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I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting. Daniel 9:3

GGWO Prayer & Fasting
Summer travels of our pastors; conferences around the world; Camp Life preparations; MBCS graduates and their next steps; outreaches and concerts in the Baltimore neighborhoods.

2. Peru, Lima
Transition to Peruvian leadership; churchplanting team for Argentina in 2014: Rosario, Buenos Aires; Cordoba and Mendoza, Argentina; Asuncion, Paraguay; Colonia and Montevideo, Uruguay.; Pastor Stan & Karen Collins

3. Czech Republic, Prague
July 13-20 conference; finances; time off from work; new disciples; health of Body members.; Pastor Petr & Jarmi Tyll

4. Finland, Tampere 5.
Many to participate at Helsinki summer Bible school July 5-17; need an assistant pastor and team members; blessing on summer evangelism; new people to see the value of regular church attendance. Pastor Matti & Ritva Himanka

France, Nimes 6.
Deep time of fellowship around the Word; transition for people moving; may God bless us with new people and give us an open door for evangelism.; Pastor Jean & Patricia Cartier

France, Paris
Prayer for our growing need for a new building; God to raise up men to be sent into the harvest field; youth to keep making good decisions for Christ. Pastor Michel & Pascale Texier


Germany, Kitzingen

8. Hungary, Budapest
Summer evangelism with several high profile events festivals, concerts; people to get saved; many to come to church; new Bible college students; start of new school year at our international GGIS and Hungarian Kharis schools. Your prayers change our world. Pastor Kende & Adel Majoros

9. Romania, Brasov
People to respond to Gods initiations; God to add a new generation of Romanian pastors; disciples to go out; many more mission trips in Romania; preparations and leading for Aug.12-17 camp at Vlahita; Gods anointing in messages. Pastor Mihael & Marie Milea

10. Romania, Bucharest

A fruitful summer in knowing Him and evangelism; jobs for the Body members; team members; finances; a place for the church. Pastor Mircea & Roxi Crucianu

11. Russia, St. Petersburg

22-24 July conf; anointing; covering on all the needs; men to grow into leadership; soul winning; we thank the Body of Christ for prayers!; Pastor Aleksey & Olga Bratsev

12. Russia, Tyumen

Outreach to villages; Aug. 16-18 conference outside of Tyumen; youth and childrens camp; land for our church building project.; Pastor Pavel & Marina Gailans

13. Poland, Gdansk

We thank God for new people; we ask God for Band of Brothers meetings for men; ministry to abused women; healing for marriages; a bigger place for church; July 22-Aug. 3 youth camp POMO; summer harvest in August.; Pastor Mariusz & Gosia Zajac

Prayer for over 100 teenagers who heard the gospel at our sons funeral; open hearts among Muslims; our ministry to them; salvations; disciples from the university outreach. Petri & Silvia Kastarinen

14. Sweden, Stockholm

Please pray for saved souls; disciples; Bible college students; wisdom how to spend time and resources; young people to catch the vision and go all the way with God.; Pastor Mikael & Taina Toll

15. UK, Ellesmere Port/ Chester

Church growth; salvations; saved to come to church; enrollment of new students to our Christian school; outreaches to be effective; health of each Body member.; Pastor Alastair & Cathy Craddock


USA, Baltimore, MD


USA, Dundalk, MD


USA, Utica, NY


USA, Pittsburgh, PA

20. Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou

Construction of chapel; need for a generator and video projector for village outreach; missions trip in October to Mali and Senegal; new orphanage home for 10 orphans. Pastor Babou & Celine Bamouni

Summer outreaches; visitation; conference travel schedules for our pastors; decisions of Bible college students for the fall; offerings to keep up with expenses; budget planning for next fiscal year; teachers rest and preparation for GGCA, GGLC, and MBC&S. Pastor Thomas & Lisa Schaller

Building for midweek services to open up for Sundays; new disciples to go to MBC&S; warfare against Body marriages; single people to stay the course; dependency upon Jesus; outreaches; provision for children; businesses; wisdom; Grace Addiction ministry staff. Pastor Jeff & Robin McKeon

Pray for souls to be saved in the city of Utica; miracle provisions to make necessary building repairs; childrens Summer Camp outreach; healing of cancer for Deb. Pastor Kevin & Ren Lewis

Healing seminar on August 10; need for a new job for Pastor Ron; desire to move Pastors residence; future plans for the church. Pastor Ron & Michele DeLouis


Ghana, Ashaiman


Ghana, Tema

23. DR Congo, Lubumbashi

Disciples to be raised up; soulwinning to reach peoples hearts; 3rd semester of Bible courses starting in August. Pastor Emile Kisimba


Uganda, Nansana


Zambia, Livingstone


Finances to finish roofing our church in Klagon; God to fill the new chapel with a lot of new souls; spiritual growth of our youth and for them to go out and win souls; women and mens fellowships to be steadfast and grow spiritually; thankful for all the support. Pastor John & Mary Jason

Pray for open doors, Gods provision for church rent and house rent.

