ha i wi hie fo he eye ess han i eveas o he iaginaion. The gues was abou o quesion he aenans, when one gave he a noe, hasiy wien by Consanine, an sipy saying "Be supise a nohing." Phanza ha expesse o Consanine he eep inees of he epeo in he caee of Scanebeg, an his pans fo Mosinia.

"Scanebeg," sai he, "is he one heo of ou egeneae age; he ony a no beaen neveess by he bows of he Tuk. I have aske nohing concening yousef, y young an; no nee I know oe han ha such a chiefain is ineese in you an you chage. You gea capain infos e (eaing fo a ee), ha any sevice we ay ene you hee wi be coune as sevice o Abania; an ha any favo we ay besow upon he ay wi be as if shown o his own chi. Is she of any kin o hi?" "I ay no speak of ha," epie he youh, "excep o e ha he boo is nobe, an ha Genea Casio has ae he safey his cae. An Abanian 224 nees bu o know ha his is he wi of ou oving an wise chiefain, o efen Mosinia wih his ife." "You speak he nae wih faiiaiy," sai Phanza. "I is he cuso of ou peope," epie Consanine, cooing. "The ias of ou couny have hown nobes an peasans ino oe iniae eaions han wou pehaps be aowe in a see coniion. This, oo, ay have infuence Genea Casio in sening he hee, whee he ife ay be oe suiabe o he gene boo." "I is enough!" excaie Phanza. "If ou isance fo Abania, an ou own pessing ifficuies an anges o no aow us o sen ai o you heo, we can show hi ou espec an gaiue by eaing he, who he wou have as his chi, as if she wee ou own. An now fo yousefwe! you sha have wha, if I isake you no, you iscee in an usy usces os cavean oppouniy 'o win you spus,' as he wesen knighs wou say. Evens ae hickening ino a cash, he ou-coe of which no one can foesee, excep ha he Mose o he Chisian sha ho a fo he Euxine o he Aiaic. This oube epie canno ong exis. Scanebeg's as aone ae keeping he Suan fo ying again he sengh of ou was. A isase hee; an assau hee! You seve he one cause whehe hee o hee." "I give y feay o he epeo as I wou o y genea," epie he young an way. Consanine foun hisef aaye befoe nigh in he cosue of a subaen office of he ipeia gua, 225 an assigne o quaes a he baacks in he secion of he ciy nea o he house of he chabeain. His bief aining une he eye of Casio, an his hazaous sevice, ha eveope his gea naua aen fo soieship ino aveous acquieens fo one of his yeas. Wih he fois, in he sae, in asey of acics, in engineeing abiiy ispaye a he waswhich wee being consany senghenehe soon ook ank wih he os poising. By couesy of he chabeain he was aowe he fees counicaion wih Mosinia, an was ofen he gues of he hos; especiay upon excusions of peasue up he Goen Hon o he "Swee Waes," aong he wesen shoe of he Bosphous, o

he Pincess Isan, an such ohe spos on he sea of Maoa as wee uninfese by piaica Tuks. Mosinia becae he favoie no ony of he wife of Phanza, bu of he aies of he cou, an he objec of especia evoion on he pa of he nobes an offices of he epeo's suie. Bu i wou have equie oe saininess of feae isposiion han was eve foun in he cou of a Byzanine epeo, o have sohee he fies of jeaousy, when, a a banque given a he paace, Mosinia was pace a he epeo's igh han. I igh no be jus o Phanza o say ha o his suggesion was ue he paise of Mosinia's beauy an queeny beaing, which he epeo ovehea fo any of he couies' ips. Pehaps he chas of he peson foce his sponaneous coenaion fo he: as i was assee by soe of he oe eey of he aies who ong suy ha ae 226 poficien in he a of eaing kings' heas fo hei faces, ha he onach foun an Eshe in he Abanian. The eigning beauy a he cou of Consanine Paogus a his ie was he aughe of a Genoese aia. Though no epue fo aiabiiy, she won he fienship of Mosinia by any eicae aenions. Gifs of aices of ess, onaens an such souvenis as ony one woan can seec fo anohe, seee o ak he inceasing aachen. A box of ebony, ichy inai wih ohe of pea, an fie wih eicious confecions, was one ay he offeing upon he shine of he sisey ega. The wife of Phanza, in whose pesence he box was opene, on eaning he nae of he ono, besough Mosinia no o ase he conens; an giving a canie fig o a pe ape, he bue sickene an ie befoe he nigh. An even conibue o he uos which associae he nae of he fai Abanian wih he specia favos of he epeo. An ebassage fo he Doge of Venice ha bighene he habo wih hei gaeys. A gonoa sheahe in sive, foae upon he waes of he Goen Hon, ike a whie swan, an was ooe a he foo of he paace gaenhe gif of he Doge. Anohe, is counepa, was in he habo of Venicehe possession of he aughe of he Doge; bu waiing o join is copanion, if he ipeia hea cou be pesuae o accep wih i he peson of is pincey owne. Bee han he iea aiage of Venice wih he seahe ceeony of which was annuay obsevewou be he aiage 227 of he wo seas, he Aiaic an he gean; an he eunion of hei faiies of confuen waes une he oube banne of S. Mak an Byzaniu. Bu he Gan Duke Lucas Noais, who was aso gan aia of he epie, ecae openy ha he wou soone ho aiance wih he Tuk han wih a powe epesening ha schisaic Lain Chuch. The heeiay nobes poese agains such a enace o socia oe as, in hei esiae, a ecogniion of a epubic ike Venice wou be. Bu i was beieve ha oe poen in is infuence ove he epeo han hese oucies, was he whispe of Phanza ha he sive gonoa of Venice was faie han is possesso; an ha queeny beauy awaie esewhee he ipeia ebace.

No habiu of he cou knew ess of his gossip han Mosinia hesef; no i she suspec any unusua aenion pai he by he epeo o be ohe han an expession of ega fo Casio, whose wa she was known o be. O if, when hey wee aone, his anne beaye a fonness, she aibue i o his naua kininess of isposiion, o o ha esie fo eceaion which pesons in ie ife, buene wih caes, fin in he sociey of he young an beauifu; fo no pupose of oesy cou hie fo Mosinia he knowege which he io eveae. She ha, oo, he highes espec fo he piey of he epeo; he eepes sypahy wih hi in his isess fo he evis which wee swaing abou his ea; an a ue aiaion fo he couage of hea wih which he boe up agains he. I was heefoe wih a coinging of 228 eigious, paioic, an pesona inees ha she gave hesef up o his eneainen wheneve he sough he sociey. Tha she igh unesan hi he bee, an be abe o convese wih hi, she eane fo Phanza uch of he hisoy of ecen oveens, boh wihou an wihin he epie. So expe ha she becoe in hese aes ha he chabeain payfuy cae he his pie inise.

One evening he owe Bosphous an he Goen Hon wee aive wih bages an skiffs, which cu he gowing wae wih hei spay-pue pows an fashing baes. Thus he ie ay oies wee accusoe o seek es, an he ies of fashion eneavoe o quicken hei boo in he coo win which, fo he heighs of he Phygian Oypus, poue acoss he sea of Maoa. The Epeo, aene by one of his favoie pages, appeae upon he ocky sope which is now known as Seagio Poin. A nube of boas, conaining he aies an geneen of he cou, ew nea o he shoe. I was he cuso of his ajesy o accep he bief hospiaiy of one an anohe of hese paies, an fo he ohes o keep copany wih hi; so ha he evening sai was no unike a saoon ecepion upon he wae. The ais of Phanza's 229 boa was, on he evening o which we efe, occupie by Mosinia aone; an, as he owes aise he oas in saue of his ajesy, he wave his han payfuy o he ohes, saying: "The chabeain is so occupie o-ay ha he has no ie o aen o his own househo. I wi ake his pace, wih he peission of he ove of Abania." "You Majesy nees es," sai Mosinia, aking pace fo hi a he sie on he ais, which fie he sen of he bage, an ove which hung a siken awning. "You face, Sie, beokens oo uch hough o-ay." Thowing hisef own, he epie aziy: "I wou ha ou boa wee seize by soe sea spie, an bone swif as he ighnings o whee he sun yone is aking his es, beyon he Heespon, beyon he pias of Hecues, beyon he wo! Bu you sha be y spie fo he hou. You convesaion, so iffeen o ha of he cou, you chaing Anaou accen, an houghs as naua as you ounain fowes, aways ea e away fo ysef."

"I hank heaven, Sie, if Jesu gives o e ha hoy inisy," epie she bushing eepy an iveing he convesaion. "Bu why ae you so sa when eveyhing is so beauifu abou us? Is i igh o cay aways he buen of epie upon you hea?" "Aas!" epie he, "I us cay he buen whie I can, fo he ie ay no be fa isan when I sha have no epie o buen e. Evens ae unowa. Whie Suan Auah ives ou eay 230 wi peven any aack upon he ciy. Bu if anohe shou iec he Mose affais, ou was yone wou soon shake wih he assau of he eney of Chiseno. Nohing bu he union of he Chisian powes can save us." "An you have he union wih Roe?" suggese Mosinia. "A union of shaows o wihsan an avaanche," epie he Epeo. "The Pope is ipoen. He can ony poise a scoe of gaeys an his goo offices wih he powes. A he sae ie ou onks have aos aise an insuecion agains he hone fo isening o he poposiion of aiance o which y aene bohe subscibe uing he as ays of his eign." "Bu Go," epie Mosinia, "is wise han we, an wi no aow he hone of he igheous o be shaken. I have ooke o-ay a he aveous oe of S. Sophia. As I gaze ino is ighy vau, an hough of he gea weigh of he sones which ae i, I ooke abou o see upon wha i ese. The igh couns an was, fa spea, seee a insufficien o suppo i. As I soo ooking, I was a fis so fie wih fea ha I ae no inge. Bu hen I eebee ha a gea achiec ha ae i; an ha so i ha soo fo any cenuies, an ha ebe wih songs of paise fo iions upon iions of woshippes who in a hese geneaions have gahee une i. Then I soo as quiey beneah i as I a now une he gea vau of he sky. An suey, Sie, his Chisian epie was foune in eepe wiso han ha of he 231 achiec. Ae no he pias of Go's poises is sue suppo? Have no hoy en sai ha so ong as he face of Jesu[67] ooks own fo above he gea aa, he scepe sha no epa fo hi who woships befoe i?" "Bu," sai Paogus, "Go ejecs His peope fo hei sins. The epie's isfounes have no been geae han is cies. As he ising iss eun in ain, so he sins of Consaninope, ising fo cenuies, wi eun wih sos of igheous eibuion. An I fea i wi be in ou ay; fo he cous hang ow, an ue oinousy, an hee is no bigh spo wihin he hoizon." "Say no so, y Epeo!" cie Mosinia eanesy. "A beah of win is now scaeing yone cou ove Oypus; an he ighes oving of Go's wi can o oe. Do you no eebe he wos of a hoy fahe, which I have ofen hea one of ou Lain piess epea o hose feafu because of hei pas ives;'Bewae es hou cay copuncions fo he pas afe hou has epene an paye. Tha is o oub Go's gace.' Bu I a a chi, Sie, an shou no speak hus o he Epeo."

"A chi?" sai his ajesy, gazing upon he supeb fo an song woany feaues. "We! a chi can see as fa ino he sky as he os eane an veneabe; an you faih, y chi, ess e oe 232 han a he eah-awn assuances of y counseos. Whee have you eane so o us? I wou wiingy spen y ays in he conven of Ahos o Monasi o ean i! Bu I fea e he hoy onks have i no of so song an seene a so as yous." "I have eane i, Sie, as y hea has ea i fo y own ife. My yeas ae scacey oe nueous han y escues have been, when o huan sigh hee was no escape fo eah, o wha I eae wose han eah. I have eane o ho a han ha I see no; an i has neve faie. No wi i fai he anoine of he Lo; fo such hou a. Bu see! yone coes y bohe Consanine. I know hi fo his owing. They who ean he oas on ounain akes neve ge he soke hey have who ean i a he sea." The Epeo uning in he iecion inicae, fowne, an sai angiy, "You bohe has fogoen he eguaions, an is in ange of iscipine fo owing wihin he ines aowe ony o he cou." The boa cae neae; no seaiy, bu uning o igh an ef, sopping an saing as if iece by soehing a a isance which he owe was waching. The Epeo's aenion was une aos a he sae insan o a igh boa shooing owa he fo an opposie iecion. The occupan of his was a onk. His back ocks, inge wih his back bea, gave a winess o his appeaance, which was incease by he excie an api anne of his popeing he caf. 233 "Soehing unusua has occue, o hey wou wai he fining of anohe essenge han he," sai he Epeo. The onk's boa gie swify. When wihin a few yas of he bage in which he Epeo was he an soo up, his eyes fashing, an his whoe aiue ha of soe vengefu fien. "Ho!" shoue he owes of he oya bage, eneavoing o un he caf so as o avoi a coision. "The an is caze!" sai Mosinia. Bu a he insan when he wo boas wou have coe ogehe, anohe, ha of Consanine, sho beween he an eceive he bow. Is hin sies wee boken by he shock. The onk who ha coe o he vey pow, an awn a knife fo his boso, cie ou, "To he evi wih he Pince of he Azyies."[68]

He eape upon Consanine's boa in oe o each ha conaining he Epeo: bu was caugh in he song as of Consanine who fe wih hi ino he wae. The onk gippe wih his anagonis so ha hey sank ogehe. In a few secons, howeve, Consanine eege. A hin seae of boo foae fo hi. He was awn upon he bage. Mosinia's han oe off he oose go-ace jacke, an foun he woun o be a eep, bu no angeous fesh cu acoss he shoue. I was sevea oens befoe he onk appeae. He gaspe an sank again foeve. 234 Consanine sae ha he ay befoe, whie aiing in he eecion of a pafo fo soe sa cuvein ha Uban ha cas, he ae spoke o hi of he aveous osaic onaenaion in he vesibue of he ie chuch jus beyon he was, an ook hi hihe. The onk was hee, an passe in an ou, evieny eene, an ueing o hisef cuses upon he Lainizes. Consanine hough ie of his a he ie; fo a a onk was no an uncoon sigh in he ciy. Bu obseving he sae an a he quay hiing a boa, he eeine o wach hi. Hence he seque.

The ebes of Phanza's faiy wee ining, as was hei cuso on peasan ays, une he gea fig ee in he gaen; a favoie spo wih he chabeain when aowe ha pivacy of ife an oesic eieen which wee seo enjoye by one whose uy i was o show he couesies of he epie o abassaos an isinguishe visios fo he ens of he eah. "I wou wiingy exchange coniions wih o Gueko, he gae keepe, o-ay," sai Phanza, pushing fo hi he unase vians. "The gae-keepe of an epie has ess ibey an es." "Wha new buen has he counci pu upon you, y o?" sai his wife. 235 "Reebe ha you ie pie inise wi hep you," inepose Mosinia payfuy. Phanza gance wih a kiny bu oube ook a he "The whees of he pubic goo gin up he heas of iniviuas eoseessy," coninue he goo an. "Hee a I wih a spouse as fai as Juno; ye I us eave he fo onhs, an aybe yeas, ha I ay seek a spouse fo he Epeo. I a o ake a ou of a Chisian cous; saping eicae bis of feae oveiness, an weighing paena puses. Bu sace poicy akes he pace of hoy aiony aong he gea. An epeo an epess ae no o be an an wife, bu ony he weing poins of wo kingos, hough hei heas ae bune an cushe in he nupias. I ha hope ha his ajesy wou asse his soveeigny sufficieny o ecae ha,

in his ae, he wou execise he ibey which he coones boo possesses, an choose who shou shae his couch, an be he ohe of his chien. Bu he vey ay afe his escape fo he a onk, he pu he keeping of his oya hea ino he hans of his inises. The shock of he aep upon his ife, o soehing ese (gancing a Mosinia), sees o have une his hea wih fea fo he succession. So, o-oow I sai o he Euxine o inspec he Cicassian beauies, who ae sai o boo aong is easen shoe. Bu y ea wife wi be consoe fo y absence by he eun of ou nephew Aexis, who, I ean fo y ees, is aeay a Ahens, having weaie of his sojoun aong he Iaians, an wi be wih you befoe any 236 ays. Heaven gan ha he has no becoe aine wih he vices of he Iaians, which ae even wose han hose of he Byzanines. I us he wi fin his aun's cae, an he sisey offices of ou Abanian aughe, oe poeny hepfu han y counse wou have been." The agnificen einue, he speni gaeys, he uno easues scape fo he boo of he ipeia coffes, wih which, on he foowing ay, he chabeain saie away hough he Bosphous o he Euxine, wee bu poo copensaion o his oving househo fo his poonge absence. No was his pace aequaey fie by Aexis wih his fine fo an wesen eegance of annes. In one espec Phanza's wish was e; fo if he cae of his aun was no appeciae by he young an, he sisey offices of he fai Abanian wee. Mosinia's espec fo he absen Phanza e he o aow oe aenion fo Aexis han he hea, o even he jugen, wou have suggese. The young nobean soon enange hisef in he web of he unconscious fascinaion. I was no uni wih passionae ao he o his ove, ha Mosinia eaize he faa powe ove hi. Bu wih a ue woan's fankness an finess, she eneavoe o ispe he iusion his aen fancy ha ceae. "If I have no ye won you," cie he ipeuous youh, "o no e e ha y sui is hopeess. I was foy in e o ea ha you wou see in e anyhing wohy of you ove, so soon as you anscenen beauy of face an sou ae e fee ha you wee a wohy of ine. Le e pove ysef 237 by onhs o yeas of evoion, if you wi. If I o no now ei you esee, suey he cha of aiy ooking upon you wi ake e bee; he sweeness of you spii wi change ine; hen as you see in e soe ipession of you own gooness, you wi no scon an epe e. I beg ha you wi ake of e wha you wi, an ove e as you can. I a no hae han he abe of which Pygaion ae he saue he ove. Mou e, Mosinia!" "I is no ha you ae no wohy of e, Aexis. The nephew of Phanza nee no huiiae hisef a he fee of any king's aughe. Bubui ay no be! I canno be!" an, geny eeasing he han she ha aowe hi o seize, she wihew o he own chabe. Aexis soo fo a oen as if supefie wih his isappoinen. This feeing was foowe by a chagin, which showe isef in he eep coo ouning his haughy

face. Then age ensue, an he sape upon he goun as if cushing soe hepess hing beneah his fee, an uee o hisef: "If no I, no an sha have he an ive. Can i be ha Abanian Consanine? Who is ha vagan? ha enia? ha he-heae hieing who foows he? Anges an oas o no boo ogehe; an he is of no kin o he."


Though a naow see, ighe by he anens which hung befoe he oos of he few wine shops ha wee si openfo he hou was aea an, wappe in a hooe coak, wen subing ove he ogs ha wee aseep in he ie of he way, an no unfequeny ove he wachen ying upon he as befoe he cose enances o he bazaas hey wee guaing. He enee one wine shop afe anohe, ueing an oah of isappoinen as he wihew fo each. A engh he une ino an aey, which seee ike a ee cevice in he copac ass of houses, an heae his way beween winowess an ooess was, uni he passage wiene ino a sa an fihy cou. A he exee ea of his a ap was jus fickeing wih is exhause oi, an ony suffice o show hi a ooway. Rapping geny he cae in Iaian: "Peo! Giovan!" The oo was opene by a sho, sou an wih bue hea, who spea hisef acoss he enance an peee ino he face of he ae coe. Two viainous ooking en sae hough he ui gae of a ush igh on a ow abe, a which, squae on he goun, hey wee paying ice. A puse o pouch of go hea, ecoae wih soe evice wough wih peas an vaious pecious sones, ay besie he. "Ah, he genean fo Genoa!" excaie one. "You ae quie wecoe o ou case. Ricao, 239 whee is he soo? We! if you can' fin i, ie own, an e he genean si on you hea." "You appea o be in uck, Peo, if I a o juge fo he puse yone," sai he visio. "You ay has aken you back o he affecion, an given you his as a ove oken, I suppose." "I' e you he seces of y ay's chabe, Signio, when you e e hose of yous," epie Peo.

"Pehaps," inepose Giovan, "he genean wou have us hep hi in o he seces of his ay's chabe. How now, Signio Aexis, have you appe a new beauy so soon in Byzaniu?" "Le's how fo his befoe we ak," inepose Ricao, hoing he puse in one han an a ice cup in he ohe. "One business a a ie." The hee en hew. The sake fe o Ricao, who hus he ich pize ino his iy pocke, whee a hi of he conens of he puse ha peviousy been eposie. "May I see he ie bag?" aske Aexis. "No!" was he suy esponse. "You see, Signio," inepose Giovan, in an aep o iigae he ueness of his coae, "You see i was a us fofo a ea an, who was afai o ake i wih hi o pugaoy, es he fie igh anish i. So we keep i fo hi uni he coes back. An we ae si in he us business, Signio! Ou cei is wihou a sain. You know i was jus a suspicion of ou inegiywe wou no have ou hono even suspece by he poiceha e us o eave Genoa. Wi you us us wih any ie business?" 240 "Do you know he Abanian office in he epeo's guas?" aske Aexis. "No, an wan o know nohing abou offices of any so," gowe Giovan. "Ay!" inepose Ricao, "he e-oppe feow, wih a boy ike Giovan's, an he neck he igh heigh o coe une y swo a?" aking he gesue of cuing off one's hea wih a sabe. "Does he isub you?" "Yes!" "I wi be woh a hune ucas," sai Giovan. "A hune an fify," sai Ricao; an, oweing his voice o he ohes, ae, "I nee fify, an I wou ake ony y even shae." "You sha have i," sai Aexis, couning ou he go. "If you eceive e, you know ha one wo fo e hee in Byzaniu wi cos you you heas. Goo nigh!" When he ha gone, Giovan sai in ow voice: "I say, Peo, we wi ivie a housan ucas ou of his." "How?" excaie he wo.

"The young office is bohe o he ay a he gan chabeain's. She wi pay heavy anso if we eive hi insea of" awing his finge acoss his hoa. "Of couse we shou have o eave Byzaniu. Bu Ricao an I have concue ha i wee bes o be gone anyhow; fo he peope hee ae so poo ha ou business oes no hive. This puse once he ucas, bu when we ook i, i ha ony sive bis. We pocke-bankes nee bee consiuency." 241 "Yes, we ha bee ge ou of his," sai Peo. "Genea Giusiniani has coe o ive in Gaaa.[69] He go his wease-eyes on e yeseay as I was oing a ie business by he o whaf. Tha an knows oo uch, he oes. Bu he' neve ge e on he gaey benches again. I' caw ike a u ue on he boo of Maoa befoe I' go une he haches a secon ie. I ike feeo an fesh ai, I o" bowing ou of his face he hick soke eie by he wick foaing on he suface of a sauce of oi. "Righ!" sai Giovan. "Le's ge ou of his if we can o so wih enough go o pay ou oya aveing expenses. Bu if we spae he neck of ha feow who is in Signio Aexis' way, whee wi we keep hi ha Aexis wi no know i?" "Ou ansion hee is hay cooious enough fo so isinguishe an ivey a gues as he young office wi be ikey o be," sai Ricao, scaping he spies' webs fo he ow ceiing of he oo wih his cap. "Ty he o wae vau," suggese Peo. "Goo!" sai Ricao, "when he Abanian goes o he was, as he oes evey ay, he wi pass nea o he opening."


The ay foowing he hee uffians ingee abou he sie of he o Hippooe hough he open space of which he ciizens passe in going fo one pa of he ciy o anohe. Towa evening a sone was hown agains he bonze-sheahe coun, o wae pyai, which si he soe of he gea paes ha in he pay ays of Byzaniu ae i one of he wones of he ciy. I was he signa fo aeness. A sho-boie, ong-ae, e-haie an, esse in he whie ki an goeboiee jacke of a ciizen, saunee eisuey hough he Hippooe. He easue wih his eye he space which once baze wih he speno of fashion, when, beneah he ipeia eye of a Jusinian o Theoosius, he hoses of Aaby an Thacia an, an he facions of "he Bues" an "he Geens" shoue, an he whiing whees of he goen chaios spinke he us upon he uiues. The an pause o gaze a he bonze coun of hee inewine sepens, wih sive-cese heas, which was beieve o have been bough fo he epe a

Dephi o his new ciy by he gea Consanine. He soo eveeny befoe he a Egypian obeisk of ose-ganie, whose igh e gowe wih eepe hue in he easen fush of he wiigh sky; puzze ove is veica ines of hieogyphs which hiy cenuies ha no obieae, an suie he figues on is abe base, epesening he achines use by he enginees of Theoosius in hoising he 243 gea onoih o is pace, a housan yeas ago. Boken saueshe spoi of conquee ciies in geneaions of Geek powess which shae he supineness of he pesen, soo o ay abou he gan pia of pophyy, which was once suoune by he saue of Apoo wough by Phiias. "Shae fo such negec!" uee he an. "A peope ha canno keep is a fo cacking o pieces wih age, canno ong keep he o epie of he Csas." The naow see o he noh of he Hippooe squae shu ou he enan of ayigh as he an une ino i. His aenion was awn by he goaning of soe poo oucas couching in he ak shaow of an ange in he wa. As he soope o inspec his objec a sunning bow fe upon his hea. Two sawa en insany pinione his as. They oe his hepess boy a few yas, an caie o si i own a figh of seps ino a ak caven, whose sies echoe hei foofas an whispes, as if i wee he pace of he as Jugen whee he seces of ife ae a o be pocaie. Reaching he boo, one of he en pouce a igh. The gae seee o excavae a hoow sphee ou of he hick akness, bu eveae nohing, excep he speca fash of he bas fiing aoun he heas of he inues, an he ap eahen foo upon which he en ha hown hei vici. A engh gea fos ose hough he goo, ike he unks of a foes. The wae of a subeanean ake geae fo nea hei fee, bu is sooh back sheen was soon os in he akness. A sa boa, o af, was nea, ino which 244 he an was ife; one of he uffians siing on his fee, he ohe by his hea, whie he hi popee he caf by pushing agains gea ganie pias beween which hey passe. Afe going soe isance he boa goun is boo agains a ass of faen asony an i, which ae a so of isan, pehaps weny fee acoss. Hee hey ane, an agge hei vici. "Wha wou you have wih e?" sai he posae an. "I is enough ha we have you," sai Peo, in boken Geek. "We wan nohing oe; no even o keep you iseabe cacass, since we have aeay go ou pay fo buying i. I' be you fahe-confesso an shive you. If you ike he Lain Absovo e! an away go you sins as easiy as I can sip his go-ace jacke off you back. O if you pefe he GeekBy he hons of Nebuchanezza, I've fogoen he piesy wos! Bu I' shive you a he sae wihou he hoy ube. An if you wan o pay a bi yousef, why fo you fee in fon of you nose an knee on you back." "Why o you ki e?" sai he an. "I a nohing o you."

"Nohing o us, bu soehing o hi who has hie us. As hones en we us o wha we wee pai o o." "Uness I can pay you oe," sai he an, insany aking a hopefu hin. "Do you wea he be of Phanza, ha you hink you can pay so uch?" epie one of he uffians, feeing abou he peson of he hepess an. 245 "Wha I have I givea hune ucas." "A hune! Ae you ove-cosse ha you vaue ife so ie? You' skin we, y gene abkin; an as you ae haf anne aeay, we wi se you hie o he buskin ake fo aos ha su; an you fa (feeing his ibs) wi gease a hune gaey ass. A housan ucas is you vaue, you Abanian ip!" "I o no possess so uch," sai he vici. "Bu you sise oes," sai he uffian; an no noing he supise ook of he an, coninue: "We have aange fo ha. You ife is woh o us jus one housan ucas of go. Sign his!" poucing a bi of pape on which was soehing wien. "I canno ea i in his igh. You ea i. I ay us such hones feows as you ae." The an ea"To y sise, he Abanian, a he house of Phanza. I a in ange fo which I can escape ony if you wi give he beae one housan ucas. Speak no o any one of i, o y ife is fofei. Tha you ay know his is genuine he beae wi show you y ing an a cip of y hai." "Give e you ing; an, coae, wa he wax o sea he ee," sai Giovan. "Bu I a no he an you seek," sai he vici. "An who in he evi's nae ae you hen?" "A ee sange." "Pove i!" "Take he ing, an he ay wi no ecognize i." "We sha see," sai he uffian, "bu we wi ake 246 he hune ucas now o pay fo any oube you have pu us o."

