Computer Fundamentals and Programming

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System Unit The main part, processing unit and devices, of a microcomputer is a system unit.

A system unit includes a board called a motherboard that holds a microprocessor chip (or a CPU), memory chips, and expansion slots. Electronic circuitry is printed on the board and it connects between two main parts of a microcomputer, the microprocessor and primary storage and other parts. The system unit is housed within the system cabinet. Motherboard A Motherboard or system board is the main printed, flat circuit board in an electronic device such as microcomputers. The board contains expansion slots (sockets) that accept additional boards (expansion Cards). In a microcomputer, the motherboard contains the microprocessor, the primary storage chips (or main memory cards), the buses, and all the chips used for controlling theperipherals. Microprocessor A microprocessor is a processor whose elements are miniaturized into one or a few integrated circuits contained in a single silicon microchip. It executes instructions. In a microcomputer, the central processing unit (CPU) is held on a single microprocessor. In order to function as a processor, it requires a system clock, primary storage, and power supply. Several important lines of microcomputers use some families of microprocessor chips. Intel and Motorola are the major companies that produce important microprocessors for IBM compatible and Macintosh computers. Central Processing Unit (CPU) The central processing unit (CPU) is the computing part of the computer that interprets and executes program instructions. It is also known as the processor. In a microcomputer, the CPU is contained on a single microprocessor chip within the system unit. The CPU has two parts: the control unit and the arithmetic-logic unit.

Additional storage units called registers within control unit and ALU help make processing more efficient. Control Unit: A control unit is the circuitry that locates, retrieves, interprets and executes each instruction in the central processing unit. The control unit directs electronic signals between primary storage and the ALU, and between the CPU and input/output devices. Atithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU): ALU is a high-speed circuit part in the CPU. The arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) performs arithmetic (math) operations, logic (comparison) operations and related operations. The ALU retrieves alphanumeric data from memory and then does actual calculating and comparing. It sends the results of the operation back to memory again. Memory Chips A memory chip is a chip that holds programs and data either temporarily or permanently. The major categories of memory chips are RAMs and ROMs. RAM Chips RAM stands for random-access memory. Random- access memory holds the data or instructions that the CPU is presently processing. The type of primary storage is RAM. That is, a collection of RAM chips builds primary storage. Whenever a CPU writes data or instructions to RAM, it wipes out the previous contents of RAM, and when a CPU read data or instructions from RAM, it keeps their contents. ROM Chips ROM stands for read-only memory. A ROM chip is a memory chip that stores instructions and data permanently. Its contents are placed into the ROM chip at the time of manufacture and cannot be modified by the user. A CPU can read and retrieve the instructions and data

from the ROM chip, but it cannot change the contents in ROM. ROM chips usually contain special instructions for computer operations such as ROM BIOS. The variations on the ROM chip are the following: PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory): A permanent storage device that becomes a read-only memory after it is written once by the customer rather than by the chip manufacturer. For example, a software producer can write instructions onto the PROM using special equipment. EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory): EPROM is a reusable PROM-chip that can be erased by a special ultraviolet light. EPROM holds its content until erased and new instructions can be written on it. EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory): EEPROM-chip can be erased, either within a computer or externally, by electric power. The process usually requires more voltage than the common +5 volts used in logic circuits. Primary Storage (Memory) Primary storage (internal storage, main memory or memory) is the computer's working storage space that holds data, instructions for processing, and processed data (information) waiting to be sent to secondary storage. Physically, primary storage is a collection of RAM chips. The contents are held in primary storage only temporarily. Capacity varies with different computers. Data or instructions are stored in primary storage locations called addresses. System Software System software is a program that manages and supports the computer resources and operations of a computer system while it executes various tasks such as processing data and information, controlling hardware components, and allowing users to use application software. That is, systems software functions as

a bridge between computer system hardware and the application software. System software is made up of many control programs, including the operating system, communications software and database manager. There are many kinds of computers these days. Some of them are easier to learn than others. Some of them perform better than others. These differences may come from different systems software.

