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Dragonball Online Fan wish by www.dbocom.




English speaking player base is even greater than local player base (HK, TW, KR). People play and enjoy DBO despite the fact that game is in foreign language and that they cant read quests and follow the story of DBO. If You do not plan to release an english version of DBO server You could just add an official translation pack and add english language option. Now english speaking players use their own patch, but it translates only 5-10 % of the whole game. Many people quit playing DBO because they can't understand the local language. English patch option would only increase current player base of DBO and spread games popularity world wide. Pluss people wouldnt mind to put their cash into game, because they could understand story have more pleasant gaming experience.

TMQ is one of the main things that separates DBO from other MMORPG games. They serve as a nice tribute to DB/DBZ anime manga. Those cut scenes mixed form in game animations and original pages from the manga are epic ! TMQs are simply one of the sweetest element in game. I know that will eventualy cover events from the Majin Buu saga and


go even further into the Miiras timeline, but before it does so it would be sweet if TMQ explore depths of dragonball univerce. It would be nice seeing destruction of the Saiyan planet Vegeta or New Namec, help kid Goku to defeat original R & R army , King Piccolo.
Another thing is Alternative Dimension TMQ. It would be so epic to

have a chance to encounter villains from DragonballZ movies like Lord Slug, Janemba, Broly and the giant Hildergan . Those could be alternate timeline quests (What if stories). If fits well since Miira's time traveling could create disturbance in original timeline and those disturbances could let movie villains to apear actually in game. Also they could give another type of gear for example regular TMQ gives space suit armors, ADTMQ could give another style gear.

There were many fierce battles seen in DragonBall/Dragonball Z series where heroes had to team up to defeat many strong villains. Many dragonball Z fans miss same things in DBO. At the moment DBO is almost pure PvE game. We have CC battles, World Martal Arts Tournament, Dojo fights, Dragonball scramble event and thats it. DBO needs more PvP related gameplay content so players could have more reasons to build strong characterss, get proper gear. Players should be able to fight each other in more circumstances than tournamenst and arenas. Nothing motivates people more as being able to compete with each other. Also Open PvP could give more action for Guilds which now serve just as an expanded friend list.


Many people faced situation when some random player came and stole quest items, killed quest mobs or even stole dragonball mob. In situation like this you try to argue with that person but he just simply tells you to go*&@! You can't teach him a leason because he DOESNT ACCEPT REQUEST FOR A DUEL. It realy makes you feel useless. Players should be able to enter open PvP gameplay at certain level for example players can target and fight each other without a duel request at lvl 20. There could be special PvP PvE dedicated channels like now channel 5 is dedicated for Dragonball Scramble event. Offcource some people are afraid that bigger lvl players would start killing lower lvl players but it is not the problem with right PK penalties system like item/money drop. For example the bigger difference between killer and the killed one levels the bigger penalty or number of bad karma points killer gets. If another player attacks and kills Villain player he doesnt get evil aura, but gets drop from the Villain instead or somekind a possitive buff. Random PK prevention examples : Villain buff player gets evil aura each time he kills innocent player(player that doesnt fight back). The stronger aura gets (more kills player makes) the higher chance is to drop equiped item for the villain player after he/her is being killed. Also player couldnt be able to enter town because guard NPCs would attack Villain. Bounty Hunters players at certain level could be able to take quest from Saiyaman NPC to work as a Hero and hunt Villian players. Villain players could be visible for a player that has Hero quest on the map. After Hero kills Villain he takes some % of Villains money. Open PvP benefits : More action in DBO. Open PvP makes game more dynamic, attractive for hardcore players. Look how alive DBO becomes once Dragonball scramble event starts. More motivation for players to get stronger, improve their skills. More Team Play. More reason to have strong guilds which could support you and protect you from the other guild.

Good Evil feel like, more similarity to the original Dragonball / DragonBall Z series theme. Special items that prevents from being targeted could be sold in the cash shop. Extra money for the developers Open Pvp examples : Lineage II, Tera Online



Dragonball Online misses Evil vs Good theme which is the key element of the dragonball/dragonball Z series. I am not speaking about faction vs faction gameplay which can be seen in many MMORPG games. Evil vs Good system could work something like this: Villain player When player kills another player (makes PK), who doesnt attack the attacker, he gains Villain Buff (villain aura) and bad karma points (the lower lvl of the victom the more bad karma points killer gets) that can be reduced by killing mobs. After gaining Villain Aura player gets some a kind a bounty over his head which means that his location can be seen on the mini map for a player that takes Hero quest from the Saiyaman NPC. The more Villain Player kills, more stronger his evil aura gets and number of bad karma points increases. When Villain player makes enough kills Babidi like NPC spawns near him and he can take special Majin Seal quest from it. * After Villain player finishes that quest he gets exp , money or another bonus. Though if he is killed by a Hero player he loses some % of his zennie which equals his Villain aura points or even drops his items depending on the PK penalty system. Also he gets stronger death penalty than regular after his death. Villain player could remove his Villain aura by killing his lvl mobs or with certain item which could be bought from the cash shop.

