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theSun | MONDAY MAY 11 2009 5

news without borders

New flu kills US man, briefs

19 respond to meningitis treatment
KUALA LUMPUR: All 19 patients warded at the Malacca

spreads to Australia, Japan

WASHINGTON: A Washington the US Centers for Disease Control usually decline.
Hospital for meningitis are responding positively to treat-
ment, said Health Director-General Tan Sri Dr Mohd Ismail
He said three of them were warded at the intensive
care unit (ICU) and 16 others were receiving treatment at
an isolated ward.
Ismail said a medical team comprising a medical officer
state man with H1N1 influenza died and Prevention told a news briefing Schuchat said tests showed they and four nurses has also been stationed at the Malacca JPJ
last week, health officials said, the on Saturday. do not all have the new H1N1 virus. Academy in Tiang Dua to monitor 334 trainees.
third US sufferer to die as the new “This is why it is so important for Many have seasonal flu – the H1N1 “Anybody who showed signs or symptoms will be
flu strain confirmed in more than countries to have a strong capacity seasonal strain, the H3N2 seasonal referred to the Malacca Hospital for treatment,” he said in
2,200 Americans appeared in Japan to deal with influenza and also why strain and influenza B – and other a statement yesterday, adding that initial clinical tests on
and Australia. it is very important to understand infections. samples revealed that the outbreak is known as Meningo-
Health officials have warned what happens at the interface be- Seasonal flu kills 250,000 to coccal Meningitis.
that the true number of cases may tween people and animals.” 500,000 people globally and infects Measures taken are symptomatic treatment for each
be underestimated. Although most Before the Washington man’s up to a third of the population each patient and referral to the hospital, Prophylaxis antibiotic
cases appear to be mild, the new death was announced, the CDC re- year. treatment for trainees, academic staff and health staff
swine flu strain has killed just as ported 2,254 confirmed US cases of Health experts have not openly involved, isolating patients at the hospital and the academy
seasonal flu does. the virus with 104 people in hospital, criticised efforts by other countries as well as checking the academy’s surroundings, he said.
Another 48 people have died in up from 1,639 cases previously. to stop the virus from getting in “Preventive and control measures will continue until
Mexico and one each in Canada “Today there are almost 3,000 – most notably China and its ter- the situation returns to normal,” he added.
and Costa Rica. probable and confirmed cases here ritory of Hongkong, which have Meanwhile, Ismail said there is still no confirmed case
Washington state officials said in the US,” Schuchat said. “The good quarantined travellers in contact of A(H1N1) case in Malaysia except for four notified cases
on Saturday a man in his 30s with news is we are not seeing a rise with patients. which were received on Saturday and announced negative
underlying heart conditions died last above the epidemic threshold.” A spokeswoman in Hongkong said later by the Medical Research Institute.
week, state governor Chris Gregoire Japan reported four cases, and on Saturday that a Mexican traveller
describing his death as “a sobering globally officials reported more confirmed as Hongkong’s first and Japan confirms fourth swine flu case
reminder that influenza is serious”. than 4,200 people in 30 countries only case of the new flu strain had
The virus has moved into the had been ill. Australia reported been discharged from hospital. TOKYO: A student who recently returned from North
southern hemisphere, where influ- its first case, a woman who been The unidentified man, who un- America has tested positive for swine flu in Japan’s
enza season is just beginning, and travelling in the United States but wittingly caused the confinement of fourth confirmed case of the virus, a government of-
could mix with circulating seasonal officials said she had made full almost 300 guests and staff at a Hong- ficial said yesterday.
flu viruses or the H5N1 avian in- recovery. kong hotel where he had stayed, had The Japanese teenager was among 49 passengers
fluenza virus to create new strains, “We think this virus is in most been in hospital for a week. who were quarantined near Tokyo’s Narita Interna-
health officials said. of the United States,” Schuchat said. China put seven people who had tional Airport following confirmation of Japan’s first
“One of the big challenges with “The individual numbers are likely been exposed to three Japanese three cases of the A (H1N1) influenza virus Saturday.
influenza viruses is the way that to be a very great underestimate.” passengers diagnosed with the Earlier, the health ministry said a teacher and two
they change, the way they combine More Americans are seeing H1N1 flu in quarantine, the official of the student’s schoolmates, who had been on a high
and their prevalence in a number doctors for influenza-like illnesses Xinhua news agency quoted the school trip to Canada, tested positive for the virus.
SPCA The other passengers, whose nationalities were not
of species,” Dr Anne Schuchat of at a time of year when such visits government as saying. – Reuters workers released by authorities, arrived in Tokyo from the US
with one city of Detroit on Friday on board the school party’s
of the dogs flight.

