Waka Flocka Flames of Love: and Other Short Stories

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Brand New Dick

I woke up to a slight sweet kiss from A$AP ROCKY that sent shivers down my spine. Every time he touched me it felt like I was taking a shower in diamonds. After I recuperated from the sensual shockwave, I looked down to see duffle bags at the door. Where are you going A$AP ROCKY? I asked. Me? Dont you mean we? Today is the day we are going up to my cabin remember?. Oh god how could I forget? I had been looking forward to this for months! He promised it would be the time of our lives and I believed him based on the 2-liter bottle of spermicidal lube. He looked down at the lube then back up at me and whispered tonight is the nightI knew exactly what he meant. And we were off, A$AP never told me where his cabin was. He said he wanted it to be a surprise, I always kind of hated that he was so secretive. I rolled down the window, the air conditioner is on baby he said. I know but its still a little hot, I just wanted to cool off for a little bit it was silent for about 15 minutes. He took his eyes off the road and looked at me You knowYou make me feel like a Brand New Guy he smiled and kissed my hand ever so slightly. I think you are really going to like this place, its quaint. I feel like its just what we needed. Quaint I said I like that. I looked out my window to see the rolling mountains, I dont remember the last time I had been so enthralled by nature. A$AP ROCKYS cabin was absolutely stunning. This is bigger than our house A$AP!!! I said. I feel like its nice to have somewhere to get away and be totally free. My grandfather built this, did I tell you that?. Wow, this log mansion has been passed on through the A$AP family. I have a timeshare with A$AP FERG, he doesnt come down here much though. You know him he doesnt like bugs A$AP ROCKY

Chapter I

laughed. Wow, we should really come with FERG I like him a lot. Get him out of his element a little bit. Maybe some other time, but tonight its just me and you gurl We went inside and A$AP ROCKY wasted no time You are going to get this dick ASAP he then picked me up and passionately threw me on the bed, kissing every inch of my body. I felt like I was going to explode the pleasure was astronomical. I told him to slow down to which he replied we are going wild for the night fucking being polite and kept the 1train to pleasure town rolling. I felt his breathing pattern change as he went inside of me. And oh my god was he putting in Work(REMIX). It was silent aside from my uncontrollable moaning and A$AP ROCKYS heavy panting. He came but didnt want the passion to end You know I love Kissin Pink and proceeded to go down on me. I noticed that he kept spelling I love you with his tongue and thats when I knew it was real. I felt like a comet screaming down from space that was going to crash into earth and radiate pleasure. A$AP ROCKY truly knows how to treat a woman. I had reached my climax and couldnt take much more pleasure. A$AP came up and wiped his mouth which was soaking wet with clam juice. How you are feelin baby he said. I replied with a big WOW. He laughed and asked if I wanted a glass of wine Yes, Please I said. He came back and we drank wine and watched Maid in Manhattan. I love this movie so much, I feel like it is really overlooked as one of the greatest romantic comedies of our generation. The character development is nothing less than stunning said A$AP ROCKY, I agreed. We drifted off into the most wonderful sleep and when I woke up our bodies were intertwined, but I had to leave. Tonight I had a date with Trinidad James