Three Kinds of Programs Systems software consists of three kinds of programs. The system management programs, system support programs, and system development programs are they. These are explained briefly. System Management Programs These are programs that manage the application software, computer hardware, and data resources of the computer system. These programs include operating systems, operating environment programs, database management programs, and telecommunications monitor programs. Among these, the most important system management programs are operating systems. The operating systems are needed to study more details. There are two reasons. First, users need to know their functions first. For the second, there are many kinds of operating systems available today. Telecommunications monitor programs are additions of the operating systems of microcomputers. These programs provide the extra logic for the computer system to control a class of communications devices. System Support Programs These are the programs that help the operations and management of a computer system. They provide a variety of support services to let the computer hardware and other system programs run efficiently. The major system support programs are system utility programs,

system performance monitor programs, and system security monitor programs (virus checking programs). System Development Programs These are programs that help users develop information system programs and prepare user programs for computer processing. These programs may analyze and design systems and program itself. The main system development programs are programming language translators, programming environment programs, computer-aided software engineering packages.

Operating Systems An operating system is a collection of integrated computer programs that provide recurring services to other programs or to the user of a computer. These services consist of disk and file management, memory management, and device management. In other words, it manages CPU operations, input/output activities, storage resources, diverse support services, and controls various devices. Operating system is the most important program for computer system. Without an operating system, every computer program would have to contain instructions telling the hardware each step the hardware should take to do its job, such as storing a file on a disk. Because the operating system contains these instructions, any program can call on the operating system when a service is needed. Need to Study Operating System? There are many different computer systems and several available operating systems. Thus, users must know what each operating system can do and cannot do to meet their necessity. Today, many operating systems are used for general use or sometimes for specific use. Then, which one is best for a specific purpose? The reason that users need to study operating system is here. The predominant microcomputer operating system for IBM and IBMcompatibles so far was DOS (Disk Operating System). It has different versions including MS-DOS, PC-DOS and others. DOS is

very popular and wide spread, but it has some limitations. Users need to learn DOS although it may fade out in a few years and has some weakness, because it will be used for the next several years. The other popular operating system was the Apple Macintosh operating system. As more powerful microcomputers become commonplace, more advanced operating systems are needed. Microcomputer users are beginning to demand more powerful operating system that can run powerful microcomputers more efficiently. Today's very powerful microcomputers are demanding more complex and refined operating system that can do multifunctions. They also ask an easier user interface than old operating systems did. Now, there are more than six popular operating systems, leading to the lack of a standard. The other reason that operating system should be learned is here. How the Operating System Uses Memory Here explains in case of DOS. When a personal computer is turned on, it searches specific locations on the disk drives for operating system files. If the PC finds the files, it loads the first of them into memory. A set of operating system files then takes over, loading the rest of the main files into memory in a specific order. Because the operating system is in a sense, loading itself or lifting itself by its own bootstraps, this operation is called the boot-up. At the lowest part of memory, the operating system loads a table of interrupt vectors. When the operating system receives special codes called interrupts, it uses the table to detect where in memory it can find matching instructions. DOS also uses a small area just above the interruption table to hold the BIOS data called 'flags' that record the state of various system conditions. The same area also acts as a buffer to store keystrokes that come in faster than the system can process them. A large expanse of memory just above the BIOS flags and keyboard buffer is used for device drivers, utility programs, and application programs. When DOS reads the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, it looks for command lines to load drivers or memory-resident programs. Memory- resident programs are those that continue to be active even when application programs are running. When it finds such a command line, DOS normally puts the driver or program at the start of this large memory area. Device

drivers usually remain loaded until the PC is turned off. Memoryresident programs can be unloaded if no other programs are loaded after them. Operating System Functions An operating system executes many functions to operate computer system efficiently. Among them, four essential functions are the followings. Resource Management: An operating system manages a collection of computer hardware resources by using a variety of programs. It manages computer system resources, including its CPU, primary memory,virtual memory, secondary storage devices, input/output peripherals, and other devices. Task Management: The function of the operating system that controls the running of many tasks. It manages one program or many programs within a computer system simultaneously. That is, this function of operating system manages the completion of users' tasks. A task management program in an operating system provides each task and interrupts the CPU operations to manage tasks efficiently. Task management may involve a multitasking capability. File management: This is a function that manages data files. An operating system contains file management programs that provide the ability to create, delete, enter, change, ask, and access of files of data. They also produce reports on a file. User Interface: It is a function of an operating system that allows users to interact with a computer. A user interface program may include a combination of menus, screen design, keyboard commands. A well-designed user interface is essential for an operating system to be popular. Because of the function, users can load programs, access files, and accomplish other tasks. Virtual Memory

