VR Based Reward Systems

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Scandinavian Phalanx Covenant

VR based reward systems
-application potential in real world settings

VgSLF 2013-07-06

1 Definitions & purpose The dormant potential of the unskilled labour market remains a point of interest in the ongoing VR reward systems real world adaptation debate initiated by the authors of Total engagement 1 in 2009. Avant garde Silicon Valley enterprises and novel digital educational projects, assisted by California based gaming companies, have successfully adapted reward algorithms of advanced computer games in limited real world business settings2 (IT-tech support) in order to make future time spent at the workplace and schools more engaging, efficient, motivating and fun. During analysis of available annual reports documentation issued by the National Employment Service of Sweden, several structural flaws were identified within the unskilled sector of the labour market. Further, it is heavily politicized (economic inflationary policies 3) and governed by ideological viewpoints detrimental to progressive efforts4. In depth comments on these structural flaws will be presented by the SPC separately, which upon finalization will be coupled with this solution oriented document. In accordance with Kurzweils predictions 5 the SPC is of the opinion that turbulent and structurally challenging times may present great operational and philosophical strain on sectors such as the NES before ultimately, within a generation, settling into a fully automated unskilled labour force. 2 Comparative charts Observations conducted over a 15 year period into the benefits and differences between traditional and new world (Internet based) labour.
Fig.1 Perceived real world social value between different occupations. Fig.2 Perceived virtual world value between different occupations corresponding to real world occupations as shown in fig.1. Fig3. Real world income gap measured in dollars6. Fig.4 VR fig.3 equivalent. Fig.5 Self actualization potential. Note that most modern computer games are simplistic compared to the real world. The result are naturally bound to the limits of inherent game capabilities and so should be interpreted as indicative rather than absolute. Fig.6 Flow state transition ease. One of the virtues of computer games is their ability to mesmerize players, inducing flow states (aspired existential mode7) with great ease. Fig.7 Real world labour market VR conversion potential. Google glass is expected to accelerate the reward conversion process in a paradigmatic way. As seen in the chart, traditional incentives & redefined social incentives (discussed below) should be utilized for maximum leverage. Fig.8 Model of the proposed Closed Currency SubSystem (CCSS - success). Fig.9 example of CCSS 5, occupational code cleaner and the different reward paths available to employees. Each branch is highly customized and of equal functional complexity as advanced rpg/mmorpg computer games. Fig 10. Hypothetical time & performance based future currency system.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

http://www.amazon.com/Total-Engagement-Virtual-Businesses-Compete/dp/142214657X http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCOHvecyOyU http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAIRU http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/eiro/2011/03/articles/se1103019i.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity http://www.forbes.com/sites/jacquelynsmith/2013/05/13/the-best-and-worst-paying-jobs-in-america-2/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_%28psychology%29



Perceived social value








Type of job

Virtual reality perceived social value 100 100 100

Perceived social value

50 Value 50




Type of job

250,000 200,000

Income gap



50,000 20,000




Type of job

Virtual reality income differences 100 100 75 75

Low Income gap 50 50 42 Medium High



Specialist Type of job

Self actualization potential 100 100 80 100 100

Unskilled/ Monotonous Potential College/ Normal Specialist/ Specialist

50 25

Real World

Virtual Reality Type of job

Flow state transition ease

100 80

Value 50 40

Real World

Virtual Reality

Real world labour market VR conversion potential


Augmented reality Traditional incentives Redefining social importance 65


Closed Currency subsystems

1,016 1,015 1,014

1,001 1,002 1,003

1 Attendants 2 Bartenders 3 Busdrivers 4 Cashiers 5 Cleaners



6 Clerks 7 Cooks 8 Guards 9 Helpers



10 Household workers 11 Housekeepers 12 Janitors

1,011 1,010 1,009 1,008 1,007


13 Receptionists 14 Warehouse Workers 15 Telephone op 16 Sewing Machine op


Closed Currency subsystem 5, Cleaner reward paths

118 117 116



RP1 Score systems RP2 Levels/exp RP3 Items RP4 Resources



RP5 Titles RP6 Feedback RP7 Narrative RP 8 Content

113 112 111


Hypothetical time & performance based future currency system


FCS1 Human body credits

FCS2 Passive Physical/ Mental activity credits FCS3 Behavioral credits/ penalties


