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The golden proportion

1. General advices and start point.
Subject: The golden proportion. In this project you have to investigate about the golden number and when and where it appears in mathematics, in the human body, in nature and in the history of art. You will learn the history of this irrational number, you will read, analyze and summarize it, and then you will discover the golden proportion in the real world around you.
General advices.

Read articles, books and visit websites. In the final report you must include explanations using your own words (please dont use cut and paste from the Internet)

The start point. Search on the Internet the definition of divide a segment in extreme and mean ratio. Find out a quadratic equation that reflects this situation. Solve it. Define (the golden number). What is a golden rectangle? How do you draw one of them? Use Geogebra and draw a golden rectangle. What is a golden spiral? Use Geogebra and draw it. Investigate others interesting mathematical properties about the golden number.

2.- Some useful tips.


Read, carefully, the text below
The golden section in human body. When looking at the Golden Proportions of the human body, it must be noted that the measurements are based on the body of an average person. The following Golden Proportions are in addition to the Golden Ratio of a person's overall height to the distance between their foot and their navel: Using the eyes as the center point, the head forms a Golden Rectangle. The measurement of a person's overall height and the measurement from the head to the tips of the fingers. The measurement from the navel to the top of the head and the measurement between the top of the head and the line of the shoulder. The measurement between the top of the head to the shoulder line and the overall length of the head. The measurement between the knee to the navel and the measurement from the end of the foot to the knee. The measurement between the tip of the finger to the elbow and the measurement between the elbow and the wrist. The measurement of the length of the forearm and the length of the hand .

The Face and the Golden Ratio. According to researchers, when most people look at a face, their perception of beauty is subconsciously based on the Golden Ratio. In fact, the more measurements of the face that fall into the Golden Proportion, the more beautiful the person is perceived to be. The following are examples of the potential Golden Ratio found in the human face: Overall length and width of the face. Overall length of the mouth to the overall width of the nose. Length of the face and the measurement between the distance of the end of the jaw and the center of the eyebrows. Width from the center of the first tooth to the second tooth. Width of the two upper front teeth and their height. Measurement between the pupils of the eyes and the measurement between the eyebrows. Distance from the center of where the eyebrows meet to your lips and the length of your nose. Overall width of the nose and the measurement between the nostrils.


1.-The divine proportion in the human body :

The purpose of this activity is to determine the ratio of total body height to navel height. Read the instructions carefully. Work in pairs. Each person must complete one of these data sheets. 1. One partner will determine the total body height and navel height of the partner. 3. Partner being measured: Take off your shoes (highly recommended). Stand upright with your back against a wall. Put your feet together. 3. Partner taking measurements: Place the meter stick on top of your partners head to help you determine your partners height. 4. Continue standing upright. Face the wall. Point to your navel with a pen/pencil. Keep the pen/pencil horizontal with the floor and measure your navel height. 5. Trade roles and repeat steps 1-4. Fill in the table.. Table 1: Total Body Height/Navel Height. Ratio of Total Body Height Navel Height in fraction form ____ ____ Ratio of Total Body Height/Navel Height in Decimal Form

Name of Partner

Total Height

Body Navel Height

cm cm

cm cm

8. Total Body Height/Navel Height is the ratio of total body height to navel height. Complete the Total Body Height/Navel Height column in the table by filling in the body heights and navel heights. 9. Using your calculator, divide Total Body Height by Navel Height and report your answer to 3 decimal places. 10. Write your result from Step 9 on the board. Complete the following table using the classroom data presented on the overhead. Table 2: Classroom Data Sheet

Students Name 1. 2. 3.

Total Body Height Navel Height

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Follow-Up Questions Write your conclusions about the values obtained (h/n and n/m). Calculate the mean of the quotients h/n and n/m (everyone in the group). Compare the results between groups. Calculate the mean of h/n and n/m (everyone in the classroom) Compare these means with the golden number and explain your conclusions.

2.- Men and women.

Do you think that the results could be different in men and women?. Divide the data in two tables (men and women), make comparisons and explain them

3.-The face
As you have read in the text. The golden number appears in the human face, in the arms, etc. Measure yourselves and find in your faces, arms, fingersShow your measures in a chart and explain your conclusions.

1.-Consider Fibonaccis sequence 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,Calculate the 30 first terms, then divide each term by the previous one .How are these quotients?

2.-Take an identity card and a credit card and measure their base and height. Divide them. What is the quotient value?

3.-Look at this starfish: As you can see, there are two pentagons, one inside and the other one circumscribed. Calculate the quotient between the diagonal of the pentagon and its side, prove that this quotient is

4.-Check that the golden section appears at least three times Parthenon in Athens.

5.-The image below is the Vitruvius man (Leonardo Da Vinci)

Check that the relationship between the side of the square and the radius of the circumference is Notice that the center of the circumference is the mans navel

3 -Format of the final report.

Your report must have the following sections: 1. Cover. The cover includes the title of the project and the name of the student. 2. Main text. You have to write a brief summary of the project and what you have learnt. Include here the definitions, tables, graphs, information, etc that you consider useful. Please do not write questions and answers, you must write a text not a questionnaire. 3. Conclusions. Summarize here your conclusions (be critical with them). 4. Resources. Include here the books or articles you have read, websites you have visited and the rest of the material you have used.

Sole (of foot): planta del pie Navel: ombligo Forearm: antebrazo Eyebrow:ceja (finger) tip: punta (del dedo) Elbow: codo Nostril: agujero de la nariz

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