The Scuttlebutt: Commander's Corner Vice Commander

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Nov. 2006 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Scuttlebutt Flotilla 12-8, 7th District Charleston, South Carolina Vol. 32, No. 11-Nov. 2006
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Flotilla Web Site:

Commanders Corner
Allen James, FC 12-8 At the meeting on 8 November we have two very special items that merit the attendance of all members! First is the Flotilla elections for FC and VFC. Do you know who is running? Do you want a change? The only way to make your wishes known is to attend and vote! The second item is a vote on increasing flotilla dues to $35.00 per year, starting in 2007. We have been charged more from national so an increase is necessary to maintain our treasury. Change of watch will be on Saturday 11 November at the Charleston AFB. We sent a FLASH notifying all of the reservation deadline. This is your flotilla function! In mid November time will have run out on completing the PSI packages and ICS courses required and initiated in 2005! I have personally reminded all members who were shown incomplete in AUXDATA. Hopefully, you sent all info in and it was verified back to you. WHO REMEMBERS saying the following, I do solemnly and sincerely pledge myself, to support the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, and its purposes, and to abide by the governing policies, es(Continued on page 5)

Vice Commander
Joe Fleming, FC 12-8 October has come and gone, temperatures are falling and days get shorter, but our presence and support for the Coast Guard never ends. Thanks to Richard Daniels Inside hard work and devotion, op- FC ............. 1 erations on the water have VFC........... 1 been good. Richard and crew AN ............. 7 CM.N/A completed another ATON th CS.............. 6 patrol, Sat the 28 , on the Fellowship 2 Cooper River. On the same day Hap, Agnes and I set our IS ............... 8 MA ............ 6 bearing towards Edisto MS.N/A Beach, for some training for MT ............ 2 the 12-12. We introduced 12 OP ............. 7 of the new members to the PA ............. 8 paperwork and equipment PB.............. 2 needed for setting up their PS..N/A PV..N/A OPFACS. To make things even SR..N/A VE ............. 6 more interesting Sector Calendar... 9 Charleston called Auxiliary 8852 and asked us to respond Trivia ........ 6 to a shrimp boat fire, fully involved, 2 miles out from Kiawah Island. High winds and 6 foot swells made for difficult weather conditions. Hap explained to them that it would be over 1 hour for us to
(Continued on page 6)

Confidentiality Notice: Telephone numbers and addresses of members are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. As a matter of policy, rosters of names, addresses and telephone numbers shall not be made available to the general public or any outside organization. Privacy of all rosters shall be safeguarded and the page clearly labeled. The publication of these rosters, addresses, and telephone numbers on any computer on-line service including the Internet is prohibited by the Privacy Act of 1974. The Auxiliary is guided by the current equal opportunities policies of the Commandant of the Coast Guard. No Person shall be subject to

Nov. 2006


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Member Training
he biggest news in Member Training is the changes in the Boat Crew Program. (See On Course, beginning page 3) Eight hours per year on the water will no longer be enough to maintain qualification. The minimum will be twelve hours per year beginning in 2007. Requalification by a Qualification Examiner will now be done every three years instead of every five years. If , under the old system, you would have been due your requal in 2007, 2008 or 2009 you will still be due at that time. If you re-qualified this year, you will be due again in 2009. There are still details to be finalized. The changes in tasks and the format of the annual TCT requirement are yet to be announced. As one of my old professors once told us. The most constant thing in life is change. We have seen many changes in this organization since 9/11 and I am certain there will be more. We need to be flexible and adaptable. The changes in the boat crew program will better fit us for our role as force multipliers for the Coast Guard. I know that it is natural to resist change but we need to embrace any change that will make us better at what we do. Lets get behind this revised program and view it as a means of increasing our professionalism in operational activities. The Coast Guard motto is Semper Paratus. The meaning is Always Ready. These changes will help to make us make us more suited to live up to that motto. The upcoming year will present new challenges. Lets be ready. Bob Mathewes, DSO-MT D7

Jane Orenstein

e have a new date for your calendar. Sat., Dec. 16 will be our covered dish Holiday Party. The Kreilings have once again stepped up and graciously invited the flotilla to their home. Its always a festive occasion, and we look forward to the usual large crowd of celebrating members. Please just let me know that youll be attending and what your contribution to the table will be. Email - or call (843) 821-0233. Jane Orenstein, Fellowship