Hero player Opposite to Villain Hero, player that works as Bounty hunter and hunts Villain players. Once player takes quest from Saiyaman NPC all locations of Villain a players apears on his mini map. After hunting down those players hero players gets hero experience, zennie or another Hero bonus depending on Hero system. Also more Villain players Hero player defeats the stronger his Hero aura gets. This system would be an addition of activities that player can do after he hits max lvl. * If Villain players successfuly complete their quests (the ones which they gets from Babidi like NPC) A strong Raid Boss spawns . This event is similar to the Majin Buus revival seen in DragonBallZ series where Babidis warriors fought Z Warriors to get their energy.


There should be more competitions for the guilds. Battle for the dojo is good event, but it isnt enough. Guild war could work something like this : If both guild leaders accept alliance request they can form an Alliance between their guilds.g Guilds still would be separated, but they could get acces to alliance chat (/A) , members could see who is online in both guilds, go into dojo war or territory war together. Making allies could be simple and could work like adding another guild to the Guilds Friend list. If both guild leaders agree they can declare rivalry(war) between their guilds. It could work simply by making something like Guilds Enemy List. After war between the guilds is declared if player kills another player who is in enemy guild he doesnt get neither Villain aura, neither Hero aura, but gets style points for his guild instead.


Another nice PvP activity could be a battle between the guilds for the territories.

Map revealers could be used as the territory markers. Guild leaders could go and place two flags near map revealers to start a territory war. It could work like a Dojo Battle. Guild who wins gets the territory and style points, defeated one loses style points . Bonuses that guild could get from the territories: Safe zone. Guild members cant be targeted in their land by another players, mobs do not get agro when they see players of the guild that owns the land. Map revealers could work as a respawn/teleportation points In their land guild members could get possitive buffs.


There could be additional CC battle option where everyone fights for themselves similar like in tournament qualification match. Chaotic, massive PvP action ! ^^ Like in regular solo and team matches players could gain mudosa points which could be used to get dogis, armors or other special items.

Guild system is one of the most important things which are the key elements in every MMORPG game. Good guild system can realy keep players busy and also expand end game content. At the moment being in guild isnt special unless your guild is strong enough to go and fight for a dojo. Sure you can go to do TMQ, UD, CC Dungeon and do other activities, but same things can be done without a guild. At the moment guild is just an expanded friend list. With those PvP gameplay features that I have mentioned above guild system would get serious improve. Players would have more reasons to stay in guild and help their leaders to build stronger guild. I will shortly cover some ideas how to improve

guild system in DBO.


Guild style points could work as power power levels work now for players. It should show how much power guild has. There could be more ways to use Guilds Style points. The possible ways could be : Expanding Guilds Bank Buying Guild only Buffs Special items from Dojo merchant like LP, EP restoration Guild dogi customisation (There could be 3 levels of guild dogis) Using guild options such as : changing guilds name, summoning all guilds members and other stuff Guild Style points could also be gainable from: Winning Dojo/Territory Battles/CC Battle Completing TMQ/UD with guild only party Special quests avaible only for guilds Also guild who loses battle or event could also lose its style points.


There should be more ranks in guild that gives different privilegies for every rank. For example : 1. Regular member of the guild. Can only put items into guild bank 2. Captain of the guild (4Captains in guild). Can invite other people to join the guild , put items to the guild bank. 3. Master Jr of the guild (2 Masters Jr in guild). Can invite/expel people from the guild, put and take items from the guild bank. 4. Master of the guild (1in guild). Can invite/expel people from the guild,put/take items from the guild bank, promote/demote

guild members, make alliances/declare wars with other guilds, can use guild style points to improve the guild or use other guild options.

Another great addition for guilds could be mentor system. It could work something like this : High lvl guild member could choose another lower lvl guild member as his pupil. Whenever memntor is online his pupil could get positive buffs like defence from mobs, experience buffs or other bonus. This way guild members could form stronger bonds and also feel the need to be a members of the guilds.

4.3 TRAITOR PENALTIES Players shouldnt be able to join or leave guild whenever they want. There should be some penalties like if player leaves guild after staying in it for 1 day he shouldnt be able to join another guild for another 24hours or even 1 week.

