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Shadow banking the performance of active U.S. regulators nerves

Posted By Admin On June 8th, 2013 12:01 AM. UnderStock Market Watch

Like a zombie resurrection, the U.S. mortgage finance giant Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, the stocks recent performance hyperactive. Among them, Fannie Mae stock from five rocketed to $ 0.83 in early morning 529 a point of $ 5.20, then plummeted. Some media exclaimed, Buffett has been called Finance of mass destruction weapons and shadow banking , risk is rapidly warming. shadow banking system risk, whether the U.S. financial regulatory pressed again? resurrected zombies According to the two rooms earnings report, as the housing market continued to pick up, Freddie Mac today first quarter net income of $ 4.6 billion, not consecutive six quarters of profitability and credit quality continued to improve. 2008 after a serious delinquency rate of loans was 0.38%, lower than 2005-2008 lending delinquency rate 9.48%. The Fannie Mae first quarter pre-tax net profit of $ 8.1 billion, a record high, and five consecutive quarters of profitability. We do see some growth in the size of its signal, but we also observed different signal the shadow banking system in some markets remained stable rather than a rebound, which may be a regulatory changes in the financial institutions wait and see, rather than the lack of market demand for addition, market mechanisms and products with the regulations in the evolution of these evolution is still in progress. American Chartered Financial Analyst Tang Xinyu told the Economic Observer ( microblogging ) reporter. He believes that shadow banking situation with stable to describe more

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appropriate. While warming does exist in some markets, its ability to return to a real significant level, depending on government regulation and the interaction between participating institutions. in Tang Xinyu view, shadow banking system is a complement rather than traditional commercial banking alternatives, which is also the financial markets A critical, healthy participants. 2008 financial crisis, the shadow banking in size from a peak of $ 20 trillion down to the end of 2012 from 13 trillion to 14 trillion U.S. dollars. Currently, the shadow banking and commercial banks in terms of size difference is not significant. In fact, at least after much questioning of the two rooms recent efforts seem to play a good boy role. As mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to pay dividends to the U.S. Treasury, to some extent, reduce the federal government deficit, which allows Congress to raise the nations debt ceiling to face in order to reduce its breach of contract risk issues, to secure a certain period of time. Standard & Poors copy of the

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Shadow banking the performance of active U.S. regulators nerves | Stock Market Today need to first save money

latest macroeconomic report said. Standard & Poors report explained that due to the U.S. housing market rebound, Washingtons lawmakers have been able to put on the policy agenda of the debt ceiling. However, the U.S. Treasury Department will continue to take special measures to deal with its budget deficit. However, the two rooms good performance does not really ablation regulatory agencies shadow banking system concerns. As Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke pointed out in his speech in Chicago, regulators for the shadow banking massive breach difficult to deal with, but he did not made it clear that the shadow banking the possibility of mass defaults. and lies regulators have focused on the establishment of a new regulatory system, and the construction of more advanced monitoring system. Tang Xinyu For example, for the response to the repo market (shadow banking system, an important part of) the risk of default on a large scale, the United States compared with 2008, before the monitoring efforts have made great strides, and more regulations and monitoring tools are introduced. From cycle perspective, the United States is in a stage of overregulation.

