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Tyrone Greene Megan Keaton ENG 111-06 19 June 13 Social Networking Vs Academic Writing "Where you at?

" This among many other various forms of abbreviated language is commonly found among generations these days. Today's generation is a technology based world that grows each year at the speed of light! The computer age sparked the trickling effects of various uses of technoloy today. From Ipads to Kendles, let's face it we have always been spoiled by the rewards of technology, which opened a horizon of programs widely used all over the world. Whether it's social network writing or academically writing the freedom of speech is commonly used. Facebooks mission was to make the world more open and connected. Therefore it has become the most widely used social network out here. People of all ages are allowed to maintain a facebook profile as long as they follow the terms and policies. Users are prohibited to commit in anything unlawful or illegal or their page will be notified and terminated indefinitely. To get started they simply put in their information about themselves and then begin adding people they know, whether it's mutual friends, close acquaintances, family, or loved ones. Old to young, these people tend to be either of high class or unsophisticated. Either they dress conservative or downgrading. Overall the social network has a modern dress code where guys tend to wear name branded clothing and shoes and the same with females. These types of brands vary depending on

their race and culture. Positions are earned in this community by popularity levels depending on your social status. Those who spend the most time advertising themselves and promoting themselves and others gain the most fans. Having the most to say to where other people can relate, gains them this popularity overtime and it also helps to be attractive and to dressed to impress. Roles are self-made and often decided among those with a higher population volume. Facebook requires you to add or request friends and family and once the request has been approved by either party they can share their lives among each other and their community by posting of thoughts or things they are currently involved in, such as; music, photos, and videos. Facebook allows us to communicate with anyone at anytime free of charge all over the world. The writing is organized by posting on people's pages, statuses, or in their inbox of someone in the community. The language is controversial, corrupt, clear, brief, and summarized thoughts by using slang or proper English. Sentence structures vary between being vague and unsupportable to being very discrete and well planned out. Exigence on this network is usually minor unless an issue from current events is brought up in discussion or if someone in your community has written a topic that others feel the need to address. The genre of writing entices the reader to become entertained. Rhetors are often celebrities or those of wealth and the audience would be the citizens of america. Academic writing is applied at an in-school setting. To test students of what they have learned in their English classes. And help them sharpen their writing skills with a consistent amount of papers to complete. Students from all ages are apart of this community in either public or private school statuses. They appear to be a majority of the people found on social networks but with this community the writing is done for the purpose of being graded and advancing to a higher level of learning. The dress code of students vary from current moods to what the weather

is like for that day at school. Most students wear athletic clothing that is fitting or loose or the designer apparel and shoes talked about in the previous discussion. Those who are academcially inclined, have been to school who have a certification or degree in teaching have the positions in this community. Positions are obtained through many years of concentration, learning, and eventually earning a college degree or more. These roles are decided by the hiring process and screening at the particular school. The goals of the community is to take the writing levels of students to higher platues and to advance their knowledge in English literature. In school writing requires students to attend class daily to learn about writing and doing excersizes in class for homework to better there expertise. Students are then required to write papers with specific topics to test there abilities based off what knowledge they have acquired. The writing is organized into sections of material that is taught by the professor of each class. Students like those of social network writing, have the freedom of speech but it has to be on a level of professionalism. Proper grammar and language, along with vocabulary, is enforced in school among the students. Students are not allowed to use slang and profanity it is prohibited! Even though there is freedom of speech, students are also prohibited in the use of violence or communicating threats to get there points across. The audience is smaller in this community and generally consist of their peers or classmates and the professor of the class. The exigence would be any current events or writers that are permitted to be discussed in the classroom setting. The genre of writing is trying to get to reader to give the student helpful tips on their writing and to better them for future task in that particular class and for future references. Rhetors are the famous writers being studied in class at the time and any famous authors. Social network writing and academic writing have many similarities and differences but they both prohibit the use of freedom of speech. The constraints of these genres of writing may

vary. Social networking such as Facebook has a vague amount of constraints due to it's public yet open role in society. Academic writing has a variety of constraints because it's used in a school system and is not only monitored by higher officials but also by the district and board of education. The insightful connection between social networking and academic writing is that, regardless, you are still able to openly voice your opinion on how you feel about particular situations. One can be in a more "down to earth" tone. Where as the other needs to obtain a more solid foundation. The only thing we should utilize when writing is to remember it's not what you say, but how you say it.

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