Monotheism Part 3-10 - Allah's Signs in The Powers To Hear, See & Think

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There are many Signs in your own selves. Do you not see?

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There are many Signs on earth for those of sure faith, and also in your
own selves. Do you not see?

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Behold, for those who believe there are Signs in the heavens and the
earth and in your own creation; and in the animals which He spreads out
over the earth too there are Signs for those endowed with sure faith;
and in the succession of night and day, and in the provision that Allah
sends down from the sky wherewith He gives life to the earth after it had
been lifeless, and in the change of the winds: (in all these) there are Signs
for people who use reason. These are Allah's Signs that We rehearse to
you in Truth. In what kind of discourse after Allah and His Signs will they,
then, believe?
He gave you hearing, and sight and thinking hearts so that you
may give thanks.

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Say: He it is Who has brought you into being, and has given you
hearing and sight, and has given you hearts to think and understand.
Monotheism: Part 3-01: Allah's Signs in the Powers to Hear, See & Think (For More Files Please Visit) {} Page 1

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How seldom do you give thanks !Say: Allah it is Who multiplied

you in the earth and to Him you will be mustered.

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Allah has brought you forth from your mothers' wombs when you knew
nothing, and then gave you hearing, and sight and thinking hearts so that
you may give thanks.

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He Who excelled in the creation of all that He created. He originated

the creation of man from clay, then made his progeny from the
extract of a mean fluid, then He duly proportioned him, and
breathed into him of His spirit, and bestowed upon you ears and
eyes and hearts. And yet, little thanks do you give.

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Was there a period of time when man was not even worthy of a
mention? Verily We created man out of a drop of intermingled sperm so
that We might try him, and We therefore endowed him with hearing and
sight. Surely We showed him the Right Path, regardless of whether he
chooses to be thankful or unthankful (to his Lord). For the unbelievers,
We have kept ready chains and fetters and a Blazing Fire.

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What do you think? If Allah takes away your hearing and your
sight and seals your hearts - who is the god, other than Allah,
who can restore them to you?

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If We so willed, We would have put out their eyes, then they would rush
to see the Way, but how would they be able to see? If We so willed, We
would have transformed them where they were so that they would not
go forward or backward. Whomsoever We grant a long life, We reverse
him in his constitution. Do they still not understand?

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Say (O Muhammad!): What do you think? If Allah takes away your

hearing and your sight and seals your hearts - who is the god, other than
Allah, who can restore them to you? Behold, how We put forth Our signs
in diverse forms, and yet they turn away from them.

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