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8 theSun | TUESDAY MAY 12 2009

news without borders

Japan’s scandal-hit
opposition chief resigns
TOKYO: Japan’s opposition leader Ichiro tary general Yukio Hatoyama and former
UN blasts Sri Lanka
attack as ‘bloodbath’
Ozawa, under fire over a political donations party leader Katsuya Okada.
scandal, stepped down yesterday ahead A one-time LDP member, Ozawa led
of polls that conservative Prime Minister in opinion polls for months over Aso, who
Taro Aso must call by September. took office in September but suffered a
Ozawa, who resigned as head of the plunge in support over a series of gaffes
Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), had and Japan’s worst economic slump since
seen voter support slip away ever since World War II.
his top aide was indicted in March for Ozawa’s approval ratings however took COLOMBO: The United has been holding hostage Sri Lankan Defence Secre-
taking illegal donations from a construc- a dive after his senior aide was indicted in Nations said a weekend at- for months in a last-minute tary Gotabaya Rajapaksa said
tion company. March for allegedly accepting illegal political tack in Sri Lanka that killed move to secure international the LTTE timed the attack to
Tamil Eelam
“To strengthen our party unity for a donations from the Nishimatsu Construc- hundreds was the bloodbath pressure for a truce to stave come just before the UN Se-
victory in the upcoming general elections tion company through front groups. it had feared, while the Tamil off defeat. curity Council meeting, the
carry black
and for a change of government, I have In its latest poll, the Yomiuri Shimbun Tigers and government Getting a clear picture daily newspaper The Island
flags and
decided to sacrifice myself and resign as daily said yesterday the public approval traded blame ahead of UN of events in the war zone quoted him as saying.
DPJ leader,” he said. rating for Aso and his cabinet climbed Security Council talks over is next to impossible, as it The LTTE has called for
with slogans
Ozawa, who maintained his innocence to 28.7% this month from 24.3% in April the war. generally closed to outsiders a truce and external inter-
and stays on as a lawmaker, said the next – more than four points ahead of Ozawa. In the latest reported as- and those within it are not vention as the military has
election will be a great chance to end more Meanwhile the disapproval rating for sault on civilians trapped in fully independent of pres- cornered its fighters in a tiny
than half a century of nearly unbroken rule Ozawa swung higher to 71% from 66% in the war zone, hundreds of sure that is often applied at strip of coastline. Sri Lanka
by Aso’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). the previous survey, the daily reported. people were reported killed gunpoint. has ruled out any truce, say-
Sonia Gandhi
“In order to achieve that goal, I believe Even among DPJ supporters, more on Sunday in an artillery bar- Diplomats and officials ing it would allow the Tigers
written on
the party must be united,” he said in a than half of respondents said they were rage that struck the less than said the UN Security Council another chance to rearm as it
them as they
televised news conference. dissatisfied with Ozawa’s decision to 5 sq km the separatist rebels was due to have another has in the past.
take part in
“We cannot win the next election if stay on, the first time a majority of party control. informal meeting over Sri The United Nations has for
a Black Flag
the party is divided. If the party is united, adherents came out against him. “We’ve been consistently Lanka yesterday in New York months urged restraint, and
I firmly believe we can win. “Ozawa likely made the decision with warning against a bloodbath, with the foreign ministers of the UN human rights com-
“In order to achieve the change of ad- a raft of recent polls showing an improve- and the large-scale killing of Britain and France, who had missioner has warned both
ministration and to solidify the Democratic ment in support for Prime Minister Taro civilians, including more a stormy visit to Sri Lanka at could possibly be blamed for
visit and
Party of Japan, I have made this decision.” Aso,” said Tetsuro Kato, a professor of po- than 100 children this week- the end of April, both due to war crimes. Both sides deny
Ozawa did not say who may succeed litical science at Hitotsubashi University. end, appears to show that attend. the allegations.
of Tamil
him at the helm of the party, which “With voters already disaffected by the bloodbath has become The council is split over Pro-rebel web site www.
civilians in
controls the upper house of parliament. politics in general, they’re now weighing a reality,” UN spokesman whether to elevate discus- yesterday re-
Sri Lanka
Possible contenders include party secre- which party is the lesser evil.” – AFP Gordon Weiss said. sion over Sri Lanka’s war to ported that more than 3,200
in Chennai,
The rebels blamed the a formal level where it could people had been killed, quot-
India, on
government, which in turn act. The United States and ing the head of an LTTE-con-
said the Liberation Tigers Britain are pushing to get a trolled aid group, the Tamil
of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) ceasefire, while Russia and Rehabilitation Organisation.
Global ocean talks begin in Indonesia had fired on the people it China have opposed that. The attack prompted thou-
sands of Tamils in Canada
MANADO (Indonesia): A global meet- ronments. to block a major highway in
ing on the future of the world’s oceans “It is clear that our precious marine protests. TamilNet said at
opened in Indonesia yesterday with dis- resources are under dire and increasing least 1,200 bodies had been
cussions aimed at helping set the stage threat and that in many parts of the world counted, and said “political
for December’s climate change talks in climate change will accelerate their de- circles in Colombo” blamed
Denmark. struction,” Indonesian Maritime Affairs India.
Officials from over 70 countries met and Fisheries Minister Freddy Numberi “The large-scale slaugh-
in Manado city for the five-day World said at the conference opening. ter is believed to be a result
Ocean Conference, a ministerial-level “Adaptation and mitigation measures of India prodding Colombo
meeting touted as the first major global are urgently needed to be taken up to finish the war before the
talks on the role of oceans in mitigating not only to save marine and coastal change of government,”
climate change and global warming. resources but also to save the coastal TamilNet said.
Environment, fisheries and resources communities.” Sri Lanka’s war is an
ministers are expected to pass a joint Leaders from six countries – Indonesia, election issue in the Tamil-
declaration aimed at influencing talks the Philippines, Malaysia, East Timor, the majority state of Tamil Nadu,
in Copenhagen in December that will Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea where India’s ruling Congress
discuss a successor to the expiring Kyoto – will meet on the sidelines of the confer- party is keen to maintain
Protocol on climate change. ence to launch a plan to save the Coral power at a poll tomorrow as
Host Indonesia says it hopes to Triangle, an underwater ecosystem that politicians there push for a
broaden the scope of any future climate is home to more than half the world’s separate state for Sri Lanka’s
agreement to encompass marine envi- coral reefs. – AFP Tamils. – Reuters

