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BPS Production 2013 A Night at the Museum

Brother: Daaad wake up! Dad: Whats wrong son Brother: I just had a terrible dream Dad: I told you guys not to watch that show, next time turn if off when I tell you to. And why dont you ever wake your mother up Brother: Because Id rather experience the horror, of the aftermath, of a terrifying dream than deal with Mum when she has first woken up Dad: to the audience They grow up so quickly back to son What was that show you and your sister was watching anyway? Brother: A night at the museum, but in my dream it was all topsy turvy Ben Stiller was actually funny - and the dinosaurs head wasnt anatomically accurate it was way too big for its body and there was this Lionel Richie song Dad: Stop now youre scaring had better get back to bed. Dont forget that we are going to the Melbourne Museum tomorrow. I cant wait to go its going to be riveting Brother: But what can I do to stop dreaming Dad: Try counting sheep Brother: Id prefer to count native Australian animals if that is alright with you maybe kangaroos Id better go before mum wakes up Dad: Good idea hang on - why kangaroos? Track Blackout

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