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Dec. 2008 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Scuttlebutt Flotilla 12-8, 7th District Charleston, South Carolina Vol. 34, No. 12 - December 2008
Page 1

Flotilla Web Site:

Commanders Corner
Joe Fleming, FC 12-8
This has been a wonderful and rewarding year for our flotilla. I have enjoyed working with all our staff and members and look forward to working with everyone in 2009. We have accomplished many goals for our Division and hope to do so next year. One of the biggest goals was to recruit new members that are willing and able to help us, with our obligation to helping and supporting the Coast Guard with their roles in protecting and serving our country. Two of our members have completed their crew training and are ready to get on the water. Congratulations to Eve Egan and Paul Berka for completing crew training. I look forward to getting on the water with them. I encourage every member out there to get involved in one or more of the programs the Auxiliary has available for them. There is always a need for more help. Sector Charleston put out a request for help in their supply office, Alan Miles and Eve Egan stepped up and helped get the job done. Again, Sector has put out a request for additional help. The Regional Examination Center in Charleston has had some unfortunate issues arise. This has led
(Continued on page 6)

Vice Commander
Bob Lovinger, VFC 12-8
This will be my last column as Vice Flotilla Commander. As most of you know, Alan Miles was elected Vice Commander in the November meeting and was sworn in by the DiInside vision Vice Com- FC ............. 1 mander, Bob Weskerna. It VFC .......... 2 has been an honor and privi- AN ............. 4 lege to serve you this year CM.N/A as Vice Commander and I CS ............. 3 urge everyone to give our FN ............. 6 new leadership team of Joe IS............... 9 Fleming and Alan Miles as MA ............ 6 much support and help in MS ............ 6 the coming year as you have MT ............ 2 generously given us this OP ............. 4 PA..N/A year. The Gold Side is conPB ............. 4 tinuing to need our help in PE ............. 5 an expanding range of ac- PS .............. 5 tivities including marine PV ............. 9 safety and marine environ- SR ............. 7 mental response, so there VE ............. 5 are many ways for everyone Calendar... 7 Trivia ........ 6 to serve. In the coming year, I will be taking over Public Education from Eric Kilpatrick who has shouldered a heavy burden this year. The ABC course seems to be quite popular and I hope I can call on
(Continued on page 5)

Confidentiality Notice: Telephone numbers and addresses of members are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. As a matter of policy, rosters of names, addresses and telephone numbers shall not be made available to the general public or any outside organization. Privacy of all rosters shall be safeguarded and the page clearly labeled. The publication of these rosters, addresses, and telephone numbers on any computer on-line service including the Internet is prohibited by the Privacy Act of 1974. The Auxiliary is guided by the current equal opportunities policies of the Commandant of the Coast Guard. No Person shall be subject to

Dec. 2008


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Member Training
Bob Mathewes, SO-MT
communication from the National Director this month spelled out very clearly the dos and donts for wearing the Auxiliary ball cap and wearing of Coast Guard ball caps by Auxiliarists. Since this is a question that is often raised and also often done wrong, I thought summarizing the Directors communication might be helpful. The bold print and underlines are mine, for emphasis. The Auxiliary Ball Cap is the ball cap most commonly worn by Auxiliarists when a ball cap is authorized with certain uniforms. It can have either "USCG Auxiliary" or "USCG" over the word "Auxiliary" displayed (embroidered) in silver lettering on the front panel (as an option, Auxiliarists may also have the number of their flotilla, division, or region displayed in the same size lettering, for example "FLOT 11-4"). Auxiliarists must wear either the metal office collar insignia or the member collar insignia on this ball cap Embroidered or sew-on versions may be worn as an option. The Coast Guard Unit Ball Cap (aka - Unit Ball Cap is the ball cap most commonly worn by Coast Guard active duty and Reserve personnel that represents the unit to which they are currently assigned. The key consideration about an Auxiliarist's wear of a unit ball cap is that they must be authorized to wear it by the unit Commanding Officer. Recurring support is a key aspect of the command's authorization to wear a unit ball cap. Such authorization normally results from recurring support provided by an Auxiliarist to the unit, effectively earning recognition by the command as a crew member. Although

