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Hazrat Syyed Shah Mohammad Hassan wal Hussaini Baghdadi Gillani Rahmatullah Alayh.

He was Syyed from Iraq ,but mooved to India to spread Islam.A great WalliUllah of his time.

Noor-e-Punjetan Gausul Waqt Qutbe Zaman Siraj-ul-Awliya Burhanul awliya Shaykhul Mashaaikh Jigar Gosha-e-Gause-Azam RasoolNuma Shaykh Syed ash Shah Muhammad Hasaniul Hussaini Qadiri Bagdadi Jilani summa Madani Radi Allahu anhu

The GrandShaykh was given the title of Rasool-Numa because Hazrat reached to such a level in Wilayat that during Muraqaba he make his Mureed do the ziyarat of Sarwar-e-Konain Sayyedina Muhammad Mustafa Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam.. SubhanAllah

Grandshaykh is the only Mashaaikh who has beaten the Deoband master Molvi Ashraf Ali Thanvi with his blessed sandle , you can read about the incident below.

During their first visit to India from Bagdad Shareef Our Grand Shaykh his excellency Noor-e-Punjetan Gausul Waqt RasoolNuma Jigar Gosha-e-Gaus-e-Azam Shaykh Syed ash Shah Muhammad Hasaniul Hussaini Qadiri Bagdadi Jilani Radi Allahu anhu & his elder brother Noor-e-Punjetan Arif-billah Jigar Gosha-e-gaus-e-Azam Shaykh syed ash Shah Abdul Karim Hasaniul Hussaini Qadiri Bagdadi Jilani Radi Allahu anhu were on their way to pay homage to the shrine of Qutbe Deccan Khwaja-e-Khwajegaan Khwaja Banda Nawaz Gesudaraz Hussaini Radi Allahu anhu.

While they were on journey from Hyderbad(India) to Gulbarga Shareef Sajjadanasheen of Gulbarga Shareef got the basharat of Sultanul Awliya Sarkar Gaus Paak Radi Allahu anhu. The sajjadanasheen sahib said today is the day of Eid as the Shaykh of Shaykh is in my house , Gaus-Paak Radi Allahu anhu replied "My two son are on their way to pay homage to your forefather Khwaja Banda Nawaz Radi Allahu anhu i command you to give both your daughter's in Nikah to both of my Son" Sajjadanasheen sahib replied My pleasure Yaa Sultanul Awliya.

In the morning when both the Prince of Gaus Paak Radi Allahu anhu reached Gulbarga shareef , Sajjada Sahib told them about their dream and both the Prince accepts the two Waliya selected by their Grandfather Sarkar Gaus-Paak Radi Allahu anhu.

The Mashaaikh of Qadiri and Chisti order who attended this beautiful wedding were heard saying " This is the best of the wedding of this century , Union of Hasani Prince with Hussaini Princess"

Allahu Akbar!!!!!!!

From both this wedding came many Wali's who through their Ruhaniyat has make the Moon of Islam shine brighter and brighter.

Noor-e-Punjetan Arif-billah Jigar Gosha-e-gaus-e-Azam Shaykh syed ash Shah Abdul Karim Hasaniul Hussaini Qadiri Bagdadi Jilani Radi Allahu anhu is resting at Chincholi shareef in Karnataka India.

Noor-e-Punjetan Gausul Waqt RasoolNuma Jigar Gosha-e-Gaus-e-Azam Shaykh Syed ash Shah Muhammad Hasaniul Hussaini Qadiri Bagdadi Jilani Radi Allahu anhu is reasting near the feet of Khatun-e-Jannat salamun alayha at Jannatul Baqi Madina Munawwara. The other Wallis on the picture are his sons.

RasoolNuma Hazrat Syed Muhmmed Baghdadi Closeness to Rasoolullah

In 1355 Hijri Rasulnuma Shaykh Syed Muhammad Shah hasani ul hussaini Qadiri Bagdadi Jilani summul Madani migrated to Madina Munawwara. Hazrat Sahib stayed there for 10 years and took veil on 15th Muharram 1365 hijri.

Once a god fearing person from South Africa visited Madina Munawwara for Umrah and ziyarate RasoolAllah Salla Allahu alayh Wasallam, he was a true ashiq-e-Rasool. This noble person was given the basharat by Sayyedina RasoolAllah Salla Allahu taala alayhi wa Sallam who guided him to Hazrat and beloved Prophet Salla Allahu taala alayhi wa Sallam said go and take bayah with Syed Muhmmad Bagdadi, who is nowadays residing in Madina Munawwara , Sayyedul Mursaleen Salla Allahu taala alayhi wa Sallam further said Taking Bayah from the hand of Syed Muhammad Bagdadi is like taking bayah from the hand of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani.

Sayyedul Mursaleen Sayyedina Muhammad Mustafa Salla Allahu taala alayhi wa Sallam further show him the shabi mubarak of Hazrat and also gave him the address of Hazrat who at that moment was staying in Madina Munawwara.