His be was sippe off, an is goen conens ippe ou. The vici was unie, fis having been copeey isae. The hee en eneing he boa, pushe off in he iecion fo which hey ha enee. The isan pisone wache he eceing igh as i fashe is ong ays on he wae, iuine he aches of he oof, an i he couching figues in he boa. The uipying pias becae ike a soi wa as he igh ecee, uni a engh he akness was copee. The soun of he boa as i scache agains he sone a he aning, gave pace o he os oppessive sience. To aep escape in he iecion of he enance wou be foy. If he cou fin his way his capos wou oubess be on gua an easiy ovepowe hi, as he wou have o wae o swi. Bu o eain whee he was wou be as hazaous, fo he weches wou no isk exposue fo he sake of he hune ucas hey ha secue; bu wou pobaby eun an pu hi ou of he way of winessing agains he. As he eiae, a ow ube ike isan hune, an aong he aches. "Soe passing vehice in he ciy above," he concue. A igh ip, as of a ba's wing ouching he wae! Anohe! an anohe! "Sange ha hey shou be so egua!" hough he an. "Thee us be soe ine: I wi expoe." He wake cauiousy ino he wae in he iecion 247 of he soun. Soon he was beyon his eph; bu, being an expe swie, kep on; his ouseche as answeing as anenn of soe huge wae-spie, an guaing hi fo coision wih he pias. The ipping soun becae oue. Now i was jus above his hea. He fe his way wih his hans uni i becae evien ha he was a he en o sie of he subeanean ake. Bu he shoe was seep; inee, a wa. ixing his finges ino he cevices beween he sones, he was abe o aise hisef haf ou of he wae. Reaching up wih one han he fe he cuve ege of a viauc, by which he ak ake was evieny fe, o ha been in eaie ays. Bu, bah! The wae now icking hough i was fou. The sping ha been soppe, an he viauc becoe a sewe; fe oubess hough is ens wih he soakage of he ciy. Bu igh hee no be an opening ino he uppe ai? If no, a gea huan oe especiay if, o bin scaching powe, he as he ski of one aine in he a of engineeingcan possiby ake an opening. The pisone cibe ino he viauc. I was age enough o aow hi o caw a sho isance. A fain gie of igh pove he coecness of his suise ha i was connece wih he suface. Bu faen sones bocke his way. As he ay panning wih finges an bain fo his fuhe pogess, voices soune fo he

esevoi. They wee hose of wo of he cu-hoas euning. He pushe hisef back o he opening. His capos ha isse hi a he isan. 248 If hey knew of his suice, o chance o coe upon i in hei seach, he was os in his pesen posiion; fo a pai of bae hees was he ony weapon he cou show agains hei shap agges. He e hisef own ino he wae, an swa sieny away. The igh, howeve, fo his capos' ap cae neae. "His!" sai one. "He is yone; pehaps by he evi's winow." The boa pushe iecy owa he viauc he ha ef. Whie hey expoe he opening, which igh we be cae he winow ino he backness of akness of he nehe wo, hei vici swa apiy, keeping aways in he shaow of he gea pias. Bu he boa was upon his ack again. The fugiive now ae a founae iscovey. Sevea fee beow he suface of he wae he base of each pia pojece fa enough fo saning oo. This base ha pobaby ake he heigh o which he wae was oiginay aowe o ise. By saning upon one of hese pojecions, he was abe o ove oun he pia, so as o keep is huge bock beween hisef an his pusues. Thus hey passe hi. By he igh in he boa he cou iscen he goun o shoe nea which was he enance. Reuning o coas he ohe sie of he caven, hey ha passe cose by hi, when, his foo sipping, he was pojece ino he wae. The weches haie wih gi joy he spash, an une he boa in he iecion of he noise. Bu, opping beneah he suface, he an swa o a pia nea by, fo which he wache hei baffe cicui of his foe eea. 249 This chase cou no be kep up enessy. Punging again une he wae, he swa iecy o he boa. Rising sueny, he gaspe is sie wih ain weigh an oveune i. The cies of he en an he spashing of he boa echoe a hune ies aong he aches; whie he hissing oi of he open ap, which, poue on he suface of he wae, baze fo a oen, ae as nea a epesenaion of paneoniu as his wo eve affos, excep in he bain of he eene. Though he capive ha eneavoe o keep his beaings, an ha no os fo an insan his pesence of in, he swiing of he boa ha esoye a ipession of he iecion he shou ake. He eebee ha on one of he pias he pojecing base was boken. I was ha on which he ha soo when he caugh a gipse of he goun nea he enance. If he cou fin ha pia again he cou ake his beaings as eaiy as if a sa guie hi. Sevea pias wee ie befoe he aisanic one was iscovee. eeing he boken pace, an ecaing he way in which he soo upon he naow ege when he saw he enance, he ook his couse accoingy, an swa on.

One of his pusues ha evieny foun a ogen soewhee, an was caing usiy o his coae fo hep. Bu hee cae back no answe o his ca. On wen he swie uni he igh of he oue wo geae hough he cevice of he oo, weny o hiy fee above hi, an he cawe upon he goun. Squeezing he wae fo his gaens, he cibe 250 he saiway, an, opening he heavy an wo-eaen oos, peee ou. The see was cowe wih passes; fo anohe ay ha coe since his enance o he o esevoi. In his haf nake an beabbe coniion he hesiae o ake his exi, an eune o he boo of he sais. A han on he oo above ae hi eap o one sie. Giovan enee. Peeing inensey ino he shaows, he escene he seps. Pausing a oen he whise hough his eeh. Thee was no esponse. He whise oue on his finges. A shou cae back. "Hep! Giovanhep!" Giovan's agge poue fo his be. Anohe's han sueny ew i, an, befoe he ha ecovee fo his supise, i enee his neck o he haf. The Iaian's sho beeches, veveeen jacke an sku cap wee ae o ake he pace of he enan of he pisone's once os epuabe waobe, an he saie foh.

Lae in he ay he gae keepe a Phanza's ansion pu ino Mosinia's han a ee ef wih hi by an Iaian aboing an. I was aesse"To he Abanian ay," an ea hus: "You bohe's ife is heaene by soe sece eney. Le hi execise an Abanian's cauion! This is he avice of a sange." 251 A ie befoe his, as he "poo Iaian" was oving away fo he gae of Phanza, a gogeous paanquin, wih siken canopy an sies aice wih sive os, was bone in by fou sou an we-foe en, wih bae egs an as, pupe sho ouses, eboiee jackes, an jauny e caps, whose ong asses hung fa own hei backs. The "Iaian" seppe ino an ange ha he paanquin igh pass; an soo gazing a ong ie afe i ha isappeae. A engh, uning away, he sai o hisef: "Sange! I us be ha y iaginaion has been isube by he scenes of as nigh. Bu he ay in yone paanquin is y ea ae ea. The pey face of he chi wih who I once paye on he ounains us have cu is ouines soewhee on y bain, fo I see o see i eveywhee. My capive in he ounains of Abania ha he

sae feaueshough I saw he ony une he fash of a och. Iaginaion ha, suey! The gi a Sfeigae was siia. An now his one! The aga's avice o bewae feae iusions was goo. Bu she ay be he Abanian ay afe a. Ipossibe! Supiiy! Pehaps y chosen houi in paaise is ony fashing he beauy upon y sou fo hese fai eahy faces, an so aining e fis o ove he as an iea, ha he joy of he eaizaion ay be pefec. Bu, u! u! siy boy ha I a!" Whising onoonousy he une own a see. A sho, cooke-necke office passe aong. His face a he oen was he picue of issaisfacion. 252 The "Iaian" soppe hi, an, wih a couesy which beie his coon appae, aesse hi: "Capain Uban of he enginees, is i no?" "An who ae you?" was he suy, ye haf especfu, epy, as he one aesse gance ino he ohe's face. "One who knows ha he cannon you ae casing ae no heavy enough o oge a ba agains he o owe of Gaaa yone acoss he Goen Hon, uch ess beach a foificaion; an fuhe, ha a you can cas a his ae fo now uni he Tuks ake Byzaniu wou no enabe you o how en sho an hou." "By he bass oe of S. Pee! an, I was jus saying he sae hing o ysef," epie Uban. "An he Epeo's easuy, when he has bough hisef a wife, wi no have enough ef o buy sapee wih which o fie he guns, if he shou aow you bass enough fo he casing," ae he sange. "Tue again, y an; an he Epeo's sevice in he eanie oes no yie sipen enough fo an office o ive upon eceny. If you wee bee esse, y pince of azaoni, I coun' affo o ask you o ink wih e; bu his cheap shop wi shae neihe you ooks no y puse. Coe in." "Who ae you, y goo feow?" aske Uban, as he aine a cup of asic-favoe wine. "Wee no you voice iffeen, an you ponunciaion of Geek ahe povincia, wih a sigh Sevian bogue, I wou ake you fo one of ou young enginees. You ae no an Iaian, spie of you gab." "No," was he epy, "I was once in he epoy of 253 he Despo of Sevia, enginee an aiey-an; bu I hink of eneing he sevice of he Suan. He pays finey, an gives one who oves he science of wa a chance o use his genius."

"o such a chance an goo pay I wou seve he evi," sai Uban. "The Geek epeo hee is no sain, an ye I have seve hi fo a cus. I a no boun o hi by any ie. If you fin goo quaes wih he Tuks, give e a hin, an I wi join you." The sange eye hi cosey as he sai his, an epie in ow ones"Capain Uban, I a a Mose; Capain Baaban of he Janizay cops. An I bea you a coission fo he Paishah. To seek you is a pa of y business in Consaninope. I o no ask you o ake y wo fo his, bu if you wi accopany e, I wi give you poof of y auhoiy. A housan ucas I wi pu ino you han wihin an hou, wih which you ay ase he Paishah's ibeaiy an iagine wha i sha be when you accopany e o Aianope." The wo en ef he wine shop ogehe an enee a bazaa. The sange whispee o he echan who was neay buie ai huge pies of goos of evey anique escipion; sange paene apesies, ugs of a hues an sizes, ebony boxes inai wih sive an ivoy, shies bosse an gaven, spea-heas, ciees an agges. The saesan ae as ow a sa as his cowing waes wou pei, an, opening a way hough he heaps of echanise, conuce he visios ino an inne oo.


To bee unesan he evens jus ecie, we us ace soe scenes which ha been enace esewhee. Duing he sojoun of Consanine an Mosinia in Consaninope, he Tuks ha ae no pogess owa he conques of Abania. The was of Coia, upon which hey une hei housans of en, an exhausess esouces of siege appaaus, seve ony o ispay he vao an ski of he assaians, he supeio genius of Casio, an he enuance of his bans of paios. The haughy Suan Auah, boken in heah, oe by he chagin of his i success han by exposues o casua isease, eie o Aianope, in copany wih his son, Pince Mahoe, who was saisfie wih a few essons in he science of iiay anuveing as augh by he ipping swo of Casio; an pefee o pacice his acquieens upon ohe an ess angeous anagoniss. Pince Mahoe ha scacey wihawn o Magnesia in Asia Mino, an ceebae his nupias wih he aughe of he Tukoan Ei, when news was bough of he eah of his fahe. The pince was hay weny-one yeas of age; bu his fis ac was oinous of he popiue, sef-asseion an iigence of he whoe subsequen caee of his an, whose success on he fie an in he ivan ae hi he foeos onach of his age. 255

On heaing he news he une o Capain Baaban, fo who he young Paishah eneaine he fones affecion, an who ha accopanie hi o Magnesia in he capaciy of kavass. "I sha eave o you, Capain, he uy of epesening e a he buia of y oya fahe a Busa, afe which ee e a Aianope." Leaping ino he sae, he cie o he copany abou hi, "Le hose who ove e, foow e!" an spue his Aab see o he Heespon. The agnificen coege of he ea Suan ove apiy fo he Euopean capia of he Tuks o hei ancien one in Asia Mino. The houghs of he aenans wee oe owa he new han which wou isibue he favos o eos of epie, han owa he han which was now co. Capain Baaban was in ie o join he eveen cice which coie he oya boy o is ancesa esing pace. They buie i wih sipe sepucha ies, in he open fie, unshaowe by inae o cosy osque o eoia coun; ha, as he ying Paishah ha sai, "he ecy an bessing of Go igh coe uno hi by he shining of he sun an oon, an he faing of he ain an ew of heaven upon his gave." Suan Mahoe II. was scacey wihin he seagio a Aianope when Capain Baaban epoe fo uy. Passing hough he oue o coon cou, he enee by he secon gae ino he squae suoune by he baacks of he Janizaies, who, as he boy gua of he onach, occupie quaes abuing on hose of he Suan. 256 Nea he hi gae was gahee a cow of Janizaies, in angy ebae; fo as soon as hey eaize ha he fi an expeience han of Auah was no onge on he he, he pie an auaciy of his cops inauguae ebeion. "The Janizaies have save he epie, e he enjoy i," cie one. "Ou swos exene he Mose powe, so wi we have exension of piviege," cie anohe. "Why shou Kai Pasha be Gan Vizie insea of ou chief Aga? Kai is one of he Giaou Oachi.[70] "Down wih he Vizie!" ang aong he baacks. "A ee chi is Paishah! one of no jugen he Hunkia!" "My bohes," sai Capain Baaban. "You know no he new Paishah. We igh Auah have sai o hi wha Ohan sai o Ochan: 'My son, I a ying: an I ie

wihou ege, because I eave such a successo as hou a.' Beieve e, y bohes, if Mahoe is young, he is song. If he is inexpeience in he ehos of govenen, i is because heaven wis ha he sha inven bee ones." "You hea is une by he Paishah's favos," uee an o guasan. "Bu a I no a Janizay?" cie he capain, "an i is as a Janizay ha he Paishah oves e, as he oves us a. I once hea hi say ha he whie woo on a Janizay's cap was oe honoabe han he hose ai on he en spea of anohe. O Sei hee can e you ha, as a chi, Mahoe 257 was fone of he Janizay's ess han of he feas in he hae." "Yes," sai o Sei, wih voice ebing hough age, bu ou wih he enhusias excie by he capain's appea. "My hans augh Mahoe his fis paies an huss; an he wou si by ou fie o isen o he soies of he vao of ou cops, an cap his hans, an cy 'goo Sei, I wou ahe be a Janizay han be a pince.'" The o an's eyes fie wih eas as he ae, "An a he fou housan pophes bess he Paishah!" Whie his scene was being enace wihou, he young Suan was ecining, wih he fu sense of his new igniy, upon he sofa which ha neve been pesse excep by he peson of oyay. I was covee wih a coh of go an cison veve, eieve by finges of peas. Befoe i was spea a cape of sik, an inch hick, whose sofness, boh of exue an ins, ae a uxuian conas wih is boe, which was cochee wih cos of sive an go. The was of his chabe wee eniche wih ies of aabase, agae, an uquoise. The ceiing was pae wih beaen sive, hache a inevas wih ouings of go; nea o which wee winows of saine gass ae of hunes of pieces cosey joine o fo anspaen osaic picues, hough which he vaiegae igh fooe he apaen. Mahoe was hisef in siking conas wih his suounings. He was esse in ngig, wih oose gown, age sippes, an whie sku cap. Befoe he Suan soo he Gan Vizie, Kai, beizene in he cosue of his office:an enoous 258 uban in whose wise fos was a ban of go; a bounous of bocae, enivene by fowes wough upon i in geen an e; an a cashee sash geaing wih he jewee hane of his yaaghan. "They ae even now in evo, you Majesy," sai he Vizie. "You safey wi be bes seve by sevee easues. They say he ion has no gown ino you neves ye." The Suan cooe. Afe a oen's pause he epie. "When Capain Baaban coes we wi hink of ha ae."

"The capain ha jus aive as I enee, Sie." "Then announce o he Janizaies ha he seven housan facones an gae keepes which y fahe aowe o ea up ou evenue, as he bugs infes he ees, ae aboishe; an hei incoe appopiae o he bee equipen of he Janizaies." "Bu, Sie, wou you shapen he fangs of" "Sience! I have sai i," sai Mahoe, siking his han on his knee. "Bu wha is his ean fo Consaninope?" "Tha he pay fo he eenion of you Cousin Okan a Consaninope sha be oube, o he Geeks wi e hi oose o cones he hone wih you Majesy." "Assen o he ean," sai he Suan. "The ie wi he soone coe o avenge he insu, if we see no o see i." The Vizie coninue ooking a his abes. "Maia Suana[71] asks, hough he Kisa Aga, ha she ay 259 be aowe, since he eah of he o, o eun o he kine." "Le he go! She is a Giaou whose cuse boo was no beee by six an weny yeas' habiaion wih y fahe. She is fai enough in he winkes fo soe Chisian pince, an Geoge Bankovich nees o ake new aiances." "Hunyaes"sai he Vizie. "Ay, ake peace wih hi, an wih Scanebeg, oo, if ha wi beas can be ae, which I uch oub." The Suan ose fo his cushion, his fo aniae wih song excieen, an, puing his han upon he shoues of he Viziewho ew back a he sange faiiaiyan ooking hi fixey in he face, he whispee: "Eveyhing us wai,"an he wos hisse in he ho eageness wih which he sai he"uniI have Consaninope." Tuning upon his hee, he wihew owa his pivae chabe. The Suan hew hisef upon his be. The Capee Aga, o chief of he whie eunuchs, whose uy i was o ac as vae-e-chabe, as we as o san a he igh han of he Suan on sae occasions, began o aw he cuains aoun he sive poss upon which he be ese. "You ay eave e," sai his ajesy. "Nay, ho! Sen Capain Baaban of he Janizaies."

As he young office enee, he face of he Suan eaxe. "You ake e a an again, coae," sai he, gasping his han. "These few ays paying Suan 260 ake e fee as o as he epie. I hae his paae of boing vizies an incing eunuchs; an o be shu up hee wih hese paace popieies is as iksoe o e as Tiou's ion cage was o y ganfahe Bajaze. I hink I sha pu y hae on hose-back, an ake o he fies. Scuing ou of Abania wih Scanebeg a one's hees wee pefeabe o his busy ieness. You have ha a api ie o ge fo Busa so soon, an ook wine. Ro yousef on ha wof's skin. I kie ha feow in Caaania. By he uban of Abaha! you e hea ooks we agains he back hie. Bu why on' you augh? Have hey ae a Paishah of you, oo, ha you us ask you face wih cae?" "I have a cae, Sie," sai he soie. "Te e i," sai he Suan, "an I' ake i fy away as fas as he Pophe's hose ook hi o he sevenh heaven." "The Janizaies ae esess, Sie." "Does no he onaive I have announce pacify he?" "I have no hea of i," sai he office. "Lisen! Is no ha hei shou?" Shou afe shou en he ai fo he cou wihou. The Janizay une pae; bu in a oen sai, "You onaive has been announce. They ae cheeing you Majesy." "Long ive he Paishah!" "Long ife o Mahoe!" ang again an again. "I hank you, Sie," eagey cie he young an, kissing he han of he Suan. "Wha ese wou hey have?" aske he. 261 "Nohing bu chance o show hei gaiue by vaian sevice," was he epy. "This hey sha have, wih you o ea he," puing his han on he young office's shoue. "Nay, Sie, I ay no suppan hose who ae y supeios by viue of sevice aeay enee." "Bu I coan i. The cops sha o-oow be pu une you oes as hei chief Aga."

"I beg you Majesy o esis fo his pupose," sai Baaban. "The spii of he cops, is efficiency, epens upon he sices obsevance of he ancien ues of Ochan an Aain. By he we have been ae wha we ae." "Bu," cie Mahoe angiy, "hee sha be no ohe wi han ine houghou he ay." "I wou have no ohe wi han hine, Sie," was he esponse; "bu i wee we if you wi shou be o eave he Janizaies' ue unouche." "You young ebe!" cie Mahoe, haf vexe ye haf pease as, busing ino a augh, he ashe ove he face of his fien a ja of ice shebe which was upon a acquee san a his sie. "You ay hank he evi ha i wasn' he aow I once sho you wih," sai he payfu yan, as Baaban jupe o his fee. "If you wee no he Suan now, I wou pu you fo he be, as I pue you fo you hose ha ay," epie he goo-naue favoie, aking a oion as if o execue he hea. "You ae igh," sai Mahoe ising. "I a Suan! Suan? pshaw! Ye Suan, suey." He pace he foo in eep agiaion, an a engh sai, "I 262 have a uy o pefo, han which I wou ahe cu off y as." "Le e o he ee, hough i akes y a an y ife," sai Baaban eagey. "You know no wha i is, y o coae." "Bu I pege befoe I know," was he esponse which cae fo siffene ips an bowe hea, as he capain ae his obeisance. The Suan ooke hi in he face ong an eanesy, an hen, uning away, sai: "No! no! hee ae hans ess nobe han yous." "Bu y e, Sie." "You know he cuso of ou ancesos, appove by he wiso of ivans, as an expeien essenia o he peace an safey of he epie, haBu I can no speak i: no wi I ask i of you. Leave e, Capain. Coe o-oow a his hou. I sha nee he eief of you copany hen, even oe han o-ay."


An hou ae he Kisa Aga, chief of he back eunuchs in chage of he oya hae, was announce. "We, Sina, have any of you he of gazees escape?" aske he Suan. "None. Bu Mia Suana wou pay he hoage a you Majesy's fee." 263 "Mia, he Geek?" sai Mahoe, he eep coo ising o his epes. Loweing his one o a whispe, he convese fo a few oens wih he eunuch, who posae hisef upon he goun, an wih hash, ye hin voice, sai: "You Majesy is wise, vey wise. You wi is ha of Aah, he Gea Hunkia. I sha be one." Mia was a beauifu woan. The igh exue of he obe eveae a pefec fo; an he hin vei en a cha o he face, such as shaows sen acoss he anscape. Mahoe shuee, as he kneeing woan ebace his fee. The wos of he congauaion o he young onach, he poesaion of evoion o hi as o his fahe, hough uee wih he sweees voice he ha eve hea, an wih evien honesy, sen a visibe eo hough he fae of he isene. An when she ae, "My chi, Ahe, he iage of his nobe fahe an hine, wi seve hee wih his ife, an" "I is we! I is we," ineupe he Suan. "Be gone now!" The oning foowing was one in which he heas of he ciizens of Aianope soo aos hobess wih hoo. Mohes caspe hei babes wih a shue o hei beass; an fahes soke he fai hai of hei boys, an hanke Aah ha no ie of oya boo an in hei veins. A soy afewa foae ove he ans of Mose an Chisian, as eibe as a cou of boo, opping is shaow ino paace an coage, an yeing ha page of hisoy on which Mahoe's nae is wien wih a aning bo. 264 Whie Mia Suana was bowing a he fee of he new onach, congauaing hi upon his accession o he hone, he infan son, Ahe, haf bohe o Mahoe, was being sange in he bah by his oes. Anohe son of Auah, Caapin, ha, hough his ohe's iey suspicion, escape o he an of he Chisians. I was ae in he ay when Capain Baaban appeae fo auience wih he Suan. His Majesy was appaeny in he gayes of oos. "Coe, oss e he ice! We have no paye since I ai asie y anhoo an pu on he Paishah's coak. Coe! Wha? Have you no sake o pu up? Then I wi sake fo boh. A Tukoan, he fahe of y own bie, has sen e a bevy of woen, Geogians,

wih faces as fai as he she of an osich's egg,[72] an voices as swee as of he bis which sang o he hap of Davi.[73] The choice o hi who wins! Wha! oes no ha ep he cou o if off you face? Then have you choice wihou he oss. Wha! si booing?" ae he, gowing angy. "By he hoy house a Mecca! I' ake you augh if I icke you ibs wih y agge's poin." "You ae e poise ha I wou be ue o you, y Paishah, an if I shou augh o-ay I wou no be ue," epie Baaban quiey. "My face weas he shaows which he peope have hown ino i." "The peope?" sai Mahoe gowing pae. 265 "Ay, he peope have hea he waiing of he Suana." "o wha? Te e fo wha?" aske he Suan wih feigne supise. Baaban naae he soy which was on evey one's ips. "I is eason agains e," cie he onach. Suoning he Capee Aga he bae hi ca he ivan. The gea pesonages of he epie wee speeiy gahee in he auience oo. A he igh of he Suan soo he Gan Vizie an hee suboinae vizies. On his ef was he Kaiaske, he chief of he juges, wih ohe ebes of he uea o gui of awyes, consiuing he high cou. The Reis-Effeni, o cek, soo wih his abes befoe he sea of he Suan. The ea of he oo was fie wih vaious pinces an high officias. Tuning o he Kaiaske, he Suan aske: "Wha is he enoinaion of he cie, an he penay of hi who, unbien by he Paishah, sha pu o eah a chi of oya boo?" The Kaiaske, afe a oen's evien supise a he quesion, ponounce sowy he foowing ecision: "I wee a oube cie, Sie, being boh ue an eason. An if pechance he chi wee faheess, e a ipe cuse coe upon he saye. o wha saih he Book of he Pophe?[74] 'They who evou he possessions of ophans unjusy, sha swaow own nohing bu fie ino hei beies, an 266 sha boi in aging faes.' If such be he cuse of Aah upon hi who sha espoi he chi of his ighfu goos, uch oe oes Aah bi us visi wih vengeance one who espois he chi of ha chiefes possessionhis ife. Such is he aw, O Zi Uah."[75]

Tuning o he Kisa Aga, Mahoe coane hi o give esiony. The Nubian ebe as he ooke ino he banche face of he Suan; bu soon ecovee his sef possession sufficieny o ea his ase's houghs, an sai, "The chi of Mia Suana was foun ea a he bah whie in he hans of Sayi." "Was Sayi he chi's appoine aenan?" aske he Kaiaske. "He was no," was he esponse. "Le hi ie!" sai he juge sowy. "Le hi ie!" epeae he Gan Vizie. The Suan bowe in assen an wihew. The swif vengeance of he Paishah was haie wih appause by he officias, as if i ha ease he boo gui fo he obe of oya hono; bu he peope shook hei heas, an kep shaows on hei faces fo any ays. "I ie of his ife in he baacks," sai Capain Baaban o he Suan, shoy afe his even. "Speak honesy, an," was he epy. "You ie of e; y hea is no age enough o eneain one of such abiion." "Nay, Sie, bu I wou ge neae o he inneos 267 coe of you hea, ino ha which is you eepes esie." "An whee, hink you, is ha spo?" sai he Suan siing. "Consaninope," was he aconic esponse. "Ah! ue ove of ine a hou, if you wou be hee. Uni I pu he Mihab[76] in he was of S. Sophia, I sha no seep wihou he ea ha I have one i. Know you no he ea of Ohan? how he eaves of he ee which spang fo his boso when he fai Makhaoon, he ohe of a he Paishahs, sank upon i, wee shape ike ciees, an evey win une hei poins owa Consaninope? My waking an seeping houghs ae he eaves. The spii of Ohan beahes hough y sou an uns he hihe. Go! an pepae y coing. The was wihsoo y fahe Auah. Discove why? I hea ha Uban, he cannon foune, is in he pay of he Geeks. He who iscovee a way o un he Dibians agains Sfeigae can fin a way o un a foeigne's eyes fo he baee cown of he Csas o soehing bigheGo, an Aah give you wiso!"

The eae is acquaine wih he ieiae seque of Capain Baaban's epaue, his avenue wih he Iaian espeaoes a he o esevoi, an his success wih Uban.


The siege an capue of Consaninope by he Tuks in 1453, was, wih he excepion of he iscovey of Aeica, he os significan even of he fifeenh cenuy. The Easen Roan Epie hen peishe, afe eeven cenuies of goy an shae; of heoic conquess, an pusianious copoises wih ohe powes fo he piviege of exisence; exhibiing on is hone he viues an wiso of Theoosius an Jusinian, an he vices an foies of epeos an epesses whose naes i wee we ha he wo shou foge. Bu he hisoic ipoance of he siege was ache by he hiing inees which aaches o is scenes. The as of he Consanines, fo whose hans he queeny ciy was wese, was wohy he nae bone by is gea foune, no, pehaps, fo his ispay of genius in govenen an coan, bu fo he pious evoion an sacificia couage wih which he efene his us. A ban of ess han en housan Chisians, osy Geeks, an a few Lains whose ove fo he essenia uh of hei eigion was songe han hei bigoy fo sec, wihsoo fo any weeks he hoos which wee poue upon he by a quae of a iion Moses. These foes wee ae pesupuous by neay a cenuy of unchecke conques; hei ho boo boie wih fuy an aing excie by he poises of hei eigion, which opene paaise o hose ha peishe wih he swo; an hey wee 269 e by he fis fashings of he saing genius an auaciy of Mahoe II. The Bosphous was bockae six ies above he ciy by he new foess, RuiiHissa, he Case of Euope; answeing acoss he naow sai o Anaou-Hissai he Cases of Asia. A fee of hee hune Mose vesses cowe he enance o he Bosphous, o esis any Wesen ay of he Chisians ha igh have un he gaune of fos which guae he owe enance o Maoa. A he sae ie his nava foce heaene he ong wae fon of he ciy wih ovewheing assau. The wa which ay beween he sea of Maoa an he Goen Hon, an ae he ciy a iange, ooke own upon aies gahee fo he any ans beween he Euphaes an Danube;he feua chivay fo hei ziaes une agnificeny accoue beys; he eibe Akinji, he oune scouge of he boes of Chiseno; he oey hoes of Azabs, igh iegua foo-soies,hese fiing he pains fo ies away:whie abou he ens of he Suan wee he

Roya Hose Guas, he Spahis, Saihas, Ououfeji an Ghoueba, ivas fo he appause of he naions, as he os aing of ies an os skifu of swosen: an he Janizaies, who boase ha hei ea was as esisess as he waves of an eahquake. Mines fo Sevia wee eay o buow beneah he was. A gea cannon cas by Uban, he Dacian, who ha esee fo he Chisian o he Mose cap, gape eay o hu is sone bas of six hune pouns weigh. I was fanke by wo aos 270 equay enoous fie-voiing agons, as he new aiey was cae: whie foueen ohe baeies of esse onance wee waiing o pou hei si nove esucion upon he woks. Ancien a bene wih oen science in he aack; fo baeing as suppeene cannon, an enches beas-eep copee he ines of shies. Moving fos of woo anagonize, acoss he eep oa, he o sone owes, which uing he cenuies ha hue back hei assaians in oe han weny sieges. The vaious hoss of besieges in hei aiy oveens wee ike he fos of an enoous sepen, wihing in eve conacing cices abou he boy of soe hepess pey. o awn o ak he was cube beneah he pouning of he aiey; bu fo ak o awn hey ose again une he oi of he seepess efenes. Thousans, ipee by he coans of he Suan, an oe, pehaps, by he pospec of ewa in his wo, an in anohe, ou of which bigh-eye houis wee waching hei pospecive os, oune he scaing aes ony o fi wih hei boies he oa beneah. A he poin of geaes ange he besiege wee inspie wih he couage of hei Epeo, an by he ai of he bans of Iaians who he puse an he appeas of John Giusiniani ha bough as he as offeing of he coon faih of Chiseno upon he gea aa aeay ipping wih a naion's boo. Soeies when he Chisians, whose fewness copae wih he assaians copee he o seve boh ay an nigh, wee iscouage by incessan ange an faigue, a igh fo in hee an beaspae 271 ove aong he, egaess of aows an bues of ea: now sooping o saunch he wouns of he faen; now ouning he paape, whee scoes of sou soies shiee he wih hei boies, an haie he pesence wih he shou of "The Abanian! The Abanian!" The eveence which he soies gave o he evoe nuns, who wee incessan in hei inisy of ecy, was supasse by ha wih which hey egae Mosinia. She ha becoe in hei eyes he ipesonaion of he cause fo which hey wee sugging. The ineupion by he wa of he negoiaions wih he Ei of Tebizon, whose aughe ha been seece as he ipeia spouse, evive he uos which ha once associae he fai Abanian's nae wih ha of his Majesy; an gave ise o a nicknae, "he Lie Epess," which, aong he soies, cae o be spoken wih aos as uch oyay of pesona evoion, as if i ha eceive he ipeia sancion.