an Auxiliarist may live in the surrounding area of a Coast Guard unit, that alone does not provide justification to wear that unit's ball cap - there must be an element of recurring support as defined by the command. Further, like active duty and Reserve counterparts, a unit ball is only worn while assigned to that unit. This means that once an Auxiliarist ceases their recurring support of the unit, their authorization to wear the unit ball cap also ends. Auxiliarists must wear either the metal office collar insignia or the member collar insignia on this ball cap (embroidered/sew-on insignia are not an option). If an Auxiliarist is authorized by a Coast Guard command to wear the Coast Guard unit ball cap, then they may wear it in lieu of the Auxiliary ball cap with any uniform and associated activity for which a ball cap is authorized with exceptions defined below. General Ball Cap Wear Provisions: (1) If an Auxiliary ball cap is authorized for wear with a uniform, and the uniform is authorized for wear with a mission or activity, then that ball cap may be worn for that mission or activity. For example, since Undress Blue Summer (Bravo) is authorized for wear during the conduct of VSCs, then the Auxiliary ball cap may be worn with that uniform when conducting VSCs (inclusive of travel to and from the mission site). (2) If an Auxiliarist is authorized to wear a Coast Guard unit ball cap, such wear shall not extend to activities involving public interaction. This is to ensure that an Auxiliarist is not mistaken by the public as an active member of a Coast Guard unit with commen(Continued on page 3)

Dec. 2008
(MT, Continued from page 2)



surate authority. For example, an Auxiliarist may not wear a Coast Guard unit ball cap when performing VSCs. (3) An Auxiliarist's home unit is the flotilla. As active duty and Reserve personnel are authorized to wear standard issue Coast Guard blue and unit ball caps with proper uniforms while commuting to and from work (i.e. - home unit), so are Auxiliarists authorized to wear Auxiliary ball caps and Coast Guard unit ball caps, if authorized by the unit command, with proper uniforms while commuting to and from flotilla meetings, a Coast Guard unit to which they provide support (in accordance with unit command policy), and fellowship events. (4) Though not specifically addressed in the Auxiliary Manual for wear with Tropical Blue, per section 3.C.1. of the Coast Guard Uniform Manual, Commanding Officers may authorize standard issue Coast Guard blue or unit ball caps for wear on board Coast Guard shore units, small boats, and vessels with the Tropical Blue uniform. Ball cap wear with Tropical Blue is limited to the confines of the local unit and for commuting to and from work, including commuting from the wearer's home unit to a remote work site. Ball caps shall not be worn with Tropical Blue when a higher level of formality is appropriate. Likewise, Auxiliarists may wear an Auxiliary ball cap or Coast Guard unit ball cap, if authorized by the unit command, with the Tropical Blue uniform in accordance with these guidelines, including while commuting to and from flotilla meetings, a Coast Guard unit to which they provide support (in accordance with unit command policy), and fellowship events (e.g. - flotilla picnic). Bob Mathewes, ADSO-MT (N)

Communication Services John Sikes, FSO-CS


n my article last month I asked all members to check their information in the Auxiliary eDirectory. Thanks to at least one member who made the ef-

The eDirectory may be accessed through the National Web Site at http:// by clicking on the eDirectory button on the right. Or the eDirectory may be accessed directly at index.php . If you have never accessed the directory, you may click on the New Users button at the top of the page. You will need your Employee ID number, which is on your membership card in order to sign in. If it is not available, contact Frank Leister, FSO-IS, who will send it to you. If you have already set up a password but forgotten what it is, use the Re-activate entry to have it sent to your email address on file. Once logged in, if you need to have information changed, fill out the 7028 Change of Member Information form and submit it to Frank, who will forward the request through the proper channels. This form is available through the National Web Site listed above or through our flotilla's web site at www.uscgauxcharleston. org . Look under the Members button on the left and then the Forms button. John Sikes, FSO-CS

Happy Birthday
This Month

Brent Hepburn..Dec. 09 John Thomas....Dec. 18 Frank Leister....Dec. 29 Robert BakerDec. 30

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Page 4

Allen James, FSO-AN

have probably the youngest average of any flotilla in Division 12. Thanks to Bill Riley. Bob Mathewes, FSO-PB

PATON patrol will be scheduled in December during the day. If you need credits for this year contact me. You will get priority on the patrol. Hap James, FSO-AN

