Thesun 2009-05-11 Page14 Ci Expected To Stay Up On Positive Sentiment

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14 theSun | MONDAY MAY 11 2009


KL market summary
MAY 8, 2009
Australia braces for INDICES CHANGE

unpopular budget
CI expected to stay up
FBMEMAS 6847.64 +27.37
COMPOSITE 1026.78 +3.31

as boom times end INDUSTRIAL

MELBOURNE: Australia is gearing CONSTRUCTION 199.57 +0.52
up for a tough budget on Tuesday, TRADING/SERVICES 137.53 +0.53

on positive sentiment
facing the prospect of the largest FINANCE 8131.59 +47.43
deficit in the country’s history as PROPERTIES 684.14 +23.46
PLANTATION 5038.63 -24.28
the economy struggles with its first MINING 291.81 +16.21
recession in almost two decades. FBMSHA 7112.06 +17.59
The end of the China-driven re- FBM2BRD 4550.63 +72.87
source boom that spurred Australia TECHNOLOGY 14.89 +0.05
to 14 years of virtually uninterrupted
growth has created economic woes SHARE prices on Bursa Malaysia will con- expected to creep in. TURNOVER VALUE
not experienced for a generation in tinue to climb this week on follow through “Whilst investors can hope for gradual 3.254bil RM1.9bil
the so-called “Lucky Country.” buying interest based on the increasing op- upclimb within the next two to three weeks,
Treasurer Wayne Swan has timism of recovery in the global economy, in between there will be intermittent profit
warned that the current situation says an analyst. taking. at 6,847.64, the FBM30 added 220.42 points to
means the centre-left Labor govern- The market breached the 1,000 level “Definitely it can take the market down 6,552.5, the FBM2BRD went up 244.9 points to
ment must make “tough decisions” early last week on the back of improving sharply. Very suddenly and it could be sharp,” 4,550.63 and the FBM-MDQ advanced 719.07
on budget night that will not be health in the global economy. he warned. points to 4,207.14.
popular with the electorate. Jupiter Securities Sdn Bhd head of On a week-to-week basis, the KLCI closed Overall, volume for the week jumped to
“There will be hard choices, Sorry research Pong Teng Siew said there was the week at 1,026.78, up 36.04 points from the 12.764 billion shares valued at RM9.869 bil-
unpopular decisions and no easy Madrid some room for optimism in the local mar- previous week’s closing of 990.74. lion from 6.361 billion shares worth RM5.442
options,” Swan said last week, blam- ket due to improvement in local economic The Industrial Index jumped 2.66 points billion the previous week.
ing the situation on the worst global get a real fundamentals such as the uptrend in com- to 2,258.76, the Finance Index gained 592.56 The Main Board turnover jumped to 10.235
recession in 75 years. hiding modity prices and recovery in manufactur- points to 8,131.59 and the Plantation Index billion shares worth RM9.396 billion from
Economists say the government’s pg 30 ing exports. rose 56.79 points to 5,038.63. 5.426 billion shares valued at RM5.146 billion
attempts to soften the impact of “There is hope that if the economy in the The FBMEmas was 305.78 points higher previously. – Bernama
the downturn with more than A$50 US recovers, the manufacturing export will
billion (RM125 billion) in stimulus also improve.
spending have also weighed on the “We don’t know this for sure yet but
bottom line, creating a mountain of
The end result, according to
at this point the market has got a little bit
more optimistic about export, resulting in
recovery of stocks prices,” he said.
Experts: Islamic finance must boost
numerous media reports citing
unnamed government sources, will
The support and resistance for the
Kuala Lumpur Composite Index would
regulation, professional staff
be a budget deficit of around A$70 be between 1,018 and 1,060 this week, he
billion (RM175 billion) in 2009-10. added. SINGAPORE: Islamic finance must strength- unscathed by the global financial crisis,
Those sources say the budget is He said the announcement of non-farm en regulation, boost its professional staff and largely because of rules forbidding engage-
likely to remain in deficit for five to six payrolls data in the US and Malaysia’s trade diversify as it takes on a bigger global role ment in the kind of risky business that sank
years as the government attempts to figures will help to define the movement of in the aftermath of the worldwide financial mainstream institutions like Lehman Broth-
recover from a A$200 billion (RM500 the stock market this week. crisis, experts said. ers.
billion) slump in revenues caused by However, he cautioned that there might Financial products compliant with Islamic Syariah law bars the payment and col-
the financial crisis. – AFP be some risks with sudden profit taking syariah law are likely to gain in popularity as lection of interest, which is seen as a form
investors seek safer havens after the ruin of gambling.
caused by toxic derivatives sold globally by Islamic finance also operates on the
mainstream western banks, they said. principle of risk-sharing between the issuing
However, experts warn that Islamic fi- bank and the buyer of a financial product,
nancial institutions must be on their guard making it a less risky alternative to some
against falling into the same unbridled ex- conventional banking instruments.
cesses that jolted Wall Street and snowballed Al-Jasser, the Saudi monetary agency
into a global economic downturn. governor, and other speakers told the Singa-
“Islamic finance is not immune from such pore conference that Islamic finance is likely
pitfalls. Hence we must be careful to avoid to gather momentum in the aftermath of the
this error in the Islamic financial industry,” downturn.
said Muhammad Sulaiman al-Jasser, gover- “It is my belief that Islamic finance has
nor of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency. moved on to a new stage in the last few
“Islamic financial institutions are con- years. In the past, it was an individual de-
tinuing to invest time and effort to improve cision based on faith, now it is competing
corporate governance and risk management on its own very strong merits in the global
and I expect that they will continue to avoid marketplace,” he said.
mistakes made in designing over-compli- Islamic finance is now established in 47
cated securities.” countries with more than 600 institutions
He and other experts were speaking at a managing “balance-sheet assets” worth
recent meeting of the Islamic Financial Serv- over US$630 billion (RM2.236 trillion), with
ices Board held in Singapore, which is aim- another US$200 billion (RM710 billion) to
ing to be a key player in Islamic finance. US$300 billion (RM1.065 trillion) managed
Islamic banking has been left relatively as investment funds, he added. – AFP

