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PRESENT PERFECT DIALOG 1 Read the dialog below and say if the statements that follow are true or false: HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ABROAD BEFORE? Ana: Have you ever been abroad? Paul: Yes, I have been abroad several times. Ana: And which countries have you visited? Paul: Oh, well. Since Ireland became a member of the EU, I have tried to visit all the member countries. I have been To France and I have seen the Eiffel Tower. I have been to Portugal and I have walked to the furthest point west in Europe. Ana: Oh, that sounds really interesting. Have you visited all the member countries? Paul: I have been to them all except Denmark. I am planning to go next summer. Ana: I suppose you have spent a lot of time and money. Paul: Well, I havent actually. I live in a caravan so I just have to drive to all these countries. Petrol is expensive but its still cheaper than flying!!! ................................................................................................................................................ ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) Ana asks Paul a general question about a possible experience in a foreign country he might have had without mentioning a specific point in time. ) Paul visited many different countries in the past. ) Ana wants to know which countries Paul has visited in his life until now. ) Paul hasnt stopped traveling to foreign countries until now. ) In the dialog, Paul used a specific point in time which is still connected to the present. ) Both Ana and Paul are more interested in talking about the actions than the time when these happened. ) Both Ana and Paul are talking about past actions which are still connected to the present. ) In the dialog, you cant find examples of actions which are totally finished.

DIALOG 2 Ben: Have you ever been to England? Mike: Yes, I have. Ben: How many times have you been there? Mike: Three times. Ben: When was the last time you went? Mike: About three months ago. Ben: Who did you go with? Mike: I went with my friend. Ben: How long did you stay for? Mike: For about 10 days. Ben: Would you like to go back someday? Mike: Definitely. The country is very beautiful and the people are very friendly too.


Analyze the pair of sentences below: I have lived in Edinburgh since 1999. X I lived in Edinburgh many years ago. I have lived in Edinburgh. X I lived in Edinburgh when I was a teenager.

I have lived in Chicago for four years. / I have studied English for a long time.

I have read that book many times. / I have seen a lot of changes around here.

Has she spoken to Sue this morning? X Did she speak to Sue this morning? Martin has crashed his car again. X Martin crashed his car last year. Hes been to Spain. X Hes gone to Spain.

It is used to talk about ________________________________________________________ A: Why is the kid crying? B: Her dog has just died. A: Would you like something to eat? B: No, thanks. I have just had lunch. A: Whats happening? B: I dont know. I have just arrived!

It is used to emphasize that ____________________________________________________ Brenda is only sixteen but she has already lived in many foreign countries. His new book came out last week but I have already finished reading it. A: Can you clean the windows, please? B: I have already cleaned them.

We use YET with a negative verb to say __________________________________________ We use YET in questions to ask _________________________________________________ A: Whats in the newspaper today? B: I dont know. I havent read it yet. A: Can we go now? B: No. The movie hasnt finished yet. A: Has it stopped raining yet? B: No, its still raining. A: Have you graduated from college yet? B: No. This is my last term.

EXERCISES 1. Choose the correct option.

1. Oliver has _____ washed his car. a) yet a) never b) ever b) yet c) just c) already c) ever c) ever c) never c) already c) for 2. My cousin hasnt arrived _____. 3. My friend Jason has _____ come back from Italy. a) already b) yet a) just a) since a) ever a) just b) yet b) yet b) yet b) yet 4. Have they _____ met a famous person? 5. I have _____ listened to classical music. 6. Sam and Jane have _____ left for work. 7. We have _____ heard a strange noise.

2. Complete the dialogues, using just and the words in brackets.

1. A: Whats happening in this programme? B: I dont know. _________________________________________________ (It / start ) 2. A: _________________________________________________ ( I / come) back from my holiday. B: Did you have a good time? 3. A: Could I have a copy of Sports World, please? B: Sorry. ______________________________________________ ( I / sell ) the last copy. 4. A: Hows Lucy? B: Shes very happy, _________________________________________ ( She / finish ) her exams. 5. A: Have you still got the same car? B: No,_______________________________________________ ( I / buy ) a new one. 6. A: Would you like something to eat? B: No, thanks. ___________________________________________________(I/have) breakfast.