Allen James, FSO-OP

Bob Mathewes, FSO-PB

sually this space is filled with comments on the participation of the elected an staff officers in the production of this newsletter. I cant entirely ignore that so let me once again congratulate that hard-working group for compiling a 94.44% submission rate for the year. Bravo Zulu! This month, I am happy to announce what I hope will be an ongoing new feature. You are all probably aware that our flotilla has a detachment at the Citadel. Until recently we have had very little interaction with them. Three of these young gentlemen attended our November meeting. After the meeting I swapped e-mails with one of their number, Patrick Boyle, and asked him to produce an article on detachment activities for the Scuttlebutt each month. He graciously agreed and you can read his first article on page 10. This month he will cover the history of the detachment which, I am sad to say, the majority of our members are unfamiliar with. I am happy that we are going to be able to strengthen the bond between this fine group of young men and the rest of the flotilla. I side benefit of having this group as part of our membership is that we now

e completed our Crew Class on 22 November with the QE . A new class will start in January or February 2009. Contact me for time and place. If you are interested be sure to contact Eric Kilpatrick in order to complete the basic ABC course prior to completing Crew certification. Here is news for CX and CW. At the beginning of a patrol, the controlling authority, Sector Charleston, will ask for your GAR number. This is a number determined by the CX of the risk that might be encountered on the patrol. CX have been required to determine this number but it was not reported to Sector. Now, Sector will require your determination and reporting at the start of the patrol. We must also adhere to the fatigue standards of Sector Charleston and Station Charleston. Our maximum patrol time is eight hours. Here is how to add these hours. If you trailer your OPFAC , each one hour of trailering, to and from the launch point, counts as a half hour of under-way time. Max time is eight hours. If you trailered for two hours, which counts as one hour, you can have a maximum of seven hours under-way for a total of eight hours! If you don't trailer you can have eight under-way hours for the patrol. Any time over the eight must have the approval of Senior Chief Lindsay, OIC of Station Charleston. Request for approval will be done by radio or cell phone. Hap James, SO-OP

Dec. 2008



Personnel Services
Alan Miles, FSO-PS

Public Education

ello again! With the arrival of December and the end of our calendar year we can wind down and enjoy some well deserved rest and time with family and friends. The frantic pace of the year has been productive, and we have accomplished a great deal. We see many new faces in our Flotilla. As we continue to grow, Im asking all hands to reach out and meet the new members. Please invite them with you on assignments and duties. Each one of them is eager to assist and become more involved. Let's not miss this opportunity to take full advantage of their enthusiasm. In closing, I want to end this year saying Im grateful for the fun and fellowship Ive experienced this past year. I have never met people as wonderful as you. Thank You and God Bless You All. Ill see everyone at the Change of Command in December !
Alan Miles, FSO-PS

Eric Kilpatrick, FSO-PE

ur Flotilla conducted four sessions of Americas Boating Course this year through the Community Education Program at James Island Charter High School. A total of 43 students were enrolled, 6 under 17 years of age. 35 certificates were awarded including four to persons under 17 years of age. The next ABC session will be conducted on four consecutive Tuesdays beginning on 24 Feb 2009, once again at James Island Charter High School. Cost will be $45 for first person and $10 for each additional family member. Information about the class and registration can be found at the following link: http://www. or by calling 762-2793. Thanks to all the Instructors who contributed to the success that we had in Public Education this year. Eric Kilpatrick, FSO-PE

Vessel Examinations
Joe Fleming, FSO-VE

(VFC, Continued from page 1)

those who have instructor qualification to continue to help with this important activity. As well, those of you who would like to break in to teaching should talk with me about getting started. Passing the IQ (not Intelligence Quotient) course to achieve Instructor Qualification is easy and does not need much IQ. Teaching isnt difficult and can be a lot of fun. Please email me or call me (762-6136) for more information. Bob Lovinger, VFC 12-8

Merry Christmas!

his year has brought us many vessels to inspect and new opportunities to help the boating public learn boating safety. I look forward to working with all our vessel examiners in the new year. I want to encourage all new members to get involved in this program; there are never enough people to get the job done. Training is easy and fun. As soon as I get new decals in Ill let everyone know. We will plan on getting started next year with boat inspections at our local boat ramps. Joe Fleming, FSO-VE