Nigeria keen to have tie-up with KPJ

KUALA LUMPUR: With its hospitals lacking facili- more because it means running a private hospi-
ties, Nigeria is eager to see partnership between tal, compared to managing a public hospital for
its hospitals and Malaysian medical group KPJ which KPJ has no expertise. But, we are willing
Healthcare Bhd to improve medical facilities in to look at it (Nigerian government’s proposal,”
the African country. he explained.
Nigeria’s Special Assistant for Micro, Small And Aminuddin said the company may take about
Medium Enterprises Development, Muhammad three to six months to study the proposal before
Baba Kachalla, said there is at least one public making a decision.
hospital in each of the 36 states in the country. On the group’s expansion plan, he said it is
“In Nigeria, there are federal and state-level keen to strengthen its presence in Saudi Arabia
hospitals run by the government, but almost all of through a joint venture. Currently, it manages two
these hospitals have poor hospital facilities. hospitals in Jeddah.
“So, I’m asking KPJ if they are interested He disclosed that KPJ will sign a partnership
to come to Nigeria and partner our state gov- deal with another Saudi party in the near term.
ernments to help the hospitals reach world “Our base in Malaysia is already strong, and
standards,” he told Bernama in an interview on now we are looking to creating our base in Saudi
Saturday. Arabia. So, it would be easy for us to expand our
He said if the medical group is interested, services in the Middle East,” he added.
they would facilitate a meeting with various state With a total of 19 hospitals throughout Malay-
governments to discuss the proposal. sia, KPJ Healthcare plans to have at least one new
In response to the request, KPJs group general hospital a year in the country.
manager for business development (international) “We are already talking with some interested
and marketing Aminuddin Dawam said the com- parties. It can be a takeover or a green field
pany may consider the joint-venture proposal. project.”
“They have offered to KPJ to move into the Aminuddin said the company has also re-
country, and we are open about it,” he said. ceived offers from Myanmar and Thailand, but
He said that KPJ also received a proposal from because of the political situation there, KPJ was
a private hospital called Giwa Hospital in Kaduna, still monitoring the countries closely.
Nigeria to serve and manage the hospital. KPJ also has three hospitals in Indonesia and
“And that (Giwa Hospital) may interest us one in Dhaka, Bangladesh. – Bernama

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