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1. The sky looks ________, it will rain soon.

A) sunny B) bright C) dark D)windy

2. A tiger has ___________ on its body. A) spots B) stripes C) fins D)hair

3. My dog ____________ when it sees a stranger A) bark B) barks C) barking D)barked

4. Vanisia has a _______________ where she grows beautiful flowers. A) pond B) kitchen C) living room D)garden

5. My school is _______________ the library. A) in B) under C) on D)opposite

6. Nigel ___________ a cat and two dogs at home. A) have B) had C) has D)having

7. Muslim pray at the _____________ A) chapel B) mosque C) church D)temple

8. Mother bought a _____________ of bread yesterday. A) piece B) loaf C) comb D)pair

9. The young of a frog is called a ____________ A) kitten B) foal C) tadpole D)piglet

10. After a game of badminton, Jane feels _______________ and needs a glass of water. A) thirsty B) hungry C) angry D)tired

11. The cat gave birth to a ___________ of kittens. A) gang B) band C) group D)litter

12. Mother is boiling water with a ______________ to make tea. A) pail B) vase C) kettle D)bottle

13. Ben is an honest boy. We can ____________ him. A) hit B) dislike C) trust D)hate

14. Last year, I _________ 8 years old. A) are B) is C) was D)am

15. My sister and I can ___________ very well. A) dance B) dances C) danced D)dancing

16. We go to the market __________ Sunday morning. A) under B) on C) in D)at

17. _____________ is she looking for in the cupboard? A) what B) how C) why D)where

18. Please check your letters in the ____________. A) waterfall B) mailbox C) oven D) rainbow

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