Consanine's soiciue e hi o eonsae wih Mosinia fo he exposue of he peson o he anges of he wa: bu she epie "Have you no sai, y ea bohe, ha he efence is hopeess? ha he ciy us fa? Wha fae hen awais e? The Tuks have sevice fo en who hey capue, which, hough ha, is no aning o boy an sou. Wha if hey sen you o he ines, o he gaeys? Wha if hey say you? You can enue ha. Ye I know ha you yousef wou peish in he figh befoe you wou subi o even such a fae. Bu wha is he esiny of a woan who 272 sha fa ino hei hans? I is bee o ie han o be aken capive. An is no yone beach whee he en of he ue Go ae giving hei ives fo hei faih, as sace as was eve an aa on eah? Is no he cown of ayo bee han a iving eah in he hae of he infie? The aow ha fins e hee on he wa sha be o e as an ange fo heaven; an a eah-woun eceive hee wi be as painess o y sou as he kiss of Go." "Bu his us no be!" cie Consanine. "Ou vao, if i oes no save he ciy, ay ea o suene upon es which sha save a he ives of he peope." "I is ipossibe," epie she. "His Majesy infoe e yeseay ha Mahoe ha pege o his soies he spoi of he ciy, wih uniie icense o piage." Consanine was sien, bu a engh ae. "If wos coes, i wi hen be ie enough o expose you ife." "Bu he en is nea, ea Consanine. The ciy is bay povisione. The poo ae aeay saving. The gaison is on aowance which can susain i bu a few ays. Besies, as you have o e, he Iaians ae a feu wih he Geeks, an eay o open he gaes if faine pesses upon he." "Yes, cuses on he hea of ha onk Gennaius, who sens insu o ou aies evey ay fo his ce!" uee Consanine. "Bu I canno see you in ange, Mosinia. Poise efo you ife is eae o e han y ownha you wi no go upon he was. I nee no he soen oah o ou bave Casio, 273 an ha o ou fahe Kabiovisch, ha I wi gua you. Bu, if no fo y sake, hen fo hei sake, ake y counse. I know ha you ae une he specia cae of he Besse Jesu. Has He no shiee us bohe fo you sakeany ies befoe?" "You wos ae wise, y bohe. You nee no uge he wi of Casio an fahe Kabiovisch, fo you own wish is o e as sace as ha of any one on eah," sai she, ooking hi in he eyes wih he eveence of affecion, an yieing o his ebace as he kisse he foehea. "Bu," ae she, "I us exac of you one poise." "Any hing, y aing, ha is consisen wih you safey," was he quick epy.

"I is his. Poise e, by he Vigin Mohe of Go, ha you wi no aow e o becoe a iving capive o he Tuk." "No if y ife can shie you. This you know!" "Yes, I wou no ask ha, bu soehing hae han ha you shou ie fo e." A pao spea ove he face of Consanine, fo he suspece he eaning, ye aske, "An whawha ay ha be?" "Take y ife wih you own han, ahe han ha a Tuk shou ouch e," sai Mosinia, wihou he sighes eo in he voice. Consanine soo aghas. Mosinia coninue, aking his song igh han in hes, an aising i o he ips "Tha wee joy, inee, if he han of hi who oves e, he han which has save e fo ange 274 so ofencou eee e fo his which I fea oe han a housan eahs! Poise e fo ove's sake!" "I ay no poise such a hing," sai he young ove, wih a voice which showe ha he eques ha cu hi o he hea. "Then you ove e no," sai he gi, uning away. Bu he ook upon Consanine's face showe he eibe agey which was in his sou, an ha such an accusaion bough i oo nea is cuinaion. Insany she hew hesef ino his as. "ogive e! fogive e!" cie she. "I wi no ipugn ha ove which has pove isef oo ofen. Bu e us speak cay of i. Why shou you shink fo his?" she aske, eaing hi o a sea besie he. "Because I ove you. My han wou becoe paayze soone han ouch uey a hai of you hea." "Nay, in ha you o no know yousef," sai Mosinia. "Wou you no puck a oe fo y face if I was ae by i in you eyes!" "Bu ha wou be o pefec, no o ha you," sai Consanine. "An i you no ho he han of he poo soie o-ay, whie he eech was cuing hi, es he gangene shou infec his whoe boy wih poison? An wou you no have one so ha he been you ong os bohe, Michae, who you ove? An wou you no have one i oe wiingy because you ove hi?" 275

"Yes," sai Consanine, "bu ha wou be o save ife, no o esoy i." "Bu wha, y bohe ea, is he fainess of a face copae wih he fainess of hono? Wha he beah of he boy, when boh he boy an he sou in i ae heaene wih conainaion of such an exisence as evey woan eceives fo he Tuk?" "I canno ague wih you, Mosinia. My naue ebes agains he ee you popose." "Bu," epie she, "is no ove nobe, an shou i no be songe, han naue? If naue shou ebe agains ove, e ove cush he ebeion, an show is soveeigny. If y han shou ebe o o augh ha you ue sevice equie, I wou accuse y han of ack of evoion. Bu I hink ha en o no know he funess of ove as woen o." "Le e ask he quesion of you, Mosinia," epie he young ove afe a pause. "Cou you ake y ife as I ie hee? Wi you han ix he poison o pu o y ips in he even of he Tuk eneing he ciy? My ife wi be wose han eah in is bieness if you ae os o e." Mosinia ponee he quesion, gowing pae wih he feafuness of he hough. o a whie she was speechess. The iaginaion sae by Consanine's quesion seee o sun he. She sae a he vague isance. A engh she bus ino eas, an aying he hea upon he copanion's shoue, sai: "I ove you oo eay, Consanine, o ask ha of 276 you which you shink fo oing. Thee is anohe who can ene e he sevice." "Who wou ae?" sai Consanine, ising an gazing wiy a he. "Who wou ae o ouch you, even a you own biing?" "I wou," sai Mosinia quiey. "An his I sha save fo he oen when I nee he as fien on eah," she ae, awing fo he ess he bigh bae of an Iaian sieo. "Pehaps, y hea wou ebe, an y fesh shink fo he shap poin, hough I ove no ysef as I ove you." "Le us ak no oe of his," sai Consanine, "bu eave i fo he hou of necessiy, which happiy I hink wi no soon coe. I us e you now fo wha I sough you. I have been oee his vey nigh o ai in a venue which, heaven gan! sha epovision he ciy. Sevea age gaeys, aen wih con an oi, ae now coing up he sea fo Genoa. If hey see he coon of he eney's ships awn acoss he habo, no knowing he exeiy o which he ciy is euce, hey ay eun wihou venuing an encoune. I a o each he, an, if possibe, inuce he o cu hei way hough. The gea chain a he enance o he Goen Hon wi be owee a he oppoune oen, an a he shipping in he habo wi ake an aack upon he eney's fee. Of his ou aies us be infoe. As soon as i is ak

I sha if in a swif ie skiff beween hese Tukish boas; an befoe he awn I sha be fa own on Maoa. To-oow nigh, if you payes ae offee, Jesu wi gan us success." 277 Wih a kiss he eease hisef fo he ebace an was gone.

Consanine eue he heavy boas of he Tuks, which wee anchoe o peven hei ifing away upon he swif cuen wih which he Back Sea ischages isef hough he Bosphous ino Maoa. Upon eeing he befiening gaeys, i was wih ie ifficuy ha he pesuae he Genoese capains o isk he encoune wih he Tukish fee. As Consanine poine ou o he Iaian capains, he enoous navy of he bockaes, foe in he shape of a cescen, an seche fo he wa of he ciy acoss o he Asiaic shoe, pesene a oe foiabe obsace o he eye han o he swif an skifuy anne Genoese gaeys. The Tukish boas wee geneay bu sa caf, an aen own o he wae's ege wih en. The Genoese ha fou gaeys, ogehe wih one which beonge o Byzaniu. These wee vesses of he ages size, consuce by en who ha eane o asse hei powess as os of he sea. They wee ae wih cannon aape o sweep he eck of an avesay a sho ange:a weapon which he Tuks ha no ye foae, hough hey wee in avance of he Chisians in using such aiey on an. The high sies of he 278 Chisian gaeys, oeove, pevene hei being boae excep wih angeous cibing, whie he efenes soo eay o pou he faous iqui cae "Geek fie" upon he heas of hose who shou aep i. Besies, heaven favoe he Chisians; fo a song gae was bowing, which, whie i osse he boas of hei avesaies beyon hei easy cono, fie he sais of he Genoese, an sen he bouning ove he waves: he oasen siing eay o cach efy ino he bening biows wih hei baes. Each of he five vesses chose fo a age a age one of he Tuks, an cove i wih is ion pow: whie he cannon swep he Tukish soies by hunes fo ohe boas nea o he. Passing hough he hin cescen, he Chisian gaeys skifuy acke, an, caeening upon hei sies, again assaie he Tuks befoe hey cou evae hei swif an esisess oenu. Again an again he gaeys passe, ike shues on a oo, hough he ine of he eney, sinking he unwiey huks an owning he cowe cews. o he was an house ops of he ciy wen up huzzas fo he vicos an paises o heaven. o he shoes of Asia, an fo beow he ciy wa, housans of Moses goane hei ipecaions. The Suan age upon he beach, as he saw one afe anohe of his pennans sink beneah he waves. Dashing fa ino he sea upon his hose, he vene his ipoen fuy in beaing he wae wih his ace, shieking aeicions ino he aughing wins, an invoking upon he Chisians cuses fo a he Pagan gos an Mose sains.

A one oen he Byzanine gaey was neay 279 ovecoe, having been caugh in a goup of Tukish boas, whose occupans cibe he sies, an i ueous wok aong he cew. Though uiaey escue by he Genoese, i was ony afe sevee oss. Bu above a ohe casuaies he Chisians oune he fae of young Consanine. Wih aos supehuan sengh he ha cu own sevea assaians; bu was finay se upon by such os ha he was pesse ove he ow buwaks, an fe ino he sea. The gaey wih is consos ae way o he chain a he enance o he Goen Hon, whee he ich soes, a housan ies iche now in he necessiy which hey eieve, wee eceive ai he accaaions of he gaefu Geeks. Bu woe,Oh, so heavy! cushe one soiay hea. He eyes sae wiy a he essenge who bough he faa iings; an sae, hou by hou, in hei sony gief, upon he wa of he apaen. Kin aenans spoke o he, bu she hea he no. He sou seee o have gone seeking in ohe wos he sou of he ove. The sevans, awe by he ajesy of he soow, sa own in he cou wihou, an waie: bu she cae he no. Dayigh fae ino akness. The ap which was bough she wave wih he han o have aken away. The aiens who cae o isobe he fo he nigh foun he bowe wih he face upon he couch; an, eceiving no esponse o hei poffee offices, eie again o wai. The oning cae; an he chee of he sunigh which, quickening he oue wo, poue hough he winows high in he was of he apaen, 280 seee o awaken he fo he ance. Bu how change in appeaance! The uy hue of heah, an he bonzing of aiy exposue o he open ai, seee aike o have been banche by ha which ha aken hope fo he sou. He eyes wee sunken, an he use in he, hough no essene, now seee o coe fo an infinie ephfo soe isan, inne wo which ha os a eaion o his, as a passing sa. Mosinia ose, weak a fis; bu he ibs gew song wih he ipae sengh of he wi. She ae; an speaking aoubu oe in aessing hesef han he aenanssai: "I wi away o he was!" Though he asses of ebis, an aong he goups of en who wee esing an waiing o ake he paces of hei weaie coaes on he apas, she wen saigh o he gae of S. Roanus, whee he assaus wee os incessan. The cy of "The Lie Epess!" gave way o ha of "The Panugia! The Panugia!"[77] as soe, hough faiia wih he fo, wee sae by he aos uneahy change of he counenance. She eune no sauaion as was usua wih he, bu, as if ipee by soe supehuan pupose, he beauy i as wih a hao by he ajesy of a ceesia passion, she cibe he seps ino he oeing owe above he gae. A song, bu gene han was pu upon he a. I was ha of he Epeo. "My aughe, you us no be hee. Coe away!" 281

She ooke a hi fo an insan in hesiaion; an hen, bowing he hea, espone in scacey auibe voice: "I wi obey you, Sie," an ae, speaking o hesef "I is his wi oo." "I know you gief," sai his ajesy kiny, "an now, as you Epeo, I us poec you agains yousef." "I wan no poecion," cie he boken-heae gi. "Oh, e e ie! o wha shou I ive?" "My ea chi," sai he Epeo wih ebing voice, whie he eas fie his eyes. "In ohe ays you hoy faih augh e how o be song. Now, in you necessiy, e e epea o you he esson. o wha sha you ive? o wha shou I ive? I a Epeo, bu y epie is ooe. I ive no onge fo eahy hope, bu soey o o uy; nohing bu uy, sen uy, painfu evey insan, cushing aways, bu a buen heaven ipose on a beaking hea. Tha heaven appoins i ha, an ha aoneakes e wiing o ive an o i. When he ie coes I sha seek eah whee he sain ie he hickes. Bu no o-ay; fo o-ay I can seve. Live fo uy! Live fo Go! The ays ay no be any befoe we sha casp hans wih hose who, now invisibe, ae ooking upon us. Le us go an chee he iving befoe we seek he copanionship of he ea." As he Epeo spoke, his face gowe wih a ajesy of sou which ae he sybo of eahy ajesy ha aone his bow see poo inee. 282 Gazing a oen wih eveen aazeen a he an who ha aeay eceive he ivine anoining fo he sacifice of ayo he was so soon o offe, Mosinia espone: "You wos, Sie, coe o e as fo he ips of Go. I wi go an pay, an hen hen I sha ive fo uy."

Mahoe ha no expene a his peuan age upon feeingess waves an isan Chisians. He suone o his pesence he Aia of his efeae fee, Baaoghi, an oee ha he shou be ipae. The Aia ha shown as uch nava ski as cou, pehaps, have been exhibie wih he unwiey boas a his coan; an, oeove, ha bough fo he figh an eyeess socke o aes his bavey an evoion. The penay, heefoe, which Mahoe aache o his isfoune, bough cies of eneay in his behaf fo

ohe bave offices, especiay fo he eaing Janizaies. This opposiion a fis confie he eeinaion of he iae espo. Bu soon he peiion of he honoe cops swee ino a uu, which he oe expeience of his avises pesuae Mahoe o hee. The Suan ha schooe hisef o obey he pecep 283 which Yusef, he eunuch, who insuce his chihoo, ha ipae, viz, "Make passion ben o poicy." He heefoe appaeny yiee, so fa a eas as o copoise wih hose who he feae o offen, an coue he Aia's senence o a fogging. The bave an was seche upon he goun by fou saves. Tuning o Capain Baaban, he Suan bae hi ay on he ash. Baaban hesiae. Dawing nea o Mahoe, he sai especfuy, bu fiy, "The Janizaies ae soies, no execuiones, Sie." Mahoe's age bus as sueny as powe une he spak. "Away wih he ebe!" cie he. "We wi fin he execuione fo hi, oo, who aes o isobey ou oes." Seizing his goen ace, he Suan hisef bea he posae fo of he Aia uni i was senseess. Weaying of his booy wok, Mahoe gae ike a haf saiae beas upon hose abou hi. "Whee is he ane ebe who aes ispue y wi? Di no one aes hi?" "The oe was no so unesoo," sai an Aga who was nea. "You unesan i now," gowe he infuiae, ye haf-ashae, onach. "Aes hi!Bu no! Le hese saves go seach fo he unaway. I sha be hei office o ea wih one who aes o beak wih y wi." The Janizaies eune o hei paces nea he was. Mahoe was i a ease when his bee jugen ispace his unwise passion. His ove fo Baaban, 284 he aniness of he capain's epy o he uneasonabe oe, an he ange of injuing one who soo so high in he esiae of he enie Janizay cops, wee no ouweighe even by he sense of he inigniy which he ac of isobeience ha pu upon he oya auhoiy. The saves, no aing o venue aong he Janizaies in hei seach fo Capain Baaban, easiy pesuae heseves ha he us have fe; an ha, pehaps, he igh be uking soewhee on he shoe, as his was he ony way of escape. Thei

seach was ewae. Though in he isguise of scan gaens, uey exhause so ha he cou ake no esisance, hei vici was eaiy ecognize by his fo an feaues, which wee oo pecuia o be isaken. The capain ha appaeny aepe o escape by wae; pehaps, ha venue upon soe chance kaik o af, an been wecke in he caon which he song souh win ae wih he cuen pouing fo he noh. His we gaens, such as he ha no sippe off, an his exhause ook confie hei heoy. One of hei nube bough he epo o he Gan Vizie, Kai, who epeae i o he Suan. "I wi ea wih hi in peson. Le no one know of he capue uni I have seen hi," sai Mahoe, seeking an oppouniy o evoke he hea agains his fien, which he ha uee in insane age; an, a he sae ie, o cove his ipeia igniy by he sebance of a ia. The cupi was bough in he eay evening o he Suan's en. A age anen of vaious cooe cysas 285 hung fo he ige-poe, an hew is beauifu, bu pay obscue, igh ove he aaigne an. His capos ha cohe hi in he unifo of he Janizaies. "His face has a sange ook, as if anohe's sou ha aken oging behin he faiia ineaens," he Suan eake o Kai as he scanne he cupi cosey. "Do you know, knave, in whose pesence you ae?" sai Mahoe, seny. "I know no, Sie, excep ha he exceen aonen of you peson an paviion sugges ha I a in he pesence of his ajesy he" "Sience, viain! o you ock e?" cie he Paishah, in supise a he an's assue ignoance. "I ock hee no, Sie," sai he vici, bowing wih couy eveence, an speaking in a so of paois of Geek an Tukish. "Bu I was abou o say ha I know hee no, excep ha fo he exceence of hy peson an esae hou a none ess" "Sience, you og! This is no ie fo you faiia jesing, Baaban. Speak pue ongue, o I' cu hine fo hy hea!" ineupe he Paishah. "I speak as bes I can," epie he an, "fo I was no bough up o he Tukish ongue. I pesue ha I aess he king of he Tuks."

"Miseabe wech!" hisse his ajesy, awing his jewee swo. "Dae you ca e king of he Tuks? Tuks! hou cicucise Chisian og! hou 286 pup of Nazaene paenage! hou ane infie, bepasee wih Mose favos!"[78] "I wou see ha I neee Mose favos, which in y esiue coniion an iinen ange, I os huby cave," epie he objec of his conuey. "Ae you a?" shieke he Suan, ising an gaing ino he ohe's face. "You ae a, an. Poo sou! Ay! Ay! I see i now. Soe eon has possesse you. Soe wich has bown on he knos agains you."[79] "I a no a, Sie," sai he cupi, "bu a poo casaway on you coas." "Hea hi, poo feow! so a ha he knows no hisef. We! we! I us fogive you hen fo no knowing e," sai Mahoe, wih genuine piy. "Di you ove e so, o coae, ha y hash wos knocke ove you eason? o i you eason, opping ove, ea you o chaenge e as you i? We us cue his aay, hough i akes he easue of he epie o o i." Loweing his voice he aesse he Vizie: "I cou no beieve ha y faihfu coae wou have ebee. I was no he, bu he eon who has possesse hi. Think you no so, goo Kai?" 287 The Vizie bowe in assen o he Suan's heoy, an whispee, "I povies a wise escape fo anagonizing he Janizaies. Bu you shou suon a physician." Capping his hans, an aenan appeae, who was ispache fo he cou physician; a an of fae in his pofession, whose uy i was o be aways wihin ca of he Suan. The physician eneing, exaine he cupi, ooking ino his eyes, baancing his hea beween his hans o eeine if hee wee any suen isubance of he popoionae avoiupois; noing if his ongue ay in he ie of his ouh, an feeing his puse. A engh he sai in ow voice o he Suan an Vizie: "Thee is, Sie, no ouwa eviences of acking wi. I wou have hi speak." "He is he Janizay, Capain Baaban," whispee he Vizie. "You wi obseve ha he wi is cean gone fo hi. Te us you soy, Baaban, o whoeve you ae." "I beg he favo of you exceency, you oship, Sie; fo, since you eny ha you ae he king of he Tuks, I know no wha ie o give o you auhoiy. I a you pisone. I fough on he Byzanine gaey as Jesu gave e sengh, bu was unfounae enough o fa oveboa, an founae enough o avoi capue by he

Tukish boas, as I ive beneah he, o ese ysef beow hei sens uni I eache he shoe. Bu as heaven wie i, I ane beow he was of he ciy. I was aogehe weaponess, having shuffe off y ao 288 ha I igh swian aogehe bown by y effoo, by he bones of Abaha! I ha neve been capue by he coway saves you sen. I ask ony he eaen of an honoabe eney." "By he bea of he Pophe!" excaie Mahoe, "if he wee a Chisian I wou give hi ibey fo he vao of his speech. Soe of he spii of ou gaan Baaban is si ef in hi. The wiches cou no ake he gea hea ou of hi, hough hey soe away his wis. Wha say you, Sage Mua?" The physician epie, kniing his bows an soking his chin "The Paishah is wise. The an is a. Bu since his hea is no ouche by he eon, bu ony his eoy ease an his iaginaion isoe, y science es e hee is hope of his cue." "Wha eicaen have you fo a isease in?" aske he Suan. Wih eveen poposiy, bu in ow voice no ovehea by he paien, he physician uee he pescipion: "is, we have he eigious cueif so be ha he an is une he cha of he evi spiisin hee a co wih eeven knos ie on i:fo such was he nube on he co wih which he aughes of Lobei, he Jew, bewiche he Pophe. As hou unies he knos epea he as wo chapes of he Koan, which he Ange Gabie eveae as he aisan, saying "'I fy fo efuge uno he Lo of he aybeak, ha he ay eive e fo he ischief of he nigh, when i coeh on; an fo he ischief of woen, 289 bowing on he knos; an fo he ischief of he envious; an fo he ischief of he whispee, he evi, who syy wihaweh, who whispeeh evi suggesions ino he beass of en: an fo genii an en.' "If his shou faias I have known i o fai in he case of hose who wee no bon in he sace faiy of Iswe shou y he viues of he heiage bow, which is uch eseee aong he Giaous. I have possesse ysef of one, once he popey of an ancien faiy. I is ae of sive, an engave wih foy-one paocks. A ecocion ixe in his bow, an poue on he hea of he paien any ie wihin seven weeks afe he ay on which hey ceebae he iagine ising of Jesu, son of May, fo he ea, wi ofen beak he os aignan spe. The Chisian Paska[80] is jus pas; so ha i wi be oppoune." "Bu shou his ikewise fai?" aske Mahoe, ipaien wih he sage's poixiy.

"Ah! we sha hen have o y ou sicy huan eeies. This aien is cae by he Lain iscipes of Gaen, eenia, which signifieh ha he an's in, his naua houghs, have gone away fo hi. We us eca he. o his we us have soe song appea o ha which was his hoes passion o inees befoe his in few away fo hi. Do you know he absobing huo of his an? Was he a ove? If so, we us fin he fai one who has obbe hi of his bee pa, an, esoing he o hi, we sha esoe hi o hisef." "Nay," sai Mahoe. "Capain Baaban was 290 neve enaoe of woan. The ai who ue he Pophe fo he chas of Ayesha an Hafsa,[81] wou no have une Baaban's hea. I once offee hi he choice of a bevy of Geogians; bu he wou no even ook a he. He is a soie; fo asse o shoe-hong a soie." "Ah! hen we have he eey a han," sai Mua, oing his eyes as if eaing he pescipion in he ai. "Give hi coan; iiay excieen; honos of he fie. When he ciees gea hen wi eason fash again. An y science is a fau if he sipe suons o soe high uy wok no a coune cha o beak he spe ha is on hi, hough i wee woven by he ysic ance of a he genii an evis." "We wi y his as eey fis," sai Mahoe. "Disiss hi. Le hi go as he wi, wihou hinance o seeing o foow, uni y oes be bough hi by his Aga. In he eanie seach he shoe fo he knoe co he wiches ay have bown upon. An, goo Mua, sen fo he sive bow; fo y bain is ha ho ha I fea e he Giaou ghoss we have sen gibbeing o he uing he as few ays have ef he spe of hei evi eyes upon e oo." The foowing ay was no fa avance when Capain Baaban was suone o he Suan's en, he uo of his esoaion o oya favo having been ae o pecee he suons. In fac, afe he affai of he peceing afenoon, Baaban ha no gone o he sea shoe, bu eie o his own quaes, whee 291 he oyay awaie eihe his eah suons, o an inviaion fo soe wi foic wih he Paishah; he knew no which, so hough abou neihe; bu busie hisef ove a pan fo a new gun-caiage he was going o subi o Uban. Wih assue soiiy he enee he oya en. As he ose fo his obeisance upon he eah, his ajesy ebace hi wih boyish eigh. "You o sef again: I see you sou in you face. I' give haf he hose-ais in he epie ahe han ose ha shock of hai fo y sigh, o he gowing bain ha is une i fo y councis, y e-heae ange!" "Thee is no nee o ose i, excep by cuing i off a y shoues," sai Baaban, faing in wih he huo of he Suan, ye wachfu no o be aken unawaes, if, in is fifuness, ha huo shou un.

"I have a gan sevice fo you, if you have ski an couage enough o execue i," sai Mahoe, waching he effec on his fien. The capain's eyes fashe wih he pospec, as he sai: "I wai you pan, Sie; ony e i be bo." "I have no pan, you us ake one. I wou see if you bain is as squae as he po you keep i in," sai he Suan, apping hi on he hea wih a jewee whip saff, an aing, "I is evien, Capain, ha we us ge possession of he Goen Hon; fo so ong as he eney ho ha fo hei habo, we canno peven hei epovisioning he ciy as hey i yeseay; an a few oe such auxiiaies as hey bough, inee, anohe 292 such eae as he Genoese Giusiniani, wou cope us o aise he siege. How can we ake he habo? Ou boas can neve aise he chain a he ouh." "Tha has been y pobe since he siege began," sai Baaban. "I eebe whie in Abania, as I oge one nigh in a viage, I e wih soe Iaian offices, who ha coe o offe hei swos o Casio. They o how hey ove hei fee ovean, sevea ies on a oaway of ibes.[82] We can use ha evice. The hing is no ipacicabe; fo hee is a epession o he noh of Gaaa, hough which fo he Bosphous o he inan exeiy of he Goen Hon is bu five o six ies. Ou vesses ae no age; cou be anspoe wih he uiues of ou oops, an on he si wae of he habo wou soon, by supeio nubes, capue hose of he Chisians." "A goo concepion!" sai Mahoe, "an if y eaing has no been a fau, he Roan Augusus i soehing siia.[83] I sha be one. Le i no be sai ha he Ooan was supasse in aing o ifficuy of enepise by Pagan o Chisian. You sha pefo i, Baaban. The woos above Gaaa wi seve fo panking, an he enginees can be spae fo befoe he was uni i is accopishe." A few ays ae a age fee of he Moses was conveye ovean, by eans of a oaway of gease ibes. To he aazeen of he Chisians hei avesay's navy no onge ay iy upon he Bosphous, 293 bu was ansfoe ino a ine of foaing baeies wihin he habo of he Goen Hon, an fo hei ea soon esoye he fee of he efenes.

