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WebFOCUS Developer

Studio Installation
and Configuration
Version 7 Release 6.4 and Higher

EDA, EDA/SQL, FIDEL, FOCCALC, FOCUS, FOCUS Fusion, FOCUS Vision, Hospital-Trac, Information Builders, the
Information Builders logo, Parlay, PC/FOCUS, SmartMart, SmartMode, SNAPpack, TableTalk, WALDO, Web390,
WebFOCUS and WorldMART are registered trademarks, and iWay and iWay Software are trademarks of Information
Builders, Inc.

Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their
trademarks. In most, if not all cases, these designations are claimed as trademarks or registered trademarks by their
respective companies. It is not this publisher’s intent to use any of these names generically. The reader is therefore
cautioned to investigate all claimed trademark rights before using any of these names other than to refer to the
product described.

Copyright © 2008, by Information Builders, Inc. and iWay Software. All rights reserved. Patent Pending. This manual,
or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Information Builders, Inc.

Documentation Conventions..............................................................................................8
Related Publications..........................................................................................................9
Customer Support.............................................................................................................9
Information You Should Have.............................................................................................9
User Feedback................................................................................................................10
Information Builders Consulting and Training.....................................................................11

1. Introducing WebFOCUS and WebFOCUS Developer Studio............................13

About WebFOCUS and Developer Studio...........................................................................14
WebFOCUS and Developer Studio Overview and Architecture..............................................15
Developer Studio Components..................................................................................15
WebFOCUS Environments and Components...............................................................16
WebFOCUS Processing.............................................................................................17
Developer Studio Processing....................................................................................18
Developer Studio Development Options.....................................................................18
Developer Studio Networked Installation...................................................................19
Developer Studio on a WebFOCUS Machine...............................................................20
Developer Studio Installation and Configuration Steps.......................................................20
Installation and Configuration Steps..........................................................................21

2. Installing Developer Studio...........................................................................23

Developer Studio Requirements.......................................................................................24
Hardware Requirements...........................................................................................24
Software Requirements............................................................................................24
Provided Third Party Components..............................................................................25
Installing Developer Studio..............................................................................................25
Web and/or Application Server Options.....................................................................26
Installing Developer Studio and WebFOCUS on the Same Machine..............................26
Running the Installation...........................................................................................27

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 3


Developer Studio Directory Structure.........................................................................30

Installation Log Files................................................................................................32
WebFOCUS Reporting Server for Developer Studio......................................................32
User ID Issues........................................................................................................32
Tomcat Security and Settings...................................................................................33
Verifying Developer Studio...............................................................................................34
Web and/or Application Server Verification................................................................35
Developer Studio Web Server Configuration Verification Tool.......................................38
Migrating From Developer Studio Version 4.......................................................................40
Silent Developer Studio Installation..................................................................................41

3. Configuring the Web Server and/or Application Server................................45

Configuration Options......................................................................................................46
Configuring Apache Tomcat..............................................................................................47
Tomcat Configuration Overview.................................................................................47
Configuring Tomcat..................................................................................................48
Additional Tomcat Configuration Options...................................................................51
Configuring Microsoft IIS..................................................................................................53
Configuring IIS Virtual Directories (Aliases)................................................................53
Setting Permissions.................................................................................................55
Configuring Microsoft IIS to Use the Tomcat Connector (Plug-In)..........................................56
Installing and Configuring the Tomcat Connector (Plug-In) for IIS..................................57
Verifying the Configuration........................................................................................61
Configuring Additional Web and/or Application Servers.......................................................62
Configuring the Web Server......................................................................................62
Configuring the Application Server.............................................................................63
Configuring Developer Studio....................................................................................64

A. Configuring a Network Installation...............................................................65

Network Installation Steps...............................................................................................66
Ensuring Requirements Are Met................................................................................67
Installing Developer Studio.......................................................................................68
Configuring Developer Studio....................................................................................68
Setting Up Access to the Network Installation............................................................71
Installing Developer Studio Network Shortcuts...........................................................77


Launching Developer Studio.....................................................................................78

Customizing WebFOCUS Environments......................................................................79
Accessing Multiple Networked Developer Studio Installations.....................................80
Limiting Access to Developer Studio.........................................................................81
Accessing the Developer Studio Help System............................................................81
Creating Developer Studio Traces From a Client PC in Developer Studio Network

B. Enabling WebFOCUS Quick Data....................................................................83

Configuring WebFOCUS Quick Data...................................................................................84

C. Configuring the Local Reporting Server Security..........................................87

WebFOCUS Reporting Server Security and User IDs...........................................................88
Configuring WebFOCUS Reporting Server Security and User IDs..................................88
Running the Server as a Service With Security OFF.....................................................90

D. Enabling and Accessing WebFOCUS Demo Applications...............................91

Enabling and Accessing the WebFOCUS Demos.................................................................92
New Demo Application.............................................................................................92
Older NCC Demo Applications...................................................................................92

E. Troubleshooting Developer Studio................................................................95

Troubleshooting Tips.......................................................................................................96
Tomcat Configuration Options...................................................................................96
Java Memory Issues................................................................................................96
Starting Developer Studio.........................................................................................98
Multiple Developer Studio Installations.....................................................................98
Troubleshooting Tools.....................................................................................................98
Accessing the Verification Tools in the WebFOCUS Administration Console..................99
WebFOCUS Client Traces.......................................................................................103
Developer Studio Trace Utility.................................................................................104
WebFOCUS Reporting Server Traces........................................................................106

Reader Comments...........................................................................................113

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 5



This documentation describes how to install and configure WebFOCUS Developer Studio on
machines running Windows 2000, XP, or 2003 operating systems. This documentation is
intended for developers with some knowledge of Windows operating systems.

How This Manual Is Organized

This manual includes the following chapters:

Chapter/Appendix Contents

1 Introducing WebFOCUS and Provides an overview of WebFOCUS and Developer

WebFOCUS Developer Studio and their installation configurations.

2 Installing Developer Studio Provides the installation requirements and

instructions, as well as verification and migration

3 Configuring the Web Server Provides information on configuring Web and/or

and/or Application Server application servers for stand-alone Project-based
development and local processing.

A Configuring a Network Provides information for a network installation of

Installation Developer Studio.

B Enabling WebFOCUS Quick Provides information to configure WebFOCUS Quick

Data Data.

C Configuring the Local Provides information needed to configure WebFOCUS

Reporting Server Security Reporting Server Security and User IDs.

D Enabling and Accessing Provides information to enable and access demo

WebFOCUS Demo applications.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 7

Documentation Conventions

Chapter/Appendix Contents

E Troubleshooting Developer Provides troubleshooting tips and information on

Studio using verification and tracing tools.

Documentation Conventions
The following table lists and describes the conventions that apply in this manual.

Convention Description

THIS TYPEFACE Denotes syntax that you must enter exactly as shown.
this typeface

this typeface Represents a placeholder (or variable), a cross-reference, or an

important term.

underscore Indicates a default setting.

this typeface Highlights a file name or command. It may also indicate a button,
menu item, or dialog box option you can click or select.

Key + Key Indicates keys that you must press simultaneously.

{} Indicates two or three choices; type one of them, not the braces.

[] Indicates a group of optional parameters. None is required, but

you may select one of them. Type only the parameter in the
brackets, not the brackets.

| Separates mutually exclusive choices in syntax. Type one of them,

not the symbol.

... Indicates that you can enter a parameter multiple times. Type only
the parameter, not the ellipsis points (...).

. Indicates that there are (or could be) intervening or additional



Related Publications
To view a current listing of our publications and to place an order, visit our Technical
Documentation Library, You can also contact
the Publications Order Department at (800) 969-4636.

Customer Support
Do you have any questions about this product?
Join the Focal Point community. Focal Point is our online developer center and more than a
message board. It is an interactive network of more than 3,000 developers from almost
every profession and industry, collaborating on solutions and sharing tips and techniques,
You can also access support services electronically, 24 hours a day, with InfoResponse
Online. InfoResponse Online is accessible through our World Wide Web site, It connects you to the tracking system and known-
problem database at the Information Builders support center. Registered users can open,
update, and view the status of cases in the tracking system and read descriptions of reported
software issues. New users can register immediately for this service. The technical support
section of also provides usage techniques, diagnostic tips,
and answers to frequently asked questions.
Call Information Builders Customer Support Service (CSS) at (800) 736-6130 or (212) 736-
6130. Customer Support Consultants are available Monday through Friday between 8:00
a.m. and 8:00 p.m. EST to address all your WebFOCUS Managed Reporting questions.
Information Builders consultants can also give you general guidance regarding product
capabilities and documentation. Please be ready to provide your six-digit site code number
(xxxx.xx) when you call.
To learn about the full range of available support services, ask your Information Builders
representative about InfoResponse Online, or call (800) 969-INFO.

Information You Should Have

To help our consultants answer your questions effectively, be prepared to provide the following
information when you call:
Your six-digit site code (xxxx.xx).
Your WebFOCUS configuration:
The front-end you are using, including vendor and release.
The communications protocol (for example, TCP/IP or HLLAPI), including vendor and

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 9

User Feedback

The software release.

Your server version and release. You can find this information using the Version option
in the Web Console.
The stored procedure (preferably with line numbers) or SQL statements being used in
server access.
The Master File and Access File.
The exact nature of the problem:
Are the results or the format incorrect? Are the text or calculations missing or
The error message and return code, if applicable.
Is this related to any other problem?
Has the procedure or query ever worked in its present form? Has it been changed recently?
How often does the problem occur?
What release of the operating system are you using? Has it, your security system,
communications protocol, or front-end software changed?
Is this problem reproducible? If so, how?
Have you tried to reproduce your problem in the simplest form possible? For example, if
you are having problems joining two data sources, have you tried executing a query
containing just the code to access the data source?
Do you have a trace file?
How is the problem affecting your business? Is it halting development or production? Do
you just have questions about functionality or documentation?

User Feedback
In an effort to produce effective documentation, the Documentation Services staff welcomes
your opinions regarding this manual. Please use the Reader Comments form at the end of
this manual to communicate suggestions for improving this publication or to alert us to
corrections. You can also use the Documentation Feedback form on our Web site,
Thank you, in advance, for your comments.


Information Builders Consulting and Training

Interested in training? Information Builders Education Department offers a wide variety of
training courses for this and other Information Builders products.
For information on course descriptions, locations, and dates, or to register for classes, visit
our World Wide Web site ( or call (800) 969-INFO to
speak to an Education Representative.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 11

Information Builders Consulting and Training


1 Introducing WebFOCUS and WebFOCUS

Developer Studio

The following topics provide an overview

of WebFOCUS and WebFOCUS Developer
Studio. About WebFOCUS and Developer
WebFOCUS and Developer Studio
Overview and Architecture
Developer Studio Installation and
Configuration Steps

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 13

About WebFOCUS and Developer Studio

About WebFOCUS and Developer Studio

WebFOCUS is a complete Web-ready data access and reporting system that connects users
to data. WebFOCUS accesses and processes information located in any format on any
platform and presents that information to users through a Web browser or through formats
such as PDF, HTML, and Excel.
WebFOCUS Developer Studio is a Windows-based development environment for creating
WebFOCUS applications. Developer Studio provides intuitive graphical tools that help with
interface design, business logic, and data manipulation. Using Developer Studio, developers
can build powerful Web page interfaces that allow users to create and view reports.
WebFOCUS data access, network communications, and server operations are provided
through WebFOCUS technology. WebFOCUS technology accesses data without concern for the
complexities and incompatibilities of different operating systems, databases, file systems,
file formats, and networks. You can access both local and remote data on over 35 platforms
from more than 65 database formats, including FOCUS, MS SQL Server, Sybase, Oracle,
Informix, Ingres, and DB2.
Other WebFOCUS products and features include the following:
WebFOCUS Maintain allows you to create applications which update, as well as report
on your data. Maintain development components are installed with Developer Studio
depending on your license.
WebFOCUS Visual Discovery lets you create advanced data visualizations for executive
level Dashboards. Visual Discovery displays data as involved geometric shapes (for
example, points, lines, circles, rectangles) with many attributes (for example, proximity,
size, color). This lets you view and manipulate your data in a new light to discover
relationships that are not apparent in normal tables, reports, or graphs. You can use
Visual Discovery to turn raw data into insightful images to understand and discover trends
and patterns. If you license Visual Discovery, then its development components are
installed with Developer Studio. For more information, see the Using WebFOCUS Visual
Discovery Components With Developer Studio manual.
ReportCaster is an independent application that enables you to schedule the delivery
and automatic running of WebFOCUS reports and alerts as well as independent files and
URLs. ReportCaster is not installed with Developer Studio.

1. Introducing WebFOCUS and WebFOCUS Developer Studio

WebFOCUS and Developer Studio Overview and Architecture

In this section:
Developer Studio Components
WebFOCUS Environments and Components
WebFOCUS Processing
Developer Studio Processing
Developer Studio Development Options
Developer Studio Networked Installation
Developer Studio on a WebFOCUS Machine

Developer Studio is used to develop and manage WebFOCUS applications as well as to

administer Managed Reporting environments. It is normally assumed, but not required, that
WebFOCUS is installed, or will be installed, somewhere in your enterprise. In addition,
Developer Studio architecture and functionality are based on the architecture of WebFOCUS.

Developer Studio Components

There are two pieces involved when developing or administering with Developer Studio.
Developer Studio itself is technically the graphical development and code generation
tools that organize and create WebFOCUS files. Depending on your license, it may also
include the Maintain Development Environment. It lets you design reports and organize
The graphical and code generation tools do not actually process reports and access data.
Instead, they connect to a WebFOCUS environment.
A WebFOCUS Environment is a complete implementation of WebFOCUS. When you
install Developer Studio, you have the option to install and create a development
WebFOCUS environment along with Developer Studio (available for the Developer Studio
edition only--this allows local, standalone development). After installing Developer Studio,
you can choose to connect to a WebFOCUS Environment installed elsewhere in your
enterprise or use one installed locally.
Note: For all other editions, including installations of the Network editions, you configure
Developer Studio to access a WebFOCUS environment you installed separately. This step
is performed from within Developer Studio.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 15

WebFOCUS and Developer Studio Overview and Architecture

WebFOCUS Environments and Components

In a WebFOCUS environment, WebFOCUS connects a Web server and/or application server
to your data. End users then access WebFOCUS applications through a Web browser. Your
enterprise may have multiple WebFOCUS environments each containing the following
Third Party Web and/or Application Server. Users access WebFOCUS by making
requests to a Web or application server. WebFOCUS functionality can be implemented
using either CGI, ISAPI, or Java servlet calls. Java servlets are the default and not all
features are supported with CGI and ISAPI. When Developer Studio communicates with
WebFOCUS, it does so through the Web and/or application server as well.
Apache Tomcat is provided along with Developer Studio and WebFOCUS for Windows, so
no separate Web or application server is required to get started. Apache Tomcat is a
servlet container that Developer Studio can use as a Web server and application server.
Note: Web servers handle traditional Web content like static HTML and GIF files as well
as CGI requests. Application servers generally handle Java and other processes, but
many application servers can also handle the traditional Web content. If your application
server can handle traditional Web content, then a Web server is not required. The term
application server is used to refer to either an application server or servlet container in
WebFOCUS documentation. A servlet container general handles a subset of what an
application server can handle.
WebFOCUS Client resides on the Web server and/or application server. When a user
makes a request to the Web server from a Web page or Developer Studio, WebFOCUS
Client receives the request, processes it, and passes it to the WebFOCUS Reporting
Server. The WebFOCUS Client connection can be implemented through Java servlets,
CGI, or ISAPI, although some features are only supported with Java servlets. In addition,
WebFOCUS Client may include other WebFOCUS products and interfaces such as Managed
A scaled down WebFOCUS Client is installed with Developer Studio. The functionality
available is based on the Developer Studio edition for which you are licensed.
WebFOCUS Reporting Server. The WebFOCUS Reporting Server provides data access,
data processing, and report generation functionality. WebFOCUS Reporting Servers
reside on machines that can access your data. There can be multiple WebFOCUS
Reporting Servers in a WebFOCUS environment. A WebFOCUS Reporting Server is
always installed with Developer Studio because some components are required by
the development tools.

