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1. FLUSH GALL STONES NATURALLY! 13th Nov 2003 by Dr. George J Georgiou, Ph.D.,N.D.,D.Sc (A.M) Natural Medicine Practitioner INTRODUCTION I have personally supervised more than 200 people in clinical practice who have been through the gall bladder flush described below. I have never encountered problems more than the occassional nausea, assuming that the protocol is followed as mentioned below. HUNDREDS OF STONES It is estimated that 20% of the world's population will develop gallstones in the gall bladder at some stage in their lives. This figure does not take account of the numerous stones that accumulate in the liver and its ducts, given that the liver produces them in the first place, and then travel down to the gall bladder. I have personally witnessed the removal of gallstones from hundreds of patients - some of them had gall-bladder symptoms but had no positive results from an ultra sound scan. Most, however, did not have any symptoms at all, yet would flush out literally hundreds of stones - no exaggeration! One woman in her 50's had three scans and the radiologists found nothing. She had pains in the gall-bladder region for 20 years. When she did the gall bladder flush she removed 430 stones the first time around, and about 300 the second time! About a week before I did my first gall bladder flush I went to see a friend who is an ultrasound specialist. He checked my gall bladder and found it as clean as a whistle. When I flushed a week later I removed 5 LARGE stones (about the size of a hazelnut), and about 150 smaller stones, including gravel. It is believed by many naturopathic doctors that EVERYONE has gallstones, some less than others, and I have validated this many times in clinical practice. The cleanse that I recommend below takes place within a period of less than 14 hours and can be done at home over the weekend. It is a painless and harmless natural way of removing stones, without requiring invasive procedures such as surgery, laser, etc. GALL BLADDER CLEANSE VERY IMPORTANT: It is crucially important BEFORE you begin this gall bladder cleanse to have drunk TWO GLASSES of APPLE JUICE (packaged juice is just as good as fresh) every day for 14 days before the cleanse. This is very important as certain constituents of apple juice (it is believed to be the high pectin levels) SOFTEN the stones and enable them to pass

HARMLESSLEY through the gall ducts. I have supervised hundreds of such cleanses using exactly this protocol that I am recommending here without one patient suffering any harm whatsoever. But please follow the instructions carefully, and it must be said that you have ultimate responsibility, given that none of you are actual patients of mine. An alternative to apple juice that is just as effective, is Orthophosphoric acid (75%) - take 30 drops a day for 3-4 days, and gradually increase the dosage to 50 drops daily - continue for 10 days. Each 30 drops contain 390mg of Orthophosphoric acid. Take no medications, vitamins or pills that you can do without on the day of the cleanse. They could prevent success. Eat a NO-FAT breakfast and lunch such as cooked cereal with fruit, fruit juice, brown bread with a little honey (no butter, milk or margarine), baked potato or other vegetables with salt only. 2.00 PM Do NOT drink or eat after 2 o' clock. 6.00 PM Drink one serving (3/4 cup) of ice cold Epsom salts. Mixing one-tablespoon Epsom salts into 3/4 cup cold water can make this. You may add 1/8 teaspoon of vitamin C powder to improve the taste. You may drink a little water afterwards, or rinse your mouth out. 8.00 PM Repeat the Epsom salt drink as above. 9.45 PM Pour 1/2 cup olive oil and squeeze 1/2 cup orange or grapefruit juice into this, with one juice of a whole fresh lemon. Shake or stir hard until the oil and fruit juice mix thoroughly. Visit the bathroom now, as you will lie down as soon as you take the olive oil mixture. 10.00 PM Drink the olive oil and juice you have mixed. Drinking through a plastic straw helps it go down easier. Drink it standing up, not sitting or lying. You may use a little honey between sips to help it down. Try to drink it as quickly as you can, within 5 minutes. LIE DOWN IMMEDIATELY, ON YOUR RIGHT SIDE! You may fail to get stones out if you don't. The sooner you lie down, the more stones you will get out. Try to keep perfectly still for 20 minutes. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There is no pain because the bile duct valves are open, thanks to the Epsom salts. GO TO SLEEP. NEXT MORNING - upon awakening take another dose of Epsom salts. Drink 3/4 cup of the mixture. You may go back to bed. Don't drink this before 6.00 a.m. 2 HOURS LATER - take you 4th and last dose of Epsom salts. Drink 3/4 cup. You may again go back to bed. AFTER 2 MORE HOURS - You may eat. Start with fruit juice. Half an hour later eat fruit. One hour later you may eat regular food but keep it light - salads, steamed vegetables, fruit, juices, etc. By supper you should feel well. There are occasions when you may feel a little unwell for a

