Material Engineeringg Ceramics

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Ceramic Materials

Guangzhao Mao Homework: 13.3 13.16 13.21 13.46

BE1300 Winter 2002

? ? ? ?

Applications Atomic Structure and bonding Crystal structure Mechanical properties

BE1300 Winter 2002

Applications of Ceramics
? ? ? ? ? ?

Construction (clays, bricks, tiles, windows, etc.). Insulators such (electrical porcelain, alumina, etc.). Ceramic chip capacitors in electronic circuits. Semiconductors using sintered oxides such as iron oxide. Wearing, grinding, and cutting tools. High temperature applications (ovenware, engine components, rocket components, etc.). Optical lenses and optical fibers.

BE1300 Winter 2002


AGT-100 Automotive Engine:

Gasifier turbine Combustor Power turbine Turbine inlet guide vane Exhaust diffuser Regenerator

Thermal conduction module:

Integrated circuit chips Multilayer ceramic substrate Aluminum pistons for heat removal

BE1300 Winter 2002

Atomic Structure and Bonding


Ceramics: compounds between metallic and

nonmetallic elements.

Bonding type: ranging from purely ionic to purely

covalent depending on electronegativities of the elements. % ionic character = {1-exp[-0.25(XA-XB)2]} 100

Ceramic atomic compositions:

? ? ? ?

Simple ceramics (NaCl, MgO, ZnS, CaF, etc.). Silicate ceramics (SiO 44- and metal elements). Carbonaceous ceramics (diamond, graphite, etc.). Engineering ceramics (Si3N4, SiC, ZrO 2, Al 2O3, BaTiO3-barium titanate, etc.)
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Silicate Ceramics
Basic unit:

Simple silicates:

BE1300 Winter 2002

Silicate Ceramics
Layered silicates:

BE1300 Winter 2002

Silicate Ceramics Networked Silicates

Crystalline silica: Silica glasses:

BE1300 Winter 2002

More about Silica Glasses

Noncrystalline silicates containing other oxides. Optically transparent (containers, windows, lenses, fibers, etc.) Ease of fabrication.

BE1300 Winter 2002

Thermal Properties in Glass Forming

? ? ? ? ? ?

Melting temperature Working temperature Softening temperature Annealing temperature Glass transition temperature Strain temperature

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More about Carbonaceous Ceramics





BE1300 Winter 2002


Crystal Structure of Simple Ceramic Compounds

Criteria for formation of ionic crystals:
The crystal must be electrically neutral. The coordination number (C.N.) is determined by rC (radius of cation)/r A (radius of anion). Cations and anions must be in contact. Cations and anions must have maximum nearest neighbors.

BE1300 Winter 2002


Example 13.1: Correlation between C.N. and rC/rA

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General Rules between C.N. and rC/rA

BE1300 Winter 2002


Example: Prediction of Crystal C.N.

BE1300 Winter 2002


Crystal Structure of Ionic Crystals

Rock salt structure: Example: NaCl. Composition: AX. C.N. = 6. Anions pack in FCC.

Cesium chloride structure: Example: CsCl. Composition: AX. C.N. = 8. Anions pack in simple cubic.
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Crystal Structure in Ionic Crystals

Zinc Blende structure: Example: ZnS. Composition: AX. C.N. = 4. Anions pack in FCC.

Calcium Fluorite structure: Example: CaF 2. Composition: AX2. C.N. = 8 (A) and 4 (X). Anions pack in simple cubic.
BE1300 Winter 2002

Perovskite structure: Example: BaTiO 3. Composition: ABX3. C.N. = 12 (A), 6 (B), 6 (X). Anions pack in FCC.

Review for Exam #3

Chap. 6 ? Stress-strain curve
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Chap. 8 ? Fracture
? ? ? ? ?

Definitions Modulus of elasticity Yield/fracture strength Ductility Toughness Resilience

K, Kt, KC, KIC KIC, a, and ? Griffith theory Design Ex. 8.1 S-N curve Fatigue life prediction Creep curve/steady-state creep Creep rate, T, and ?

? ?

Hardness tests Data statistics Design and safety factors

? ?

Difference among fracture, fatigue, and creep tests


BE1300 Winter 2002

Summary of Crystal Structures

BE1300 Winter 2002


Density Calculations
? ? n' ?? AC ? ? AA ? VC N A



4 3 ? ? n CR 3 C ? ? nAR A ? 3 4 3 ? 3 ? nC ARA ? VS 3 ? n CR CV


? ?

n: the number of formula units per unit cell. ? AC (? AA): the sum of the atomic weights of all cations (anions) in the formula unit. VC: unit cell volume. NA: Avogadros number. VS: volume of spheres per unit cell. nC (nA): number of cations (anions) per unit cell. rC (rA): cation (anion) radius.
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Example 13.3: Density Calculation

BE1300 Winter 2002



Select the unit length for a calculation.