1. Introducing WebFOCUS and WebFOCUS Developer Studio

WebFOCUS employs a distributed architecture. This means that the WebFOCUS Client and
its WebFOCUS Reporting Servers can either be on the same machine and operating system
or distributed across multiple machines running different operating systems. You can easily
connect an Apache Web server running on UNIX to SQL Server data on Windows and DB2
data on z/OS.
For more information on WebFOCUS components and configuration options, refer to the
installation and configuration documentation.
Note: To ensure proper communication, WebFOCUS components should be the same release
number as each other and Developer Studio.

WebFOCUS Processing
The following steps accompany the figure below and describe how WebFOCUS or Developer
Studio processes requests:
1. A user requests a report and passes parameters by calling the WebFOCUS servlet through
links and forms on a Web page or through Developer Studio.
2. The request and parameters come to the WebFOCUS Client through the Web and/or
application servers, and the WebFOCUS Client processes the parameters to create a
request for the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.
3. The WebFOCUS Reporting Server receives the request, processes it, and accesses any
needed data.
4. Data is retrieved from data sources to process the request.
5. The WebFOCUS Reporting Server processes the user's request using the retrieved data.
6. The response is returned to the WebFOCUS Client.
7. The response is returned to the user.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 17

WebFOCUS and Developer Studio Overview and Architecture

Developer Studio Processing

Developer Studio processes requests the same way that WebFOCUS does. Developer Studio
makes calls to a Web and/or application server that is configured to accept a WebFOCUS
CGI, ISAPI, or servlet request. The CGI, ISAPI, or servlet then connects to the WebFOCUS
Reporting Server to process the report request.
Note: CGI and ISAPI are not supported with Developer Studio at this time.
The Web and/or application server can be located on the same machine as Developer Studio
or located elsewhere in your enterprise.
Local Web and/or application server. When you install Developer Studio, you can
choose to install and configure a Web and/or application server. Manual configuration
instructions are also provided in Configuring the Web Server and/or Application Server on
page 45. Using a local Web and/or application server creates a development WebFOCUS
environment and allows you to process reports on the Developer Studio machine.
Remote Web and/or application server. If you do not wish to use a local Web and/or
application server, you can configure Developer Studio to connect to a WebFOCUS
environment elsewhere on your network. Developer Studio then processes reports and
files on the remote WebFOCUS machines.
You can also use a combination of local and remote processing.

Developer Studio Development Options

Developer Studio provides flexibility in how you develop and maintain your WebFOCUS
applications and reports. There are several ways to develop with Developer Studio.
Project-Based Development. In Project-based development, you use Developer Studio
to create and manage applications. These applications are referred to as projects. When
you create a project with Developer Studio, a special file with a .gfa (graphical FOCUS
application) extension is created. The GFA file helps control and organize your application
through the development, testing, deployment, and maintenance phases. Project-based
development also provides tools to organize your applications based on file types.
You can test and run your projects either from within Developer Studio or through a Web
browser. When an application is ready for production, Developer Studio provides tools
to transfer and deploy project files to machines running production WebFOCUS

1. Introducing WebFOCUS and WebFOCUS Developer Studio

There are two types of Project-based development:

In Stand-Alone Project-Based Development, files are developed on the same
machine where you install Developer Studio, or files are accessed through a third-party
source management system (such as Visual SourceSafe). Developers who work alone
have all their files where they can easily edit them. Developers on separate desktops
can share files controlled by a source management system.
Note: Third party source management client software must be installed on the
Developer Studio machine to use source management tools.
With stand-alone Project-based development, a Web and/or application server is
required on the machine where you run Developer Studio.
In Remote Project-Based Development, you use Developer Studio to connect to
a WebFOCUS environment running elsewhere in your enterprise. Files are then stored
in the remote WebFOCUS environment or files are accessed through a third-party
source management system (such as Visual SourceSafe).
It is recommended for Remote Project-based development that all WebFOCUS
components in the remote environment reside on the same machine as each other.
Remote Development. In remote development, a GFA file is not used to organize the
files in your applications and some tools, such as source management and the deploy
tool, are not available. In remote development, you use Developer Studio to connect to
WebFOCUS environments running elsewhere in your enterprise. After you are connected,
you can create and edit files on the remote machines and perform application development
through the Data Servers area or use the Managed Reporting area to perform Managed
Reporting development and administration.
For more information about Developer Studio configurations and development environments,
see the Developer Studio Application Development Getting Started manual.

Developer Studio Networked Installation

Normally Developer Studio is installed on the desktop of each developer. However, a
networked Developer Studio installation option is available as well.
In a networked configuration, Developer Studio is installed on a single shared machine,
rather than each developer's desktop. Developers then launch Developer Studio on their
desktops by executing files that have been installed on the shared machine. This simplifies
administration, installation, and upgrading and it allows all developers to use a common
pre-configured environment.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 19

Developer Studio Installation and Configuration Steps

A network installation of Developer Studio includes only the GUI tools to develop, organize,
maintain, and deploy applications and procedures. Full WebFOCUS Client connectivity (CGI,
ISAPI, servlet) is not included. After installing the networked Developer Studio option, you
must set up a connection to a WebFOCUS environment somewhere on your network. Developer
Studio then uses the Web server configuration, application server configuration, WebFOCUS
Client connectivity, and WebFOCUS Reporting Server of that WebFOCUS environment.
Network installations are discussed in Configuring a Network Installation on page 65.

Developer Studio on a WebFOCUS Machine

Developer Studio and WebFOCUS can be installed on the same machine provided WebFOCUS
is installed first. The Developer Studio installation program will detect that WebFOCUS is
already installed and use the existing WebFOCUS environment and components. Developer
Studio then runs using the existing WebFOCUS Client configuration, application root directories
(APPROOT), Web server aliases (virtual folders), and WebFOCUS Reporting Server. All products
can co-exist and use the same WebFOCUS environment through Developer Studio or a

Developer Studio Installation and Configuration Steps

In this section:
Installation and Configuration Steps

The steps to install and configure Developer Studio vary depending on how you plan to
develop applications.
Local Processing. Install Developer Studio on each developer's machine and then
ensure a Web and/or application server is configured on each machine. To access data,
configure the local WebFOCUS Reporting Server. Developers will develop applications
and run reports on their machines.
Remote Processing. Install Developer Studio on each developer's machine. Then, set
up a connection from each Developer Studio machine to a WebFOCUS environment
installed somewhere on your network. To access data, configure the WebFOCUS Reporting
Server in the WebFOCUS environment. A Web and/or application server is not needed
on the Developer Studio machines because developers connect to environments running
elsewhere to develop applications and run reports.

1. Introducing WebFOCUS and WebFOCUS Developer Studio

Network Installation. Install Developer Studio on one shared machine. Developers will
run Developer Studio from their desktop by accessing the files installed on the shared
machine over the network. You must set up a connection from Developer Studio on the
shared machine to a WebFOCUS environment. To access data, configure the WebFOCUS
Reporting Server in the WebFOCUS environment. A special license code is needed for a
network installation.
Installation on a WebFOCUS Machine. Install Developer Studio after WebFOCUS is
installed and configured. Developer Studio connects to the WebFOCUS environment that
is already installed.

Installation and Configuration Steps

Perform the following steps to install and configure Developer Studio:
1. Ensure all requirements are met (see Installing Developer Studio on page 23).
2. Run the Developer Studio installation (see Installing Developer Studio on page 23).
3. Ensure a Web and/or application server is configured either locally or remote.
For local processing, verify the automatic Web and/or application server configuration
(see Installing Developer Studio on page 23) or manually configure a Web and/or
application server (see Configuring the Web Server and/or Application Server on page
For remote processing or network installations, ensure a WebFOCUS environment has
been configured somewhere on your network. See the WebFOCUS and ReportCaster
Installation and Configuration manual for your platform to install WebFOCUS.

4. Start Developer Studio.

5. Set up a connection to a WebFOCUS environment.
For local processing and installation on a WebFOCUS machine, this should occur
automatically if the Web server is configured. In some environments, you may need
to specify the Web server port to set up the connection. You can also create
connections to additional WebFOCUS environments running on your network.
For remote processing or network installations, set up connections to WebFOCUS
environments and specify the default environment to use for development.

6. Configure data adapters and metadata to report on your data through the WebFOCUS
Reporting Server (see Developer Studio Application Development Getting Started guide).
For remote processing and network installations, you use the adapters and metadata of
the remote environment.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 21

Developer Studio Installation and Configuration Steps

7. For network installations, configure access from developer's desktops to the shared
machine where you installed Developer Studio (see Configuring a Network Installation on
page 65).


2 Installing Developer Studio

The following topics explain how to run

the Developer Studio installation
program. In addition, these topics explain Developer Studio Requirements
how to verify the configuration and
migrate applications from Developer Installing Developer Studio
Studio 4.x releases. Verifying Developer Studio
Migrating From Developer Studio
Version 4
Silent Developer Studio Installation

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 23

Developer Studio Requirements

Developer Studio Requirements

In this section:
Hardware Requirements
Software Requirements
Provided Third Party Components

Review the following requirements to ensure your machine supports Developer Studio.

Hardware Requirements
Verify that your Windows machine meets the Developer Studio hardware requirements:
Pentium 3 or higher at 600 MHz or higher.
VGA or higher resolution graphics card. Display of 1027x768 is recommended.
512 MB of RAM.
500 MB free hard disk space for CD installation. 1 GB for downloaded installation.

Software Requirements
Your Windows machine must meet the following Developer Workbench software requirements:
Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista Business and Ultimate editions, 2000,
or Windows 2000 and 2003 Professional and Server editions. Windows 2000 must
have Service Pack 2 or higher.
Internet Explorer 6 and higher. Internet Explorer components are required for Developer
Studio. If possible, upgrade to the most recent version of Internet Explorer.
Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 and higher. Acrobat Reader 6, 7, and 8 are certified to
view PDF reports generated by Developer Studio.
Note: You must be an administrator to the Windows machine to run the installation.
To use the WebFOCUS servlet, the required third party components are included with
Developer Studio. Developer Studio can install and configure Apache Tomcat for use as both
a Web server and application server. However, to use local processing with CGI or ISAPI, a
Web server that supports aliasing and the CGI or ISAPI protocol must be separately installed.
At this time though, CGI and ISAPI are not supported with Developer Studio.

2. Installing Developer Studio

Provided Third Party Components

The following third party components are provided for use with Developer Studio. If they are
not present on your machine, you have the option to install them with Developer Studio:
Java 2 SDK 1.6.0_03. A Java SDK is required for WebFOCUS features such as servlet
connectivity, graph generation, and OLAP. If a Java SDK 1.4.1 or higher is not installed
on your machine, you must allow Developer Studio to install the SDK. If you choose to
install Apache Tomcat 5.5, you must use a Java SDK 1.5.0 or higher.
Apache Tomcat 5.5. A Web and/or application server is required for stand-alone
Project-based development and local report processing. Apache Tomcat is provided and
can be automatically configured for use as either both a Web and application server or
as only an application server.
Apache Tomcat is not required if you are using another Web and/or application server
supported with WebFOCUS.
Without a Web and/or application server, you can create and process reports by connecting
Developer Studio to an instance of WebFOCUS installed somewhere else. However, files
cannot be processed or stored locally without a Web or application server on the Developer
Studio machine.

Installing Developer Studio

In this section:
Web and/or Application Server Options
Installing Developer Studio and WebFOCUS on the Same Machine
Running the Installation
Developer Studio Directory Structure
Installation Log Files
WebFOCUS Reporting Server for Developer Studio
User ID Issues
Tomcat Security and Settings

There are two ways to run the installation utility:

Graphical (GUI) Installation. The default installation mode launches windows that
prompt for parameters. You should use the GUI installation the first time you install
Developer Studio Version 7 Release 6 (7.6). This section describes the standard GUI
installation of Developer Studio.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 25

Installing Developer Studio

Silent Installation. In a silent installation, you launch the installation and specify a text
file. The text file contains the installation parameters, so no GUI windows are launched.
For silent installations, see Silent Developer Studio Installation on page 41.
Caution: When updating Developer Studio from a previous 7.6 release, either apply a service
pack installation or completely uninstall the older 7.6 product before running the full
installation. To uninstall Developer Studio, use the Uninstall option in the WebFOCUS 76
Developer Studio program group. If you manually delete Developer Studio directories, you
may leave files and registry settings that could affect future installs. If prompted to reboot
after uninstalling, do so before reinstalling.

Web and/or Application Server Options

The Developer Studio installation can automatically configure one of the following for you:
Apache Tomcat Standalone. You can use Apache Tomcat as both a Web and application
server. The Developer Studio installation can install and configure this for you. This is
the simplest configuration. However, this configuration does not support the WebFOCUS
Microsoft IIS and Apache Tomcat. You can use IIS as the Web server with Apache
Tomcat as the application server, if IIS is installed. In this configuration, traditional Web
and CGI processing are handled by IIS and servlet processing is handled by Tomcat. Calls
are made to IIS and IIS then routes requests to Tomcat when servlet processing is
needed. This is done using the Tomcat JK 1.2 connector (plug-in) for IIS. This is not
supported if ServletExec ISAPI is installed. IIS cannot use both the Tomcat plug-in and
ServletExec ISAPI.
This document assumes IIS listens on port 80 and Tomcat listens on port 8080. If you
change the defaults, substitute accordingly.
You can manually configure a different application server as explained in Configuring the
Web Server and/or Application Server on page 45.
Note: New Atlanta ServletExec ISAPI is not supported at this time.

Installing Developer Studio and WebFOCUS on the Same Machine

When installing WebFOCUS and Developer Studio on the same machine, do the following:
1. Ensure that your machine meets the WebFOCUS requirements.
2. Completely install and configure WebFOCUS.
3. Install Developer Studio.

2. Installing Developer Studio

The Developer Studio installation program will detect that WebFOCUS is already installed
and will not provide options to automatically configure a Web and/or application server. You
do not need to configure a Web and/or application server for Developer Studio if one is
already configured for WebFOCUS on the machine. Developer Studio will use the existing
WebFOCUS environment including the Web and/or application server configuration. All
products can co-exist and use the WebFOCUS environment through Developer Studio or a

Running the Installation

How to:
Install Developer Studio

Follow this procedure to install Developer Studio.