All Gold Heart

I met up with Trinidad James to go mini golfing. When I arrived at the golf course he wasnt there yet. I tried calling him and I got no response. I waited for about 30 minutes and he finally showed up. I am so sorry, oh my god traffic was awful. I said it was fine and that we should start golfing now. We got to the first hole and Trinidad James went first. He stroked back, hit it and the ball was on its course and it went straight into the hole. He jumped up and gave a fist pump Do I get some sort of prize for that? he laughed. I walked over to him and said you can have a kiss and kissed him on the lips. I didnt fair as well, it took me 19 strokes on a par 4 hole. When we got to the next hole he said that he would help me out. He got behind me and helped me with my stroke. The ball went in and out of the hole but Trinidad James chased it down the course and knocked it in for me. YAY! I exclaimed do I get a prize for a hole in 1 too?, Trinidad James came over and kissed me. After in embarrassing rest of the course Trinidad James beat me 34 strokes to 57. Wow you must have been practicing Trinidad James! he laughed I watched some tip videos on YouTube before I left thats the real reason I was late. While we were walking to our cars he spotted an arcade Oh, I didnt know there was an arcade here too! Do you want to go to in? he asked I agreed. I faired much better in the arcade and I actually won more tokens than him! We combined our winnings to get a giant stuffed teddy bear. I feel like we should name it something said Trinidad James while we were walking back to our cars. I said How about Poonchi Trinidad James laughed Yes! Poonchi thats perfect. Now who is going to take Poonchi home?. How about you take Poonchi home and I meet you back at your place to have a few drinks I asked. That sounds good to me he smiled. When I entered Trinidad Jamess house I was surprised to find that it was literally All Gold Everything. I thought you were joking when you made that song about everything gold No he said pretty much everything is gold. Even my penis I looked at him wide eyed, he laughed Im just kidding my dick isnt golden. Do you want to see a tour of the house?. He showed me all 6 rooms and 4 bathrooms and we eventually ended up outside in his pool area. Do you want to get into the hot tub? I looked at him I dont have a bathing suit or anything. ButI will get in naked if you do And of course he agreed. We got in and he splashed water at me, I splashed back and it lead to a splash fight which eventually lead to us making love. Doing the deed is a totally different experience underwater and I would recommend it to anyone who hasnt done so. It seems to amplify the experience and elicit feelings you didnt know existed. Trinidad James was changing paces constantly making me crinkle my toes and squirm with pleasure. But after about 3 minutes he had finished. Was that it? I asked. He looked at me What? Was that not good

Chapter II

enough. I mean it was good it just wasnt very long. Trinidad James got out of the hot tub and went inside. When I tried talking to him he refused to respond. If you are going to keep acting like this I am going home I said. He looked away Fine, go home. And so I did. The drive home was lonely, when was the last time I sleep alone. Well, I guess there is a first time for everything

Macaroni Time
While I was driving home, my phone started ringing. I was surprised to see that it was Chief Keef. Hello? I answered. Hey, are you busy? I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out maybe?. Sure, Chief Keef I would love to. I will be there in about 30 minutes if thats okay. Sounds good, see you soon. I pulled into Chief Keefs driveway and he was leaning against one of his Mercedes smoking a blunt. You want to hit this? he asked No Chief Keef, I dont smoke anymore remember? he flicked ash of the blunt and took another hit. Why did you ask me to come over so late Chief Keef? He blew out some smoke I just feel like I can really talk to you about anything and I needed someone to talk right now I looked into his eyes Whats wrong Keef he looked down I mean you probably know that I dont talk much, and I dont really trust anyone and theres reasons for that I nodded My father left me when I was 5 and I feel like that has really led to some trust issues for me, I just feel like people are going to leave me like my father did you know? Its just scary I shook my head Dont think that Chief you have plenty of friends, Fredo, Lil

Chapter III

Reese, Young Chop you know those guys will never leave you Chief Keef finished his blunt and replied with I dont know you can never really be too sureDo you want to go inside? I followed him inside. We went into his bedroom and his bed was stacks of money pushed together. He sat down, I dont know maybe Im depressed I smiled and said I can make you feel nice as I slowly undressed myself. I saw a glimmer in his eyes compared to that of one thousand suns. He got up and kissed my neck like hummingbird getting his dose of nectar. I threw my head back as he slowly descended upon my body, reaching the most southern point. We slowly collapsed onto his bed of money, which hit like bricks into my back, but I didnt mind. He looked me in the eye and said Im a Monster as he got up inside it. He sent tessellations through my body. He said Lets do it like theres no tomorrow and we did. When the sexual joy ride was over he exclaimed Hallelujah. We laid in bed for about 10 minutes before he jumped off the bed of money and said Its Macaroni Time as he hastily went to the kitchen to make macaroni. He returned with two enormous bowls of macaroni I dont think I can eat all of this Chief Keef I said. Well if you dont finish I will eat the rest for you. And we sat in silence for what seemed to be forever I think I should be going now I said. He looked at me at said Keep it 3hunna and I left.

