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GALVEZ, Ma. Johara G.

1-A If Adam and Eve have not committed sin, would it still be necessary for Jesus to be Our Savior? In an article written by Lorraine Day, M.D, What was God's Purpose in Creating Humanity? Why Did God Create Human Beings Into a Universe Already Heavily Contaminated With Sin?, she stated that: The human race is not responsible for sin. Sin was ALREADY present in the universe when God created Adam and Eve. Satan and his evil angels had been sinning for some period of time, maybe a very long time, before Adam and Eve were created. The Plan of Salvation obviously was in place BEFORE the earth was created. Something had to be done to provide salvation for sinners or all would have been lost. Satan and the evil angels were already sinners before any human being was created. God created a new race of individuals, humanity, individuals with flesh and blood, individuals who were capable of dying, a necessity for the plan of salvation since Jesus' plan was to come in human form and DIE for the sins of the world. But human beings would be capable of dying ONLY if they sinned. Before sin there was no death, neither in Adam and Eve, nor in all of Creation. Even Satan and the evil angels had been sinning for a long time, yet they showed no signs of deterioration in their stamina. The same is true today. Satan and his evil angels are going strong! They have no flesh and blood, which is what deteriorates as a result of sin. If neither Adam and Eve, nor their offspring, had sinned, there would be no death. In that case, there would be no need for Jesus to die for us, since no human being would have sinned. Adam and Eve still would have been as innocent as little children. They would not have known the difference between good and evil. They would have been incapable of purposely choosing God for His goodness because they knew nothing else. It would have been impossible for them to glory in God's fabulous creation because they had no opportunity to know anything else. It would have been impossible for Adam to Eve to appreciate God's boundless love for His children, whether perfect or sinful, because Adam and Eve knew nothing of sin, calamity or utter wickedness. It was necessary for them to know evil in order for them eventually to choose "good," intelligently and willingly. Therefore, sin was a necessary part of the plan of salvation. Without sin, there would be no death. Without sin, Adam and Eve would never have experienced the opposite of "good," which would allow them

eventually to understand and abhor evil. Every human being had to be "dipped" in sin to be able to understand first hand the ruinous consequences of sin, to understand that sin leads to death. Sin was imperative because it introduced death to the human race, a prerequisite necessary for Jesus to come in human form and DIE to redeem mankind. (Source: htm) In my opinion, I do believe that Jesus Christ would not need to save the earth from sin if Adam and Eve had not sinned. I agree with the writer, who I have quoted above that, there would be no salvation if sin was not committed. The primary reason of why Jesus Christ became man was because, He is the Son of God brought to earth to save humanity. If Adam and Eve had not sinned, there would be nothing to save in the first place. Adam and Eve would have lived perpetually with the rest of mankind. Moreover, since it has been already established that if humanity was not subjected to sin then we would not have known of death, there would also be no reason for us to be a part of Gods heavenly kingdom. Jack Kelley further discussed the concept of the forbidden fruit, stating: Somehow the fruit of the tree of life sustained their immortality while eating fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil made them mortal, subject to death, and thats why it was forbidden. Man was not created to be merely a mortal, but to dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (Source: ) In addition to my earlier statement, I do believe that God wants us all to live with Him; that is why it is necessary for us to die, which would not have been possible without committing sin. The Books of the Old Testament and the Major and Minor Prophets

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