Note: You must be an administrator to the Windows machine to run the installation.

Procedure: How to Install Developer Studio

You may receive the Developer Studio installation on CD or through an Internet download.
1. Execute the installation program:
For a CD installation, insert the installation CD in the CD drive and follow the
instructions on the screen. If the installation program does not start automatically,
run the Setup.exe application in the root directory of the CD.
For a downloaded installation, run the downloaded file and respond when prompted
to unpack files needed during the installation. When the files are unloaded, the actual
installation begins.
The installation begins with a Welcome window.

2. Click Next at the Welcome window.

The License Agreement appears.

3. Click Yes if you accept the License Agreement.

If an earlier version of a Developer Studio 7.6 is already installed, you may be prompted
to either Update or perform a Full Install. If you choose update, the installation begins
immediately and your older version is replaced. When updating, be sure to reload the
Web application and reconfigure any changes in the cgipath.js file.
You are prompted for the product serial number if no earlier version of Developer Studio
7.6 is found.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 27

Installing Developer Studio

4. Type the product serial number when prompted and click Next. The serial number can
be found on the back of the CD case.It is based on your license agreement and controls
the software edition that is installed.
Note: If you wish to use Visual Discovery or a network installation, ensure you have the
correct license.
If you type a valid serial number, the Registration Confirmation window appears.

5. Click Yes to accept the Registration Confirmation.

A window appears describing Developer Studio requirements.

6. Review the requirements and click Next.

A list of components and options appears.

The following installation options appear. If an option is already installed or unavailable,

it is greyed out:
WebFOCUS Developer Studio. When selected, this installs the Developer Studio
development environment. This is required.

2. Installing Developer Studio

Java 2 SDK, SE 1.6.0_03. When selected, this installs Java components needed
for Developer Studio. If Java SDK 1.4.1 or higher is not already installed, you must
install this SDK. If you choose to install Tomcat 5.5, and Java SDK 1.5.0 or higher
is not installed, you must install this SDK.
Apache Tomcat 5.5.25. When selected, this installs Apache Tomcat for use as the
Web and/or application server. Java SDK 1.5.0 or higher is required.
The following configuration options appear:
Configure Apache Tomcat 5.5.25 standalone. When selected, this configures
Apache Tomcat 5.0 or 5.5 for use with Developer Studio as both a Web and
application server. This can also be manually configured as explained in Configuring
the Web Server and/or Application Server on page 45.
Configure Apache Tomcat 5.5.25 connector (plug-in) for Microsoft IIS. When
selected, this configures Apache Tomcat 5.0 or 5.5 as the application server,
configures IIS as the Web server, and configures communications between IIS and
Tomcat. IIS must be installed to use this option. This can also be manually configured
as explained in Configuring the Web Server and/or Application Server on page 45.
WebFOCUS Quick Data. This option installs an Excel Add-In that allows developers
to create WebFOCUS reports directly from Microsoft Excel. Developers create reports
using the HTML Report Assistant, and output is displayed in the active Excel
Enabling this option through Developer Studio provides a single-user license applicable
only to the Developer Studio user and functions against the local Developer Studio
environment or against licensed WebFOCUS environments.
This feature must be licensed separately for use in multi-user WebFOCUS
environments. This also applies when Developer Studio and WebFOCUS are installed
on the same PC. For configuration information on WebFOCUS Quick Data, see Enabling
WebFOCUS Quick Data on page 83.
The configuration options are not available if WebFOCUS is detected, if you perform a
network installation, or if you install the Managed Reporting Developer edition. If
WebFOCUS is detected, Developer Studio uses the existing WebFOCUS environment.
For a network installation or Managed Reporting Developer edition, you must connect
Developer Studio to a WebFOCUS environment after installation.
To manually configure a different application server, deselect the configuration options
and refer to Configuring Additional Web and/or Application Servers on page 62.

7. Select the components you wish to install and configure, and then click Next.
You are prompted for the directory where Developer Studio components are installed.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 29

Installing Developer Studio

8. Choose the directory for Developer Studio components and click Next. You cannot include
spaces in the folder name.
Note: If you are installing Developer Studio on the same machine as other WebFOCUS
products, it is recommended that all products be installed on the same drive in the
same ibi directory.
The Start Copying Files window appears.

9. Review the settings at the Start Copying Files window and click Next to begin the
The installation may take some time. When the installation completes, you have the
option to view the WebFOCUS New Features PDF.

10. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Note: If you choose the Tomcat connector (plug-in) option and receive a message that says
"Unable to Create Filter," some manual configuration is required. To do this, open the Internet
Services Manager, right-click your Web site, and choose Properties. On the ISAPI Filters tab,
determine if a jakarta or ServletExec filter appears. If neither appear, click Add and add the
isapi_redirect.dll file using the filter name jakarta. For more information, review the remainder
of this chapter and then see Configuring Microsoft IIS to Use the Tomcat Connector (Plug-In)
on page 56. Also, be aware that you cannot use the Tomcat plug-in if ServletExec ISAPI is

Developer Studio Directory Structure

After installation, the Developer Studio directory structure is created. The default location
The following are some of the main subdirectories. The actual directories may vary based
on your license:

Contains applications and data. By default, this is the APPROOT directory where
WebFOCUS looks for application files. Sample files are provided in the \ibinccen and
\ibisamp directories.

Contains a backup of the cgivars.wfs file. If your main cgivars.wfs configuration becomes
corrupt, you can use this backup file to replace a corrupt version.

Contains the graphical front-end components for creating WebFOCUS applications.

2. Installing Developer Studio


Contains WebFOCUS Client configuration files. Many of these files were installed with
the WebFOCUS Reporting Server in previous versions. However, the main communications
file odin.cfg is still installed under the srv76\wfs\etc directory instead.

Contains the install.cfg that holds information about the installation.


Contains Web page components that provide local processing, Web based tools, and
other features.

Contains space for logs.


Contains links for sample applications.


Contains a WebFOCUS Reporting Server installed and configured for Developer Studio.

Contains space for local processing.


Contains reporting and maintain templates.


Contains tools and files for additional configurations.


Contains the WebFOCUS Web application.


Contains space for the WebFOCUS Reporting Server profiles.

If you installed Tomcat, the default location is:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5
If you are using Tomcat and IIS together, the Tomcat plug-in (connector) is installed in:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 31

Installing Developer Studio

Installation Log Files

The following log file is created by the Developer Studio installation:
This log file provides information about the Developer Studio installation. If you contact
Customer Support Services with an installation problem, have this file available.
If you license the Visual Discovery feature, the following log is created by its installation:
If you install the Java SDK with Developer Studio, the following files are also created:

WebFOCUS Reporting Server for Developer Studio

The Developer Studio development tools require certain components installed with the
WebFOCUS Reporting Server. Therefore, a Reporting Server is always installed with Developer
Studio even when one is already installed or you use Developer Studio for remote processing.
This server is configured for Developer Studio and installed within the Developer Studio
directory structure. On the Start menu, it is under Programs, Information Builders, WebFOCUS
76 Developer Studio, and WebFOCUS 76 Server for DevStudio.
Note: By default, the server only starts with security OFF and can only be started by the
user who installed Developer Studio. To change these defaults, see WebFOCUS Reporting
Server Security and User IDs on page 88.
If you install Developer Studio on the same machine as WebFOCUS, be sure to configure
the server installed for WebFOCUS and not the server installed with Developer Studio. The
server installed for WebFOCUS should be started before Developer Studio. Otherwise,
Developer Studio starts the server installed with Developer Studio instead.

User ID Issues
The Developer Studio installation created registry settings under HKEY_CURRENT_USER
that are only available to the user ID that installed Developer Studio. If you log on to the
Developer Studio machine as another user ID and attempt to run Developer Studio, the
missing registry settings may cause problems with certain features (e.g., Quick Links, Impact
Analysis, etc.).
To run Developer Studio as a user ID that did not install Developer Studio, log on to the
machine as the user ID under which you wish to run Developer Studio and executing the
following utility:

2. Installing Developer Studio

This adds the registry settings for the user ID logged on when you execute it. If you receive
an error, ensure that the user ID can write to the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
In addition, you must also configure security for the WebFOCUS Reporting Server as explained
in WebFOCUS Reporting Server Security and User IDs on page 88. By default only the user
that installed Developer Studio can start the WebFOCUS Reporting Server, so this must be
changed if you use the local server.

Tomcat Security and Settings

Apache Tomcat Installation Information

If you are not using Tomcat, proceed to Verifying Developer Studio on page 34.

Reference: Apache Tomcat Installation Information

If you installed Tomcat with Developer Studio, the installation is done silently and uses
default settings.
The default installation directory is:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5

To start, stop, and restart Tomcat, you can use the Services window (Control Panel,
Administrative Tools, Services). The Tomcat service is listed as Apache Tomcat and is
configured to start automatically with Windows.
By default, a Tomcat user ID of "admin" is defined with no password. This user ID is only
for Tomcat Web-based administration tools and is not related to WebFOCUS or Windows
user IDs. Tomcat user IDs and passwords are defined, unencrypted in:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\tomcat-users.xml
If you are not safely behind a firewall, you can add a password for the admin user ID by
editing this file. For example:
<user username="admin" password="xxxxxxx" roles="admin,manager"/>

Tomcat uses TCP ports 8080, 8009, and 8005 by default. Port 8080 is the HTTP listener
through which you access Tomcat in a Web browser. Port 8009 is needed for the Tomcat
Connector (plugin) for IIS. If you need to change these ports, you must edit the following
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\server.xml

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 33

Verifying Developer Studio

See Tomcat Ports on page 51. If you change defaults, substitute accordingly in procedures
and examples. You also need to update Developer Studio's connection settings so it
knows the correct Tomcat HTTP port if you change the default.
If you choose to install the Tomcat Connector (plugin) for IIS, it is installed silently in:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector

The default Tomcat Java memory settings are increased when Tomcat is installed with
WebFOCUS 7.6. If you did not install Tomcat with Developer Studio 7.6, you should
increase the Java memory options as explained in Java Memory Issues on page 96.
The Tomcat Administration Tool is not installed automatically with the Tomcat installation.
It is included in the Developer Studio package (CD or extracted files) in:
This is available for debugging purposes and is not fully stabilized for creating contexts.

Verifying Developer Studio

In this section:
Web and/or Application Server Verification
Developer Studio Web Server Configuration Verification Tool

Developer Studio connects to a WebFOCUS environment in order to create and process

If you chose to have the installation configure Apache Tomcat, a development WebFOCUS
environment should exist for Developer Studio. Verify the Web and/or application server
configuration as explained in Web and/or Application Server Verification on page 35.
If Developer Studio is installed on the same machine as WebFOCUS, Developer Studio
uses the already installed WebFOCUS environment. In some environments, you might
need to specify the Web server port or change default connection settings in the Developer
Studio WebFOCUS Environment Properties dialog box.
For a network installation, proceed to Configuring a Network Installation on page 65 to
set up a connection to a WebFOCUS environment and configure shared access.
To manually configure a Web and/or application server for local processing, proceed to
Configuring the Web Server and/or Application Server on page 45.

2. Installing Developer Studio

Web and/or Application Server Verification

How to:
Start Apache Tomcat or Microsoft IIS
Verify the Web Server
Verify the WebFOCUS Web Application Deployment

If Tomcat is configured for you, you should restart it to ensure all settings are correct. If you
are using Tomcat with IIS, you should restart IIS as well.

Procedure: How to Start Apache Tomcat or Microsoft IIS

1. Open the Services window by opening the Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then
Tip: On Windows XP, if the Administrative Tools option does not appear, select Switch
to Classic View in the upper left of the Control Panel.

2. Right-click Apache Tomcat and/or IIS Admin Service and choose Start, Stop, or Restart.
For IIS, also make sure the World Wide Web Publishing Service is started.
If you install Tomcat with Developer Studio, the Tomcat service starts automatically
with Windows. If you want to change this behavior, right-click Apache Tomcat in the
Services window, choose Properties, and change the Startup type to Manual. However,
be sure to start Tomcat before starting Developer Studio.
You can also start Tomcat from the Start menu by selecting Programs, Apache Tomcat
5.5, and Configure Tomcat. A window appears where you can start Tomcat and change
some settings related to how Tomcat runs as a service.
A WebFOCUS 76 Server for Developer Studio service appears in the Services windows.
However, you should not start this server from here. This WebFOCUS Reporting Server
cannot run as a service or with security OPSYS until you configure security as
explained in WebFOCUS Reporting Server Security and User IDs on page 88.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 35

Verifying Developer Studio

Procedure: How to Verify the Web Server

After starting or restarting your Web server, confirm that it is running by accessing it through
a browser.
For IIS, go to the following page in your browser:

For Tomcat, go to the following page in your browser:

When using Tomcat standalone, you use port 8080 when accessing Tomcat in a Web
browser or through Developer Studio. When using Tomcat with IIS, you normally do not
go through port 8080 when running Developer Studio, but you can go to this port to
ensure Tomcat is running and configure Tomcat.
The Tomcat home page should appear.

If the home page does not appear, the Tomcat may still be loading. Wait a few minutes
and try again.

2. Installing Developer Studio

Procedure: How to Verify the WebFOCUS Web Application Deployment

The WebFOCUS Web application is installed with Developer Studio in:
If you chose the automatic configuration option, Tomcat is configured to access the expanded
webapps\webfocus76 directory when it receives a request for
If you are using IIS with Tomcat, then IIS receives the request for /ibi_apps and passes that
request to Tomcat.
You should test this by going to the about.jsp page installed with the WebFOCUS Web
application. If you are not using the default ports, substitute accordingly.
If you are using Tomcat either standalone or with IIS, go to the following URL:
A page displaying information about the build should display. When using Tomcat with
IIS, there may be a broken image. When using Tomcat with IIS, you normally do not access
Tomcat at port 8080, but can use it for testing and configuration.
If you are using Tomcat standalone, you can also go to the WebFOCUS Welcome page:

If you are using IIS with Tomcat, go to the following URL:

When using Tomcat with IIS, IIS should route the ibi_apps request to Tomcat and return
the about.jsp page. In this configuration, you should go through IIS when accessing
Tomcat. If both IIS and Tomcat are running and you choose to configure the plug-in,
ensure ServletExec ISAPI is not installed.
If you are using IIS as the Web server, you can also go to the WebFOCUS Welcome page:

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 37

Verifying Developer Studio

Developer Studio Web Server Configuration Verification Tool

How to:
Run the Verification Tool

A verification tool is installed along with Developer Studio as part of the WebFOCUS
Administration Console.

Procedure: How to Run the Verification Tool

1. Ensure the Tomcat and/or IIS are started.
2. Go to the WebFOCUS Administration Console home page using Internet Explorer. You
can access this by clicking WebFOCUS Administration Console at the WebFOCUS Welcome
page. If you are using Apache Tomcat standalone, you can also go to:
For IIS with Tomcat, you can go to:
A logon page appears. If a logon page does not appear, ensure your Web server is
started. If the Web server is started and this page does not appear, you may need to
manually configure the Web server as explained in Configuring the Web Server and/or
Application Server on page 45.