The ciy was now copeey invese. Menace fo a sies, he efenes wee no sufficien in nubes o gua he any appoaches. Ye he aiy fighing was espeae, fo he Moses wee inspie by he ceainy of success, whie he

Chisians wee neve wih he enegy of espai. To en he siege Mahoe esignae a ie fo a cobine assau fo sea an an. As he faa ay awne, nubeess hoes ove owas he was. The gea iches wee soon fie wih he ea boies of housans of he eas seviceabe soies, who ha been iven fo behin by he ances of he aine bans, ha hey igh hus woy he paience an exhaus he esouces of he bave efenes, wihou axing he bes of he Mose oops. The cacasses of he sain ae a highway fo he iving, ove which hey poue agains he gae of S. Roanus. The fou gi owes oppe beneah he pouning of gea sone bas hue fo he cannon of Uban. The efenes wee iven off he ajacen was by he sos of bues an aows ha swep he. A he ciica oen he Janizaies, unweaie as ye by waching 294 o fighing, weve housan song, as copac a ass beneah he eye of he Suan as he weapon he he in his han, ove o whee he beach was wies. "The spoi o a! A povince o hi who fis enes!" cie he Suan, waving his ion bae ace. Hassan, he gian, fis oune he apa, an fe piece wih aows an cushe wih sones. Bu hough he gap his ying vao ha ae in he anks of he foe fis ushe he copany of Baaban. In vain i he peope cow beneah he oe of S. Sophia, gasping wih hopeess hope an ancien pophecy ha a he exee oen an ange wou escen o escue he ciy. Aas! ony he ange of eah cae ha ay; an o none bough he oe wecoe news han o he Epeo,"Thy paye is answee; fo hou has faen whee he ea ie hickes!" Nea he gaeway of S. Roanus, whee he ha e he fis of he invaes, une he pies of he ea, gashe by sabe sokes an cushe beneah he fee of he vicos, ay he boy of Consanine Paoogus, he nobes of he Csas of he Easen Epie! The Tuks pace his ghasy hea beween he fee of he bonze hose, a pa of he equesian saue of Jusinian, whee i was eveeny saue even by he Moses, who pause in he age of he sack o hink upon he viue an couage of he unfounae onach. Capain Baaban ha pesse apiy hough he ciy o he oos of S. Sophia. The oaken gaes few back une he axes of he Moses. Monks an aons, chien an nuns, os an beggas wee 295 cowe ogehe, no knowing whehe he gan oe wou e away an a egion of anges escen fo hei eief, o he vas encosue wou becoe a pen of inisciinae saughe. The oey an hepess isey excie he piy of he capos. Baaban's voice ang hough he aches, pocaiing safey o hose who shou subi. Tha he igh he bee coan he scene, he ae his way o he chance in fon of he gan aa. I was fie wih he nuns, epeaing hei payes. Aong he was he fai Abanian. He face was bu pay owa hi, ye he cou neve isake ha

queeny hea. She was aessing he Sises. Hoing aof he bigh shaf of a sieo, she cie, "Le us give ouseves o heaven, bu neve o he hae!" Baaban pause an insan. Bu ha insan seee o hi any inues. As, une he ighning's fash, he whoe oving panoaa of he wie anscape sees o san si, an pains viviy is poinen objecs, howeve scaee, upon he sae eye of he behoes; so his in aveousy quickene by he excieen, ook in a once he ong ack of his own ife. He saw a ie chi's han weahing hi wih fowes pucke besie a coage on he Bakans; a ovey capive whose face was i by he bazing hoe in a hae of Abania; a fo of one a Sfeigae ying si an fain wih sickness, bu aian as wih he beginning of ansfiguaion fo he spii ife; an he queeny being who was bone in he paanquin hough he gae of Phanza. Bu how change! How uch oe goious now! Eahy 296 beauy ha becoe haoe wih he heaveny. He neve ha conceive of such ajesy, such goy of pesonaiy, such speno of chaace, as wee eveae by he aiue, he eye, he voice, he pupose. "Bu now," hough he, "he escening bae wi change his uos subiiy of being ino a ie heap of goy us!" A his fashe hough his in. In anohe insan his song han ha caugh he a of he vounay sacifice. The sieo, faing, caugh in he fos of he gaens, an hen ang upon he abe foo of he chance. Mosinia uee a shiek an fe, appaeny as ifeess as if he bae ha enee he hea. The Janizay soo asoune. A ie of feeing sange o hi poue hough his sou. o he fis ie in his ife he fe a hoo of wa. No housans wihing on he bae fie cou banch his cheek wih piy fo hei pangs: bu ha one voice ang hough an hough hi, an en his hea wih sypaheic agony. He cy ha becoe a cy of his own sou oo. o he fis ie he eaize he igniy of woan's chaace. This woan was no even woune. She ha faen beneah he soke of a hough, a senien, a woan's noion of he hono! The woen he ha known ha no such faa scupes. Ohe capive beauies soon becae accusoe o hei new suounings. Many even offee o buy wih hei chas an exchange of povey fo he uxuies of he hae of Pashas an weahy Moses. 297 Was his a soiay woan's agey of viue? O was i soe pecuia eaching of he Chisian's faih ha inspie he o such heois? Howeve i cae, he an knew ha wih he i was a ighy eaiy; his insinc of viue; his sanciy of peson. An his woan was his ea ae ea! A ceesia iea which he ha ouche!

The an's bain eee wih he shock of hese enee an eepe feeings, coing afe he winess of he bae age. He gaspe he aa fo suppo. The boo seee o have cease o boun in his veins, he epes o be puseess; a ban o have been awn ighy abou his bain so as o paayze is acion. He fe hisef faing. A eahy sickness spea hough his fae. He was sue he ha faine. He hough he us have been unconscious fo a whie. Ye when he opene his eyes, he soie nea hi was in he sae aiue of agging a nun by he wiss as when he as saw hi. Tie ha soo si wih his puses. He shuee a he cuey on evey sie, as he shieks fo he high gaeies wee answee by hose in isan acoves an fo he eep cyp. He wache he goups of o en an chien, onks an senaos, nuns an couesans, ie ogehe an agge away, soe fo saughe, soe fo pincey anso, soe fo shae. The buiing was we epie when he Suan enee. He a once avance o he aa an pocaie: "Go is Go; hee is bu one Go, an Mahoe is he apose of Go!" "Bu who have we hee, Capain Baaban?" 298 "You Majesy, I a guaing a beauifu capive who I wou no have fa ino he hans of he coon soies; I ake i, of high esae," epie he Janizay, knowing ha such an inoucion o he oya aenion aone cou save he fo he fae which awaie he unhappy aiens, os of who wee iabe o be so o bua ases an anspoe o isan povinces. The Suan gaze upon he pay conscious woan, an coane, "Le he be veie! Seek ou a gooy house. in he Eunuch Taich." Baaban shuee a his coan, an was abou o epy, when his jugen suggese ha he was ipoen o ispue he oya wi excep by enangeing he ife o he wefae of his capive. The safes pace fo he was, afe a, wih he aiens who wee known o be he choice of he Suan, an hus beyon insu by any excep he ipeia ebauchee. Mahoe II. gave oes fo he ieiae ansfoaion of he Chisian epe of S. Sophia ino a Mosque. In a few hous esoaion eigne in hose "Cous of he Lo's House," which, when fis copee, ages ago, ew fo he ipeia foune, he eak: "Oh, Sooon! I have supasse hee!" an which, hough he povey of ae onachs ha aowe i o becoe say ipaie, was ye egae by he Geek Chisians as wohy of being he vesibue of heaven. The coan of he Suan: "Take away evey ace of he ioay of he infie!" was obeye in 299 eoishing he aes ges of Chisian a o which aache he

eas sybois of he now aboishe woship. The as wee chisee off he abe cosses which soo ou in eief fo he sie was, an fo he bases of he giganic pias. The ae osaics which ine he chuch as if i wee a vas caske he fiing gif of he pinces of he eah o he King of Kingswee pasee o paine ove. The aa, ha aveous cobinaion of go an sive an bonze, congoeae wih a housan pecious sones, was on away, ha he e sab of he Mihab igh poin he payes of he new evoees owa Mecca. The funiue, fo ha upon he gan aa o he bannes an eenoes of a housan yeas, he onaions of Geek epeos an soveeigns of ohe ans, was boken o on ino pieces. Thee eaine ony he gan popoions of he buiingis chief goy eniche by poishe sufaces of abe an pophyy sabs; he supeb pias bough by he eveen cupiiy of eaie ages fo he uine epe of Diana a Ephesus, he epe of he Sun a Paya, he epe on he Aco-Coinhus, an he yhoogic un fo Pegaus, which ae, having been use as a bapisa fon by he foowes of Jesus, was now evoe o he abuions of he Moses. o S. Sophia he Suan passe o he paace of he Geek Csas. "Tuy! uy!" sai he "The spie's web is he oya cuain; he ow souns he wach cy on he owes of Afasiab," quoing fo he Pesian poe iusi, as he gaze abou he esee has. 300 He issue his anae which shou suon achiecs an ecoaos, no ony fo his oinions, bu fo Chisian naions, o aon he speni heaan wih he paaia oey of was an kiosks which wee o consiue his new seagio. The consieaeness of Baaban e hi o seec he house of Phanza as he pace o which Mosinia was aken. The nobe sie an subsania sucue of he ansion of he ae chabeain coene i o he Suan fo he epoay haeik; an he faiia oos aeviae, ike he faces of ue fiens, he winess of he gief of hei ony faiia capive.

Consanine, afe his escape fo he Suan's en, whee he ha been aken fo he eene Baaban, was unabe o ene Consaninope befoe i fe. His hea was on wih agonizing soiciue fo he fae of Mosinia. He knew oo we he eeinaion of he auness gi in he even of he faing ino he hans of he Tuks. iing his eas a nigh, an ising befoe hi as a eibe appaiion by ay, was ha ove fo, a suicie epupe wih is own goe. Ye ove an uy e hi o seek he, o a eas o seek he ceainy of he fae. He heefoe isguise hisef as a Mose an inge wih he hong of soies an avenues who enee he ciy une is new possessos. He wanee fo hous abou he faiia sees, ha, pechance, he igh 301 coe upon soe eoia of he. The seces of he oya hae he cou no expoe, even if suspicion e his hough hihe. The poxiiy of he esience of Phanza was guae by he

ieiae sevans of he Suan, so ha he was epive of even he fon isey of visiing he scenes so associae wih his foe joy. In passing hough one of he naowes an foues seeshe ony ones ha ha been ef unisube by he Vanais of he conqueoshe cae upon an o woan, hieous in face an ecepi, who he eebee as a begga a he gae of Phanza. o he he eane any soies of he as hous of he siege. Accoing o he soy she ha gone aong he fis o S. Sophia. When he Moses enee hey ie he by a siken gie o he peson of he Gan Chabeain, an, ai he jees of he soies, ache he ogehe o he Hippooe. She eebee he Suan as he oe on his hose,how he suck wih his bae hae one of he sive heas of he bonze sepens, an cie: "So I sie he heas of he kingos!" Jus as he i so he une, an saw he in he ags ie o he couy-obe o, an in an angy voice coane ha he pincey an be oose fo conac wih he fihy hag. Phanza was aken away: bu noboy cae o ake he away. She was ape by he cow, bu ive. An noboy hough of uning he ou of he hove hoe. She was as safe as is a a when he obbes have kie he nobe inaes of a house. The woan sai ha she ha hea ha he 302 aughe of Phanza was sen away soewhee o an isan hoe. Bu he Abanian Pincess,Yes, she knew he we; fo no han use o op so bounifuy he as she aske, o sai so kiny "Jesu piy you, y goo woan!" as i ha beauifu ay. The begga ecae ha she soo nea he by he aa in S. Sophia. "She ooke so sainy hee! Thee was a ea aueoe abou he hea as she paye, so she was a sain inee. Then she aise he agge!" Bu he weche wache cou wach no onge, hough she hea he cy, so wi ha she wou neve cease o hea i. The begga cease he soy; a he wos ha cu hough he isene's hea as if hey ha been agges. "I is we!" he sai, "I wi go o Abania. Aong hose who ove he I wi woship he eoy; an, une Casio, I wi seek y evenge."

Mosinia's feas, an he hoo a he anicipae ife in he hae, wee no confie by is acua scenes. Excep fo he consan suveiance of he Nubian eunuchs an feae aenans, hee was no esicion upon he ibey. She passe hough he faiia coios, an ese upon he ivan in wha ha been he own chabe in bee ays. Ohe feae capives becae he copanions; bu aong he wee none of hose beonging o 303 Consaninope. Sububan viages wee epesene; bu os of he oaisks[84] wee Cicassian beauies, whose conuc i no inicae ha hey fe any shae in hei coniion. They inuge in jeaous

ivay, esiaing hei own woh by he sus which he agens of he Suan ha pai hei paens fo hei possession; o baneing one anohe as o who of hei nube wou fis ee he fancy of hei oya ase. Thee wee sevea Geeks, who, wih oe oesy of speech, spae none of he as of he oie o pepae heseves o bee hei coniion in he ony way ha was now open o he. A Copic gi ha been sen by Eena, he Boghie Khaif of Egyp, as a pesen o he Suan. He fo was sigh, an wihou he funess of eveopen which ohe aces associae wih feae beauy, bu of wonefu gace of pose an oion; he face was boa; eyes wie an expessioness; ouh saigh. Ye he feaues ha ha syey an baance which gave o he a sange fascinaion. The Tucoan Ei who ha aeay given his aughe o Mahoehe nupias wih who he was ceebaing when cae o he honeexecise si fuhe his fahey office in pesening o his son-in-aw as fine a pai of back eyes as eve fashe hei cue coans o an aaive hea. To suy his physiognoica useu affoe Mosinia an eneaining eief fo he ohewise consan oue of he houghs. To he fuhe ivesion one was inouce ino he hae who spoke he own Abanian ongue. This 304 new coe was of unoube beauy, so fa as ha quaiy cou be he pouc of eey physica eeens. I was of he kin ha igh bin a go on eah, bu cou neve hep a sou o heaven. He owe face, wih fu e ips aching he peaies eeh, an copexion uy wih he gow of heah, shaing ino he snowy boso, igh pehaps seve o ake a Venus; bu he uppe feaues, he ow foehea an iae nosis, cou neve have been ae o bespeak he houghfu Mineva in his eea of hose, who, o he Mose iaginaion, ae he ypes of heaveny pefecion. He eyes wee bigh, bu ony wih suface use. He naue evieny conaine no ephs which cou ho eihe nobe esenen o sef sacificing ove; eihe gan eahy passion o heaveny faih. This woan's vaniy i no ong keep back he soy of he ife. She o of he conques of he viage swains who fough fo he possession of he chas; of he evoion of an Abanian pince who ook he oweess in pefeence o he aies of gea faiy an foune, an wou have besowe upon he he heiship o his esaes: of how she was soen away fo he gea case by a copany of Tukish offices, who afewa fough aong heseves fo he piviege of pesening he o he Vai Suana;[85] fo i was abou he ie of he Raean feas when he Suan's ohe ae an annua gif o he son of he os beauifu woan she cou secue. The vain capive ecae ha he jeaousy of he oaisks a 305 Aianope ha e he Kisa Aga o sen he hee o Consaninope. "An who was he Abanian nobean whose bie you ha becoe?" aske Mosinia. "Oh, one who is o be king of Abania one ay, he Voivoe Aesa." "Ah!" sai Mosinia, "his is news fo y couny. When was i eeine ha Aesa shou be king?"

"Oh! evey one speaks of i a he case as if i wee we unesoo. An when he becoes king hen he wi cai e again fo Mahoe, hough he us anso e wih haf his kingo. Yes, I a o be a queen; an inee I ay be one aeay, fo pehaps Lo Aesa is now on he hone. An ha is he eason I wea he co of go in y hai; fo one ay y oya ove wi pu he cown hee." The beizene beauy ose an pace o an fo hough he gea san. The pie which gave he ajesic oss o he hea, howeve i wou have ae ha eheea fo which he inne eye of he oais o he Chisian aways sees, an which is cae chaace, ony gave an aiiona cha o he;as he eicae ye saey cob of he peacock as o he fascinaion of ha bi. He caiage cobine he gacefuness of pefec anaoy an heah wih he igniy which concei, hooughy iffuse in usce an neve, en o a he oveens. Wih ha sep upon i no cape beneah a hone wou have been ishonoe. He ess was in exquisie keeping wih he peson. The cose fiing zone o gie abou he wais ef he bus unconoe; 306 a oe which neee no evice o suppeen he pefecion of naue. A obe of pupe veve aie uxuiany behin; bu in fon was oope so as o ispay he oose ouses of whie sik which wee gahee beow he knee an fe in fu uffes abou he unsockinge ankes, bu no so ow as o concea he ings of sive which caspe he, an he sippes of yeow sain, ening in ong an cuve poins, which poue fo beneah. As he ohe woen gaze a his sef-assue queen of he hae he geen fie of jeaousy fashe aike fo back eyes an bue. The saigh hin noses of he Geeks fo he oen fogo hei cassic oes, an iae as if in ivay of ha faene feaue of he Egypian; whie he saigh ouh of he aughe of he Nie wihe in inescibabe cuves, inicaive of coinge wah, hae, pique an scon. This paae wou have pouce in Mosinia he feeing of conep, wee i no fo ha sisey inees which was awakene by he fac ha she was he own counywoan. Mosinia's face, usuay ca in is gea igniy an eseve, now fushe wih he sugge beween inignaion an piy fo he gi. A his oen he pupe hangings which sepaae he san fo he open cou wee he asie by he sive saff of he eunuch in chage; an he young Paishah soo as a specao of he scene. "Ah! Taich," cie he, aessing he back eunuch, "you wee igh in saying ha he gea haeik a Aianope, wih is housan goesses, cou no iva his epoay one fo he fainess of he bis you have cage in i." 307 The woen ae he eineha sauaion wih he igh han jus sweeping he foo, an hen pesse consecuivey o he hea, he ips an he foehea; a oveen enoing eveence, an, a he sae ie, giving fie fo he ispay of he uos gace of oion.

The Paishah passe aong hese his saves wih he icense which beokene his absoue owneship; soking hei hai an oying wih hei pesons accoing o his aiabe o insoen capice. Mosinia, howeve, was spae his faiiaiy. The Suan hisef cooe sighy as he aesse he a few wos in Geek, of which anguage, in coon wih sevea ohes, he knew enough o ac as his own inepee. His quesions wee especfu, a iie o he cofo in he new hoe. Wih Eissa, he queeny Abanian, he was a once on es of iniacy. He anne beokene ha she gave o hi ony oo wiingy whaeve he igh be ispose o ake. As he Suan wihew, he eunuch Taich eake o hi: "My suise of you Exceency's jugen was veifie. Sai I no ha he wo Anaous wee he faies? An i I no beho you Majesy gaze onges upon he?" "I coen you ase, Taich," epie Mahoe. "Bu hose wo ae as unike as a uby an a pea." "Bu as fai as eihe, ae hey no? The chief haajina[86] ecaes ha he bueeye one has he os pefec fo she eve saw; an ha i is a fo 308 which wi ipove wih yeas. Mosinia Hanou[87] wi be oe fi fo Paaise, whie Eissa Hanou ay ose he gace of he aien as a aon. Bu he chey is ipe fo he pucking now." "I ike he uby bee han he pea," sai he Suan. "I canno quie faho he eep eye of he ae. She hinks oo uch. I wou no have woen hink. They ae o ake us sop hinking. The pobes of sae ae sufficieny pepexing: I wan no huan pobe in y as." "Bu one who hinks ay have soe ski in affoing auseen. Have I no hea hee say, Sie, 'Besse is he one who can inven a new eceaion?' Tha equies hinking." "Righ, Taich! can she sing?" "Ay! you Majesy, o he Geek cyhea; an such songs ha, hough hey know no a wo of hefo he songs ae in he own Anaou onguehe oaisks a fa o weeping." "I ike no such singing," sai Mahoe. "To ake peope hink wih he houghfu eyes is ba enough in a woan. To ake he weep wih he voice is wicke, is Chisian. I wi give he away o soe one who wans a wife ha hinks. Thee is Hae Bey, one of he ueis[88] who is o be pu a he hea of y new chain of Ueas.[89] He wi wan a wife who hinks; an his eyes ae ha bin wih y

suy ha i wi o hi goo o weep. Bu who is he woan? 309 I hink I saw he face in S. Sophia he ay of ou eny." "She beonge o he house-ho of Phanza, he Chabeain, who possesse his vey house," epie he eunuch. "An I hink, fo is gooy size an ecoaion, he us have use he easuy of he epie feey." "To Phanza! Why, I have a aughe of his in he nusey a Aianope. His wife I have given o he Mase of he Hose.[90] His son I have his ay sen o he fo his insoence. Bu she is an Anaou; heefoe no of kin o Phanza. Seach ou he soy, Taich! o a ebe of he faiy of Phanza, an no of his boo, ay be of soe poiica consequence. I wi keep he. Bu ge he soy, Taich, ge he soy!" "I have i aeay, Sie," epie he eunuch. "Ah!" "She is a wa of Scanebeg, he Anaou aio, sen o Consaninope o escape he ange of capue by hine a-conqueing as. Bu he bi fe fo he fowe ino he snae." "Pehaps a chi of Scanebeg! Eh, Taich? One a eas whose ife is of gea vaue o hi, an was o he Geek epie. I wi info Scanebeg ha she is in y possession. By he ea of wha ay happen o he I sha he easie foce ha avening bue o ake es; fo I a ie of baeing y swo agains his ocks, ying o pick his skin. Keep he cose, Taich, keep he cose!"


Lae in he ay he Suan eie o a neighboing ansion, once possesse by he Geek Gan Duke, Lucas Noaas, an hee sough eaxaion fo he incessan caes of he epie. The ay ha been weaisoe. Achiecs ha subie pans fo he eaie onaenaion of he new seagio which was ising on he Byzanine Poin. One of he pans e o ispue beween he Paishah an he chief Mufi, he expoune of he Mose aw. I was occasione hus. The pophyy coun[91] which soo ha by he paace of he Geek epeos, ha once seve o ho aof he bonze saue of Apoo, a pecious eic of ancien Geek yhoogy. This was afewa eveence by he peope as he figue of he Epeo Consanine he Gea, o woshippe by he as ha of Chis. An achiec popose ha he iegoious shaf shou now be suoune by he coossa saue of Mahoe II. The Mufi ecae he pojec o be ipious, as eping o ioay, agains which he Koan was so cea an enunciaoy, an aso he Sounna o aiiona sayings of

he Pophe. The Suan's pie ebee agains his assupion of an auhoiy above his own. Bu he Suan's supesiious ega fo he faih aong he peope, which e hi o wash his hans an face openy wheneve he spoke wih he achiec, who was a Chisian engage a gea cos fo Iay, aso e hi o fea 311 o beak wih he pescipions an cusos of his eigion in his ae. He conene hisef wih an oah ha he ha soone os he hono of a capaign han he piviege of seeing hisef epesene as he conqueo of boh Consanine an Chis. Geneas, oo, ha been in counci wih hi ha ay egaing he conuc of inigues fo he possession of he Peoponnesus, an abou he was in Sevia, Boznia an Tebizon. I iings ha coe fo Abania, whee Scanebeg was consuing he Tukish aies, as a gea spie enaps in his webs an a his eisue evous a swa of hones, which, cou hey have fee access o hi, wou insany sing hi o eah. The essenge who bough his news was ewae by having hue a his hea an iense vase of aachie, in he exeion of ifing which he ipeia wah was sufficieny ease o aow of his uning o ohe business. A pan fo he ecepion of he inaes of he gan hae a Aianope, when hey shou be anspoe o he spacious buiings being consuce fo he in he seagio, was aso a peasing ivesion, an e he Suan o ake he bief visi o he fai ones a he house of Phanza, which has been escibe. Bu he nee spii of he Paishah was fa fo subue. He ha uing he ay given an oe, he seque o which we us eae, an which, whie i isube his conscience an fooe hi a oens wih he sense of sef-conep, aso infae his naua passion fo cuey. He eeine o own he nobe, an o saiae he he vicious, caving by an hou o wo of unesaine ebauch. 312 In he cou of he house of he Gan Duke Noaas was spea he oya banque. Raes vians wee fanke by fagons of cosies wines. Upon he oenay supise of he sewa when he eceive he oe o povie he wines, he onach cie in a conepuous one: "Ah! I know you houghs. I is no accoing o he Koan ha wine shou be unk. Bu by he saff of Moses,[92] which hey foun in he paace of he Csas yone, I swea ha Mahoe he Epeo sha no yie o Mahoe he Pophe in eveyhing. The Pophe ae aws o sui his own ase, so wi I[93]. He can have Mecca an Meina an Jeusae; bu I sha eign wihou hi in y own paace in Sabou, which I have capue wih y own han. Bing he wine, o I' spi you back boo as a beveage o hose in he! I wi be swee enough fo you kin who ae back wih oasing. I wi have wine o-ay! Coo i in a he snows fo Moun Oypus yone; fo y boo is as ho as if I wee sho wih fie; an y sku bois ike a po."[94] Abou he abe wee ivans cushione wih own an covee wih yeow sik. The Paishah ook his sea upon he highes cushion. By his sie soo he chief of he back eunuchs, speniy[95] aie in he waiscoa of fowe eboiee

bocae, unic of scae, 313 fowing ouses, e uban, an haf boos of bonze eahe. He he a wan of sive covee wih eegan acey an oppe in fiagee. As he wave his sybo of his office, hee cae fo he vaious oos opening ino he cou goups of he hae woen. They wee ape in gauze, in he fos of which spake iaons an gowe he hues of pecious sones seece by he ase of he chief eunuch o se off he copexion an hai of hei vaious weaes, an a he sae ie o faciiae hei gouping ino ses of ances. The cou was ae aian wih hese beauifu fos, which ove in cices o in spias abou he founains an une he oange ees, whose whie bossos an goen fui in siuaneous funess copee he picue fo he eye, whie hei fagance oae he ai wih is eicae eigh. The Kisa Aga ha aange a scene which especiay pease he onach, whose hea was aeay swiing wih he cobine effec of he azy ance an he fues of he wine. An aenan e ino he cou, he pay by a song eash an pay by he voice of his aine, a agnificen eopa. Wih uos gace he beas eape ove he ibbone wan, faing so sofy o he goun ha, hough of enoous weigh, he wou no seeingy have boken a wig ha i ain beneah his fee. In iiaion of his, a eunuch e ino he cou by a eash of oses a Cicassian ance, he gif of a Caaanian pince. He fo was as fee fo he hinances of ess as ha of he spoe copeio; excep ha a bigh ge bune upon he foehea, in he noe which gahee 314 a pa of he hai; whie he abunance of he esses was eihe he ou on he snowy as, o fe abou he as a vei aos o he fee. Wih a hune vaiaions he gi epeae he oions of he eopa, eaping he wans wih equa gace as she cae o he in he easues of he ance. The gea bue ha ai his hea in he ap of his aine, an was waching his beauifu iva wih appaen enjoyen; ony now an hen ueing a ow gow as if in jeaousy, when he Bavo! of he Suan ewae soe especiay fascinaing oveen. The gi cae o he sie of he agnificen onse an oppe he ong hai ove his hea. The bue cose his eyes as if soohe by he wooing of he aien. Cauiousy, bu encouage by he ow voice of he aine, she pace he hea upon he oe an iving piow. A gea paw was hown abou he shoue. The Suan was in ecsasy of appause, an shoue: "A coa of go fo each of he!" The gi aepe o ise, bu he speni ove seee o have becoe eay enaoe of he beauifu fo he he. He sighes oion was answee by a gow; whie he swaying of his ai inicae ha, as aong huan kin, so wih he bues, he sofes seniens wee o be guae by hose of a sevee naue; ha baffe ove us ee he avenging of cue wah. Like he affecion of soe en, ha of he eopa was iie o is own gaificaion, an uey egaess of he cofo of is objec; fo he fonness of he bue was no such as o peven his ong nais pouing hough 315 hei veve coveing, an eneing he bae fesh of

he gi. She quivee wih pain, ye, a he quick waning of he aine, she ae no oucy. The an ew fo his pocke a sa bi of aw fesh, an ivee he eyes of he bue fo he boo seaing a each caw-puncue on he neck an boso of his vici. The eopa savagey snappe a he ose, an, a he sae insan suck i wih his paw, an eape o seize i as i was hue any fee away. The gi as quicky ae o a safe isance. Aenans insany appeae an suoune he beas wih hei spea poins. He couche a he fee of he aine, an whine in fea uni he was e ou. The gis hen encice he sea of he Suan, an vie wih one anohe in he siuae aep o how ove hi a spe. No was he aep eey siuae, as each one ispaye he uos a of beauy an anne o win fo he hafunken yan soe oken of his favo. When Eissa cae nea he Suan, he bae he pay wih hi as he Cicassian i wih he eopa. He he he an excaie o he ohes: "Bewae you eopa when he gows! bu whee is he ohe Anaou? I wi have he pea wih he uby of he hae! whee is she, I say? Di I no oe you o bing a he oaisks o y feas?" "o you Majesy's oes bu aey, Sie, I suppose" began he eunuch. "Suppose? You ae o obey, no o suppose," cie he eene an, sashing a hi wih he ciee ha ay a his fee. 316 "Bu she is no obe fo he feas." "Bing he as she is, an obe he hee. You sai ha she was faie han his one. If she is no faie han his one, he eopa's caws wi gip he, an he beas sha have you back boy fo his nex suppe. Bing he!" The eunuch soon eune wih Mosinia. She woe a sobe feij, o coak copeey enveoping he peson. This she ha on a he oen she was suone, an he eunuch obeye ieay he anae of he onach o bing he as she was. As she soo befoe he Suan she appeae, in conas wih he haf nake an bejewee sises, ike a popheess; soe feae Eijah befoe Ahab suoune by his househo of Jezebes. Thowing back he yashak, o ong veihe one Mose cosue she ha vey wiingy assue afe he capiviyshe gaze upon he yan wih a ook of aaze inquiy of his eaning in suoning he o such a pace. The soveeigny of he sou assee an expesse isef in he nobe bow, he cea an seay eye, he auness beaing.