Pastor Daniel & Linda Nemoto

Aug. 2-4 Grace Feast: youth workshop, marriage seminar; concert; familiestouched by grace & finished work; Aug. 5-12 pastors retreat - grasp the importance of being one in the ministry of grace; Bible college; new students from Kenya & Tanzania. Pastor Sam & Millie Muhima

New outreach in Linda compound; Bible studies in new locations; church finances; hunger for discipleship; church growth; grace motivated zeal for inreach and outreach; wisdom; proper housing for the team. Pastor Bernard & Maggie NTlasha

Zambia, Lusaka, Emmasdale

27. India, Guntur

Plan to start a cost-free Bible Training Center with in-class theology along with practical ministry skills such as music instruments and computer skills for self-support in ministry. Pastor Philip Samuel

Prayer for beginning of next semester of Bible school; new souls; disciples; new young singles Bible study; missions; renewed fervency; new church visitation program. Pastor Belias & Grace Bwalya

28. India, Mumbai

Pastor Karls complete healing; construction of 2nd floor of Karuna Sharan to take in 100 more orphans; fruit for church planting teams sent out this month to Bangladesh, Dehradun, Rajasthan and Ranchi. Pastor Karl & Suzan Silva

29. Thailand, Mahachai

God is drawing youth; a youth group to be established this year; new believers facing persecution to continue to walk with the Lord; new students in Bible school next semester. Pastor Ryan & Jarunee Raina

30. Thailand, Nonthaburi

Pray for new believers; disciples; possible prison ministry; direction through wisdom; Jirat and other team members.

31. Turkey, Istanbul

Many Turkish, Arabic, Russian and Farsi speaking students to be able to benefit from teaching and fellowship at our summer school in August; housing; translators; support; security; Word of God revival in the Middle-East. Pastor Matti Sirvio

Sandon Cyril photo descriptions: 1.Philippines 2.Pastor Ganesh & Sindhu WankhedeNalasopara, India 3.Pastor Dennis & Jayne Hulett Tirana, Albania

4.Pastor Atake BenoitMilano, Italy  5.Pastor Doug & Debra Horton York, PA

July 2013

Field News from Sepsiszentgyrgy, Romania

God had put on my heart to go door-knocking. By nature, I would never do such a thing. It is very scary for me, and all kinds of excuses come to mind of why it wont work. But, God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). I need to read this verse every day. I talked with my roommate Andi, and she said that door-knocking is on her heart, too. Then, together at outreach, we did go door-knocking, asking for the guidance of God, and we experienced a miracle! We knocked on a door, and a young lady opened it. She told us that she was open, and would like to believe. She almost wept as God touched her. It turned out that we had talked with her sibling several times in the park, and she had heard about us many times. We invited her to church. I learned at Bible school that we are to speak to God about people, and then to speak to people about God. We have many opportunities to talk to people, to get to know them better as we visit them. God continues his work in the childrens ministry. We minister in orphanages; we help the children to do their homework, we share, pray, read the Bible together, and go outdoors to the playground. At our Smiley Bible club we teach in three groups; Andi and Pimpus are with the younger ones, I with the 12 to 13 year olds, Ani does the 14 to 15 year old girls, while Pastor Kornel and Zoli teach boys. God is teaching me that it is a long-term investment; that I need to be patient and personal with children. We had been praying for Ricsi and Sanyi for a couple of months. They had stopped coming to the Smiley club. God didnt give up on them, and neither did we. Pastor Kornel and Zoli visited them. The following Friday both Ricsi and Sanyi came to the Smiley club. We went on one-day mission trip to Marosvsrhely and Panit. We did street evangelism. It was very cold. Nobody wanted to stop, but at the end we shared the Gospel with an 18-year old girl. I told her that God loved her. She thanked us and said that it was what she needed to hear. I asked her if she knew that God had a plan for her life. She told us that she had never heard it. I talked to her about the unconditional love of God, and about His plan. At the end, she invited Jesus into her heart, and she told us that she would like to get to know God more. Piroska who lives in that city asked for her phone number, so she could keep in touch with her. After the outreach we went to Panit, where Zolis family was waiting for us with lunch. Zolis mom Ibolya received us with great love. In the evening we had a Bible study at our Lydia Piroskas place. I havent started working yet. The situation seems impossible, because they dont accept my degree. But we dont give up. Nothing is impossible with God. Please keep praying!

July, 2013
Events Around the World
July 5-17 Helsinki, Finland July 8-18 Helsinki, Finland July 18-21 Kiljava, Finland July 6-13 Ldkek Zdrj, Poland July 13-20 elezn Ruda, Czech Republic July 22-24 St Petersburg, Russia July 22-27 Kaposvar, Hungary July 22-August 3 Koscierzyna, Poland July 26-29 Lome, Togo July 30-August 3 Seoul, South Korea August 2-4 Nansana, Uganda August 2-4 Bolgatanga, Ghana August 3-4 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso August 5-18 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso August 5-16 Cambodia August 10-18 Lausanne, Switzerland August 12-17 Vlahita, Romania August 12-23 Peru August 12-18 Gdansk, Poland August 16-18 Tyumen, Russia August 19-22 Black Sea, Romania August 19-25 Camp Lindenmere, PA October 5 Budapest, Hungary October 11-13 Sarlospuszta, Hungary October 25-26 Helsinki, Finland October 25-28 Pretoria, South Africa October 31-November 3 Vaasa, Finland November 8-11 Bielice, Poland November 8-13 Bangkok, Thailand

Intensive Summer Bible School Youth Summer Harvest Seminar Conference Conference Conference Conference Youth Camp POMO Conference East Asia Conference Grace Feast Conference Conference Conference Intensive Bible College course Missions Trip Summer Camp Romanian Conference Missions to the Mountains and Jungle Summer Harvest Conference Church Retreat CampLife Missions Conference Marriage Weekend Womens Seminar Conference Church and Future - Seminar Fall Conference Missions Conference

Polina Kepics

Downloadable version of the monthly Prayer Calendar is available at Donate Now icon for tax-deductible donations GGWO Missions, 6025 Moravia Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21206, USA. Tel. 410-483-3700; E-mail:

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