3. Log on using an administrator user ID. By default, "admin" is a valid administrator ID,
and the password is not initially authenticated.
The WebFOCUS Administration Console appears.

2. Installing Developer Studio

Using this console, you can edit communication and security settings. This console is
documented in the WebFOCUS Security and Administration manual and relevant sections
are available by clicking Help. The WebFOCUS Administration Console contains a
verification tool to further test the configuration.

4. On the left of the WebFOCUS Administration Console, click Diagnostics.

5. Below Diagnostics and Verification, click Automatic.
A page similar to the following appears on the right with a list of tests. The list varies
depending on your license and configuration. For a Tomcat standalone configuration,
the Web Server tests may not appear.

The verification tool is supported only with Internet Explorer at this time, and you may
receive errors if you use other browsers.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 39

Migrating From Developer Studio Version 4

6. Review the test results and troubleshoot accordingly.

Additional verification tools are discussed in Troubleshooting Developer Studio on page 95.
Note: The WebFOCUS Administration Console does not have its own authentication
mechanism and by default, none is used. If you wish to secure the console, the
IBIWFC_Authentication setting is under Configuration and Startup Parameters. See the
WebFOCUS Security and Administration manual for more information. Setting authentication
to this console may require additional authentication when using Developer Studio.

Migrating From Developer Studio Version 4

If you are upgrading from Developer Studio 5.2 or later, no migration is necessary.
In Developer Studio 4.3.x or 4.2.x (4), applications were controlled by a GFA file located in
the directory above the directory containing the application files. In Developer Studio 5, the
GFA file is located in the same directory as its application files. Therefore, when upgrading
from Developer Studio 4, you must use the Project Migration Tool to convert older applications
for use with Developer Studio 5.
If your APPROOT directory (drive:\ibi\apps by default) contains Developer Studio applications
that require migration, the first time Developer Studio opens, you are prompted to migrate
them. You can also launch the Project Migration Tool from the Windows Start menu by
selecting Programs, Information Builders, WebFOCUS 76 Developer Studio, WebFOCUS
Developer Studio Utilities, and Project Migration Tool.

2. Installing Developer Studio

When you open the Project Migration Tool, it lists any GFA files for Developer Studio 4
applications in the APPROOT directory.

If you have applications in a different directory, specify the directory by clicking the Browse
button next to the Look for projects in field. Uncheck any applications that you do not want
to migrate, and then click the Migrate button to migrate the checked applications. The migrate
utility updates the application files and places a new GFA file inside the application directory.

Silent Developer Studio Installation

How to:
Create the Installation Parameters File
Launch a Silent Installation

After you are familiar with the Developer Studio installation, you can install in silent mode
if you need to reinstall Developer Studio on several different machines. In a silent installation,
dialog boxes do not appear to prompt you for parameters. Instead, you place the parameters
in a text file that you specify when launching the silent installation. This is useful for sites
where Developer Studio is installed on many developer machines.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 41

Silent Developer Studio Installation

To install in silent mode, you must first create a file containing your installation parameters.
Note: If you received the installation via a download rather than a CD, you need to run the
installation and choose the option to keep the unpacked files on your computer. The silent
installation must be run with the files on the CD or the files that are unpacked from a
downloaded installation.

Procedure: How to Create the Installation Parameters File

Create a file in a text editor with the options you wish to use for your installation. The following
table explains the options. Place each option on its own line.

Option Value Example

-license Should be followed by the 9-digit Developer Studio -license

license. 000000000

-installdir Should be followed by the drive letter or location -installdir C:\

where you wish to install the root ibi directory.
Developer Studio components are installed into a
root ibi directory no matter what you enter. If you
components are installed in:

–noupgrade Can optionally appear if Developer Studio is already –noupgrade

installed and you do not want to upgrade it.

-tomcat Can optionally appear to install Apache Tomcat 5 -tomcat

with Developer Studio if it is not already installed.

2. Installing Developer Studio

Option Value Example

-config Can optionally appear to configure Apache Tomcat -config tc

and Microsoft IIS. It should be followed by one of
the following:
Configures Tomcat standalone.

Configures Tomcat and IIS.

Tomcat or IIS must be installed to use this option.
You can install Tomcat using the -tomcat option.

-jdkupgrade Can optionally appear to determine whether to -jdkupgrade on

install a Java SDK with Developer Studio. It should
be followed by one of the following:
The Java SDK included with Developer Studio
is installed unless the exact SDK release is
already installed. This is the default if the
option does not appear.

No Java SDK is installed with Developer Studio.

If Java SDK 1.4.1_03 or higher is not already
installed, the installation will not complete and
an error messages will be available in the log

An example of an entire file is the following:

-license 000000000
-installdir C:\
-config tc
-jdkupgrade on

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 43

Silent Developer Studio Installation

Procedure: How to Launch a Silent Installation

1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory containing the setup.exe file for
the Developer Studio installation.
2. Enter the following:
setup -opt drive:\PATH_TO\optionsFile.txt

Is the full path to the text file containing your installation options.

A log of the installation is provided for troubleshooting:

This log contains important information about the installation process. If the log indicates
that the installation did not complete, adjust the options in the file you used to install
Developer Studio. In some cases, an incorrect option setting can prevent the installation
from completing.
If you do not choose to have the installation configure Tomcat, you can manually configure
Web and application servers as explained in Configuring the Web Server and/or Application
Server on page 45.


3 Configuring the Web Server and/or

Application Server

The following topics explain how to

manually configure Web and/or
application servers for stand-alone Configuration Options
Project-based development with
Developer Studio. Configuring Apache Tomcat

Note: CGI and ISAPI are not supported Configuring Microsoft IIS
with Developer Studio at this time.
Configuring Microsoft IIS to Use the
Tomcat Connector (Plug-In)
Configuring Additional Web and/or
Application Servers

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 45

Configuration Options

Configuration Options
This chapter is not necessary if any of the following apply:
This chapter is not needed if you chose the automatic configuration option during the
Developer Studio installation and successfully ran the verification tool in Installing
Developer Studio on page 23. You can optionally review this information to understand
the configuration or proceed to Configuring the Local Reporting Server Security on page
This chapter is not needed if you installed Developer Studio on a machine where
WebFOCUS was already installed and configured. In this case, Developer Studio can use
the existing WebFOCUS configuration. Proceed to Configuring the Local Reporting Server
Security on page 87.
This chapter is not needed if you plan to perform only remote development or a network
installation. In this case, you must configure Developer Studio to access a WebFOCUS
environment installed elsewhere. See Configuring the Local Reporting Server Security on
page 87 for information on connecting to WebFOCUS environments. See Configuring a
Network Installation on page 65 for additional network installation steps.
This chapter is needed if a Web or application server is not configured or if you need to
troubleshoot the configuration. Developer Studio requires a Web and/or application server
to perform standalone Project-based development and to process reports locally. Configuration
steps vary depending on which Web and/or application servers you use:
Apache Tomcat Stand Alone
Tomcat can be used as both the Web server and application server. If you choose this
option, be aware that the default HTTP port for Tomcat is 8080 rather than 80. Therefore
when calling Web server pages in a browser, you must use:
rather than:
Manual configuration is described in Configuring Apache Tomcat on page 47.
Microsoft IIS and Apache Tomcat
Tomcat can be used as the application server while Microsoft IIS can be used as the
Web server. This requires two servers and the configuration of their communications.
Manual configuration is described in Configuring Apache Tomcat on page 47, Configuring
Microsoft IIS on page 53, and Configuring Microsoft IIS to Use the Tomcat Connector (Plug-
In) on page 56.

3. Configuring the Web Server and/or Application Server

Other Web and/or application servers, such as IBM WebSphere, can be manually
configured as explained in Configuring Additional Web and/or Application Servers on page
Note: New Atlanta ServletExec ISAPI is not supported at this time.
For convenience, the term application server is used to refer to either a servlet container,
J2EE Engine, or application server.

Configuring Apache Tomcat

In this section:
Tomcat Configuration Overview
Configuring Tomcat
Additional Tomcat Configuration Options

The Developer Studio installation provided the option to install and configure Apache Tomcat
for you. If you chose this option and the verification tool ran successfully, you do not need
to manually configure Tomcat. However, if you are not familiar with Tomcat, you may wish
to review this section to understand the configuration process.
If Tomcat is not yet installed, install it at this time. You can install Tomcat by restarting
the Developer Studio installation program, choosing the Full Install option, choosing the
Apache Tomcat installation option, and deselecting the Developer Studio option.
Tomcat uses TCP ports 8080, 8009, and 8005 by default. If you need to change them,
see Tomcat Ports on page 51.
If Developer Studio installs Tomcat, it increases the default Java VM memory options. If
you manually install Tomcat or need to troubleshoot memory issues, see Java Memory
Issues on page 96.

Tomcat Configuration Overview

To configure Tomcat, you tell Tomcat where Developer Studio files are located and the
contexts in which to use them. For example, the WebFOCUS Web application is installed
with Developer Studio in:

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 47

Configuring Apache Tomcat

Tomcat must know to serve files from the Web application when it receives a request for
the ibi_apps context path. For example:
Tomcat can be used as both a Web server and application server, so Tomcat can also serve
files outside of a Web application after it knows their location and context. On a traditional
Web server you create aliases. With Tomcat, an alias is treated like a context root, even
when serving files outside of a Web application.
When using Tomcat as both Web and application server, the following contexts must be

Context (path) Directory (DocumentBase)

/ibi_apps drive:\ibi\DevStudio76\Webapps\webfocus76

/ibi_html drive:\ibi\DevStudio76\ibi_html

/approot drive:\ibi\apps

When using Tomcat as the application server and IIS as the Web server, create only one
context on Tomcat:

Context (path) Directory (DocumentBase)

/ibi_apps drive:\ibi\DevStudio76\Webapps\webfocus76

The ibi_html and approot contexts are then created as aliases (Virtual Directories) on IIS
and IIS is configured to send requests for ibi_apps to Tomcat.

Configuring Tomcat

How to:
Create Contexts for Apache Tomcat
Test the Tomcat Configuration

There are many ways to configure Tomcat. Information Builders recommends creating XML
files under TOMCAT_HOME\conf\Catalina\localhost. The Tomcat 5.5 Admin Tool is useful
for debugging, but is not a stable environment for creating contexts. Creating XML files under
TOMCAT_HOME\conf\Catalina\localhost works with both Tomcat 5.0 and Tomcat 5.5.

3. Configuring the Web Server and/or Application Server

Note: In Tomcat 5.5, do not create contexts using the Manager tool. The Managed Tool
copies directories under Tomcat 5.5/webapps rather than creating the XML files that define

Procedure: How to Create Contexts for Apache Tomcat

1. Stop Tomcat from the Windows Services window by right-clicking Apache Tomcat and
choosing Stop.
2. Navigate to the following directory in Windows Explorer or My Computer:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\Catalina\localhost
This directory can contain XML files that define contexts. If the Developer Studio
installation installed and configured Tomcat for you, the following file should appear to
define the ibi_apps context that deploys the webfocus76 directory:
If you are using Tomcat standalone, the follows should appear as well:
The XML files are named for the context root you would use to access the Web application
and should have the following syntax:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Context docBase="path_To_WebApplication" path="/contextRoot">
Is the absolute path to the WAR file or directory you are deploying.
Is the context root.
Note: They can optionally contain additional information as explained in Tomcat

3. If the ibi_apps.xml file does not exist, create it using Notepad. For example:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Context docBase="c:\ibi\DevStudio76\Webapps\webfocus76" path="/ibi_apps">
Be sure to specify the correct directory on your machine and change the context root if
you are not using the default (ibi_apps).

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 49

Configuring Apache Tomcat

4. If you are using Tomcat standalone and approot.xml does not exist, create it using
Notepad. For example:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Context docBase="C:\ibi\apps" path="/approot">
Be sure to specify the correct directory on your machine.

5. If you are using Tomcat standalone and ibi_html.xml does not exist, create it using
Notepad. For example:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Context docBase="c:\ibi\DevStudio76\ibi_html" path="/ibi_html">
Be sure to specify the correct directory on your machine.
Note: The ibi_bid context is no longer needed in WebFOCUS 7.6.

6. Restart Tomcat from the Services window.

Procedure: How to Test the Tomcat Configuration

1. Ensure Tomcat has been restarted.
2. Test the ibi_apps context by going to the following URL in a Web browser:
A page displaying information about the build should appear. If you receive an error, see
Troubleshooting Developer Studio on page 95.

3. If you created the ibi_html context, test it by going to the following URL in a Web browser:
The WebFOCUS home page should appear.
Note: Until you start the WebFOCUS Reporting Server, you cannot actually run reports
from this page.

3. Configuring the Web Server and/or Application Server

Additional Tomcat Configuration Options

How to:
Set Security for the Tomcat Web Tools
Tomcat Ports
Reloading Web Applications
Additional Configuration Steps

You should be aware of how to secure the Administration and Manager tools, Tomcat's TCP
ports, and how to reload Web applications.

Procedure: How to Set Security for the Tomcat Web Tools

You can secure the Tomcat Administration and Manager tools if you wish. By default, a user
ID "admin" is available and no password is needed to access these tools. If you wish to set
a password, perform the following steps.
1. Open the following file in a text editor:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat

2. Edit the admin line to specify a password. For example:

<user username="admin" password="xxxxxxx" roles="admin,manager"/>
The user IDs and passwords in this file have no relationship with WebFOCUS or operating
system user IDs.

3. Save and exit the file.

4. Restart Tomcat.

Reference: Tomcat Ports

By default, Tomcat uses the three TCP ports listed below:

Default Port Name Use

8080 HTTP Listener You access Tomcat in a Web browser using this port.
Port For example:

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 51

Configuring Apache Tomcat

Default Port Name Use

8009 Connector Web servers can route servlet requests to Tomcat on

Port this port. The Tomcat connector (plug-in) for IIS uses
this port. Tomcat listens on this port even if no Web
server is connecting.

8005 Shutdown Tomcat uses this port for internal operations and for
Port shutting down.

If these ports are not available or you wish to change them, do the following:
1. Open the following file in a text editor:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\server.xml
2. Search for the port numbers you wish to replace (8080, 8009, 8005) and replace them
with the ports you wish to use.
3. Save and exit the file.
4. Restart Tomcat.
If you change defaults, substitute accordingly in procedures and examples. You also need
to update Developer Studio's connection settings so it knows the correct Tomcat HTTP port
if you change the default.

Reference: Reloading Web Applications

This is not a consideration if you just installed Tomcat with Developer Studio for the first
time; only when installing a service pack or new release. When you upgrade Developer Studio
or install a service pack, Tomcat must use the new Web application rather than cached
copies of the old version.
If the expanded webfocus76 directory was deployed, the new Web applications should
be used automatically, but you should remove the following directory and restart Tomcat.
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\work\Catalina\localhost\ibi_apps
For a Tomcat standalone configuration, also remove the approot and ibi_html directories.
If you deploy the webfocus76.war file or your new release is located in a different directory
from the old release, remove the following, recreate the context, and restart Tomcat:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\ibi_apps
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\work\Catalina\localhost\ibi_apps
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\Catalina\localhost\ibi_apps.xml

3. Configuring the Web Server and/or Application Server

For a Tomcat standalone configuration, remove the approot.xml and ibi_html.xml files as

Reference: Additional Configuration Steps

If you are using Tomcat as both a Web and application server, proceed to Configuring the
Local Reporting Server Security on page 87.
If you are using Tomcat as the application server and IIS as the Web server, configure
IIS as explained in the next section.

