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Revit Massing for Conceptual designs, visualization.

One of the ways to learn & explore the product interestingly is to try to create in Revit from Realtime views of Buildings/Projects. It would definitely get curious to know how to do it in Revit. Like the one above helped me to understand how to put openings on a curved wall! Lets look at the method to do it. 1. Create the Levels 2. Put 2 reference planes in the Lowest level 3. Under Massing & Site tab, use the in-place Mass 4. Set work plane Pick a plane Choose the horizontal Reference plane 5. Open the South elevation view

6. Sketch the shape as shown. The challenge here would be when joining the spline &
line to meet, since they dont snap. To cut the spline in between use the spit tool, pull the line to snap the end point of spline.

7. Now select all the lines

Create form

Solid Form

8. This is like the extrusion command, the amount of extrusion can be adjusted in the plan view. 9. Finish the Mass. 10. From the elevation view, Mirror the mass, adjust the position in the Floor plan view. 11. Use Join Geometry & Join the 2 mass objects 12. To create the floor faces at the levels, first select the mass & choose Mass Floors under Model. 13. This will divide the Mass into floors at each of the levels chosen from the list.

14. To put the Walls on the face, here we have

double skin for the building, hence first lets put the curtain System by face & select the faces of the mass. 15. Adjust the properties of Grids & Mullion types in the Edit type properties of the curtain system.

16. Now Select the Wall by face & select the same faces, the walls overlap, to
adjust this go to the plan view & move the Curtain system towards the inside of the mass Do this preferably in the top view so that we know how much to move. 17. Alternatively we can create a copy of the mass object & resize to a smaller extrusion from all direction & Use this mass to put the Glazed wall & outer mass to put the solid wall 18. Now to put the varying Circular openings in the wall, Open the template of the Generic model face based. 19. Choose Void Forms Void Extrusion & draw a circle form

20. Put the radius dimension & Select label to add parameter of radius, in this case a type parameter.

21. Finish the void. Go to an elevation view.

22. Create a reference plane to fix the depth of the void. Add a thickness parameter similarly. 23. Resize the void to lie between the references & Lock them. 24. Go to Cut Geometry & Select the Face & then the Void , The opening is made . Make some three types of different radius. 25. Load this to the Project, use the component command to place the opening on the walls. Put the different types at different places. 26. Ready to render with a floor object having a Water material. If you have something similar to share, post your files on the Revit User Group B.

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