Personal Responsibility For Safety

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Personal Responsibility for Safety (PRfS) Guidance Document

The implementation of Personal Responsibility for Safety (PRfS) must be tackled in a structured way. If we want personnel to consistently exhibit the "right" behaviours we must provide a support structure which ensures the right level of support and encouragement. A change in behaviour requires consistent reinforcement and practice and it is all too easy to inadvertently stop this evolution through inconsistent Management action, loss of focus or the sending of mixed messages. Before embarking on any major systems or organisational change consideration must be given to how this will be delivered and received. Change initiatives often fail because enough consideration has not been given to the impact they will have on the organisation and how employees will react to it. To assist with the introduction of the System Requirements incorporated in this Guidance we have also included an excellent change management process which we recommend you consider applying as you implement the changes. This guidance is made up of the following 9 elements:

1. Clear Expectations 2. Effective Communication 3. Personal Leadership 4. Personal Risk Awareness 5. Planning 6. The Right and Duty to Intervene 7. Accountability 8. Self Evaluation 9. Develop, Encourage and Sustain Safe Behaviours References

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Serious accidents and dangerous occurrences continue to happen on our offshore installations and onshore sites during routine operations. Analysis indicates that not following procedures and lack of risk awareness are contributory factors in many cases. Initiatives taken to date delivered improvements in health and safety performance but have not achieved the desired incident reduction. A behavioural approach which actively engages everyone through personal responsibility is seen as the principal way forward.

Personal Responsibility for Safety (PRfS) will assist us to achieve an advanced safety culture in which everyone, regardless of position, accepts responsibility and plays an active role in improving the safety of his or her immediate environment. In this culture, all personnel think about the tasks they are about to undertake, assess and mitigate any risks, actively look after themselves, their colleagues and others, always intervene when unsafe behaviours or conditions are observed and share their knowledge and experience freely. Many companies have excellent safety practices and a number of the necessary building blocks for PRfS, however few have ALL of the processes AND the Management alignment and focus that is needed to fully develop and sustain Personal Responsibility for Safety. In our industry, companies do not work in isolation and the resulting interdependency of many companies coming together to work on a single project creates additional challenges. Each company will have its own Safety Management System, incorporating policies and procedures and most companies will additionally be engaged in a number of safety improvement initiatives. When working together on major projects, interfaces between each of the parties Safety Management Systems will normally be established to avoid conflict. On short term projects some of the parties may be expected to work under another company's system. We must recognise that a significant proportion of the offshore workforce will be engaged in short term assignments on many different installations and the diverse systems and cultures encountered can create confusion and may stifle proactive safety behaviour. A solution to this dilemma is to harmonise the basic support systems through industry wide adoption of the key processes incorporated in this PRfS Guidance. This PRfS Guidance document is a collaborative effort which has pulled together good practice identified within our industry to provide all of the components required to comprehensively support PRfS. In addition to harmonised support, this document also details the desired personal actions and behaviours that are required throughout our industry and which this consistent framework will facilitate and sustain. It is recognised that processes and documentation alone will not achieve the health and safety improvement we desire. Key to the success of this initiative is engagement and this Guidance will be complemented by an ongoing promotional campaign to maximise participation. You may find reading the How To Use This Site useful before accessing the Personal Responsibility for Safety Guidance Document our Resources in more detail.

1. Clear Expectations
Personal Requirements

Make safety as important as any other personal priority (make it a big deal)

Ensure you know what is expected of you and your colleagues Follow the rules and procedures and encourage colleagues to do the same (doing the job right is more efficient than rushing) Ensure that you live up to the safety standards you expect of others Communicate what you expect of others and check their understanding of your message Help create a culture of safety within your organisation Play your part to create a safe and healthy working environment

