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Course in FEM ANSYS Classic


FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg

Anders Schmidt Kristensen M.Sc. in Mechanical Eng. from Aalborg University in 1993 Ph.D. in Mechanical Eng. from Aalborg University in 1997 Consultant for PTC Denmark 1997-1998 implementation of Pro/ENGINEER 1998 to pt. Associate Prof. at Aalborg University Esbjerg
FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg Introduction 2

The course is conducted the following way:
20-40 minutes lecture followed by 40-60 minutes exercise (including a break) Questions are allowed at any time

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg


[ANSYS] ANSYS 10.0 Documentation (installed with ANSYS):
Basic Analysis Procedures Advanced Analysis Techniques Modeling and Meshing Guide Structural Analysis Guide Thermal Analysis Guide APDL Programmers Guide ANSYS Tutorials

[Cook] Cook, R. D.; Concepts and applications of finite element analysis, John Wiley & Sons [Burnett] Burnett, D. S.; Finite element analysis: From concepts to application, Addison-Wesley [Kildegaard] Kildegaard, A.; Elasticitetsteori, Aalborg Universitet

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg


FEM - ANSYS Classic

Lecture 1 - Introduction:
Introduction to FEM ANSYS Basics Analysis phases Geometric modeling The first model: Beam model Geometric modeling Specification of Element type, Real Constants, Material, Mesh Frame systems Truss systems Element tables Boundary conditions/constraints/supports Loads Mesh attributes, meshing Sections 2D Plane Solid systems Geometric modeling Postprocessing Analysis types Modal analysis Buckling analysis

Lecture 2 - Preprocessor:

Lecture 3 - Loads:

Lecture 4 2D plane models :

Lecture 5 Analysis types:

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg


FEM - ANSYS Workbench/CAD

Lecture 6 3D Solids:
3D solid models Booleans Meshing issues

Lecture 7 3D Modeling:
Operate Import CAD Advanced topics

Lecture 8 Analysis types:

Analysis types Postprocessing TimeHistProc

Lecture 9 Workbench basics:

Workbench basics Geometric modeling

Lecture 10 Workbench analysis:

Workbench analysis types

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg


CAD - Computer Aided Design
AutoCAD, Bentley MicroStation, CadKey

CAD - Solid Modeling

Pro/ENGINEER, Inventor, IDEAS, CATIA, UGS, Solid Works

FEM/FEA - Finite Element Method/Analysis

ANSYS, ABAQUS, Algor, Altair, MscNastran, Cosmos

CAE - Computer Aided Engineering

Workbench, Design Space, Pro/Mechanica, CosmosWorks, Inventor/ANSYS

BEM - Boundary Element Method Mesh-less systems CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics
ANSYS/Fluent, ANSYS/Flotran, ANSYS/CFX, CF-Design, Altair

Multi-scale systems Optimization sizing, shape and topology

Introduction 7

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg

Introduction to Finite Element Analysis

What is Finite Element Analysis? Advantages Disadvantages How to avoid pitfalls History FEM - Resources Examples
Introduction 8

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What is Finite Element Analysis?

The FEM is a computer-aided mathematical technique for obtaining approximate numerical solutions to the abstract equations of calculus that predict the response of physical systems subjected to external influences [Burnett]

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg


What is Finite Element Analysis?

Each point have an infinite number of deformation state variables, i.e. degrees of freedom (dof) Transformation

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg

Real model Continuum

Each point have a finite number of deformation state variables (u,v), i.e. degrees of freedom

Analysis model Discrete


What is Finite Element Analysis?

Divide a continuum with infinitely degrees of freedom in to finite elements with a given number of degrees of freedom An element is geometrical defined by a number of nodes in which the elements are connected. The directions a node can move in is termed degrees of freedom (dof)
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What is Finite Element Analysis?

Following conditions must always be satisfied
Equilibrium conditions Compatibility conditions Constitutive conditions Boundary conditions

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg



What is Finite Element Analysis?

Most FEA systems are displacement based, i.e. an approximate displacement field is established
u(x,y) = a1 + a2 x + a3 y

Using a deformation based method yield one unique kinematic determined system to be determined
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What is Finite Element Analysis?