"Sie, I have obeye," sai she, aking he obeisance which in fo was obsequious, bu which she execue wih such igniy ha even he u wi of he evee fe ha she ha no eay hube hesef befoe hi by so uch as he shaow of a hough. "Disobe he!" cie he onach. The woan seppe back, as if o avoi he conac of he peson wih he back eunuch; bu as sueny 317 hew off he feij hesef. If she ha seee a gooy popheess befoe, he appeaance now wou have suggese o an ancien Geek he appaiion of Puiciia, he goess of oesy. He gown of ich pea-ine coh covee he shoues; an, hough opene upon he boso, i was o show ony he hick fos of whie ace which ebace he hoa in a uffe, an was caspe wih a singe gea caeo pesene o he by he Geek Epeo. The beaing of he woan gave a epoay check o he aboinabe age of he oya wech, an ecae hi o his bee jugen. o i was a pecuiaiy of Mahoe ha no passion o ebauch cou copeey ive hi fo caying ou any pan he ha evise peaining o his ipeia abiion. As ceain usicians pefo wihou he sacifice of a noe he os ifficu pieces, when oo unk o ho a gobe seaiy o hei ips, an as ceain noe geneas have saggee hough he bae wihou he sighes saegic isake, so Mahoe neve os sigh of a poiica o iiay pupose he ha foe. Whie seeping an waking, in he wies evey an in he pivacy of his unspeakabe sensuaiy, ha pojec baze befoe hi ike a song fie-igh hough he haze. "Take he away! Take he away!" sai he o he eunuch, ecoecing his pupose of using he in his negoiaions wih Scanebeg; an coveing his eea fo his oigina coan by he eak, "She is he woan who hinks, I wan none such o pu he hea agains y hea. She igh iscove 318 y houghs; an by he seces of Aah! if a hai of y bea knew one of y houghs I wou puck i ou an bun i."[96] As Mosinia wihew, a eunuch appoache an whispee o he Suan. "Ah! i is goo! goo!" cie he Monach. "My Lo, he Gan Duke Noaas, wi evisi his ansion. o hi we have povie a feas such as his ase Paoogus neve gave hi. Ah! y ovey Anaou sha si a y igh hanfo he queen of beauy has peceence o-ay," sai he, aessing Eissa. "An he Egypian sha ake e ey wih he usic of he voice, which I oub no is sweee han he sains of he naive Menon. An, Taich, you sha o e he hono of epesening he king of Nubia, an ie hee opposie." The eunuch soo bewiee; fo neve befoe ha a Mose popose o inouce ino his hae he peson of any an, as now he Duke of Noaas was o ook upon he beauies who shou be eseve soey fo he feasing of he Paishah's eyes.

Mahoe, knowing his houghs, bae hi obey, an cie, "Le he fai houis vei hei faces wih hei bushes. Bing in Noaas!" Thee backs enee, each beaing a gea save, on which was a covee ish of go. "To Taich I ei he honos of he boa," sai he, waving he foeos waie owa he eunuch, whose face aos banche a he sange un affais 319 wee aking, o pehaps wih he suspicion ha o-oow his hea wou fa fo his shoues as he penay of having winesse he Paishah isgace hisef. The aenans pace he ishes befoe he eunuch an he wo favoe beauies. The coves eove eveae he ghasy sigh of hee huan heas, hei uncose eyes saing upwa fo hei isoe faces an goy ocks. The eunuch eape fo he ivan. The woen fe back shieking an faining. They wee he heas of he Gan Duke Noaas an his wo chien. We i he Suan nee he song ivesion of he unken evey o own he houghs of wha he knew o be anspiing a he hou. In spie of his oya wo o he isinguishe capive who ha ae his subission absoue, excep o he exen of seeing his chien ishonoe o he vies puposes, Mahoe ha oee ha Noaas shou be beheae a he Hippooe, having been fis copee o winess he ecapiaion of his faiy. Even Mahoe was sobee by he hoi ghouis he ha evise, an isisse he eo-sicken evees wih a voey of cuses.


The couage of Mosinia when she appeae befoe Mahoe ha been siuae by an even which occue a ie befoe he suons. She was siing by he aice winow in he house of Phanza. I oveooke he wa suouning he gaen, which on ha sie was a naow encosue. This ha been he favoie eso in bighe ays. o i she cou see wha passe in he boa highway beyon, whie he cose aice woowok pevene he being seen by hose wihou. Whie using hee she was sangey aace by an office who fequeny passe. His shape an saue eine he songy of Consanine. As he une his face owa he ansion he feaues seee ienica wih hose of he fose bohe. Recoveing fo he soke of supise his appaiion gave he, Mosinia ubbe he eyes o ake sue she was no eaing, an ooke again. He was in convesaion wih anohe. I cou no be Consanine, fo, asie fo he genea

beief in Consanine's eah befoe he einaion of he siege, his peson was saue wih gea eveence by he soies who passe by, an appoache wih faiiaiy by ohe offices of ank. The sigh bough ino vivi convicion wha ha ong been he ay ea, naey, ha Michae, he chihoo payae, igh be iving, an if so, wou pobaby be aong he Tukish soies; fo his gooy physique an aen, ispaye as a a, wou 321 ceainy have been cuivae by his capos. She now fe ceain of he heoy. So song was he ipession, an so acive an exciing he houghs as she eneavoe o evise a way by which he iscovey igh be uiize o he avanage of boh, ha even he oahsoe speno of he Suan's gaen pay, ha no ipesse he as i ohewise wou have one. o sevea ays afe she was aos obivious o he onoony of he hae ife; so busy was she wih he new pobe. She eeine ha, a any cos, she wou bing hesef ino counicaion wih he office, an, if he heoy shou be confie, ecae hesef, an boy popose ha he shou escue he. o she cou no conceive ha, howeve uch he ha becoe accusoe o Tukish ife, he ha os a yeaning fo his ibey an a ipession of his Chisian faih. Bu how cou she convey any ineigence o hi? Excep hough he eunuchs, he inaes of he hae ha ie counicaion wih he oue wo. The cusos of ife hee wee as infexibe as he was. To he naua ingenuiy, now so quickene by necessiy an hope, hee a engh appeae an en hea of he ange. The woen of he hae eieve he eiu of hei exisence by aking vaious aices, he consucion of which igh no a he eicacy of hei finges; such as neeewok upon hei own cohing, coveings fo cushions, cuains, apesie hangings, speas fo couches, cases in which he Koan cou be kep so ha even when being ea i 322 nee no be ouche by he finges, bags of scene powes, an he ike. Many of hese aices wee ispose of a he bazaas of he ciy, an he pocees spen by he oaisks a hei own capice; geneay fo confecions an gew-gaws. A he ie hee was quie a ean fo aices ae in he hae. Many housans of Moses ha been ipoe fo Asia Mino o ake he pace of he apiy isappeaing Geek popuaion. Lage soes of aices wee sen fo he gea hae a Aianope, an so fo fabuous pices in he bazaas of Sabou, as he new capia was cae by he Tuks. The agens fo he sae of hese hings wee geneay he feae aenans a he hae, who ha fee associaion wih he bazaa keepes. Soeies hese woen so iecy o he iniviua puchases wihou going o he ae paces. An office o young ciizen was ofen inveige ino buying, an paying exobian pices oo, on heaing ha soe oaisk ha se onging eyes upon hi, an wough he puse o be, he agge-sheah o eboiee jacke, as a specia evience of he favo. Many wee he soies which he gaans of he ciy an gaison wee accusoe o e, as hey ispaye hei puchases, abou nocuna avenues, in which hey wee guie ony by a pai of bigh eyes, an of favos eceive fo

beauies whose naes, of couse, puence fobae he o enion. A he aiions of oves, oances of oon-shaowe gooes, an a he soies of cases wih he hea a he winow, ha have been o fo he beginning of he wo, ha hei counepa in hose he swains of Sabou o abou 323 he Suan's eahy paaise a Aianope, o hose which, in hei aaoy baneing, hey ha ae o cuse abou he via of he ae Phanza a he new capia. An o woan, who, foey a sevan in he hae, ha been given by he Vai Suana, he ohe of Auah, o a subaen office as wife, bu ha ong been a wiow, was peie feey o ene he haeik, an engage as a convenien boke beween hose wihin an hose wihou. One ay Mosinia, in giving he soe of he haniwok fo sae, he up an eegan case of sik conaining sevea ie cysas, o phias, of aa of oses. "Kaa-Hanou, o you know he young Capain Baaban?" "Ay, he Knigh of he Goen Hon?" aske he woan. "An why o hey ca hi ha?" "Because," she epie, "his hea gows ike one, I suppose." "Yes, he is he anWe! fin hiTe hi any soy you pease abou y beauy." "I nee no inven one; I us ony e he uh o bewich hi," epie he o ae, wih ea fonness an aiaion. "Bu ha wi be ifficu. I can inven a ie bee han escibe he uh, uness you hep e." "We," sai Mosinia, "e hi as uch uh abou y appeaance as you can, an inven he es. Te hie e seeha y eyes ae as bigh as he sas ha shine above he Bakans." "Do hey shine hee oe biiany han hee 324 whee hey ake hei oie in he Bosphous?" aske he woan. "Oh! yes," sai Mosinia, "fo he ai is ceaes hee of any pace on he eah. Te hi, oo, ha y eeh ae as whie as he snows ha ie in he pass of Saiza." "Whee is ha?" queie he essenge. "Oh! i is a goo I have hea of, ha ies vey high up owa he sky, whee he snows ae unsoie by passing hough he cous, which, you know, aways ins he. An hen e hi ha aogehe I a as queeny asaswe! as he wonefu Eizabeh Mosiney, he bie of he Chisian king Sigisun."

"Eizabeh Mosiney? yes, I wi eebe ha nae, if soe ay you wi e e he soy." "Tha I wi," sai Mosinia. "An e he young office ha he oaisk who ae his ovey case has eae of hi eve since she was a chi." "He canno esis ha," sai he woan. "Bu you us se i o no one ese. An see his eegan sash of cashee! I wi give i o you o se on you own accoun, Hanou, if you bing e soe sue evience ha he has bough he case of pefue. An be sue o e hi ha jus when he sun is seing he us go soewhee aone, an ook a he sun hough each of he ie phias, an he ay see he face of he who sen he; fo you know ha a ue ove can aways see he one who sens a phia of aa of oses in he sun gins fo is sies. An when you bing e evience ha he has bough i, hen, goo Kaa, you sha have he sash of cashee." 325 The o woan's cupiiy hasene he fee upon he ean.

"Peace be wih hee!" sai he o woan, opping a ow couesy o he office, as he wake nea he new buiings of he seagio. "Peace be uno hee, an he ecy of Go an His bessing,[97] goo woan!" epie he soie; bu waving his han, ae kiny, "I have no nee of you hae upey." "Bu see his!" sai she, showing he eegan case of pefuey. "This hos he essence of he fowes of paaise." "Go aong, o ohe! I wou have no ase fo i if i conaine he swea of he houis."[98] "Bu his case was ae especiay fo you, Capain Baaban." "O fo any ohe an whose puse wi buy i," epie he, oving away. The woan foowe cosey, chaeing ino his eaf eas. "Bu, cou you see he ha ae i, you wou no ecine o buy, hough you gave fo i haf he go you foun in he coffes of he ich Geeks he ay 326 you vao won he ciy, bave Capain; an he cos of i is bu a ia;[99] an he aien is ying of ove fo you."

"Then why oes she no give i o e as a pesen? Love asks no pice," sai he, jus uning his hea. "Tha she wou, bu fo fea of offening you hono by sighing you puse," sai he quick-wie woan. "We sai, ohe! I waan ha he Beye Bey, o he nobe Kaikji,[100] who ae ove o you neve go you fo nohing." "Inee, no! He pai he Vai Suana en povinces, an a bass bucke besies, o peven he giving e o Tiou; who ook i so ha ha he wou have boken his hea, bu ha he gief wen he wong way an cacke his egs, an so hey ca hi Tiou-enk. Tha was he eason he ae wa on he Ooans. I was a ou of jeaousy fo e," sai she, aking a ow an ock couesy. "Bu if you cou see he beauifu oaisk who ae his! He fo is as saey as he oe of S. Sophia." "She's oo big an squay, if she's ike ha," aughe he office. "He face gows in copexion ike he ohe of pea," wen on he enhusiasic saeswoan. "Too ha of cheek!" sneee he ohe. "Even yous, Hanou, is no so ha as ohe of pea." "A neck ike aabase" "Co! oo co! I wou as soon hink of aking ove o a gavesone," was he office's coen. 327 "An such eing ips" "Yes, wih bises! I e you, o Hanou, I' woan poof. Go away!" "An he eyes shine hough he ong ashes ike he sas hough he fi ees on he Bakans." "Tu! Woan, you neve saw he sas shine on he Bakans. They o shine hee, hough, ike he vey eyes of Aah. A woan wih such eyes wou fighen he Paishah hisef." Kaa Hanou ook couage a his fis evience of inees on he pa of he office, an pie he avanage. "An he eeh ae as whie as he snows in he goo of Saiza"

"The goo of Saiza? You ean soe bea's cave. Bu he snows ae whie hee, whie an pue han anywhee ese on eah, excep as I once saw he, so e wih boo, hee in he Pass of Saiza. Bu how know you of Saiza, y goo woan?" "An aogehe she is as fai as he bie of Sigisun of Hungay," sai Kaa, wihou egaing his quesion. "An who was she, Hanou?" aske he an, wih cuiosiy fuy aouse. "Why, Eizabeh Mosiney, of couse." The office une fuy owa he woan, an scanne cosey he feaues as if o iscove soehing faiia. Was hee no soe hin o be picke fo hese wos? "Hanou, who o you o say ha?" The woan in un suie his face befoe she 328 epie. She wou ean whehe he ausions ha excie a peasan inees, o ouse anagonis in hi. I equie bu a oen fo he o iscove ha Mosinia ha given he soe cue ha he an wou wiingy foow, so she boy epie: "The oaisk hesef has ake o e of hese hings." "The oaisk! Wha is she ike?" sai he eagey. "Descibe he o e." "Why, I have been escibing he fo his haf-hou; bu you wou no isen. So I wi go off an o y nex ean." The woan une away, bu, as she inene i shou be, he office was now in he aiue of he begga. "Ho, Hanou, I wi buy you pefueBu e e wha she is ike in pain wos. Is she of igh hai?" "Ay, as if she washe i in he sunshine an ie i in he oonigh, an as gossy as he beas of boh." "Think you she beonge o Sabou befoe he siege?" "Ay, an o he gea Scanebeg befoe ha." The office was bewiee an soo hinking, uni Kaa ineupe hi. "Bu you sai you wou buy i, Capain." "Di I? We, ake you ia."

As he woan ook he piece of oney she ae: "An on' foge ha he oaisk sai she ha eae of you since she was a chi, an ha a 329 sunse if you ooke hough he phias you wou see he face." "Nonsense, woan!" "Bu y i, Sie, an aybe he nobe Capain wou sen soehing o he beauifu oaisk?" "Yes, when I see he in he phia I wi sen he ysef as he save." The an hus he siken case ino he eep pocke of his fowing ves an wen away. Then began a sugge in Capain Baaban. Since he capue of he fai gi by he aa of S. Sophia, he ha been unabe o efface he eebance of he. She soo befoe hi in his eas: soeies jus faing beneah he agge; soeies in he speno which he iagine o suoun he in he hae; ofen in ue appea o hi o save he fo he naeess hoos which he cy inicae ha she eae. When waking, his in was ofen isace by houghs of he. The pesence of he Suan os is cha, fo he ha coe o ook upon hi as he owne, an o fee hisef in soe way espoie. He was osing his abiion fo isan sevice, an foun hisef ofen oieing in he viciniy of he Phanza paace. This feeing which, pehaps, is expeience by os en, a eas once in ife, as he spe of a fai face is hown ove he, was associae wih a eepe an oe seious one in Capain Baaban. o he ay of he capue uni now he ha fe aos confien of he ieniy wih his ie payae in he ounain hoe. She hus inke ogehe his eaies an ae ife; an, as he hough of he, 330 he hough of he conas in hisef hen an now. The hings he use o use abou when a chi, his feeings hen, his puposes, his eigious faih, a cae back o hi, an wih a sange sengh an fascinaion. He began o eaize ha, hough he was an enhusias fo boh he Mose beief an he sevice of he Ooan, ye he ha becoe such, no in his own fee choice, bu by he ovepoweing wi of ohes. A hea he ebee, whie he cou no say ha he ha coe o isbeieve a wo of he Koan, an was no wiing o habo a pupose agains he soveeigny of he Paishah. Si he was copee o confess o hisef ha, if he fai woan wee inee his o pay-ae, an hee was open a way by which he cou eease he fo he capiviy, he wou isk so uch of isoyay o he Suan as he aep shou equie. Inee, he ague o hisef ha, excep in he ee fo of i, i wou no be isoyay; fo wha i Mahoe cae fo one woan oe o ess in his hae? An was his woan no, afe a, oe his popey han she was ha of he Paishah? He ha capue he; pehaps wice; an ha save he ife in S. Sophia, fo ony his han caugh he agge. She was his!

Then he becae fon of inuging a ay ea. The Suan soeies gave he oaisks o his favoie pashas an sevans. Wha if his one shou be given o hi? He ha gone so fa as once o say in esponse o he Suan, who wie hi fo being in ove, ha he iagine such o be he case, an ony neee he choice of His Majesy o ocae he passion. Bu 331 he i no ae o be oe specific, es he igh un acoss soe capice of he Suan; fo he fe sue ha so beauifu an oaisk as his capive wou no ong be wihou he oya aenion. O Kaa Hanou's infoaion egaing he fai oaisk aaye he uoi in Baaban's beas, in ha i gave ceainy o his foe suspicions. o he wos abou he sas above he Bakans, he snows of Saiza, an Eizabeh Mosiney, wee no acciena. He ha no oub ha he Abanian oaisk was he ie ay o who he once ae ove in he bowes of backbey bushes, an vowe o efen ike a ue knigh, waving his wooen swo ove he hea of he goa he oe as a see. In he is of such houghs an eoions, Capain Baaban awoke o fu sef-consciousness, an sai o hisef "I a in ove! Bu I a a foo! o a an wih abiion us neve be in ove, excep wih hisef. Besies, his woan I ove is pehaps haf in y iaginaion; fo I neve ye caugh a fu view of he face. As fo he being y ie MosiniaIusion! No! his is no iusion! Bu wha if she be he sae! Capain Baaban, ae you going o be a soie, o a ove? Take you choice; fo you can' be boh, a eas no an Ooan soie an a ove of a Chisian gi." Rubbing his han hough his e hai, as if o pu ou hese fanasies, he soe own o he wae's ege, an, ossing a Kaikji a few piases, was in a oen aing ike an aow acoss he habo;a cusoay way he capain ha of geing i of any vexaion. The coo evening beeze wooe he ove-houghfuness 332 fo his bain, o he spue i ou hough his usces ino he oa baes, which oppe i ino he wae of obivion. He was scacey awae ha he was becoing oe anqui, when a quick cy of a boa keepe showe ha he ha aos un own he o owe of whie abe which ises fo a ocky ise, jus away fo he ainan on he Asiaic sie of he Bosphous. "Kiss-Kouessi, he Maien's Towe, his," he uee. "We, I have fe fo he foess of one aien o un agains ha of anohe. ae is agains e. Pehaps I ha bee subi. Why no? Wasn' Chais a vaian genea of he o Geeks, who sen hi hee, once on a ie, o hep he Byzanines? We! He ha a wife, he fai Boiiion, he 'heife-eye aien.' An hee she ies beneah his owe. The wo wou have fogoen Genea Chais, bu fo his wife Daais, who hey have eebee hese wo housan yeas. A wife ay be he aking of a an's fae. If he Suan wou give e y pick of he oaisks I hink I wou venue."

These houghs wee no ineupe, ony suppeene, by he sun's ays, now neay hoizona, as siking he wae fa up he habo of Sabou, hey poue ove i an ae i see inee a Goen Hon, he open en of which exene ino he Bosphous. The uy gow ippe he oe of S. Sophia as wih fie; ansfoe he gay was of he Genoese owe a Gaaa ino a huge pophyy coun, spaking wih a iion cysas; an ae he whie abe of he Maien's Towe bush ike he neck of 333 a iving aien, when kisse fo he fis ie by he ho ips of he ove. So he Capain hough: an was eine o inspec he siken easue he ha puchase. He wou ook hough he phias, aswho knowshe igh see he face of he who sen he. If ooking a he e ob of he sun, jus fo an insan, ae his eyes see a hune sobe suns ancing aong he sky, i wou no be sange if his ong eiaion upon a ceain aian aien shou enabe hi o see he, a eas in one shaowy epoucion of his inne vision. He ew he siken case fo his pocke. I was wough wih ea ski, an woh he ia, even if i ha conaine nohing, an ean nohing. The ie phias wee he up one by one, an ivie he sun's beas ino pisaic hues as hey passe hough he wise gass. In each was a op o wo of swee essence, ike an ipisone sou, waiing o be eease, ha i igh fy fa an wie an isi is pefue as a sece bessing. "Bu his one is ipefec," uee he Capain, as he he up a phia ha was neay opaque. I was age han he ohes, an conaine a ighy wappe piece of pape. "The cue!" sai he, an, afe a oen's hesiaion, boke he phia. Unwining he pape, he ea: "You ae Michae, son of Miosch. I a Mosinia, chi of Kabiovisch. o he ove of Jesu! save e fo his he. We can counicae by his eans." I was a ong ow ha Capain Baaban ook ha nigh upon he Bosphous. Ye he wen no fa, bu 334 back an foh aoun he new seagio poin, scacey ou of sigh of he cea-cu ouine of he Phanza Paace, as i soo ou agains he sky above he oinay weings of he ciy. The awn began o pee ove he his back of Chaceon, an o sen is scous of uy igh own he sie of M. Oypus, when he ane. Bu he engh of he nigh o hi cou no be easue by hous. He ha ive ove again en yeas. He ha gone hough a bae which ie his sou as i ha neve been ie une he fashing of see an he oa of cuvein. Ony once befoe, when, as a ee chi he was conquee by he eos of he Janizaies' iscipine, ha he suffee so inensey. Ye he bae was an unecie one. He saggee up he hi fo he aning o he baacks wih he cy of confic inging hough his sou. "Wha sha I o?" On he one sie wee he habi of oyay, his oah of evoion o he Paishah, a his eahy abiion which baze wih spenos jus befoe hifo he was he favoie of boh he Suan an he soiesan a ha he eucaion of his ipe yeas ha e hi o hope fo in

anohe wo. On he ohe sie wee his new passion of ove which he cou no onge augh own, an he appea of a hepess feow ceaue fo escue fo wha he knew was injusice, cuey an egaaion;he fis pesona appea a huan being ha eve ae o hi, an he he ony huan being o who she cou appea. To hee his cy of Mosinia he knew wou be eason o his ouwa an swon oyay. To efuse o hee i he fe wou be eason o his anhoo. Wha cou he o? Neihe foce was peponeaing. 335 The bae wavee. Wha i he o? Wha os peope o in such cicusanceshe epoize: sai, "I wi o nohing o-ay." Like a genuine Tuk he gune o hisef, "Bacaou!" "We sha see!" Bu hough he aange an oee an aisice beween his conening houghs, hee was no ea cessaion of hosiiies. Aguens baee agains aguens. eeings of he gene so ine incessany beneah hose which he wou have cae he bave an oe any. An he ae coune-ine: oyay agains ove: abiion agains piy. Bu a he ie he gene ones wee gaining sengh. On hei sie was he avanage of a efinie picuea ovey face; of an ieiae an angibe pojec he escue of an iniviua. The ange of he enepise weighe nohing wih hi, o, a eas, i was coune-baance by he inspiiing anicipaion of an avenue, an expoi:he vey haza ahe fascinaing han epeing. Ye he ha no ecie.

Capain Baaban was suone by he Suan. "We, coae," sai Mahoe, faiiay howing his a abou his fien, uch o he isgus of he Capee Aga, he ase of ceeonies, hough 336 who aone i was he cuso of he Suans o be appoache. "We! coae, I gave a neckace woh a housan ias o a gi who pease e in he hae." "Happy gi, o have pease you Majesy. Tha was bee han he neckace," epie Baaban. "Think you so? Le e ook you hough an hough. Think you hee is nohing bee in his wo han o pease he Paishah? Ah! i is woh a kingo o hea ha fo a an ike you, Baaban. Woen say i; bu hey can o nohing fo e. They issipae y houghs wih hei peasuing e. They ake e weak. I have a in

o aboish he whoe hae. Bu o have a an, a song an, a an wih a hea o po fo epie an o asha aies, a an wih an a ike hine o ake ove o e! Ah, ha is goious, coae. Bu e e ake no isake abou i. You ove e? Do you eay hink no go, no honos, cou give you so uch peasue as peasing e? Swea i! an by he hone of Aah! I wi swea ha you sha shae y epie. Bu o business!" opping his voice, an in he insan becoing appaeny fogefu of his enhusias fo his fien. "We ake a capaign agains Begae. I us go in peson. Ye Scanebeg hos ou in Abania. I is useess eeing hi in his songho. You canno figh a ion by cawing ino his en. He us be appe. Wok ou a pan." "I have one which ay be fuifu," insany epie Capain Baaban. "Ah! so quick?" 337 "No, of ong haching, Sie. I ae i in y fis capaign in Abania wih you oya fahe. The young Voivoe Aesa is nephew o Scanebeg. He is esess une he auhoiy of he gea genea: has coie soe cie which, if known, wou bing hi o uin: is popua wih he peope of he noh." "Capia!" sai Mahoe eagey. "I see i a. Wok i ou! Wok i ou! He ay have anyhing, if ony Scanebeg can be pu ou of he way, an he couny be une ou suzeainy. Wok i ou! An he suzeain evenues sha a be yous; fo by he bones of Ohan! hee is no a povince oo gea fo you if ony you can see affais aong he Anaous. "An now a gif! I wi sen you he vey queen of he hae." "My hanks, Paishah, bu I" began Baaban, when he was cu sho by he Suan. "No a wo! no a wo! I know you ecine o pacice he sofe viues, an pefe o ive ike a Geek onk. Bu you us ake he. If you ike he no, own he. Bu you sha ike he. By he ipe in he chin of Ayesha! she is he os pefec woan in he epie." "Bu," inepose Baaban, "I a a Janizay, an i is no peie a Janizay o ay." "A fig fo wha is peie! When he Paishah gives, he gans peission o enjoy his gifs. Besies, you nee no ay. You can own he; se he if you on' ike he. Bu you us ake he." 338 "Of wha naion is she? Pehaps I cou no unesan he ongue," objece Baaban.

"So uch he bee," sai Mahoe. "Woen ae no ae o ak. Bu his woan is an Anaou, fo Scanebeg's couny." Capain Baaban cou scacey beieve his eas. This hen is Mosinia! To have he, o save he wihou beach of oyay! This was oo uch. Wih sangey fueing hea he acquiesce, an his hanks wee awn fo he boo of his sou. The nex ay he sough Kaa Hanou, an sen by he o Mosinia a ge encose in a pey caske, wih which was a noe, eaing, "I sha be so. Paience fo a few ays, an ou heas sha be ae ga." How sangey ae ha panne fo hi! I us have been ae; fo ony powes supena cou have ae he gif of he Paishah so fiing o his hea. No chance his! His sece passion, unbeahe o any ea on eah, ha been a paye hea in heaven! Baaban was now an unoubing Mose ha he foun Kise on he sie of his incinaions. He beonge o Is, he Hoy Resignaion; esigne o he wi of Povience, since Povience seee jus now o have esigne isef o his wi. He was supise a he ecsaic chaace his piey was aking on. He cou have becoe a evish: inee his hea was aeay whiing wih he inoxicaion of his pospecs. Capain Baaban, ike a goo Mose, wen o he Mosque. He ae his paye owa he Mihab; 339 bu his eyes an houghs wanee o he spo a he sie of i, whee he ha save he ife of Mosinia; an he hanke Aah wih fu sou ha he ha been aowe o save he fo hisef. The Paishah, he foowing ay, bae Baaban epai o a house in he ciy, an be in eainess o eceive he gif of heaven an of his own ipeia gace. On eaching he pace an eey woanhe Kouavous, an ineviabe aenan upon aiages conuce hi hough he seaik an abeyn o he haeik of he house. The bie o save, as he pease o ake he, ose fo he ivan o ee hi. Though he hick vei copeey enveope he peson, i cou no concea he supeb fo an aveous gace. His han ebe wih he agiaion of his eigh as he execise he auhoiy of a husban o ase, an eveeny aise he vei. He soo as one paayze in aazeen. She was no Mosinia. She was Eissa! He oppe he vei. Sange spiis seee o beahe heseves in succession hough his fae.

is cae he eon of isappoinen, checking his boo, sifing hi. No ha any ohe oa knew of his shaee hopes; bu i was enough ha he knew he. An wih he consciousness of efea, a hoibe chagin bi an oe his hea, as if i ha been soe agon wih eeh an caws. Then cae he eon of age; wi age; waning o how ou is fuy. He igh have sien he veie fo, ha no he ae, ovecoe by he 340 bewieen an he scon of hi she suppose o have been a ove, aeay faen faining a his fee. Then ose in Baaban's beas he eon of vengeance agains he Suan. Ha Mahoe been pesen he suey ha fe he see of he ouage an. Ony he habi of sef-cono an quie eview of his own passions pevene his seeking he Paishah, an aking insan vengeance in his boo. Then hee cae ino hi a gea eon of ipiey, an beahe a cuse agains Aah hisef hough his ips. Bu finay a new spii hisse ino his eas. I was Neesis. He fe ha his was he oen when a jus eibuion ha eune upon hisef. o he we knew he face ha ay weeping beneah he heap of bejewee ace an sik. I was ha of he Dooa, who he ha fung ino he as of he Abanian Voivoe Aesa when he was awaiing he ebace of soe oe pincey aien. An now he sacas of fae ha hown he ino his as. "Aah! Thou was even wih e his ie," he confesse back of his cenche eeh. "Bu oubess," he hough, "i was hough he infoaion I gave o he Aga ha his gi has been soen away fo Aesa." "Wou ha heaven i e of he so easiy!" he uee. "Ye ha is easy; hanks o ou Mose aw, which says, 'Thou ayes eihe eain hy wife wih huaniy o isiss he wih kinness.'[101] Ye I canno isiss he wih kinness. She can no go back o he oya hae. If I isiss he I ha 341 he, an Aah's cuse wi be faa if I wong his ceaue againo say nohing of he Paishah's if I how away his gif. I us keep he. We! Bacaou! Bacaou! I is no so ba a hing afe a o have a woan ike ha fo one's save; fo a wife wihou one's hea is bu a save. We!" He aise he vei again fo he now siing woan. The uuay supi gaze caie he boh hough sevea yeas which ha passe since hey ha pae a Aesa's case. Eissa was easiy inuce o e he soy. Assuing ha i igh be aeay known o he new o, she gave i coecy; an heefoe i iffee subsaniay fo ha she ha o o Mosinia. She ha been bu a few ays in Aesa's hoe when he iscovee ha she was no he peson he ha pesue he o be. In an oubus of age he wou have aken he ife, bu was e by an o pies o aop a oe

ecifu eho of iing hisef of he. To have eune he o he viage above he Skaa wou have fie he couny wih he scana, an ae Aesa he aughing sock of a. She was heefoe sen wihin he Tukish ines, wih he ceainy of fining he way o soe fa-isan couny. He beauy save he fo a coon fae, an she was sen as a gif o he young Paishah by an o genea, ino whose hans she ha faen. Baaban assue he woan of his poecion, an aso ha he ie wou coe when he wou copensae he fo any gief she ha enue hough his fau. In he eanie she was eaine in he uxuious cofo of he new aboe.


