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Reaction Paper

Submitted to: Mr. Ronald S. Leabres Submitted by: Jan Elmeraine H. Estrella 3BSA-2

Our call time is 3 AM; I cant deny the fact that waking up so early has always been a challenge. Anyway, I arrived just on time but to my dismay, we never left Cabanatuan in the supposed time. Frankly speaking, we should remove the Filipino time culture in our way of life for we all have to be particular in getting things done. I just slept the whole time in the van during the passage of travel time. I woke up to have our breakfast at McDonalds. I am among the students who were chosen to ride the van thats why I never had the chance to go to the place where coins are actually minted, I would really love to witness in person the said process since I have never been in that but its okay, on the contrary we went to U.P. Diliman, the scenery satisfied my time although its not my first time. Our scheduled time in BSP is 1 PM. We went further to Harrison Plaza ad stroll a bit. Ive been in this mall before and I know that its a big one thats why I ended up going to stores I am familiar with and buy some stuffs so that I could consume less energy. We were at Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas at exactly 1 PM. I think its my fourth time already in BSP and I have to admit that its all the same. The audio visual presentation of the whole process of how money is created, the guidelines on proper custodian of money, how it is brought into circulation is the same. The historical presentation and conveyance of the evolution of money and the changes it undergone all throughout, still, nothing changed. However, Ive seen a lot of improvements especially in the accommodation and staff of BSP, it is way more organized than before. And if theres one thing that makes this recent tour in BSP with the previous one is that I appreciate and is able to relate much better since studying Finance just now in my summer class has given me a lot of knowledge and perspectives about money, credit and banking to which BSP is almost all about. Our next stop: The Philippine Senate House. I have to admit, this is my favorite of all the destinations we have, it is the item I am looking forward, the item I am most excited about. Seeing te session room tricks me a bit and the only thing that came into my mouth is like Seriously? This is it? so here is where our Philippine senators conduct their sessions? This is where former Chief Justice Corona was impeached? --- because it doesnt look the same in television. In reality, the place is small, not that small I mean, but if youll look at it in a photograph or a video screen, the actual size of the place is not exactly the thing youll expect and youll end up wondering how it is possible.

The staff told us some facts about that room. Later on, we were allowed to wander inside the room. Imagine we were allowed to take pictures in the workplace of our duly-respected senators. This is the best part. Its a very humbling experience. Its really overwhelming I feel like I am a newly elected senator with my best attire on, ready for discussion with Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago. The mini-museum upstairs on the same building is also interesting. Portraits of our senators in the past were all there, there are also instruments used that became part of the history, and other important things relevant to what we call Upper House. People never learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves, so its a must-see of present generations like us for it just made us more aware of the facts about that sector of the government, it also made us see the bigger picture of it. Last destination: Mall of Asia. They say that in every students life, after every brainstorming, we need to take a well deserved break. This is totally what MOA is all about. It really is a big

mall. In fact I can spend the whole day here. I am aware that from morning till night it is crowded with so many people coming from all over the metro. Being a shopping freak, it is the right place for me. Lines of stores, food stalls, even a hockey ice field. Located next to manila bay this mall is ideal to kill my free time. Overall, this whole educational tour is amusing, exciting, light and fun. We may not have destinations like amusement parks which apparently, most students are looking forward more than anything else but I can merely say that the awareness, the understanding and the experience we gained with the places we have been is priceless. Neither the screams nor the squeals we will devote in a kiddy ride can compensate that because the moments spent there, that takes your breath away, are what make you feel truly alive

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