Dec. 2008


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Frank Leister, FSO-FN

Tom Beauchemin, FSO-MA

inance should not be a matter of great concern or exciting news. The best news in financial matters is no news at all -- no surprises. FSO-PB Mathewes forwarded to you a copy of our budget and the year to date totals against each item in mid-November. There was nothing remarkable about it and I didn't remark. I hope you got it and looked it over. Those on staff who had a budget should understand where their spending is versus what we planned on. Those not on staff, today, should look it over so you have a familiarity with it when you take on staff responsibility. As always, I look forward to your questions at Frank Leister, FSO-FN

t's time to look back as the end of the year approaches and the boating season for 2008 winds down. I have ordered materials in anticipation for the North Charleston boat show that has a tendency of sneaking up on us in January. I also have new member study guides and some materials for VE's. Hope to see many of you at the Change of Watch/Christmas party. I would like to see a new face take over the MA position. Call me if you are interested. Tom Beauchemin, FSO-MA

Marine Safety
Agnes Wright, FSO-MS
There have been three ICS 210/300 classes offered by Lt Litzinger this year. A number of you coxswains have availed yourself of the opportunity to get that requirement satisfied. Those who have not need to get that behind you as early as possible in the new year. Agnes Wright, FSO-MS

(FC, Continued from page 1)

to a severe shortage of personnel, to assist merchant mariners in obtaining their credentials. The only qualifications needed are a positive attitude and a willingness to help the merchant mariners. Please contact Deborah Myers at REC Charleston directly at (843) 720-3257; let her know if you can help. I hope everyone is ready to enjoy a celebration of good food and friendship. Our Change of Watch is set for December 7th at West Ashley Outboard Motor Club. On the menu will be BBQ Pulled Pork, Baby Back Ribs, BBQ Chicken, Hash and Rice, Baked beans, Mac & Cheese, corn on the cob, cold slaw, and rolls. Hope to see every one there. Im looking forward to working with every one in the coming year. We have lots of work ahead of us and goals to reach. Joe Fleming, FC

Nautical Trivia
The midshipman who was expelled from the US Naval Academy and went on to become the last Commandant of the Revenue Service and the first Commandant of the US Coast Guard was Ellsworth Price Bertholf. Seven people sent the correct answer. They were Dean Creed, Leon DeVillier, Reggie Hollar, Bob Lovinger, Dick McLaren, John Sikes and Agnes Wright. Congratulations to them all and
(Continued on page 9)

Dec. 2008



Secretary Records
Rick Miller, FSO-SR
Flotilla 12-8 Membership Meeting Minutes 12 November 2008 The meeting was called to order at 1905 by FC Joseph Fleming and commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Robert Orenstein. Invocation and prayer for hospitalized member Jerome Bishop was delivered by Rev. James Tindall. Members present: Robert Baker, Tom Beauchemin, Paul Berka, Robert Bokern, Patrick Boyle, Dan Cowley, Dean Creed, David DeBohen , Evelyn Egan, Joseph Fleming, Chris Heironimus, William Holt, Allen James, Eric Kilpatrick, Ellen Kreiling, Robert Kreiling, Frank Leister, Robert Lovinger, Patrick Lowe, Robert Mathewes, Alan Miles, Robert Orenstein, Caroline Pelletier, Andrew Robinson, Mike Rasnak, Tom Rigsby, John Sikes, Terrence Simmon, Barbara Thibodeaux, Paul Thomas, James Tindall, Cody Westall, Robert Wieland, Henry Wolf, Shirley Wolf, Cameron Woody, Agnes Wright Visitors/Guests: Vice Captain Robert Weskerna and USCG Reservist Margaret Meehan FSO-PS Alan Miles introduced new members Chris Heironimus, Mike Rasnak, Tom Rigsby and Paul Thomas and USCG Reservist Margaret Meehan. FC welcomed all the guests and stated that because of the October cook-out there were no minutes to approve. FSO-FN Frank Leister reviewed the fi-