Bob Mathewes, DSO-MT D7

t appears that my praise last month on the level of participation from the staff was premature. After two months of above 90% submissions we dropped to the second worse month of the year. One of the primary duties of staff officers is reporting activities to the membership. This is the on way of judging if our programs are progressing. The Scuttlebutt isnt my newsletter. It is yours. Its only function is to convey information to the membership concerning flotilla activities and important information about Auxiliary programs and activities. So far this year, ten of the eighteen offices that should be represented in this publication have a 100% participation rate. My old Websters Collegiate Dictionary says that the word duty is derived from the French duete meaning what is due or owed. These articles are a duty of office. Bob Mathewes, FSO-PB

Bob Mathewes, FSO-PB

Nov. 2006



THE AUXILIARY BOAT CREW PROGRAM Correcting for Set and Drift: Many of you have become aware of the impending changes to the Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Program and Id like to take this opportunity to update you on these changes. These changes do not imply any change in the importance or priority of the Auxiliary Surface Operational Support to the US Coast Guard. Auxiliary operational support to the Coast Guard has been and will continue to be a critical component of our mission mix. These programs are absolutely vital to the Coast Guard.

Auxiliary operational support to the Coast Guard has been and will continue to be a critical component of our mission mix. These programs are absolutely vital to the Coast Guard.
Instrument of ChangeThe STAN: The effectiveness and safety of Auxiliary operational programs have always been one of my chief concerns. The last major revision to our boat crew program was in the mid-to-late 1990s, so a review of our program and practices was warranted. That is why I commissioned the Auxiliary Surface Standardization Team (Surface STAN Team) in December 2004. The mission of the Surface STAN Team is to promote safety, standardization and best practices in all aspects of Auxiliary surface operations. The team focuses on policy, procedures and training issues. The Auxiliary Surface STAN Team employs a broad base of expertise. The team members include G-PCX, Coast Guard Boat Forces, an OTO, and four members of the Auxiliary, including a member at large. The team gathered input from the field (from both USCG and Auxiliary) to insure that all points of view were considered. Out of this discussion, a recurring theme emerged the Auxiliary Boat Crew Program did need some revision. Philosophic Change: The first challenge that the STAN team faced in revision of the Boat Crew Program was a philosophic one.what were we trying to achieve? The team ultimately agreed on this basic precept. To assure our customers, the Coast Guard units and the public, that all Auxiliary boat crews are at a
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state of perpetual readiness and that they could, at any time, meet the standards for which they were originally qualified The STAN Team wanted to insure that all of the elements of our training, qualification, certification and recertification programs and processes mirrored our goal of maintaining crew readiness. Our comprehensive review of the boat crew program has now been completed. The STAN Team worked diligently to review and/or revise each element and each task of our program. The team also considered the economic climate of the Coast Guard, the changing demographics of both our members and facility ownership and the basics of both learning and forgetting. As a result of their analysis, we have made some major changes in the boat crew program. These changes were reviewed and approved by the NEXCOM in August at NACON 06. Like their AUXAIR aviation counterparts, I hope that Surface STAN Teams will one day be able to visit the districts and work directly with our operational members to evaluate our readiness and improve our skills. But there is still much preliminary work to be done before we enable such visits. Summary of Changes: I dont have the room in this On Course to provide all of the details and specifics of the changes. Below, Ive provided a brief summary of the changes to the Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Program. The STAN Team published a SITREP on their progress and some details of the new program are listed there. You can find more details about these changes in the Surface Operations section of the Chief Directors website at The team will continue to provide updates as needed while the new manuals, including the Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Program and the Crew, Coxswain and PWC Operator Qualification Guides (M16794.51-4) make their way through the CG approval process. These changes will be implemented in January 2007. Details of Some of the Changes: Incorporation of a Qualification Examiner (QE) Guide to the Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual. Changed some initial qualification tasks from optional to required, removed some optional tasks, and changed some optional tasks to waiverable by DIRAUX. Commodores Info Changed the required number of underway time from 8 hours to 12 hours per year, which can be earned as either coxswain or crew. (That is, coxswains can serve as crew members to achieve the new 12 hour requirement!) Annual currency maintenance tasks have been removed! Five year QE Check ride will be reduced to every three years. (Implementation plan pending ap- proval.) But if you are due in 2007 or 2008, be looking for the new task list. You will probably be completing the revised check ride with a QE sometime in 2007. Check ride tasks are being revised and will be published when approved. There will be a few addi- tional tasks in the new check ride taken from the qualification check ride tasks. Nothing you haven't done before, but you might not have done some for a while. One hour annual TCT review, designed by the Department of Operations, which can be conducted without a TCT facilitator at the local level.