BE1300 Winter 2002


Calculate the density of zinc blende (ZnS). Assume the structure to consist of ions and that the ionic radius of Zn2+ = 0.060 nm and that of S2- = 0.174 nm.

Example: Density Calculation

BE1300 Winter 2002


Example: Density Calculation

Calculate the density of UO2 which has the calcium fluorite structure. (Ionic radii: U4+ = 0.105 nm and O2- = 0.132 nm.

BE1300 Winter 2002


Example: Ionic Packing Factor (IPF) Calculation

BE1300 Winter 2002


Defects in Ceramic Crystals

? ? ? ?

Frenkel defects. Schottky defects. Nonstoichiometric defects. Impurities.

BE1300 Winter 2002



13.32 If CuO is exposed to reducing atmospheres at elevated temperatures, some of the Cu 2+ ions will become Cu +. (a) Under these conditions, name one crystalline defect that you would expect to form in order to maintain charge neutrality. (b) How many Cu + ions are required for the creation of each defect? (c) How would you express the chemical formula for this nonstoichiometric material?

(a) For a Cu2+O2- compound in which a small fraction of the Cu2+ ions exist as Cu+, for each Cu+ formed there is one less positive charge introduced (or one more negative charge). In order to maintain charge neutrality, we must either add an additional positive charge or subtract a negative charge. This may be accomplished be either creating Cu2+ interstitials or O2- vacancies.
(b) There will be two Cu+ ions required for each of these defects.
(c) The chemical formula for this nonstoichiometric material is Cu1+xO or CuO1-x , where x is some small fraction.

BE1300 Winter 2002


Example 13.4

If electroneutrality is to be preserved, what point defects are possible in NaCl when a calcium ion (2+) substitutes a sodium ion (1+)? How many of these defects exist for every calcium ion?

BE1300 Winter 2002


Mechanical Properties of Ceramics

? ?

General: hard, brittle, low impact resistance, high T performance. Modulus of elasticity: 11 (extruded graphite) to 1200 (diamond)

Tensile strength: 14 (extrude graphite) to 1500 (sintered zirconia)


Mechanisms for deformation:


? ?

Covalent ceramics: little deformation due to separation of electro-pair bonds under stress. Ionic ceramics: capable of plastic deformation due to slip planes. Noncrystalline ceramics: viscous flow.

Factors affecting strength: pores, flaws, and grain size.

E ? E 0 1 ? 1.9P ? 0.9P 2

? fs ? ? 0 exp?? nP ? P: pore volume fraction

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Flexural Property Measurement

Ceramics can be too brittle for tensile tests!

? ts

? ? ?2? 1? ? ?

VT ? ? VF ?



? ts

? V ? ? ?2? 1 ? ? ?2 T ? VF ? ?

1/ ?

mL3 EF ? 4bd 3 ? : shape parameter VT: sample volume in tension test VF : sample volume in flexural test m: initial slope of load deflection curve
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More on Deformation
Slip Viscous Flow

More common

Less common

BE1300 Winter 2002


Mechanical Properties of Ceramics


Fracture toughness: small, ranging from 0.2 (concrete) to 12 (zirconia) MPa-m1/2 .


Transformation toughening of zirconia.

? ? ?

Fatigue failure: rare due to absence to plasticity. Hardness: high for abrasive ceramics (HK > 1000). Creep: only at high temperature. Transformation toughening

BE1300 Winter 2002



A reaction-bonded silicon nitride ceramic has a strength of 300 MPa and a fracture toughness of 3.6 MPa-m1/2. What is the largest-size internal crack that this material can support without fracture? Assume Y = 1.

BE1300 Winter 2002


Example 13.39

The fracture strength of glass may be increased by etching away a thin surface layer. It is believed that the etching away alter surface crack geometry (i.e. reduce crack length and increase the tip radius). Compute the ratio of the original and etched crack tip radii for an eightfold increase in fracture strength if two-thirds of the crack length is removed.

'? = etched crack tip radius ?t

? = original crack tip radius, and t

? ' ?= ? f f a a' = 3 ? ' ?= 8 ? o o 1/2 1/2 a? a' ? ? ? ? = 2? ? ? = ? ' ?= 2? ' ? ?? f o ? f o ?' ? t? ? t? ? ' ?? ' ? 2 ?8? o? 2 a/3 t o a' ? = 21.3 =? ? ? ? =? ? ? ? a? ? a? ? ? ? ? o? t ? o?

BE1300 Winter 2002


? ? ?

Common ceramic materials. % ionic character. Packing of cations and anions: ? C.N. vs. radii ratio ? Unit cell structures for simple ceramics. ? Density and IPF calculations. ? Defects. Mechanical properties: ? Unique properties of ceramics. ? Application of prior knowledge.

BE1300 Winter 2002


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