Parallel Test

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Division Of Antipolo District II-B San Isidro Elementary School PARALLEL TEST ENGLISH V THIRD GRADING

SKILL: Note details to the selection heard. Directions: Listen carefully to the story read to you by your teacher. Then answer the questions that follow by choosing the letter of the correct answer. 1. About whom is the story you heard? a. Andress Bonifacio Luna 2. Who was waiting for the children? a. their mother grandfather 3. Where did the boys come from? a. house a. some food 5. What kind of a boy is he? a. thoughtful b. helpful c. kind b. school c. town c. some books 4. What did Pule bring with him? b. some flowering plants b. their father c. their b. Apolinario Mabini c. Antonio


Give possible ending to the story/selection.

Directions: Read and choose the best possible ending in each situation. Write only the letter of the best answer.
1. Mr. Alfredo worked hard for their business. His son was thirty years old spent much time of their earnings from their business on his vices. a. The business went bankrupt. b. The business was successful. 2. Roxy studies hard. She never misses her class. She joins contests, programs and other school activities. c. His son become a rich man

a. She did not pass She got sick 3.

b. her name is in the honor list


Jerome talked to his classmates during class and teased his a. The teacher tells Jerome to behave c. The teacher laughs at

classmates. His teacher called him infront. Jerome b. The teacher tells Jerome to apologize to his classmates. 4. Mr. Bayudangs children eat fruits and vegetables every day. His wife sees to eat that fresh fruits and vegetables are set on the table for their children to eat. a. They grow sickly inactive 5. The weather is too humid. There is no wind. The clouds are getting dark. a. It must be getting late break of the day. SKILL: Identify b. It is going to rain c. It is the b. The children are healthy c. They were all


Directions: Pick-out the adverbs in the following sentences.

1. The examinations should be answered quickly. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ive filled up my application form honestly. I often make a mistake in spelling. The cleaners must orderly arrange the books on the table. Samantha hardly sees her mother because of his job.


adverbs of manner and adverb of

Directions: Identify the underlined adverb in the following sentences. Write M for adverb of manner and F for adverb of frequency.

_____ 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. ______ 5.

We already contacted the police officers. He sat on the porch comfortably to watch for a movie. I always ask for a pasalubong when mother goes to market. Janelle walked slowly down the slippery stairs. I often asked my sister do my assignments when I got difficulty

answering it.


conclusions based on the information

Directions: Read the following paragraph. Then choose the best conclusion for each situation. Write only the letter of the correct answer. 1. At home. Michelle speaks Filipino with members of her family. In school, she speaks well both in English and Filipino. Surprisingly, she uses Ilocano in talking with her grandparents. a. Michelle is a Filipino- American b. Michelle speaks more than one language c. Michelle has Ilocano grandparents 2. People went in the plaza early tonight. They were told that a popular celebrity will arrive to commemorate town fiesta. The host started to introduce the celebrity guest. Everybody applauded and the celebrity began to render a song. a. The celebrity is very popular whenever he may go. b. The people were one in celebrating the town fiesta. c. The mayor did not arrive in the event 3. Roger and his friends had a fight. They want to know who the best volleyball player is among them. Is it Jericho? James? Or is it Gio? They decided to play volleyball at once to determine who really the best is. Eventually, Roger emerged as the best player. Both Gio and Jericho hugged him. a. Gio and Jericho are both good sport. b. Gio and Jericho dont know how to accept defeat.


Roger has been selfish to win the game.

4. Jade was used to be a very active girl. But due to her accident happened to her that made her lost her left leg, she can neither dance nor play badminton. Her friends were very sad about what happened but Jade was not. She learned to accept her fate and decided to live her life to the fullest. a. Jades friends are not supportive to her. b. Jade is very optimistic person. c. Jade is a careless person. 5. The grade five pupils are expected to be in school as early as 5 oclock in the morning. But its 6 oclock already when the teacher completed the attendance of her pupils. a. Their bus was the last to leave the school. b. They missed the first destination of the fieldtrip. c. The pupils became irritable during the trip.

SKILL: Evaluate

and make judgments.

Directions: Write YES if the sentence gives a good value and No if it does not.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Disregard for education should be encouraged. Be courteous for the elderly people. Be polite to your teachers only. More establishments that would care for the elders and Nowadays, it is hard to think that our country can still recover

streets children should be planned. from economic crisis. SKILL: Use

word that can function as adjective and

Directions: Underline the correct answer in the parenthesis.
1. 2. The youngest pupil writes ( slow, slowly). Her (pleasant, pleasantly) smile won the hearts of the viewer.

3. 4. 5.

The (solemn, solemnly) mass was celebrated in the cathedral. The construction of the dike is (near, nearly) done. The excited crowd clapped (loud, loudly).

SKILL: Identify

facts/ opinions in a selection read.

Directions: Write F if the sentence is a FACT and O if an opinion.

