Intro Kinetics - Dvi

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Introduction to kinetics

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Kinematics: Study of motion without reference to the forces that cause the motion (Chapter 5) Kinetics: Study of the action of forces on bodies together with the subsequent motion of these bodies (Chapter 6) We are working towards the following equations that describe the eect of external forces on a rigid body: F = m aG (Translation) MG = IG (Rotation) (Translation) Resultant external force = mass acceleration of mass center (Rotation) Resultant moment about mass center = moment of inertia about mass center angular acceleration We now derive the above equations...

Introduction to kinetics

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Results from Chapter 4 (pp. 278 - 280) Angular momentum of a system of particles (READ AGAIN)
mi mi


ri rG rP
O (fixed)




System boundary P (arbitrary)

Denition of mass center: mii = 0 We only consider external forces, the internal forces cancel one another Note: Moment of linear momentum about a point angular momentum about the point

Introduction to kinetics

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Angular momentum about a xed point O: O The resultant vector moment about M O = H any xed point of all the external forces on the system = rate of change of angular momentum of the system about the xed point Ang. momentum about the mass center G: G M G = H Ang. momentum about arbitrary point P : G + m aG M P = H G Chapter 6: Plane kinetics of rigid bodies 6/1: Introduction (page 419) Organization of the chapter 6/2: General equations of motion 6/3: Translation 6/4: Fixed axis rotation 6/5: General plane motion

Introduction to kinetics

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6/2: General equations of motion (p 421) Force equation (from Chapter 4): F = m aG G Moment equation (from Chapter 4): M G = H

Plane-motion equations...

Introduction to kinetics

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ri rG rP
O (fixed)




System boundary P (arbitrary)

From Chapter 4: Angular momentum of mass system about mass center G is vector sum of moments of individual linear momentums about G:
lin mtum of mi

H G = (i mir i )
ang mtum of mi about G

(r i is abs vel of mi)

G + i)) = (i mi(r = (i mir G) + (i mi i) = (r G mii) + (i mi i )

rel vel

H G = (i mi i)

Introduction to kinetics

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For a rigid body, the velocity of mi relative to G is i = i, which has a magnitude of i and lies in the plane of motion normal to i. If i and i lie in the x-y plane, the cross-product i i = i ( i) is then a vector normal to the x-y plane with the same sense as , and its magnitude is 2 i . Therefore the magnitude of H G is
2m ) . HG = (2 m ) = ( i i i i IG

Introduction to kinetics

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For a rigid body the summation 2 i mi (discrete) should in fact be written as 2dm (continuous). We dene the mass moment of inertia I of the body about the z -axis through G as IG = dIG = 2dm, where dIG = 2dm.

Def: The moment of inertia IG is a constant property of a body and is a measure of the rotational inertia (resistance to change) in rotational velocity due to the radial distribution of mass around the z -axis through G. The unit for mass moi is kgm2. The angular momentum can then be written as HG = IG . (Remember) The resultant of all the moments about the mass center G (of all the external forces acting on the system) is equal to the time rate of change of the angular momentum about point G.

Introduction to kinetics That is:

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G = IG = IG . MG = H

General equations of motion for a rigid body in plane motion: F = m aG MG = IG Alternative derivation: Leave out Diagrammatic representation:

Introduction to kinetics

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Alternative moment equations General equation for moments about an arbitrary point P (from Chapter 4): G + m aG M P = H G Therefore, for the 2D body below, we have that: MP = IG + maGd

Introduction to kinetics

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Unconstrained and constrained motion

(a) Can obtain (aG)x, (aG)y , and directly from F = m aG MG = IG (b) Have to determine the kinematic relationship between (aG)x, (aG)y , and , and combine this with the above equations, so that they can be solved

Introduction to kinetics

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Systems of interconnected bodies Upon occasion, in problems dealing with two or more connected rigid bodies whose motions are related kinematically, it is convenient to analyze the bodies as an entire system

F = m aG MP = IG + maGd Analysis procedure: Read

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