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Summary: As a coxswain and QE myself, I know the value of our surface crews and their capability. I respect what you have done for our nation, the Coast Guard and the boating public and I continue to be your strong advocate. I view these changes as simply a course correction for the Boat Crew Program. This is also an opportunity for us to determine our actual position and make the changes needed to provide a ready operational surface fleet, so your noble work can be continue to be accomplished. We are not changing where we want to go, we are simply correcting for set and drift. Semper Paratus, Gene M. Seibert, National Commodore

Agnes Wright is presented with AUXOP Certificate and pin at Division Meeting, 14 Oct. 2006. (L to R) Agnes Wright; Bill Riley, VCP; Jay Dahlgren, IPDCO; Reggie Hollar, DCP; Bob Mathewes, DSO-MT D-7. Photo courtesy of Charlie McCarty, IPDCP 12

Divisions Newest AUXOP

tablished by the Commandant, of the United States Coast Guard? We are not living up to our pledge! Where are the 7029 reports that show your activity? Out of a membership of over seventy members, less

than ten reports are being filed! We need to take a look at ourselves and ask what we can do to improve participation! Hap James, FC 12-8

Nov. 2006


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Nautical Trivia
The subject of last months trivia question was the Buoy Tender Madronna. At the time of her decommissioning she was sixty years old. Correct answers were received from John Sikes, Agnes Wright, Bob Kreiling and Dick McLaren The oldest serving cutter which is recognized at the Queen of the Fleet proudly wears her hull numbers in gold. She is due for decommissioning next year. What is her name and how old is she?

Communication Services

John Sikes, FSO-CS

Vessel Examinations

Joe Fleming, FSO-VE

t our October 21st blitz, at Folly boat ramp, Eric Kilpatrick completed his vessel exam qualifications, examining 5 vessels. Congratulations are in order for a job well done. Thank you also, to Paul Berka and Dick Morgan for their help and participation in this blitz. The next one will be held on Saturday November 18th at Duncan Boat Harbor, Leeds Avenue, 9am hope to see you there! Joe Fleming, FSO-VE

embers are encouraged to check the Materials section of our web page. www.uscgauxcharleston. org/materials.htm. If there is something you need that you cannot find, contact me and I'll try to help you find the source. We have a new catalog and price list from Mustang if anyone is in need of a new jacket or the inflatable vest. Henry G. Wolf , FSO-MA

hen reading through various Auxiliary publications, we often see misprints. One that stands out is the writing of flotilla numbers. The following is taken from the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1F, Chapter 4. 4.A.3. Designation. Auxiliary flotillas are designated by Arabic numerals. The first numeral indicates the division, followed by the flotilla number. The name of the city or town in which the flotilla is located completes the designation. For example, Flotilla 32, St. Louis, is Division 3, Flotilla 2, located at St. Louis, Missouri. Different flotillas in the same area must, for record purposes, have different names. New flotillas should use the name of the community, body of water, or other name identified with the locale. When either the number of divisions or the number of flotillas exceeds nine, use a hyphen between the flotilla and division number. For example, 114 or 6-10. We often see our own flotilla number written as 12-08, when according to the above it is correctly written as 12-8. John Sikes, FSO-CS

Hank Wolf, FSO-MA

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reach the shrimp boat; Sector acknowledged and dispatched the Yellow Fin. It just goes to show us, even when we least expect it, our services are requested. Participation is always welcomed and, as mentioned, sometimes needed. We would like to see more of the members of the 12-8 join us on our missions.
Joe Fleming, VFC 12-8

Nov. 2006



Operations/Aids to Navigation
Richard Daniel, FSO-OP

e were hit and miss with patrols in October since we just could not field boats for some of our patrol dates. Hopefully everyone will look at their boats and schedules and make a concerted effort to getting on the water. Crew personnel have not been a problem this year. Boat maintenance and people schedules have been the major problem in October. We managed to get a night ATON patrol completed by the end of October covering our Cooper River Upper and Lower AOR. Night navigation clearly demonstrates that we need all available navigation aids to be in top working order. Even with the AIDS at their best, boaters are limited since the river is very dark with bends and turns and very few ATONS. This patrol finished up 2006. If you would like to take part in the AN Program please let us know. November is upon us and we are in need of boats for the month. We will be sending you a schedule so please put your boat and skills on the water where possible. Please respond to your email request so we can cover our AOR. We will conduct the final QE Check Ride for the three new crew candidates: Erick Kilpatrick, Tom Jerussi and Bobby Baker. Richard Daniel will get the Coxswain 5-year certification completed on the same patrol. Frank Leister and Joe Fleming will continue working toward their Coxswain certification. Both are excellent boaters and add tremendously to our on the water program. Many thanks to those that have been on the water in October and especially many thanks to Hank Wolf, Dick Clarke,

