Angleščina - Mini Test Za Srednješolce

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Intrukcije Angleine, Andreja Koprivnik, 2012

Mini test
1. Insert the correct form of verbs in brackets. Use Present Simple and Continuous and Past Simple and Continuous tenses. When ever she (go) abroad, she (feel) homesick. What they (look for)? He (touch) me with his gentle hand and (kiss) my lips. His mood (change) from minute to minute. They (supply) us with every kind of food. We (have) a coup of coffee and (chat). How long you (travel) from Italy to France? The car (move) towards us very fast. Some people (live) in remote places and (came) to work earlier than those who (live) in the neighborhood. The same thing (happen) to me now as it happened to you years ago. The work which (take) me about six days (not be) easy. Waiters (serve) drinks while we (wait). What you (want) from me? I (not want) to see you any more. The police (gather) around your house. Why you (not warn) mw she (be) dangerous? The show (go on) while everybody (watch) it. 2. Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable tense form. Use present and past tenses. She (scream) all the time she (press) the bell until somebody (open) the door. Mary always (gossip) with her neighbors. Smart people (not need) to learn much. What you usually (play) at the concert? Mr Miller (give) instructions to his secretary while she (listen) to him very attentively. My house (need) repairing. It's time you (choose) your own way of life. You (be) grown up now and (have to) decide what you would like to do. We (chatter) like a hundred canneries today. Why she always (pick) on me? What have I done? 3. Translate On nikoli ne pokae svojih ustev, zato se nikoli ne smehlja ali joka. Tekli so, medtem ko je on sedel na klopi in jih opazoval. Kadar koli se sreava, se on vedno nasmehne.

Intrukcije Angleine, Andreja Koprivnik, 2012

Ta teden se vozim na delo s kolesom, ker sije sonce Vedno nas obiejo, kadar pridejo na Dunaj. Medtem ko sem jedel, sem si opekel jezik.

4. Story The Sand Sand (be) one of the most common substances in the world. You can find it everywhere. It (cover) deserts, ocean beds, mountains, sea shores etc... Some people even (collect) it. They (be) very proud if they (show) you a small bottle containing sand from different corners of the world. In fact we all ________________ (like) it. As children we (use) sandy playgrounds and when we (grow up), we travel to Egypt, Morocco etc. to see deserts, to go on a safari. We even (take off) our shoes to take a walk on the sand and to feel it beneath our feet. I (be) impressed by sand the most when I (go) on a safari to the desert of Egypt. I (admire) the magnificent dunes, while I (ride) my camel. It (be) terribly hot, but we really (not feel) it as we (have) plenty of fresh water in our rucksacks and (not have) much time to think about it. Our guide (take) us to a wonderful oasis. Can you imagine a small green spot with water and a lot of different plants in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing else but dunes? Look, there a snake (coil) round that tree! one of the tourists (say). Yes, there (be) also some dangerous animals in the desert such as scorpions, snakes, lizards and so on that (not be) very pleasant to see. Then the wind (blow) and sand (get) into our eyes. Somebody in our caravan (curse). Well, sometimes it (can) be really annoying, too. Especially on the beach if it (get) under your swimming costume or on your towel. And you can't get rid of it if your feet (be) wet...However, it (be) a part of our nature weather you (want) or not with all its beauty although we sometimes (curse) if it (become) too unpleasant.

5. Parts of speech. Define the given words, which word family do they belong to. beautiful university she in front of under apologize boiling met chance well quickly but work after

Intrukcije Angleine, Andreja Koprivnik, 2012

6. Make the given sentences negative and compose two questions on the underlined words. They slept in a rented house through all their holidays.

My sister was talking on the phone when I got home.

She drinks tea every afternoon with her grandmother.

Steve is slicing bread in the kitchen while his wife is cutting meat.

Her children always yell and jump around me.

David discovered some new plants while he was exploring the jungle.

7. Insert the right preposition (upon, up, of, for, out, to, under, in, into, at, from) "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" Suddenly Uncle Henry stood _________. "There's a cyclone coming, Em," he called ______ his wife. "I'll go look after the stock." Then he ran toward the sheds where the cows and horses were kept. Aunt Em dropped her work and came ______ the door. One glance told her ______ the danger close _____ hand. "Quick, Dorothy!" she screamed. "Run ______ the cellar!" Toto jumped _____ of Dorothy's arms and hid _______ the bed, and the girl started ____ get him. Aunt Em, badly frightened, threw open the trap door _______ the floor and climbed down the ladder _______ the small, dark hole. Dorothy caught Toto _____ last and started _____ follow her aunt. When she was halfway across the room there came a great shriek _______ the wind and the house shook so hard that she lost her footing and sat down suddenly _______ the floor.

Intrukcije Angleine, Andreja Koprivnik, 2012

Parts of Speech (besedne vrste)

1. verb (glagol) Kaj kdo dela ali kaj se z njim dogaja? Work, go, feel, supply, look, gouched, move, ... 2. Noun (samostalnik) Kdo ali kaj? Koga ali esa? Komu ali emu? Koga ali kaj? Pri kom ali pri em? S kom ali s im? dog, man, table, John, London, France, beauty, fear, courage, team, group, staff, book, baby, ... 3. Adjective (pridevnik) Kaken? Kateri? igav? Kakna? Katera? igava? Kakno? Katero? igavo? Pridevnik natanneje pojasnjuje: samostalnik - lepa hia = a beautiful house tall, happy, beautiful, as good as, not as good as, not so sweet as, taller than, the best of, the smartest in, old, older, the oldest, ... 4. Adverb (prislov) - asa: Kdaj? - kraja: Kam ali Kje? - naina: Kako ali na kaken nain? - vzroka: emu ali zakaj? Prislovi asa natanneje pojasnjujejo: glagol- lepo peti= sing beautifully prislov - izredno lepo= extremely beautifully pridevnik - zelo prijazen = very kind Bravely, very, fast, early, far, near, prettily, faster, well, better, best, as well as, higher than, fluently there, tomorrow, always, 5. Conjunction (veznik) If, supposing, as long as, unless, but, 6. Preposition (predlog) At, in, for, by, from, of, into, on, to, with, during, among- between, over - above,... 7. Pronoun (zaimek) I, you, he/she/it, we, you they, me, you him, her, us, you, them, myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, each other, one another, my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their, mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs, these/this, that/those, such, the same, who, whom, whose, what, which, all, each, every, both, some, any, either/neither, no, nobody, no one, nothing, much, many, little, few, a little, a few, several 8. Numerals (tevniki) The first, second, third,3rd, 2nd, 1st, ...

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