This Person from south africa met Hazrat and took bayah with his bless hand and he shared this dream with all the chief Muftis of Madina Munawwara. All the Sunni grand Muftis visited Hazrat and started taking sohbet from him and all of them universally gave him the title of JANASHEEN-E-GAUS-US-SAQLAIN, Hazrats fame reached to all the corners of arab world and many Shuyukhs from different parts of Arab countries started meeting Hazrat and took his Sohbet.

Hazrat RasoolNuma Syed Muhmmed Baghdadi VS Ashraf Ali Thanvi Najdi

During Hazrats early days in India(Hyderabad) , The Ulema of deoband used to meet him and give him a lot of respect especially Molvi Ashraf Ali Thanvi. Hazrat was not aware of their corrupt beliefs as he hardly understand Urdu as he was from Bagdad Shareef , He only used to communicate in Arabic and Farsi.

Once Molvi Ashraf Thanvi met Hazrat after kissing Hazrats hand invited him for their Ijtema near historical Makkah

Masjid in Hyderabad. There was a large gathering and the Molvis of deoband came personally to escort Hazrat Rahmatullahi alayh to the Makkah Masjid. There was Big stage and the Deobandi Molvis throw roses on Hazrat Rahmatullahi alayh when he enters the venue. Hazrat took his seet and started listening to the lecture(although he could hardly understand what they were saying) , As Mehfil was in full swing . All of sudden Hazrat Rahmatullahi alayh left his seet and threw one of his bless Sandal on Ashraf Ali thanvi who was delivering the lecture, and this Son of Haider-e-Karar alayhis salam roared like the Lion of Allah You Scoundrel shut up, I can smell the Kufr from your mouth and threw his other sandal towards Ashraf Ali thanvi. Then Hazrat Rahmatullahi alayh ran towards Ashraf Ali Thanvi to catch and kill him , before Hazrat could lend his hand on this clown , he and his cronies ran from the gathering. Everyone was stunned with this incident. Hazrat Rahmatullahi alayh went on the stage and asked one of his disciples to bring him a Pen and Paper, He then wrote the Fatwa of Kufr on Ashraf Ali Thanvi himself.

One of his disciple ask him Hazrat you dont know Urdu. I was listening to the lecture but didnt find anything wrong in his speech. Hazrat Rahmatullahi alayh replied I didnt understand Urdu but I could smell the Kufr from his mouth, You were watching his voice I was listening to his heart. All of his words from his mouth had the stinking smell of Kufr coming from them.

Note - Hazrat Sahib Rahmatullahi alayh didnt understand urdu but with the Fazl of Allah Azwajal and with the Karam of Punjetan-Paak, Gaus-e-Paak & the Power of his Wilayat he smelled the Kufr of Molvi Thanvi

The same day when Hazrat Rahmatullahi alayh went to sleep he got the Basharat of Huzoor Sarwar-E-Konain Salla Allahu taala alayhi wa Sallam. Hazrat Rahmatullahi alayh narrates that Huzoor Sarwar-E-Konain Salla Allahu taala alayhi wa Sallam asked me O Syed Muhammad Hussaini we are very pleased with you , Make a wish and it will be granted Hazrat Rahmatullahi alayh replied O my Master Salla Allahu taala alayhi wa Sallam I wish for a place near Khatun e-Jannat salamun alayhas feet Huzoor Sarwar-E-Konain Salla Allahu taala alayhi wa Sallam smiled and replied Granted.

Hence Hazrat Rahmatullahi alayh was blessed to be buried near the feet of Khatun-e-Jannat Sayyediah Fathima Tuz Zahra Salamum Alayha. The above incident has been noted by many Ulema of Deccan and it can also be found in one of Maulana Arshadul Qadri Rahmatullahi alayh Books.

There are thousands of Karamats of this lion of Allah Azwajul and mountains loads can be written on his blessed personality, However these are a few drops that we have shared. Hazrat was blessed with four sons. However he chose the eldest and second eldest to be his Successors. Arif-Billah Hazrat Ash Shah Syed Muhmmed Faisullah Chisti Qadri Baghdadi Rahmatullahi alayh was tied with the Chisti Amamah. His Holiness rests at chincholi Shareef, India. His other son Sirajul Awliya Hazrat Syed Muhmmed Abdul Rahim Qadri Baghdadi Rifai Chisti Banda-Nawazi Rahmatullahi alayh was tied the Qadri Amamah. He rests at Hussaini Alam Shareef,India. RasoolNuma Hazrat Syed Muhmmed Baghdadi Rahmatullahi alayhs two other sons Hazrat Abdul Karim Qadri Baghdadi and also Hazrat Muhmmed Moinuddin Qadri Baghdadi Rahmatullahi alayh both rest in the Husaini Alam Shareef Graveyard.

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