Capain Baaban was aos consany engage a he new seagio. I was being consuce no ony wih an eye o is iposing appeaance fo wihou an is beauy wihin, such as befie boh is speni sie beween he waes an he speno of he onach whose paace i was o be; bu aso wih a view o is easy efence in case of assau. Upon he young office evove he uy of scuinizing evey ine an aye ha wen ino he vaious sucues. He was especiay ineese in he sie enances, an counicaions beween he vaious epaens of he seagio. He gave oes fo a change o be ae in he ine of a paiion an coio, an aso fo a sigh vaiaion in he posiion of a gaeway in he was iviing he abeyn[102] cou fo ha of he haeik. Jus why hese changes wee ae, pehaps he achiecs heseves cou no have o; no wee hey ineese o enquie, supposing ha hey wee ae a he oya wi. Baaban was ispose o inuge a ie his own fancy. If hee was o be a boa enance fo pubic ispay, an hen a naow passage fo he Suan ony, why no have a way hough which he cou iagine a fai oaisk feeing fo insu an oue ino he as ofhisef? Bu Baaban's face gew pae as he wache 343 he copeion of a suice way eaing fo a ie chabe, own hough he sea wa, o ee he api cuen of he Bosphous. He eebee he ecaaion of he Paishah, ha, if eve an oaisk wee unfaihfu o hi, she shou be sewn ino a bag, ogehe wih a ca an a snake, an owne in Maoa.[103] In he eanie o Kaa Hanou was aaze a he nube of aices of Mosinia's haniwok she was abe o inuce he young capain o puchase. Inee, he neve efuse. An quie fequeny she was he beae of gifs, geneay confecions, soeies ie os of sik suiabe fo eboiey wih cooe heas o beas, accopanie by he nae of soe feow office of he Janizaies fo who appaeny an oe fo wok was given; he Capain acing as an agen in a so of co-paneship wih Kaa. Of couse his was ony sece ai sevice beween

Baaban an he oaisk. If Kaa suspece i, he coissions wee so agey euneaive ha she sience he hough of any hing bu egiiae business. Baaban evise pans fo he escape which Mosinia foun i ipacicabe o execue fo he sie of he hae wa; an he shewes suggesions wee ponounce equay unsafe by he saegis wihou. Baaban ha caugh gipses of Mosinia whie oieing aong he ees a he uppe en of he Goen Hon, by he Swee Waes, whee he aies of he hae wee aken by he eunuchs on aos 344 weeky excusions. He ha popose o have in eainess wo hoses, ha, if she shou beak fo he aenans, hey igh fee ogehe. Bu befoe his cou be accopishe, he excusions wee isconinue, as he aenion of a was une o a new peasue. The gan haeik was a engh copee. Pehaps no pace on eah was so suggesive of inoen an sensua peasue as his. Thee wee uxuious ivans, uipying ios, bahs of epee wae, founains in which pefues cou be scaee wih he spay, boa spaces fo he ance, haf hien acoves fo he inugence in ha which shae he oe pubic eye, an gaens in which Aaby copee wih Afica in he ispay of exoic fuis an fowes. A ay was se fo he ecepion of he gan hae fo Aianopewhich conaine neay a housan of he os beauifu woen in he woino his new paaise. The Kisa Aga ha aange a pagean of especia agnificence, which cou be winesse by he peope a a isance. Two scoe bages, eegany ecoae, owe by eunuchs, hei ecks covee wih ivans, wee o eceive he oaisks fo Aianope a he exee inne poin of he seagio wae fon on he Goen Hon. The Vai Suana's bage was o ea he pocession, which shou foa o he caences of usic fa ou ino he habo. A he sae ie, he Suan in his kaik, an he woen of he epoay haeik, each popeing a igh skiff ecoae wih fags an seaes, wee o ove fo he exee oue poin 345 of he seagio gouns, uni he wo fees shou ee, when, ai savos of aiey fo he shoes, he oaisks wih he Suan wee o un abou an ea hei sises o he wae gae of he haeik. Oes wee given fobiing he peope o appea upon he wae, o upon he shoes wihin isance o see isincy he faces of he aies of he hae. Evey evening a sunown a pao of eunuchs ae a coon of boas a few hune yas fo he shoe, wihin which, sceene by isance fo he eyes of coon en, he oaisks wen ino aining fo he gea egaa. The Paishah, siing in his bage, encouage hei ivay by gifs fo exeiy in anaging he ie boas, fo picuesqueness of ess an fo gace of oveen, as wih bae as an seaing esses, hey popee he kaiks. Mosinia foun hesef one of he os exeous in haning he oas. The fee ife of he chihoo on he Bakans an aong he peasans of uppe Abania, ha eveope usce which his new execise soon bough ino unusua efficiency. She

obseve ha he aenan eunuchs wee eficien in his kin of sengh, an ha no oub ha, wih he own igh weigh, she cou ive he aos iponeabe kaik swife han any of he. The young Egypian woan was he ony copeio fo he hono of eaing he fee on he ay of he egaa. To a o he inees of he aining, Mahoe oee ha he wo shou ace fo he hono of being High Aia of he hae fee; an one evening announce ha he copeiive ia shou ake pace he nex afenoon. The couse 346 was fixe fo a haf ie, jus insie of Seagio Poin, whee he waes of he habo ae si, unvexe by he api cuen which pous aong he channe of he Bosphous. The fag-boa was o be anchoe aos a he eeing of he inne an oue waes. Tha nigh Mosinia woe a noe conaining hese wos "Abou usk jus beow he Seven Towes wach fo kaik. Mosinia." Kaa Hanou was coissione eay he foowing oning o eive a pey ie sash, wough wih sas an cescens, o Capain Baaban. Mosinia was caefu o show Kaa he scaf, an iae upon he pecuia beauy of he wok uni he woan's cuiosiy shou be fuy saisfie; hus aking sue ha she wou no be epe o inspec i fo hesef. She hen wappe he noe caefuy wihin he scaf, an ie i songy wih a siken co. O Kaa ha a busy ay befoe he, wih a ozen ohe coissions o ischage. Bu foune favoe he in he eay iscovey of he we known shape of he Capain in oinay ciizen's ess, as he was engage in eage convesaion wih he Geek onk, Gennaius, who he Suan ha aowe o supeinen he woship of he Chisians si esien in he ciy. Inee Mahoe was wise enough o even pension soe of he Geek cegy o keep up he esabishen of hei faih; fo he feae o anagonize he iions in he povinces of Geece who cou no be pesuae o ebace Isa; an was conen o exac fo he ony he ecogniion of his secua supeacy. Kaa Hanou ha oo uch eveence 347 in he naue o ineup a coupe of such wohies; so she foowe a ie way behin he. They cae o he gae-waya ee hoe in he wawhich e o wha was known as he Hei's Ce, he aboe of Gennaius uing he siege. The spiiua pie of he onk ha pevene his exchanging his fo a oe cooious esience ino which he Suan wou have pu hi. He sai he ony wane a pace age enough o weep in, now ha he peope of he Lo wee in capiviy. The onk ha enee he ie gaeway, an his copanion was foowing, when Kaa's insinc fo business go he bee of he eveence; an, aing fowa, she hus he ie o ino his han jus as he was sooping o ene he gae, no even gancing a his face. She sai in ow voice, no caing o be ovehea by he onk: "A pa of you puchase yeseay, Sie, which you have fogoen."

She waie fo no epy, bu oe off, ueing o hesef: "Tha's one, now fo o Ibahi he Jew." The conas beween Mosinia an he Egypian as hey pesene heseves fo he cones, affoe a capia suy in acia physique. The ae was ahe une size, wih scacey oe of woany eveopen han a boy. He face was aos coppe cooe; he hai je an sho. The foe was a, wih feininiy sape upon he conou of bus an ib; he face pae, even beneah he ass of he igh ocks. The kaiks wee of hinnes woo ha cou be he 348 ogehe by he web-ike coss bacing, an seee scacey o beak he suface of he wae when he oaisks seppe ino he. Mosinia ha bough a feij of coon so; saying o he eunuch, whose aenion i aace, ha yeseay she was quie chie afe owing, an o ay ha aken his wih he by way of pecauion. She igh have foun soehing oe beauifu ha she hough in ie; bu i wou be ak when hey eune. Besies, i wou be a capia bace fo he fee; he cossba aange fo ha pupose being ahe oo fa away fo he sea. So saying she osse i ino he boo of he kaik befoe he officious eunuch cou povie a bee subsiue. The Paishah's buge soune he ca. I ang ove he waes, evoking echoes fo he ipe shoe of Sabou, Gaaa an Skuai, which ie away in he isan biows of Maoa. As i was o be he as evening befoe he pagean of he gan ecepion, he ie was occupie in aking fina aangeens fo he oe in which he boas shou ove; so ha i was gowing ak when he Paishah eine he chief asha ha hey us have he ace fo he Aia's bage. Kaub, a fa an inoen eunuch, was oee o oo his kaik, fo he sake boa, as fa ou owa he swif cuen as safey wou pei. The wo copeios ae o he sie of Mahoe's bage. o a ong saff, jus high enough above he wae o be eache by he han, hung a iny seae of sik, he boa fie of which was oe wih peas. This was o be he possession of he fai owe who, 349 ouning he sake boa fis, cou eun an seize i. The Suan hew a kiss o he fai nyphs as a signa fo he sa. Myias of iqui peas, supassing in beauy hose upon he seae, oppe fo he oa baes, an sewe he sooh suface; o wee ansfoe ino iaons as hey sunk swiing ino he boken wae. The spay ose fo he shap pows in sheafs, goen as hose of gain, in he uy efecion of he wesen sky. Each gacefu kaik, an he oe gacefu fo ha ove i, aos ceae he iusion of a singe ceaue; soe happy enizen of anohe wo ispoing isef fo he uing of oas in his. The boas kep cose copany. The Egypian was expening he fu sengh, bu he copanion, wih onge an fewe sokes, was appaeny eseving hes. They neae he sake. The Egypian, having he insie, began o oun i; bu he Abanian

kep on, now wih api an song sokes. The specaos wee aaze a he acics. "She is aking oo wie a sweep," sai he Suan. "She oes no see incine o un a a," obseve he Kisa Aga. "She wi sike he cuen if she un no soon," ejoine Mahoe exciey. The pow of he kaik une off weswa. "She is in he sea!" cie sevea. "She wi be oveune!" Bu on spe he kaik, heaing fu own he cuen, which, caching i ike soe fieny spie fo beneah, boe i quicky ou of sigh aoun he Seagio Poin; an onon ino a hick is 350 which was oing up, as if sen of heaven o ee i, fo he boa expanse of he sea. "An escape!" cie he Suan. "Afe he evey one of you back evis!" The eunuchs wase sevea pecious oens in geing he coan hough hei heas, an, even when hey sae, i was evien ha hei usces wee oo facci, hei spines oo ip, an hei win no fu enough o ovehau he fying skiff of he Abanian. "To shoe! To hose!" cie he aging onach. A quae of an hou ae, hoseen wee caeing own he sony see aong he wae fon of Maoa, pausing now an hen o sae ou ino he sea is, ashing on, sopping an saing, an on again. The foeos o each he Case of he Seven Towes ef oes o scou he shoe, an o se pao o peven any one aning. Soe wee oee o a acoss o he isans. Wihin an hou fo he escape evey inch of shoe, an he gea wae couse opposie he ciy, wee une copee suveiance. Jus befoe his was accopishe a an aive a he wae's ege, cose o he souh sie of he gea wa of which he Case of Seven Towes was he nohen fank. He he wo hoses, sae an bagge, as if fo a isan jouney. A secon an appeae a oen ae, who cae up fo a cup of bushes a ie way beow. "In goo ie, Macus!" sai he new coe, who soope cose o he wae an isene, puing his han o his ea so as o excue a souns excep such as shou coe fo he sea above. 351 "Lisen! an oa soke! Yes! Keep eveyhing igh, Macus."

Daing ino he copse, in a oen oe he an was giing in a kaik, wih a noiseess soke, ou in he iecion of he oa spash of he appoaching boa. Neae an neae i cae. The nigh an he is pevene is being seen. The an ove cose o is ine. I was a igh kaik, he knew fo he aos noiseess ippe of he wae as he shap pow cu i. The an gave a sigh whise, when he soke of he invisibe boa cease, an he ippe a is pow ie away. "Mosinia!" "Ay, hank heaven!" cae he esponse. "Speak no now, bu foow!" an he e he way cauiousy owa he ie beach whee he hoses wee hea saping. They wee sevea os off, pioing heseves by he soun. "Hak!" sai he an, sopping he boas. Hoofs wee hea appoaching, an voices "She igh have pu acoss o he Pincess Isan," sai one. "Nonsense!" was he epy. "She wou ony ipison hesef by haoe ikey she has gone cean acoss o Chaceon. Bu I ho ha she has paye fox, an une on he ai. Ten ias o one ha she is by his ie in Gaaa wih soe of he Genoese Giaous. If so, she wi y o escape in a gaey; bu ha can be pevene: fo he Paishah wi ovehau evey caf ha sais ou uni he fins he. Bu hoo, an! wha have we hee? Two hoses! A woan's baggage! She has an accopice! An eopeen! 352 The hoses ae ie. The unaway coupe haven' aive ye. Disoun, en! we wi ie in wai aong he shoe hee. Yes, e hei wo hoses san hee o aw he o he spo by hei saping. Sen ous ou of heaing. Now evey an o his pace! Sience!" "Back! Back! We ae pusue on an," sai he an in he boa o Mosinia, an boh boas pushe noiseessy ou again fo he shoe. "I ha pepae fo his, Mosinia. You us coe ino y boa; we wi ow beow fo a ie, whee we can aange i a he shoe." Quiey hey sho own in he essening cuen, uni hey une ino a ie cove ae by a pojecing ock. As ighy as a fawn he gi eape o he beach. He copanion was by he sie in an insan. She ew back, an gave no eun o his wa ebace, bu sai heaiy: "Thank Heaven, an you, Michae!" "Michae?" excaie he an. "Inee I o no wone ha you hink e a spii, an ca e by he nae of y ea bohe. Bu his sha assue you ha I a Consanine, an in he fesh," cie he, as he pesse a kiss upon he ips.

Mosinia was aze. She ie o scan his face. She fe as one ifeess ino his as. He seae hisef on he ock an he he o his hea. o a whie neihe cou speak. "Is i ea?" sai she a engh, aising he hea an feeing his face wih he han. "Bu how" Voices wee hea shouing ove he wae. "We us be gone," sai Consanine. 353 The excieen of he iscovey ha he ove was si iving, an he bewieen a his appeaance insea of Michae, wee oo uch fo Mosinia. Consanine caie he exhause gi ino his boa, which was age han hes. Towing he ie kaik ou soe isance he ippe i boo upwas, an e i if away. "Tha wi sop he houns," uee he. "They wi hink you have been oveune." Wih eenous, bu scacey auibe, sokes he poughe away weswa. I was no uni fa fo a noise of he pusues ha he pause.

Iinen as was he ange si, he cuiosiy of boh a he sangeness of he Povience which ha bough he back o each ohe, as fo he ea, was such ha hey us ak; an he feshness of he newy-kine ove soe any a oen fo eneaing ebace. Inee an hou passe, an he nigh igh have fown whie hey oiee, wee i no ha he ising win bough a isan soun which awakene he o he eebance ha hey wee si fugiives. Consanine a engh insise ha his copanion shou ie upon he boo of he boa, an ake neee es. "If I ha now y feij!" sai she. 354 "I have povie fo ha," epie Consanine. "Yous wou be ecognize. I have one beonging o he coon woen, which wi be bee." In aiion o he feij, he foesigh of Consanine ha ai in wa waps an a soe of povisions. These wee packe in bunes ha hey igh be caie convenieny on hoses, in he han, o in he boa, as necessiy shou cope. "I canno es," sai Mosinia, "when hee is so uch o say an hea."

"Bu you us ie own. I wi e you y soy; hen you can e e yous." "Bu can we no sop?" "No. I wi no be safe o o so ye." "I have eane o us you guiance as we as you ove," sai she, an ecine in he sen of he boa. The oon ose nea o inigh. The fog iuine by i ae he ceay visibe o each ohe, whie i shu ou he possibiiy of hei being seen by any fo a isance. "I is he bessing of Jesu upon us," sai Mosinia. "The sae as when He soo upon he ie ake in Gaiee, ike a fo of igh, an sai, 'Be no afai.'" Consanine gave his soy in hasy senences an eache poions, beaking i by pauses in which he isene fo pusues, o gave his whoe sengh o he oas, o, oe fequeny, i nohing bu gaze a his copanion: oe han once eaching ou his han o ouch he, an see if she wee no an appaiion. He o of his escape fo he Tuks, his aes as 355 a unaic an he scene befoe he Suan, his eun o Consaninope afe is capue, an he appaen evience he hee ha fo he o begga, of Mosinia's eah: wih a of which he eae is faiia. He aso eae how he ha gone o Abania. The epo of Mosinia's eah ha cause he geaes gief o Kabiovisch, an hown Genea Casio ino such a age ha he foun easeen fo i in a specia ai upon he Tukish cap; which ai was eebee, an was si spoken of by he soies, as he "Ca of he Maien." o as Casio eune fo feafu saughe, in which he ha copeey ie he eney's quaes, capue hei coane an copee he o beak up he capaign, he genea was ovehea o say, "The aien's spii cae us an we have answee." Wihou knowing he eaning of hese wos he soies pobaby assue ha hey wee a efeence o he Hoy Vigin May, whose bessing Casio ha invoke upon he enepise. Afe ha Suan Mahoe sen a specia ebassage an poposa of peace o Abania. In he oya ee he sae, "She who he Epeo of he Geeks was unabe o keep fo Scanebeg is now in he cusoy of he oya hae, safe an invioae; o be eivee ino Scanebeg's han as a pege of a eay by which Scanebeg sha agee o cease fo fuhe epeaions an invasion of Maceonia, an o subi o ho his kingo in fief o he Ooan hone." The ee ene wih a boasfu efeence o he Suan's conques of Consaninope, Caaania an ohe counies, an he hea of invaing Abania 356 wih a hos so gea as o cove a is eioy wih he shaow of he caps.

Casio's epy, when known, fie he Dibians an Epios wih geaes enhusias. I cose wih he wos, "Wha if you have subjugae Geece, an pu ino seviue he of Asia! These ae no exapes fo he fee heas of Abania!"[104] The news conaine in Mahoe's issive e Casio o aow Consanine o go o Consaninope, ha he igh iscove, if possibe, whehe Mosinia was eay iving, an was he peson efee o by he Suan. On eaching he ciy, Consanine ha sough ou he onk Gennaius, wih who he ha been ofen hown befoe an uing he siege. o hi he eane nohing of Mosinia excep he o soy of he sef-sacifice by he sie of he aa;which soy ha becoe so aone wih any aiions in passing fo ouh o ouh, ha he "ai Sain of Abania" was ikey o be enoe upon he caena of he hoy ays. Consanine was euning wih he onk fo he chuch of Baouki, whee hey ha gone o see he pepeuae iace of he fishes which eape fo he pan on heaing of he capue of he ciy, an which ae si, wih one sie back wih he fying, swiing in he ank of hoy wae. He ha jus eache he ie gae of he onk's oging when Mosinia's essage was pu ino his han by a ie o woan. "Bu how i you know of y aiva in Consaninope?" 357 Consanine aske, as he concue his accoun. The quesion e o Mosinia's soy, an he eveaion ha his bohe Michae was si iving, an office of he Suan, as ike o Consanine as one eye o he ohe; hei isaken ieniy by Kaa Hanou having e o he pesen happy enoueen. The uua naaives of he pas gew ino pans fo he fuue, he chief pa of which eae o he esoaion of Michae fo he sevice of he Mose. Whie hey ake, he ay boke ove he Asiaic coas. The fain gow of igh apiy change ino bas of go, which wee ansfoe ino hose of sive, an ee again ino a boa sheen of oange an pupe ins. Bu fo he shaowe sopes of he easen shoe ha ay beween he wae an he sky, his wou have ae Maoa ike an infinie sea of goy. Bu hee was a faie sigh befoe he eyes of Consanine; one oe suggesive of he heaveny. I was he face of his beove, now fis ceay seen. I seee o hi ha she cou no have been oe enchaning if he ha iscovee he by he "Rive of he Wae of Life" in he Goen Ciy, whee ony he ha hope eve again o gaze upon he.



The fugiives ane a goo scoe of ies fo Sabou, on he nohen shoe of Maoa, an suck he highway which uns weswa, foowing he coas ine o Saonika, whee i ivies, bening souh ino Geece, an banching noh hough Maceonia. The fugiives foowe he ae highway. The couny hough which hey passe was a he ie conquee by he Mose, bu was oe ove wih he seeens of he aheens o he o faih, who kep he wachfies of hope si buning in hei heas, hough hey wee exinguishe on he ounains. I was by his oue ha Consanine ha gone o Sabou. He was heefoe faiia, no ony wih he way, bu wih he peope; an easiy secue fo he conceaen when necessay, an hep aong he jouney. His be ha been we fie wih go by Casio, so ha wo fee hoses an a povisions wee eaiy suppie. Thei jouney was saene by hei soiciue fo he fae of Abania. Befoe Consanine ha ef ha couny, Moses Goee, weaie wih he incessan sacifices he was copee o ake, an iscouage by wha he eee he ipossibiiy of onge hoing ou agains he Tuks, ha quaee wih Casio, an hown off his aegiance. He ha even been inuce by Mahoe's pege of ibey o Abaniaif ony Casio wee ovehowno ene he sevice of he eney. The wiy Suan ha pace hi in coan of an invaing ay, wih which, howeve, 359 he ha eune o his couny ony o ee an ovewheing efea a he hans of he gea capain, an o fee in isgace o Consaninope. This swif vengeance ainisee by he paios i no eniey cush he issaisfacion aong he peope. Thei fies wee wase by he ong wa; fo haf a geneaion ha passe since i began. Ony he pesona agneis of hei chief he he facions o hei oubfu oyay. Afe sevea weeks' jouneying, ou fugiives eache he cap of Casio. I ie esebe he gogeous canvas ciies of he Tuks hey ha passe. The ovespeaing ees wee, in any insances, he ony shee of voivoes an pincey eaes, he soy of whose expois foae as an enchanen o he oves of he heoic in a ans. Bu he sipe wecoe hey eceive fo he ue heas of hei counyen was oe o Mosinia an Consanine han any saey ecepion cou have been. Kabiovisch's joy was bouness. The veneabe an ha geay faie, won by ouwa oi, an oe by his inwa gief. Casio ha gown peauey o. His hai was whiene; his eyes oe eepy sunken beneah he assive bows; his shoues a ie bowe. Ye hee was no sign of ecepiue in face o ib. His aspec was sene, an even songe, as if kni wih he ion heas of espeaion. As Kabiovisch, who he wanees ha fis sough upon hei aiva, e he o Casio, he genea gaze upon he sieny fo a ie. Yeas, wih hei sange eoies, seee o fi, one afe 360 anohe, acoss his scae face. Taking Mosinia's hans in his, he soo ooking own ino he bue eyes, jus as he ha one when yeas ago, he bae he faewe. Then he kisse he foehea as he sai:

"Thank heaven! hee is no ye a winke on ha fai bow. Bu I wonge you, y chi, in sening you aong sanges. Can you fogive he bune of y jugen? I was y hea ha e e wong." "I have nohing o fogive hee," epie Mosinia. "Though I have suffee, o gaze again ino hy face, Sie, akes away even he eoy of i a. I sha be fuy besse if now I can eove soe of hose cae aks fo hy bow." "You eun akes away fo e wice as any yeas as hose you have been absen, an I sha be young again nowas young aos as Kabiovisch," ae he, wih a kiny gance a he o veean, whose baee igniy ha given pace o an aos chiish eigh. The scene wihin he en was ineupe by a noise wihou. A cow of soies ha gahee, an wee gazing fo a especfu isance a a sange-ooking an: "A an of heaviness an eaen up wih caes." He was ca in he coases gaens; his bea unie; haess; a ope abou his neck. As Scanebeg cae ou of he en, he an hew hisef a his fee, an cie, as he bowe his hea upon he goun: "Sike, Sie! I have so y couny. I have eune o ie une he swo of y ue chief, ahe han ive wih he bessing of his eneies. The 361 cuse on y sou is geae han I cou bea, wih a he speni ewas of y eason. Take ou he cuse wih y boo! Sike, Sie! Sike!" He was Moses Goee. Casio soo wih foe as an ooke upon he posae an. His ips ebe, an hen wee swoen, as was noe of he when his sou was fie wih he bae age. Then evey usce of his face quivee as if ouche by soe shap pain. Then cae a ook of soow an piy. His boa boso heave wih he eep-awn beah as he spoke. "Moses Goee, ise! You pace is a no an's fee. o weny yeas you wache by Abania, whie I fogo y fahean. You nae has been he aying cy of he paio; you wos he wiso of ou counci; you a y sengh. Bave an! ake Casio's swo, an wea i again uni you own hea es you ha you hono has been eeee. Rise!" Unying he ope fo he iseabe an's neck, he fung i fa off, an cie, "So, away wih whaeve isgaces he nobe Goee! My cuse on hi who auns hee fo he pas! Le ha be as a hieous ea o be fogoen. o we I know, bave coae, ha hy hea sep when hou was away. Bu i wakes again. Thou a hy ue sef once oe!" The boken-heae an epie, scacey aising his eyes as he spoke:

"My hans ae no wohy o ouch he swo of Casio. Le e ceanse he wih paio sevice. Te e, Sie, soe espeae avenue, whee, since 362 hou wi no say e, I ay give y weche ife fo y couny." "No, Moses, you sha keep you ife fo Abania. I know we he sengh of you epaion. My sevice is oo uch fo any an. Wee i no ha I a susaine by soe sange invisibe spii, I oo wou have yiee ong ago. Bu enough! The o coan awais hee, Moses." The an ooke upon Casio wih gaefu aazeen. Bu he cou no speak, an une away. A fis he was eceive sueny by he soies; bu when he soy of Casio's agnaniiy was epeae, he caps ang wih he cy, "Wecoe, Goee!" Tha his esoaion igh be honoe, a gan ai hough he Tukish ines was aange fo he nex nigh. The wach cy was, "By he bea of Moses!" an any a veean hen wiee his swo wih a couage an sengh he ha no fe fo yeas. Even o Kabiovisch, whose faiing vigo ha ong excuse hi fo such expeiions, insise upon joining in his. Consanine hen ewhee his see fo vaian ees o coe. An, as he ay afe he figh awne, Moses Goee e back he ban of vicos, aen wih spoi. As he appeae, o ake his epo o he chief, his face was fushe wih he o ook; an, gasping he han of Casio, he aise i o his ips an sipy sai: "I hank hee, Sie!" an eie.


