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14 theSun | TUESDAY MAY 12 2009


The drop

BiotechCorp records 18%

growth in investment March industrial in March
2009 was due
to decreases
in the

output down 14.4%

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Biotech- According to Iskandar Mizal, local
(19.6%), mining
nology Corporation (BiotechCorp) universities and research institutes (3.2%) and
has recorded an 18% growth in total are already strong in science and electricity
approved investment for its financial technology and the next step is to (8.9%) indices.”
year ended Dec 31, 2008. commercialise their findings.
The investment in BioNexus com- Thus, the focus for BiotechCorp this
panies increased to RM1.3 billion last year is commercialisation, in which KUALA LUMPUR: The Industrial last year. This, it said, was due to the
year from RM1.1 billion in 2007, said its the phase will start in 2011 in form of Production Index (IPI) for March The February 2009 output went decreases in the indices of crude
chief executive officer Datuk Iskandar technology transfer and licensing, he 2009 declined by 14.4% compared down by 18.5% (revised) as against oil (4.5%) and a marginal increase
Mizal Mahmood. said. to the same month last year, fol- the same month of 2008, it said. of natural gas (0.1%).
BiotechCorp developed 92 BioN- “This is to ensure the rights of parties lowing a 14.6% (revised) year-on- Compared with the preceding Compared with the preceding
exus companies at the end of last year, involved, including the intellectual year decline in February 2009. month, the March 2009 output month, the mining output rose by
up 119% from the 42 companies in the properties, are fully protected in The drop in March 2009 was increased by 4.1%. 11%.
previous year. Of the 92 companies, 47 collaborations and partnerships that due to decreases in the manufac- Growth for the first three For the first three months of
generated a total revenue of RM378.6 seek to commercialise research and turing (19.6%), mining (3.2%) and months of 2009 dropped by 21.6% 2009, the mining sector saw a
million. development,” he added. electricity (8.9%) indices, said the as compared with the same period drop of 5.4% as compared with the
To date, there are 104 companies Iskandar Mizal said it was essential Statistics Department. of last year, the department said. same period a year ago.
with BioNexus status in Malaysia. for BiotechCorp to move forward, On a monthly basis, the IPI The contraction of the manu- For electricity, the output fell by
Of these companies, about 30% concluding all the initiatives within the was, however, up by 6.2%, the facturing output was due to de- 8.9% in March 2009 as compared
comprised foreign participation while capacity period and moving on to the department said in a statement creases in the groups of electrical with a year earlier, the department
the remainder came from domestic- commercialisation phase. yesterday. and electronics products (36.9%); said.
driven investment, Iskandar Mizal To expedite this phase, BiotechCorp The cumulative index for the wood products, furniture, paper In March 2009, the electricity
said. has engaged a domain expert from US first quarter of 2009 was down products and printing (25.1%); output posted an increase of 4.1%
“BioNexus companies continue Stanford University for its executive- 16.3% as against the same period and petroleum, chemical, rubber against the previous month, it
to attract foreign direct investment, in-residence programme to undertake last year, it said. and plastic products (10.4%). said.
including investors from the United the initiatives, he said. According to the department, The mining sector output fell A decrease of 9.1% was re-
Kingdom, the United States, France, In funding the biotechnology busi- the manufacturing output in 3.2% in March 2009 as compared corded in the January-March 2009
Germany, Italy, Belgium, India, China, ness, Iskandar Mizal said the funding March 2009 was lower by 19.6% with the same month last year, the period as compared with the same
Japan, Taiwan and New Zealand,” spectrum needed to be expand compared with the same month department said. period last year. – Bernama
he told reporters after releasing further.
BiotechCorp’s annual report for 2008 Among the support programmes
yesterday. were grants for seed funding, research
Despite the global economic slow-
down, the BioNexus companies have
not held back their initiatives and in-
and development matching and inter-
national business development, he
said. Massa
Azman: Local banks expected
vestment or undertaken any retrench-
ment so far, Iskandar Mizal said.
“For financial year ending Dec 31,
Last year, BiotechCorp approved
RM52.2 million for 25 BioNexus com-
panies, up from RM6.25 million for four
title chase
to do reasonably well
2009, we are targeting to develop be- companies in 2007. Pending approval over for BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN: Banks in Malaysia “So, we have to see how long the impact
tween 50 and 55 BioNexus companies, are 15 grant applications amounting to are expected to perform reasonably well this lasts, because that will decide the capability of
with five of them foreign investors,” RM32 million. him and year and should be able to sustain the same our banking system,” he said.
he said. As a result of prudent practices, Ferrari level as last year, AmBank Group chairman Tan Azman said he does not expect the economy
Iskandar Mizal also said that BiotechCorp managed to save RM11.2 pg 18 Sri Azman Hashim said yesterday. to improve very quickly.
BiotechCorp would focus on domestic- million in operating expenditure with The current economic slowdown also meant “But next year some people are projecting
driven investment rather than foreign RM36.2 million spent against budget a slowdown of the banking industry as well but gross domestic product (GDP) growth of 3-4%,
direct investment this year due to the of RM47.4 million, Iskandar Mizal the Malaysian banking system has not been which mean things are moving up,” he said.
global economic environment. said. affected much by the economic crisis because On liberalisation of the financial sector as
BiotechCorp, he said, had learnt He said BiotechCorp was also it is fundamentally solid, he said. announced recently by Prime Minister Datuk
from the past that depending on looking to acquire another two tech- “We expect the performance to be sustained Seri Najib Abdul Razak, Azman said: “The first
foreign direct investment was not nologies, in the areas of agriculture and like in 2008 and I would say that all banks are impact is the more liberalised the sector, the
practical as during an economic slow- industrial biotechnology, to expedite aiming for that now,” he told reporters after the more competition local banks will have.”
down, foreign investors would usually development of the local biotech- launch of the group’s subsidiary AmCapital (B) He said domestic players have to make sure
freeze their investment. nology industry. – Bernama Sdn Bhd here. that they built up their resources to compete in
According to Azman, there is positive a more open environment.
sentiment in the market currently and one of On AmBank, Azman said it would continue
the indications was the stock market volume to focus on business in Malaysia as there is still
achieving three billion this week. room for the bank and its partner ANZ Banking
However, he said the banks’ ability to sus- Group to improve operational and product
tain their performance would depend on the offerings.
non-performing loan (NPL) ratio for the rest Regionally, AmBank is looking at the possi-
of this year. bility of expanding Islamic banking in Indonesia
“We are just beginning to feel the impact of and Brunei, he said.
slowdown, with a little bit of unemployment “We are now finalising the deal which will
and export orders coming down,” Azman involve some sort of relationships in the takaful
said. business,” he added. – Bernama

