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6 theSun | MONDAY MAY 6 2009

news without borders

Muhyiddin to meet Chinese groups

DEPUTY Prime Minister Tan “This is not a govern-
PSD scholarship
available online
Sri Muhyiddin Yassin will
arrange for a meeting with Press Digest ment problem, but one that
involves the next genera-
PETALING JAYA: Applicants of the
Public Service Department’s (PSD)
seven Chinese groups as soon by Kong See Hoh tion. As such, they must un- Sponsorship Programme for Study
as possible on the teaching of derstand the government’s in Foreign Universities can view the
Mathematics and Science in policy and their proposals results of their applications on the PSD
English. Lumpur on Friday, Muhyiddin, should benefit all the people online portal
The groups are Dong who is also education minister, and not just a few.” Unsuccessful candidates may sub-
Zong (United Chinese School said he had received requests He said NGOs should look mit online appeals from now until May
Committees Association), Jiao from Chinese groups for the at the issue from all angles 18.
Zong (United Chinese School meeting. and make practical proposals This year, a total of 15,084 candidates
Teachers Association), Hua He said he has agreed to by setting aside their narrow applied for this scholarship. However,
Zong (Federation of Chinese meet their representatives, the thinking. only the 8,363 candidates who fulfilled
Associations of Malaysia), Chinese press reported. It was reported on Friday the stated conditions were called for the
Seven Major Clans Association, “I am open about the matter that the Chinese groups had compulsory interview session.
United Chinese School Alumni and want to hear their views, wanted to meet the education Only 2,000 candidates will be offered
Association of Malaysia, Nan- regardless of whether they minister. scholarships to pursue their degrees in
yang University Alumni Asso- are Chinese, Indian or Malay Muhyiddin’s quick response fields determined by the government.
ciation of Malaysia and Taiwan groups,” he said. caught many by surprise. Considering the limited number of
Graduates Alumni Association Asked how many non- Dong Zong president Dr Yap overseas places available compared
of Malaysia. governmental organisations Sin Tian, who wrote to Muhy- to the number of applicants, the PSD
They want the government (NGOs) want to see him over iddin on Friday for a meeting, will also offer 2,000 scholarships for
to abolish the policy to use the policy, Muhyiddin said so said: “We are delighted with students to pursue local degrees.
English as the medium of in- far only one or two had the the quick and positive response These students will be sponsored
struction for the two subjects. real intention to meet him for from the education minister. to local campuses of international
Speaking at the opening a discourse, including a group “We look forward to the institutes such as University of Notting-
ceremony of Malaysian Inter- led by national laureate Datuk meeting to convey the messages ham, Monash University, Swinburne
national Cocoa Fair in Kuala A. Samad Said. of the Chinese community.” University of Technology and Curtin
University of Technology.
Chinese wives allege discrimination by Immigration Department Allocation of institutes will be fully
determined by the PSD, and the deci-
CHINESE women who have set- called by Federal Territory MCA from the less-than-friendly officers from the department,” some of the sions are final.
tled down in Malaysia with their Public Service and Complaint Bu- at the department. Chinese spouses said. Candidates offered scholarships will
Malaysian spouses face a host of reau chief Dr Jeffrey Goh Sim Ik in “When the immigration officers Meanwhile, Immigration direc- be required to enroll in pre-university
problems, chief among them the Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. learn that we are Chinese nationals, tor-general Datuk Wahid Md Don courses at certain locations determined
difficulty in applying for permanent Despite having stayed here for they refuse to sell us the applica- denied the department has been by the department.
resident status. more than five years, these Chinese tion form, telling us that there are rejecting PR applications by Chi- They have to maintain existing
According to reports in the Chi- spouses are unable to get perma- no rules that say Chinese nationals nese wives. standards of excellence, as sponsorship
nese press yesterday, 10 of them nent resident status, and hence are can apply for permanent resident He also said there are no rules for their degree programmes will only
voiced what they claimed was un- denied the opportunity to work. status. Those who managed to to bar any national from applying be extended if they retain good scores,
fair treatment by the Immigration They claimed they had problems get the form and submitted their to become a permanent resident in more than 90% attendance and a clean
Department, at a press conference even getting the application form applications do not get any reply Malaysia. disciplinary history.

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