Configuring Microsoft IIS

In this section:
Configuring IIS Virtual Directories (Aliases)
Setting Permissions

This section only applies when using Microsoft IIS as your Web server.
IIS is a Web server and does not process Java on its own. Therefore, to run the WebFOCUS
Servlet, IIS should be used with Apache Tomcat or another application server. This document
assumes you are using Apache Tomcat. New Atlanta ServletExec ISAPI is not supported at
this time.
Configuration steps are the following:
1. Configure Tomcat as explained in Configuring Apache Tomcat on page 47.
2. Define aliases that map directories containing Developer Studio files to directories the
Web server can reference as explained in How to Confirm or Create Virtual Directories
(Aliases) on page 54. IIS calls these mappings Virtual Directories.
3. Configure communications between IIS and Tomcat as explained in Configuring Microsoft
IIS to Use the Tomcat Connector (Plug-In) on page 56.

Configuring IIS Virtual Directories (Aliases)

How to:
Confirm or Create Virtual Directories (Aliases)

Developer Studio connectivity components and other Web based features sometimes run
as part of the Web server. Therefore, IIS must be told the locations of Developer Studio files
and have sufficient access to those files.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 53

Configuring Microsoft IIS

Before configuring IIS, it is a good idea to restart it. You can start and stop IIS from the
Services Window as explained in How to Start Apache Tomcat or Microsoft IIS on page 35.

Procedure: How to Confirm or Create Virtual Directories (Aliases)

1. Open the Internet Services Manager. You can access this from the Start menu by
selecting Run and entering the following:
The Internet Information Services window appears when you press Enter.

2. Expand and select your hostname on the left side.

3. On the left, select the Web site you are using:
On Windows 2000 on the left, select Default Web Site or the site you are using.
On Windows XP and 2003 on the left, expand Web Sites and then select Default Web
Site or the site you are using.

4. Confirm that the Name and Path columns of the following table appear on the right of
the window:

Name Path Access Purpose

ibi_html drive:\ibi\DevStudio76\ Read Directory containing Web

ibi_html Only based front-end

approot drive:\ibi\apps Read Directory where you store

Only application files.

If the above names and paths appear, proceed to Setting Permissions on page 55.
If ibi_html or approot do not appear, you should add them.

5. To add ibi_html or approot, select the Default Web Site or site you are using for
WebFOCUS, and then use the menu bar to select Action, New, and then Virtual Directory.
This launches the New Virtual Directory Wizard. Go through the wizard one time for each
virtual directory you wish to create.

6. Click Next at the first panel.

7. Specify the alias name (approot or ibi_html) and click Next.

3. Configuring the Web Server and/or Application Server

8. For the directory, browse to and select the directory for the alias. For example:

Alias DirectoryPath

ibi_html drive:\ibi\DevStudio76\ibi_html

approot drive:\ibi\apps

The window for setting permissions displays.

9. Leave the defaults when defining ibi_html or approot and click Next.
10. Click Finish.
11. Select the Default Web Site or site you are using for WebFOCUS, and then use the menu
bar to select Action, New, and then Virtual Directory.
Repeat the steps if you need to define another virtual directory. Your Web site must be
selected so that the virtual directories become its subdirectories. After creating a virtual
directory, ensure your site is selected and not the virtual directory you just created.

12. Restart IIS from the Services window.

Setting Permissions
Two kinds of permissions issues are involved when using IIS:
IIS permissions determine what IIS is allowed to do. You can set this through the Internet
Services Manager for the WebFOCUS aliases (virtual directories).
If the Developer Studio installation configures IIS for you, they should default correctly.
However, on some Windows Servers, the ibi_html alias may require Scripts executable
permissions to serve .html files (though not .htm files).
NTFS permissions determine what each user ID is allowed to do through the file system.
You can set this in Windows Explorer or My Computer by right-clicking a folder, choosing
Properties, and clicking the Security tab. NTFS permissions take precedence over IIS
permissions. If the user ID that IIS runs under does not have NTFS permissions to write
to a directory, then IIS cannot write to that directory.
IIS and Tomcat need access to the Developer Studio directories. However, when using
IIS with Apache Tomcat, you normally do not need to set NTFS permissions. IIS needs
only Read NTFS permissions, which it should have by default. Tomcat runs as the Local
System account, which automatically has full access. These defaults can be changed if
you require.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 55

Configuring Microsoft IIS to Use the Tomcat Connector (Plug-In)

If you need to set NTFS permissions, determine which user IDs require access to Developer
Studio directories. Then set NTFS permissions to allow those user IDs full access.

Configuring Microsoft IIS to Use the Tomcat Connector (Plug-In)

In this section:
Installing and Configuring the Tomcat Connector (Plug-In) for IIS
Verifying the Configuration

To use Tomcat as the application server, while using Microsoft IIS as the Web server, you
must do the following if the installation did not do it for you:
1. On Tomcat, deploy the WebFOCUS Web application by creating the ibi_apps context as
explained in Configuring Tomcat on page 48.
2. On IIS, set the /ibi_html and /approot aliases (virtual directories) as explained in
Configuring IIS Virtual Directories (Aliases) on page 53.
3. Install and configure the Tomcat plug-in (Jakarta Tomcat Connector JK1.2 for IIS) as
explained in this section.
The Tomcat Connector (plug-in) for IIS is not supported on 64 bit Windows systems.
If ServletExec ISAPI is installed, stop IIS, uninstall it, and reboot. If this is not possible,
you can disable the filter. To disable the filter, open the Internet Service Manager,
right-click your Web site, choose Properties, and remove the ISAPI filter from the ISAPI
Filters tab. If no filter appears, move the ServletExec_ISAPI.dll file out of the
C:\Inetpub\Scripts directory.

3. Configuring the Web Server and/or Application Server

Installing and Configuring the Tomcat Connector (Plug-In) for IIS

How to:
Configure the Redirection for Developer Studio
Configure a Windows 2003 Server to Use the Tomcat Plug-In
Tomcat Connector (Plug-In) Installation

A simple installation program installs the Tomcat plug-in and configures the default IIS Web
site to use it. After installing the plug-in, you can change which IIS Web sites use the plug-
in if you wish. If you chose to configure the Tomcat plug-in when installing Developer Studio,
the plug-in should be installed in:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector
The installation program is self explanatory and prompts you for the location to install the
Note: If you manually install the connector a file appears instead
of a file. The files are the same except for their names.

Reference: Tomcat Connector (Plug-In) Installation

The Developer Studio or Tomcat Connector installation program performed the following
steps. You normally do not need to perform these steps manually. However, you should be
aware of them in case you need to troubleshoot. In addition, if you wish to change which IIS
Web site uses the plug-in, you may need to perform some manual configurations.
1. The plug-in is installed by default in the following location:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector
2. The following table shows the registry settings that are created under:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\
Jakarta Isapi Redirector\1.0

Value Name Value Data

extension_uri /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll

log_file C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta

Isapi Redirector\log\isapi_redirect.log

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 57

Configuring Microsoft IIS to Use the Tomcat Connector (Plug-In)

Value Name Value Data

worker_file C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta

Isapi Redirector\conf\

worker_mount_file C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta

Isapi Redirector\conf\

Value Name Value Data

extension_uri /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll

log_file C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta

Isapi Redirector\log\isapi_redirect.log

worker_file C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta

Isapi Redirector\conf\

worker_mount_file C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta

Isapi Redirector\conf\

The following image shows those settings in the registry.

3. Configuring the Web Server and/or Application Server

3. A Virtual Directory (alias) with scripts and executables permissions is created under the
default IIS Web site.

Alias Path

/jakarta C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi


If you wish to use the plug-in with a different Web site, create this Virtual Directory under
that site as well or instead.
4. The following file is added to the default Web site as an ISAPI Filter.
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\
In some environments, WebFOCUS does not successfully add this and you must do it
manually. You can confirm or add this by right-clicking your Web site in the Internet
Services Manager, choosing Properties, and selecting the ISAPI Filters tab. If the jakarta
filter does not appear as it does in the following image, click Add and add it.

If you wish to use the plug-in with a different Web site, create this filter under that site
as well or instead.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 59

Configuring Microsoft IIS to Use the Tomcat Connector (Plug-In)

Note: If Developer Studio installed the Tomcat Connector, you can manually uninstall it by
removing the registry settings, ISAPI Filter, Virtual Directory, and Jakarta Isapi Redirector
directory. If you ran the Tomcat Connector installation utility, you can uninstall it using
Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.

Procedure: How to Configure the Redirection for Developer Studio

The following file installed with the Tomcat Connector tells IIS when to route requests to
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\conf
1. In a text editor, open
Tip: If this file appears odd in Notepad use WordPad. However, if you use WordPad
ensure the file is saved as Text.

2. Confirm that the following line appears and manually add it if it does not appear:
This line tells IIS to send requests for ibi_apps to Tomcat. If you changed the default
context root, substitute accordingly. The /ibi_apps/* context can only appear once.

3. Save and exit the editor.

4. Restart IIS. Any changes require restarting IIS.
Note: The file tells IIS where the Tomcat host and port are located. This
is a different port (8009) than the port used for HTTP (8080). If you changed the default
ports, edit this file accordingly.

Procedure: How to Configure a Windows 2003 Server to Use the Tomcat Plug-In
If you are not using Windows 2003 Server, you can proceed to Verifying the Configuration
on page 61.
On Windows 2003 Server, you must create a Web Services Extension for the Tomcat plug-
1. Open the Internet Services Manager. You can access this from the Start menu by
selecting Run and typing the following:
The Internet Information Services window appears when you press Enter.

2. Expand your hostname on the left, right-click Web Service Extensions, and select Add a
new Web service extension.

3. Configuring the Web Server and/or Application Server

3. In the Extension name field, type:


4. Check Set extension status to allow.

5. Click Add and browse to select the isapi_redirect.dll file. For example:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\

6. Click Open and then OK to close windows and return to the main Internet Services
Manager window.
7. Ensure the Jakarta-Tomcat Web service extension status is set to allow.
8. Restart IIS.

Verifying the Configuration

How to:
Run Test Calls

After configuring the Tomcat plug-in, ensure that IIS can route requests to Tomcat.

Procedure: How to Run Test Calls

1. If they are not started, start the following:

2. Ensure the ibi_apps context is created on Tomcat by typing the following URL:
A page displaying information about the build should display. If there is a broken image,
do not be concerned. If nothing displays, ensure that Tomcat is started and that you
created this context as explained in Configuring Apache Tomcat on page 47. If you receive
an error, see Troubleshooting Developer Studio on page 95.

3. Ensure IIS routes a request for ibi_apps to Tomcat by typing the following URL:
The same page should display without the broken image. If IIS is not on port 80,
substitute accordingly.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 61

Configuring Additional Web and/or Application Servers

If you receive an error:

Ensure that all steps have been performed to configure the connector/plug-in.
Ensure that both IIS and Tomcat are started and try restarting them.
Ensure that "/ibi_apps/*" appears only once in the file.
Ensure that ServletExec ISAPI is not installed or is disabled.

4. Proceed to Configuring the Local Reporting Server Security on page 87.

Configuring Additional Web and/or Application Servers

In this section:
Configuring the Web Server
Configuring the Application Server
Configuring Developer Studio

This section explains how to manually configure other Web and/or application servers.

Configuring the Web Server

How to:
Configure Aliases

Developer Studio connectivity components and other Web based features sometimes run
as part of the Web server. Therefore, your Web server must be told the locations of Developer
Studio files. To enable this, you define aliases that map directories containing Developer
Studio files to directories the Web server can reference.

Procedure: How to Configure Aliases

1. Review your Web server documentation and define the following aliases:

Name Path Access

ibi_html drive:\ibi\DevStudio76\ibi_html Read

approot drive:\ibi\apps Read

3. Configuring the Web Server and/or Application Server

2. To use CGI, define the following script alias for the directory containing the WebFOCUS
CGI executable:

Alias (Prefix) Directory

/cgi-bin/ibi_cgi drive:\ibi\DevStudio76\srv76\wfs\web\cgi

Note: For Apache based Web servers, the /cgi-bin/ibi_cgi/ ScriptAlias must precede
the generic /cgi-bin/ ScriptAlias.

Configuring the Application Server

How to:
Configure the Application Server

WebFOCUS Java servlets are provided as a Web application installed as the following:
The Web application is also provided as an expanded directory:
You can deploy either the webfocus76.war file or the webfocus76 directory depending on
your application server.
To run the servlets, you need either a Web server with native servlet support, a Web server
with a servlet engine ®plug-in (for example,
ServletExec), or a Web application server (for
example, WebSphere , WebLogic ). Servlet support must meet the J2EE 1.2 Web Container,
JSP 1.1, and Servlet API 2.2 specifications.

Procedure: How to Configure the Application Server

Configuration procedures vary depending on your Web server, application server, or servlet
container. Review the third party documentation for information on how to deploy Web
1. Deploy the WebFOCUS Web application using the ibi_apps context root:

Doc base or location URL Context Path

drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS76\webapps\webfocus76.war /ibi_apps

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 63

Configuring Additional Web and/or Application Servers

2. If necessary, ensure your Web server can route servlet requests to the application server.
3. If necessary, restart your Web and/or application servers.

Configuring Developer Studio

Developer Studio is supported with all Web and/or application servers supported with
WebFOCUS. However, Developer Studio settings default for Tomcat and/or IIS. Therefore,
if you are not using IIS or Tomcat, be aware of the following:
Developer Studio attempts to call the Web server on either port 80 or port 8080. If your
Web server listens on a different port, set the port for the WebFOCUS Environment as
explained in Configuring the Local Reporting Server Security on page 87.
By default, Developer Studio attempts to connect to the local Web server using Servlet
calls. To use CGI, review the information on WebFOCUS environments in Configuring the
Local Reporting Server Security on page 87 to switch the WebFOCUS Client Path parameter
for the localhost WebFOCUS environment. CGI and ISAPI are not supported with Developer
Studio at this time.
By default, Developer Studio attempts to start IIS when you start Developer Studio. You
can change this behavior as explained in Configuring the Local Reporting Server Security
on page 87.


A Configuring a Network Installation

The following topics explain a network

installation of Developer Studio.
You must install Developer Studio with Network Installation Steps
the correct license to use a network

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 65

Network Installation Steps

Network Installation Steps

In this section:
Ensuring Requirements Are Met
Installing Developer Studio
Configuring Developer Studio
Setting Up Access to the Network Installation
Installing Developer Studio Network Shortcuts
Launching Developer Studio
Customizing WebFOCUS Environments
Accessing Multiple Networked Developer Studio Installations
Limiting Access to Developer Studio
Accessing the Developer Studio Help System
Creating Developer Studio Traces From a Client PC in Developer Studio Network Edition

This section explains a network installation of WebFOCUS Developer Studio. In a network

installation, Developer Studio is installed on a single shared machine, rather than each
developer's desktop. Developers then launch Developer Studio on their desktops by executing
files that have been installed on the shared machine. This simplifies administration,
installation, and upgrading and it allows all developers to use a common pre-configured
A network installation of Developer Studio does not include full WebFOCUS Client connectivity.
After installing Developer Studio, you must configure it to access a WebFOCUS environment
somewhere on your network. Developer Studio then uses the Web server configuration,
application server configuration, WebFOCUS Client connectivity, and WebFOCUS Reporting
Server of that WebFOCUS environment.
A Developer Studio network installation involves the following steps:
1. Ensuring Requirements Are Met on page 67.
2. Installing Developer Studio on page 68.
3. Configuring Developer Studio on page 68.
4. Setting Up Access to the Network Installation on page 71.
5. Installing Developer Studio Network Shortcuts on page 77.
6. Launching Developer Studio on page 78.

