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8 theSun | MONDAY MAY 11 2009

news without borders

Thousands rally to
mark Georgia protests
TBILISI: Thousands of protesters time, I do not think we should create
Pakistanis flee offensive,
Swat valley curfew eased
rallied in the Georgian capital on Sat- artificial barriers by giving ultima-
urday as opposition leaders pressed tums,” said former UN envoy Irakli
for a meeting with President Mikheil Alasania, who is considered a voice of
Saakashvili after a month of demon- moderation in the opposition.
strations demanding his ouster. “We are ready to listen to the gov-
In a show of strength on the one- ernment and present our positions
month anniversary of the start of and arguments,” he said.
protests, about 20,000 opposition sup- The European Union on Saturday past week and in all Swat yesterday, the military’s
porters gathered outside parliament in hailed the start of talks as an impor- about 500,000 are Nasir Khan said, adding he
central Tbilisi, calling for the president tant step forward despite the failure to expected to get out. had no information about
to resign by chanting “Misha Go!” reach any agreement. They join 555,000 casualties.
The protest came after the govern- “It was a very, very positive devel- people displaced “It’s a tough battle. They’re
ment and opposition leaders on Friday opment that this meeting was held earlier from Swat operating in small groups.
failed to make any progress in resolv- yesterday and it is important that it be and other areas They don’t fight a pitched
ing the political stand-off during their followed up,” the EU’s envoy to the because of fighting battle but we’re closing in on
first talks since protests began. South Caucasus, Peter Semneby, told since August. them, squeezing them and
“The whole nation is standing journalists before a meeting with op- “We have ordered have cut their supply lines,”
here after 30 days so that the self- position leaders. the civilian popula- he said. Nasir Khan said
proclaimed president recognises that The number of protesters has tion in four districts vehicles had been stopped
there is a crisis in this country, that steadily dwindled since a peak of to vacate the areas,” coming in to the valley be-
there is a very serious crisis,” opposi- some 60,000 during the first days of said Nasir Khan, a cause the military feared the
tion leader Salome Zurabishvili told demonstrations but Saturday’s rally military spokesman in militants might try to send
the crowd. attracted the largest numbers in re- the region. “They have in reinforcements. Vehicle
Clashes this week between police cent days. seven hours to leave operators were demanding
and protesters and a brief bloodless The rally ended after several hours because we have to ever higher fares to take
military mutiny raised fears of in- but a few dozen protesters remained strike militant hideouts people out, residents said.
stability in Georgia, a former Soviet late Saturday in mock jail cells the there,” he said. “There are few vehicles
republic which is currently hosting opposition has set up outside parlia- The army went on and drivers are asking higher
controversial Nato military exercises ment, blocking traffic in the centre of a full-scale offensive fares,” said teacher Moham-
that have infuriated neighbouring the capital. on Thursday after the mad Shahnawaz said. “How
Russia. Opposition leaders offered to hold government ordered can I take my kids, wife and
Opposition leaders called for an ur- talks on Thursday following the troops to flush out mili- old mother to a safer place?
gent meeting with Saakashvili, whom clashes. They insisted they were still tants from the Taliban Nobody thinks of humanity,
they accuse of mishandling last year’s demanding Saakashvili’s resignation stronghold. money is their religion.”
war with Russia and of becoming but said they were ready to listen to Fighting had picked Many of the displaced
increasingly autocratic since coming any ideas the president has for bring- up in previous days, stay with relatives or friends
to power in the peaceful 2003 Rose ing the country out of political crisis. triggering a civilian or rent places to stay, but
Revolution. Officials said the clashes broke out exodus but concern has aid agencies and officials
“If we do not receive a response after opposition supporters tried to been growing about the fear if the situation is pro-
today and this meeting does not hap- storm a main police station and police Children from KOTA fate of those still trapped tracted they will join tens of
pen in the nearest day or two it simply used truncheons to repel protesters Buner, Lower (Pakistan): Pakistan’s and unable to move because thousands in camps, further
means that the president does not re- trying to climb a fence around the Dir and Swat military ordered people out of of the curfew. straining resources.
ally want dialogue,” opposition leader building. The opposition said police region line up parts of the Swat valley yes- The lifting of the curfew The World Vision aid
Nino Burjanadze told journalists. had attacked protesters and fired rub- to receive ice terday, temporarily relaxing for seven hours yesterday group said conditions in
Other opposition leaders were less ber bullets, which officials denied. at a refugee a curfew to enable civilians to triggered a new flood, al- camps were “intolerable” de-
categorical. Police said nobody was seriously camp. flee an intensifying offensive though residents said trans- spite the coordinated efforts
“It should happen in the nearest injured. – AFP against Taliban militants. port was hard to come by as of the Pakistani authorities
Nuclear-armed Pakistan the military was not letting and aid agencies.
hopes to stop a growing vehicles into the valley. “We may not be able to
Taliban insurgency with its “Everybody wants to meet the most basic needs
offensive in the former tourist get out of this hell,” Zubair of the refugees as quickly as
valley 130km from Islama- Khan, a resident of Mingora, they are arriving in the camps
bad after US criticism that the valley’s main town, said if it continues at this pace,”
the government was failing by telephone. Jeff Hall, a deputy director
to act against the militants. “Some are driving out for World Vision, said in a
Nearly 200 militants have while many are just on foot. statement. Separately, secu-
been killed in the fighting in They don’t know where rity forces killed 24 Taliban
recent days, according to the they’re heading but staying insurgents in a clash in the
military. The figure could not here just means death.” Mohmand region on the
be independently confirmed. Helicopters and warplanes Afghan border on Saturday
Hundreds of thousands of targeted militant hideouts in night after militants attacked a
people have left Swat in the Mingora and other areas in paramilitary camp. – Reuters