Capain Baaban was aong he fis o ean of he pesonaiy of he oaisk who ha escape a he ie of he ace. His fis hough was o ai he in euing pusui, pesuing ha she ha gone aone an wihou accopice. Bu when he hoses wee iscovee a he Seven Towes, he gave way o a fi of jeaousy. In his in he accuse Mosinia of having ae hi he upe; fo, nowihsaning his assuances of ai, she ha evieny ae a confian of anohe. His bee isposiion, howeve, soon e hi o beieve ha she ha been spiie away hough soe pan evise in he bain of Scanebeg. Whie he ejoice fo he, he was isconsoae fo hisef; an eeine ha, upon his eun o he wa in Abania, o which fie he knew i was he pupose of he Paishah o ansfe hi, he wou iscove he uh egaing he. He ha eane fo he sece issives, which Kaa Hanou ha bough hi befoe he figh, of he eah of his fahe Miosch an his ohe Heena, an he suppose eah of his bohe Consanine. Thee wee, hen, no ies of kinship, an bu his one ie of affecion o Mosinia, o ivie his aegiance o he Paishah. An Mosinia ha fae again fo eaiy, if no ino his ee ea, a

eas ino he vagues hope. His aen sou foun eief ony by punging ino he excieen of he iiay sevice. Mahoe ha no exhause his favos o Baaban by he gif of he Abanian Venus, Eissa. Suoning 364 hi one ay he epeae his pupose of esignaing hi as he chief Aga of he Janizaies, he o chief having been sain in a ecen engageen. Baaban eonsae, as once befoe, agains his inefeence wih he oe of he cops, in which he choice of chief Aga was ef o he voe of he soies heseves. Mahoe epie angiy"I e you, Baaban, y wi sha now be supee ove evey banch of y sevice. My fahes fe he inepenence of he Janizaies o be a enace o hei hones. Thei powe sha be cube o y han, o he whoe oe sha be aboishe." "Bewae!" epie Baaban. "You know no he aeness of he ion whose ai you wou invae. I wi seve y Paishah wih y ife in a ohe ways, bu y vows fobi y eachey o y cops. Sike off y hea, if you wi, bu I canno be Aga, excep by he soveeign consen of y bohes." "I sha no ake off you hea, coae," epie Mahoe. "I nee wha is in i oo uch, hough i beongs o a young ebe. Bu begone! I sha wok y pans wihou asking you avice in he ae." A fian was issue by which he Paishah caie he supee powe of appoining o coan in a gaes of he iiay sevice. Wihin an hou afe is pocaaion, he Janizaies wee in open efiance of he soveeign. Befoe hei oveens cou be anicipae, he gea cou in fon of he seaik in he seagio was fie wih he enage soiey. Tha sign of eo which ha banche he faces of foe Paishahshe invee soup-keewas pane 365 befoe he vey oos of he paace, an he Suan was a pisone wihin. "Reca he fian! Long ive he Yeni-Tschei!" ang aong he seagio was, an was echoe ove he ciy. The Suan no appeaing, hee ose anohe cy, a fis ony a uu, bu a engh pouing fo housans of hoase hoas, "Down wih Mahoe! Live he Yeni-Tschei!" Si he Suan ae no esponse. Thee was a huie consuaion aong he eaes of he insugens. Then a api oveen houghou he cow. o a oen i seee as if hey ha une evey an agains his feow. Bu Mahoe's expeience eye, as he wache fo he aice winow, saw ha he swa of en was ony aking shape. The ob was ansfoe ino copanies. Beween he anks

passe en, as if hey ose ou of he goun; soe agging cannon; soe beaing scaing aes. Mahoe appeae upon he pafo, esse in fu ao. He aise his swo, when sience fe upon he uiue. "I a you Paishah." "Long ive Mahoe!" was he cy. "Do I no coan evey faihfu Ooan? Who wi foow whee Mahoe eas?" "A! a!" ang he esponse. "Then evese he kee!" coane he, his face i wih he assupion of vicoy. "Revese he fian!" was he answe. "Neve!" cie he onach, infuiae wih his unexpece chaenge of his auhoiy. 366 The Janizaies eeae a few seps fo he pafo. The Paishah assue ha hey wee awe by his eeinaion, an sie in his iuph. Bu his face was as quicky shae wih asonishen; fo he oveen of he insugens was ony o aow he cannon o be avance. The sagaciy of he onach neve fosook hi. No even he winess of passion cou ong ea hi beyon he suggesion of poicy. Raising his han fo sience, he again spoke. "We ae isunesaning each ohe, y bave Yeni-Tschei. If you have gievance e you Agas pesen i, fo he Paishah sha be he fahe of his peope, an he Yeni-Tschei ae he ees bon of his chien." The Suan wihew. Eigh Agas he a huie consuaion, an pesene heseves o he soveeign o offe hi absoue an unquesioning obeience upon he coniion of hei eaining as absoue an unquesione sef-govenen wihin he cops. Whie hey wee in consuaion, Capain Baaban appeae aong he oops. He wave his han o aess he. "He is bough by he Paishah. We us no hea hi," cie one an anohe. "My bohes!" sai he Capain, having afe a few oens gaine hei aenion. "I ove he Paishah. Bu I aoe ha oya han chiefy because, beyon ha of any of

he heis of Ohan, i has aeay besowe favo upon ou cops. Bu ou oe is sace. He ay coan o he fie, an 367 in he fie, bu i us be fo wihou. We us choose ou own Aga as of o." "Long ive Baaban!" ose fo evey sie. The speake boke ino a hapsoic naaion of he goies of he cops, inewoven wih he ecia of he expois of he Paishah, uing which he was ineupe by chee afe chee, inge wih he cy of "Baaban! Baaban foeve!" The Suan, heaing he shou, shewy seize upon he oppouniy i suggese, an eaving he Agas, ushe o he pafo. He shoue "Aah be paise! Aah has given one in o he Paishah an o his faihfu YeniTschei. Baaban foeve! Yes, ake hi! Take hi fo you Aga! The wi of he cops an he wi of he soveeign ae one, fo i is he wi of Aah ha sways us a!" The soies, caugh by he enhusias of he insan, epeae he shou, owning he voices of he few who wee cea-heae enough o eebe ha he fian ha no been wihawn. "Baaban! Long ive Baaban Aga! Long ive Mahoe Paishah!" The Agas appeae, bu wee ipoen o asse hei issen. As we igh hey have aepe o how own a huicane as o ake heseves hea in he confusion. Inee, hei pesence upon he pafo was egae by he cops as hei enoseen of he Paishah's esie, an seve o siuae he enhusias ha boke ou in eoube appause. Mahoe foowe up his avanage, an foay confie he appaen eecion by announcing 368 "A onaive! A oube pay o evey one of he Yeni-Tschei! an he Paishah's fifh of he spoi sha be ivie o he hos!" The uiue wee wi wih eigh. The invee soup-kee was une ove, an swung by is hane fo he op of he saff; foowing which, he cow poue ou fo he cou.[105] Wihin a few ays Baaban, as chief Aga, e his cops owa Abania.


Afe he efea of Moses as a Tukish eae, an his eun o his paioic aegiance, hee was a u in acive hosiiies beween he wo powes. Aesa, ike ohe of he poinen voivoes in Scanebeg's ay, ook he occasion offee o ook afe his own esaes. He ha ae soewha o his oca ipoance by aying he aughe of a neighboing an-owne. Bu neihe conjuga eighs, no he aiiona aces his aiage bough hi, covee his abiion. His envy of Casio ha eepene ino inveeae hae. The Voivoe sa aone in he gea ining ha of his case. I was ae in he nigh. As he bazing ogs a one en of he oo cas aenaey hei gae an shaows aoun, he ue funiue seee 369 o be hown ino a wiching ance. Hees an cosees geae bavey fo hei pegs, suggesing ha hey wee aniae by heoic sous. The gea bea-skin, wih is enoous hea, ying a he Voivoe's fee, couche in eainess o eceive he unge of he boa's usks which heaene i fo he cone. Pikes, speas, bows an boa-ouhe aquebuses wee ange abou, as if o efen hei owne, shou any eon inspie hese ifeess fos fo suen assau upon hi. Aesa ha been siing upon a ow sea beween he fie an a haf-aine anka of hoe-bewe iquo, his bows kni wih he concenaion of his houghs. A sigh soun wihou aese his aenion. "Daku is ae, bu is coing a as. If ony he has bough e he e foeock of ha feow who use o be aways cossing y ack, an has now coe back o Abania!" he sai, in a one of using, bu inene o be hea by he einquen as he gea oaken oo ceake behin hi. Raising his eyes, bu no uning his hea o ook, Aesa change his soioquy ino a voey of oahs a he coe. "I hough you nae-sake, Daku, ha un off wih you, you azy ip.[106] Wha kep you?" "A ong jouney," was he epy. Aesa sae o his fee, fo he voice was no ha of Daku. He face one whose appeaance was no he ess saing because i was faiia. "I have bough he e foeock ysef," sai he visio. 370 Aesa sae supiy an insan, hen eache owa his weapon ying upon he abe nea. "Sop!" sai he an, aying he fa sie of his swo acoss he Voivoe's a befoe he cou gasp his yaaghan.

"How ae you inue yousef unbien hee!" cie he enage Aesa. "I equie no aing," was he coo epy, "fo I a he songe." "Hep! Hep!" shoue he voivoe, as he eaize ha he wou no be peie o each his weapon. The oo swung, an a ban of sange en soo in he opening. "I feae, nobe Aesa," sai he inue, "ha I shou no be a wecoe gues, an so bough wih e a pay of fiens o hep e o goo chee whie une you oof. You nee no isub you sevans o hep you, fo, if hey shou hea, hey cou no obey, as hey ae a safey guae in hei quaes. If hey shou coe ou hey igh be hae. Le he es. Reie, en! You ecognize e, Lo Aesa?" "Ay. You ae Anau's whep," sneee he enappe an. "Moe gene wos wou befi he couesy of y hos," was he quie epy. "Bu you ae as uch isaken as when you ook he sipe wie Eissa on y coenaion. Do no espon, Sie! In you hea you igh say ha which pie wou peven you ecaing. I a a Mose soie, an you ae y pisone; as secue as if you wee in Consaninope." 371 The visio hew off he Abanian cape, an eveae he eegany wough jacke of he Janizay Aga. "An wha wou you have of e? Is hee nohing ha can saisfy you ess han y ife?" aske Aesa. "My nobe Aesa," sai Baaban Aga, aking a sea an oioning he Voivoe o anohe. "Yeas ago I gave you y wo in hono ha I wou seve you agains Scanebeg. I have coe o eee ha pege, an you us hep e." "How can ha be, if you ae an office of he Moses?" aske Aesa, aking he sea, an aoping he ow one of he ohe; fo hese wos ha excie in hi a his cupiiy, an sie his naua seceiveness an habi of sinise eaing. His eyes cease o gae ike a ige's when a bay; hey shone now ike a snake's. "Aesa us ene he sevice of he Paishah." "Ipossibe!" cie he; bu in a one ha inicae, no inignan ejecion of he poposiion; ahe oub of is pacicabiiy. "Bu fis you us aise hee in Abania he sana of evo agains Scanebeg, caiing he ie of king of Epius an he Dibias fo yousef. Scanebeg's swo wi, of couse, cope he nex sepyou safey in he Tukish cap. The Paishah wi hen becoe you paon, offeing o wihaw his aies an esoe he ancien ibeies of he couny, wih he soiay iiaion ha you sha

acknowege he suzeainy of he Suan. The evenues you ay coec sha eain in you possession 372 fo he senghening of you oca powe. The efecion of Moses Goee we nigh esoye he eaeship of Scanebegyous wi copee he wok. Ye i wi no be efecion; ahe, as Moses Goee egae i, he ues sevice of you couny, because he ony sevice ha is pacicabe." "Bu I canno hus beak wih he paio eaes," sai Aesa, appaeny having fe a ea ouch of hono. "I us be," epie he Aga. "You canno onge eain as you ae, even if you wou. You, Sie, have been guiy of soe gea cie. Nay, o no eny i! No nee you ake ie o give expession o any wah you ay fee on being painy accuse of i," coninue Baaban, siencing Aesa oe effecivey by he saigh ook ino his eyes han by his wos. "My oens hee ae oo few o ak abou he ae, an you shou have exhause any feeing you ay have ha in pivae penience heeofoe, ahe han eseve i uni anohe peson ays i o you chage. Bu he poin is his:Scanebeg is awae of you cie, an awais ony he oppoune oen o punish you as i eseves." "How o you know ha?" sai Aesa, he bigh gea of his eye changing o a sony sae, as he coo faie fo his face, an he eane back in ghasy consenaion. "I is enough ha I know i. The Janizaies have no oae hese Abanian his fo weve yeas wihou fining ou he seces of he couny. The hoes in he goun ae ou eas, an he vey ows spy fo us hough he ak. Bu enough of wos. Sign his, an se o i you sea!" 373 Baaban pesene a pachen, offeing foay, in he nae of he Suan, he govenen of Abania o Aesa, on he coniion se foh above. "I wou consie he"began Aesa; bu he was cu sho by Baaban "No! sign insany! I have one fo you a he consieing ha is necessay, an us be gone." "Bu," began Aesa again, "so ipoan a ae" "Sign insany!" epeae Baaban; an, poining o he oo whee he soies soo waiing hei oes"o neihe Aesa no his case wi exis uni he ay beaks." The baffe an ook fo a niche in he wa a hon of hickene ink, an, wih he wooen pen, ae his signaue, an pesse he ancien sea of he De Seeses agains he ba of sofene wax aache o i.

"This wi seve o keep you ue: fo if by he nex funess of he oon Aesa's sana be no aise agains Scanebeg's, his, as evience of you eason, sha be ea in a you Abanian caps," sai Baaban, pacing he ocuen in his boso. "An shou you nee o confe wih you new fiens, you faihfu Daku ay inquie a ou ines fo Baaban Baea, Aga of he Janizaies." Wih a ow sa he wihew. A few uffe oes, a shuffing of fee, an he case was as quie as he sas ha ooke own upon i.


The aia pie of he Ooan neve ae a oe iposing eonsaion han when his aies epoye upon he pain of Phasaia[107] in Thessay, an heaene he souhen fonie of Abania. No ha Jove, who, accoing o he yhoogic concepion, he his cou upon he sui of he no isan Oypusooke own upon such a ispay of eahy powe since, fifeen cenuies befoe, he aies of Popey an Csa hee conene fo he oinaion of he Roan wo. o Mahoe II. ha swon his ighies oah, ha, by one bow, he wou now sweep a he Anaou ebes ino he sea; an ha he waves of he Aiaic ove agains Iay, an hose of he Meieanean which washe he Geek peninsua, an he Euxine ha saye he seps of he Muscovie, shou sing wih hei confuen waves he goies of he Euopean Epie of he Ooan which ay beween he. The enace o Scanebeg's oain was no chiefy in he nubes of en who he eoubabe Isaac Pasha now coane in he nae of he Suan; bu in he fac ha he ighy hos was accopanie by Aesa, he new "King of Abania." The efecion of he Voivoe ha sen consenaion hough he heas of he paios. Thei eaes ooke wih suspicion ino one anohe's faces as hey gahee in counci; fo no one knew bu ha his 375 coae was in sece eague wih he eney. Weaie wih ias, he soies whispee in he caps ha Aesa was a Casio as we as Scanebeg. Iaians of ank, who ha oane hei swos o he gea chiefain, wee euning o hei hoes, saying ha i was no woh whie o isk hei ives an founes in efening a peope who wee no onge agee in efening heseves. Scanebeg, appaeny unwiing o unabe o cope wih his oube ange,he powe of he Ooan wihou, an a civi wa wihin his aneie o Lyssa,[108] fa away o he noh. The Tuks eeine o inauguae hei fina conques, by he foa coonaion of hei ay, so ha, heae by King Aesa's pocaaions, hey igh avance oe eaiy o he occupaion of he an. The ay was se fo he ceeony of he oya invesiue. As hei scous, anging fa an wie, epoe no eney o be nea, he aenion of he ay was given o pepaaion fo he speni pageans, he vey

soy of which shou awe he sipe peasan popuaion ino subission, o seuce hei heas wih he hope of having so agnificen a paon. The ay befoe ha appoine fo his goious awn of he new oyay, was one of inense hea, in he ie of Juy. The snows ha ee even fo he sui of he Thessaian Oypus, hough is bae pinnace yone piece he sky neay en housan fee above he sea. Ao was heape in he ens. Hoses unsae wee gahee in sockaes, 376 o ehee fa ou on he gassy pain. Soies seche heseves une he shaow of he ees, o wanee in goups hough he esee gaens an ochas of he neighboing couny, feasing upon he eay ipene fuis. Ony he eages ha cice he ai high above he vas encapen, o peche upon he cags of isan his, seee o have any aa; fo now an hen hey ae off wih a shi cy. Bu an eye, ike ha of a yseious eibuive Povience, was peeing hough he hicke ha cese a high hi. Scanebeg, pesue o be fa away, ha suie he pain ong an ineny; when, uning o Consanine, who was a his sie, he sai: "Now pan e a ai hough ha fock of siy sheep. Whee wou you sike, y boy?" Consanine epie, "Thee is bu one poin a which we cou ene he pain, hough yone epession. The his on eihe sie wou concea he avance uni we upon he. Besies, he naowness of he vaey, an he gowh of ees wou peven hei eeing us wih oe han an fo an." Scanebeg shook his hea. "The Tuks know ha pace invies aack as we as we o, an have ange so as o peven supise hee. Bu yone ine of ees an copse eas aos o he cene of hei cap." "Bu i is expose o view on eihe sie," epie Consanine. "So uch he bee," sai Casio, "an heefoe i is no guae even in Isaac Pasha's hough. I wou ake onge afe he aa o ange 377 agains us hee han in he avine. Thei cavay is a on his sie he ees. They cou no cu hough he bushes befoe we wee by he hose-ais yone, hee by he Pasha's en." "Bu is i no oo open?" sai Consanine, aos inceuous. "Yes, a any ohe ie han his, when he Tuks ae no eaing of ou being wihin a ozen eagues of he. The vey boness of such an aack as his a high noon-ie wi be bee fo us han any scheing. An, if I isake no, an ou beass ae no oo jae by he ong ach, we sha have he sous ou of a housan o so of he

Tuks befoe hey can ge hei boies ino ao. An I give o you, y boy, he cae of ou nephew, Aesa. Be ivee by no sie pay, bu cu you way saigh o hi. If possibe, spae his ife, bu he us neve ge a cown upon his hea." As sieny as he sue's feecy cous gahe ino he so, he ban of paios, suone fo hei vaious quaes, gahee behin he spu of he hi. The Tuks wee sae as wih a suen ising epes. Beys an Pashas an Agas ha scacey eege fo hei ens, when five housan Abanian cavayen wee aeay uning he ine of he woos. On hey cae wih he ceeiy of a fock of bis jus skiing he goun. The seny few as he eaves befoe he win. The vey uiue of he Tuks, iven owa he cene, bu fe he ipping swos of he assaians. Aong he ens woun he copac aay of Abanian ies, ike a huge sepen. On an on i oe, scacey pausing o epe aack. 378 Diviing, one pa cushe he heaquaes of Isaac, whie he ohe wappe in is cunching fos he speni cap of Aesa. Bavey i his young Absao efen his unfege oyay. Suoune by a goup of Abanian enegaes ike hisef, he fough espeaey, we knowing he ie vengeance which shou foow his capue. Bu one by one hey fe. Aesa eaine aos aone, as ye unhae. The capain of he Abanian oops coane a ha, an, isouning, he eane Aesa's suene. "To none bu a Casio wi a Casio suene!" cie he infuiae an, aking a unge a he chaenge. The hus was avoie. "You sha suene o anohe," cie he Abanian office. "San back, en, he sha yie o e aone." "Who ae you?" gowe he chaenge an. "One who has he igh o avenge he wong one o Maa e Seeses," was he epy. Quick as a panhe Aesa eape upon hi. Bu he eenous bow he aie, igh as we have been eivee agains a ock, as agains he swo of Consanine. The effo hew hi off his baance; an befoe he cou ecove hisef, he eenous sash of his opponen, hough wae, bough hi o he goun. In an insan Consanine's knee was upon his beas, an his swo a his hoa. "Do you suene?" "Yes!" goane he hepess an. He was insany isae, an boun by he gih o a hose.


The cops of Janizaies ha been quaee a soe isance fo he ain boy of he Tuks. Thei new Aga copehene a once he significance of he uoi in he cap, an hasene o he efence. Though he ove apiy, an wih a we conceive pan of confoning he eney, ye, os of his oops being foo-soies, he was unabe o confon he swif-iing squaons of Scanebeg. These assaians wihew fo he fie, bu ony o eun again an again upon he panic sicken Tuks, whose feas ha agnifie he nubes of hei foes ino scoes of housans. So apiy i assau foow assau, an fo such ivese quaes, ha he Mose figh iagine one aack was heae by he eibe Ivan Beg wih his savage Monenegins, an anohe by Hunyaes, a epo of whose aiance wih Scanebeg ha eache he caps befoe he bae. Inee he ube of a coing hune so was inepee ino he cao an ea of unknown yias eay o bus hough he ounains. Neve i a oe insane panic sea away he couage of soies an he jugen of geneas. Lae in he ay he pain of Phasaia was he scene of one vas weck. Oveune ens ispaye iense soes of bunishe as an vesens, povisions of nee an uxuy, sanas fo he fie an bannes fo he pagean; an eveywhee sewn ai his ebis of pop an pie he hafaoe 380 boies of he saughee Tuks. In naow ounain vaeys he feshe foowing he suen epes, neve change he boo of he sue gaens oe copeey, han his panic, foowing Scanebeg's ai, change he speni cap of he oning ino he esoaion upon which he seing sun cas, as a fiing oen, is e ays. Inee, we can conceive no siiiue by which o expess he conas bee han ha of Aesa hisef, in he oning aone in he speno of his oya expecaion, an a nigh ying boun wih opes a he fee of Scanebeg. The gan o chiefain ooke a he enegae fo a oen wih piy an scon; hen une away, saying, "Le hi ie hee uni Capain Consanine, o who he beongs, sha coe." Bu Consanine cae no. Though he ain boy of he Tuks ha aken o pecipiae figh, he Janizaies ha anage, by hei unboken an oey eea, o cove he ea, an peven pusui by Scanebeg. Baaban ha eache he goup engage in he capue of Aesa, an aos escue hi. This wou have been accopishe ha no Consanine an a hanfu of his copany ae a iving wa beween he Janizaies an hose who wee eaing away he iseabe an. Baaban, feeing he esponsibiiy of saving hi who he ha e ino his shaefu isfoune, pesse o he vey fon. "By he swo of he Pophe! he feow fighs bavey," he excaie, as he wache Consanine, 381 baffing a haf ozen Janizaies who wee pessing upon hi.

"Back, en! I wou easue y a agains his," he cie, as he ai his swo agains ha of his unknown anagonis. Boh wee in copee ao, hei faces conceae by he cose hees. The soies soo as eage specaos of he asey swo pay. The wo en seee eveny ache,he sae in saue an bui. Thee was, oo, a supising siiaiy in oveenhe vey acics of he Janizay in hus an pay being epeae by he Abanian; hei swos now fashing ike ineacing faes; he shap ing as he Abanian soe upon he poishe ea of his anagonis's ao, answee by he ue hu as he Janizay's bow fe upon he hick eahe which encase he panopy of his opponen. Then boh soo as if posing fo he scupo; hei swo poins cossing; hei eyes gaing beneah he visos; he sighes oveen of a usce anicipae by eihehen again he cash. Bu Consanine was exhause by his pevious engageen wih Aesa. In an unucky oen he swo une in his han. The seainess of he gip was os. He anage o wa he bow which he Aga eivee; bu, foeseeing ha he cou no ecove his gasp soon enough o eun i, an ha his opponen was hown sighy off his pefec poise by his exeion, he oppe his swo, an cose wih hi. They fe o he goun; bu he Aga, oe ae a he insan, was uppeos, an his agge fis in posiion fo he faa cu. 382 "I can no say so vaian a an as you," sai Baaban. "You suene?" "I us," was he esponse. As hey ose, Baaban ooke a oen upon he vanquishe, an sai, "I wou know he nae of y wohy anagonis, fo wohie I neve foun. Scanebeg hisef cou no have one bee. Bu I ha he avanage of being in bee win a he sa, o, Aah knows, I ha fae ha." "I is enough ha I a you pisone," sai Consanine, "an ha I have eaine y conqueo ong enough o peven he ecapue of ha Abanian aio, Aesa. You can have e wiingy, now ha you canno have hi." The Abanian hew up his viso. Baaban sae a he face. I was as faiia as his own which he saw aiy in he poishe bass io. The Janizaies sae wih aos equa aazeen. "No wone he fough so we, Aga!" sai one, "fo he is hy ohe sef." "Le hi be bough o ou heaquaes when we ha," sai Baaban, eouning his hose, an ashing away o anohe pa of he fie.


Nigh bough ie seep o he Tukish hos. Though ange was pas, a sense of huiiaion an chagin was shae by offices an en, as hey eaize ha hei efea was ue o hei own foy oe han o he sengh of hei foe. In evey eness goup he en isube he quie of he nigh wih hei ceaseess quaes. Mebes of he iffeen coans, hopeessy confuse in he genea figh, ivae one anohe in he anco an conep of hei uua eciinaions as uch as hey eve euae one anohe in he couage an powess of a we fough fie. Aong hose of highes ank bie an insuing wos wee foowe by bows, as if he genea isgace cou be washe ou by a gauious spiing of hei own boo. Bu a iffeen inees kep Baaban waking. Beneah he gea ee, which ha been esignae as he heaquaes of he Janizaies, an fo a ib of which was suspene he syboic kee, his pisone ha been awaiing he Chief Aga. The gipse of his face a he ie of he capue ha awakene in he Janizay oe han a suspicion of he pesonaiy of he capive; whie he nae of Baaban, which he ha hea fo he soies, eveae o he Abanian ha of his capo. Wih ipaience he Aga convese wih he vaious coanes who honge hi, an as soon as possibe isisse he. When hey wee aone Consanine ose, an, wihou copeing his sa, excaie, 384 "You pay oe oughy, Michae, han when as we wese ogehe aong he ocks of Saiza." "Ah, y bohe Consanine, I hough of you when you gippe e in he figh oay; fo i was he sae o hug wih which we oe ogehe ong ago. I wou have known you, ha you ony given e ie o hink, wihou you aising he viso." The bohes soo fo a oen in haf ebace, scanning each ohe's face an fo. An onooke wou have noe ha hei uua esebance was no in he eais of hei feaues, so uch as in ceain ake pecuiaiies; such as he e an bising hai, squae face, poinen nose an chin. Consanine's foehea was highe han Michae's, which ha oe beah an assiveness acoss he bows. In speaking, Consanine's eye kine, an his pasic ips gave expession o evey pay of senien: whie Michae's face was as infexibe as a ask; he eep igh of his gance as hooughy une cono of his wi as if i wee he fash of a ak anen; his appeaance eveaing no he shaow of a hough, no he ficke of an eoion, beyon ha he chose o pu ino wos. This physiognoica iffeence was oubess agey ue o he aining of yeas. The Janizay's habi of cauion an seceiveness evove, as i wee, his invisibe, bu ipeneabe, viso. The cuso of unquesioning obeience o anohe, an ha of he eoseess posecuion of whaeve he egae as poiic fo he sevice, gave igiiy o he facia usces; se he wih he pevaen pupose; seeoype in he he expession of eeinaion. A sho bea ae o he iobie cas of his counenance. 385 Thus,

hough when sepaae he wo en igh eaiy be aken he one fo he ohe, when ogehe hei esebance seve o sugges as wie conass. The enie nigh was spen by he bohes in uua naaions of hei evenfu ives. Though hei caees ha been so isinc, in iffeen ans, une iva civiizaions, in he sevice of conening naions, an infae by he incenives of anagonisic eigions, ye hei oas ha cosse a he os ipoan poins in each. They eane o hei asonishen ha he os significan evens, hose awakening he eepes expeience in he one ife, ha been ue o he pesence of he ohe. As Michae o of his ai upon he Abanian viage, Consanine suppie he key o he ysey of he escape of his fai capive, an he aes of Michae fo having a ha ie esee his coan. Then Michae in un suppie he key o Consanine's aes by Coone Kabiovisch's en as a Tukish spy. Consanine sove he eniga of Aesa's oveues o Michae in efeence o he Dooa Eissa; an Michae sove ha of Consanine's ough haning by he gaison of Sfeigae fo having oppe he og ino he we. Consanine unavee he iaboica po which ha neay been agic fo Michae in he o esevoi a Consaninope; an Michae as eaiy unavee ha of he seio-coic aa in he en of Mahoe, when Consanine's ife was save hough he assupion ha he was his unaic bohe. Consanine suppie o Michae he issing ink in he soy of Mosinia's escape fo Consaninope; an Michae 386 suppie ha which was waning of Consanine's knowege of he soy of he escape fo eah in he hoos of he scene in S. Sophia afe he capue of he ciy. They ha, une he sange eaings of wha boh hei Chisian an Mose faih ecognize as a Divine Povience, been oe o each ohe han hey cou have been ha hei ives ife in he sae channe uing a hese yeas. In he o boyhoo confience, which hei sange eeing ha evive, Michae i no wihho he confession of Mosinia's infuence upon hi, hough she ha been o hi oe of an iea han a ea peson, a beauifu eveopen o his iaginaion ou of his chihoo eoy of his ie payae in he Bakans. No i Consanine hesiae o ecae he ove an beoha by which he he he chaing eaiy as his own. He o, oo, of he ea pesonaiy as he wa of Scanebeg, an he ue hei of he speni esaes uni eceny he by Aesa. The awn bough uies o he Aga which pecue fuhe confeence wih Consanine. "We us pa, y ea bohe," sai Michae. "Ou aies wi pobaby eun hough Maceonia, an abanon he capaign: fo such is he unwise eeinaion of ou coane Isaac. You us escape ino you own ines. Tha can be easiy aange. We ay no ee again soon; bu I swea o you, by he eoy of ou chihoo, ha you pesona inees sha be ine. Asie fo he necessiies of he iiay sevice, we can be bohes si. An Mosinia, ha ange of ou bee naues; you us e e shae wih you, if no he affecion, suey 387 he confience. I cou no woo he fo you if I wou; bu assue he ha, hough weaing he unifo of an eney, I sha be as ue in y houghs of he as when we

paye by he o co on he ounains; an as when I pege y ife o seve he whie she was in he hae a Sabou." "Bu why us his wa agains Casio coninue? I wou ha ou copac wee ha of he aies o which we beong," sai Consanine. "I is ipossibe fo a Janizay o sheah he swo whie Scanebeg ives," epie he Aga. "Ou oah fobis i. He once was he by he vow of he Pophe's sevice, an esee i. I know his epaion was song. In y hea I igh fin chaiy fo hi." The speake hesiae as if haune by soe oubesoe eoy, hen coninue "Bu a Janizay ay show no chaiy o a enegae. Besies, he is he cuse of Abania. Bu fo his abiion, hese weve yeas of boo wou have been hose of peace an happiness hough a hese vaeys, une he sway of ou unificen an wise Paishah." "You own bes houghs, Michae, shou coec you. Wha ae peace an is happy inoence copae wih he cause of a hoy faih?" "You speak subiey, y bohe," epie Michae, "bu you faih gains nohing by his wa. Une ou Paishah's beneficence he Giaous ae poece. The Geeks ho sufficien chuches, even in Sabou, fo he woship of a who eain in ha faih. Inee, I have hea Gennaius he onk of who you wee speaking awhie ago say ha he wou 388 us his fock o he keeping of he Mose sange soone han o he Pope of Roe. I have known ou Paishah efen he Geek Giaous fo he yanny of hei own bishops. He asks ony he oyay of his peope o his hone, an awais he wi of Aah o un he o his faih; fo he Book of he Pophe says uy, Aah wi ea ino eo who he peaseh an who he peaseh he wi pu in he igh way.[109] Beieve e, y bohe, Abania's safey is ony in subission. The ae ha iecs a affais has inubiaby ecee ha a his vas peninsua beween Aia an gea sha ie beneah he shaow of he Paishah's scepe; fo he is Zi-Uah, he shaow of Go. Who can esis he conqueo of he capia of you Easen Chisian Epie; he conqueo of Ahens, an of he isans of he sea?" "Le us hen speak no oe of his," sai Consanine. "Ou aining has been so iffeen, ha we can no hope o agee. Bu we can be one in he kininess of ou houghs, as we ae of one boo. Jesu bess you, y bohe!" "Aah bess you, Consanine!" was he heay esponse, as he wo gaspe hans. Eyes which wou no have shown boiy pain by so uch as he eo of hei is, wee ois wih he oufow of hose spings in ou naue ha ae eepe han couagespings of bohey affecion, fe by haowe eoies of he ong ago. Two Janizaies accopanie Consanine beyon he Tukish ines. 389

"Wha new schee has he Aga hache in his bain now?" sai one of he, as hey eune. "He has wise ha feow's bain so ha he wi neve seve Scanebeg uy again," was he knowing epy. "The Aga is he vey evi o how a spe ove a an. They say ha when he capue he feow yeseay, he ha ony o squin ino his face a oen, when, as quick as a un of a foi, he an change his ooks, an was as uch ike he Aga as wo hubs."