1. Jose Rizal is our national hero. 2. I think Tagaytay is better place to stay than Baguio. 3. Sun is the center of the solar system. 4. Scientists believed that there could be no other planet where living things can survived. 5. Christmas in the Philippines is celebrated yearly on December 25.


Evaluate and make judgments.

Directions: Choose the letter of the trait that is best inferred in the following situations.
1. A man welcoming a stranger to his house. a. Kindness 2. b. punctuality c. hospitality c. A girl picking up candy wrappers inside the classroom. a. Sense of responsibility generosity 3. 4. 5. A young boy helping an old woman crossed the street. a. Helpfulness a. Generosity a. Generosity b. generosity b. kindness b. punctuality c. punctuality c. hospitality d. hospitality A man sharing his wealth to the poor and the needy. Danica goes to school early every day. b. politeness

SKILL: Transform

direct and indirect discourse.

Directions: Transform the following to direct or indirect discourse.

1. The gatekeeper said, There is a maiden in the gate. ___________________________________________________________. 2. The group said that the idea of Paul was excellent. ___________________________________________________________. 3. Carlos says, We are ready with our reports ___________________________________________________________. 4. The teacher said that her pupils are good. ___________________________________________________________. 5. Arlene said, My mother is sick. ___________________________________________________________. SKILL:

Use card catalog to get information

Directions: Identify each item as; A- author card, S subject card, T title card.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SKILL: Garcia, Editha Q. Philippines- politics and government Linkages For Exellence Skillbook Dolores F.Rillera Geometry

Identify words that function both adjective and adverb.

Directions: Tell whether the underlined word is used as an adjective or an adverb.
__________1. She is a fast learner. __________2. She learns fast. __________3. She aims high. __________4. Her ambition is quite high but achievable. __________5. Her friends mean well.

SKILL: Using

preposition and prepositional phrase in

the sentence.
Directions: Complete the sentence with correct prepositional phrase. Choose it from the box.

Dogs ___________________ bark.

2. Airplanes _____________ they fly. 3. Boats __________________ sail. 4. Flower ________________ grow.

With hoes and picks across lakes and rivers Up in the sky after the door In the park

5. Climbers ______________ scale sails. SKILL: Identify

parts of a newspaper and the information of its parts.

Directions: Write the parts of the newspaper where the following information can be found.
_________1. Notice about the people who died. _________2. Jobs available _________3. Results of sports events. _________4. What editor thinks about an important or critical issues. _________5. Weather condition of the day.

SKILL: Giving

judgment on information heard/read .

Directions: Tell whether each advertisement is bandwagon, plain folks or testimonial.

that brushes away the germs that causes bad breath. _________2. more

_________1.Dont be left out. Use PEARLY toothpaste, the only toothpaste

Your friendly sari-sari store will tell you that SAFEGUARD sells


any other brand.

_________3. Marian Rivera, a young actress, uses MAXI PEEL soap to make her skin smooth and flawless. _________4. Myra E Hand and Body Lotion; the lotion of Angel Locsin, it will make your skin soft- smooth and flawless. _________5. To all mothers, here is the solution to your stain problem. Affordable and is good to your hands. It is approved by the experts. Buy the TIDE detergent soap and powder for the easy washing of your clothes.


library resources to get information

Directions: Choose the letter of your correct answer.

1. What books contains a supplementary material that deals with specific

topics? a. handbook b. yearbook c. manuals

2. The _______ will give us procedures on first aid. a. yearbook b. manual c. handbook 3. What book contains a calendar of days and up-to-date facts? a. almanac b. atlas c. encyclopedia 4. What is an atlas? a. a book of meaning

b. catalog

c. book of maps

5. It contains topics which have lasting interest and consist of volume of books in which the topics are listed alphabetically. a. atlas b. almanac c. encyclopedia

SKILL: Write

a friendly letter.

Directions: Arrange the different parts of the letter in correct order.

Cindy I was very glad to receive your letter inviting me to join you and our friends during your birthday. I really would like to be there, but our family is going to the province to visit my grandfather who is seriously ill this time. Im sorry I cant be with all of you. I wish you and your twin sister a very happy birthday. Dear Rhona, #94 Mabini Street Antipolo City November 28, 2011 Your friend,
___________16___________ _________________________ _________________________ _______17______________ ___________________________________18__________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________ ___________19___________


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. C

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Quickly Honestly Often Orderly Hardly

16. M 17. M 18. F 19. M 20. F

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. No 7. Yes 8. No 9. Yes 10. No

11. Slowly 12. Pleasant 13. Solemn 14. Nearly 15. Loudly

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Key answers: 1. F 2. O 3. F 4. O A 5. F S 6. C 16. A 7. A 17. T 8. A 18. T 9. A 10. B 11. The gatekeeper said that there is a maiden in the gate. 12. The group said, The idea of Paul was excellent. 13. Carlos said that they are ready with their reports. 14. The teacher said, My pupils are good. 15. Arlene said that her mother is sick. Key Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. S S M P M 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10.C 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. A B B C C 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 19. 20.

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