nancial report. He reported that the budget is balanced. Division/District dues will take most of our funds. Written financial report submitted post meeting and will be filed to record. FC administered membership oath to new member Caroline Pelletier. FC presented the following awards: Alan Miles certificate for completion of administrative procedures course; Bob Mathewes certificate for completion of the AUX Search Coordination and Execution Trainthe Trainer Course; and Eric Kilpatrick AUXNAV Part B test and Terrence Simmons certificate for completion of ABC. VFC Lovinger called for Staff Officer Reports: FSO-MA Tom Beauchemin reported several orders are in for supplies for new members. FSO-RBS Visitor Paul Berka stated that fliers and state regulations are not moving and this can be attributed to the end of the season and the state of the economy. FSO-OP Allen James stated that he has a QE scheduled for 22 November. Anybody interested in receiving information on inflatable PFDs were asked to please contact him and he will e-mail you the information. The boat parade is scheduled for 6 December. He might need two OPFACS and crew. On 1 December there is a Sector class scheduled to train members to help with pollution in the water. FSO-PE Eric Kilpatrick stated that the last session of ABC classes for 2008 ended in October. There are ABC classes scheduled for 24 February, 10 March and 17

Dec. 2008
March 2009.


Page 8

FSO-PB Bob Mathewes stated that articles for the Scuttlebutt are due 23 November. Member Training: ICS 210/300 sessions 12 and 13 November. Coxswains must complete ICS 210 by March 2009 or lose their qualifications. FSO-PS Alan Miles has three meetings scheduled with new members. Our flotilla is leading the entire district with new members New Business: Robert Orenstein stated that there is an open house scheduled 19 November 1500 to 1900 at Moran Environmental Recovery, 511 Old Mt. Holly Road (Hwy. 52) in Goose Creek. This is a civilian organization working with the USCG to contain/clean up oil spills. It is important that we be informed so we can help with this endeavor. Please see him if you wish to attend the open house. FSO-MA Tom Beauchemin stated that he ordered materials for the boat show to be held in January. It has not been determined whether or not we will be able to participate. He also stated that when members are doing vessel safety checks it is important to check the motor registration number as well as the serial/registration number of the vessel. Both numbers have to be registered. Old Business: None FC Comments: The combined Change of Watch/Christmas Party will be held at the West Ashley Outboard Motor Club. Sunday in December; date TBD dependant on availability of the facility. A flotilla flash will be sent containing all pertinent information. All members and significant others are encouraged to attend. VFC Comments: After two calling tree exercises the USCG

asked that we hewn our list. The telephone calling tree is being developed and will be sent out to staff officers this week or next. Also, roster of auxiliary members will be developed within two weeks. Bob Mathewes officiated with VC Robert Weskerna overseeing the election of new officers. He announced that the nominations committee is submitting one candidate Joseph Fleming for Flotilla Commander. He then requested nominations from the floor three times for Flotilla Commander. There were no further nominations and acting secretary was asked to cast one vote for Joseph Fleming for Flotilla Commander. Bob Mathewes announced two nominations for Vice Flotilla Commander Robert Lovinger and Alan Miles. He then requested nominations from the floor three times for Vice Flotilla Commander. After no new nominations were made, ballots were cast for Robert Lovinger and Alan Miles. Members voted for Alan Miles to be the new VFC. VC Robert Weskerna swore in the new Flotilla Commander Joseph Fleming and the new Vice Flotilla Commander Allan Miles. VC Weskerna and Bob Mathewes thanked Robert Lovinger for his past service. VC and Bob Mathewes congratulated the new officers. December membership meeting cancelled in lieu of the Change of Watch/Christmas Party. Next Meeting: 14 January 2009 at 1900 in the Brass Buckle Robert Baker motioned to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Wolf, Acting Secretary

Dec. 2008



Information Services
Frank Leister, FSO-IS

n the last few months a number of forms were submitted incorrectly. Not surprising as there are many new members becoming involved in reportable activities. For those performing vessel inspections, please use the 7038 to report what you did. You can find it on the District Auxiliary Website at http://forms. Using this form is the only way you will get credit for your work. If you are making dealer visits, there is a separate form (7046), also located at And, finally if you are on a patrol, teaching a class or other activities you will find your coxswain, the FSO-PE or others will submit your contribution on the mission form, usually the 7030. There are many activities that do not require a special form, and there is time you spend that is not recorded on a special form. All this goes on the 7029. Travel time to a patrol or to the member meeting goes there, as does prep time. I record my time submitting this report on a 7029 and the time I use to make a deposit as FSO-FN. For those of you comfortable with PCs, the easiest was is to download the form, make a shortcut to it and plop it on your desktop. It is there when you need it. As usual, please email me at with your questions. Frank Leister, FSO-IS
(Trivia, Continued from page 6)


If you go to this web site, www. , you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the armed services. How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!! It is FREE and it only takes a second. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers over there need to know we are behind them. This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you. Please take the time and please take the time to pass it on for others to do. We can never say enough thank you. Thanks for taking to time to support our military!