couple of days, particularly when you have not done a liver flush before the gall bladder cleanse. Sometimes this may be due to stones and debris remaining in the colon and causing irritation and inflammation. Colon hydrotherapy or a good, deep enema can help this problem. In the morning expect diarrhea. Try to catch the gallstones in a sieve in the toilet pan so that you can see them. If any of you have a camera please take photos and send me a copy for my clinical archives. Most of the stones will be SOFT and green, breaking easily, or even dissolving. All these green stones are as soft as putty thanks to the apple juice, and are mostly made of cholesterol. A few days after the cleanse, stones from the rear of the liver will have traveled "forward" towards the main bile ducts leaving the liver, and fill the gall bladder again! This is why it is sometimes necessary to do up to 6 cleanses (perhaps one each month) in order to get rid of all the stones. If a cleanse produces no more stones, your liver can be considered to be in excellent condition! Wish you all well! A clean gall bladder can lead to higher energy levels, alleviation of allergies, flatulence, digestive problems, back pains and more. The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated these statements. This information and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 2. es/p/347

What can I do to remove gallstones?

Gallstones are a hard mass composed of bile pigments, cholesterol, calcium bilirubinate and calcium carbonate that can form in the gall bladder or bile ducts. A gall stone appears over many years and can range in size, some growing to a couple of centimetres. Many people will have gall stones present in their gall bladder without it causing complications and often they will dissolve naturally. Complications arise when they grow in size as they can dramatically reduce digestive function, cause inflammation and infections.

In Naturopathy any presence of gall bladder stagnation/ gall stones is indicative of sluggish movement of bile through the gall bladder or a continual demand on bile supply due to diet. There are some people who have passed gall stones successfully by drinking large amounts of olive oil and lemon juice. The amount of oil and bitters in the preparation causes the gall bladder to contract and expel the gall stones into the bowels for elimination via the stool. However we do not advise you try this without professional supervision.

It is recommended to speak to a Healthcare professional regarding gallstones as it is not professional to claim that a gallstone can be removed or broken down. This is due to the complications and possibility of a stone becoming lodged in the bile duct causing inflammation and infection as well as possible removal of the gall bladder.

Complications and risk factors for gallstones

Some of the risk factors for the production of gall stones are defects in cholesterol metabolism, reflux, heartburn, colitis, constipation, obesity, hormone imbalance, hypochlorhydria (low digestive acids), sluggish liver function and bile movement.

There are many complications associated with gall stones (indigestion, inflammation of the bile duct, liver damage) and caution is advisable in regards to treatment. It is not recommended that you do a liver/ gall bladder flush at this stage as it may be possible that the stone will lodge in the bile duct and cause inflammation and blockage of bile or even pancreatitis. It would be safer for to you to make an appointment with a Healthcare professional who will better asisst you with diet and supplement suggestions as well as giving you the long term support and advice this condition requires.

Liver and gall bladder

The gall bladder and the liver have a close relationship when digesting foods, so in order to maintain a healthy gall bladder it is important to support the liver as well. Bile is needed for digestive purposes to emulsify fats and oils. The manufacturing of bile takes place in the liver and is transferred to the gall bladder which acts as a reservoir to hold the bile until it is needed

for digestive processes. Bile acids are released into the digestive processes to help break down the fats and oils in foods. Without proper gall bladder function or bile supply cholestasis arises and symptoms of reflux and heartburn can occur. The fats and oils become rancid in the stomach because they are not being properly broken down, this often causes constipation, flatulence and a decrease in digestive capabilities. When the liver and gall bladder are congested due to gall stones or poorly functioning digestion, complaints arise such as reflux, indigestion, gall bladder pain, stomach pain, heaviness after eating rich, fatty or fried foods, constipation or nausea.

Cholesterol and gallstones

Have you had your cholesterol levels checked recently? The ideal level of cholesterol for women is below 5. A blood test which tests for cholesterol levels is a fairly accurate indication of how well the gall bladder is dealing with an excess of fats in the blood stream. When serum triglycerides (fats from foods) levels are raised this is indicative that there is too much cholesterol being consumed in the diet. The body also manufactures cholesterol at night in the liver.

