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theSun | TUESDAY MAY 12 2009 13

speak up!

Flip side of flu name

by Joseph Masilamany “It’s a flu virus from a swine,
there’s no other name to call it.”
IT was a telling moment, when The scientist who developed
the worldwide Influenza A the 1976 swine flu vaccine,
(H1N1) – a genetic make-up retired professor of New York
combining the human, bird Medical College, Dr Edwin
and swine flu viruses, hit the D. Kilbourne called the idea of
headlines in late April. in this instance. Was the term for scientific accuracy? Or was it A preliminary analysis shows changing the name an “absurd
Not surprisingly, news of “swine flu” plucked from thin a “compromise” to ease pressure that the closest genetic parents position”.
the outbreak gained astound- air by the journalists? from the pork industry or pork are swine flu strains from North “The name ‘swine flu’ has
ing traction in every corner of An old adage says: “News exporting countries? Or both? America and Eurasia, Rabadan specific meaning when it comes
the world. travels fast.” But no more in An Associated Press (AP) wrote in a scientific posting in a to stimulating antibodies in the
Besides the science of influ- a world of satellite television, report pointed out that many European surveillance network. body and should not be ‘tinkered
enza detailed in the cesspool where news travels “even fast- leading experts believe that no “Scientifically this is swine with’, said Kilbourne.
of television footages and er” and so the world got quickly matter what anyone calls it – the virus,” top virologist Dr Richard So what’s in a name? Plenty,
print journalism – there was conditioned to connecting the virus that is making the rounds Webby told AP. Webby is a re- if it is “swine flu”. Will the name
It’s a flu
something not right about the outbreak to pigs although till is pretty much “all pig” although searcher at St Jude’s Children’s change ease public fear of pork? virus from
way the new strain was named now – there are no sick pigs the US and the WHO are taking Research Hospital in Memphis. Possibly, but what is important is a swine,
and re-named. And polemics (save for the human to swine the “swine” out of “swine flu”. He is also director of the WHO the public be given transparent there’s
over this misnomer is still infection in Alberta, Canada), “Six of the eight genetic seg- Collaborating Centre for Stud- and up-to-date progress about no other
infectiously being debated by dead pigs nor sick birds or dead ments of this strain are purely ies on the Ecology of Influenza research on the virus.
scientists. ones, but only sick humans and swine and the other two seg- Viruses in Lower Animals and It is indeed malicious to name to
It is swine flu! No, no, it is 52 dead infected patients. ments are bird and human but Birds. tinker with science. call it.”
not! It is A (H1N1) from now But as swine flu “it came to have lived in swine (the mixing Another expert, described the The more people know about – Henry
on. Will the name change by stay” and the whole world went bowl for genetic interaction) for current strain as “deadly swine what they are dealing with, the Niman,
the World Health Organisation on piggish overdrive. Egypt decades,” Dr Raul Rabadan, a flu”. Henry Niman, president of less they will fear. Simply put, president
(WHO) five days after it was culled 3,000 pigs and some professor of computational biol- Recombinomics, an American what is scientifically correct, of Recom-
first identified as “swine flu” countries banned the import of ogy at Columbia University told company that tracks how viruses must also remain politically binomics.
bring bacon back to the table? pork and pork products, from AP. evolve, bluntly told the media: correct!
So who first said that it was the United States and Mexico.
“swine flu”? Who else, if not This caused consumers to
the media? Of course the likely be wary of eating pork. The
institution to be blamed will be pork industry became nervous
the media. This is not some- of the impending trade losses
thing new, as the media point- and sent out an SOS.
edly gets blamed for someone As is the case when goofs
else’s goof, especially if the goof and gaffes happen – the dam-
is one big blunder, causing red age control department was
faces in high places. cranked into life with the WHO
But still, as to how the and the Food and Agricultural
outbreak came to be tagged as organisation repeatedly issuing
“swine flu” is as mysterious as statements that the term “swine
to where the A (H1N1) itself flu” is misleading and is caus-
originated from. ing an unjustified clampdown
Try mulling this; journalists on the pork trade.
attending the first press confer- WHO director-general
ence announcing the outbreak, Margaret Chan emphasised it
obviously must have been told is safe to eat pork, insisting that
that it was “swine flu”. Other- there is “no reason why people
wise how could so many news who love pork should stop eat-
channels and newspapers all ing it now.”
end up calling it “swine flu” Bernard Vallet, director-
and that too, all at the same general of the Paris-based
time in a concerted fashion? International Epizootic Office
When gathering news, (OIE), told the media that the
every reporter begins with the virus contains a “three-in-one
– what, where, when, why and component” of human, bird and
how of the story. And “what” is swine strains, and therefore it
the first element in the report- should not be called swine flu.
er’s story framework. Will not the sudden change
And “swine flu” is the an- in name, arouse suspicion?
swer to the “what” of the story Was the name changed purely


Teach vandals
to be responsible
VANDALISM has been the scourge of our society for years and I don’t
see it ebbing away but only getting worse if no action is taken by the
authorities to catch, punish and educate these misfits.
About two months ago, the Seremban Municipal Council (MPS)
beautified the small children’s playground in my housing estate of
Seremban Forest Heights Phase 1. They replaced all the equipment
with new ones and built a jogging track for small children. However,
irresponsible people have damaged some of the new equipment.
Not satisfied with the damage to the equipment, they even set fire
to plants nurtured by two residents who had since last year tirelessly
beautified the area on their own.
Some residents of my housing estate have an idea who these
vandals could be as they have seen a few youngsters from a neigh-
bouring housing estate loitering around the playground in the evening
until dark.
The other problem affecting the residents are the drains which are
clogged with sand and stagnant water. A few weeks ago, one of my
neighbour’s wife had dengue fever and the health department came
over to fog the whole neighbourhood.
The MPS must be pro-active and have some of its officers visit
housing estates to see for themselves what is needed to be done in
terms of repairs and beautification.
There are trees that need trimming, roads re-surfaced with lines
drawn and abandoned vehicles to be towed away in housing estates.
Please don’t only expect residents to pay their rates on time. It must
reciprocate by looking into their valid complaints.
I have reported to the council about the damage to the new equip-
ment and the clogged drains. There are more complaints but I will
leave it at that and wait for the council’s response. Let’s hope prompt
action will be taken.

Michael Ng

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