Partner Visitor

welcome to Leon DeVillier as a first time player. Take a rest this month. We will start with new trivia in January. Merry Christmas!

Paul Berka, FSO-PV

e are still looking for members to join the PV rank. Please call me at 843-5594668 if you have an interest and would like to tag along on my next visitations. Paul Berka, FSO-PV

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Citadel Detachment
In the spring of 2007 cadet Ryan Kilgo,(07) with the help of USCG Chief Warrant Officer Tom Gelwicks(74), formed a club named The Citadel Coast Guard Society. This is unique because The Citadel can now boast that all military branches of service are present on campus. This club was made up of cadets interested in pursuing careers as officers in the United States Coast Guard upon graduation. The purpose of the society then and now has always been to prepare cadets for acceptance into USCG Officer Candidate School (OCS). The club held weekly meetings and attracted a good number of interested cadets. After graduation cadets Kilgo (07) and Dubois (07) were accepted into the OCS program in New London, CT. After 17 weeks of training, both were commissioned in the United States Coast Guard as Ensigns. In the spring of 2008, with the help of DCP Bill Riley USCG Auxiliary (61), the club on campus was activated as Auxiliary Flotilla 12-8 Detachment A, under the command of cadet Stan Kablick, class of 09. Currently the Detachment has 21 members. The detachment is the first of its kind on any college campus in the country and we are very proud of that. Operations and training consist of weekly meetings, unit physical training twice a week, and monthly field training exercises. Take pride flotilla 12-8, we are the only flotilla in the USCGA that has a physical training program. Last year we hosted The Citadels Coast Guard Day when we had a USCG Dolphin land on our parade deck and a fast boat was brought in and parked in front of First Battalion for all the cadets to inspect. Four cadets from the detachment performed color guard ceremonies at the 2008 USCG Auxiliary National convention in Orlando, Florida this past August. While

attending the conference, these four cadets had the opportunity to meet with the Coast Guard Commandant, Admiral Thad Allen. The detachment is continuing to grow as recognition on campus increases. The goal of commissioning as officers in the USCG is still alive, as six seniors are applying to OCS upon graduation. The detachment would not have been able to succeed without the help of each of these men mentioned above, especially that of Bill Riley. We are excited as we look to the future and the potential that our unit possesses. We wish to extend our gratitude to Flotilla 12-8; your support has touched us and keeps us motivated. Expect to see a lot more of the cadets at flotilla meetings, training classes, and hopefully, on patrols from now on. Great things are happening here and your support has helped us in so many ways. I will describe our progress in each edition of The Scuttlebutt to keep you all up to date. Bravo Zulu Flotilla 12-8. P.S. I mentioned that we are the only flotilla in the USCGA with a physical training (PT) program. With that said, I would like to remind you that PT is next Tuesday and Thursday at 0550, accountability will be taken and I expect to see you all there. Cadet Second Lieutenant Stanley Kablick Cadet Private Laurence Coste Cadet Private Patrick Boyle

Dec. 2008



December 2008

Flotilla C.O.W./ Christmas Party



Full Moon









1st. Day of Winter






New Moon

Chanukah Begins at Sundown


Chanukah ends


New Years Eve

Flotilla Officers
Flotilla Commander Joe Fleming Communication Systems John Sikes Marine Safety Agnes Wright Publications Bob Matheaes Flotilla Vice Commander Bob Lovinger Finance Frank Leister Member Training Bob Mathewes rhmathewes@comcast.nett Public Education Eric Kilpatrick Aids To Navigation Allen James Information Services Frank Leister Operations Allen James Personnel Services Alan Miles Communications Dick Clarke Materials Tom Beauchemin Public Affairs Tom Jerussi RBS Visitor Paul Berka IPFC Allen James

Secretary Records Miller, Rick

Vessel Examination Joe Fleming

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