Diet tips for gallstones

Begin each day with a glass of warm water with lemon squeezed in it. Lemon juice stimulates digestive and liver function, cleanes the bowels and has a beneficial effect Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables as these contain gentle fibre to encourage bowel evacuation of small gall stones Have a vegetable juice each day (beetroot, carrot, celery and ginger) as these encourage liver detoxification, alkalise and cleanse the system and provide vitamin C to move the bowel Eat lots of fresh fruit, especially apples. Apples have a special affinity for binding to excess cholesterol Consume good raw oils in your diet. Foods which contain good oils are raw olive oil, fish oil capsules, flaxseed oil capsules, fish, nuts and seeds and avocados Reduce saturated fats (animal fats and dairy foods), transfatty acids, processed foods and simple sugars. Saturated fats and transfatty acids are commonly found in foods such as cakes, cookies, biscuits, bakery foods, margarine, donuts, processed and deep fried foods Eat more bitter foods to stimulate liver and gall bladder function such as rocket, endive, raddichio and kale. Also eating foods high in sulphur help to stimulate liver detoxification such as garlic, brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions, broccoli, cauliflower and radish Increase dietary fibres such as oat bran, slippery elm powder, flax seed, apple pectin and psyllium seeds, the fibre in these foods ensures that the excess cholesterol and bile salts are excreted via the bowel Increase vegetables in your meals, especially the family of cruciferous vegetables such as brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli and green beans which encourage the liver to detoxify and support gall bladder function. Preferably steam your vegetables rather than boiling to retain maximum nutrients Introduce herbal teas such as Dandelion, Burdock, Peppermint, Green Tea, lemon and ginger to support liver detoxification, digestion and the production of bile Increase omega 3 essential fatty acids in the form of deep sea oily fish (Salmon, Snapper, Mackeral, Anchovies, Cod, Sardines, Halibut)

Lecithin sprinkled on your food, cereal or in a smoothie helps to emulsify fats, lipids and oils and the break down of cholesterol and bile in the digestion due to the phosphotidylcholine A low cholesterol diet is an important aspect of helping to prevent gall stones. A low cholesterol diet takes the strain off the liver and gall bladder

Lifestyle factors for gallstones

Check gall bladder and liver function as a decline in the function of these can dramatically affect the storage of bile in the bile duct and the production of bile in the liver. Bile produced in the gall bladder ensures adequate break down of foods and also helps to lubricate the bowels Reduce smoking and alcohol as these reduce liver function, dry up the bowel, dehydrate and cause gall bladder insufficiencies If you are carrying a few extra kilos then try to lose a little weight, exercise regularly and manage stress. Shedding excess weight will take the strain off the liver, reduce excess oestrogens which are stored in the adipose tissue (fats) and improve digestion Reduce high cholesterol levels Address constipation if this is a problem for you

Meal suggestions for gallstones:

Oat Porridge with low fat milk or soy milk and fresh fruit e.g. strawberries, berries or prunes. Add some brewers yeast, grated apples or psyllium to it also.

Yoghurt with fresh berries and sunflower seeds or a sprinkling of muesli.

Wholemeal toast with avocado, tahini & tomato.

Green garden salad using rocket and chicory lettuce with tinned tuna in brine with balsamic vinegar

Roast vegetable salad with grilled chicken breast

Homemade vege soups with legumes (e.g. minestrone)

Chickpea and vegetable curry and rice (no coconut milk)

Try making sushi - great fun for the kids to try.

Couscous with kidney beans and tomatoes.

Salmon & vegetable patties with garden salad.

Try supplementing black tea with organic herbal teas such as peppermint, chamomile, ginger and green tea.

Dandelion coffee can be made with a little bit of honey and soy milk.

The following website contains some good healthy recipes you might like to try:

Natural remedies for gallstones

Probiotics increase beneficial bacteria, as an imbalance of good vs bad bacteria in the bowels is a contributing factor to chronic constipation and gall bladder function Vitamin C and bioflavinoid help to stimulate bowel movement and bile movement Liver herbs may help to encourage liver and gall bladder herbs due to their cholagogue (bile stimulant) effects such as Globe Artichoke, Dandelion, St Marys Thistle, Bupleurum, Citrus Peel, Greater Celandine, Agrimony, Golden Seal, Barberry, Yellow Dock, Chamomile, Ginger and Turmeric The amino acids Taurine and Methionine are beneficial for reducing the production of gall stones. They contain sulphur components which help to increase liver detoxification processes

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