Support Systems
The organisation should:1. 1.1Provide a policy which clearly requires all personnel to intervene in the interest of safety and for this to be positively supported by all levels of the organisation. (Reference 1) 2. 1.2 Provide an induction process which provides clear expectations for all employees and contractors and includes:1. a) Familiarisation with the company HS&E policy, rules and procedures. (Reference 2) 2. b) The Industry Common Induction Process. (Reference 3) 3. c) Clear job related responsibilities and accountabilities with respect to safety. (Reference 4) 4. d) Familiarisation with the personal requirements listed within the nine elements of this Guidance Document. 3. 1.3 Provide clear simple rules and procedures which are suitable and sufficient for the task and cover the following points:1. a) Clear communication of all safety principles and those rules that are common to all employees. (Reference 5) 2. b) Development of task specific safety guidelines which support safe job execution. (Reference 6) 4. 1.4 Communicate the positive and negative consequences associated with the safety rules and guidelines (direct and indirect consequences for the individual, for his/her work colleagues, for his/her family, for the organisation and the industry). (Reference 7) 5. 1.5 All rules and procedures are periodically reviewed and revised to be current and reflect any learning. 6. 1.6 Encourage documented Personal Safety Commitments for all employees and contractors and establish a review process to ensure that these are met through:1. a) Providing a standard framework to promote alignment and which includes review of progress and accomplishments required by the Personal Safety Commitment. (Reference 8) 2. b) Management at all levels sharing their Personal Safety Commitments with their teams and each employee being encouraged to share their Personal Safety Commitments with their colleagues. 7. 1.7 Include an improvement plan with measurable targets which encourages Personal Responsibility for Safety and includes:1. a) Performance of a gap analysis against the PRfS Guidance to establish areas for improvement. (Reference 9)

2. b) Incorporation within the Company HS&E improvement plans of the identified areas for improvement from the PRfS gap analysis.

2. Effective Communication
Personal Requirements

Where possible use face to face communication Remember to listen and ask open questions Check understanding and where appropriate agree actions Be sincere and be sure your actions and body language consistently support what you are saying (Remember the messages you communicate will be much stronger if you are seen to have a strong personal belief in safety) Choose the correct time, place and media to get the message across

Support Systems
The organisation should endeavour to ensure that communication is two-way and messages are fully understood by all personnel by adopting the following principles:1. 2.1 The identification and communication of solutions rather than problems should be encouraged. (Reference 10) 2. 2.2 Communications should be in clear and concise language, avoiding jargon and abbreviations. 3. 2.3 Face to face communication should be encouraged. 4. 2.4 The reasons for change should be explained and employee and contractor input collected and considered. 5. 2.5 The provision of timely and effective feedback on positive and negative issues raised. 6. 2.6 A questioning approach should be encouraged with open feedback and no fear of retribution. 7. 2.7 A clearly visible schedule for regular site visits by Line and Senior Management to communicate with employees. (Reference 11) 8. 2.8 Reflection time at the end of meetings to confirm "What We Have Learned".

3. Personal Leadership
Personal Requirements

Lead by example, be consistent and follow procedures Recognise safe behaviour, give praise and say thank you where deserved Have courage to do the right thing and do not tolerate unsafe behaviour Demonstrate personal commitment to safety at work and at home Believe that you can make a difference and follow up commitments Be enthusiastic, open and take time to interact on safety matters Give and welcome feedback

Even when facing conflicting priorities maintain your safety standards Openly share your Personal Safety Commitments

Support Systems
The organisation should provide:1. 3.1 Senior Management commitment to incorporate PRfS throughout its systems. 2. 3.2 Appropriate funding and resources to effectively support PRfS. 3. 3.3 Training that supports the development of appropriate safety leadership and behavioural skills for all personnel. (Reference 12) 4. 3.4 A process to recognise outstanding safety performance and provide appropriate responses to unacceptable behaviours. (Reference 13) 5. 3,5 A process that encourages all employees and contractors to document their Personal Safety Commitments and review them on a regular basis. (Reference 8) 6. 3.6 A mechanism to ensure openness and integrity of reporting without fear of repercussion. (Reference 14) 7. 3.7 Encouragement for continued safe behaviours at home through education and/or practical support. (Reference 15) 8. 3.8 A process to incorporate key safety leadership behaviours in its appraisal programme and provide mentoring where needed. (Reference 16)

