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Section Cover page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Titled Description of Proposal Author Recipient Proposal Table of Contents Part 1 Proposal Description Our Portfolio of Services to Lion of Africa Value Chain Quality of Staff Ensures Quality of Work Done Professional Code of Conduct Explanation of Investigative Service Activities Human Resources Dynamics and the Response Investigation Solutions Model Performance Management and Evaluation Process Marketing orientation Risk Management Record Retention Labour Laws Experience and Ability to Provide Services Geographical Area Propose Services Staffing Timeline Alliances and Partnerships for Geographical support Free structure

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Proposal Fact Sheet

A. Proposal Description The XXXXXXXXXX is a company with many vested interests including shareholder and stakeholder values which it cannot afford to waiver to any dent in its reputation about the prudence and management of its affairs regionally and internationally. i. XXXXXXXXXX has a respectably tenacious and lifelong brand which stands out as impeccable and infallible such brand value is Customer and consequently investor value. A prudent organisation which preserves value wins customers and investors for a simple reason who pays for the losses business makes? -Guarantee prudence at corporate operational levels then both clients (as cash cows) who bring in sales, which are the lifeblood of the organisation and -the investors whose main aim is to maximise profits utilising various strategies one of which is the Japanese Management technique of minimising waste! No waste in the business means more value for the Clients as the market kings, and more value for the shareholders as the drivers of investment or working capital ii. While every efforts have been taken to by South African based organisations adopt to international standards of business excellence and adapt to the local and global challenges of doing business, such managing risk, and making all contingency management provisions, the most uncontrollable factors are instigated by humans like ourselves. As the adage goes, you need wire mesh and poles to encumber a beast, but you need intensively hi technology systems to partially control the misdemeanour of mankind.

To a JSE or to an Alt-X listed company, a percent value is significant in millions if not billions of Rands or US Dollars. iii. Saved through minimising waste, a percent point can tally to millions in the short run and even billions in potential revenue in the long run. The ultimate result is job security, and an ability to attract highly skilled and highly performing stafffor one simple reason again, highly performing staff help a firm to attain optimum profits post the break-even point, they are motivated hence innovative, they give the organisation the thrust and impetus of a business survival spirit. Business is about market competition so a Six Sigma organisation, requires a Six Sigma mindset, committed to a Six Sigma operations plan to achieve Six Sigma outcomes with black belt precision. This creates a formidable brand and market reputation for the business, iv. Fact is even a competitor with 2% market share is a threat, for a third simple reason your strategy (probably smoothed over decades) can be outweighed by overnight technology v. With mergers and acquisitions giant foreign business can forge their way into South African markets via inconspicuous means-who would have thought moguls from India could weave their way into big business using the undetected power of a Close Corporation? While a zero error cannot possibly be achieved, our numbers can be geared towards a near zero point, all willing we might strive for continuous improvement of service excellence in delivery quality

The Office of XXXXX and the Committee is reasonably in no doubt as to whether the company XXXXXXXXXX Pty Ltd needs to address these issues at a level of outsourcing our entire gamut of various services from our Agency XXXX in order to achieve a zero tolerance benchmarch.

B. Confidentiality of performing the work proposed XXXXX treats all its communiqu, the subsequent submitted proposals as competitive sealed proposals and are confidential regardless of success of final award(s) and treats client Information integrity as a buttress for its own integrity. No part of its client dealings shall be open to public discussion or disclosure and our staff maintains a NO MEDIA POLICY which is enshrined in our written confidentiality contracts. All our equipment is encrypted with high level Encryption Code Policy where the use of passwords is controlled and may not be shared with immediate family or partners, regulated may not contain birthdays names of immediate family ,partners or pets, standardised in terms of length , types of characters use and password strength is mandated anti hacking tools are used only GPS enabled devices are used for tracking of lost or stolen PDA for recovery or remote destruction where recovery may not be possible or profitable We have a Hacking monitoring Unit to monitor White, and Black hat hacking activity and we have a system to monitor such over-the-air OTA or embedded keylogger activity We have standard radio and push to talk communication protocol that is encrypted from unauthorised deciphers in order to combat organised crime syndicated who have law enforcement agents on their payroll. We have an Anti-Spying unit to combat corporate espionage, and we optimise on size and utilise counter eavesdropping to bypass some of the disadvantages of Interception of Communication by hackers. Highly confidential information is transmitted separately from designated points, using designated codes and using prescribed devices in order to prevent possible interception by the public inspection. In view of this proposal we encourage XXXXXXXXXX Pty Ltd to determine that it is in the best interest of XXXXXXXXXX Pty Ltd . XXXXXXXXXX Pty Ltd to award a Contract to our organisation XXXXX which has demonstrated the best possibility about its ability for providing the services by means of Physical Resource, Staff Training and Experience Legislative Compliance of the Business Business Referrals Curriculum Vitaes of Key Personnel .