Bobby Baker, Frank Leister and Richard Daniel for their strong efforts on the night patrol. The work was completed but certainly over shadowed by the fellowship enjoyed by the crew. The year will soon be winding down but the weekly patrol needs never wind down. Come join us to serve the Coast Guard, the public and each other. Richard Daniel, FSO-OP/AN

here is a proposal to raise the annual dues in 2007 from $30 to $35. Currently $23 of our annual dues percolates to Division, District and National. The remaining $7 accrues to the Flotilla for discretionary expenses, like paying for Gold Side attendining our events, Sailor of the Month and other gracious but vital items. Assuming we have sixty members, (we don't), that is $420 a year! With another $5 that leaps to $300 more or a total of $720. There is little intuitional memory that reveals when the last dues increase occurred but it may have been during the Cuban missile crisis*. I would urge you to approve this increase to give the Flotilla Commander and the membership more flexibility in operating the Flotilla. Frank Leister, FSO-FN
* The last dues increase took place in let 90s.

Frank Leister, FSO-FN

Dont miss this months meeting. We will be electing the leadership for the flotilla for the coming year. There is also an important change in the bylaws up for a vote!

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Information Services
Chris Thomas, FSO-IS

Public Affairs

elcome to another episode of The Litter Box. Of late, Ive been getting quite a few inquiries as to the whereabouts of your information in AUXDATA. Thats a real tough one to answer, since none of us have any real control over AUXDATA. In fact, Ive always wondered exactly who does have control over the mysterious and sometimes evil AUXDATA? The queries usually go something like this, I submitted my report the other day and its not showing up in AUXDATA or, I submitted my reports last week, where are they? First off, sitting there and waiting for your information to miraculously appear in AUXDATA is tantamount to watching the grass grow. Secondly, I enter information on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. My time is limited and I do the best I can with what Ive got. Thirdly, it depends upon AUXDATA itself; sometimes its up, sometimes its not. I dont know whos in control but sufficient to say, its neither me nor the SO, nor even the DSO. Over the past few months, it seems that AUXDATA has been down quite frequently. Over the six years that I have been an IS Ive learned, if nothing else, to be patient. That is the most that I can suggest to all of you. For whatever reason, information can take weeks to appear in AUXDATA. I urge each and every member to keep track of his or her own activities. You should all be capable of logging in to AUXDATA. Those of you who are having trouble logging in or are in need of a password, please contact me. I also ask you to keep track of the information that you are sending me. There have been numerous occasions when I have been sent the same information more than once and at different times. This is not to be confused with DT-Key or those who incessantly fidget with the enter key. And to those of you who occasionally suffer from cerebral flatulence, you are forgiven. It happens to the best of us. Until next time, thank you and God Bless. Chris Thomas, FSO-IS 12-08 E-Mail: (843) 873-8345 Fax: (800) 860-6189


Barney Holt, FSO-PA

entatively mark your calendars for April 21 this spring. That is the initial date set for the safe boating day at the Aquarium. We will need a few volunteers for the booth. Details will follow as they develop. Barney Holt, FSO-PA

Secretary Records
Shirley Wolf, FSO-SR
Since our October meeting was the annual cookout, there are no minutes for last month.

Dick Clarke, FSO-CM n Richard Daniel's article he talks about the night ATON patrol which was great.. We discovered a green lit navigation aid that was extinguished and Richard instructed me to call it in to Sector as I was assigned the duty of hourly communications for the trip. I did so but the person from Sector kept asking me to confirm our sighting, which I kept doing. Now the mike on Richard's boat had a wrap around mike key which I wasn't used to and it was quite dark. I then realized that I was pressing the top of the key and not the side which actually started the transmission of the message. After discovering the mistake the confirmation went through and all was well in the world. I know you got the point that you should be familiar with your equipment to get the job done properly. Dick Clarke, FSO-CM

Happy Thanksgiving

Nov. 2006



November 2006

Election Day

Flotilla Meeting


Veterans Day




















Flotilla Officers
Flotilla Commander Allen James Communication Systems John Sikes Materials Hank Wolf RBS Visitor Barbara Yeatman Flotilla Vice Commander Joe Fleming Fellowship Jane Orenstein Marine Safety Lou Mintz Personnel Services Bob Orenstein Aids To Navigation Richard Daniel Finance Frank Leister Communications Dick Clarke Information Services Chris Thomas Operations Richard Daniel Public Education Vacant
Member Training Bob Mathewes Public Affairs Barney Holt

Publications Bob Mathewes

Secretary Records Shirley Wolf

Vessel Examination Joe Fleming

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