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Daydreams information letter

Daydreams logo evolves
We kept the historical color, the green (12 years already!), the visual drawing for our 4 offerings, their synergy, as well as the movement of the shapes reflecting the dynamism of our offer, our projects and our Customers, and added to it a "Motto": "B to B Market Access". B to B Market Access? It is our area of excellence; it is what makes us different on the market, meaning our capacity -validated on the field by our Customers - to present a complete offer updated with the market evolution. Our structured offer gathers Market Analysis, New Business Development, Additional Sales force and Sales Consulting as well as Marketing of Innovation. The organized capitalization of this offer is one of our fundamental principles.

January 2013



Development of Innovative Materials

As a part of the recently created KemOne company, a specialist in vinyl solutions and subsidiary of the Klesch group, Alphacan designs, makes and markets PVC profiles for the construction industry. In order to diversify its activity, Alphacan is focusing on producing new materials with a higher added value. To accelerate this diversification while ensuring true differentiation as compared with its competitors, Alphacan was able to utilize Daydreams expertise to achieve three goals: Get a global overview of the current market for these new materials ; Define the expectations of the potential markets, in order to create specification sheets that are adapted to each target application Identify the most interesting opportunities and the best strategies to approach the target clients, with the objective to build solid partnerships. During this 6-month project, Daydream used its methodology to gather and analyze information. By following this Method - a continuously updated and field-proven way of performing projects Daydream was able to determine the 5 markets with the highest potential for Alphacan among the 10 markets initially considered, and to identify their expectations. Based upon these results, Daydream advised Alphacan to develop its offerings in two clearly differentiated product ranges, instead of one, which better match the current requests from the markets. Finally, two effective partnerships were generated as a result of Daydreams discovery of two companies that were highly interested in co-development processes. Thanks to the completed study and to these initial pilot projects, Daydream provided Alphacan the keys to success for launching their recent innovation. Our marketing teams specialized on the building trades had neither the time nor the expertise to check the potential of the markets that we had identified for our product. Daydream knew how to help us - in a few months - to build our offerings by relying on new partners which will become the commercial flag bearers of our brand. Eric Perraud

Generating growth beyond its core business

ISOCHEM is a French company having more than 40 years of experience in the outsourcing of multi-steps organic synthesis. Strong from its experience in complex molecules development and manufacturing, Isochem was willing to find new growth drivers beyond its current business scope, the pharmaceutical industry. Daydream having a high knowledge of various promising fields, along with a proofed methodology to assess and conquer new markets for technically complex products, Isochem has once again called on Daydream to select markets to investigate according to accessibility criteria, prospect them to present them Isochems offer and settle partnerships with most interested prospects. Thanks to a rigorous methodology, the use of efficient and proofed tools as well as its team know-how, Daydream has enabled Isochem to: Target high potential markets Identify right contacts in targeted companies, contact them and meet them to present Isochems offering Put Isochems technical team through to prospects ones to initiate joint development and manufacturing projects Generate additional turnover in concreting these projects. Using its know-how in both Market Assessment and New Business Development, Daydream has offered to Isochem to succeed in new markets. The success of our cooperation with DayDream is due, on hand on the good understanding of our objectives Daydreams team and on the methodology used and, on other hand, on the human and professional quality of consultants who served this project. Xavier Jeanjean one by the the

DOW Fiber optic cable jacketing solution

Dow Electrical & Telecommunications (Dow E&T), a business unit of The Dow Chemical Company, is a global leader in technology and material science solutions for the power and telecommunications industries. Dow E&T is developing a solution for a novel fiber optic cable jacketing material which aims to help reduce equipment and labor costs, potentially resulting in net total system savings. Dow E&T benefited from Daydreams services to test the value proposition of this new solution with end users. End users are an important target, and their support is key to a successful commercialization. Daydream identified and contacted both the Global Telecom Operators and the main local independent carriers to: Interview them to present the value proposition of Dow E&Ts new fiber optic cable jacketing solution Collect their feedback Generate a list of qualified companies interested in further discussions with Dow E&T Refine the value proposition of Dow E&Ts solution.

During this two-month project, Daydream completed 33 interviews with key actors, and confirmed expectations that there was potential for Dows new fiber optic cable jacketing material in all areas of the world . We were impressed with Daydreams professional team said Damien Polansky, Global Telecommunications Platform Leader, Dow E&T. They worked closely with us, from start to finish, helping us test and shape a value proposition that targets the right end use customers in the right global markets.


In 2012 a key point has been highlighted by Daydream: What premium services are our customers looking for? The main idea is to continue the improvement of the specific methodology used during projects to extract the value which makes a difference for our customers, and make it a trademark: Daydreams Method, a guarantee of your satisfaction! To obtain these key elements, we asked our customers to identify what the real added value for them is, and then asked them to position Daydream in front of these expectations. The main customers expectations are: - The capacity to bring a concrete operational value (And not only " traditional cloudy consultants recommendations ") - The flexibility and proximity with the customer during the project - The industrial references, experience and legitimacy of " the consultant team " - The specific know-how of the consulting firm allowing the customer to implement his objectives quickly and effectively. For our customers the key is not the answer to the question "how or why it works?", but more the answer to "does it work for my business and my projects?. We know for a fact that our Methodology works and that our belief that a constantly improving methodology meets our customers needs. In fact, our customers gave us the best highlights of our added value, the ones which signify a real difference from the other consulting firms; we deliver "complete, solid and actually actionable content". We thank them.

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