3. Complete the conversation using just, already or yet and the words in brackets.
Julia: Are you having a good time here? Anna: Yes, I haven't been here long, and I've already visited a lot of interesting places. (I / visit) Julia: 1 _________________________________________________________________ (you / visit / the Art Gallery /?) Anna: No, 2 _________________________________________________ (I / not / do / that), but I'm going to do it. Julia: What about the theatre? 3 _____________________________________________ (you / see / a play /?) Anna: No, but 4 _____________________________________________________________ (I / book / a ticket) for one. It's called The Friends. I rang the theatre five minutes ago. Would you like to come with me? Julia: Thanks, but 5___________________________________ (I / see / that play). I saw it last month. Anna: 6 __________________________________________________________ (I / read) in the newspaper that The Adventurers are giving a concert next week. Do you think it will be good? Julia: Yes. 7____________________________________________ (they / make) a really good, new record. It came out a couple of days ago. Anna: Will I be able to get a ticket? Julia: Yes. 8______________________________________________________________ (they / not / sell / all the tickets). But be quick! They're a very popular group.

4. Read the situations and then write sentences with just ( a short time ago); already (something happened sooner than expected) or yet (until now only questions and negatives). Example After lunch you go to see a friend at her house. She says `Would you like something to eat?' You say: No, thank you. Ive just had lunch. (have lunch) 1. Joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says `Can I speak to Joe?' You say: I'm afraid ___________________________________________________________(go out) 2. You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away. You say: Wait a minute! ____________________________________________________(not/finish)

3. You are going to a restaurant this evening. You phone to reserve a table. Later your friend says `Shall I phone to reserve a table?' You say: No, ________________________________________________________________it. (do) 4. You know that a friend of yours is looking for a job. Perhaps she has been successful. Ask her. You say: ___________________________________________________________________.? (find) 5. Ann went to the bank, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks `Is Ann still at the bank?' You say: No,____________________________________________________________(come back)

Sentences about some students at school. Its 8:30 now........The students havent started their lesson yet. Its 9:00 now....... The students have already started their first lesson. Its 10:45 now......The students have already had their breakfast. Its 11:30 now......The students havent eaten their lunch yet. Its 13:00 now......The students have already had lunch Its 16:15 now......The bell has just rung. The students have already left the classroom. Its 17:00 now......The students have just arrived home.

He has just had a shower His hair is wet He hasnt dried his hair yet.

1-There is smoke in the room. ( someone ) _______________________________________ 2-His finger is bleeding. ( just ) _________________________________________________ 3-Your room looks tidy. ( clean ) ________________________________________________ 4-My mum is coming out of the kitchen. ( dinner ) __________________________________ 5-Its 6:30 p.m. ( my father / yet ) _______________________________________________ 6-Its 10:00 a.m. ( the students / yet ) ____________________________________________ 7-The children are starving. ( yet ) ______________________________________________ 8-His whisky bottle is empty. ( already ) __________________________________________ 9-They are leaving the restaurant. ( just ) _________________________________________ 10-The referee is blowing his whistle. ( just ) ______________________________________

11-Your room looks untidy. ( yet ) ______________________________________________ 12-Her eyes are red. ( just ) ___________________________________________________ 13-He is coming out of the library. ( just ) _________________________________________

6. Fill in the blanks with the right verb tense simple past or present perfect.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. John ____________________ (lived) in London for the past fifteen years. Brenda ____________________ (work) for Smith and Brothers before she came to work for us. Dad, ____________________(you/finish) reading the paper yet? I would love to visit New York sometime. Unfortunately, I ____________________(be/never) there. Peter _____________(play) Tennis for five years when he ____________(be) at school. I _________________(work) in Italy for 5 years. I ____________(begin) work as soon as I arrived. I'm not hungry. I ____________________(eat/already). When Jack was at school, he ________________(learn) to play the saxophone. Maria lives in Boston. Before she _____________(move)here, she _____________(live) in Seattle for 3 years. 10. Peter ______________(go) to Paris last year. That means that he _____________(be) to Paris 3 times! 11. How long _________________(you/live) there before coming here? 12. Sam is from Colorado, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see, never) _______________the ocean. He should come with us to Miami. 13. My best friend and I (know) ______________each other for over fifteen years. We still get together once a week. 14. A: Did you like the movie "Star Wars?" B: I don't know. I (see, never) ______________that movie. 15. Listen Donna, I don't care if you (miss) ______________the bus this morning. You (be) ________________late to work too many times. You are fired!

7. Ask questions for the answers below: Use Present perfect or simple past.
Question: __________________________________________________________________ Answer: Yes. Twice. Question: __________________________________________________________________ Answer: Since I was born. Question: __________________________________________________________________ Answer: For 25 years. Question: __________________________________________________________________ Answer: B: I met my best friend at university. Question: __________________________________________________________________ Answer: No, never. But I would like to do that someday.

8. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The Titanic _______________ (sink) in 1912. Somebody _______________ (steal) my bicycle! Now Ill have to walk home. Gerry _______________ (fall) off his bike three times this month. I _______________ (see) the movie Titanic three times. Im going to see it again tonight. I _______________ (walk) to work every day for the last six weeks! When Young Hee was a child. She _______________ (live) in Seoul. Ouch! _______________ (cut) my finger! I _______________ (lose) my key yesterday, so I couldnt get into the house. Eventually, I found it in my jacket pocket. His brother _______________ (visit) London last year. 10. Jack _______________ (live) in Boston for the past 15 years. 11. Jane: Can you help me? I _______________ (finish) my homework, but I still dont understand number 7. 12. Maria _______________ (believe) that for ages!

9. Complete the sentences using just, already, yet, ever, for or since and the words in brackets. Use the right tense.
1. She __________ (be) unemployed _______ 2002. 2. My mother __________ (work) in this firm _______ 16 years. 3. _______ you __________ (think) of having a part-time job 4.I __________ (not/ see) Mary _______ her last birthday 5. He can go and watch TV. He __________ (do) his homework. 6. _______ Terry __________ (finish) her work _______?

10. Put in BEEN or GONE.

1. Hes on vacation right now. Hes ______________ to Puerto Rico. 2. A: Wheres Pat? B: Shes not here. I think shes ______________ to the bank. 3. A: Hello, Pat. Where have you ______________? B: Ive __________ to the bank. 4. Paris is a wonderful city. Ive ____________ there many times.

11. Fill in the gaps with the right verb tense. MR. SEAN TOOTHLEY
Mr Sean Toothley is an incredibly very successful man. He ______________________(accomplish) a lot so far. For instance, he _____________________________(already, set up) ten new companies. This way, Sean ____________________________(give) work to 2000 people. Whats more, he ______________(sign) many good contracts with other companies lately. Thanks to his hard work he______________________(make) huge profits. His companies __________________(earn) large sums of money. As a result, all the workers _____________(receive) higher salaries. However, he _________________(not, think) of co-operating with companies from abroad yet. Mr Toothley ____________________(do) business only with those in his own country. Sean ______________________(have) some problems with his health since 2003. He ____________________(be) to the doctor a couple of times already. Thats why he _____________________(not, take) a holiday abroad for the last few years. His wife __________________(always, tell) him to quit smoking but he _____________________(never, listen). It is now obvious that cigarettes _____________________(ruin) his health. They ___________________(be) the main cause of a tumour in his lungs. He has promised to smoke less and less. His health ___________________(improve) a bit since then. It _______________(not, be) easy for him but his children __________________(always, remind) him that he should take care of health!

12. Complete the sentences, putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
Claire and her friend Melanie are talking about part-time jobs and school. Claire: Last year I __________ (decide) to stop studying. That __________ (not/ be) a very wise decision, you know. Melanie: ________________ (you/ not learn) anything at all since last year? Claire: Yes, I __________. I __________ (learn) to be patient and to save money. I __________ (save) a lot of money over the past few months. Melanie: Id like to drop out of school. Im not good enough Claire: Dont say that, Melanie. The school counsellor __________ (help) you a lot lately. There are many professional courses Im sure youll find one that is going to interest you. Melanie: Perhaps youre right. My parents and I __________ (talk) a lot about this lately. They __________ (tell) me again and again about the advantages of having a qualification. Every evening we talk about it. My parents _______________ (not/ make) the right decision when they were teenagers and now they regret it. Claire: __________ any jobs __________ (catch) your attention? Melanie: A couple of them. Yesterday my cousin __________ (try) to convince me to follow the same course she did.

COMPUTERS 13: Read the text below and fill in the gaps in the most appropriate verb tense: Since computers were first introduced to the public in the early 1980's, technology (change)_______________ a great deal. The first computers (be) ___________________ simple machines designed for basic tasks. They (have, not) ______________ much memory and they (be, not)_______________ very powerful. Early computers were often quite expensive and customers often (pay) _______________ thousands of dollars for machines which actually (do) __________________ very little. Most computers (be) ___________________ separate, individual machines used mostly as expensive typewriters or for playing games. Times (change) _________________. Computers (become) _______________ powerful machines with very practical applications. Programmers (create) _______________ a large selection of useful programs which do everything from teaching foreign languages to bookkeeping. We are still playing video games, but today's games (become) _______________ faster, more exciting interactive adventures. Many computer users (get, also) _______________ on the Internet and (begin) _______________ communicating with other computer users around the world. We (start) _______________ to create international communities online. In short, the simple, individual machines of the past (evolve) _______________ into an international World Wide Web of knowledge.

The End

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