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JUNE, 2013 Srila Prabhupadas Book Distribution in Siem Riep Town

In the middle of June we did some book distribution in the Town of Siem Reap. Guna Avatara and Bhakta Philips went to some hotels to submit an introductory letter along with one Khmer (Cambodian language) book. Most of the staff people were very friendly and open minded. We also met with some of the Hotel Managers. The staff people took many days to submit the letter to the General Managers, but none of the General Managers responded to us. We continued to distribute from shop to shop in the town. We have a lot of confidence because we know that actually the Cambodian people are pious and they are respecting very much the worship to Lord Wishnu, since Angkor Wat Temple is here. We were trying to explain to the people, in their own Cambodian language, that we come from the Asrham where every day we worship the deities of Lord Wishnu, Rama, Krishna, and also we are obeying the teachings of Lord Buddha and worshipping Him as one of the Lords incarnations. Every Sunday and Purnima we have a program/ceremony for the Lord and we distribute food that has already been offered to the Lord. We explain to them like this: We would like to serve the Lord by giving this book to you, and we invite you to kindly join hands with us to serve the Lord by giving some donation for this book so we can print more. This book is very important to distribute. It is not only about the religion or propagation to change your religion, but this book is more about the knowledge about the soul, reincarnation, birth, death, old age, disease and karma. If you do good to others you will get good results; if you do bad to others, you will get bad results. This is very useful knowledge for you to have. If you would like to join us by offering some donation for the ceremony or to help worship the Lord in the Asrham, as much as you can, we welcome you. Among 5 people that we meet, one will take some books and give a donation. For me this is really amazing because it is a new experience. And this spiritual joy connected with Cambodian book distribution is spreading to other countries. For example, Prasannatma Prabhu in Canada, who is helping to translate books into the Khmer language, is very happy with this news. Also, devotees like Sri Rama Prabhu in India, Sri Krishna Purusotama Prabhu in America and many other devotees are also supporting very much this program.

Beginning devotional life in Yasodapura Farm

Today I would like to introduce Mr Ngun and his family who have been staying in Yasodapura Farm for about two years now. By the mercy of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai he has been chanting the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra daily 2-3 rounds out of by his own desire because he likes Krishna. He wanted to put the Krishna picture that was in the brahmacary cottage in his new house. We allowed him to bring Krishnas photo because that will help purify his house. In this way he started his simple altar with the Panca-Tattwa picture that he has. After his daily puja, he offers dupa, rice, water, some melon or cucumber, and sometimes he cooks vegetables. He used to share some of that prasadam with me. Every night he chants the Hare Krishna Maha mantra and also plays his flute. Even myself I could not believe about this big change in this family. Before they were just simple karmi people, but right now they seem to be on the right way to become Lord Krishnas devotees. They have two children and there is an interesting story about his second son. When this son was in his mothers womb, her mother had a dream that one personality with four arms and a helmet on His head, along with a snake, came to bring this baby son to her. They believe that Lord Krishna was bringing this son from the heavenly planet. During this season Bhakta Ngun and family are growing rice near their house. The rice is nicely coming up. We have arranged to get a plough for him so that he can plough the land with his own buffalos. We have installed one Happy Doll Sri Sri Gaura Nitai on his altar, so we pray that the Lord will give them more mercy.

Yasodapura Ashram Deity Installation

By the mercy of Sri Guru and Sri Gaurangga we had the ceremony of installating the murti of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai on June 23rd. The program started with the Abisheka ceremony ( giving bath to the Lord) than after Yagna (fire sacrifice), dharsan arati (greeting the Deities), singing the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra and then ended with the honoring of Krishna prasadam.

About 18 people joined the installation. One special guest is the boy from near Phnum Kulen (Mount Kulen) who has been continually chanting 3-5 rounds daily. His name is Mr Sing. He also helped devotees to cook, and he made very good Curry soup.

Kunteyas Student Hostel

There are two reasons why I gave the name Kunteyas Student Hostel. First because the owner of this house is Ms. Kunteya who is our well-wisher, and second reason, because we would like to have few students to live there and practice the Asrham life. By following a devotee lifestyle, they will get the mercy of the great leaders of society like the sons of Kunti Devi (the mother of the Pandavas).

In order to help devotees, Kunteya Mataji gave the cheap rent price. Then we decided to occupy one room for a boy who came to stay. He use to chant a few rounds every day about two years ago. We are going to prepare the hall for the altar and beside that will be Kunteya Matajis library. Outside there is a compound where we can grow some vegetables and natural herbs. So gradually we plan to do that. This house is very close to our temple, about a 10 minute ride by bicycle. The devotees can easily to come to the temple, by Krishnas mercy.

Hare Krishna Vegetarian Restaurant

We now have our official permit for our Hare Krishna Vegetarian Restaurant. Kumudaksha prabhu is overseeing the operation of the restaurant with the help and financial support of Kala prabhu from Canada. We have many visitors coming to the restaurant, especially foreigners from different countries who visit Siem Reap to see Angkor Wat. Please come to Siem Reap so we can serve you some nice Krishna prasadam. Hare Krishna.

Prepared by Guna Avatara das Edited by RP Bhakti Raghava Swami

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