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Mizuho Securities Asia chief economist told the Economic Observer newspaper reporter Chen Jianguang, current U.S. shadow banking system, the rapid development of whether the United States will repeat the mistakes of the subprime crisis, depending on the effectiveness of regulation and regulators, building the wall. The moment, the risk is still small, after all liabilities of residents and businesses sharply reduced. in Chen Jianguang, future regulatory priorities include enhancing the shadow banking the transparency of its products, reduce the traditional banks and the shadow banking link, limiting the size of bank borrowings of leverage to ensure that the repo market response mechanism. In fact, in the shadow banking management and control, the Fed and the two sides focus on tripartite repo transaction monitoring. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had tightened monetary market reforms, but still can not avoid default risks. In addition to the tri-party repo transaction monitoring, to provide for the day of transaction clearing bank credit has also been reduced in 2014 will significantly decrease. while on short-term wholesale funding market regulation will be the focus of future work of the Federal Reserve, mainly for the broker-dealer or broker-dealer holding company controls. Chen Jianguang on the Economic Observer newspaper reporters bluntly, the current U.S. regulatory agencies and the private sector and remain vulnerabilities. U.S. policymakers are worried that the shadow banking continues to operate, grow, its size and even go beyond the conventional banking system, and ultimately probably will repeat the mistakes of the subprime crisis. Tang Xinyu does not deny the future shadow banking may also change back to wild beasts, such as the financial crisis behind bars and collapse. But in a market-oriented mechanism, this is not the shadow banking system personality. Like other financial innovations, shadow banking is a double-edged sword, the result depends on how to use it, as well as the degree of supervision of the government and private profitmaking nature of the inter-entity can achieve a healthy balance, Tang Xinyu said, right now, we are worried about the U.S. economic recovery is better than a new round of the shadow banking fear. recovery worries however, need not be too sure. two rooms strong vitality stock. Resurrection zombie roller coaster prices still conceal the parties concerns about the U.S. economic recovery. in 529 days, Fannie Mae and Freddie Macs share price fell sharply dramatically. Within minutes, Fannie Mae shares fell $ 2.40, representing a 528-day closing price drop of 40%. The two companies have been hosted by the U.S. government more than most of the profits need to be turned over to the federal government, it could not see the prospects for the U.S. economy? Standard & Poor macroeconomic report, the U.S. in the first quarter occupancy rate continues to improve, four employment data is far stronger than market expectations.

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Shadow banking the performance of active U.S. regulators nerves | Stock Market Today

However, recent data suggest that the economic recovery is still unknown. Market sensitive indicators softened, New York and Chicago manufacturing sentiment index again fell below their respective neutral reference readings, indicating that manufacturing is contracting in these areas. surprising decline in factory orders helps to explain this, and, although residential construction remained strong, but three copies of commercial construction spending was disappointing, public works the same way. Standard & Poors report points out. Meanwhile, four retail sales data show that household consumption is continuing, despite the salary reduction. Standard & Poors report said, rising stock prices and falling oil prices and the current higher taxes, fiscal reduction and debt ceiling looming presence of contradictions, making for a more complex interpretation of market confidence. Chen Jianguang also believes that the current U.S. economic data remains mixed. Through quantitative easing, the U.S. asset prices have rebounded significantly, reflected in the real estate and stock strength. However, U.S. economic growth, manufacturing, employment, income growth data are not much changed, indicating that the road to recovery is not yet solid. example, the U.S. first quarter GDP grew by only 2.5%, significantly lower than market expectations. Manufacturing overall recovery same limited, 5ISM manufacturing index fell to 50.7 from 4 to 49 5, a record low since 20096. Employment, private data is still more pessimistic, the official non-farm payrolls data, while better than expected, but with Obamas health care reform, or closely related to the current spin-off company that many employers, hiring more part-time workers, workers in order to reduce the length of time, and hiring contract workers and other means, to avoid excessive Medicare spending. Employment data and economic trends divergence. However, Fannie Mae Economic Strategy Research Department believes that the recent decline in U.S. economic growth is only temporary, because the housing market is expected to increase its earnings forecast for the second half of the more daring, expected 2013 earnings growth of 2.2 %. But Chen Jianguang, the U.S. economic data repeatedly, saying Mingbonanke of the helicopter money concept in the short term, which may enhance the U.S. real estate market and the stock market, good for manufacturing and export upgrading is limited. Meanwhile, the U.S. fiscal problems and no effective programs, although avoiding the fiscal cliff occurs, but the automatic cutting process has begun. Spending cuts, not a smooth road to recovery for the economy is concerned, is worse. under the premise of risk control, active shadow banking system can certainly help economic recovery. Tang Xinyu explained, after all, shadow banking is a market-driven rather than institutions driven different markets (repo, asset-backed commercial paper, mortgage-backed bonds, etc.) has not the same asset/liability structure, therefore, the risk is also different. Regulators currently focused on supervision systemically important institutions and reduce moral hazard (such as government agencies do not rescue individual private entities), the U.S. branch of the foreign bank to adopt and Bank of America the same liquidity and capital requirements. Maybe in the short term large-scale banking system the possibility of default is not high, but in the long run, or have occurred, it is just a cycle. Anyway, the shadow banking of the future performance depends largely on the policy specification. Tight regulatory policies, the recent scale will be reduced, but the future will continue to have the new shadow banking entity was born, thus exacerbating the potential risk. Deloitte released a report said. Related posts No related posts.
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