The deformation method yield the FEM characteristic system of equations:
Unknown displacement vector

[K]{D} = {R}
Stiffness matrix Load vector

This system of equations is solved for {D} by, e.g. Gaussian elimination Note on matrix algebra is found here
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What is Finite Element Analysis?

Formulation techniques to determine the stiffness matrix [K]
Direct method Variational methods, i.e. principle of stationary potential energy Weighted Residual methods, e.g. the Galerkin formulation

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg



What is Finite Element Analysis?

The unknown displacements (can be any field variable, e.g. temperature) {D} = {u1, v1, u2, v2 }T in the element nodes (nodal values) are determined from v3
Unknown displacement vector

[K]{D} = {R}
Stiffness matrix Displacement field variables: In 2D: (u,v) In 3D: (u,v,w)
FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg Introduction


Load vector y v1 u1 x

ndof = 6

v2 u2

What is Finite Element Analysis?

It is assumed that displacements within an element can be interpolated from known nodal values
ui=? u1 u2 u N1 u1 + N2 u2 u1 ui u2




N1 = (1 x/L) N2 = x/L




Linear case

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg

What is Finite Element Analysis?

The element stiffness matrix for a beam element with 2 nodes and 2 dof at each node [Cook], see also note:

ndof = 4

Found by the Direct Method

Unknown displacement vector ndof x 1

[K]{D} = {R} {D} = [K] {R}

Known stiffness matrix ndof x ndof
FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg Introduction


Known load vector ndof x 1


Irregular Boundaries General Loads Different Materials Boundary Conditions Variable Element Size Easy Modification Dynamics Nonlinear Problems (Geometric and/or Material)
Introduction 19

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An approximate solution An element dependent solution
NB: Always document assumptions!

Shape quality of elements affect the solution, e.g. poorly shaped elements (irregular shapes) reduce accuracy of the FE solution Element density affect the solution, i.e. the element size should be adjusted to capture gradients
Example: plate with a circular hole

Errors in input data

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How to avoid pitfalls

Carry out:
Hand calculations (Navier, Airy, Timoshenko) Norm based calculations (Euro-Code, EN, API) Experiments (strain-gauge, accelerometer) Evaluate the kinematic behaviour (deformations)
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A. Hrennikoff [1941] - Lattice of 1D bars McHenry [1943] - Model 3D solids R. Courant [1943] - Variational form Levy [1947, 1953] - Flexibility & Stiffness M. J. Turner [1953] - FEM computations on a wing Boeing [1950's] Engineer's at Boeing apply FEM to delta wings Argryis and Kelsey [1954] - Energy Prin. for Matrix Methods Turner, Clough, Martin and Topp [1956] - 2D elements R. W. Clough [1960] Coins the term Finite Elements
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1963 - Mathematical validity of method established - applied to non-structural problems 1960's - First general purpose FEA code developed 1970's - Non-linear solvers developed 1980's - Graphical pre-/postprocessors are developed 1990's - FEM tools integrated in CAD software

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg



FEM - Resources
CalFem FemLab

CAE products:

Cosmos/Works Inventor/ANSYS IDEAS

Introduction 26

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Introduction to ANSYS
What is ANSYS Facilities in ANSYS Interfacing with ANSYS Common terms

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg



What is ANSYS
ANSYS finite element analysis software enables engineers to perform the following tasks:
Build computer models or transfer CAD models of structures, products, components, or systems. Apply operating loads or other design performance conditions. Study physical responses, such as stress levels, temperature distributions, or electromagnetic fields. Optimize a design early in the development process to reduce production costs. Do prototype testing in environments where it otherwise would be undesirable or impossible (for example, biomedical applications).

