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University of Illinois

Spring 2012

ECE 313: Problem Set 1: Solutions Axioms of probability and calculating the sizes of sets
1. [Dening a set of outcomes] (a) A natural choice is = {(b1 , b2 , b3 ) : 1 bi 10, b1 , b2 , b3 distinct }, where for a given outcome (b1 , b2 , b3 ), bi denotes the number on the ith ball drawn from the bag. (b) (10)(9)(8) = 720, because there are 10 possible choices for b1 , and given b1 there are 9 possible choices for b2 , and given b1 and b2 there are 8 possible choices for b3 . 2. [Displaying outcomes in a two event Karnaugh map]

B 12,14,16,21, 25,41,45,52, 54,56,61,65 11,15,22,24,26, 42,44,46,51,55, (a) 62,64,66

(b) P (AB ) =
5 36

B 23,32,34, 36,43,63 13,31,33, 35,53 A A



3. [A three event Karnaugh puzzle] A partially completed map and the nal map are shown below.
B 0.48 0.02 0.28 3x Cc C

B 0.28 3x 0.02 x 2x Cc A A

B 0.48 0.02 Cc

B 0.19 0.01 C 0.01 0.09 0.02 0.18 Cc A A


The facts P (Ac B c C c ) = 0.48 and P (A C ) = P (B C ) = 0.5 (equivalently, P (Ac C c ) = P (B c C c ) = 0.5) determined the three entries 0.48, 0.02, and 0.02. Letting x = P (ABC ), the value 2x shown is determined by the fact P (AB ) = 3P (ABC ). The two entries of the form 0.28 3x come from P (A) = P (B ) = 0.3. The fact P (C c ) = 0.7 can be used to solve for x and the remaining empty square can be lled in using either P (B c ) = 0.7 or P (C ) = 0.3. 4. [Selecting socks at random] (a) One choice is = {(A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 ) : Ai {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, |Ai | = 2, Ai Aj = for all i = j } where an outcome (A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 ) means person i draws out the two socks in Ai , for 1 i 4.

(b) || = 8!/24 = 2, 520 because there are 8! orders that the socks could be drawn out one at a time, but this over counts by a factor of (2)4 because the order each person draws two socks doesnt matter. Another way to get this answer is to note that there are 8 2 4 choices for A , then possible choices for A , then possible choices for A1 , then 6 3 2 2 2 6 4 876543 A4 is determined as well. So || = 8 2 2 2 = 222 (c) |M | = 4! = 24 because there are 4! permutations of which matching pair of socks goes to which person. In more detail, there are four choices of which matching pair the rst person draws, then three choices for which matching pair the second person draws, then two choices for which matching pair the third person draws, and the matching pair for the fourth person is determined as well. (d) P (M ) =
|M | ||

24 4! 8!

1 753


(e) Whatever sock the rst person draws rst, there is a 1/7 chance the rst person draws out the matching sock, then whatever sock the second person draws rst, there is a 1/5 chance the second person draws out the matching sock, then whatever sock the third person draws rst, there is a 1/3 chance the third person draws out the matching sock. So P (M ) = (1/7)(1/5)(1/3). 5. [Two more poker hands] (a) There are 13 2 ways to select the numbers for the two pairs, then 11 ways to choose the number on the fth card, then 4 2 = 6 ways to choose suits for the cards in one pair, 6 ways to choose suits for the cards of the other pair, and 4 ways to choose the suit of the unpaired card. Thus, P (TWO PAIR) = =
13 2

(11)(6)2 4
52 5

3 6 11 0.0475 5 17 49

(b) There are 13 ways to choose the number common to three of the cards. Given that choice, there are 12 2 ways to choose the numbers showing on the remaining two cards, then four ways to choose suits for the three matching cards, and four ways each to choose suits for the other two cards. Thus, P (THREE OF A KIND) = = 13
12 2 52 5


2 4 11 0.0211 5 17 49

6. [Some identities satised by binomial coecients] (a) Given a collection of n objects, selecting k of them to be in a set is equivalent to selecting n k of them to not be in the set. (b) Suppose the n objects are numbered 1 through n. Every set of k of the n objects either does or does not includes the rst object. So the total number of sets of size k is the 1 number of such sets containing the rst object, n k1 , plus the number of such sets not 1 containing the rst object, n k . 2

(c) Suppose the n objects are numbered 1 through n. Every set of k objects contains a highest numbered object. The number of subsets of the n objects of size k with largest l 1 object l is the number of subsets of the rst l 1 objects of size k 1, equal to k 1 . Summing over l gives the identity.

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