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HCM Process and Forms - Tutorial Part 1

By Philip Johnston Create: Form Scenario: ZFS6, Process: ZPR6, Form: Z_ISR_FORM_ZFS6, Backend Service: SAP_PA Example: Read I.T. 0001 Use a customizing client. This is a very basic HCM Process and Forms scenario which uses the PA model and reads one additional InfoType 0001 field for displaying on the form. Step 1: Call Up Transaction: HRASR_DT and select Form Scenario from the drop down

Enter ZFS6 for the Form Scenario name and hit enter:

You will be prompted to create the object. Select Yes and supply the ISR Scenario and Form name.

Select the Green Check button and you will be prompted to create the form and interface:

Select Yes and supply the package name and transport number you wish to assign to. Step 2: Now click on Fields to see which fields have automatically been added from the PA Framework:

These are the basic PA fields which get added to all PA Process and Form scenarios. We need to add more fields so they are available to our form process. Add the following Field: Field Name: Name: Data Binding: ENAME Employee Name EMNAM

We now need to add this field to our Back-End Service SAP_PA. Double Click on Back-End Services -> SAP_PA -> Fields:

Add the following Field information and hit enter: Field Name: Name: InfoType: ScreenStruct: Field Name: ENAME Employee Name 0001 HCMT_BSP_PA_US_R0001 ENAME

We want to default in the employees name into the ENAME field. To do this, double click the column Default on the ENAME row. The following popup displays:

Select the SAP_PA row and select CUR Value for effective date:

Selecting the CUR option tells the SAP System to read the selected employees current infotype 0001 record and display the value stored in ENAME. Step 3: Now lets create an Adobe form which we can use to display the ENAME value we have defined. Double Click Form and you will see our form name and status:

Select the Change icon (Pencil) next to our form name. This will launch the Adobe LifeCycle Designer. The first thing we need to do is select the Context tab and map our field ENAME from the Interface to the Form.

Drag ENAME and drop onto our form name Z_ISR_FORM_ZFS6. Result:

HCM Process and Forms - Tutorial Part 1

...Previous Now switch back to the layout tab so you are in the designer mode. The first thing you should do: from the Utilities menu, choose Insert Web Dynpro Script:

This will include a file into your project (ContainerFoundation_JS) which includes lots of JavaScript used by the Process and Forms framework. From the Object Library Palette, drag an ISR Text Display onto your form. The ISR Text Display object can be found in the ISR Native Controls section:

We now have this object on our form:

Double Click the text to change it to something appropriate:

Now from the Data View tab, we need to find the ENAME data element and drag it (BIND) onto the ISR Text Display object we just created. Locate ENAME in the Data View Tab:

Drag the lowest element FIELD from ENAME and drop it onto your ISR Text Display object. To verify that binding is correct, you can select your display object and look at the binding properties:

This completes our very basic form. Save and activate. You should be prompted to activate both the form and the interface.

Exit the form and you will be returned back to the configuration of your form Scenario. You will now notice that your Form Status displays active:

Step 4: So far we have created a Form Scenario and a Form. Now we need to create a process. Open Design Time for Processes and Forms - Transaction: HRASR_DT. Select Process and enter ZPR6. Press enter and you will be prompted to create it. It will then ask for you form scenario ZFS6.

In the object hierarchy, double click the root node for ZPR6. Select the checkbox Permit Parallel Run. This will allow running the same WF for the same employee in parallel good during testing. Also, the Process Name is what the portal uses to alphabetically order and the Process Description is what will show in the portal for users to select. Leaving the Process name as ZPR6 will put the process at the bottom of the process selection list.

In the object hierarchy, double click the workflow node. Enter NO_WORKFLOW since we are not using WF at this time that will come later. Press enter and save your changes.

Now is a good time to test. You can either logon to the portal and select your process or launch directly using:<your language=EN client #>&sap-

Result: Search for an employee:

Choose Select Process and you will see your process in the list:

Select your process and choose Edit. The form will load and ENAME will be displayed:

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