At the momment in DBO there is only CC Battle ranks. There could be more ranks similar as CC battle ranks but related to different achievements. More ranks more chances and spots where players can compete with each other. More competitions longer lasting gameplay, which prevents players from early end game. New ranks could be: Guild ranks : Displays the best guilds on the server that have most style points, territories, dojos. Tournament Rankings: Displays current World Martal Arts Champions Strongest in the World : Displays players with biggest power levels on the server Best Heroes : Displays Heroes that killed most Villain players

Most Wanted : Displays Villains that killed most of the players


DBO has great variaty of skills, which looks simply magnificent, just like in the anime . Fast, devastating, thrilling - they are just pleasure to see. Everything is good with skills, though there could be some little changes:

Instant transmision move could be avaible for all classes. Players should be able to learn it from the Time Leap Quest , the same way as guard, dash and rp charge. It shouldn't be Fighter , Dende Priest exclusive. If all races could have Instant Transmision it would make game more pleasant for players and they wont have to waste important SP points on it. Also Instant Transmision could be useful in PvP, PvE allowing players to quickly appear near enemy and make a surprise/counter

attack, or to evade certain attacks. In this case Instant Transmision could be worth upgrading. Kaio-Ken could be also learnable from special quest . If you ever plan to add Genkidama in game it should learnable from the one and only King Kai ^^ You could introduce new nice skill(Buff/Transfrom like) Elder Kais Abillity Player could get it either from hard quest, time leap quest or making dragonball wish. With Elder Kais buff palyer could : 1. Gains increadible boost of speed(movement and attack like Gohan did when he fought Super Buu). 2. Won't lose his or her buffs after he dies and also he won't gain death penaltie after he dies. Players should be able to get their class transforms only when they reach level 50. Now they get transformations too early in game. Many people complains about AP points and limitation of flying. It would be sweet if flying drain EP instead of AP and flying skill could be mastered with quests to lower ep drain. RP points could be used to guard in game. Now guard is pretty much useless, if it would consume RP instead of having cooldown after use it could become nice battle abillity and guard would be worth upgrading.

Dragonball Univerce has great variaty of races. In most of MMORPG games you meet same races Elves, Humans, Dwarves and etc. You can find those races everywhere. Though dragonball online also includes humans as a playable race it also intruduces new original races never seen in any MMORPG : Namecians and Majins . Races separates DBO from any other MMORPG game. Dragonball Univerce is full of unique races that could be introduced as new playable races in dbo. In this section I will mention races which could be made playable to bring even more joy for dragonballz fans than dbo already brings and give more options and creativity.

Engineers are humans who do not posses same powers like human martal artists or spiritualists does, because of the lack of saiyan genes in their bloodline, however their high inteligence still allows them to compete with other races . They are skilled in developing dangerous technologies which makes them strong and interesting class to play. And even if they cant transform into Super Saiyans they can get another great gift from Shenroon that other classes couldnt even imagine. At level 30 they can choose to become Gun Maniac or Mech Maniac. Gun Maniacs focuses on their strong gun power. They are ranged psysical damage dealers. Their source of strenght is fast ranged attacks. Their weakness is low defence. Mech Maniacs uses various robotic technologies to fight on their side. When they enter their armored robots they can be used as good tanks as namecian warriors are. Their strength is their robots that allows them either to be good damage dealers with summoned robots or tank like class. Their weakness is low hit rate. Both Gun Maniacs and Mech Maniacs at level 50 can wish Shenron to get incredibly powerful Robotic Battle Suit. Basic info : Engineer: Summoner/ Ranged DPS Gun Maniac: Ranged DPS/ Support Weapon : Dual pistols Mech Maniac: Tank/Summoner Weapon : Summoned robot Transformation: Mechanical battle armor

After the attack of remnants of the Frieza's World Trade Organization, capsule corp scientist tryed to do their best to improve Earth's defence. As a result , using old Gero's drafts and sketches Capsule corp created Bioandroids. Capsule Corp added human DNR to the Androids so they are like hybrid between man and machine. They were created as a children, for better learning and understanding of the human world. Androids have similar appearence compared with humans, with slight differences. They are slimer and taller than humans, always with calm face expression. When Androids reach level 30 they can choose to become Life Stealer or Energy Drainer. Life Stealer is meele android fighter which focuses on strong debuffs and high defence which is deadly with high damage life drain skills. Life Stealers strong side is its deadly debuffs and good defence. His weakness is lack of damage dealing skills and low critical damage. Energy Drainer is spiritual like class which focuses on ranged engergy damage. Energy Drainers strong side is their AOE debuffs and strong energy attacks. Their weakness is their low LP points. After Androids reaches level 50 they can gain Super Soldier transform. BASIC INFO : ANDROID: MEELE/ RANGED DPS/ SUPPORT LIFE STEALER: TANK/ SUPPORT/ DEBUFFER WEAPON: BRACE KNUCKLES ENERGY DRAINER: RANGED DPS/ DEBUFFER WEAPON: ENERGY DRAINERS

