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Episode 2

Scene 1.

Puppy Love

(Phil is in the hallway walking through with a pritstick in his hand. The doorbell rings and from outside the postman shouts Post!, Phil flinches. Pause. Postman leaves. Phil rentaghosts, then reappears with a newspaper. He goes into the living room and sits on the sofa, seemingly waiting for something uncomfortably. Char enters)

Char: Have you seen my jumper anywhere? Phil: (Not moving or looking at Char) Which one? Char: The green one. Phil: With all the fleckly bits? Char: Yeah. Phil: And a sort of round collar? Char: Yeah! Phil: Sorry no. Char: Oh, okay (Turns to leave) Phil: Char! Char: Yeah? (Pause) Phil: The postman came. Char: (Suddenly takes on a mothering concerned role. She rushes over to Phil and puts her arm around him.) Are you okay? Phil: I I Char: Its alright, its alright, Phil: (Making in descript noises) Char: Shhh Now what was it you have to say? Phil: Just doing his job, Char: Just doing his job, just doing his job. Phil and Char: Just doing his job, just doing his job, just doing his job, just doing his job. (Char stops and gets up, Phil continues to repeat this phrase. Char moves to leave, Lex enters) Lex: Your jumpers in the wash Char, Char: Okay cool! (Goes to leave)

Lex: (Indicating Phil) Whats up with him? Char: Hes got a fear of service men. (Pause) The postman was just round. Lex: Oh, right, because of the milkman. (Phil makes a distressed but held in squeaky noise, gets up tense and leaves the room.)

Scene 2 (Eliza continues to root through some clothes. Suddenly something falls off her desk. She looks up frightened. She goes over to investigate what it could have been but finds nothing. She shrugs it off. When her back is turned one of the items on the bed falls off. She picks it up, puts it back on the bed and thinks nothing of it.)

Scene 3 (Lex is in her room sorting through her things, an address book is open on the floor. Phil rentaghosts into Lexs room behind her. She doesnt notice him.) Phil: Lex? (Lex turns around startled) Lex: Jesus Phil! Phil: Did I make you jump? Lex: Made my heart jump right out my chest! Phil: Oh Im sorry. Lex: Right what do want? Phil: Oh, oh I was thinking, the next thing on my list, Lex: Your list? Phil: Of unfinished business. The next thing is to learn how to dance. Lex: Right Phil: And well Eliza mentioned that you knew how to, so I was wondering if Lex: I could teach you? Phil: Yeah! Lex: I suppose. What sort of thing? Phil: I dont know, whatever really. Lex: Alright then. Phil: (Excitedly) Yes! (Runs out excitedly. Pops his head back round the door) Meet you downstairs in ten minutes! (Dashes away)

(Eliza can be heard singing and getting closer to Lexs room) Char: (Heard from elsewhere in the house) Shut up Eliza! Eliza: (Not yet entered to Lexs room) Sorry! (Eliza enters Lexs room with a dress in either hand) Eliza: Should I wear this one? Or this one? This one is more comfortable but this one looks better on. What do you think? Or should I not wear a dress? Is a dress too, too girly? I have a nice fitted blazer, or is that not formal enough? No I think I will wear a dress. Which one do you like Lex? I think I like this one best. I have a nice pair of shoes that go with this but no bag. Oh I dont know, I just want to make a good impression. Hes just so nice. (Throwing the dresses on the bed and flopping onto it herself) Why is this so hard? Lex: Sorry what? Eliza: Werent you listening? Lex: Not really no. Eliza: (Huffs) Which of these dresses should I wear out this evening? Lex: I like that one. Eliza: Really? Lex: I like the other one too. I like both. Eliza: (Groans) That is so unhelpful. (Phil runs in manically) Phil: (Shouting) Theres a dog outside! Eliza: What? Phil: Theres a dog outside! Lex: A dog? Phil: Yeah! Outside! Eliza: Theres a dog outside? Phil: Yes! (Char runs in) Char: Theres a dog outside! Lex: There is a dog outside! Phil: Yes! (They all run out of Elizas room.)