3 Perceived social value and income gap Since we live in a materialistic society, these two values correlate to a certain extent. The social aspect is dependant on other issues, discussed below, existing gaps being largely attributed to intrasocietal behavioral dynamics, inherent evolutionary adaptive responses (such as dirt avoidance) and long term formal neglect by leaders and governments. Excluding automated resource gathering (bots), responsible for the bulk of online game wealth, virtual reality offers opportunity 8 and wealth equality at an unmatched level compared to the real world. 4 Self-Actualization potential By adapting existing unskilled occupation theoretical, functional and philosophical frameworks to mimic VR reward models, workers are more likely to achieve states of self actualization, which is rare amongst the general population today9. Self actualization within a given computer game can be defined as full exploration of predetermined design structures and to a limited extent, modification10. 5 Flow state transition ease Toward an Understanding of Flow in Video Games 11 explains the mechanics of video game flow theory. 6 Real world labour market VR conversion potential a) Traditional incentives Includes honors, awards, prizes and other distinguishments similar to extant old world configuration12. Corporate incentive programs13 are included in this definition. b) Redefining social importance For a comprehensive conceptual understanding of intrasocietal behavioral dynamics, see following documents:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_class http://www.scribd.com/doc/111660973/The-body-the-mind-Alchemy-Delphi-Science-Religion http://www.scribd.com/doc/106830274/Root-of-All-Evil

Inherent evolutionary adaptive responses further reading:


Long term formal neglect by leaders and governments refers to a) Traditional incentives. c) Augmented reality Mobile wearable computing14.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 http://www.scribd.com/doc/142849718/Neverwinter-strategic-field-guide http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-actualization https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mod_%28video_gaming%29 http://www.idemployee.id.tue.nl/g.w.m.rauterberg/amme/cowley-et-al-2008.pdf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_prizes,_medals,_and_awards http://www.rttnews.com/1514600/goldman-sachs-adopts-long-term-performance-incentive-plan.aspx http://www.google.com/glass/start/what-it-does/

7 Closed Currency subsystems Limited inter-currency exchange possibilities for the purpose of establishing isolated hierarchical eco-systems. Video game tiers15 and the New York City subway tokens16 are examples of such CCSS. Since the system is closed, a person may only earn credits within certain occupations by performing chores associated with that occupation. This will be governed by licensed digital versions similar to the factory time card daily check in/check out procedure 17. In the future, individually customized systems will be available to people as motivational and active earning incentives by real time chore feedback into a centralized automatic credit dispensing mainframe. 8 Closed Currency subsystem 5, Cleaner reward paths RP1 Score systems Credits RP2 Levels/exp Alternative RP3 Items A mixture of random and predetermined rewards for maximum worker engagement. Item design of higher tiers may be functionally and aesthetically superior compared to lower, more easily attainable item tiers. Random elements include slot machine type, unexpected rewards, which may be tied to the daily check in/check out procedure. RP4 Resources Alternative RP5 Titles See a), point 6. RP6 Feedback Real time performance based feedback with time and/or material reward benefits. RP7 Narrative Why is the work we do impoartant? Suggestions: national/individual mythological themes 18. It is important to segment the narrative so that the worker is able to internalize meaning during every temporal stage (minutes/hours/days/months/years). RP 8 Content Promotions and compounded operative responsibilities. Interoccupational exchanges.
15 16 17 18 http://diablo.gamepedia.com/Items_%28Zy-El%29 http://www.nycsubway.org/wiki/New_York_City_Subway_Tokens http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_clock http://www.scribd.com/doc/120268767/SFF-Spirituella-Gren

9 Hypothetical time & performance based future currency system FCS1 Human body credits "Ticking" passive income based on human life span or bodily functions such as number of heartbeats. Ties in with Human Rights conventions ensured basic means19 of survival (article 22). FCS2 Passive Physical/Mental activity credits See point 7. FCS3 Behavioral credits/penalties Prosocial incentives, antisocial discouragement. Ethical and social implications, requires infringing personal surveillance20 (Demolition man).

19 http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml#a22 20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1zhe85spsw

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