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Iltharanos [KLINGON BIRD-OF-PREY] July 12, 2012

Propulsion Data

Klingon Bird-of-Prey
Heavy Scout; Commissioned: 2125

Impulse System: K-HEU-1 (.4c) (A) Warp System: STN-3 (3/4/6 OCU) (C)

[-4] [-17]

Hull Data
Structure: 15 [51 space][3 space remains] Size/Decks: 4/3 Length/Height/Beam: 100/24/80 m Complement: 18

Operational Data
Atmosphere Capable: Yes Cargo Units: 40 Cloaking Device: No Life Support: Class 1 (B) Operations System: Class 1 (B) Sensor System: Class 1 (+1/0/0/0/0/B) Separation System: No Shuttlebay: 1 a Shuttlecraft: 4 size worth Tractor Beams: 1 v Transporters: 1 standard [-2] [0] [0] [-3] [-3] [-1] [0] [-2] [0] [0]

Tactical Data
Disruptors: K-GDM-1 (x2/B) Penetration: 3/2/2/0/0 Torpedo Launchers: KT-X (x1/B) Photon Penetration: 2/2/2/2/0 Deflector Shield: PFF 1 (A) Protection/Threshold: 12/1 [-6] [-6] [-14]

Miscellaneous Data
Maneuver Modifiers: 0C, +1H, 0T Traits: Vulnerable System (Operations) [+5]

Iltharanos [KLINGON BIRD-OF-PREY] July 12, 2012

The Bird-of-Preys mission parameters involve scouting out new worlds ripe for conquest. When not searching for new world to conquer for the Empire, the Bird-of-Prey patrols the borders of the Empire, ensuring no invaders bypass their line of defense.

The Bird-of-Prey is the earliest known example of the Klingon starship that would prove so popular in the 23rd and 24th centuries. Although this version lacks the cloaks of later eras, it accomplishes its objectives admirably, and more importantly, with honor.

The Bird-of-Prey is armed with multiple disruptor banks and a powerful photon torpedo launcher. In combination with its shield system, even this scout ship is a match for the capital ships of other species. The only real weakness in the Bird-ofPreys design is its vulnerability to its operations, as a direct hit to the main plasma junction above the sensor array can disable the entire power grid.

Ships in Service
Name IKS DTlang Registry I.K.S. 77 Notes Under the command of Duras, son of Toral, the ship was destroyed by Enterprise NX-01 at the edge of the Delphic Expanse (2153). Under the command of Vorgal, destroyed damaged Andorian starship (2150).

IKS KreThor

I.K.S. 90

Iltharanos [KLINGON BIRD-OF-PREY] July 12, 2012

Series ENT Media T.V. The Expanse; T.V. Borderland; T.V. Cold Station 12; T.V. The Augments; T.V. Divergence

A Bird-of-Prey firing disruptors

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