Started in the Bottom Now Were Here

Chapter IV

I went to Fannie May to get myself some chocolate for my ill grandmother. When I entered the store I was surprised to see Drake behind the counter. Drake what are you doing here? I exclaimed. My Father owns this store and I help out every once in awhile when the season is hectic. I laughed and said Keep doing what you guys are doing, I love your chocolates. Oh wow thank you! You wanna come to the back at let me come in the back? I shrugged and said Yeah whatever with a laugh and followed him to the back room. Drake wasted no time as he started to undress me. This was so unreal I thought he was sexy for such a long time. He asked if I wanted him to start from the bottom. I said start from the bottom and we will see where we end up. He slapped my booty and inserted his member. The smell of sweet chocolate swirled around us. So sweet I could taste it, this just added to the indulgence. When we reached our climax drake reached over and took a bite out of a truffle and said You truly the best I ever had and I explained to Drake that I didnt want anything serious, so I purchased and fled.

Chapter V Waka Flocka Flames of Love

Waka Flocka Flame informed me that there was a midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show at the movie theatre and he invited me to come with. We had a conversation previously where I said that was my favorite film, I cant believe he remembered! I guess he must be thinking about me. When I got to the theatre I saw Waka sitting in the lobby with a bouquet of flowers. I ran up to him and hugged him

Are those for me? I asked. He looked at me confused and said No these are for me Oh I said. He laughed and then said Of course they are for you silly he gave them to me and kissed me on the cheek. We then went up to the concession stand and Flocka said Give me the sweetest treat you have for the sweetest lady! the concession stand man laughed and gave him sweet tarts. These ones are on the house Waka! Waka laughed and shook his head and gave him $50. We proceeded into the theatre and he opened the door for me. Who would have known Waka Flocka Flame was such a gentleman. During the movie I was shocked to see that Waka knew the lyrics to every single song and was quietly whispering them to himself. While we were exiting the theatre we had our arms around each other laughing and screaming the lyrics to Heat of the Moment by Asia. Waka took me to my car I had a really great time tonight he said. I asked how he got here and he said he took the bus. Oh no! Let me drive you back I said. After a little convincing he got in the car. Our conversation grew more intricate as we began to talk about our pasts and where we plan to go in the future. In what seemed like a matter of seconds we were at Waka Flocka Flames house. We sat there silently for what seemed like an eternity before he invited me in. Wakas house was absolutely gorgeous it was something you dreamed of when you were a little girl, giant marble staircase, a grandiose chandelier, a white wrap around couch, bear skin rug and a fire place. This is the most beautiful house I have ever seen Waka Flocka Flame he laughed and said Oh I doubt that No it really is, this is stunning I said . That means a lot I designed it all myself. I couldnt resist anymore and kissed him on his large succulent lips. He returned the favor then took me into his bedroom and put on an Etta James record and lit some candles. Lets just say that he was TTG(trained to go) he gave me some of the sweetest love I have ever experienced. It was slow and meaningful and passionate. I could tell he really wanted to give me it all, the whole world. I swear are love was in 60 fps everything was slowed down and magnified to its greatest form. He brushed my hair back and said O Lets Do It and then he picked up the pace. I switched positions and he went Hard In Da Paint. I couldnt believe how great he was. When he finally finished he told me that I deserved a Round of Applause. We laid next to his fireplace naked and stayed up all night talking about how wonderful the world was. The sun was out and I was still with him. The first time in my life that I decided to stick around. I could tell that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and before I got the chance to say it he looked at me and said, Lets run away I agreed in a heart beat. No bags, no luggage, just us Im serious. I laughed and said Im serious too. Right then and there we got up and we left, goodbye A$AP, goodbye Drake, goodbye Chief Keef, goodbye Trinidad James and goodbye world. I am ready to start a new life, you can call me Louise Flocka Flame.


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