Animal shelter gets help to

they rescued Japanese authorities said the affected teacher and
from an pupils, from the western city of Osaka, and their fellow
uninhabited passengers were taken to a hotel near the airport to
island off be isolated for 10 days. – AFP
rescue ‘banished’ dogs Pulau Ketam.
Flu-hit Canadian farm culls 500 pigs
OTTAWA: About 500 Canadian pigs in quarantine since
by Hemananthani Sivanandam the swine flu virus was detected at their Alberta, farm have been put down, provincial authorities said Saturday.
“A limited cull of animals has eased overcrowding condi-
PETALING JAYA: Dog lovers tions at a quarantined central Alberta pig farm where 2009
from several countries have sent Influenza A(H1N1) virus was found to have infected a herd
donations to help fund a mission of 2,200 animals on April 28,” said Gerald Hauer, the chief
to rescue the strays that Pulau provincial veterinarian.
Ketam folk had banished to the “This was not a disease-ordered cull. This decision was
deserted isle of Pulau Tengah. made as a result of joint discussions between the pro-
Furry Friends Farm founder ducer, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and federal
Sabrina Yeap told theSun that do- and provincial animal health officials as the best course of
nations have been coming in from action for the welfare of the herd,” he stressed.
throughout the world. The rest of the herd remains under quarantine, he
As of last week, RM8,000 has said.
been collected and she “hopes The number of cases of swine flu confirmed in Canada
more will come in”. The donations rose to 281 on Saturday, after the country’s first A(H1N1)
– from the Netherlands, the United death was reported a day earlier in Alberta province.
States, the United Kingdom, New Authorities said all the new cases reported Saturday
Zealand and China started coming were mild, like most of the cases to date in Canada.
last Monday when the issue was A woman in her 30s from a remote area of western
highlighted in the media. Alberta province was the first person to die from possi-
“The donors are not non-govern- ble swine flu complications in Canada, health authorities
mental organisations but citizens of said on Friday.
those countries who feel sorry for So far there have been 56 cases confirmed in Nova
the dogs,” said Yeap. Scotia; three on Prince Edward Island; two in New
She said up to last week, four dogs Brunswick; 16 in Quebec; and 76 in Ontario; one in Mani-
had been rescued and were being toba, two in Saskatchewan; 46 in Alberta and 79 in British
treated in private veterinary clinics. is still nervous and keeps barking,” she Columbia. – AFP
One dog has liver failure and a bitch residents of Pulau Ketam we will be tak- said.
had maggot-infested wounds but it has ing 20 dogs from there back to the farm,” Residents of Kampung Pulau Ketam
since been discharged from the clinic. said Yeap. and Sungai Lima resorted to dumping Norway reports first confirmed cases
The first dog rescued by Yeap, which She said the team will “try to get funds stray dogs on uninhabited islands such as OSLO: Health officials announced Saturday the first
she named Hope, has also been vacci- to neuter the animals in Sungai Lima and Pulau Tengah and Pulau Selat Kering as two confirmed swine flu cases in Norway, both young
nated. eventually re-home them within Sungai the dogs were a menace to them. adults who had recently returned from Mexico.
Remember the forlorn puppy photo- Lima or send them to other sanctuaries Acting health director of the Klang “A man and a women around 20 years in age tested
graphed sitting on the branches? She has in the country. Municipal Council (MPK) Zulkifli Abbas positive for the H1N1 virus on Saturday afternoon,”
been named Cleo. Meanwhile, the dogs that were res- told theSun that the “dog-dumping” was Bjorn Iversen, a spokesman from the Norwegian
All three dogs, except for the male cued by the Society for the Prevention of initiated by the residents. Institute of Public Health, told AFP.
canine, are at their new home at Furry Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) were brought “They did it on their own initiative A third person, who is close to one of the people
Friends Farm in Kundang. back to its headquarters last week. without informing or consulting us. confirmed to have the virus, was also displaying “sus-
Yeap said the rescue mission which Wowo and Booboo were welcomed at “The fact is we did not sanction this picious symptoms,” the spokesman added.
started out with two people – blogger TV their new home in Ampang Jaya for reha- programme (dumping of dogs),” said The two with swine flu were described as students
Smith and herself – has also attracted 10 bilitation after their traumatic experience Zulkifli. who returned to Norway on May 5 on separate flights
volunteers. on Pulau Selat Kering, another uninhabited The council will be organising a from a group visit to Mexico organised by their college,
She said rescue missions have been island where residents of Kampung Pulau dialogue session today with the wakil only to fall ill the following day.
ongoing since early this month and will Ketam dumped the dogs. rakyat, local government councillors, Iversen said they were both at home with “very
continue until all the dogs dumped on A spokesman from SPCA said the dogs head of the relevant departments, Pulau slight symptoms” that included some fever, dizzy
Pulau Tengah have been rescued. were brought back on Thursday. Ketam residents association, village head spells and coughing. – AFP
“We have also promised Sungai Lima “Wowo is quite friendly but Booboo and some NGOs.

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