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg



Facilities in ANSYS
Structural Linear Structural Nonlinear Structural Contact/Common Boundaries Structural Dynamic Structural Buckling Thermal Analysis CFD Analysis Electromagnetic - Low Frequency Electromagnetics - High Frequency Field and Coupled-Field Analysis
Introduction 29

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg

Facilities in ANSYS
Iterative Sparse Frontal Explicit

Preprocessing Postprocessing General Features

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg Introduction 30

Facilities in ANSYS

.. ANSYS Commands reference ANSYS Element reference .. Basic Analysis Procedures Advanced Analysis Techniques .. Structural Analysis Guide .. ANSYS Tutorials
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Facilities in ANSYS
During an analysis, you may want to modify or delete commands entered since your last SAVE or RESUME.
You can access the following file operations from the session editor dialog:
OK: Enters the series of operations displayed in the window below. You will use this option to input the command string after you have modified it. Save: Saves the command string displayed in the window below to a separate file. ANSYS names the file Jobnam000.cmds, with each subsequent save operation incrementing the filename by one digit. You can use the /INPUT command to reenter the saved file. Cancel: Dismisses this window and returns to your analysis. Help: Displays the command reference for the UNDO command.

The Session Editor is available in interactive (GUI) mode only.

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg Introduction 32

Facilities in ANSYS

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg



Interfacing with ANSYS

Matlab, Excel CAD Pro/ENGINEER IGES Log-file editing Application Programming Interface (API)

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg



Interfacing with ANSYS

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg



Common terms
Processor PREP7 SOLUTION POST1 POST26 OPT PDS AUX2 Function Build the model (geometry, materials, etc.) Apply loads and obtain the finite element solution Review results over the entire model at specific time points Review results at specific points in the model as a function of time Improve an initial design Quantify the effect of scatter and uncertainties associated with input variables of a finite element analysis on the results of the analysis Dump binary files in readable form GUI Path Main Menu> Preprocessor Main Menu> Solution Main Menu> General Postproc Main Menu> TimeHist Postpro Main Menu> Design Opt Main Menu> Prob Design Utility Menu> File> List> Binary Fi les Utility Menu> List> Files> Binary F iles AUX12 AUX15 RUNSTAT Calculate radiation view factors and generate a radiation matrix for a thermal analysis Translate files from a CAD or FEA program Predict CPU time, wavefront requirements, etc. for an analysis Main Menu> Radiation Matrix Utility Menu> File> Import Main Menu> Run-Time Stats /AUX12 /AUX15 /RUNST Command /PREP7 /SOLU /POST1 /POST26 /OPT /PDS /AUX2

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg



Launching of ANSYS Graphical User Interface (GUI) Menus, dialogs and toolbars Working area Preferences Files used by ANSYS ANSYS Menus ANSYS File menu ANSYS PlotCtrls menu Units Undo Hints
Introduction 37

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Analysis phases
Build the model. Apply loads and obtain the solution. Review the results.

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Analysis phases
Element Type select appropiate element type to model the structural response/behaviour most accurately. Real Constants properties depending on the element type, e.g. cross-sectional properties, area, area moment of inertia Material Props material properties, e.g. modulus of elasticity E and Poissons ratio n Sections cross-section definition Modeling define the geometry of the structure - it is essential to make some modeling considerations in this phase Meshing divide the geometry of the structure into elements take care of element distribution/density
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Analysis phases
Analysis Type specify the character of the problem Define Loads apply loads to the element model Solve run the solution process, e.g. for linear static systems solve (Gaussian elimination) for the unknown displacements: The global stiffness Unknown displacement vector ndof x 1
matrix [K]: ndof = total number of nodes x number degrees of freedom per node

[K]{D} = {R} {D} = [K] {R}

Known global stiffness matrix ndof x ndof
FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg Introduction


Known load vector ndof x 1


Geometric modeling
Create geometrical entities Operate perform Boolean operations Move / Modify move or modify geometrical entities Copy copy geometrical entities Delete geometrical entities Update Geom update the geometry in relation to for example buckling analysis

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Modeling - Create

The hierarchy of modeling entities is as listed below:

Elements (and Element Loads) Nodes (and Nodal Loads) Volumes (and Solid-Model Body Loads) Areas (and Solid-Model Surface Loads) Lines (and Solid-Model Line Loads) Keypoints (and Solid-Model Point Loads)
Introduction 42

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Examples - content
Example0100s: Link and/or beam models Example0200s: Plane 2D models Example0300s: Solid 3D models Example0400s: Vibration/dynamic models Example0600s: Thermal models

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg



The first model

FEM ANSYS Classic Computational Mechanics, AAU, Esbjerg



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