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Immunocal ­ US Patents 

  5,290,571   5,451,412  5,230,902  5,456,924  5,888,552  5,846,939 
 IMMUNOCAL®  Medical Breakthrough

 Immunotec Research Ltd. announces the release of a powerful and unique 
nutraceutical. IMMUNOCAL®, a 100% natural bonded cysteine dietary 
supplement with superior nutritional value, is formulated to contain 
significantly high amounts of the rare precursors (building blocks) of 
GLUTATHIONE (GSH). GSH is the cells' own natural and most vital antioxidant 
and detoxifier. GSH serves to reinforce both healthy and deficient immune 
systems. Immunocal® is essentially lactose­, and fat­free (under 1%), and has 
no known side effects. 
 Watch Video  about Immunocal/Glutathione   (short video in English 9 minutes Video) >>   

Medical Breakthrough
Immunotec Research Ltd. announces the release of a powerful and unique nutraceutical. IMMUNOCAL®, a 100% natural bonded cysteine
dietary supplement with superior nutritional value, is formulated to contain significantly high amounts of the rare precursors (building blocks) of
GLUTATHIONE (GSH). GSH is the cells' own natural and most vital antioxidant, and detoxifier. GSH serves to reinforce both healthy and
deficient immune systems. Immunocal® is essentially lactose-, and fat-free (under 1%), and has no known side effects.

It was the original discovery of the importance of GSH (Glutathione) in boosting the immune system that led to the development of
IMMUNOCAL®. As a result of many years of research which began in the late 1970's, Dr. Gustavo Bounous (world expert on GSH) and a
team of McGill University physicians and scientists demonstrated that by using a whey protein isolate in the diet of experimental animals, the
animals' life span was increased by as much as 30% to 50%. This effect was a result of immune-function enhancement which occurred in a
variety of ways, including a heightened resistance to infection, a lowered incidence of cancer, and a greater immune response when
challenged with bacteria, viruses, or foreign antigens.

Glutathione is a substance made up of three amino acids: glutamic acid, glycine, and most importantly, cysteine which gives the molecule its
biological activity. GSH is found in almost all human cells. GSH cannot be transported into cells; it must be manufactured within the cells. The
only way to do this is by supplying the appropriate building blocks (precursors), which are the active ingredients in IMMUNOCAL®.
In the course of normal cell metabolism, by-products called 'oxyradicals', or 'free radicals', are created, which, unless immediately neutralized,
can lead to poor health. High GSH levels are the key to this protective response. Other antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E depend on GSH
for their own function.
GSH is concentrated in the liver, where it functions as a key detoxifying agent. Multiple toxins, pollutants and carcinogens are eliminated from
our bodies via GSH enzymatic pathways.
Our immune system depends on the proper response to foreign challenges like bacteria, viruses and parasites, and abnormal cells. GSH
plays a crucial role in the function and multiplication of our lymphocytes to combat these organisms.
IMMUNOCAL® is the only natural product patented to safely raise and sustain GSH. Other methods to raise intracellular glutathione in the
past have included N-acetylcysteine (NAC) as well as other drugs. However, these have very short-lived effects. Actual ingestion of
glutathione, although possible, has clearly been shown to be ineffective, as it is almost completely digested and excreted intestinally. Dr.
James Balch stated in his book The Super Antioxidants, "people have thrown money away taking glutathione supplements that their body
cannot use." The isolated amino acid cysteine, when taken by itself, is poorly absorbed and potentially toxic. Other forms of whey protein have
variable or negligible bioavailability of GSH precursors and are easily denatured (damaged) in the manufacturing and handling process,
leading to low bioactivity.*
*For more information, please see "GSH, Your Body's Most
Powerful Healing Agent" or "Breakthrough in Cell Defense"
available at book stores or through the return address on this
pamphlet. These two books contain exhaustive references.
IMMUNOCAL®/HMS 90® is a patented, highly concentrated protein that in nature is most similar to mother's milk. In Canada it is called HMS
90® to denote Humanized milk Serum. It shares with mother's milk many immune promoting benefits.
High in rare cysteine-delivering properties, it is prepared using a propriety process leading to a non-denatured 90% protein powder,
preserving the original bioactivity of the thermo labile components. In other words, this guarantees the highest level of GSH-promoting activity
available. It is the only concentrate patented for immuno-optimizing and glutathione-enhancing effects.
Although marketed in Europe, North Africa, and the Far East by pharmaceutical firms, this all-natural product can be purchased without
prescription in North America. It is listed in the Physicians’ Desk Reference Drug catalog, and the Pharmacist's Red Book of prescription
products, and it meets criteria for reimbursement for Medicare/Medicaid.

