Sem2 Crucifixion

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Mark Who Carries Jesus Cross? In the Passion narratives, did Jesus carry his own cross or not?

Inscription on Jesus Cross When crucified, Jesus cross had an inscription but what did it say? Mark 15:21

Matthew Matthew 27:32 Luke 23:26


John John 19:17 - Jesus carries his own cross the whole way John 19:19 - The inscription: Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.

Jesus gets help from Simon of Cyrene Mark 15:26 - The inscription: The King of the Jews. Matthew 27:37 - The inscription: This is Jesus the King of the Jews. Luke 23:38 - The inscription: This is the King of the Jews. Luke 23:39-42 - One thief taunts Jesus and is criticized by the other. Jesus promises the 2nd thief that they would be in Paradise that day, though John and Acts say he did not ascend to heaven until 40 days after his resurrection

Jesus and the Thieves Some gospels say Jesus was crucified with two thieves, though the Romans never crucified thieves.

Mark - The two thieves are mentioned, but there is no conversation

Matthew 27:44 - The two thieves taunt Jesus

John - The two men arent described as thieves

Does Jesus Drink Wine or Vinegar? Jesus is given something to drink while he is on the cross, but what? Jesus and the Centurion Romans supposedly witnessed Jesus crucifixion, but what did they think? Women Watch the Curcifixion The gospels describe several woman as having followed Jesus around, but what did they do when Jesus was crucified? When Was Jesus Crucified? The crucifixion of Jesus is the central event of the Passion narrative, but the narratives dont agree on when the crucifixion occurred Jesus Last Words Jesus last words before dying are important, but no one seems to have written then down.

Mark 15:23 - Jesus is given wine mixed with myrrh, but he doesnt drink Mark 15:39 - A centurion is cited as saying: Truly this man was the son of God! Mark 15:40

Matthew 27:48, Luke 23:36 Jesus is given vinegar, but he doesnt drink Matthew 27:54 - A centurion is cited as saying: Truly this was the son of God. Matthew 27:55 Luke 23:47 - A centurion is cited as saying: Truly this man was innocent. Luke 23:49

John 19:29-30 - Jesus is given vinegar and he drinks

John - No centurions say anything

Several women watch Jesus from afar Its not stated when the crucifixion starts, but the sixth hour occurs during the curcifixion Matthew 27:46-50 Luke 23:46 - Jesus says: Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit.

John 19:25-26 - Several woman are close enough that Jesus could talk to his mother, contrary to Roman practices

Mark 15:25 - Jesus was crucified on the third hour.

John 19:14-15 - Jesus was crucified on the sixth hour.

Mark 15:34-37

Jesus says: My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? (but they use different Greek words for God Matthew uses Eli and Mark uses Eloi) No earthquake is mentioned. No earthquake and no massive influx of formerly dead people is mentioned in any historical records Matthew 27:51-53 - At the moment Jesus dies, a massive earth quake strikes and opens tombs where dead people rise again

John 19:30 - Jesus says: It is finished.

Earthquake After the Resurrection Was there an earthquake when Jesus died?

No earthquake is mentioned. No earthquake and no massive influx of formerly dead people is mentioned in any historical records

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