A. Configuring a Network Installation

Ensuring Requirements Are Met

A network installation of Developer Studio can consist of three types of machines. Each
machine has its own requirements.
WebFOCUS Machine Requirements
WebFOCUS requirements and installation steps are provided in the WebFOCUS and
ReportCaster Installation and Configuration manual for your platform. To use Project-based
development, the WebFOCUS environment must store both server files (FEX, MAS, ACX)
and client files (HTML, GIF, CSS) in the same directory for each project. This means
WebFOCUS Client and the WebFOCUS Reporting Server must use the same APPROOT
directory on the same machine. For example:
Note: The release of WebFOCUS must be the same release number as Developer Studio.
Developer Studio (Shared) Machine Requirements
Developer Studio can be installed on the same machine as WebFOCUS or on a separate
machine. The requirements for a network installation of Developer Studio are the same
as those of a non-networked installation. See Installing Developer Studio on page 23 for
Note: You must provide a license for a network edition.
Since this machine will be accessed by multiple users over the network, you should use
a machine that supports multiple connections and frequent network access.
Developer Studio End User (Remote) Machine Requirements
Machines from which you run Developer Studio off the network, should meet the following
Windows 2000, XP, or 2003 Server and Professional Editions. Windows 2000
must have Service Pack 2 or higher.
Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher. Internet Explorer components are required for
Developer Studio. If possible, upgrade to the most recent version of Internet Explorer
before accessing Developer Studio.
Java 2 JDK 1.4.2 and higher. A Java JDK 1.4.1 or higher is required for certain
features. Using JDK 1.4.2_06 or higher is recommended.
Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 and higher. Acrobat Reader 6.0 is certified to view PDF
reports generated by Developer Studio.
Administrator Rights. Administrator rights are required when first configuring access
to Developer Studio.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 67

Network Installation Steps

Installing Developer Studio

Install Developer Studio as explained in Installing Developer Studio on page 23. Be aware
that when providing a network installation license, you will not have the option to install or
configure Tomcat or other supported configurations.
You must install using the proper license code for a network installation.

Configuring Developer Studio

How to:
Define a WebFOCUS Environment

To configure a network installation of Developer Studio, you must set up access to instances
of WebFOCUS that are installed on your network. You do this by defining WebFOCUS

Procedure: How to Define a WebFOCUS Environment

1. If WebFOCUS and Developer Studio are on the same machine, start the WebFOCUS
Reporting Server and ensure the Web and/or application servers are started.
2. Start Developer Studio from the Start menu by selecting Programs, Information Builders,
WebFOCUS 76 Developer Studio, and WebFOCUS Developer Studio.
3. If prompted to log on, log on to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.
4. If the Developer Studio Explorer appears, click the File menu and then Show Environments
to display the Environments List. In some environments, the Environments List appears
by default.

A. Configuring a Network Installation

The Environments List lets you define connections to WebFOCUS environments.

The Environments List shows all WebFOCUS environments defined for Developer Studio.
If you had previously installed Developer Studio, WebFOCUS environments may already
be defined. Otherwise, only the localhost environment displays.
Note: If you previously set up this machine for a Developer Studio network installation,
select your development environment and click Set Development Environment. Then click
OK and restart Developer Studio.

5. Select localhost and click Properties to edit the default settings.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 69

Network Installation Steps

The WebFOCUS Environment Properties window opens.

6. Change the Description field to a name end users should see when they launch Developer
Studio from remote machines. The name localhost will be misleading since they will be
on their local machines.
7. Change the Host Name and port to access the Web server where WebFOCUS is
configured. Do not use "localhost" for the hostname even if WebFOCUS is installed on
the same machine as Developer Studio. When end user's launch Developer Studio,
localhost will resolve to the end user's machine and not the Developer Studio machine.

A. Configuring a Network Installation

8. Click through the panes of the WebFOCUS Environment Properties window to change
any default options that are customized in your environment.
For additional information on defining environments, see Configuring the Local Reporting
Server Security on page 87.

9. Click OK when you have set up the default environment.

If you wish to define additional WebFOCUS environments, click Add on the Environments

10. Click OK on the Environments List when you have defined all your environments.
The Developer Studio Explorer opens.

11. If prompted to log on, log on to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.

12. Ensure that the Developer Studio Explorer functions properly and that your WebFOCUS
environments are accessible.
13. Stop and start the product again to ensure that you can reconnect to the environment
and to confirm operability.
Note: The WebFOCUS Reporting Server in the WebFOCUS environment should not be the
WebFOCUS Reporting Server installed as part of Developer Studio. The WebFOCUS Reporting
Server installed as part of Developer Studio supports a very limited number of users (agents)
at one time.

Setting Up Access to the Network Installation

How to:
Set Up Network Shares
Copy the WebFOCUS Environments File (wfscom.xml)
Configure the Network Settings

For developers to run Developer Studio off the network, you must do the following on the
Developer Studio machine:
1. How to Set Up Network Shares on page 72.
2. How to Copy the WebFOCUS Environments File (wfscom.xml) on page 74.
3. How to Configure the Network Settings on page 75.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 71

Network Installation Steps

Procedure: How to Set Up Network Shares

You must set up two network shares before launching Developer Studio from another machine.
1. Turn the ibi directory where Developer Studio is installed into a network share. If this is
not practical for security reasons, then turn the DevStudio76 directory into a network
share (if the share name is different from ibi, ensure the new share name is used in
the runfocshell.dat configuration file, as described in How to Configure the Network
Settings on page 75):
a. Open Windows Explorer or My Computer on the Developer Studio machine.
b. Navigate to and right-click the ibi directory.
c. Choose Properties.
d. Select the Sharing tab.

e. Select Share this folder.

A. Configuring a Network Installation

f. Click the Security tab and set permissions for the ibi share directory to Read &
Execute and set permissions for the Developer Studio temp folder
(install_directory\ibi\DevStudionn\temp) to Write access.
Is the directory in which Developer Studio is installed.
Is the Developer Studio release number.

g. Grant access to the share locations for users accessing the network install. You
can add users individually or you can add users to a group. A group is easier to
maintain, and you can grant the required privileges to the group.
h. Click OK.

2. Turn the Java JDK directory into a network share named java:
a. Open Windows Explorer or My Computer on the Developer Studio machine.
b. Navigate to and right-click the Java JDK directory. For example, one of the following:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_09

c. Choose Properties.
d. Select the Sharing tab.
e. Select Share this folder.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 73

Network Installation Steps

f. In the Share name field, type:


If the share name is different from java, ensure the new share name is used in the
runfocshell.dat configuration file, as described in How to Configure the Network
Settings on page 75.

g. Click the Security tab and set permissions for the java directory to Read & Execute.
h. Grant access to the share locations for users accessing the network install. You
can add users individually or you can add users to a group. A group is easier to
maintain, and you can grant the required privileges to the group.
i. Click OK.

Procedure: How to Copy the WebFOCUS Environments File (wfscom.xml)

Copy the WebFOCUS environment settings (wfscom.xml) into the DevStudio76\bin directory
so they are available to remote Developer Studio users.

A. Configuring a Network Installation

When you define WebFOCUS environments, settings are stored in the following file:
drive:\Documents and Settings\userID\Application Data\Information Builder
Is the user ID logged on to Windows.
Note: This file and directory may not be visible by default. To see this directory, open Windows
Explorer, click Tools, choose Folder Options, and select the View tab. Then select Show
hidden files and folders and click OK.
For remote machines to access the wfscom.xml file, you must copy it to a shared directory.
The default location to use is:
When running Developer Studio off the network, a developer can use settings in this file or
settings stored on the developer's machine. The first time Developer Studio is run off the
network, the settings in this file are used. When settings in this file are used, this wfscom.xml
file is placed in the end user's /Application Data/Information Builders/ directory on the
remote machine each time Developer Studio is run off the network. If all developers use the
settings in this file, they always see the same WebFOCUS environments.
If a previous copy of wfscom.xml or wfscom.wfs is on a remote user's machine, it is
If a remote user changes WebFOCUS environment settings while accessing Developer
Studio from the network, those changes are only saved to the end user's machine. They
will not be available to other users. They will also be overwritten the next time Developer
Studio is launched, unless the user chooses not to update the environments from the
network as explained in Customizing WebFOCUS Environments on page 79.
To change WebFOCUS environment settings for all users, you must change them on the
shared Developer Studio machine and not from a remote machine. Then, you must recopy
the wfscom.xml file to the DevStudio76\bin directory so it is available when Developer
Studio is run from a remote machine.
In Developer Studio 5.3 and earlier, wfscom.xml was named wfscom.wfs.

Procedure: How to Configure the Network Settings

Settings for when Developer Studio is launched off the network are in the following file:

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 75

Network Installation Steps

You must edit this file before launching Developer Studio from another machine.
1. Open the runfocshell.dat file in a text editor such as Notepad.
2. Find the following line:
REGSTRING:LastUsedServer=Name to be supplied by Administrator

3. Change this line to specify the name of the default WebFOCUS environment. For example:
You should have set up this environment as explained in How to Define a WebFOCUS
Environment on page 68.

4. Ensure that the correct hostname, share name, and UNC directory path appears for
accessing the DevStudio76 directory. The hostname is set by the install, but you should
confirm it and ensure the share name is correct. Several lines contain this. For example:
If the hostname is incorrect or you changed the share name, update all lines where the
hostname appears.
Be aware that the WFSCOM value specifies where remote machines look for the
wfscom.xml file. You can change the name and location of this file if needed, but the
file name must end in .xml. The file specified is copied to a remote user's /Application
Data/Information Builders/ directory on the remote machine. The file name on the
remote machine will always be wfscom.xml regardless of the file specified by the WFSCOM

5. Ensure that the correct hostname, share name, and UNC directory path appears for
accessing the shared Java directory you set up in How to Set Up Network Shares on page
72. For example:
REGSTRING:IBIJAVAPATH=\\hostname\java\jre\bin\javaw -classpath
javaassist\IBIGraphEditorFrame.jar" IBIGraphEditorFrame hold.htm
"\\hostname\Ibi\DevStudio76" \\hostname\Ibi\DevStudio76\temp

6. Save and exit the file.

Most of the settings in this file are created by the installation and should not be edited
unless directed by Customer Support.
Warning: The DLL and OCX files listed in runfocshell.dat are loaded on remote machines
when Developer Studio is loaded on those machines.

A. Configuring a Network Installation

Installing Developer Studio Network Shortcuts

How to:
Install Developer Studio Network Shortcuts

An installation program is provided to create shortcuts to launch Developer Studio. Since

no disk space is needed on the remote machine, this is referred to as a Zero Footprint
WebFOCUS Developer Studio deployment.
Note: A Java JDK must be installed and you should be an administrator to the remote

Procedure: How to Install Developer Studio Network Shortcuts

To install shortcuts, perform the following on machines from which you wish to run Developer
Studio off the network:
1. Open Windows Explorer or My Computer on the remote machine.
2. In the Address bar, type the hostname of the machine where Developer Studio is installed
using the Universal Naming Convention (UNC). This has the form:
Is the hostname or IP Address of the machine where Developer Studio is installed.
You should see a list of shared directories including the ibi and java shared directories
you created.

3. Navigate the shared directories to:


4. Run the setup.exe application to install Developer Studio shortcuts.

The installation wizard launches and a Welcome window appears.

5. Click Next at the Welcome window.

You are prompted to create shortcuts.

6. Select which shortcuts to create and click Next.

Shortcuts are created.

7. Click Finish.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 77

Network Installation Steps

Note: To remove the shortcuts from the remote machine, use the Add/Remove Programs
option in the Windows Control Panel. The shortcuts appear as Zero-Footprint WebFOCUS
Developer Studio. Be aware that this does not remove the registry settings or files described
in Network Developer Studio Settings on Remote Machines on page 78.

Launching Developer Studio

Network Developer Studio Settings on Remote Machines

After installing the Developer Studio shortcuts, you can start Developer Studio off the network
by selecting Programs from the Start menu, and then Zero-Footprint WebFOCUS Developer
If the WebFOCUS Reporting Server runs with security OPSYS, you may be prompted to log
If you receive an error that says, "Sorry same demo was reinstalled," ensure you have
administrator access to the desktop where you wish to run Developer Studio.
If you receive other errors, review the steps in Setting Up Access to the Network Installation
on page 71 and ensure WFSCOM is defined correctly in runfocshell.dat.

Reference: Network Developer Studio Settings on Remote Machines

The first time you launch Developer Studio on a remote machine, the wfscom.xml file is
copied from the shared networked machine to the remote machine. The file is placed on
the remote machine in:
and Settings\userID\Application Data\Information Builders\wfscom.xml
Is the user ID logged on to Windows.
Other files are also created in this directory. This directory may not be visible by default. To
see this directory, open Windows Explorer, click Tools, choose Folder Options, and select
the View tab. Then select Show hidden files and folders and click OK.
When you launch Developer Studio on a remote machine, registry settings are created under:

A. Configuring a Network Installation

In addition, DLL and OCX files listed in the \\hostname\ibi\DevStudio76\bin\runfocshell.dat

file are loaded.

Customizing WebFOCUS Environments

There are two ways to handle WebFOCUS environment settings when running Developer
Studio off the network. Developers can use the common settings on the network or use
settings specific to the developer's machine.
Option 1: Use the common WebFOCUS environment settings on the network (default).
With this option, whenever a developer launches Developer Studio, the wfscom.xml file
on the network installation is copied to the developer's machine from the following
Is the hostname or IP Address of the machine where Developer Studio is installed.
This means all developers who launch Developer Studio from this network location use
the same environment settings. It also means that any WebFOCUS environment settings
that developers change on their machines will not appear the next time they launch
Developer Studio.
Option 2: Use customized WebFOCUS environment settings on a developer's local
With this option, the first time a developer launches Developer Studio, the wfscom.xml
file is copied from the network to the developer's machine. However, after Developer
Studio is started on the developer's machine, you can allow the developer to prevent the
wfscom.xml file from being copied over in the future. By default, developers have the
option to choose whether to copy over wfscom.xml or not.
On a developer's machine, after Developer Studio has started:
1. Click Windows on the menu bar.
2. Click Options.
3. On the General tab, under Other Settings, uncheck Remote Update Server Environment
from Network.
This creates a registry setting on that machine that tells Developer Studio not to copy
over wfscom.xml when Developer Studio is launched from the network.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 79

Network Installation Steps

You can control whether the Remote Update Server Environment from Network appears and
whether wfscom.xml is automatically copied by editing the runfocshell.dat file. This file was
introduced in How to Configure the Network Settings on page 75. The runfocshell.dat file
specifies registry entries that great created on developer machines. The registry entries are
created each time a developer launches Developer Studio off the network and will overwrite
any previous entries.
By default the following lines appear:
REGISTRY:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Information Builders\ DeveloperStudio
With these lines, wfscom.xml is copied and developers can choose whether or not to
continue copying the file in the future.
You can choose not to show the option by changing the lines to:
REGISTRY:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Information Builders\DeveloperStudio
With these lines, wfscom.xml is always copied and developers do not have the option
to change this behavior.
You can add the following line if you want to force the copying of wfscom.xml regardless of
what a developer has chosen in the past:
REGISTRY:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Information Builders\ DeveloperStudio
REGDWORD:IsRemote=0 REGDWORD:BypassWFSUpdate=0
With these lines, wfscom.xml is always copied, even if a developer has chosen not to
copy it in the past. This is a good way to force all developers to use a new version of
wfscom.xml if you make a major change in the environment settings.
If you never want wfscom.xml to be copied from the network, use the following line:
REGISTRY:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Information Builders\ DeveloperStudio
REGDWORD:IsRemote=0 REGDWORD:BypassWFSUpdate=1
With these lines wfscom.xml is never copied and developers do not have the option to
change this.