4. Personal Risk Awareness

Personal Requirements

Get involved in discussions about risks on the job, questioning anything you do not understand Share your experiences with others and encourage them to do the same Get involved in practical worksite inspections and always stay aware of your surroundings Even when undertaking a routine activity that you believe is safe, always consider the consequences of the worst possible outcomes (personal, family, company, legal etc) and act in a way that reduces the risk Practice your observation skills away from the workplace Continually assess the potential influence of changes to the operation Be aware that alcohol and drugs may impair risk perception

Support Systems
The organisation should:1. 4.1 Provide relevant risk assessment and observation skills training for all personnel which includes:1. a) A risk assessment process aligned with the Step Change Task Risk Assessment Guidance. (Reference 6)

2. b) A process to communicate hazards associated with the work environment. (Reference 17) 3. c) Relevant training for all offshore, workshop and warehouse personnel in the task risk assessment process. (Reference 19) 4. d) Basic observation skills training to assist personnel to identify the hazards associated with their work environment. (Reference 20) 2. 4.2 Facilitate the capture and sharing of information and best practice with regard to personal risks through:1. a) A system that captures, documents and shares information on company specific worksite hazards. (Reference 18) 2. b) Ensuring that individuals only work within their capabilities and competencies. 3. c) A system that captures, documents and shares information on common industry hazards. (Reference 21) 4. d) Encouraging team members to share their knowledge of new and existing hazards and control measures. (Reference 22) 3. 4.3 Provide a process for raising risk awareness outside the workplace that involves:1. a) Encouraging employees to share their learning of risks that exist outside the workplace. (Reference 23) 2. b) Encouraging employees to share their learning of worksite risks that apply outwith the workplace. (Reference 24) 3. c) Campaigns and promotional activities to highlight common hazards outside the workplace. (Reference 25) 4. 4.4 Assign experienced personnel to inexperienced, new or transferred personnel to share their knowledge and experience on job/site specific risks.

5. Planning
Personal Requirements

When planning ensure input from all involved, consider any limitations, ensure you have the time and resources to do the job safely and request help where needed Take time to fully familiarise yourself with the safety aspects of the agreed scope of work and question any areas that are not completely clear to you Understand your interaction with other people involved in the plan Where changes to the plan occur stop work safely and take time to reassess the situation Look for improvement opportunities whilst conducting the job and provide feedback for inclusion in future plans

Support Systems
The organisation should provide:1. 5.1 A planning process which requires the participation of all the personnel involved in the task.

2. 5.2 Clear work instructions which outline individual responsibilities. 3. 5.3 Information relative to work activities that is easily accessible and will allow comprehensive planning. (Reference 26) 4. 5.4 Adequate time for proper planning. A simple and effective Change Management process. (Reference 27) 5. 5.5 A process to capture learning and ensure this is incorporated in the plan.

6. The Right and Duty to Intervene

Personal Requirements

Believe you can make a difference and have the courage to challenge unsafe acts Lead by example and take action (think about the consequences of turning a blind eye and remember you have a right and moral duty to intervene) Welcome interventions from others and accept them in a positive manner Intervene in a way which is positive, constructive and considerate Intervene to learn and to praise positive and safe behaviours as well as to challenge unsafe behaviours

Support Systems
The organisation should provide:1. 6.1 A policy that requires all employees and contractors to intervene in the interests of safety and for their actions to be supported at all levels within the organisation. (Reference 1) 2. 6.2 A clearly communicated requirement for all individuals to accept constructive intervention in a positive manner. (Reference 28) 3. 6.3 An observation and intervention programme which requires and facilitates workforce feedback and provides visibility of actions taken. (Reference 29) 4. 6.4 Training in constructive intervention skills where needed. (Reference 30) 5. 6.5 Recognition for proactive intervention. (Reference 31)

7. Accountability
Personal Requirements

Follow the rules, they are there to keep you safe Take responsibility and ownership for safety in the environments that you live and work in Take action and offer solutions to prevent accidents Take time to think about the positive and negative consequences of the actions of yourself and your colleagues Have the confidence to stop any job that you believe cannot be completed safely Be a positive influence on others and set a good example

Support Systems
1. 7.1 The organisation should provide clear and concise safety rules and guidelines. These should be effectively rolled out and the consequences of unacceptable safety behaviour clearly identified. (Reference 32) 2. 7.2 The organisation should apply a fair and consistent response to unacceptable safety behaviour which is focused on behavioural improvement through training, coaching and as a final resort disciplinary action. (Reference 33)