AmBank expands regional

network with Brunei unit
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN: AmBank Group According to him, Brunei is also a good
yestrday expanded its regional network with market for more syariah-compliant products,
the launch of its subsidiary AmCapital (B) Sdn especially in the areas of wealth management
Bhd in Brunei which offers funds manage- or private equity investments.
ment, Islamic finance and investment advisory “It is also well recognised that Islamic
services. products offer excellent potential, therefore
The opening of the branch here marked adding depth and breadth to the banking
AmBank’s latest regional office, expanding its infrastructure,” he said.
current operations in Jakarta and Singapore Azman said the Brunei government issued
with the headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, said B$165 million (RM396 million) worth of Islamic
AmBank Group chairman Tan Sri Azman leasing bonds in the sukuk market in March
Hashim. this year, bringing the total short-term ijarah or
The AmCapital office will enable clients rental bonds sold by the government to B$1.5
in Brunei to tap the group’s expertise in the billion (RM3.6 billion) since its first offering in
capital and financial markets, he told reporters 2006.
after the launch of the new subsidiary. He said that AmCapital Brunei will be
The opening ceremony was officiated by closely aligned to the Brunei Financial Centre,
Brunei’s Finance Minister II, Pehin Orang Kaya which was established to develop the country
Laila Setia Datuk Seri Setia Awang Abdul Rah- as a major financial hub that promotes interna-
man Ibrahim. tional banking, Islamic banking, mutual funds
Azman said the group’s entry into Brunei and asset management.
is timely as the country’s financial market AmCapital Brunei was incorporated in
has maintained a steady momentum, while Brunei on Nov 27, 2007, as a local business
external market participants are setting up company and received its licence in Septem-
operations or expanding their franchises here. ber last year. – Bernama

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