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英 文 文 法 精 要 reading fine books now as well. 如:I went school by bike when I was a child.

一、句型:英文句子有五種句型。 四、時式:動詞因動作與狀態發生時間的不同而產生時式的變化,英 He took a walk every morning when he lived in the

1. S + V 【主詞+動詞】 例:I read. 文的動詞共有十二種時式,列表如下: country.
2. S + V + C【主詞+動詞+補語】 例:She is pretty. 現在式 七、簡單未來式:
3. S + V + O【主詞+動詞+受詞】 例:I read a book. 簡單式 過去式 1. 形式:助動詞 shall / will + 動詞原形
4. S + V + O + O【主詞+動詞+受詞+受詞】 例:He gave 未來式 2. 功能:
me dolls. 現在完成式 (1) 表示發生於未來的動作或狀態。
5. S + V + O + C【主詞+動詞+受詞+補語】 例:He made 完成式 過去完成式 如:I shall be twenty years old next month.
her happy. 未來完成式 They will have an exam tomorrow.
二、句子的種類: 現在進行式 (2) 表示本人的意志時,助動詞皆用 will。
句子依其功能可分為敘述句、疑問句、祈使句、感嘆句及祈願句。 如:No matter what you say , I will go with you.
進行式 過去進行式
1. 敘述句的功能是將事情予以陳述。如:The sun rises in the east. He will join our team.
2. 疑問句的功能是提出問題,可分為下列五種句型: 八、現在完成式:
(1) 不含疑問詞的疑問句。 如:Do you want to go? 1. 形式:has / have + 過去分詞
(2) 含疑問詞的疑問句。 如:What would you like? 完成進行式 過去完成進行式 2. 功能:
(3) 選擇疑問句。 如:Are you fat or slim? (1) 表示到目前為止已完成的動作。 如:I have done the job.
(4) 修辭疑問句。 如:a. What`s the use of worrying about it? He has see the
= It is no use worrying about it. 五、簡單現在式: movie.
b. Who doesn`t like Mary? 1. 形式: (2) 表示過去到現在的經驗。 如:I have been to H.K. several
= Everyone likes Mary. (1) I / We / You / They + 原形動詞(am / are / have) times.
(5) 附加問句。 如:It is a nice day , isn`t it? (2) He / She / It + 原形動詞`s(is / has) He has told me the same
3. 祈使句是用來表達命令或請求的句子。 如:a. Shut out! 2. 功能: story many times.
b. Please open (1) 表示現在發生的動作或狀態。如:I hear the music. (3) 表示過去持續到現在的動作或狀態。
the window. I am thirsty. 如:I have studied French since I was ten.
4. 感嘆句是用來表現強烈情感的句子。 如:a. What a pretty girl (2) 表示習慣性的動作或狀態。如:He goes to school early. It has rained for three days.
she is! My father works in a 九、過去完成式:
b. How pretty she factory. 1. 形式:had + 過去分詞
is! (3) 表示真理或事實。如:The sun sets in the west. 2. 功能:
5. 祈願句是用來表示祈願的句子。 如:a. May you succeed! Actions speak louder than words. (1) 表示過去已完成的動作,通常發生在另一過去動作之前。
b. God bless you! (4) 談到時刻或節日表等時,用來代替未來。 如:The train 如:We had sold every ticket by last night.
三、句子的結構: leaves Taipei at 9a.m. I had finished my lunch before you arrived.
依句子的結構可分為簡單句、合句、複句及複合句四種。 The movie (2) 表示過未實現的願望或計劃。
1. 簡單句:由一個主詞與一個述詞所組成。 如:I read fine books. starts at 2:00. 如:I had hoped to learn French.
2. 合句:以對等連接詞連接兩個或兩個以上簡單句所組成的句 六、簡單過去式: We had intended to visit you last year.