Scene 4

(They arrive in the kitchen and they look out the window. There is a dog in the garden) Char: What do we do? Eliza: I dont know, but Im not having any part of this! (Dashes out quickly) Char: What do we do Phil? Phil: I dont know! Char: What do we do Lex? Lex: (Not having paid too much attention, seemingly off on another planet and without the sense of the urgency the others are feeling) Theres a dog outside. (Phil throws his hands up in a gesture of giving up. The dog barks. Lex flinches and there is a very short flashback to some money being slammed down onto a table. Back to the present Char looks worriedly out at the dog.) Char: We cant just leave it out there. Phil: Well what do we do? (The dog is heard growling. Another short flashback, this time of a cage and a man laughing outside of it. Back to present, Lex stares out of the window.) Char: (mobilising herself by the door) Well have to catch it! (She dashes out of the door and grabs the dog by the collar and moves to bring him inside.) Phil: Dont bring him in. Dont bring him in! (Char brings the dog in) Oh you brought him in! Char: Hes sort of cute. Phil: Hes dirty and he smells Char: (In baby talk to the dog) Yes but hes so cute, yes he is, yes he is! (Lex looks uncomfortable) Phil: Jesus! And hes walked mud in! Where did you put my marigolds? Char: Where they normally are. (Phil leaves. The dog picks up a shoe or something that could be construed as a toy. Char starts to try and pull it out of the dogs mouth. Close up of the dogs teeth. Lex looks even more uncomfortable.)

Scene 5 (A bare room. A table with two chairs either side is in the middle of the room. On one chair, that is pulled quite far out from the table, there is a man sat, tied up with duct tape over his mouth. Lex is walking around the room. She is an entirely different

person. She is in a tightfitting black dress, heals and Dita Von Teese style hair and makeup. She moves with precision, grace and power. The man in the chair hangs his head down. Lex notices and moves to stand behind him) Lex: Now, now (Pulling the mans head up by his chin till he is looking at the ceiling) Dont you be hiding your pretty little face! We dont like you when you keep your heads down and look scared. Thats not good for bets and business. (The door opens and Moore looking smart and clean cut in a suit comes in. Lex looks up at him.) Lex: (She gestures to the free chair) Please. (She moves to the free chair and pulls it out slightly for the man. He walks up to her and stops in front of her, extremely close. She puts her hand on his shoulder initially as a sign of affection that turns into her pushing him down into the chair. She walks back over to the tied up man) Lex: Well done for last night. Five thousand was it? Moore: Five thousand six hundred and twenty five. Lex: Not bad. Moore: Couldve been worse. Lex: Could have been better. (Lex goes to stand beside Moore. She crouches down next to him) Still five thousand six hundred and Moore: Twenty five. Lex: Twenty five. Most so far this season, but nothing we cant double with this one. (Lex puts her hand on Moores leg) Moore: Where have you been the last couple of days then? Lex: (Getting up and putting her hands on his shoulders) Oh Ive been around. Found this one working at a garage. Moore: Did you now? How adorable. Lex: Isnt it just! Moore: Well then. Lets be having it. Lex: Six foot three, fourteen stone, been a werewolf for a couple of months, (to the man in the chair) how many was it? Four? Yes four. No family to speak of but a girl friend. Moore: Well thats no good. (Lex takes a piece of paper out of the tied up mans pocket and hands it to Moore who gets out of his chair to take it)

Lex: Her address, so if you want him, you can sort her out as a little aperitif for debut maybe. (Moore takes Lex by the waist) Moore: You think of everything dont you. (Lex lets Moore hold her for a moment before moving away. Moore inspects the tied up man. He then returns to his chair and leans on the back of it. Lex sits on the table.) Lex: Hes a good one. Just look at him. Put him in any dog fight and hell come out top. That other one youve got! What a joke! It wont be long before hes cold and dead. Moore: Youre right. Lex: (Kneels on Moores chair. Moore straightens up in order to bring himself closer to her. She looks up at him) Of course Im right. So theres just one last thing then isnt there. (Gets off the chair and puts Moore in it.) (Singing and toying with the tied up man) How much is that doggy in the window, the one with the waggley tale, how much is that doggie in the window, hes four grand cuz you got him on sale. Moore: Four grand? Lex: And twenty per cent of your winnings off him for the next six months. Moore: Lexy, you know I cant do that. (Moves towards Lex and puts his hand on her hip) Lex: I know for a fact that you could pay even more. Besides, you get mates rates. Moore: Is that just it then? Mates? Lex: I could do you better Moore: Well could you? Lex: (Leans well towards Moore) Well have to see. (Goes over to the tied up man, sits on his lap and puts her arm around his shoulders) Ill tell you what, well have him fight tonight against your one. If he wins you take him off me for four grand and twenty per cent of your winnings for the next six months, and if yours wins, well youll get to have this ones carcass for free. Moore: But then I loose out either way. Lex: (Gets off the tied up mans lap. Puts her hand under Moores chin and brings his face towards her own.) Well next time, take the offer I give you when its still worth something. (Moore grabs Lex)

Scene 6 (Resuming of scene 4. Char takes the dog out by the collar.)

