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Trust computation in MANETs

To compute the trust value of a node following procedure is used NODE ID Every Node maintains the trust value of every other node in the format given below. NEIGHBOR NODE ID Age of relationship (how long they have been neighbors - by using simple counters) Weights assigned for the neighbor based on age of relationship. (higher weight value for long known neighbors) 1 0.4 NEIGHBOR NODES TRUST VALUE

1 1

2 6

500s 200ms

1 0.6

The trust value of nodes range from 1 to 0. Weights value ranges from 1 to 0. 1-> high weight, and decreases towards zero. Value 1 depicts highest trust and decreases towards 0. Initially all the nodes will be given a least trust value say 0.1. The nodes are monitored for their activity to increase/ decrease the trust value. For calculating trust value following information are collected from every node in the network No of packets received No of packets forwarded No of packets dropped. No of Message or packets originated/created by that node. Packet delivery ratio (total number of packets arrived/no., of packets forwarded). Number of Packets modified. Number of packets replicated unnecessarily. In NS2 we have to use AWK script to collect the information from all the nodes in the network. Then to compute the trust level of a single node, the following format is used,

While running the tcl file we have to mention the node IDs of the trust computing node and the ID of the node for which trust value is required as Ns trust.tcl 1 6

Step 1:- (Direct observation) Node 1 first checks whether node 6 is its neighbor, if so it gathers the above said trust parameters for node 6 and writes the values for packet delivery ratio, packet modifications etc.. in a separate file. It computes the trust value from the information stored in the file.

Step 2:- (getting Recommendations from neighbors) It sends a TREQ (trust request) to all its neighbors to provide the trust value for node 6. The neighbor nodes that receive the TREQ message will check its neighbor table for the trust value of the node 6. If it is present it will send back the result in TREP message along with the time it computed that trust value. Node 1 will prioritize the trust values of node 6 received from its entire neighbor in the order of time. Now it takes the average of the directly observed trust value and the recommendations received. Trust computing formula= Direct observation value + sum of all (weight * trust values received as recommendations from the neighbor) Trust value is changed accordingly in the neighbor table.

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