8. Self Evaluation
Personal Requirements

Write down your personal safety commitments on an annual basis and share them with colleagues, include measurable targets Periodically check how you are doing against your commitments Ask for feedback from others who work with you and be prepared to give feedback to others Use feedback generated to guide self improvement

Support Systems
The organisation should:1. 8.1 Provide guidance to assist personnel with the development of their Personal Safety Commitments which includes:1. a) A standard framework to assist employees to prepare their Personal Safety Commitments. (Reference 8) 2. b) A requirement for personal commitments to support industry, organisation and personal goals and objectives and to be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time based. 3. c) Provision of a mechanism to inform all employees of shared industry and organisational goals. (Reference 34) 4. d) Encouraging personnel to share their personal commitments with peers and Line Manager. 5. e) Assistance from Line Management/Supervision. 2. 8.2 Encourage all personnel to have personal safety commitments incorporating clear targets to provide a reference point for personal evaluation (Reference 8) 3. 8.3 Include an appraisal process to provide feedback to the individual and which can be linked to self improvement plans including a review of Personal Safety Commitments (ideally part of 360 deg appraisal process). (Reference 35)

9. Develop, Encourage and Sustain Safe Behaviours

Personal Requirements

Start every day by thinking of how you can keep yourself and others safe and make continuous improvement a personal goal Make Risk Recognition a Habit and having identified risks always implement actions to overcome them Consistently do things the safe way at work and at home Provide feedback and encouragement on things that work and constructive criticism for things that don't Explain why the rules and procedures are there Share good practice and intervene to change bad practice Give and act on positive and negative feedback Continually look for opportunities to learn from others Keep communicating the benefits of sustained safety

Support Systems
The organisation should:1. 9.1 Define and provide examples of safe behaviours and encourage their consistent application through:1. a) Establishing compliance with safety principles and rules as a core company value. 2. b) Actively encouraging safe behaviours such as:- Stopping unsafe acts; reporting unsafe conditions; responding to changes in operations by reassessing risks; always using the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment; recognising and praising safety contributions; sharing knowledge and experience of risks; practising hazard recognition. 3. c) Encouraging and supporting everyone to participate in safety improvement and giving recognition to positive participation and proactive safe behaviours (Consideration should also be given to team building approaches that improve working relationships and support safe behaviours). (Reference 12) 2. 9.2 Assess training and coaching needs with respect to safe behaviours (Training and coaching should be provided to close any gap identified for new and existing employees). 3. 9.3 Establish within the organisation, mechanisms which provide the opportunity for all employees and contractors to contribute to the improvement of safety and as a minimum include:1. a) Processes to provide timely feedback to the originator on agreed actions. 2. b) Consideration of the following mechanisms: Toolbox Talks (Reference 36) Time out for Safety (Reference 37) Safety Observation Programmes (Reference 20) Advanced Safety Audit (Reference 12) Task Risk Assessment Process Safety Representatives, Committees & Meetings Diagonal Slice Safety Meetings

Behaviour Based Safety Programmes (Reference 29) Safety Suggestion Schemes (Reference 38) Safety Alerts "Safety Moments" Safety Improvement Teams Management Site Visits Management Reviews Personal Safety Commitments 3. c) Establish within the organisation, mechanisms which provide the opportunity for all personnel to contribute to the improvement of safety. 4. d) Recognition and communication of both the personal and business benefits of improving the safety environment. 4. 9.4 Encourage campaigns to promote safe behaviours out with the workplace, which could include:1. a) Advice on Home Safety, Fire Safety, Driving Safety, Home Security, Leisure Safety. 2. b) Provision of First Aid Kits, Personal Protective Equipment, Electrical Safety Devices for home use 3. c) Provision of support to schools, colleges and local community. 5. 9.5 To stimulate continuous awareness and involvement:1. a) Periodic climate/culture surveys are used to gauge workforce perceptions of the effectiveness of PRfS. (Reference 39) 2. b) Conduct regular analysis of key safety data with trends established and communicated. Action tracking systems should be visible and accessible.

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