子。 如:I am a teacher and I read fine books 1. 形式: I / You / He / She / We / They + 動詞的過去式(was / 十、未來完成式:
every day. were) 1. 形式:will /shall have + 過去分詞
3. 複句:以附屬連接詞連接主句與子句所組成的句子。 2. 功能: 2. 功能:
如:Since I am a teacher , I read fine books every day. (1) 表示過去發生的動作或狀態。 如:I went to see a movie (1) 表示未來某時前已完成之動作或經驗。
4. 複合句:以對連接詞連接兩個複句或連接一個簡單句與一個 last night. 如:I shall have finished my lunch at 1 p.m.
複句所組成的句子。 Jerry died in 1990. He will have read the papers by the time she arrives.
如:When I was a teacher , I read fine books every day and I keep (2) 表過去的習慣動作。 (2) 敘述事情持續到未來某時已有若干時間。
如:He will have worked here for three years by next month. 十四、現在完成進行式: 1. 由關係代名詞 who / which / that /whom 所構成的形容詞子
(3) 表示推測現在。 如:Mary will have received my letter now. 1. 形式:has / have been + 現在分詞 句。
十一、現在進行式: 2. 功能:表示從過去某時持續到現在仍在進行的動作。 如:The man who(=that) lives next door is very kind.
1. 形式: 如:It has been raining all afternoon. John works for a company which(=that) manufactures TV
(1) I / You / He + am / are / is + 現在分詞 I have been waiting for her for one hour. sets.
(2)We / You / They + are + 現在分詞 十五、過去完成進行式: The man whom I wanted to see was gone.
2. 功能: 1. 形式:had been + 過去分詞 2. 由關係形容詞 whose / which 所構成的形容詞子句。
(1) 表示現在正在進行的動作。 2. 功能:表示動作從較早的過去持續到過去某時,而該動作 如:A widow is a woman whose husband is dead.
如:He is reading a book. 在過去某時仍在進 3. 由關係副詞 when / where / why 所構成的形容詞子句。
I am playing tennis now. 行。 如:The hotel where we stayed was very nice.
(2) 表示在近期內即將發生的事或計劃未來要做的事。 如:John had been studying Chinese for two years before he Tell me a time when I can visit you.
如:I am leaving here tomorrow. came to Taiwan. That`s the reason why he failed.
He is going to H.K. next week. Up to that time I had been living in H.K. 二十、副詞子句:
We`re getting married in June. 十六、未來完成進行式: 副詞子句在複句中相當於副詞,以修飾動詞、形容詞或副詞的
(3) 表示狀態、情感、感官等動詞無進行式。 1. 形式:shall / will have been + 現在分詞 附屬子句。
例:belong、contain、love、like、see、feel… 2. 功能:表示過去發生的動作將持續到將來某時,而該動作 如:He walks as if he were lame. (修飾動詞 walks)
如:(正) The house belongs to my father. 在將來某時仍可能 I was late because I missed the bus. (修飾形容詞 late)
(誤) The house belonging to my father. 在進行。 二十一、倒裝句:
(正) He loves swimming. 如:I shall have been working for this company for two years 有時為了強調句中的某一部份,而將一般敘述句的語詞位
(誤) He is loving swimming. by next month. 置變動,其形成的句型稱倒裝句。
(正) I see something there. It will have been raining for two weeks by next Sunday. 如:Hardly(Scarcely)had Mary arrived home when John called
(誤) I am seeing something there. 十七、子句: her.
十二、過去進行式: 子句是由含主詞與述詞的字群所組成。 By no means shall I agree with this proposal.
1. 形式:was / were + 現在分詞 若能表達完整的意思,則稱為句子。 No sooner had I realized I had taken the wrong train than it
2. 功能: 若需藉附屬連接詞來引導,則稱為附屬子句。 began to leave.
(1) 表示過去正在進行的動作。 附屬子句又分為形容詞子句、名詞子句及副詞子句三種。 Only when one loses his freedom does he know its value.
如:I was watching TV when you called last night. 十八、名詞子句: Woman as she is , she is very brave.