Scene 7 (Lex goes into her room and picks up the address book from the floor. She flicks through it and stops at a page. We see that it is the address and number of Moore, written as such. Flash of money being slammed down on a table. Back to Lex. The money slammed on the table again)

Scene 8 (Empty room as in scene 5. Lex is sat all done up on the table. Moore slams down a large amount of money on the table) Moore: Thats it for now. Lex: I want it all now up front I told you. Moore: Thats all youre getting for now. Lex: I dont think so. (Gets off the table and walks up to Moore, she stands very close to him. She drags her hands down the lapel of his jacket before holding it tightly) Youll have all my money, in cash on this table by this evening. Moore: Or what? Lex: Or Ill have you in that cage this evening. Moore: You cant do that. Lex: I will watch that dog tear your throat out and smear your blood all over the floor Okay then? (She moves off around to the other side of the table) Moore: What are you doing this all for any way Lexy? Lex: (Shouting and slamming her hands down on the table) I want out! I want out! Why the hell am I spending my time scouting dogs if theres no cut for me in it? Im throwing men in those cages! Men! Theyre not animals, they are men. This was all great fun at one point, I loved to gamble and Id bet away on my dogs, wed roll out of here a hundred grand up and I wouldnt give a shit about that werewolf dying in a cage downstairs. I wouldnt give a shit. I cant do that anymore, I cant laugh at murder anymore, not anymore. Moore: Lexy, sweetie, come on, its not all that bad. (Puts his hands on her waist as a gesture of comfort) Lex: Get your filthy little vampire hands off of me.

Moore: Lex whats gotten into you? Lex: Money on the table by tonight.

Scene 9 (Resume scene 7. Phil comes in and nips Lexs waist from behind. She turns around frightened. Phil giggles) Phil: (Through giggles) Sorry. You coming down then? Lex: What? Phil: To teach me how to dance. Lex: Oh yeah. Phil: Come on! (Phil fireman lifts Lex out of the room. She drops the address book on the floor.)

Scene 10 (Phil and Lex enter the kitchen. Phil still carrying Lex. He puts her down. Phil notices the post he had brought in on the work top. He picks them up) Phil: I forgot to give this to Char this morning. (Shouting) Char! (Cut to Char in her room with her arm under the bed towards the thermos. She pulls herself out.) Char: Yeah? (Cut back to Phil) Phil: Theres a letter for you here! Char: (Heard) Okay! Lex: (To Phil) Right come on you (Grabs Phils hand and pulls him into the living room) Well start like this. (Lex starts showing Phil how to dance) Eliza: (Heard) Ill see you all later! (Sound of the front door slamming shut)

Scene 11 (Char in her room with the letter. She opens it. Her shoulders drop and she starts to sob. It becomes more violent. The letter drops out of her hands. We can see that the letter says Im sorry you had to hear this from me, but your mother has died. The rest of the letter is not in focus. Suddenly Char stops crying. She is suddenly calm. Then she scrabbles under the bed to get the thermos. She unscrews the lid. It takes all

her restraint to take only one sip. She screws on the lid and runs out of the house. The sound of the door slamming. Cut to Phil and Lex dancing, the noise startles them and they stop for an instant. Lex shrugs it off. They continue)

Scene 12 (Outside in the dark. Char is running. She looks feverish. A man pops out from nowhere and Char stops in her tracks. The man looks at her unphased. A moment of still. Char grabs the man and attacks him. He struggles. When Char is finished drinking from the man she gets up and runs off. Running back to the house she sees Eliza on the front doorstep hunched over crying. Char stops, wipes her face. Then runs over to Eliza) Char: Eliza? (Putting her hand on Elizas shoulder) What happened? Eliza: (Sobbing) He stood me up Char: What? Eliza: He stood me up. Char: Come on lets get you inside. (Char helps Eliza up and through the front door)

Scene 13 (Living room. Lex and Phil are dancing. Enter Char and Eliza. All Elizas makeup has run down her face. Lex and Phil stop when they notice Char and Eliza) Phil: Whats going on? Char: Eliza was stood up. Phil: Oh Eliza Im so sorry. Eliza: No, no its alright, Ill be fine. Char: Come on, lets sit you down. (Guides Eliza over to a chair and Eliza sits down) Ill get you a cup of tea yeah? (She dashes off into the kitchen) (BEAT) (Char come back in with two cups of tea and a pack of biscuits under her arm. She gives one of the cups to Eliza) Phil: Ill tell you what! Why dont we show you our dance! Char: Yeah! Thatll cheer you up wont it Eliza? Eliza: I suppose. Lex: Right Ill put the music on. (Goes over to a stereo and presses play.)

(Lex and Phil assume positions. The music comes on and they start to dance rock and roll. Char eats a biscuit and Eliza rubs her eyes, then smiles.)

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