The Wooden Box Providing Peace of Mind: Taboot-e-Saqinah

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Holy Quran says in verse 248 of Surah Bakarah (Surah number 2)

Waqala lahum nabiyyuhum inna ayata mulkihi an yatiyakumu alttabootu feehi
sakeenatun min rabbikum wabaqiyyatun mimma taraka alu moosa waalu haroona
tahmiluhu almalaikatu inna fee thalika laayatan lakum in kuntum mumineena
With this their Prophet (Samuel) told them:"The sign of his appointment as a king from
Allâh is that during his rule you will get the box back, in which there is peace of mind
(Sakinah) for you from your Râbb, which has the sacred residue left by the family of
Mûsa and family of Hârûn, and which has been carried by the angels at this time. If you
are true believers, then it is a great sign for you”

The Prophet of Bani Israel- Samweel (AS) called as Samual in English, decided to make
Taalut as a king of Bani Israel. But Bani Israel put the condition that if they obtain the
meritorious box back which had been taken away by then qafirs (disbelievers) after their
win against Bani Israel, they would accept Taalut as their king. Allah gave this precious
pious box to Bani Israel and they accepted Taalut as their king.

Bani Israel were used to get victorious against the qafirs (disbelievers) in religious
fightings by the blessings obtained through the prayers to Allah they used to make in
front of this box. But after course of time, they became wealthy and they used to sink in
the great sins and the result was that they were defeated once by the disbelievers of
Amaalakah who took this box with them and threw the box in the garbage farm. So, the
people of Amaalakah were driven in the wrath of Allah and they were drawn deep sunk in
the various incurable diseases. They knew this after some time that it was due to insult of
that box which they carried and threw in the garbage. So, they put the box in the bullock
cart and drove that cart to Bani Israel. There were four angels with that cart and box. In
this way the Box was returned to them.

The Box contained in it Amaamah (Head turban) of Prophet Harun (AS), Asaa (wooden
stick-staff) of Prophet Musa (AS), The shoes (Naalein shareef) of Musa (AS), the pages
of Tawret/Bible (book descended on Musa) and the pictures of all Prophets which were
given to Adam (AS) by Allah from Jannah (paradise). These pictures were exactly like
present day camera taken pictures. This is as per Tafsir-e-Naeemi. The shoes of Prophet
Musa(AS) and divine book Tawret/Bible in one box together indicates the dignity level of
the Prophets. And Prophet Mohammed (sav) is aleader of all the Prophets. So, the value
of pious shoes of our holy Prophet Mohammed (sav) can easily be understood. Prophet
Musa (AS) had to leave shoes to go on to mount toor to talk to Allah whereas our Prophet
was asked to come with shoes to meet Allah during me’raj. So, what may be the value
and level of dignity of the shoes of Prophet Mohammed(sav)!

In quran, this box has been said as a pious and peace of mind for those who are true
believers. All the things in the box are related with the Prophets. So, these Prophets’
things are degreed by quran as meritorious things. This clearly implies that the things
related with the friends of Allah are meritorious and full of blessings. We can get divine
help from Allah by such things. We can ask mediation of such blessed things of friends
of Allah. We may obtain divine help by mediation of the friends of Allah as well as by
mediation of the things related to the friends of Allah. This is the true teaching of Allah
and his Prophet (sav) through his marvelous book al-quran. From this, the bad akidah
people can be easily recognized. So, join the true akidah people who respect the friends
of Allah and the things which are related to them.

Note: Zaalut was the king of Amaalakah. In the army of Taalut, hazarat Dawood(AS) had
also taken part who killed Zaalut who was a tyrannical king. Later, Dawood(AS) obtained

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