Battle begins for pig-tailed

HK tycoon’s billions
HONGKONG: A legal battle lover. In the rival lion) ransom.
over the estate of colourful legal camp is the The petite Wang
Hongkong billionaire tycoon Chinachem Chari- – known for her
Nina Wang (pix) starts, pitting table Foundation braided pig-tails,
her former lover and feng representing mini-skirts and
shui master against her fam- Wang’s family beloved pet dogs
ily, who both lay claim to the which lays claim which she’d take
vast fortune. to an earlier 2002 to boardroom
Wang, who died in April will. meetings – later
2007, was one of Asia’s Her family as- faced an acrimo-
wealthiest women whose serts that Chan mis- nious legal battle
business empire, including led the superstitious, with her nonagenarian
the Chinachem Group, the pig-tailed Wang to hand father-in-law who accused
city’s largest private property over her billions in exchange her of adultery and murder.
developer, has been estimated for eternal life. She finally wrested control of
at US$4.2 billion (RM14.7 bil- Wang was dubbed “Siu Teddy’s estate in 2005.
lion). Teem Teem”, or “Little Sweet- Despite her vast wealth,
The court battle, a culmi- ie”, after a favourite Japanese Wang was famously known
nation of nearly two years of cartoon character and her for her self-professed frugal-
tense legal jockeying, hinges shy, giggly ways. Her wealth, ity – rummaging for bargains
on which of two wills is valid, idiosyncrasies and tragic in discount clothes stores
with internationally renowned personal life made for a soap- and staying in cheap hotels
handwriting experts to be opera-like existence under the overseas.
called as witnesses. media’s constant glare. Wang, a grandiose dreamer
Wang’s former feng shui The Shanghai-born Wang who planned to build the
adviser, Tony Chan, lays sole inherited most of her wealth world’s tallest building, later
claim to the fortune based from her husband, Teddy, split the project into two small-
on a hand-written 2006 will who was kidnapped in 1990 er parts, the taller of which she
as she lay dying of ovarian and never seen alive again, named Teddy Tower after her
cancer. The married Chan has despite the payment of a husband and the shorter one
said he was Wang’s long-time US$33 million (RM115 mil- after herself. – Reuters

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