This is a technique for an operating system to manage memory. An operating system simulates significantly larger memory capability than the real memory capacity of its actual primary storage unit. It allows computers to process larger programs than the physical memory circuit would allow. Multitasking This refers the capability of operating systems that runs several computing tasks in one computer at the same time. This is controlled by the task management program in an operating system. It's also called multiprogramming and multithreading.

Application Software Application software consists of Programs that direct computers to perform specific information processing activities for end users. These programs are called application packages because they direct the processing required for a particular use, or application, which users want to accomplish. Thousands of application packages are available because there are thousands of different jobs end users want computers to do.

Kinds of Application Software Application software includes a variety of programs that can be subdivided into general-purpose and application-specific categories. General-Purpose Application Programs General-purpose applications packages are programs that perform common information processing hobs for end users. For example, word processing programs, electronic spreadsheet programs,

database management programs, graphics programs, communications programs, and integrated packages are popular with microcomputer users for home, education, business, scientific, and many other general purposes. They are also known as productivity packages, because they significantly increase the productivity of end users. This packaged software is also called off-the-shelf software packages, because these products are packaged and available for sale. Many features are common to most packaged programs.

Multimedia Software: Allows users to create image, audio, video etc. Example: Real Player, Media Player etc. Computer Crimes Computer crime encompasses a broad range of activities. Generally, however, it may be divided into two categories: (1) crimes that target computers directly; (2) crimes facilitated by computer networks or devices, the primary target of which is independent of the computer network or device. Spam, or the unsolicited sending of bulk email for commercial purposes, is unlawful in some jurisdictions. While anti-spam laws are relatively new, limits on unsolicited electronic communications have existed for some time. Fraud Main article: Computer fraud Computer fraud is any dishonest misrepresentation of fact intended to let another to do or refrain from doing something which causes loss. In this context, the fraud will result in obtaining a benefit by: Altering computer input in an unauthorized way. This requires little technical expertise and is not an uncommon form of theft by employees altering the data before entry or entering false data, or by entering unauthorized instructions or using unauthorized processes; Altering, destroying, suppressing, or stealing output, usually to conceal unauthorized transactions: this is difficult to detect; Altering or deleting stored data; Altering or misusing existing system tools or software packages, or altering or writing code for fraudulent purposes.

Application-Specific Software Many application programs are available to support specific applications of end users. Business Application Programs: Programs that accomplish the information processing tasks of important business functions or industry requirements. Scientific Application Programs: Programs that perform information processing tasks for the natural, physical, social, and behavioral sciences, engineering and all other areas involved in scientific research, experimentation, and development. There are so many other application areas such as education, music, art, medicine, etc. Types of Application Software: Word Processing Software: Allows users to create, edit a document. Example: MS Word, Word Pad etc. Spreadsheet Software: Allows users to create document and perform calculation. Example: Excel, Lotus1-2-3 etc. Database Software: Allows users to store and retrieve vast amount of data. Example: MS Access, MySQL, Oracle etc. Presentation Graphic Software: Allows users to create visual presentation. Example: MS Power Point

Other forms of fraud may be facilitated using computer systems, including bank fraud, identity theft, extortion, and theft of classified information.

A variety of Internet scams target direct to consumers.