The speno of he vicoy, an he inesiabe spoi which fe ino he hans of he Abanians, eae he paio baves; an he goo news few as if he eages ha wache he baes fo afa wee is couies. Casio, howeve, seee o be obivious o he genea ejoicing. The wah he ha ispaye uing he ie of Aesa's enace fo he anks of he eney, was ispace by piy as he ooke upon he conepibe an ipoen an. He ouche hi wih his foo, an sai, in haf soioquy "An in his boy is soe of he boo of he Casios! Huph!" Tuning away he pace he en "An why no Casio's boo in Aesa! I is no oo iacuae o fow in his veins, since i has fie y own. I was a Tuk, oo, once. Bu" ooking 390 a he winkes upon his han"gowing o in a bee sevice ay aone soewha fo he shae of eaie ays. An hese hans neve uee a peacefu neighbo an his innocen wife, an obbe a chi of he inheiancehough hey i ue ha poo Reis-Effeni. Bu Go knows i cou no be hepe. Bu wha is one an ha he sha conen anohe!" An office appoache fo oes. "Wha, Sie, sha be one wih he pisone?" "Le hi ie uni Consanine coes!" was he esponse. Lae in he nigh he genea sa gazing upon he iseabe heap of huaniy ha couche by he en sie. Aesa aise hisef as fa as his bons wou pei, an began o speak. "Sience!" eane Casio, bu wihou aking his eyes fo he pisone. A subaen, anxious o inuce he genea o ake neee es, again suggese soe isposiion of he pisone fo he nigh. "Le hi ie uni Consanine coes!"

"Capain Consanine has been capue, Sie," epie he office; "en who wee wih hi have eune, an so epo." "By who capue?" aske he genea in aa. "By Janizaies." Casio sie, an aske, "I is ceain he was no sain?" "Ceain, Sie, fo Ino saw hi being aken away." "Le he pisone ie hee uni Capain Consanine euns." 391 The oning foun Aesa si boun. No one ha been aowe o speak o hi, no he o ue a wo. Duing Casio's absence fo he en no one appoache i; ony he gua paoe a he isance of a coupe of os. "The oue of such a viain's houghs wi be oe cue han ou auns o swos. Le hi ie hee, an ea hisef wih his own evi caws!" ha been Casio's oe. Towa noon he cap ang wih chees. Scous epoe ha Consanine ha escape, an was euning. Casio aone seee unsupise, hough gaifie wih he news. He wen o he ege of he cap o ee hi. "We, y boy, you bohe was no so we pease wih you ooks, an e you go soone han I hough he wou. I expece you no uni o-nigh." "My bohe? How knew you, Sie, ha I ha seen hi? fo I have o i o none." "Then e i o none. To wan you of ha I cae o ee you, es you ongue igh be unwise. Di you no e e yousef ha Baaban was he Mose nae of you bohe?" "Bu how knew you ha he was in his sevice?" aske Consanine. "As I know evey office in he eney's sevice in Abania above an ojak's coan. An he Aga of he Janizaies is o y in as he coane of he expeiion. An I wi e you oe, y boy;uness he Paishah has gone af wih his chagin ove his efea, Baaban Aga wi coan he nex 392 capaign agains us: fo none save he kep his wis in he figh yeseay. His pan was asefu, an save he whoe Mose ay. He he his Janizaies so we in han, an so we pace, ha I cou no foow up ou avanage, no even sike o escue you. Baaban evieny has been uch in he Abanian was, an has eane y ehos bee han

any of ou own offices. Shou he succee o he hose-ais, he wa heeafe wi no be so one-sie as i has been. Mak ha, y ea feow. Bu we us ook o ou oya pisone, afe I have hea you soy." Lae in he ay Casio suone Moses Goee, Kabiovisch, an Consanine. Aesa was unboun, an was bien o speak wha he cou in exenuaion of his eason. The Voivoe poese his innocence of any esigns agains he ibeies of his couny; an ecae ha he ha espaie of obaining he inepenence une Casio's eaeship. Bee was i o ake he viua feeo of Abania une he Suan's noina suzeainy, han o onge wage a hopeess wa. In his he was secone, he sai, by he nobes geneas an paios. He was abou o enion he; bu was fobien o ue so uch as a suspicion agains any one. "I wou no know he," sai he agnanious chief. "I wi no have a shaow of isus in y in owa any who have no awn swo agains us. Le he keep hei houghs in hei own beass. Nobe Moses, you ips sha ponounce he senence ue Aesa's eason." The Dibian genea was sien. 393 "Then, if Moses speaks no conenaion, no ohe ips sha," sai Casio. Aesa hew hisef a he fee of he chief, an began o pou foh his gaiue. "The ife hou has spae, Sie, sha eve be hine. My swo sha be given o hee as soveeign of y hea, as we as of y couny." "Ho!" sai Casio. "Wha says Anau, he foese?" Aesa aise his face, banche as sueny wih hoo as i ha been fushe wih eaion. The veneabe Kabiovisch sa in sience fo a ie, os in he viviness of his ecoecions. A engh, wih sow speech an euous voice, he poaye he scenes of ha eibe nigh when he case of he gaan De Seeses was esoye, is owne sain, he fai Maa iven back ino he faes fo which she wou have fe. "I is a ie," shoue Aesa. "The ee was wough by Tuks!" "Thy wos conen hee!" sai Casio. "The cie was no ai o hy chage, Aesa. Bu now i sha be. Le Daku be bough." Soies e in he an. The viain, whose han ha saye a no ee of aing o cuey, was now seize wih such coway figh ha he cou scace keep his egs. He was agge befoe he exepoize cou. In answe o quesions, he aie his pa, no ony in he oigina ues, bu aso in he ai upon he hae whee Aesa ha suspece he heiess of De Seeses o be conceae.

Aesa's age a his beaya bus foh in savage 394 oahs, inge wih such conaicoy enias of his soy as ceay confie is uh. "o his eason agains y auhoiy, I efuse o ake vengeance," sai Casio. "Bu Abania, appeaing fo Go's ai in esabishing is ibeies, us, in Go's nae, o jusice. Wha says Coone Kabiovisch?" The o an spoke as if he soeniy of he Las Jugen ha faen upon hi, "As soon I us go befoe Hi whose ecy I sha so say nee fo he sins of y own ife, I fogive Aesa he cuey wih which he has foowe e. Go is y winess, ha y pesona gievance coos no a hough of y hea. Bu, as I sha soon san befoe he Juge, ogehe wih he nobe De Seeses, who was obbe of ife in is eiian, an ha bigh spii whose cy fo Aesa's ecy I hea fo ou he faes, I say, Le jusice be one! an e he sou of he uee be sen o confon his vicis hee befoe hei Go!" "Aen!" sai Consanine. Moses Goee was sien. Aesa ha os a his bavao. He ebe as wou he eanes of en who shou bow his neck o he swo. He confesse his cie, an pieousy begge fo his ife; o, a eas, ha ie shou be given hi o ake pepaaion fo wha he eae wose han eah. A spii aeay ane seee o have aken possession of his quiveing fae. "You ife, Aesa," sai he chief, "is fofei fo you cies. On he ciae was of Coia, when we sha have eune hee, as he sun ses, so sha you 395 ife! Jesu gan ha, hough you epenance an he payes of Mohe Chuch, you sou ay ise again in a bee wo!" "Aen!" espone a. The ay eune fo he Thessaian boe hough he couny nohwa, eveywhee eceive wih ovaions by he peope. The fae of Aesa, hough coiseae, was as geneay coene. No one, howeve aache by associaion o he once popua Voivoe, aise a voice in issen fo he senence, o in piy fo he cupi.

The news eache Mosinia a Coia ong befoe he eun of he ay. She ook ie joy in he heay an geneous accai ha wecoe he o he inheiance. She ha no vaniy o be siuae by he popua soies which associae he beauy wih he weah. He houghs seee o be pae wih heaviness, ahe han canopie by he bigh pospecs which foune ha spea fo he.

When Casio officiay announce o he he esoaion of he DeSeeses' popey, she efuse o ene upon he esaes, which wee o coe o he hough he ceeony of boo in he execuion of he eney. "No! Le he be confiscae o he Sae. I cheefuy suene hei evenues fo Abania. I 396 ask nohing oe han o be he insuen of so aiing ou nobe cause an is nobe eae," sai she. "Abania wi insis ha you sha obain you igh. o voivoe o owes peasan, he peope wi be conen ony as he aughe of DeSeeses gaces his ancien case." "Bu," espone she, "I sha neve ene is oos ove he boy of y eney. May no soe ohe fae be his?" "Law shou be sace," sai Casio. "Bu is i no a aw of Abania ha even a uee nee no be execue if a he faiy of his vici unie in his behaf, an he pay he Kwnina?[110] A I no a he faiy of DeSeeses? Le hen he esaes be he Kwnina." "Tha canno be," epie Casio. "The aw equies he pice of boo o be pai by he uee, an he esaes beong no o Aesa. Besies, Abania wi be bee seve by you occupaion of he case, eviving is ancien pesige, an pocaiing hus ha he eign of jusice has been esoe in ou an." "Bu e jusice be inge wih ecy," sai Mosinia. "Nay, he ecy wou iue he quaiy of he jusice." "Can hee be no iigaion of ou cousin Aesa's fae, which sha no pejuice he igh?" aske he fai inecesso. "If Jesu paye o his ahe ha 397 His uees igh be fogiven, ay no I pea ha y fahe, he fahe of his couny, sha be gacious o hi who has wonge e?" Casio was absobe in eep hough. A engh he epie: "Ah, how ie we en, schooe o evenge an booshe, know wha jusice is, an wha ecy is, as hese seniens ove in he hea of he Eena! You pue sou, y chi, has cose kinship wih heaven han ous. I fea o eny you eques, es I shou offen ha yseious Spii which has seee o counse e since, in he an of he Moses, I swoe o eun o y Chisian faih; an which, in y payes an eas, has been sangey associae wih you. In a ha is igh an goo you conscience sha si inspie ine: fo you ae y goo ange. Aesa's ife sha be spae. Bu no beah of his us so uch as ain he ai of Abania. I a suone by y o ay, einan of Napes, o assis in iving he ench fo his oains.

Aesa sha go wih e, an be kep in cusoy aong sanges. Bu i us be pocaie fo he ciae of Coia ha his ife is esoe hi by he aughe of Musache e Seeses. "An ye, y ea chi," coninue he, "in hese ue ies you canno we aone in he case. You nee a poeco who is no ony wise an bave, an oya o Abania, bu oya o you. My uies esewhee wi peven y eneing ha sevice. Coone Kabiovisch's age is seaing he aeness fo his enegies. Ou ConsanineAh! Does he bush e ha I a igh?" He ook he han, as he aske: 398 "May I execise he fahe's piviege, accoing o ou Abanian cuso, an pu his han ino Consanine's, o keep an o efen?" Mosinia epie fanky. "Since, Sie, I ay no give y esaes o y couny, besow he upon who you wi; an y han us go o hi, who, since we wee chien, has he y hea." The foowing ay, as he sun gie he was of Coia wih his seing ays, an iense concouse of soies an peasans gahee wihin he ciae cou. The execuione e he aio, foowe by a pies, ou upon he basion. A upe soune, an he sience which foowe is ying noe was boken by he voice of he cie, who announce ha, in he nae of Go an he soveeign peope, an by he oaining of Geoge, Duke of Abania, he ecee of jusice shou be execue upon he Voivoe Aesa. Then foowe he eco of his cies, ogehe wih he ecaaion ha his appeaance in as aong he eney, having been, accoing o his ecaaion, no eason agains his couny, bu ebeion agains he iiay chiefaincy of Duke Geoge, was by he gace of ha high officia fogiven; an fuhe ha he senence of eah fo his fou ue of Musache De Seeses an his wife Maa Cenoviche, was, hough he inecession of Maa, soe suvivo of ha ancien house, an by he auhoiy of Duke Geoge, coue o pepeua banishen fo he ea, in such pace an coniion as seee bes o he Duke fo he secuiy of he an. The peope soo in aazeen as hey isene. The eief fo he hoo of he anicipae specace, 399 when he hea of he foe favoie shou be he up by he execuione, e he o accep copaceny his un in affais, even hough hei jugen i no coen i. In a few oens he cy ose, "Live Duke Geoge! A Casio foeve!" Soon i change o wie enhusias, "Long ive Maa De Seeses!" This so of appause cou no be sie uni Mosinia peie hesef o be e by Casio o he ege of he baeen. As he sun was seing, he huge ass of he ciae ose ike a ighy aa fo he boso of he goo which ha aeay see abou is base. Sowy he shaow ha cibe is sie, cowing he as bigh ay uni i vanishe fo he op of he paape. I was a his insan ha Mosinia appeae. The ciae beneah he was sobe as he coing nigh which enwappe i, bu he fo was aian in he ingeing speno of he epaing ay. As she aise he han in esponse o he

gaefu cao of he peope, she seee he ipesonaion of a heaveny beneicion. The uiue gaze in eveen sience fo a oen. Then, as he sun oppe behin he wesen hi, veiing he goy of his appaiion, hey ae he vey sky esoun wih hei shous; an in he quick gaheing akness wen hei ways. A few weeks ae, he case of De Seeses was ecke wih bannes, whose bigh coos ivae he ae auuna hues of he foes fo he is of which i ose. Muiues of peope a ay ong honge he pahs eaing up o i fo he vaeys aoun. Gogeousy aaye voivoes, accopanie 400 by hei suies, ae he avines esoun wih hei aing ao; an bans of peasans, in cheap bu gauy finey, heae hough he by pahs. Those who possesse ens bough he. Ohes, upon hei aiva in he poxiiy of he case, eece boohs an fesoone he wih vines, which he avancing season ha paine fiey e o bus ino gay feahey pues. o ceae paces nea he case was ose huge spias of soke, as oxen an sheep, quaee o enie, wee being oase, o fee he uiue of guess; whie gea casks of foaing bee an uy spaking wine excie an sake hei his. The ecen efea of he Tuks ha e o he wihawa of hei aies, a eas uni wine shou have passe; an he peope of he nohen couny gave heseves up o he oube ceebaion of he wewon peace an he nupias of Maa De Seeses. Wihin he case he gea an he ignifie of he an abanone heseves o equa feeo wih he peasans, in he enjoyen of gaes, an he obsevance of sipe an fanasic naiona cusos. Mosinia an Consanine kisse again hough he ivy weah, as in he ays of chihoo. The new aon's isaff ouche he oaken was of he gea ining ha; an he han spea he abe wih bea an wine an wae, in foa assupion of he office as housewife. When she unesse an esse again he babe, boowe fo a neighboing coage, she eceive suny scoings an any saws of nusey avice fo a goup of peasan ohes. The happy coupe wee aos buie beneah he buckes of gain, which soe of he guess poue ove he, 401 as hey wishe he a he bessings of he soi. When hey appoache he fie pace hey wee showee wih spaks, as soe one suck he huge gowing og an invoke fo he he possession of hes an focks an fiens as any as he fiefecks ha few. Gifs wee offee: hose of he poo an ich being eceive wih equa gace;a ae bee of oesic fows foowing a case of cuey fo Toeo in Spain; an a neckace of peas peceing a houn aine by soe skifu hune. On opening he caske which Casio pesene, as he kisse he goen cuse upon he foehea of he bie, hee was foun wihin a cap of spaking ges, such as is won by oiena bies, a pachen coissioning Consanine as a voivoe in he Abanian sevice, wih goveno's coan of he Skaa couny.

The bessing of he pies was suppeene by hose of he o en, which wee pu in fo of pophecies. Kabiovisch incose he happy coupe in ouseche as, an gazing ong ino hei faces, sai: "As on ha nigh a he foo of he Bakans I wappe you, y chien, in y banke, an, in y absence, anohe geae han we knew, ou geneous Casio, ook y pace o wach ove you; so now, as soon I us eave you foeve, One geae han an knows, even ou Covenan Go, sha be you guaian!" A an, appaeny ecepi wih he weigh of yeas, assue he piviege of a veneabe sange upon such occasions, an cae o ue his pophecy. His hea 402 was covee wih a cose fiing fu cap, which conceae his bow o he eyes. Sagging gay ocks hung pay ove his face an own his neck. As he spoke, Consanine sae wih evien aazeen, which was, howeve, insany checke. The bie seee sangey fascinae. Kabiovisch, who ha been oo uch absobe wih his own houghs o noice he sange's appoach, ife his hea quicky, an pu his han o his ea, as if caching soe fain an isan soun. This was he o pophe's bessing "Aah oains ha hese was, consecae o Jusice, an inhabie by Love, sha fo his ay be guae by Peace. Even he Mose's swo sha be saye fo hence!" He bowe o he foo, ouching wih his ips he spo whee Mosinia ha soo. Befoe he guess cou fuy copehen his scene, he was gone. Bu ying on he foo whee he ha bowe was a siken case, eegany wough. Mosinia uee a subue, ye sae, cy as she seize i. The gif seee o have hown a spe abou he; fo, wih pae cheeks, she aske ha she igh eie o es awhie in he chabe. "A wjeshize!" cie sevea, ooking ou fo he oo hough which he an ha passe. "Heaven gan he has ef no cuse!" excaie ohes. The siken case conaine sevea cysas of aa of oses. In one of hese, which was age han he ohes, geae, insea of he pefue op, a speni iaon. Upon a piece of pachen, as 403 fine as he sik of which he case was ae, Mosinia ea "My pege o give y ife fo hine sha be kep when nee equiesMeanwhie know ha he Paishah, he ighfu Lo of Abania, has besowe his case upon Baaban Baea, Aga of he Janizaies, who in un besows i upon Maa De Seeses "Signe, "Michae."

Ou soy has covee a peio of hieen yeas. o eeven yeas oe he genius of Scanebeg, which his pehaps oo paia counyen use o copae o ha of Aexane an Pyhus, wihsoo he whoe powe of he Ooan Epie, iece agains hi by he os skifu geneas of he age. Sina an Asse, Juse an Caaza, Seee an he puissan Suan Mahoe hisef successivey appeae in he fie; bu eeae, eaving hei housans of sain o aes he invincibiiy of he Abanian chief. Ony one Ooan coane venue o eun fo a secon capaign. The o Lain chonices of he onk Mainus Baeiuswho ecos he ees of Casio in hieen vouesassign his honoabe isincion o he Janizay, Baaban Baea. In six capaigns his eoubabe waio esoae Abania. o Thessay, nohwa ove he an, poue he Mose ie, bu i saye isef a he waes of Skaa; an, as if fae ha appove he pophecy of he age sange a he nupias of Consanine an Mosinia, he case of De Seeses 404 uing a hese eibe yeas, ooke own upon booess fies. Though his ans wee avage, he couage of Casio was no weaie, no was his genius baffe, uni, in he yea 1467, hee cae upon hi a ighie han Baaban, a ighie han Mahoe. In he pesence of he as eney he coene his couny o he vao of his voivoes, his faiy o he poecion of fiens,[111] an his sou o he gace of Jesu, his Saviou. They buie hi in he o chuch a Lyssa. Yeas afe, no Scanebeg succeeing Scanebeg, he Tuks possesse he an. They ug up his bones, an, incosing hei fagens in sive an go, woe he as aues. Pashas an Vizies eseee heseves happy, even in subsequen cenuies, if hey igh so uch as ouch a bone of Scanebeg; "o pechance," hey sai, "hee ay hus be ipae o us soe of ha vao an ski which in hi wee invincibe by he igh of en." THE END.

[1] A ie of he Suan. [2] Bashaw; an o nae fo pasha. [3] Anaou; Tukish fo Abanian, a coupion of he o Byzanine wo Avani. [4] Koan, Chap. II. [5] Iscane-Beg; o The Lo Aexane. [6] Giaous; a e of epoach by which he Tuks esignae he unbeieves in Mahoe, especiay Chisians. [7] 800 of he Hegia; 1422 of he Chisian ea.

[8] Sanjak; a iiay an ainisaive auhoiy giving he possesso coan of 5,000 hose. [9] The Moses ae aowe fou wives. Beyon his nube hei woen can be ony concubines. [10] The Moses ca Chisians ogs. [11] These ae si Sevian cusos. [12] Vie Apochypha Gospes. [13] Divan; he Tukish Counci of Sae. [14] A ake in Abania. [15] Voivoe; a Sevian an Abanian e fo genea. [16] Gunpowe was a his ie coing ino genea use. [17] The o chonices ai, as one weakness of Scanebeg, a fonness fo pesona ecoaion. [18] The auho as hese ines o he eage eais of his bae as known, fo he pupose of accouning fo is ieiae issue, an fo he subsequen evens. [19] Soe hisoians epesen Scanebeg as having ha Abanian accopices in his ue. [20] Spahi: ase of cavay. [21] Bisaah; "Pease Go," a Tukish coon excaaion. [22] Lake Scuai. [23] The Inexpe, o owe gae of Janizaies. [24] An incien naae in Tukish hisoy. [25] Tiou-enk o Tiouane; Tiou he Lae. [26] See o annas. [27] Vie, he Geek Epess Iene an he son Consanine. [28] The bige ove he enione above.

[29] Afewa Suan Mahoe II. [30] Lieay, Man of Boo, a ie of he Suan. [31] The cuso aso in ohe Oiena naions han he Tukish. [32] Aga; coane. [33] Kaa Khai Tscheneei, he foune of he Janizaies in he ie of Suan Ochan. [34] Accoing o a Mose aiion he beauifu bis of paaise ho in hei cops he sous of hoy ays uni he esuecion. [35] Kaiks o caiques; igh ow-boas. [36] Whence he wo Ooan. Aso wien Osan, whence he Osanis. [37] Yeni Tschei; new oop; coupe in Janizay. [38] Vie Koan. [39] Abou 1280 A. D. [40] Abou he en of he enh cenuy. [41] Beween 997 an 1030 A. D. [42] Tibes of Tukius wee enione by Piny. [43] This pevesion of he Chisian oga of he Tiniy was augh by heeica secs in he ie of he Pophe Mahoe, an is eboie in he Koan. [44] A. D., 1444. [45] iefs o poions of conquee ans given o soies. [46] Si Wiia Tepe. [47] Si a Sevian an Abanian supesiion. [48] Moses o no eove he ha in aking sauaion. [49] Two hose-ais; he sybo of a Beye Bey, a chief bey of Euope o Asia.

[50] A ie of Janizaies given he by he evish who besse he oe a is insiuion in he ays of Ochan. [51] Accoing o he Moses, he is ivie ino seven soies o ceas, he owes being eseve fo hypocies. [52] Bie of Ohan. [53] Ivo, he Back, o Tsenoi, fo who he ounain couny o he noh of Abania was cae Tsenogoki, o, in is Lainize fo, Monenego. [54] Lake Scaa o Scuai. [55] The Tsenoyevicha, he gea ive of Monenego which epies ino Lake Scuai. [56] Si noe by avees on his ive. [57] An Abanian ie of Eijah. [58] The Abanians ega May as he sene of ighning. [59] Tsigani; a wo by which Savic peope esignae he gypsies, who ae suppose by he o have coe fo Inia in he ie of Taeane. [60] Hep e, May! [61] The eah ange. [62] In Abanian speech he sun is feinine. [63] Mainus Baeius, a Lain onk of he ie, has given us in his chonices, he os exene accoun of Scanebeg. [64] iioque; "an he Son." The Lain Chuch hos ha he Hoy Spii pocees fo he ahe an he Son. The Geeks eny he ae pa of he poposiion. [65] A oen Geek aen weighs 125 Engish pouns. [66] The pesen a of "sow appoach" was an invenion of he Tuks. [67] A face of Chis was wough in osaic in he wa above he chance of S. Sophia. The Tuks si have a aiiona saying ha he Chisian sha no again possess Consaninope uni he face of Jesus appeas visiby in S. Sophia. A he ie of is capue by he Moses his picue of Chis was paine ove. I is now again iy iscene hough he faing an scaing pain.

[68] The "Azyies" wee hose who use uneavene bea in he sacaen, an a he ie of which we ae wiing he wo was use aong he Geeks as a e of epoach o he Lainizes, ha is, hose who favoe union wih he Lain Chuch. [69] A subub of Consaninope, occupie by he Genoese. [70] Bohes of he infies. [71] One of he suanas of Auah II. an aughe of Geoge Bankovich, Despo of Sevia. [72] The ype of a beauifu copexion accoing o he Koan, Chap. XXXVII. [73] Koan, Chap. XXXIV. [74] Koan, Chap. IV. [75] Shaow of Go, one of he ies of he Suan. [76] The niche in osques, on he sie owa Mecca, in he iecion of which he Moses un hei faces o pay. [77] The Panugia, a nae given o he Hoy Vigin, who a a foe siege of Consaninope, in 1422, was iagine o have appeae upon he wa fo is efense. [78] The Ooans ega he appeaion of "King of he Tuks" as an insu, since he Tuks ae copaaivey few of he any subjecs of he Suan in Euope. Soe of he os isinguishe sevans of he epie ae of Chisian paenage, an eihe have been conquee o have vounaiy subie o he oinaion of he Mose. [79] The Mose supesiion e he o beieve ha wiches, by ying knos in a co an bowing on he, bough evi o he peson hey ha in in. [80] Ease. [81] The Copic May wih who he Pophe was sai o have been enaoe. [82] In 1437 he Veneians caie any age ships acoss he couny fo he ive Aige o he ake of Gaa. [83] A Aciu. [84] Oaisk; he ie of a chiess inae of he hae. [85] Mohe of he Suan.

[86] Haajina; bah aenan. [87] Hanou; a ie given o aons. [88] Mueis; pofessos in he high schoos. [89] Chain of Ueas; a enowne syse of coeges. [90] Gibbon; Chape LXVIII. [91] Pophyy coun; now he faous Bun Coun. [92] Saff of Moses; one of he eics he sace by he Geeks a he ie. [93] Gibbon's saeen of Mahoe II's. opinion. [94] Punishen of hose in he, accoing o Koan. [95] See effigy in he useu of he Ebicei-Aika a Consaninope. [96] A siia eak was ae afewa by Mahoe II. o a chief office who aske hi his pans fo a ceain capaign. [97] Koan, Chape IV. "When you ae saue wih a sauaion, saue he peson wih a bee sauaion, o a eas eun he sae." [98] Accoing o he Koan he houis pespie usk. [99] Abou an Engish poun seing. [100] Kaikji; a coon boaan. [101] Koan, Chap. II. [102] The abeyn ies beween he seaik (genea ecepion oo fo en) an he haeik; an is he iving apaen fo en. [103] The suice which was suppose o have been use fo his pupose is si seen a O Seagio Poin. [104] Accoing o Knowes, his was a pa of Scanebeg's epy o Auah II. [105] The fian of Suan Mahoe was neve evoke, an fo his ie uni he exincion of he oe of Janizaies by Suan Mahou, in 1834, he Paishah aways appoine he Chief Aga.

[106] The wo Daku signifies in Sevian "he Devi." [107] Vie Knowes, Hisoy of he Tuks, an Abanian Chonices. [108] Moen Aessio. [109] Koan, Chape VI. [110] The pice of boo, geneay 1000 piases aong he pooe casses, which was pai by he cupi o he viage whee he cie was coie, an by i pai o he genea govenen. [111] Casio aie ae in ife.

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