Task 6: Global Warming: Muhamad Aminurlah Bin Jamin A128652

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Muhamad Aminurlah Bin Jamin A128652

Task 6: Global warming Definition:Climate change is any substantial change in Earths climate that lasts for an extended period of time. Global warming refers to climate change that causes an increase in the average temperature of the lower atmosphere. Global warming can have many different causes, but it is most commonly associated with human interference, specifically the release of excessive amounts of greenhouse gases. (EPA, 2006) Adaptation Event Drought Proposed climate change adaptation needs Enhance water supply efficiency. This includes improving storage efficiency by removing sediment from reservoirs and dams and eliminating losses from leakage and water theft; Promote demand management practices to reduce per-capita consumption of potable water by industrial, commercial and residential consumers. This includes reducing wastage through behavioural changes and encouraging water harvesting for non-potable uses; and Promote demand management practices to improve the efficiency of irrigation and other water uses that rely on no portable sources such as rainfall and groundwater. Review flood management plans and assess integrity of existing structures particularly where failure could result in loss of life (e.g. dams and large barrages); Review design standards for flood risk management in all new infrastructure including water control structures, transportation structures and electrical, water and waste amenities to incorporate climate change factors. Complement structural approaches with nonstructural approaches such as improved rainfall and flood forecasting, disaster warning systems and flood hazard mapping as part of a coordinated disaster prevention and management plan. Threats

Flood and Erosion


Strengthening detection




Forest and biodiversity

mechanisms for vector and water borne diseases, e.g. rural entomologists at the district level; and Community involvement in defence strategies, e.g. environmental management. Establishment of conservation and protection corridors between forests Ensure the protection of genetic resource via the establishment of gene banks, botanic gardens, animal sanctuaries, captive breeding centres and rehabilitation centres for fauna.

Mitigation Reduce air travel Energy conservation Reduce motorized Transportation Capture landfill gas (methane) Expand public transport

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