Clinical trials in the USA, Canada, and Japan point to the benefits of IMMUNICAL®. A series of case reports on the use of IMMUNOCAL® in
urogenital cancer was published in the journal of Anti-Cancer Research (Anti-Cancer Research 2000 Nov-Dec; 20(6c):4785-92.) The data
corroborates the anti-cancer, anti-tumor effect on cancer seen in earlier animal studies and small human studies. In another study by
Ammunomed accepted for presentation at the 2002 Int. meeting of the institute of Human Virology, IMMUNOCAL® alleviated side effects of
HAART treatment in AIDS patients, and contributed to weight gain and marked improvement. The Nova Scotia Cancer Center (Dalhousie
University) has published on IMMUNOCAL® and metastatic cancer and has undertaken a phase III trial on breast cancer. Japanese studies
have shown its positive effects on hepatitis B. IMMUNOCAL® has been demonstrated to combat major bacterial and viral infections. Also, a
phase II trial on Cystic Fibrosis is underway in Montreal. Immunotec Research Ltd. has established a fund to promote further studies.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product in not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or
prevent any disease.

Clinical studies have proven that immune depressed individuals have lower GSH concentrations. Healthy people also experience a drop in
GSH levels when fighting disease. Lymphocytes, cells vital for your immune response, depend on GSH for their proper function and
IMMUNOLOGY 61:503-508, 1987

Antioxidants are well-documented to play vital roles in health maintenance and disease prevention. GSH is the cell's own major antioxidant. It
recycles other antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E.


GSH detoxifies pollutants, carcinogens, and poisons, including many found in fuel exhaust and cigarette smoke. It retards damage from
radiation such as that caused by the increased losses of the ozone layer. It reduces neurotoxicity, an underestimated hazard.

By the age of 40 there is a precipitous drop in GSH levels. Lower glutathione levels are evident in many diseases associated with aging
including cataracts, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, arteriosclerosis, etc.


Intense muscular activity generates oxyradicals leading to muscle fatigue and poorer performance. GSH neautralizes exercised-induced
oxyradicals. A recent study with healthy individuals showed a 13% muscular performance increase when Immunocal was used for 90 days.

GSH has been shown to prevent atherosclerosis and even reverse it. GSH retards the oxidation of cholesterol and is greatly beneficial in
preventing heart disease, strokes, and reperfusion injury.


GSH supports and rebalances the body's anti-infective defenses. This impacts bacterial infections, autoimmune dysfunctions, Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome, herpes, hepatitis, etc.
IMMUNOLOGY 61: 503-508, 1987

GSH eliminates many carcinogens and also maintains immune function. IMMUNOCAL® has Method-of-Use Patents for preventing and
treating cancer. It can reduce side effects from some cancer therapies.
CANCER LETTERS 57:91-94, 1991

Low GSH levels is a common denominator in neurodegenerative diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), "Lou Gehrig's Disease" (ALS),
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and others.
THE LANCET 344:796-798, 1994

Chronic Bronchitis, Cystic Fibrosis, and Asthma have been clinically shown to impact and lower glutathione levels. Repleting glutathione
shows clinical benefits.
AMERICAN J. MED. SCI. 307:119-127, 1994

IMMUNOCAL® HAS A Method-of-Use Patent for HIV/AIDS treatment. Low Glutathione levels correlate with poor survival in AIDS victims.
Scientific studies demonstrate the benefits of enhancing GSH in AIDS patients.

Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 pouch (10g) Servings per Container 30

Amount per Serving Calories 40
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0g 0%
Sodium 25mg 1%
Total Carbohydrates 0%
Protein 9g
Calcium 6% Iron 4%
Not a significant source of calories from fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, dietary fiber, sugars, vitamin A and vitamin C *Percent Daily Values are
based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Meets criteria for reimbursement.

Instructions for use: One pouch (10g) daily; mix and shake vigorously in a closed container with 2 oz. of your favorite beverage, preferable
nonacidic, at room temperature or cooler. Allow 2 minutes to dissolve, then add 4 oz. more liquid, shake and drink. Immunocal can also be
added to milk, cereals, apple sauce or other foods, as part of a healthy dietary regimen.

For More Information Contact:

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