Manual 2G1.3(b)(3) for his use of a cell phone to persuade, induce, entice, coerce, or facilitate the travel of, the minor to engage in prohibited sexual conduct. Connecticut was the first state to pass a statute making it a criminal offense to harass someone by computer. Michigan, Arizona, and Virginia have also passed laws banning harassment by electronic means. Harassment by computer statutes are typically distinct from cyberbullying laws, in that the former usually relates to a person's "use a computer or computer network to communicate obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, or indecent language, or make any suggestion or proposal of an obscene nature, or threaten any illegal or immoral act," while the latter need not involve anything of a sexual nature. Threats Although freedom of speech is protected by law in most democratic societies (in US this is done by First Amendment) that does not include all types of speech. In fact spoken or written "true threat" speech/text is criminalized because of "intent to harm or intimidate", that also applies for online or any type of network related threats in written text or speech. The US Supreme Court definition of "true threat" is "statements where the speaker means to communicate a serious expression of an intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group". Drug trafficking Drug traffickers are increasingly taking advantage of the Internet to sell their illegal substances through encrypted e-mail and other Internet Technology. Some drug traffickers arrange deals atinternet cafes, use courier Web sites to track illegal packages of pills, and swap recipes for amphetamines in restricted-access chat rooms. The rise in Internet drug trades could also be attributed to the lack of face-to-face communication. These virtual exchanges

Obscene or offensive content The content of websites and other electronic communications may be distasteful, obscene or offensive for a variety of reasons. In some instances these communications may be illegal. Over 25 jurisdictions place limits on certain speech and ban racist, blasphemous, politically subversive, libelous or slanderous, seditious, or inflammatory material that tends to incite hate crimes. The extent to which these communications are unlawful varies greatly between countries, and even within nations. It is a sensitive area in which the courts can become involved in arbitrating between groups with strong beliefs. One area of Internet pornography that has been the target of the strongest efforts at curtailment is child pornography. Harassment Whereas content may be offensive in a non-specific way, harassment directs obscenities and derogatory comments at specific individuals focusing for example on gender, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation. This often occurs in chat rooms, through newsgroups, and by sending hate e-mail to interested parties (see cyber bullying, cyber stalking, hate crime, Online predator, and stalking). Any comment that may be found derogatory or offensive is considered harassment. There are instances where committing a crime, which involves the use of a computer, can lead to an enhanced sentence. For example, in the case of United States v. Neil Scott Kramer, Kramer was served an enhanced sentence according to the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines

allow more intimidated individuals to more comfortably purchase illegal drugs. The sketchy effects that are often associated with drug trades are severely minimized and the filtering process that comes with physical interaction fades away. Cyber terrorism Government officials and Information Technology security specialists have documented a significant increase in Internet problems and server scans since early 2001. But there is a growing concern among federal officials that such intrusions are part of an organized effort by cyberterrorists, foreign intelligence services, or other groups to map potential security holes in critical systems. A cyberterrorist is someone who intimidates or coerces a government or organization to advance his or her political or social objectives by launching computer-based attack against computers, network, and the information stored on them. Cyber terrorism in general, can be defined as an act of terrorism committed through the use of cyberspace or computer resources (Parker 1983). As such, a simple propaganda in the Internet, that there will be bomb attacks during the holidays can be considered cyberterrorism. As well there are also hacking activities directed towards individuals, families, organized by groups within networks, tending to cause fear among people, demonstrate power, collecting information relevant for ruining peoples' lives, robberies, blackmailing etc. Cyberextortion is a form of cyberterrorism in which a website, email server, or computer system is subjected to repeated denial of service or other attacks by malicious hackers, who demand money in return for promising to stop the attacks. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, cyberextortionists are increasingly attacking corporate websites and networks, crippling their ability to operate and demanding payments to restore their service. More than 20 cases are reported each month to the FBI and many go unreported in order to keep the victim's name out of the public domain. Perpetrators typically use a distributed denial-of-service attack.

Cyber warfare Main article: Cyber warfare The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) notes that cyberspace has emerged as a national-level concern through several recent events of geo-strategic significance. Among those are included the attack on Estonia's infrastructure in 2007, allegedly by Russian hackers. "In August 2008, Russia again allegedly conducted cyber attacks, this time in a coordinated and synchronized kinetic and non-kinetic campaign against the country of Georgia. Fearing that such attacks may become the norm in future warfare among nation-states, the concept of cyberspace operations impacts and will be adapted by warfighting military commanders in the future.

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