7.3 UNKNOWN (FRIEZAS RACE) When the remaining forces of Frieza's World Trade Organization were defeated some of them retreated, some of them stayed on earth. Silently to grow their forces and strike back. But some of them, after long time living near humans had change of hearts. After they witnessed human kindness and mercy some of them became their loyal protectors. There isnt much known facts about about this races origins and why they hide their true power, but one thing is for sure : they are are the fastest in the univerce ! (lol) ^^ At level 30 their spiritual class Mage can choose to become Frost Mage or Nova Mage and their melee Soldier can choose to become Frost Assasin or Nova Berserk.

Frost Mage focuses more on a supportive role since it has great AOE protective buffs and Nova Mage is more like damage dealer. Both Frost Assasin and Nova Berserk are pure DPS. Unknown races strength is their insane attack speed and good damage. Their weak side is lack of EP points and weak DOT damage resistance. At level 50 they can wish Shenron for their True Form. This class has all attack moves that were used by Friezas family and the Gynju Force. BASIC INFO: MAGE : BUFFER/ RANGED DPS NOVA MAGE: BUFFER/ RANGED DPS Weapon: Flame Blaster FROST MAGE: SUPPORT/ BUFFER Weapon: Ice Blaster SOLDER: DPS FROST ASSASIN: SUPPORT/ MEELE DPS Weapon: Double Dagger NOVA BERSERK: RANGED TANK/ RANGED DPS Weapon: Laser Bow

In dbo player could be able to acces more character creation to make their playable character more unique, different from the others. Options could be that could be included: 1. Hair Hairstyle Hair color Hair lenght 2. Face Eyebrows(Shape and color) Eyes (Shape and color) Nose Mouth 3. Body 1.Height (Small, Medium, Tall) 2 Weight (Fat, skinny, medium, muscular) 3. Skin color There could also be items in cash shop which allows players to change their appearence(Like hair, eye color) in game after

creation is finished. Players could spend money for those, believe me ^^ There could be more dogis, more references to the Shonen Jump mangas like Naruto, One Piece, Bleach(if its possible ofcource) to make Dbo funnier and interesting even for the other manga fans. It would be nice to see visual armor damage when the armor breaks in game. And characters could get some bruises and blood on their faces in adition for that epic heart beating that you hear now when you have low LP!

8. DAILY QUESTS/ EVENTS/ INVASION SAGAS DBO is lacking daily quests and events where players could have more uniques experiences. Possible events could be (just examples): 1. Race around the world 2. Invasion sagas where players must defend Earth Citys 3. Giant raid bosses 4. Catch the moneky game 5. Farming event ( player who kill biggest number of mobs under time limit wins) 6. Find objects

7. Other.

10 OTHER FAN WISHES 10.1 Weather and enviroment changes

It would be nice to have have mornings, evenings and nights in DBO. It would change the world of DBO completely, make it more intersting and pleasant visualy. Time should could go on in DBO like in real life or like this: 1 hour in real life - 3 hours in DBO. DBO there should be also weather effects like raining, snowing, lightning and sand storms. These things could make the world of DBO more interesting to explore. Also there shouldn't be invisible walls. You should be able to climb to a highest mountain, swim to Roshi's island. Invisible walls that blocks players path are annoying.

10.2 More informative status screen

For example: 1.Biggest power level player ever fought. 2.How many PvP's player entered, how many won. Im not speaking about ranked battles. 3.(If open pvp added) The number of karmas hunted, heroes killed, regular players killed.

10.3. Legendary Items

Unique items that you get only in special event/quest. Such as Z sword, Kamis Staff, Goku's power Pole, Kami's sacred water and the others. They would be hard to get but would give big bonus. Only 1 of the each item per server

10.4 Party of 7 players

Increased number of people in party. More difficulty in dungeons and TMQ. More people = More Happy Time ^^

THANK YOU FOR READING ! ^^ As you can see I realy let my imagination go WILD. I hope that you will read my letter and I hope that some of these ideas that were mentioned in this letter will help you to improve DBO and make it not only interesting for dragonball z fans but also make it strong opponent to another Free to play MMORPG games. Dragonball has its own unique spirit. Thank you for letting us, players , be a part of this magical adventure. Dragonball Online has many strong sides like its unique races, dragonball collecting, tournaments, skills, race transformations. I hope you concider some of these ideas, wishes from dragonball and dragonball z fans that played and enjoyed your magnificent game. Looking forward for Yours respond! Yours sincerely
HelluFU ^^

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