Accessing Multiple Networked Developer Studio Installations

The shortcuts provide an easy way to run Developer Studio off the network. However, installing
the shortcuts is not required. You can manually run Developer Studio off the network by
executing the following file:

A. Configuring a Network Installation

Is the hostname or IP Address of the machine where Developer Studio is installed.
When this is launched, files and registry settings are created as described in Network
Developer Studio Settings on Remote Machines on page 78.
If developers need to launch Developer Studio from multiple machines, you can create an
HTML page containing links that point to the appropriate DevStudioLaunch.exe file of each
network install.

Limiting Access to Developer Studio

There are several ways to limit access to Developer Studio.
You can restrict access to the file system of the Developer Studio machine by setting
NTFS permissions on the shared directory.
You can specify which user IDs can run Developer Studio by editing the following file on
the Developer Studio machine:
By default, this file contains an * indicating that any user ID can run Developer Studio.
If you wish to restrict which user IDs can run Developer Studio, remove the *. Then,
specify each user ID that is allowed to run Developer Studio. Each user ID should be
entered on a single line (one line per user ID). These are the user IDs used to log on to
Windows. This file is case-sensitive. Do not enter the domain as part of your user ID.

Accessing the Developer Studio Help System

On some machines, the Developer Studio help system may not be accessible when running
Developer Studio off the network. This is due to a Microsoft security change that takes place
when you apply certain Windows service packs, as explained in:
If you cannot access the help system on certain machines, you can create registry entries
on those machines that allow Windows to access the help system. One way to do this is to:
1. Create a text file containing:

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 81

Network Installation Steps

2. Save this file as chm.reg.

3. Place the chm.reg file on the machine that cannot access the help system or on a network
location that is accessible to that machine.
4. On the machine that cannot access the help system, use Windows Explorer or My
Computer to navigate to and right-click the chm.reg file.
5. Choose Merge.
6. Close Developer Studio if it is open.
The required values are added to the registry.
If you still cannot access the help system, edit the registry and try setting the MaxAllowedZone
value to 4. (If you do this through the text file use dword:00000004.) The MaxAllowedZone
values are discussed in:

Creating Developer Studio Traces From a Client PC in Developer Studio Network Edition
For the network version of Developer Studio, the Developer Studio trace utility can be used
to trace requests from a client PC. To accomplish this, copy the Developer Studio
communications layer trace utility (install_directory\Devstudio71\bin\wfscomtrace.exe) from
the network PC to any location on the client PC. Run this utility prior to performing the task
that is having issues and needs to be analyzed by IBI. From the trace utility, enable traces
and specify location of trace files.


B Enabling WebFOCUS Quick Data

The following topics explain how to

enable WebFOCUS Quick Data.
Configuring WebFOCUS Quick Data

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 83

Configuring WebFOCUS Quick Data

Configuring WebFOCUS Quick Data

How to:
Configure the WebFOCUS Quick Data Excel Add-In

The Developer Studio installation places the WebFOCUS Quick Data Add-In in the proper
location so that it is detected by Excel. After the installation is complete, you must open
Microsoft Excel and add the Add-In to your Excel configuration.

Procedure: How to Configure the WebFOCUS Quick Data Excel Add-In

Ensure that you have properly installed Developer Studio and verified its functionality.
1. Launch Microsoft Excel.
2. Select Tools, then Add-Ins.
The Add-Ins dialog box appears. WebFOCUS Quick Data should be listed.

3. Select WebFOCUS Quick Data and click OK.

B. Enabling WebFOCUS Quick Data

A new menu, called WebFOCUS, is enabled in Excel, as shown in the following image.

4. From the WebFOCUS menu, select Create Query to start building queries.
The Web Server Connection dialog box appears.

a. Provide the WebFOCUS Reporting Server URL.

b. If you need to provide a custom alias, click Advanced and edit as appropriate, then
click OK.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 85

Configuring WebFOCUS Quick Data

5. Click Next.
Note: If the Reporting Server is running with security on, you are prompted to log in.
A list of available master files appears.

6. Select a file, then click Finish.

Note: An error message appears if your environment is not properly licensed.


C Configuring the Local Reporting Server

The following topics explain how to
configure the Developer Studio Reporting
Server to run with security. This applies WebFOCUS Reporting Server Security
only for the Developer Studio Edition. All and User IDs
other editions do not use a local
Reporting Server; instead, they require
a remote WebFOCUS environment and
use the Reporting Server(s) configured
with that environment.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 87

WebFOCUS Reporting Server Security and User IDs

WebFOCUS Reporting Server Security and User IDs

In this section:
Configuring WebFOCUS Reporting Server Security and User IDs
Running the Server as a Service With Security OFF

By default, the WebFOCUS Reporting Server installed with Developer Studio can only be
started by the user who installed it. In addition, the WebFOCUS Reporting Server is not
enabled by default to run with security. For use with Developer Studio, this is sufficient
because Developer Studio starts the WebFOCUS Reporting Server with security OFF. This
server is used by a developer for local standalone development (not to be shared by other
developers) and it is not licensed for group development.

Configuring WebFOCUS Reporting Server Security and User IDs

How to:
Set Server Security and User IDs

You must configure server security if either of the following apply:

Users that did not install Developer Studio log on to the Windows machine and use
Developer Studio.
The WebFOCUS Reporting Server stores a list of user IDs that the server recognizes as
server administrators. To start the WebFOCUS Reporting Server in any security mode,
you must be logged on to Windows as a user ID that the server recognizes as an
administrator. By default, the server only recognizes the user ID that was used when you
installed Developer Studio. To start the server as a different ID, you must add additional
user IDs through the Reporting Server Console.
Note: If a user that did not install Developer Studio needs to run Developer Studio, that
user should also execute drive:\ibi\DevStudio76\Utilities\Import_reg.bat.
You wish to run the WebFOCUS Reporting Server with security OPSYS.
The WebFOCUS Reporting Server can encrypt and store passwords for administrator user
IDs. To start with security OFF, the passwords are not required. However, to start with
security OPSYS, the server must know both the Windows user ID and its password. By
default, the WebFOCUS Reporting Server does not know any passwords and therefore
cannot start with security OPSYS.

C. Configuring the Local Reporting Server Security

Procedure: How to Set Server Security and User IDs

To set security on the server:
1. Close Developer Studio if it is open and ensure the WebFOCUS Reporting Server stops.
2. Start the WebFOCUS Reporting Server with security OPSYS by using the Start menu and
Programs, Information Builders, WebFOCUS 76 Developer Studio, WebFOCUS 76 Server
for Developer Studio, and Start Security OPSYS.
Note: If the Server is already started, stop it, and then start it with security OPSYS.

3. Access the Reporting Server Console. You do this through the Windows Start menu by
selecting Programs, Information Builders, WebFOCUS 76 Developer Studio, WebFOCUS
76 Server for Developer Studio, and Web Console. You can also go to the following page
in Internet Explorer:
If no password is defined, the server starts in safe mode and an error displays.
'admin_id' has no valid member

4. Click fix now if the error appears. If no error appears, on top of the Web Console, click
Workspace and Access Control.
The Access Control page appears. User IDs defined as server administrators appear on
the left under Users and Server Administrator. By default, this is only the Windows user
ID used to install Developer Studio. Expand Users and Server Administrator if they are
not expanded.

5. If you need to run with security OPSYS, click your user ID and select Properties. Then
enter and confirm the password used to log on to the Windows machine. Then, click
Apply and Restart.
If a user other than the user who installed Developer Studio needs to use Developer
Studio, click Users and choose New User. Then, type the authentication information, set
the Administration Level to Server Administrator, and click Create. This should be a
Windows user ID and password.
Note: The WebFOCUS Reporting Server must be started by an ID that has administration
rights on the PC. If non-administrators need to run Developer Studio, you can set a
password for the user ID that installed the server. Then set the server's service to start
automatically with Windows.

6. Click the disk icon to save.

You are prompted to restart the server.

7. Click OK to restart the server.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 89

WebFOCUS Reporting Server Security and User IDs

The passwords and user IDs stored by the server must be kept in sync with those
used to log on to Windows. If you change your Windows password, you must access
the Server Console to change the password stored by the server.
When using security OPSYS, user IDs and passwords are also needed to run reports
on the server. By default, any ID that can log on to the Windows machine can be
used to run reports. The IDs and passwords needed to run reports do not need to
be stored by the server. Only IDs and passwords used to start and configure the
server must be stored by the server.

Running the Server as a Service With Security OFF

How to:
Configure the Server to Run as a Service With Security OFF

To run the Developer Studio development tools, you do not need to be an administrator to
the local machine. However, the WebFOCUS Reporting Server must run as an administrator
to the Windows machine.
To allow users who are not Windows administrators to use the WebFOCUS Reporting Server,
you can configure the server service to run automatically with Windows. If you want to run
it with security off, you can change the user ID it runs under as a service. Normally when
the server runs as a service, it runs with security OPSYS and uses a local system
administrator account that was created by Windows.

Procedure: How to Configure the Server to Run as a Service With Security OFF
1. Open the Windows Services window and right-click WebFOCUS 76 Server for DevStudio.
2. Choose Properties.
3. Click the Log On tab.
4. Click the This account radio-button and specify a Windows user ID and password with
administrator rights to the local machine.
5. Click Apply.
6. Click the General tab.
7. Change the Startup type to Automatic.
8. Click OK.


D Enabling and Accessing WebFOCUS Demo

The following topics explain how to
enable and access the WebFOCUS demo
applications. The new demo requires no Enabling and Accessing the
configuration steps, but a procedure WebFOCUS Demos
must be run to use the older demo.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 91

Enabling and Accessing the WebFOCUS Demos

Enabling and Accessing the WebFOCUS Demos

In this section:
New Demo Application
Older NCC Demo Applications

Two demo applications are installed with Developer Studio 7.6. These applications help you
learn the Developer Studio interface and develop ideas for your own applications.

New Demo Application

WebFOCUS 7.6 includes a new demo that introduces many of the advanced WebFOCUS 7
features and capabilities. This demo is for a fictional manufacturing company named Century
Electronics. Century Electronics has thousands of employees in plants, warehouses, and
offices worldwide. The demo allows the analysis of Century business, from Key Performance
Indicator reports to typical business reports such as sales trends reports and detailed order
This demo requires no steps to configure. It is installed in:
After Developer Studio is installed and configured, you can access the demo through the
Developer Studio Explorer and through a Web browser. For example, depending on your Web
server and port:
Note: At this time, the new demo is only available in English.

Older NCC Demo Applications

How to:
Enable the New Century Corp Demo Data
Access the Older Demo

The older WebFOCUS NCC Demo is still installed with WebFOCUS 7.6 and can be enabled
to help learn basic WebFOCUS features.

D. Enabling and Accessing WebFOCUS Demo Applications

The English demo is installed in the following directory:

A procedure needed to set up the demo is installed as:

Procedure: How to Enable the New Century Corp Demo Data

Before using the older demo, you need to run a quick procedure to generate data it needs.
The demo is only partially usable unless you perform the following:
1. Start Developer Studio. If the WebFOCUS Reporting Server is not started with Developer
Studio, start it with security OFF.
2. Go to the WebFOCUS Welcome page in your Web browser. For example, depending on
your Web server and port:
Note: Your Web server must be started to access this page.

3. On the WebFOCUS Welcome page, click Run a stored procedure.

A form appears where you can launch FOCEXEC (.fex) files.

4. In the Procedure name field, type the following:


5. Clear the Parameters field.

6. In the Application path field, leave the default IBISAMP.
7. Click Run to execute the procedure and wait for it to complete. The following file should
be generated:

Note: By default, the ibinccen directory containing the demo is not in APP PATH. This means
it is not in the WebFOCUS Reporting Server's search path. The demo functions properly with
out this. However, if you wish to follow along with examples in WebFOCUS documentation,
it is a good idea to add this directory to APP PATH. To do this, open
drive:\ibi\DevStudio76\srv76\wfs\etc\edasprof.prf in a text editor and add IBINCCEN to
the end of the APP PATH line.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 93

Enabling and Accessing the WebFOCUS Demos

Procedure: How to Access the Older Demo

The English version of the demo is accessible using Internet Explorer at a page like the
following, depending on your Web server and port:


E Troubleshooting Developer Studio

The following topics explain how to

troubleshoot Developer Studio.
Troubleshooting Tips
Troubleshooting Tools

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 95

Troubleshooting Tips

Troubleshooting Tips
In this section:
Tomcat Configuration Options
Java Memory Issues
Starting Developer Studio
Multiple Developer Studio Installations

Review the following tips when troubleshooting Developer Studio.

Tomcat Configuration Options

Since Tomcat runs as a service, Tomcat Java settings and other parameters are written into
the registry. They can be configured through the Apache Tomcat Properties window. You can
launch this from the Start menu by selecting Programs, Apache Tomcat 5.5, and Configure
If you need to adjust the Java release, click the Java tab to changed where Tomcat looks
for Java components. Be aware that Tomcat 5.5 requires Java 1.5 and Tomcat 5.0 requires
Java 1.4.
Note: Tomcat 5.0 requires a Java 1.4 JDK. If during the Tomcat installation, Tomcat 5.0
used Java 1.5 or a Java 1.4 JRE as its JAVA_HOME, then JSP page compilations will fail and
you receive errors like "Unable to find a javac compiler." To fix this, update the paths to
point to the jvm.dll file of the JRE inside a Java 1.4 JDK and add the JDK/lib/tools.jar file
to the Tomcat CLASSPATH.

Java Memory Issues

If the Developer Studio installation configured Tomcat for you, Tomcat’s Java VM memory
settings are automatically increased. This is done because default application server Java
VM memory options may not be sufficient for some WebFOCUS features. If you need to
troubleshoot further or if you manually install Tomcat or another application server, you may
need to manually increase the Java VM memory options.
The most common Java VM options you need to set involve the size of the Java heap and
stack, which determine memory availability for Java programs and the Java VM. Errors can
occur if not enough memory is available, and the heap size impacts performance, since it
determines how often garbage collection occurs.