C. Services Flowchart

Incoming RFS


Specification Resources Geography Scheduling Deployment Financing

Performance Management Reporting Support/Back up Job Execution

Consolidation Reporting Evaluation

Submissions Feedback Invoicing


Client Liaison






Follow up

Sample of our Services Flowchart (Courtesy of BMPAT )

D. Performance Management System We have a simplified Performance Management System in place to manage Specific Performance towards the Service Level Agreement (SLA) with our customers. Performance Management System Definition of performance-Performance is the measurement of the quality and quantity of an individuals inputs into work,the manner of processing such inputs (throughput) to the final output and presentationof the end product. Key to performance is Efficiency-the relationship or the maths of input v output v waste v global standards Effectiveness-straight way achievement of plan(no frills) Matrix of performance criteria (the total package) Contract->Appraisal->Counselling->Measurement->Performance Review Meetings->Training

Performance Contract Every employee at XXXXX has signed a Performance Contract to make them aware that they are accountable for Specific individual levels of performance and to render them personally responsible ensuring for excellent results on each and every tasks relating to their assigned according to Job Title with its Job Description, Specification, Duties and Reporting. This ensures personal commitment towards achieving performance goals and a clear anticipation of the outcomes of negative or positive Tasks

Performance Appraisal Operations management conducts periodical Appraisal meeting with employees part to ensure who is the Boss and also to ensure a confidential one-on-one interaction of employer with the employee. This allows for communication a reinforcement of required and expected levels of performance including the Matrix of intrinsic(covert) and extrinsic(overt) attitudes, demonstration of salient values of a private security/investigation officer customer service, deportment, subordination, absenteeism, care for productivity, care for equipment, discipline, professional conduct In the appraisal meeting there is tears and grim faced outcomes, straight facts about ones conduct but we aim to reduce the negative impact of traditional Performance Appraisals by incorporating continuous performance motivation, performance support , training so that each team member can cope with the high performance demands of the organisation.

Performance Measurement XXXXX have Annual objectives set out Annual target figures are broken down to Quarterly Quarterly is broken down into Monthly Monthly is broken down into Weekly and Daily figures Daily results are plotted on displayed Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Charts in a bar graph and the cumulative results are marked using Highlighter and a corresponding line Graph is plotted above the Bar Graph to show performance. Fluctuations. Weekly KPI meetings of 10 minutes duration ensure continuous evaluation of team performance, allows for team input and correctional measures to be suggested. Corresponding results are loaded onto the system for management review.

Performance Counselling Counselling is a method of ensuring that employees do not crumble under stress of non performance. It is our primary investment not to suffer poor performance under any circumstances and we will identify or encourage voluntary notification when employees see early indications of lower than expected performance. Issues can be conflict, job dissatisfaction, family issues, personal health, habits/ addictions(gambling), crises , competence, handling change, burnout, lack of sufficient training, work pressure poor time management, over commitment, attempting to multitask, lack of focus, inappropriate use of authority by superiors, widespread staff grievance.

Performance Review Meetings

Performance Review Meetings are the most effective methods of bringing in change and continuous improvement in XXXXX Company Possible methods of keeping up performance, limiting poor performance are brainstormed and implemented Some of XXXXX Company Techniques involve Streamlining processes, process design, process improvement Simplifying business processes Eliminating non value adding processes using Time and motion studies Eliminating waste Training Incentive schemes Using meaningful KPI System, Quality Management System Transparency Communication Technology investment Servicing of equipment and Vehicles Empowering staff to cope with reporting processes Management making the reporting process simple

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