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Precalc I Quiz II topics A,B, C, D 1.

. Find the perpendicular line that bisects (5,6) and (1,8) in the slope intercept format. 2. Graph y 2x 4 3. A circle is inscribed in a square who has a perimeter of P. Determine the area of the circle, if the perimeter is equal to 8 inches. Show your work by constructing a function then solve. 4. f(x) = 1/(5x + 9); g(x) = 4x-1. Determine f(g(1)) 5. Determine the following graphs as functions, explain your answer with one sentence overall

Precalc II Topics B, C, D, E 1. A circle is inscribed in a square who has a perimeter of P. Determine the area of the circle, if the perimeter is equal to 8 inches. Show your work by constructing a function then solve. 2. f(x) = x^2 + x - 6; g(x) = x+3 a. (f+g)(x) b. (f-g)(x) c. (f*g)(x) d. (f/g)(x) e. f(g(1)) 3. Determine the following graphs as functions, explain your answer with one sentence overall

Calculus Quiz II Topics A, B, C, D 1. Determine the derivative for y = x^2, using limits. You may use the power law to check your work. 2. Determine the derivative for each x3 a. y = x x b. y =( 5x2 6x )8 c. f ( x )=ln ( 5x+1 ) d. f ( x )=4 e( 2x +1) e. y =cos ( sin x ) 3. Determine the velocity of a car at time t = 5 minutes, if the position of the car can be described as y =3.2 t 25.1 t . Hint 1, it is with respect to time, not position. Hint 2: Velocity is the instantaneous slope of the position function.

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