Brown’s party hits new

low amid expenses row
LONDON: British Prime Min- The paper said the survey MPs expenses has been politi-
ister Gordon Brown’s Labour also showed that, for the first cally damaging when voters are
party has slumped to its lowest time, a majority of voters – 52% tightening their belts.
level of support since opinion – believe Brown should stand Issues dogging Labour also
polls began after revelations down. The dire predictions were include scurrilous e-mails sent
over MPs expenses and embar- reinforced by a YouGov poll for by one of Gordon Brown’s staff
rassing political climbdowns, a the Sunday Times which put and an embarrassing Commons
poll showed yesterday. Labour’s support at 27% – 16 defeat on the right of former
The opinion poll carried out points behind the Conserva- Nepalese Gurkha soldiers to
by BPIX for The Mail on Sunday tives and 7 points down on last settle in Britain.
newspaper coincided with an- month. Joanna Lumley, a popular
other which painted almost as In a separate analysis for the television actress, has led a
bleak a picture for Brown, who paper, the election experts Colin high-profile campaign on behalf
faces a parliamentary election Railings and Michael Thrasher of the Gurkhas, leaving the im-
due by mid-2010. predict Labour was heading for pression that she is controlling
The results of the BPIX poll a heavy defeat in next month’s the agenda on the issue.
were the worst for Labour since local elections. “Brown set for On Friday, the right-leaning
1943. Carried out on Thursday election wipeout” the paper’s Daily Telegraph began publish-
and Friday, it gave Labour 23% front-page headline read. ing a series of leaks about
with the opposition Conserva- Labour faces local and Labour MPs’ expense claims
tives on 45% – enough to give European elections on June that has tarnished the reputa-
them a landslide victory if 4 and a bad performance is tions of both cabinet and junior
repeated at an election. likely to fuel speculation about ministers. The revelations over
The Liberal Democrats had whether Brown should lead the expenses continued to trickle
a 17% share. The paper said its party into the parliamentary out on Saturday with the paper
latest poll made grim reading election. offering more details on claims
for Brown, as the share of the Brown’s centre-left govern- for thousands of pounds spent
vote was lower than when ment has been weakened by on second homes and personal
Michael Foot led the party in a deluge of negative headlines security, to women’s clothes,
the 1980s. in the last month. The row over nappies and comics. – Reuters

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