E. Troubleshooting Developer Studio

The following are the most common Java VM options related to memory settings. Replace
the ### with the size you wish to set:
Sets the maximum Java heap size. It is common to make this 1/4 of the system RAM.
Sets the initial Java heap size. It is common to make this 1/8 of the system RAM.
Sets the Java thread stack size. You do not need to set this unless you are fine tuning
your environment.
The size is normally set in Megabytes, for example:
Optimum sizes vary depending on your total memory, the needs of your application, how
many other processes require memory, the type of Java VM, and other considerations. A
good starting place is to set the minimum to 1/8 of the total RAM and set the maximum to
1/4 of total RAM.
Where to set these and other Java VM options, depend on your application server.
For Tomcat on Windows, you can set these options using the Apache Tomcat Properties
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Apache Tomcat 5.5, and Configure Tomcat.
2. Click the Java tab.
3. In the Initial memory pool (-Xms) field, specify the initial Java heap size in megabytes.
For example:
4. In the Maximum memory pool (-Xmx) field, specify the maximum Java heap size in
megabytes. For example:
5. Click OK.
6. Restart Tomcat.

For other application servers, refer to your application server documentation.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 97

Troubleshooting Tools

Starting Developer Studio

If you close Developer Studio and then cannot restart it, you may need to manually stop the
underlying focshell.exe process. To do this:
1. Hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete and choose Task Manager.
2. Click the Processes tab.
3. Find and select a focshell.exe Image Name if it appears.
Note: You can click the Image Name column to sort by name.
4. Click End Process.
You should be able to restart Developer Studio if no focshell.exe processes appear.

Multiple Developer Studio Installations

There is normally no reason to install more than one instance or release of Developer Studio
on a single machine. When you install Developer Studio, it partially disables any other
instances of Developer Studio. If you must switch between instances, be aware that you
may need to reconfigure your Web and/or application servers. In addition, you must reregister
the correct DLL files with the operating system. Developer Studio provides a batch file to
register DLL files. It appears in the bin directory for the Developer Studio release. For example:

Troubleshooting Tools
In this section:
Accessing the Verification Tools in the WebFOCUS Administration Console
WebFOCUS Client Traces
Developer Studio Trace Utility
WebFOCUS Reporting Server Traces

Tools to troubleshoot Developer Studio are available in the WebFOCUS Administration

Console, Developer Studio program folder, and WebFOCUS Reporting Server Console.

E. Troubleshooting Developer Studio

Accessing the Verification Tools in the WebFOCUS Administration Console

How to:
Access the WebFOCUS Administration Console
Use Automatic Verification
Verify WebFOCUS Client Connections and Permissions
Test the WebFOCUS Reporting Server

To run the verification tools installed with the WebFOCUS Administration Console, access
the console.
Note: The verification tools are only supported with Internet Explorer, and you may receive
errors if you use other browsers.

Procedure: How to Access the WebFOCUS Administration Console

1. Ensure the Web and/or application server is started.
2. Click WebFOCUS Administration Console on the WebFOCUS Welcome page or manually
go to the console. For Tomcat:
For IIS:
A logon page appears. If a logon page does not appear, ensure your Web server is
started. If the Web server is started and this page does not appear, you may need to
manually configure the Web server as explained in Configuring the Web Server and/or
Application Server on page 45.
If the page appears but an error appears, you may need to edit the following file to
specify the WebFOCUS Servlet:

3. Log on using an administrator user ID. By default, "admin" is a valid administrator ID,
and the password is not initially authenticated.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 99

Troubleshooting Tools

The WebFOCUS Administration Console appears.

Using this console, you can edit communication and security settings. This console is
documented in the WebFOCUS Security and Administration manual and relevant sections
are available by clicking Help. The WebFOCUS Administration Console contains a
verification tool to further test the configuration.

4. On the left of the WebFOCUS Administration Console, click Diagnostics.

Several tests are available from the Diagnostics menu.

100 WebFOCUS
E. Troubleshooting Developer Studio

Procedure: How to Use Automatic Verification

Click Automatic on the Verification menu.
This checks directory permissions and common WebFOCUS and WebFOCUS Client operations.
The tests vary depending on your configuration. For a Tomcat standalone configuration, the
Web server tests may not appear.

If a test fails, a Possibilities link appears proving information on what the problem might be
and possible solutions. The verification tools are only supported with Internet Explorer, and
you may receive errors if you use other browsers.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 101

Troubleshooting Tools

Procedure: How to Verify WebFOCUS Client Connections and Permissions

Click WebFOCUS Client on the Verification menu to test the connection between the
WebFOCUS Client and the Web server as well as permissions for your application directory,
configuration files, and Managed Reporting.
The Client Path specifies how the connection is made. The default servlet URL appears.
If Managed Reporting is installed, Managed Reporting Logon fields appear.
Click Start to test the connection. A screen appears showing whether each area exists and
is configured properly.

Procedure: How to Test the WebFOCUS Reporting Server

Click WebFOCUS Reporting Server on the Verification menu to test the connection between
the client and the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. It shows your Client Path and allows you to
select a node.
The Client Path specifies how the connection is made. The default servlet URL appears.
You can test the following areas:
Automatic Test. This selection checks connections and checks to see if you can list
applications under the approot directory, if you can create and delete an application, and
if you can run stored procedures and ad hoc reports. When you are finished, click Back
to return to the previous screen.
Test Ad Hoc Procedure. This selection opens a window containing a default ad hoc
procedure. You will be prompted for credentials if the server is secure. Click Run to
execute the procedure, or you can edit the procedure first. You can also change the
application path (using APP PATH, not EDAPATH). The procedure can consist of WebFOCUS
or SQL commands. When you are finished, click Back to return to the previous screen.
Test Existing Procedure. This selection lets you type a procedure name and any
necessary parameters. The procedure must be stored on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.
You can also change the application path. Click Run to execute the procedure. When you
are finished, click Back to return to the previous screen.
Open Server Console. This selection opens the WebFOCUS Reporting Server's console.

102 WebFOCUS
E. Troubleshooting Developer Studio

WebFOCUS Client Traces

How to:
Turn on Tracing
View WebFOCUS Client Traces

The Diagnostics menu in the WebFOCUS Administration Console lets you view and delete
WebFOCUS Client trace files. Trace files track requests processed by the WebFOCUS Client.
You must turn on traces before viewing them in the console. Since tracing can slow
performance, you should only turn on traces when troubleshooting.

Procedure: How to Turn on Tracing

1. On the left of the WebFOCUS Administration Console, click Configuration.
2. Under Configuration, click Startup Parameters.
3. Select the TRACE button and click Modify.
4. Select the ON button and click Save.
5. Select Clear Memory Cache on the top of the menu.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 103

Troubleshooting Tools

Procedure: How to View WebFOCUS Client Traces

After traces are turned on, you can view them by selecting the type of trace. For example,
to view traces generated by the WebFOCUS Servlet, on the left of the WebFOCUS
Administration Console under Diagnostics and Traces, select WFServlet.

A page lists any generated traces. The first column lists the generated trace file. The second
column shows a timestamp for when the request ran. You can view a trace file by clicking

Developer Studio Trace Utility

How to:
Use the Communication Layer Trace

Developer Studio's trace utility (Communication Layer Trace) generates trace files for tasks
performed by the Developer Studio development environment's communication layer. It
captures information for tasks performed by Developer Studio when a request is submitted
or retrieved by the product.
You can use this utility to help troubleshoot issues such as communicate failures, connection
problems, and transfer of files.
To generate traces for issues you might encounter at startup, you should start the trace
utility prior to launching Developer Studio.

104 WebFOCUS
E. Troubleshooting Developer Studio

To generate traces for a failure to connect to a Data Server or to determine why applications
are not listed, you should start and enable the trace at the point prior to performing the task
that fails.

Procedure: How to Use the Communication Layer Trace

1. Launch the Communication Layer Trace from the Windows Start menu by selecting
Programs, Information Builders, WebFOCUS 76 Developer Studio, WebFOCUS Developer
Studio Utilities, and Communication Layer Trace.
The Communication Layer Trace tool opens.

2. Click the On radio button to enable tracing.

3. The Trace File field indicates the location and name of the trace file. The default trace
file is created in:
C:\Documents and Settings\User_ID\Application Data\Information
Is the user ID logged on to Windows.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 105

Troubleshooting Tools

Note: The Application Data directory may not be visible by default. To see this directory,
open Windows Explorer, click Tools, choose Folder Options, and select the View tab.
Then select Show hidden files and folders and click OK.

4. In the Trace Levels area, keep the default All levels to capture all required information
or specify a specify level.

WebFOCUS Reporting Server Traces

How to:
View a Trace File

You can turn WebFOCUS Reporting Server traces on when you start the server or dynamically
after the server has started.
To start the server with traces, you should start it before Developer Studio by selecting
Programs from the Start menu, then Information Builders, WebFOCUS 76 Developer Studio,
WebFOCUS 76 Server for DevStudio, Diagnostic Functions, and Start Security OFF with
To turn traces on dynamically, access the Server Console and select Workspace,
Diagnostics, and Traces.
Note: Viewing traces is only available to a server administrator.
You can use the WebFOCUS Reporting Server Web Console to view server traces as well as
turn them dynamically on or off for a running server.
If tracing is set to off and it was never turned on, the page shows that no traces are available
and enables you to turn traces on. If tracing is on, the page displays the available traces in
drop-down boxes. Which traces are available depends on what requests were made against
the server.
To turn traces on dynamically, click Enable Traces. Be aware that a dynamic trace is not the
same as turning traces on at server startup. A dynamic trace is usually not sufficient for
following a problem through with Customer Support, but it may suffice for other purposes,
such as seeing how something is parsed.
Note: The default for tracing is to trace all components when tracing is turned on. However,
the trace settings file (ibitrace.fex) may have been altered. Therefore, components that you
expect to be traced may not be traced. Click Configuration to access the Traces Configuration
page to view and set a trace setting.

Procedure: How to View a Trace File

1. From the Web Console, select Workspace, then Diagnostics, then Traces.

106 WebFOCUS
E. Troubleshooting Developer Studio

2. Click a specific trace file and then choose from the following options:
Open. Displays the trace in the right-hand browser pane.
Open in New Window. Displays the trace in a new browser window.
Open or Save. Enables you to open the trace in a local editor or to save it to a local
Delete. Deletes the selected trace.
The file opens (or is deleted) according the option you choose.

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 107

Troubleshooting Tools

108 WebFOCUS

A Developer Studio 14, 15, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27,
28, 30, 41, 54, 65, 95
Administration Console 38, 100 aliases 54
components 15, 28
Adobe Acrobat requirements 24 configuration options 20
aliases for WebFOCUS Developer Studio 53 directory structure 30
installation options 18
Apache Tomcat 25, 26, 29, 33, 46, 51, 56, 96 installing 18, 26, 27
Administration Tool 51 installing non-interactive version 41
configuration options 26, 46 network installation 65
IIS plug-in/connector configuration 26, 29, 46, processing 18
56 requirements 24
Java configuration 96 silent installation 41
ports 51 troubleshooting 95
security 33 diagnostic tools 39, 100, 104, 106
standalone configuration 26, 29, 46 Developer Studio 104
troubleshooting 96 WebFOCUS Client 104
application server requirements 24 WebFOCUS Reporting Server 106
application servers 16, 26, 29, 46
configuration options 26, 29, 46
overview 16
APPROOT directory 54 environments
overview for WebFOCUS 16
automatic verification 38, 101
remote development 18

CGI requirements 24 file permissions 55
for ServletExec ISAPI 55
Communication Layer Trace 104
creating aliases for Developer Studio 54
D GUI installation 25

debugging 95
demos for Developer Studio 91
hardware requirements for Developer Studio 24

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 109


I NTFS permissions 55
for ServletExec ISAPI 55
IBI Demonstration application 91
IIS (Internet Information Server) 26, 29, 46, 53, O
configuration options 26, 29, 46 operating system requirements for Developer Studio
configuring for Developer Studio 53
24, 67
starting and stopping 54
installation options 18
installation verification tool 39
installing Developer Studio 26, 27 prefixes for WebFOCUS 53
Internet Explorer requirements 24, 67 Project Migration Tool 40
Project-based development environments 18
Java requirements 25, 67
Quick Data 83
local development environments 18
remote development environments 18
M report processing 17

Maintain development 14 ReportCaster 14

Microsoft IIS requirements for Developer Studio 24, 26
configuration options 26, 29, 46
configuring for Developer Studio 53
starting and stopping 54 S
migrating applications 40
sample applications 91
security 88
security for the WebFOCUS Reporting Server 88
network installation for Developer Studio 65 Server Console
security 88
New Century Corp application 91
troubleshooting 106
non-interactive (silent) Developer Studio installation server diagnostic trace files 106

110 WebFOCUS

ServletExec 26, 29, 55 V

automatic configuration option 26, 29
file permissions 55 verification 38, 101, 102
servlets for WebFOCUS 16, 47, 63 automatic 38, 101
configuring manually 63 WebFOCUS Reporting Server 102
configuring with Tomcat 47 verification tool 38, 100, 101, 102
silent installations 26
verifying Client connections 102
software requirements for Developer Studio 24
virtual directories for Developer Studio 53
starting and stopping 35, 54, 89
IIS 35, 54 Visual Discovery 14, 28
Tomcat 35
WebFOCUS Reporting Server 89
T Web server requirements 24
Web servers 16, 26, 29, 46
third party components for Developer Studio 25 configuration options 26, 29, 46
Tomcat 25, 26, 29, 33, 46, 51, 96 overview 16
Administration Tool 51 webapps 63
configuration options 26, 46
IIS plug-in/connector configuration 26, 29, 46 WebFOCUS 14
Java configuration 96 WebFOCUS Administration Console 38, 40, 99,
ports 51 100
security 33 accessing 38, 99
standalone configuration 26, 29, 46 authentication 40
troubleshooting 96 security 40
tracing 98, 103, 104, 106 verification tool 100
CGI 103 WebFOCUS Client 16, 39, 103
Developer Studio 104 tracing 103
servlet 103 verification tool 39
WebFOCUS Client 103 WebFOCUS configurations 17
WebFOCUS Reporting Server 106
WebFOCUS environments
troubleshooting Developer Studio 95 overview 16
troubleshooting servers 106 WebFOCUS Maintain 14
WebFOCUS processing 17
U WebFOCUS Quick Data 83
utilities in Developer Studio 40, 100, 104 WebFOCUS Reporting Server 16, 32, 88, 102, 106
Communication Layer Trace 104 connection 102
verification tool 100 for Developer Studio 32
security 88
tracing 106

WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration 111


WebFOCUS servlets WebFOCUS Visual Discovery 14

automatic deployment 37
configuring 63 WebFOCUS Web applications 37, 63

112 WebFOCUS

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WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration DN4500817.0908
Version 7 Release 6.4 and Higher
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Information Builders, Two Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121-2898 (212) 736-4433
WebFOCUS Developer Studio Installation and Configuration DN4500817.0908
Version 7 Release 6.4 and Higher

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