What were you doing at this time yesterday? 名詞子句在複句中的功能相當於名詞。 二十二、否定構句:
(2) 表示過去的習慣。 1. 作主詞: 含有否定字詞或否定意思的句子,稱為否定句。
如:He was always daydreaming in class when he was small. That Tom likes swimming is known to everyone. 1. 否定句的形成:
Whenever I visited her , she was always cooking in the 2. 作受詞: (1) 加上否定字詞,
kitchen. I don`t know why she is crying. 例:not、no、never….。
十三、未來進行式: 3. 作動詞補語: 如:She is not pretty.
1. 形式:shall / will be + 現在分詞 That fact is that he doesn`t tell lies I have no money.
2. 功能: 4. 作虛主詞 it 的實主詞: I had never said that.
(1) 表示未來某時將要進行的動作。 It is important that you keep your eyes open. (2) 加上否定含義的字詞,
如:I shall be having dinner at this time tomorrow. 5. 放在介系詞之後: 例:few、hardly、seldom…。
What will you be doing at 8 p.m.? He made a list of what the box contained. 如:I have few friends in class.
(2) 表示預定的未來動作。 十九、形容詞子句: I could hardly understand you.
如:I shall be seeing you next week. 形容詞子句在複句中的功能相當於形容詞,其是由一個關係 I seldom met John in these days.
She will be going to H.K. next week. 詞引導,所以又稱為關係子句。 2. 否定構句在意義上的分類:
(1) 部份否定:是對事情的一部份加以否定, Mary has cleaned this room. (3) 與未來事實相反的假設:
例:not all、not every…。 This room has been cleaned by Mary. If + should + 原形, shall/will/should/would/…+ 原形
如:Not all my friends are here. (並非我所有的朋友都 (7) 過去完成式: If he should lose the game, I shall (should) fell sorry.
在此) Mary had cleaned this room. If he should be sick, he would go to see a doctor.
Not everyone agrees with the proposal. (並非每個 This room had been cleaned by Mary.
人都同意該計劃) (8) 未來完成式:
(2) 全部否定:是對事情的全部都加以否定, Mary will have cleaned this room at 9 p.m.
例:neither、none、nobody…。 This room will have been cleaned by Mary at 9 p.m.
如:Neither of the sisters are pretty. (兩姊妹都不漂亮)
None of my friends are here. (我所有的朋友都不
(3) 雙重否定:指在一個句子中有兩個否定詞,表示肯
例:否定詞 + but (without) , no…。
如:Few people but love money. (幾乎人人愛錢)
It never rains without pouring. (禍不單行)
No pains, no gains. (天下無不勞而獲的)
1. 主動語態的主詞行動者,其發出行動,及於他人或他物。
形式:主詞 + 動詞 + 受詞
1. 直述語氣是最普遍的語氣,用以敘述事實或詢問事情,
2. 被動語態的主詞是行動的接受者,而其行動是來自他人
He writes a good book.
形式:主詞 + am/are/is/was/were/be/…+ 過去分詞(+ by +
Does he write a good book?
What a good book it is!
3. 主/被動語態的時式:
If he writes a good book , I will buy one.
(1) 簡單現在式:
2. 祈使語氣是用來表達命令、請求等意思,其主詞通常被
Mary cleans this room every day.
This room is cleaned by Mary every day.
Come here at once!
(2) 簡單過去式:
Close the window, please.
Mary cleaned this room yesterday.
3. 假設語氣是用來表達非事實性的假設情況。 【條件子句
This room was cleaned by Mary yesterday.
+ 主要子句】
(3) 簡單未來式:
(1) 與現在事實相反的假設:
Mary will clean this room tomorrow.
If + 過去式, should/would/…+原形動詞
This room will be cleaned by Mary tomorrow.
If I were you, I would take the job.
(4) 現在進行式:
If I had enough money, I would buy a house.
Mary is cleaning this room right now.
This room is being cleaned by Mary right now. (2) 與過去事實相反的假設:
(5) 過去進行式: If + had + 過去分詞, should/would/…+ have +過去分
Mary was cleaning this room when I arrived. 詞
This room was being cleaned by Mary when I arrived. If I had been there, I would have stopped him.
(6) 現在完成式: If I had known the answer, I would have told you.

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